public void Update()
        if (target == null)
            Volume tempVolume = GetComponent <Volume>();
            foreach (VolumeComponent tempComponent in tempVolume.sharedProfile.components)
                target = tempComponent as IndirectLightingController;
                if (target != null)
   = ifOpen;

            target.indirectDiffuseLightingMultiplier.value = diffuseLight;
            target.reflectionLightingMultiplier.value      = reflectionLight;
Пример #2
        public static void RenderScenePreview(Transform origin, PreviewTextures textures, bool forcePreview)
            var pos = origin.position;
            var rot = origin.rotation;


            var hasReflectionProbes = Object.FindObjectOfType <ReflectionProbe>() != null;

            var    volumes = Object.FindObjectsOfType <Volume>();
            Volume volume  = null;
            IndirectLightingController indirectLightingController = null;

            foreach (var vol in volumes)
                if (vol.isGlobal && volume == null)
                    volume = vol;

                var collider = vol.GetComponent <Collider>();
                if (collider.bounds.Contains(pos))
                    volume = vol;

            var previewRootPrefab = AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath <GameObject>("Assets/Prefabs/ScenePreviewRoot.prefab");
            var previewRoot       = Object.Instantiate(previewRootPrefab, pos, rot);
            var camera            = previewRoot.GetComponentInChildren <Camera>();

            if (forcePreview)
                previewRoot.transform.SetPositionAndRotation(pos, Quaternion.Euler(new Vector3(0f, rot.eulerAngles.y, 0f)));
                camera.transform.SetPositionAndRotation(pos, rot);

            // This will trigger HDCamera.Update, which must be done before calling HDCamera.GetOrCreate
            // Otherwise m_AdditionalCameraData will not be set and HDCamera will be discarded after first frame

            var hdSettings = camera.GetComponent <HDAdditionalCameraData>();

            hdSettings.hasPersistentHistory = true;
            var hd = HDCamera.GetOrCreate(camera);

            if (volume == null)
                volume = previewRoot.GetComponentInChildren <Volume>();

            // CullingResults in first frame after loading scene does not contain aby data about reflection probes.
            // Light loop will use further options, which usually means skybox indirect reflections. This ignores
            // occlusion and will break interior lighting. Due to lack of other options, just disable indirect specular
            // lighting for preview rendering.
            indirectLightingController = volume.profile.components.FirstOrDefault(x => x is IndirectLightingController) as IndirectLightingController;
            var indirectControllerAdded = hasReflectionProbes && indirectLightingController == null;

            if (indirectControllerAdded)
                indirectLightingController = volume.profile.Add <IndirectLightingController>();

            var indirectMultiplier = indirectLightingController == null ? 0f : indirectLightingController.reflectionLightingMultiplier.value;

            if (hasReflectionProbes && indirectLightingController != null)
                indirectLightingController.reflectionLightingMultiplier.value = 0f;

            var pointCloudRenderers = Object.FindObjectsOfType <NodeTreeRenderer>();

            foreach (var pointCloudRenderer in pointCloudRenderers)

            Render(hd, textures, volume);

            if (hasReflectionProbes && indirectLightingController != null)
                indirectLightingController.reflectionLightingMultiplier.value = indirectMultiplier;

            if (indirectControllerAdded && indirectLightingController != null)
                volume.profile.Remove <IndirectLightingController>();
