private void FilterTreeNames() { populateIndividuals(); IndividualType type = (IndividualType)FilterIndividualType.SelectedItem; string name = FilterIndividualName.Text.Trim().ToUpper(); List <TreeNode> removeableNodes = new List <TreeNode>(); foreach (TreeNode node in individualTreeView.Nodes) { Individual individual = (Individual)node.Tag; if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(name) && individual.FullName.ToString().Trim().ToUpper().IndexOf(name) == -1) { removeableNodes.Add(node); } else if (type != null && individual.IndividualTypeID != type.IndividualTypeID) { removeableNodes.Add(node); } } if (removeableNodes.Count > 0) { foreach (TreeNode node in removeableNodes) { node.Remove(); } } }
private void populateAssigneeTree() { string errorMessage = String.Empty; assigneeTree.Nodes.Clear(); IndividualType type = (IndividualType)IndividualTypeFilter.SelectedItem; if (type != null) { List <Individual> peeps = Controller.GetIndividualList(type, out errorMessage); if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(errorMessage)) { TreeNode node = new TreeNode(); foreach (Individual indiv in peeps) { node = new TreeNode(); node.Text = indiv.FullName; node.Tag = indiv; assigneeTree.Nodes.Add(node); } } else { MessageBox.Show(errorMessage); } } }
public ConfidenceInterval this [int timeStep, IndividualType type] { get { if (Summary.Count < timeStep) { return(default);
public ConfidenceInterval this [int generation, IndividualType type] { get { if (Summary.Count < generation) { return(default);
public Individual( IndividualType type, int id, double quality ) : this(type, id) { Quality = quality; }
public IndividualGroupBase this [IndividualType type] { get { if (type == IndividualType.Cooperator) { return(CooperatorGroup); } return(DefectorGroup); } }
public Individual( IndividualType type, int id, double geneticQuality, double phenotypicQuality ) : base(type, id) { GeneticQuality = geneticQuality; PhenotypicQuality = phenotypicQuality; S = phenotypicQuality; Fecundity = phenotypicQuality; }
public List <Individual> GetIndividualList(IndividualType type, out string errorMessage) { List <Individual> returnList = new List <Individual>(); List <SqlParameter> parameters = new List <SqlParameter>(); parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@IndividualTypeID", type.IndividualTypeID)); SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand("dbo.IndividualGetByType"); returnList = createConnection(cmd, out errorMessage, parameters); return(returnList); }
public IndividualGroup(IndividualType type, int count, IVariables v) : base(type, count) { var geneticQualities = Utility.NextGaussianNonNegativeSymbols(10, v.SdQuality, count); for (var i = 0; i < count; i++) { var individual = new Individual( type, i + 1, geneticQualities[i], Utility.NextGaussianNonNegative(geneticQualities[i], v.SdPheno) ); Individuals.Add(individual); } }
public IndividualType GetIndividualType(IndividualType type, out string errorMessage) { List <IndividualType> returnList = new List <IndividualType>(); List <SqlParameter> parameters = new List <SqlParameter>(); parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@IndividualTypeID", type.IndividualTypeID)); SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand("dbo.IndividualTypeGetByID"); returnList = createConnection(cmd, out errorMessage, parameters); if (returnList.Count > 0) { return(returnList[0]); } else { return(new IndividualType()); } }
public Facturae AddIndividualParty(bool seller, ResidenceTypeCodeType residenceTypeCode, string taxIdentificationNumber, string name, string firstSureName, string address, string postalCode, string province, string town, CountryType country) { var individual = new IndividualType(); individual.Name = name; individual.FirstSurname = firstSureName; individual.Item = _CreateAddress(residenceTypeCode, address, postalCode, province, town, country); var party = _CreateParty(PersonTypeCodeType.F, residenceTypeCode, taxIdentificationNumber, individual); if (seller) { this.Parties.SellerParty = party; } else { this.Parties.BuyerParty = party; } return(this); }
protected IndividualGroupBase(IndividualType type) { Type = type; }
public Individual(IndividualType type, int id) { Type = type; Id = id; }
public Individual(IndividualType type, int id) : base(type, id) { }
protected IndividualBase(IndividualType type, int id) { Type = type; Id = id; }
public List <Individual> GetIndividualList(IndividualType type, out string errorMessage) { return(IndividualData.GetIndividualList(type, out errorMessage)); }
static void Main(string[] args) { Console.WriteLine("\n\nAVECTRA-SALT ENPOINT TESTER\n\n"); if (args.Length == 0 || args.Length < 4) { Console.WriteLine("Invalid call.\nFormat is {application name}.exe {avectra user id} {avectra password} {web service endpoint} {customer name} {customer key}"); return; } xWebProxy.netForumXMLSoapClient client = GetClient(args[2]); AuthorizationToken token = new AuthorizationToken(); string authKey = string.Empty; IndividualType savedIndividual; #region Authenticate try { Console.WriteLine("Authenticating....."); token = client.Authenticate(args[0], args[1], out authKey); Console.WriteLine("Authenticated ... token = {0} ", token.Token); } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine("Authentication failed check user id and password. \n\n{0} ", ex.Message); return; } #endregion #region Web Insert try { Console.WriteLine("Inserting new test user ...."); IndividualType individual = new IndividualType() { Individual = new Individual_Individual_DataObjectType { ind_first_name = "AvectraPingTestUser", ind_last_name = "AvectraTestUser" + DateTime.Now.ToString("MMddyyHmmss"), ind_int_code = "student", ind_ods_flag_ext = 1, ind_token_ext = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(), ind_token_expiration_date_ext = DateTime.Today.AddYears(1).ToString("d"), ind_access_code_ext = Guid.NewGuid().ToString().Substring(0, 6) } , Customer = new Individual_Customer_DataObjectType { cst_org_name_dn = args[3] } , Organization_XRef = new Individual_Organization_XRef_DataObjectType { }, Organization = new Individual_Organization_DataObjectType { org_cst_key = args[4] } }; savedIndividual = client.WEBIndividualInsert(ref token, individual); Console.WriteLine("Inserted indiviual successfully ....."); Console.WriteLine(string.Format("Inserted individual id: {0} last name: {1}", savedIndividual.Individual.ind_cst_key, savedIndividual.Individual.ind_last_name)); } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine("WebInsert failed: \n\n{0} ", ex.Message); return; } #endregion #region Get Query try { Console.WriteLine("Get Query....."); XmlNode results; results = client.GetQuery(ref token, "Individual @TOP 1", "ind_add_date,cst_cxa_key,ad2__adr_line1,ad2__adr_city,ad2__adr_state,ad2__adr_zip,eml_address,co_address.adr_line_1,mbr_installment_frequency,mbr_installment_frequency_for_renewal,ixo_enrollment_status_a03_code_ext,ixo_grade_level_a04_code_ext,mbr_join_date,ind_cst_key, ind_token_ext, ind_token_ext,ind_token_expiration_date_ext,ind_first_name,ind_first_name,ind_last_name,ind_dob,ind_mid_name,cst_eml_address", string.Format("ind_cst_key='{0}'", savedIndividual.Individual.ind_cst_key), ""); if (results.SelectSingleNode("./@recordReturn").Value == "1") { Console.WriteLine("Get Query.....Success"); } else { Console.WriteLine("Get Query.....Failed"); } } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine("Get Query failed: \n\n{0} ", ex.Message); return; } #endregion #region UpdateFacadeObject try { Console.WriteLine("UpdateFacadeObject....."); string xmlUpdate = @"<IndividualObjects> <IndividualObject> <ind_mid_name>Test</ind_mid_name> </IndividualObject> </IndividualObjects>"; XmlNode results; XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument(); doc.LoadXml(xmlUpdate); results = client.UpdateFacadeObject(ref token, "Individual", savedIndividual.Individual.ind_cst_key, doc.SelectSingleNode("/*")); if (results.SelectSingleNode("./@recordReturn").Value == "1") { Console.WriteLine("UpdateFacadeObject.....Success"); } else { Console.WriteLine("UpdateFacadeObject.....Failed"); } } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine("UpdateFacadeObject failed: \n\n{0} ", ex.Message); return; } #endregion #region InsertFacadeObject try { Console.WriteLine("InsertFacadeObject....."); string xmlUpdate = string.Format(@"<ASAWebActivityObjects> <ASAWebActivityObject> <a13_ind_cst_key>{0}</a13_ind_cst_key> <a13_a12_code>Welcome Email</a13_a12_code> <a13_send_email_flag>0</a13_send_email_flag> </ASAWebActivityObject> </ASAWebActivityObjects>", savedIndividual.Individual.ind_cst_key); XmlNode results; XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument(); doc.LoadXml(xmlUpdate); results = client.InsertFacadeObject(ref token, "ASAWebActivity", doc.SelectSingleNode("/*")); if (results.SelectSingleNode("./@recordReturn").Value == "1") { Console.WriteLine("InsertFacadeObject.....Success"); } else { Console.WriteLine("InsertFacadeObject.....Failed"); } } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine("InsertFacadeObject failed: \n\n{0} ", ex.Message); return; } #endregion #region SetTokenAndAccessCode try { Parameter[] parameters = new Parameter[1] { new Parameter() { Name = "ind_cst_key", Value = savedIndividual.Individual.ind_cst_key } }; XmlNode results; Console.WriteLine("Set Token and Access Code....."); results = client.ExecuteMethod(ref token, "netForumASA", "SetTokenAndAccessCode", parameters); if (results.SelectSingleNode(".").Name == "NewUserTokenValid") { //We've got a valid token. XML may have changed. Ignore schema change errors try { Console.WriteLine("Token: {0} Access Code: {1}", results.SelectSingleNode("./Individual/@WebUserToken").Value, results.SelectSingleNode("./Individual/@WebUserAccessCode").Value); } catch (Exception ex) { } Console.WriteLine("Set Token and Access Code.....Success"); } else { Console.WriteLine("Set Token and Access Code.....Failed"); } } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine("SetTokenAndAccessCode failed: \n\n{0} ", ex.Message); return; } #endregion Console.WriteLine("\n\nALL TESTS PASSED! "); }
public IndividualType GetIndividualType(IndividualType type, out string errorMessage) { return(IndividualTypeData.GetIndividualType(type, out errorMessage)); }
protected IndividualGroupBase(IndividualType type, int count) { Type = type; Individuals = new List <TIndividual> (count); }