Пример #1
        // TODO lost the "individual number" when doing marriage events

        private static string PersonName(IndiRecord indi)
            if (indi == null) // e.g. Marriage may not have father/mother info
            string name = string.Format("{0}[{1}]", indi.FullName, indi.Ident);

Пример #2
        public void TestIndiSour()
            // SOUR record on the INDI
            var        indi1 = "0 @I1@ INDI\n1 SOUR @p1@";
            IndiRecord rec   = parseInd(indi1);

            Assert.AreEqual(1, rec.Cits.Count);
            Assert.AreEqual("p1", rec.Cits[0].Xref);
            var        indi2 = "0 @I1@ INDI\n1 SOUR @p1@\n1 SOUR @p2@";
            IndiRecord rec2  = parseInd(indi2);

            Assert.AreEqual(2, rec2.Cits.Count);
            Assert.AreEqual("p1", rec2.Cits[0].Xref);
            Assert.AreEqual("p2", rec2.Cits[1].Xref);
Пример #3
        public void SourEmbSourPage()
            // During GedValid development, INDI.SOUR.TEXT error did not have correct end line
            var txt = "0 @I1@ INDI\n1 NAME /Blah/\n1 SOUR description\n2 TEXT Blah\n2 PAGE event\n1 BIRT\n2 DATE 21 Feb 1696\n2 PLAC North Hampton, Rockingham County, New Hampshire";

            var res = ReadIt(txt);

            Assert.AreEqual(1, res.Count);
            IndiRecord rec = res[0] as IndiRecord;

            Assert.AreEqual(1, rec.Events.Count);
            Assert.AreEqual(1, rec.Errors.Count);
            Assert.AreEqual(UnkRec.ErrorCode.EmbSourPage, rec.Errors[0].Error);
            Assert.AreEqual(3, rec.Errors[0].Beg);
            Assert.AreEqual(5, rec.Errors[0].End);
Пример #4
        private IndiWrap MakeFillerIndi(string ident, out IndiRecord hack)
            // There is a reference to an individual who doesn't exist in
            // the GEDCOM. Create a placeholder.

            IndiWrap hack0 = new IndiWrap();

            // TODO need a library method to do this!!!
            hack = new IndiRecord(null, ident, null);
            var hack2 = new NameRec();

            hack2.Surname = "Missing";
            hack0.Indi  = hack;
            hack0.Ahnen = -1;
Пример #5
        private void ScanIt(Forest f)
            dataSet = new List <One>();

            foreach (var person in f.AllPeople)
                IndiRecord ged = person.Indi;
                foreach (var familyEvent in ged.Events)
                    string tag = familyEvent.Tag;
                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(familyEvent.Place))
                        dataSet.Add(new One {
                            Location = familyEvent.Place, Tag = tag, PersonId = ged.Ident, Indi = person
                foreach (var familyEvent in ged.Attribs)
                    string tag = familyEvent.Tag;
                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(familyEvent.Place))
                        dataSet.Add(new One {
                            Location = familyEvent.Place, Tag = tag, PersonId = ged.Ident, Indi = person

            foreach (var union in f.AllUnions)
                FamRecord fam = union.FamRec;
                foreach (var familyEvent in fam.FamEvents)
                    string tag = familyEvent.Tag;
                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(familyEvent.Place))
                        dataSet.Add(new One {
                            Location = familyEvent.Place, Tag = tag, FamId = fam.Ident, Fam = union
Пример #6
        public void MultiUID()
            IndiRecord recI = TestIndiMultiId("UID");

            Assert.AreEqual("number", recI.UID);
            recI = TestIndiMultiId("_UID");
            Assert.AreEqual("number", recI.UID);

            FamRecord recF = TestFamMultiId("UID");

            Assert.AreEqual("number", recF.UID);
            recF = TestFamMultiId("_UID");
            Assert.AreEqual("number", recF.UID);
Пример #7
        public void SourCitTextOwner()
            // Errors were only going to 'owning' structure. E.g. errors were tracked in NameRec, not the Indi.

            // The following errors exist: (RefSourText being a TEXT tag used with a reference SOUR)
            // 1. RefSourText for the NAME
            // 2. RefSourText for the INDI
            // 3. RefSourText for BIRT
            // 4. RefSourText for BIRT
            // 5. RefSourText for BIRT
            var txt =
                "0 @I1246@ INDI\n1 NAME Mehitable /DEARBORN/\n2 SOUR @S36@\n3 TEXT Mehitable Dearborn\n1 SEX F\n1 SOUR @S37@\n2 TEXT Mehetabel Dearborn" +
                "\n1 BIRT\n2 DATE 21 Feb 1696/97\n2 PLAC North Hampton, Rockingham County, New Hampshire\n2 SOUR @S37@\n3 TEXT 21 Feb 1696/97 (Rauch Files, Adam Rauch, manuscript)" +
                "\n2 SOUR @S36@\n3 TEXT 21 Feb 1696/97\n2 SOUR @S44@\n3 TEXT 21 Feb 1696/97, North Hampton, Rockingham County, New Hampshire\n1 DEAT\n2 DATE 1 AUG 1758" +
                "2 SOUR @S44@\n1 FAMC @F565@\n1 FAMS @F964@\n1 CHAN\n2 DATE 28 MAR 2001";
            var res = ReadIt(txt);

            Assert.AreEqual(1, res.Count);
            IndiRecord rec = res[0] as IndiRecord;

            Assert.AreEqual(5, rec.Errors.Count); // all errors owned by parent
Пример #8
        private static void dumpDates(Forest f)
            int [] counts = new int[6];

            //bool hasWFTEst = false;
            foreach (var person in f.AllPeople)
                IndiRecord ged = person.Indi;
                foreach (var familyEvent in ged.Events)
                    var state = dumpDate(familyEvent);
                    IncrCount(state, counts);
                foreach (var familyEvent in ged.Attribs)
                    var state = dumpDate(familyEvent);
                    IncrCount(state, counts);
            foreach (var union in f.AllUnions)
                FamRecord ged = union.FamRec;
                foreach (var familyEvent in ged.FamEvents)
                    var state = dumpDate(familyEvent);
                    IncrCount(state, counts);

            Console.WriteLine("\t        Success:{0}", counts[0]);
            Console.WriteLine("\tSuccess (exact):{0}", counts[5]);
            Console.WriteLine("\t        WFT Est:{0}", counts[1]);
            Console.WriteLine("\t           Fail:{0}", counts[2]);
            Console.WriteLine("\t      Fail/Dump:{0}", counts[3]);
            //if (hasWFTEst)
            //    Console.WriteLine("\tWFT Est not shown");
Пример #9
 public Person(IndiRecord indi) : this()
     Indi      = indi;
     _spouseIn = new HashSet <Union>();
     _childIn  = new HashSet <Union>();
Пример #10
        private static void dump(Forest f, bool showErrors)
            if (f.Errors.Count > 0)
                foreach (var unkRec in f.Errors)
                    if (unkRec.Error == UnkRec.ErrorCode.EmptyFile)
                        Console.WriteLine("Empty file");

            if (f.AllRecords.Count == 0)
                Console.WriteLine("*****Failed to parse");

            Dictionary <string, int> tagCounts = new Dictionary <string, int>();

            foreach (var record in f.AllRecords)
                incr(tagCounts, record.Tag);

            Dictionary <string, int> indiEventCounts = new Dictionary <string, int>();
            int indiEventLoc = 0;
            Dictionary <string, int> indiAttribCounts = new Dictionary <string, int>();
            int attribLoc = 0;
            Dictionary <string, int> famEventCounts = new Dictionary <string, int>();
            int famEventLoc = 0;

            foreach (var person in f.AllPeople)
                IndiRecord ged = person.Indi;
                foreach (var familyEvent in ged.Events)
                    string tag = familyEvent.Tag;
                    incr(indiEventCounts, tag);
                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(familyEvent.Place))
                foreach (var familyEvent in ged.Attribs)
                    string tag = familyEvent.Tag;
                    incr(indiAttribCounts, tag);
                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(familyEvent.Place))

            foreach (var union in f.AllUnions)
                FamRecord ged = union.FamRec;
                foreach (var familyEvent in ged.FamEvents)
                    string tag = familyEvent.Tag;
                    incr(famEventCounts, tag);
                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(familyEvent.Place))

            HeadRecord head = f.Header;

            if (head == null)
                Console.WriteLine("No head");
                Console.WriteLine("  {0}-{1}:{2} ({3})", head.GedVersion, head.Product, head.ProductVersion, head.GedDate.ToString("yyyyMMdd"));
            foreach (var tag in tagCounts.Keys)
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(tag))
                    Console.Write("{0}:{1};", tag, tagCounts[tag]);
            foreach (var tag in indiEventCounts.Keys)
                Console.Write("{0}:{1};", tag, indiEventCounts[tag]);
            if (indiEventLoc > 0)
                Console.Write("Locations:{0}", indiEventLoc);
            //foreach (var tag in indiAttribCounts.Keys)
            //    Console.WriteLine("\t\t{0}:{1}", tag, indiAttribCounts[tag]);
            //if (attribLoc > 0)
            //    Console.WriteLine("\t\tLocations:{0}", attribLoc);
            foreach (var tag in famEventCounts.Keys)
                Console.Write("{0}:{1};", tag, famEventCounts[tag]);
            if (famEventLoc > 0)
                Console.Write("Locations:{0}", famEventLoc);
            if (f.NumberOfTrees > 1)
                Console.WriteLine("Number of trees:{0}", f.NumberOfTrees);
Пример #11
        // TODO more closely match PAF order? - specifically _UID
        // INDI records are written to be as close to PAF order as possible
        private static void WriteOneIndi(StreamWriter file, IndiRecord indiRecord)
            file.WriteLine("0 @{0}@ INDI", indiRecord.Ident);

            WriteCommon.writeIfNotEmpty(file, "RESN", indiRecord.Restriction, 1);

            foreach (var nameRec in indiRecord.Names)
                writeName(file, nameRec);

                // this convolution below due to:
                // 1 NAME Joe /Blow/ Jr.
                // vs
                // 1 NAME Joe
                // 2 GIVN Joe
                // 2 SURN Blow
                // TODO nice to output parts in specific order despite how they came in

                bool didGivn = false;
                bool didSurn = false;
                bool didNSFX = false;

                foreach (var tuple in nameRec.Parts)
                    file.WriteLine("2 {0} {1}", tuple.Item1, tuple.Item2);
                    if (tuple.Item1 == "SURN")
                        didSurn = true;
                    if (tuple.Item1 == "GIVN")
                        didGivn = true;
                    if (tuple.Item1 == "NSFX")
                        didNSFX = true;
                if (!didGivn && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(nameRec.Names))
                    file.WriteLine("2 GIVN {0}", nameRec.Names);
                if (!didSurn && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(nameRec.Surname))
                    file.WriteLine("2 SURN {0}", nameRec.Surname);
                if (!didNSFX && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(nameRec.Suffix))
                    file.WriteLine("2 NSFX {0}", nameRec.Suffix);
                // TODO other name pieces

                WriteCommon.writeSubNotes(file, nameRec, 2);
                WriteCommon.writeSourCit(file, nameRec, 2);

            // TODO want to init sex to 'U' but don't want to output it if not initialized as such
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(indiRecord.FullSex) && indiRecord.Sex != '\0' && indiRecord.Sex != 'U')
                WriteCommon.writeIfNotEmpty(file, "SEX", indiRecord.Sex.ToString(), 1);
                WriteCommon.writeIfNotEmpty(file, "SEX", indiRecord.FullSex, 1);

            WriteEvent.writeEvents(file, indiRecord.Events, 1);
            WriteEvent.writeEvents(file, indiRecord.Attribs, 1);

            // Insure FAMS/FAMC output in consistent order
            if (indiRecord.Links != null)
                foreach (var indiLink in indiRecord.Links.Where(indiLink => indiLink.Type == IndiLink.FAMS_TYPE))
                    writeLink(file, indiLink);
                foreach (var indiLink in indiRecord.Links.Where(indiLink => indiLink.Type == IndiLink.FAMC_TYPE))
                    writeLink(file, indiLink);

            // TODO LDS events

            foreach (var aliasLink in indiRecord.AliasLinks)
                WriteCommon.writeXrefIfNotEmpty(file, "ALIA", aliasLink, 1);

            foreach (var assoRec in indiRecord.Assocs)
                WriteCommon.writeXrefIfNotEmpty(file, "ASSO", assoRec.Ident, 1);
                WriteCommon.writeIfNotEmpty(file, "RELA", assoRec.Relation, 2);
                WriteCommon.writeSubNotes(file, assoRec, 2);
                WriteCommon.writeSourCit(file, assoRec, 2);

            // Different from FAM because there are different types
            foreach (var submitter in indiRecord.Submitters)
                string tag = "";
                switch (submitter.SubmitterType)
                case Submitter.SubmitType.SUBM:
                    tag = "SUBM";

                case Submitter.SubmitType.ANCI:
                    tag = "ANCI";

                case Submitter.SubmitType.DESI:
                    tag = "DESI";
                file.WriteLine("1 {0} @{1}@", tag, submitter.Xref);

            WriteCommon.writeRecordTrailer(file, indiRecord, 1);