Пример #1
 /// <summary> Called before Render (normally by RenderList::Render) to set up data for the render.
 /// currentstate may be null, meaning, don't apply
 /// RenderState may be null, meaning don't change</summary>
 public void Bind(GLRenderState currentstate, IGLProgramShader shader, GLMatrixCalc matrixcalc)
     if (currentstate != null && RenderState != null)    // if either null, it means the last render state applied is the same as our render state, so no need to apply
         currentstate.ApplyState(RenderState);           // else go to this state
     VertexArray?.Bind();                                // give the VA a chance to bind to GL
     RenderData?.Bind(this, shader, matrixcalc);         // optional render data supplied by the user to bind
     ElementBuffer?.BindElement();                       // if we have an element buffer, give it a chance to bind
     IndirectBuffer?.BindIndirect();                     // if we have an indirect buffer, give it a chance to bind
     ParameterBuffer?.BindParameter();                   // if we have a parameter buffer, give it a chance to bind
Пример #2
    static unsafe void RunCompute(Sample sample, bool indirectSupported)
        // build vertex layouts
        var quadLayout = new VertexLayout();

        .Add(VertexAttributeUsage.Position, 2, VertexAttributeType.Float)

        var computeLayout = new VertexLayout();

        .Add(VertexAttributeUsage.TexCoord0, 4, VertexAttributeType.Float)

        // static quad data
        var vb = new VertexBuffer(MemoryBlock.FromArray(QuadVertices), quadLayout);
        var ib = new IndexBuffer(MemoryBlock.FromArray(QuadIndices));

        // create compute buffers
        var currPositionBuffer0 = new DynamicVertexBuffer(1 << 15, computeLayout, BufferFlags.ComputeReadWrite);
        var currPositionBuffer1 = new DynamicVertexBuffer(1 << 15, computeLayout, BufferFlags.ComputeReadWrite);
        var prevPositionBuffer0 = new DynamicVertexBuffer(1 << 15, computeLayout, BufferFlags.ComputeReadWrite);
        var prevPositionBuffer1 = new DynamicVertexBuffer(1 << 15, computeLayout, BufferFlags.ComputeReadWrite);

        // load shaders
        var particleProgram        = ResourceLoader.LoadProgram("vs_particle", "fs_particle");
        var initInstancesProgram   = ResourceLoader.LoadProgram("cs_init_instances");
        var updateInstancesProgram = ResourceLoader.LoadProgram("cs_update_instances");

        // indirect rendering support
        var  indirectProgram = SharpBgfx.Program.Invalid;
        var  indirectBuffer  = IndirectBuffer.Invalid;
        bool useIndirect     = false;

        if (indirectSupported)
            indirectProgram = ResourceLoader.LoadProgram("cs_indirect");
            indirectBuffer  = new IndirectBuffer(2);
            useIndirect     = true;

        // setup params uniforms
        var paramData = new ParamsData {
            TimeStep          = 0.0157f,
            DispatchSize      = 32,
            Gravity           = 0.109f,
            Damping           = 0.25f,
            ParticleIntensity = 0.64f,
            ParticleSize      = 0.279f,
            BaseSeed          = 57,
            ParticlePower     = 3.5f,
            InitialSpeed      = 3.2f,
            InitialShape      = 1,
            MaxAccel          = 100.0f

        // have the compute shader run initialization
        var u_params = new Uniform("u_params", UniformType.Vector4, 3);

        Bgfx.SetUniform(u_params, &paramData, 3);
        Bgfx.SetComputeBuffer(0, prevPositionBuffer0, ComputeBufferAccess.Write);
        Bgfx.SetComputeBuffer(1, currPositionBuffer0, ComputeBufferAccess.Write);
        Bgfx.Dispatch(0, initInstancesProgram, MaxParticleCount / ThreadGroupUpdateSize);

        // start the frame clock
        var clock = new Clock();


        // main loop
        while (sample.ProcessEvents(ResetFlags.Vsync))
            // tick the clock
            var elapsed = clock.Frame();
            var time    = clock.TotalTime();

            // write some debug text
            Bgfx.DebugTextWrite(0, 1, DebugColor.White, DebugColor.Blue, "SharpBgfx/Samples/24-NBody");
            Bgfx.DebugTextWrite(0, 2, DebugColor.White, DebugColor.Cyan, "Description: N-body simulation with compute shaders using buffers.");
            Bgfx.DebugTextWrite(0, 3, DebugColor.White, DebugColor.Cyan, "Frame: {0:F3} ms", elapsed * 1000);

            // fill the indirect buffer if we're using it
            if (useIndirect)
                Bgfx.SetUniform(u_params, &paramData, 3);
                Bgfx.SetComputeBuffer(0, indirectBuffer, ComputeBufferAccess.Write);
                Bgfx.Dispatch(0, indirectProgram);

            // update particle positions
            Bgfx.SetComputeBuffer(0, prevPositionBuffer0, ComputeBufferAccess.Read);
            Bgfx.SetComputeBuffer(1, currPositionBuffer0, ComputeBufferAccess.Read);
            Bgfx.SetComputeBuffer(2, prevPositionBuffer1, ComputeBufferAccess.Write);
            Bgfx.SetComputeBuffer(3, currPositionBuffer1, ComputeBufferAccess.Write);
            Bgfx.SetUniform(u_params, &paramData, 3);
            if (useIndirect)
                Bgfx.Dispatch(0, updateInstancesProgram, indirectBuffer, 1);
                Bgfx.Dispatch(0, updateInstancesProgram, paramData.DispatchSize);

            // ping-pong the buffers for next frame
            Swap(ref currPositionBuffer0, ref currPositionBuffer1);
            Swap(ref prevPositionBuffer0, ref prevPositionBuffer1);

            // view transforms for particle rendering
            var viewMatrix = Matrix4x4.CreateLookAt(new Vector3(0.0f, 0.0f, -45.0f), -Vector3.UnitZ, Vector3.UnitY);
            var projMatrix = Matrix4x4.CreatePerspectiveFieldOfView((float)Math.PI / 4, (float)sample.WindowWidth / sample.WindowHeight, 0.1f, 10000.0f);
            Bgfx.SetViewTransform(0, &viewMatrix.M11, &projMatrix.M11);
            Bgfx.SetViewRect(0, 0, 0, sample.WindowWidth, sample.WindowHeight);

            // draw the particles
            Bgfx.SetInstanceDataBuffer(currPositionBuffer0, 0, paramData.DispatchSize * ThreadGroupUpdateSize);
            Bgfx.SetRenderState(RenderState.ColorWrite | RenderState.BlendAdd | RenderState.DepthTestAlways);
            if (useIndirect)
                Bgfx.Submit(0, particleProgram, indirectBuffer);
                Bgfx.Submit(0, particleProgram);

            // done with frame

        // cleanup
        if (indirectSupported)

Пример #3
 /// <summary>
 /// Submits an indirect batch of drawing commands to be used for rendering.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="id">The index of the view to submit.</param>
 /// <param name="program">The program with which to render.</param>
 /// <param name="indirectBuffer">The buffer containing drawing commands.</param>
 /// <param name="startIndex">The index of the first command to process.</param>
 /// <param name="count">The number of commands to process from the buffer.</param>
 /// <param name="depth">A depth value to use for sorting the batch.</param>
 /// <returns>The number of draw calls.</returns>
 public static int Submit(byte id, Program program, IndirectBuffer indirectBuffer, int startIndex = 0, int count = 1, int depth = 0)
     return NativeMethods.bgfx_submit_indirect(id, program.handle, indirectBuffer.handle, (ushort)startIndex, (ushort)count, depth);
Пример #4
 /// <summary>
 /// Sets an indirect buffer as a compute resource.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="stage">The resource stage to set.</param>
 /// <param name="buffer">The buffer to set.</param>
 /// <param name="access">Access control flags.</param>
 public static void SetComputeBuffer(byte stage, IndirectBuffer buffer, ComputeBufferAccess access)
     NativeMethods.bgfx_set_compute_indirect_buffer(stage, buffer.handle, access);
Пример #5
 /// <summary>
 /// Dispatches an indirect compute job.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="id">The index of the view to dispatch.</param>
 /// <param name="program">The shader program to use.</param>
 /// <param name="indirectBuffer">The buffer containing drawing commands.</param>
 /// <param name="startIndex">The index of the first command to process.</param>
 /// <param name="count">The number of commands to process from the buffer.</param>
 public static void Dispatch(byte id, Program program, IndirectBuffer indirectBuffer, int startIndex = 0, int count = 1)
     // TODO: unused
     byte unused = 0;
     NativeMethods.bgfx_dispatch_indirect(id, program.handle, indirectBuffer.handle, (ushort)startIndex, (ushort)count, unused);