private void buttonAdd_Click_1(object sender, EventArgs e)
            // Do some final checks and create a new individual and
            // add it to the list.
            Individual newIndividual = new Individual();

            newIndividual.Name = textBoxName.Text;
            newIndividual.Sex  = (Individual.SexEnum)comboBoxSex.SelectedItem;
            if (dateTimePickerActualDOB.Checked)
                newIndividual.ActualDOB = dateTimePickerActualDOB.Value.Date;
            if (dateTimePickerFieldDOB.Checked)
                newIndividual.FieldEstimatedDOB = dateTimePickerFieldDOB.Value.Date;
            newIndividual.Comment = textBoxComments.Text;
            newIndividual.IDNote  = textBoxIDNotes.Text;
            if (!checkBoxMotherUnknown.Checked)
                newIndividual.Mother = (Individual)comboBoxMother.SelectedItem;

            // We need to check the IDs of both the current and new individuals
            // to generate and id so create a new list with all the indiviudals
            List <Individual> newAndCurrent = new List <Individual>(individualList);

            newIndividual.ID = Individual.GenerateNewId(newAndCurrent,
                                                        DailyData.Current.TroopVisit, newIndividual.Sex);

            // We need to create initial individual sighting and ageclass entries
            IndividualSighting s = new IndividualSighting();

            s.Individual = newIndividual;
            s.Comments   = this.textBoxComments.Text;
            s.Sighting   = (Sighting)this.comboBoxSighting.SelectedValue;
            s.TroopVisit = DailyData.Current.TroopVisit;

            IndividualAgeClass a = new IndividualAgeClass();

            a.AgeClass   = (AgeClass)this.comboBoxAgeClass.SelectedValue;
            a.TroopVisit = DailyData.Current.TroopVisit;
            a.Individual = newIndividual;
            a.Comments   = textBoxComments.Text;

            // Add to binding list

            // Also add to list of Individuals for
            // id code updating
        private void buttonAdd_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            IndividualReproductiveState irs = new IndividualReproductiveState();

            irs.Individual = (Individual)comboBoxFemales.SelectedItem;
            irs.TroopVisit = DailyData.Current.TroopVisit;
            irs.State      = (ReproductiveState)comboBoxStateNew.SelectedItem;
            irs.Comments   = textBoxCommentsNew.Text;

            foreach (IndividualReproductiveState x in boundReproductiveStates)
                if (x.Individual.ID == irs.Individual.ID)
                    MessageBox.Show("This " + irs.Individual.Name + " already has an entry in the list. " +
                                    "Update the individuals detail with the 'Update' control.");

            // Is this female already listed as Adult?
            if (irs.Individual.CurrentAgeClass() == null ||
                irs.Individual.CurrentAgeClass(DailyData.Current.TroopVisit.Date).AgeClass.ID != adult.ID)
                MessageBox.Show("This " + irs.Individual.Name + " is not current listed as adult. " +
                                "A an entry will be created to change her age class to 'A'");

                IndividualAgeClass iac = new IndividualAgeClass();
                iac.AgeClass   = adult;
                iac.TroopVisit = DailyData.Current.TroopVisit;
                iac.Individual = irs.Individual;
                iac.Comments   = "AUTOMATICALLY GENERATED ENTRY :- Age class changed to adult on observation of " +
                                 " start of first reproductive cycle.";


Пример #3
        private void buttonOk_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            // We need to do some final checks here, namely the free form
            // text fields.

            // Check that the ID is valid
            //if (!this.checkIDValidity(individuals, this.troopVisitFirstObserved,
            //  (Individual.SexEnum)this.comboBoxSex.SelectedItem,
            //  MessageBox.Show("The trapping ID that has been enter is not valid. It must a 4 digit code of the form:\r" +
            //    "Troop ID of first observation + Sex + Digit + Digit"
            //  , "Invalid Trapping ID"
            //  , MessageBoxButtons.OK
            //  , MessageBoxIcon.Error);

            // Check that the name is valid
            if (this.textBoxName.Text.Length < 1 || this.textBoxName.Text.Length > 45)
                MessageBox.Show("The Name that has been enter is too long. It must be less than 44 digits long"
                                , "Invalid Name"
                                , MessageBoxButtons.OK
                                , MessageBoxIcon.Error);

            // Check the IDNote is valid
            if (this.textBoxIDNotes.Text.Length > 200)
                MessageBox.Show("The ID Note that has been enter is too long. It must be less than 200 digits long"
                                , "Invalid ID Note"
                                , MessageBoxButtons.OK
                                , MessageBoxIcon.Error);

            // Check the Comment is valid
            if (this.textBoxIDNotes.Text.Length > 200)
                MessageBox.Show("The Comment that has been enter is too long. It must be less than 200 digits long"
                                , "Invalid Comment"
                                , MessageBoxButtons.OK
                                , MessageBoxIcon.Error);

            // Assign the values that were not bound
            individual.Sex        = (Individual.SexEnum) this.comboBoxSex.SelectedItem;
            individual.TrappingID = this.textBoxTrappingID.Text;
            individual.Name       = textBoxName.Text;

            if (isNew)
                // We need to create initial individual sighting and ageclass entries
                IndividualSighting s = new IndividualSighting();
                s.Individual = this.individual;
                s.Comments   = this.textBoxComments.Text;
                s.Sighting   = (Sighting)this.comboBoxSighting.SelectedValue;
                s.TroopVisit = this.troopVisitFirstObserved;

                IndividualAgeClass a = new IndividualAgeClass();
                a.AgeClass   = (AgeClass)this.comboBoxAgeClass.SelectedValue;
                a.TroopVisit = this.troopVisitFirstObserved;
                a.Individual = this.individual;
                a.Comments   = textBoxComments.Text;

            this.DialogResult = System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult.OK;