Пример #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Updates client model associated with the given socket
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="Client">Socket whose model needs to be updated</param>
        /// <param name="NewModel">New data as <see cref="InfoPackage"/></param>
        /// <returns>Original model that has been replaced</returns>
        private ClientModel UpdateClientModel(Socket Client, InfoPackage NewModel)
            var originalModel = mClients[Client];

            mClients[Client].Name        = NewModel.ClientName;
            mClients[Client].LastName    = NewModel.ClientSurname;
            mClients[Client].MachineName = NewModel.MachineName;

Пример #2
        static void GetGroupChatInASync(RTMClient client, long groupId, int count, InfoPackage info = null)
            const int countLimitation = 10;

            if (info == null)
                info       = new InfoPackage();
                info.count = count;

            bool status = client.GetGroupChat((int gotCount, long lastId, long beginMsec, long endMsec, List <HistoryMessage> messages, int errorCode) =>
                if (errorCode == com.fpnn.ErrorCode.FPNN_EC_OK)
                    info.beginMsec     = beginMsec;
                    info.endMsec       = endMsec;
                    info.lastId        = lastId;
                    info.beginMsec     = beginMsec;
                    info.fetchedCount += gotCount;
                    info.count        -= gotCount;


                    if (gotCount == countLimitation && info.count > 0)
                        GetGroupChatInASync(client, groupId, info.count, info);
                        Console.WriteLine("Get group history chat in group {0} in async completed. Fetched {1} items.",
                                          groupId, info.fetchedCount);
                    Console.WriteLine("Fetch group history chat in group {0} in async failed. Fetched {1} items, error code: {2}",
                                      groupId, info.fetchedCount, errorCode);
            }, groupId, info.desc, countLimitation, info.beginMsec, info.endMsec, info.lastId);

            if (status == false)
                Console.WriteLine("Start fetch group history chat in group {0} in async failed.", groupId);
Пример #3
    void Update()
         *      LineRenderer lineRenderer = GetComponent<LineRenderer>();
         *      Vector3[] points = new Vector3[lengthOfLineRenderer];
         *      float t = Time.time;
         *      for (int i = 0; i < lengthOfLineRenderer; i++)
         *      {
         *          points[i] = new Vector3(penModel.transform.position.x + (i * 0.5f) / lengthOfLineRenderer, penModel.transform.position.y, penModel.transform.position.z);
         *      }
         *      lineRenderer.SetPositions(points);
        RaycastHit hit          = new RaycastHit();
        bool       hitSomething = false;
        int        layerMask    = 1 << 8;

        layerMask = ~layerMask;
        //Debug.DrawRay(penModel.transform.position, penModel.transform.up * 30, Color.red, Time.deltaTime);
        //RaycastHit[] allrayHits;
        //allrayHits = Physics.SphereCastAll(penModel.transform.position, 0.01f, penModel.transform.up, 0.101f, layerMask);

        Debug.DrawRay(penModel.transform.position, penModel.transform.up * 0.101f, Color.black);
        if (Physics.Raycast(penModel.transform.position, penModel.transform.up, out hit, 0.101f, layerMask))
            hitSomething = true;
            for (int i = 0; i < meshVerticesWC.Length; i++)
                Debug.DrawRay(penModel.transform.TransformPoint(meshVerticesWC[i]), penModel.transform.TransformDirection(meshNormals[i]) * 0.01f, Color.red);
                if (Physics.Raycast(penModel.transform.TransformPoint(meshVerticesWC[i]), penModel.transform.TransformDirection(meshNormals[i]), out hit, 0.01f, layerMask))
                    hitSomething = true;

        if (tempOldRayHit == false)
            //if (Physics.Raycast(penModel.transform.position, penModel.transform.up, out hit, 0.101f, layerMask))
            if (hitSomething)
                Debug.Log("Did Hit");

                oldInfoPackage = new InfoPackage {
                    pos = penModel.transform.position, rayHitPoint = hit.point, rayHitDis = hit.distance, hitNormal = hit.normal
                tempOldRayHit = true;
            //if (Physics.Raycast(penModel.transform.position, penModel.transform.up, out hit, 0.101f, layerMask))
            if (hitSomething)
                newInfoPackage = new InfoPackage {
                    pos = penModel.transform.position, rayHitPoint = hit.point, rayHitDis = hit.distance, hitNormal = hit.normal

                float fromOldtoNewDis       = Vector3.Distance(oldInfoPackage.rayHitPoint, newInfoPackage.rayHitPoint);
                float fromOldOrigintoOldHit = oldInfoPackage.rayHitDis;
                float fromOldOrigintoNewHit = Vector3.Distance(oldInfoPackage.pos, newInfoPackage.rayHitPoint);
                angle = Mathf.Acos((fromOldOrigintoNewHit * fromOldOrigintoNewHit + fromOldOrigintoOldHit * fromOldOrigintoOldHit - fromOldtoNewDis * fromOldtoNewDis) / (2.0f * fromOldOrigintoNewHit * fromOldOrigintoOldHit)) * Mathf.Rad2Deg;
                for (int i = 0; i < anountOfRays; i++)
                    //for use later for faning out the ray from new ray pos towards old ray hit pos

                float angleXNormals = Mathf.Max(0, Vector3.Dot(newInfoPackage.hitNormal, oldInfoPackage.hitNormal));
                if (angleXNormals <= 0.9f && istoutching && fromOldtoNewDis >= minMovement)
                    amplitudeHigh = Mathf.Max(minMovement, ((minMovement / fromOldtoNewDis)));
                    vib.Execute(0, durationHigh, freqencyHigh, amplitudeHigh, thisHand);
                    Debug.DrawRay(oldInfoPackage.rayHitPoint, oldInfoPackage.hitNormal, Color.blue, 0.5f);
                    Debug.DrawRay(newInfoPackage.rayHitPoint, newInfoPackage.hitNormal, Color.green, 0.5f);
                else if (istoutching && fromOldtoNewDis >= minMovement)
                    amplitudeLow = (minMovement / fromOldtoNewDis) * ((1f - angleXNormals) * multiplyer);
                    vib.Execute(0, Time.deltaTime * 0.9f, freqencyLow, amplitudeLow, thisHand);
                Debug.DrawRay(penModel.transform.position, penModel.transform.up * hit.distance, Color.red, Time.deltaTime);
                Debug.DrawRay(penModel.transform.position, penModel.transform.up * 30, Color.red, Time.deltaTime);

            oldInfoPackage = newInfoPackage;