Пример #1
        public void GetInfo2NonVirtual(ConstraintInfo2 info, IndexedMatrix transA, IndexedMatrix transB, IndexedVector3 linVelA, IndexedVector3 linVelB, float rbAinvMass, float rbBinvMass)
            IndexedMatrix trA = GetCalculatedTransformA();
            IndexedMatrix trB = GetCalculatedTransformB();

            int i, s = 1;

            float signFact = m_useLinearReferenceFrameA ? 1.0f : -1.0f;

            // difference between frames in WCS
            IndexedVector3 ofs = trB._origin - trA._origin;
            // now get weight factors depending on masses
            float miA = rbAinvMass;
            float miB = rbBinvMass;
            bool  hasStaticBody = (miA < MathUtil.SIMD_EPSILON) || (miB < MathUtil.SIMD_EPSILON);
            float miS = miA + miB;
            float factA, factB;

            if (miS > 0.0f)
                factA = miB / miS;
                factA = 0.5f;
            factB = 1.0f - factA;
            IndexedVector3 ax1 = IndexedVector3.Zero, p, q;
            IndexedVector3 ax1A = trA._basis.GetColumn(0);
            IndexedVector3 ax1B = trB._basis.GetColumn(0);

            if (m_useOffsetForConstraintFrame)
                // get the desired direction of slider axis
                // as weighted sum of X-orthos of frameA and frameB in WCS
                ax1 = ax1A * factA + ax1B * factB;
                // construct two orthos to slider axis
                TransformUtil.PlaneSpace1(ref ax1, out p, out q);
            {             // old way - use frameA
                ax1 = trA._basis.GetColumn(0);
                // get 2 orthos to slider axis (Y, Z)
                p = trA._basis.GetColumn(1);
                q = trA._basis.GetColumn(2);
            // make rotations around these orthos equal
            // the slider axis should be the only unconstrained
            // rotational axis, the angular velocity of the two bodies perpendicular to
            // the slider axis should be equal. thus the constraint equations are
            //    p*w1 - p*w2 = 0
            //    q*w1 - q*w2 = 0
            // where p and q are unit vectors normal to the slider axis, and w1 and w2
            // are the angular velocity vectors of the two bodies.
            info.m_solverConstraints[0].m_relpos1CrossNormal = p;
            info.m_solverConstraints[s].m_relpos1CrossNormal = q;

            info.m_solverConstraints[0].m_relpos2CrossNormal = -p;
            info.m_solverConstraints[s].m_relpos2CrossNormal = -q;

            // compute the right hand side of the constraint equation. set relative
            // body velocities along p and q to bring the slider back into alignment.
            // if ax1A,ax1B are the unit length slider axes as computed from bodyA and
            // bodyB, we need to rotate both bodies along the axis u = (ax1 x ax2).
            // if "theta" is the angle between ax1 and ax2, we need an angular velocity
            // along u to cover angle erp*theta in one step :
            //   |angular_velocity| = angle/time = erp*theta / stepsize
            //                      = (erp*fps) * theta
            //    angular_velocity  = |angular_velocity| * (ax1 x ax2) / |ax1 x ax2|
            //                      = (erp*fps) * theta * (ax1 x ax2) / sin(theta)
            // ...as ax1 and ax2 are unit length. if theta is smallish,
            // theta ~= sin(theta), so
            //    angular_velocity  = (erp*fps) * (ax1 x ax2)
            // ax1 x ax2 is in the plane space of ax1, so we project the angular
            // velocity to p and q to find the right hand side.
            //	float k = info.fps * info.erp * getSoftnessOrthoAng();
            float currERP = ((m_flags & (int)SliderFlags.BT_SLIDER_FLAGS_ERP_ORTANG) != 0) ? m_softnessOrthoAng : m_softnessOrthoAng * info.erp;
            float k       = info.fps * currERP;

            IndexedVector3 u = IndexedVector3.Cross(ax1A, ax1B);

            info.m_solverConstraints[0].m_rhs = k * IndexedVector3.Dot(u, p);
            info.m_solverConstraints[s].m_rhs = k * IndexedVector3.Dot(u, q);
            if ((m_flags & (int)SliderFlags.BT_SLIDER_FLAGS_CFM_ORTANG) != 0)
                info.m_solverConstraints[0].m_cfm = m_cfmOrthoAng;
                info.m_solverConstraints[s].m_cfm = m_cfmOrthoAng;

            int   nrow = 1;           // last filled row
            int   srow = nrow;
            float limit_err;
            int   limit;
            bool  powered;

            // next two rows.
            // we want: velA + wA x relA == velB + wB x relB ... but this would
            // result in three equations, so we project along two orthos to the slider axis

            IndexedMatrix bodyA_trans = transA;
            IndexedMatrix bodyB_trans = transB;

            int s2 = nrow * s;

            int            s3 = nrow * s;
            IndexedVector3 tmpA = IndexedVector3.Zero, tmpB = IndexedVector3.Zero, relA = IndexedVector3.Zero, relB = IndexedVector3.Zero, c = IndexedVector3.Zero;

            if (m_useOffsetForConstraintFrame)
                // get vector from bodyB to frameB in WCS
                relB = trB._origin - bodyB_trans._origin;
                // get its projection to slider axis
                IndexedVector3 projB = ax1 * IndexedVector3.Dot(relB, ax1);
                // get vector directed from bodyB to slider axis (and orthogonal to it)
                IndexedVector3 orthoB = relB - projB;
                // same for bodyA
                relA = trA._origin - bodyA_trans._origin;
                IndexedVector3 projA  = ax1 * IndexedVector3.Dot(relA, ax1);
                IndexedVector3 orthoA = relA - projA;
                // get desired offset between frames A and B along slider axis
                float sliderOffs = m_linPos - m_depth.X;
                // desired vector from projection of center of bodyA to projection of center of bodyB to slider axis
                IndexedVector3 totalDist = projA + ax1 * sliderOffs - projB;
                // get offset vectors relA and relB
                relA = orthoA + totalDist * factA;
                relB = orthoB - totalDist * factB;
                // now choose average ortho to slider axis
                p = orthoB * factA + orthoA * factB;
                float len2 = p.LengthSquared();
                if (len2 > MathUtil.SIMD_EPSILON)
                    p = trA._basis.GetColumn(1);
                // make one more ortho
                q = IndexedVector3.Cross(ax1, p);
                // fill two rows
                tmpA = IndexedVector3.Cross(relA, p);
                tmpB = IndexedVector3.Cross(relB, p);

                info.m_solverConstraints[s2].m_relpos1CrossNormal = tmpA;
                info.m_solverConstraints[s2].m_relpos2CrossNormal = -tmpB;

                tmpA = IndexedVector3.Cross(relA, q);
                tmpB = IndexedVector3.Cross(relB, q);

                if (hasStaticBody && GetSolveAngLimit())
                {                 // to make constraint between static and dynamic objects more rigid
                    // remove wA (or wB) from equation if angular limit is hit
                    tmpB *= factB;
                    tmpA *= factA;
                info.m_solverConstraints[s3].m_relpos1CrossNormal = tmpA;
                info.m_solverConstraints[s3].m_relpos2CrossNormal = -tmpB;
                info.m_solverConstraints[s2].m_contactNormal      = p;
                info.m_solverConstraints[s3].m_contactNormal      = q;
                // old way - maybe incorrect if bodies are not on the slider axis
                // see discussion "Bug in slider constraint" http://bulletphysics.org/Bullet/phpBB3/viewtopic.php?f=9&t=4024&start=0
                IndexedVector3 tmp = IndexedVector3.Cross(c, p);

                info.m_solverConstraints[s2].m_relpos1CrossNormal = factA * tmp;
                info.m_solverConstraints[s2].m_relpos2CrossNormal = factB * tmp;

                tmp = IndexedVector3.Cross(c, q);
                info.m_solverConstraints[s3].m_relpos1CrossNormal = factA * tmp;
                info.m_solverConstraints[s3].m_relpos2CrossNormal = factB * tmp;

                info.m_solverConstraints[s2].m_contactNormal = p;
                info.m_solverConstraints[s3].m_contactNormal = q;
            // compute two elements of right hand side

            //	k = info.fps * info.erp * getSoftnessOrthoLin();
            currERP = ((m_flags & (int)SliderFlags.BT_SLIDER_FLAGS_ERP_ORTLIN) != 0) ? m_softnessOrthoLin : m_softnessOrthoLin * info.erp;
            k       = info.fps * currERP;

            float rhs = k * IndexedVector3.Dot(p, ofs);

            info.m_solverConstraints[s2].m_rhs = rhs;
            rhs = k * IndexedVector3.Dot(q, ofs);
            info.m_solverConstraints[s3].m_rhs = rhs;
            if ((m_flags & (int)SliderFlags.BT_SLIDER_FLAGS_CFM_ORTLIN) != 0)
                info.m_solverConstraints[s2].m_cfm = m_cfmOrthoLin;
                info.m_solverConstraints[s3].m_cfm = m_cfmOrthoLin;

            // check linear limits
            limit_err = 0.0f;
            limit     = 0;
            if (GetSolveLinLimit())
                limit_err = GetLinDepth() * signFact;
                limit     = (limit_err > 0f) ? 2 : 1;
            powered = false;
            if (GetPoweredLinMotor())
                powered = true;
            // if the slider has joint limits or motor, add in the extra row
            if (limit != 0 || powered)
                srow = nrow;
                info.m_solverConstraints[srow].m_contactNormal = ax1;
                // linear torque decoupling step:
                // we have to be careful that the linear constraint forces (+/- ax1) applied to the two bodies
                // do not create a torque couple. in other words, the points that the
                // constraint force is applied at must lie along the same ax1 axis.
                // a torque couple will result in limited slider-jointed free
                // bodies from gaining angular momentum.
                if (m_useOffsetForConstraintFrame)
                    // this is needed only when bodyA and bodyB are both dynamic.
                    if (!hasStaticBody)
                        tmpA = IndexedVector3.Cross(relA, ax1);
                        tmpB = IndexedVector3.Cross(relB, ax1);
                        info.m_solverConstraints[srow].m_relpos1CrossNormal = tmpA;
                        info.m_solverConstraints[srow].m_relpos2CrossNormal = -tmpB;
                    // The old way. May be incorrect if bodies are not on the slider axis
                    IndexedVector3 ltd = IndexedVector3.Cross(c, ax1);                     // Linear Torque Decoupling vector (a torque)
                    info.m_solverConstraints[nrow].m_relpos1CrossNormal = factA * ltd;
                    info.m_solverConstraints[nrow].m_relpos2CrossNormal = factB * ltd;
                // right-hand part
                float lostop = GetLowerLinLimit();
                float histop = GetUpperLinLimit();
                if (limit != 0 && (MathUtil.CompareFloat(lostop, histop)))
                {                  // the joint motor is ineffective
                    powered = false;
                info.m_solverConstraints[nrow].m_rhs        = 0f;
                info.m_solverConstraints[nrow].m_lowerLimit = 0f;
                info.m_solverConstraints[nrow].m_upperLimit = 0f;

                currERP = ((m_flags & (int)SliderFlags.BT_SLIDER_FLAGS_ERP_LIMLIN) != 0) ? m_softnessLimLin : info.erp;
                if (powered)
                    if ((m_flags & (int)SliderFlags.BT_SLIDER_FLAGS_CFM_DIRLIN) != 0)
                        info.m_solverConstraints[nrow].m_cfm = m_cfmDirLin;
                    float tag_vel  = GetTargetLinMotorVelocity();
                    float mot_fact = GetMotorFactor(m_linPos, m_lowerLinLimit, m_upperLinLimit, tag_vel, info.fps * currERP);
                    info.m_solverConstraints[nrow].m_rhs        -= signFact * mot_fact * GetTargetLinMotorVelocity();
                    info.m_solverConstraints[nrow].m_lowerLimit += -GetMaxLinMotorForce() * info.fps;
                    info.m_solverConstraints[nrow].m_upperLimit += GetMaxLinMotorForce() * info.fps;
                if (limit != 0)
                    k = info.fps * currERP;
                    info.m_solverConstraints[nrow].m_rhs += k * limit_err;
                    if ((m_flags & (int)SliderFlags.BT_SLIDER_FLAGS_CFM_LIMLIN) != 0)
                        info.m_solverConstraints[nrow].m_cfm = m_cfmLimLin;
                    if (MathUtil.CompareFloat(lostop, histop))
                    {                           // limited low and high simultaneously
                        info.m_solverConstraints[nrow].m_lowerLimit = -MathUtil.SIMD_INFINITY;
                        info.m_solverConstraints[nrow].m_upperLimit = MathUtil.SIMD_INFINITY;
                    else if (limit == 1)
                    {                     // low limit
                        info.m_solverConstraints[nrow].m_lowerLimit = -MathUtil.SIMD_INFINITY;
                        info.m_solverConstraints[nrow].m_upperLimit = 0f;
                    {                     // high limit
                        info.m_solverConstraints[nrow].m_lowerLimit = 0f;
                        info.m_solverConstraints[nrow].m_upperLimit = MathUtil.SIMD_INFINITY;
                    // bounce (we'll use slider parameter abs(1.0 - m_dampingLimLin) for that)
                    float bounce = Math.Abs(1.0f - GetDampingLimLin());

                    if (bounce > 0.0f)
                        float vel = IndexedVector3.Dot(linVelA, ax1);
                        vel -= IndexedVector3.Dot(linVelB, ax1);
                        vel *= signFact;
                        // only apply bounce if the velocity is incoming, and if the
                        // resulting c[] exceeds what we already have.
                        if (limit == 1)
                        {                               // low limit
                            if (vel < 0)
                                float newc = -bounce * vel;
                                if (newc > info.m_solverConstraints[nrow].m_rhs)
                                    info.m_solverConstraints[nrow].m_rhs = newc;
                        {                         // high limit - all those computations are reversed
                            if (vel > 0)
                                float newc = -bounce * vel;
                                if (newc < info.m_solverConstraints[nrow].m_rhs)
                                    info.m_solverConstraints[nrow].m_rhs = newc;
                    info.m_solverConstraints[nrow].m_rhs *= GetSoftnessLimLin();
                }         // if(limit)
            }             // if linear limit
            // check angular limits
            limit_err = 0.0f;
            limit     = 0;
            if (GetSolveAngLimit())
                limit_err = GetAngDepth();
                limit     = (limit_err > 0.0f) ? 1 : 2;
            // if the slider has joint limits, add in the extra row
            powered = false;
            if (GetPoweredAngMotor())
                powered = true;
            if (limit != 0 || powered)
                srow = nrow;
                info.m_solverConstraints[srow].m_relpos1CrossNormal = ax1;
                info.m_solverConstraints[srow].m_relpos2CrossNormal = -ax1;

                float lostop = GetLowerAngLimit();
                float histop = GetUpperAngLimit();
                if (limit != 0 && (MathUtil.CompareFloat(lostop, histop)))
                {                  // the joint motor is ineffective
                    powered = false;
                currERP = ((m_flags & (int)SliderFlags.BT_SLIDER_FLAGS_ERP_LIMANG) != 0) ? m_softnessLimAng : info.erp;

                if (powered)
                    if ((m_flags & (int)SliderFlags.BT_SLIDER_FLAGS_CFM_DIRANG) != 0)
                        info.m_solverConstraints[nrow].m_cfm = m_cfmDirAng;
                    float mot_fact = GetMotorFactor(m_angPos, m_lowerAngLimit, m_upperAngLimit, GetTargetAngMotorVelocity(), info.fps * currERP);
                    info.m_solverConstraints[nrow].m_rhs        = mot_fact * GetTargetAngMotorVelocity();
                    info.m_solverConstraints[nrow].m_lowerLimit = -GetMaxAngMotorForce() * info.fps;
                    info.m_solverConstraints[nrow].m_upperLimit = GetMaxAngMotorForce() * info.fps;
                if (limit != 0)
                    k = info.fps * currERP;
                    info.m_solverConstraints[nrow].m_rhs += k * limit_err;
                    if ((m_flags & (int)SliderFlags.BT_SLIDER_FLAGS_CFM_LIMANG) != 0)
                        info.m_solverConstraints[nrow].m_cfm = m_cfmLimAng;
                    if (MathUtil.CompareFloat(lostop, histop))
                        // limited low and high simultaneously
                        info.m_solverConstraints[nrow].m_lowerLimit = -MathUtil.SIMD_INFINITY;
                        info.m_solverConstraints[nrow].m_upperLimit = MathUtil.SIMD_INFINITY;
                    else if (limit == 1)
                    {                     // low limit
                        info.m_solverConstraints[nrow].m_lowerLimit = 0;
                        info.m_solverConstraints[nrow].m_upperLimit = MathUtil.SIMD_INFINITY;
                    {                     // high limit
                        info.m_solverConstraints[nrow].m_lowerLimit = -MathUtil.SIMD_INFINITY;
                        info.m_solverConstraints[nrow].m_upperLimit = 0;
                    // bounce (we'll use slider parameter abs(1.0 - m_dampingLimAng) for that)
                    float bounce = Math.Abs(1.0f - GetDampingLimAng());
                    if (bounce > 0.0f)
                        float vel = IndexedVector3.Dot(m_rbA.GetAngularVelocity(), ax1);
                        vel -= IndexedVector3.Dot(m_rbB.GetAngularVelocity(), ax1);
                        // only apply bounce if the velocity is incoming, and if the
                        // resulting c[] exceeds what we already have.
                        if (limit == 1)
                        {                               // low limit
                            if (vel < 0)
                                float newc = -bounce * vel;
                                if (newc > info.m_solverConstraints[nrow].m_rhs)
                                    info.m_solverConstraints[nrow].m_rhs = newc;
                        {                               // high limit - all those computations are reversed
                            if (vel > 0)
                                float newc = -bounce * vel;
                                if (newc < info.m_solverConstraints[nrow].m_rhs)
                                    info.m_solverConstraints[nrow].m_rhs = newc;
                    info.m_solverConstraints[nrow].m_rhs *= GetSoftnessLimAng();
                }         // if(limit)
            }             // if angular limit or powered
            if (BulletGlobals.g_streamWriter != null && BulletGlobals.debugConstraints)
                PrintInfo2(BulletGlobals.g_streamWriter, this, info);
Пример #2
        public bool     EncloseOrigin()
            switch (m_simplex.rank)
            case    1:
                for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i)
                    IndexedVector3 axis = IndexedVector3.Zero;
                    axis[i] = 1f;
                    AppendVertice(m_simplex, ref axis);
                    if (EncloseOrigin())
                    IndexedVector3 temp = -axis;
                    AppendVertice(m_simplex, ref temp);
                    if (EncloseOrigin())

            case    2:
                IndexedVector3 d = m_simplex.c[1].w - m_simplex.c[0].w;
                for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i)
                    IndexedVector3 axis = IndexedVector3.Zero;
                    axis[i] = 1f;
                    IndexedVector3 p = IndexedVector3.Cross(d, axis);
                    if (p.LengthSquared() > 0)
                        AppendVertice(m_simplex, ref p);
                        if (EncloseOrigin())
                        IndexedVector3 temp = -p;
                        AppendVertice(m_simplex, ref temp);
                        if (EncloseOrigin())

            case 3:
                IndexedVector3 n = IndexedVector3.Cross(m_simplex.c[1].w - m_simplex.c[0].w,
                                                        m_simplex.c[2].w - m_simplex.c[0].w);
                if (n.LengthSquared() > 0)
                    AppendVertice(m_simplex, ref n);
                    if (EncloseOrigin())
                    IndexedVector3 temp = -n;
                    AppendVertice(m_simplex, ref temp);
                    if (EncloseOrigin())

            case 4:
                if (Math.Abs(GJK.Det(m_simplex.c[0].w - m_simplex.c[3].w,
                                     m_simplex.c[1].w - m_simplex.c[3].w,
                                     m_simplex.c[2].w - m_simplex.c[3].w)) > 0)

Пример #3
        public eStatus Evaluate(GJK gjk, ref IndexedVector3 guess)
            sSimplex simplex = gjk.m_simplex;

            if ((simplex.rank > 1) && gjk.EncloseOrigin())
                /* Clean up				*/
                while (m_hull.Count > 0)
                    sFace f = m_hull[0];
                    Remove(m_hull, f);
                    Append(m_stock, f);

                m_status = eStatus.Valid;
                m_nextsv = 0;
                /* Orient simplex		*/
                if (GJK.Det(simplex.c[0].w - simplex.c[3].w,
                            simplex.c[1].w - simplex.c[3].w,
                            simplex.c[2].w - simplex.c[3].w) < 0)
                    SwapSv(simplex.c, 0, 1);
                    SwapFloat(simplex.p, 0, 1);
                /* Build initial hull	*/
                tetra[0] = NewFace(simplex.c[0], simplex.c[1], simplex.c[2], true);
                tetra[1] = NewFace(simplex.c[1], simplex.c[0], simplex.c[3], true);
                tetra[2] = NewFace(simplex.c[2], simplex.c[1], simplex.c[3], true);
                tetra[3] = NewFace(simplex.c[0], simplex.c[2], simplex.c[3], true);
                if (m_hull.Count == 4)
                    sFace best       = FindBest();
                    sFace outer      = best;
                    uint  pass       = 0;
                    uint  iterations = 0;
                    Bind(tetra[0], 0, tetra[1], 0);
                    Bind(tetra[0], 1, tetra[2], 0);
                    Bind(tetra[0], 2, tetra[3], 0);
                    Bind(tetra[1], 1, tetra[3], 2);
                    Bind(tetra[1], 2, tetra[2], 1);
                    Bind(tetra[2], 2, tetra[3], 1);
                    m_status = eStatus.Valid;
                    for (; iterations < GjkEpaSolver2.EPA_MAX_ITERATIONS; ++iterations)
                        if (m_nextsv < GjkEpaSolver2.EPA_MAX_VERTICES)
                            sHorizon horizon = new sHorizon();
                            sSV      w       = m_sv_store[m_nextsv++];
                            bool     valid   = true;
                            best.pass = (uint)(++pass);
                            gjk.GetSupport(ref best.n, ref w);
                            float wdist = IndexedVector3.Dot(ref best.n, ref w.w) - best.d;
                            if (wdist > GjkEpaSolver2.EPA_ACCURACY)
                                for (int j = 0; (j < 3) && valid; ++j)
                                    valid &= Expand(pass, w,
                                                    best.f[j], best.e[j],
                                                    ref horizon);
                                if (valid && (horizon.nf >= 3))
                                    Bind(horizon.cf, 1, horizon.ff, 2);
                                    Remove(m_hull, best);
                                    Append(m_stock, best);
                                    best = FindBest();
                                    if (best.p >= outer.p)
                                        outer = best;
                                    m_status = eStatus.InvalidHull;
                                m_status = eStatus.AccuraryReached;
                            m_status = eStatus.OutOfVertices;
                    IndexedVector3 projection = outer.n * outer.d;
                    m_normal      = outer.n;
                    m_depth       = outer.d;
                    m_result.rank = 3;
                    m_result.c[0] = outer.c[0];
                    m_result.c[1] = outer.c[1];
                    m_result.c[2] = outer.c[2];
                    m_result.p[0] = IndexedVector3.Cross(outer.c[1].w - projection,
                                                         outer.c[2].w - projection).Length();
                    m_result.p[1] = IndexedVector3.Cross(outer.c[2].w - projection,
                                                         outer.c[0].w - projection).Length();
                    m_result.p[2] = IndexedVector3.Cross(outer.c[0].w - projection,
                                                         outer.c[1].w - projection).Length();
                    float sum = m_result.p[0] + m_result.p[1] + m_result.p[2];
                    m_result.p[0] /= sum;
                    m_result.p[1] /= sum;
                    m_result.p[2] /= sum;
            /* Fallback		*/
            m_status = eStatus.FallBack;
            m_normal = -guess;
            float nl = m_normal.LengthSquared();

            if (nl > 0)
                m_normal = new IndexedVector3(1, 0, 0);

            m_depth       = 0;
            m_result.rank = 1;
            m_result.c[0] = simplex.c[0];
            m_result.p[0] = 1;
Пример #4
        public TestRig(DemoApplication demoApplication, DynamicsWorld ownerWorld, ref IndexedVector3 positionOffset, bool bFixed)
            m_dynamicsWorld = ownerWorld;
            IndexedVector3 vUp = new IndexedVector3(0, 1, 0);

            // Setup geometry
            float fBodySize      = 0.25f;
            float fLegLength     = 0.45f;
            float fForeLegLength = 0.75f;

            m_shapes[0] = new CapsuleShape(fBodySize, 0.10f);
            for (int i = 0; i < NUM_LEGS; i++)
                m_shapes[1 + 2 * i] = new CapsuleShape(0.10f, fLegLength);
                m_shapes[2 + 2 * i] = new CapsuleShape(0.08f, fForeLegLength);

            // Setup rigid bodies
            float         fHeight = 0.5f;
            IndexedMatrix offset  = IndexedMatrix.Identity;

            offset._origin = positionOffset;

            // root
            IndexedVector3 vRoot     = new IndexedVector3(0, fHeight, 0);
            IndexedMatrix  transform = IndexedMatrix.Identity;

            transform._origin = vRoot;

            if (bFixed)
                m_bodies[0] = demoApplication.LocalCreateRigidBody(0.0f, offset * transform, m_shapes[0]);
                m_bodies[0] = demoApplication.LocalCreateRigidBody(1.0f, offset * transform, m_shapes[0]);
            // legs
            for (int i = 0; i < NUM_LEGS; i++)
                float fAngle = MathUtil.SIMD_2_PI * i / NUM_LEGS;
                float fSin   = (float)Math.Sin(fAngle);
                float fCos   = (float)Math.Cos(fAngle);

                transform = IndexedMatrix.Identity;
                IndexedVector3 vBoneOrigin = new IndexedVector3(fCos * (fBodySize + 0.5f * fLegLength), fHeight, fSin * (fBodySize + 0.5f * fLegLength));
                transform._origin = vBoneOrigin;

                // thigh
                IndexedVector3 vToBone = (vBoneOrigin - vRoot);

                IndexedVector3 vAxis = IndexedVector3.Cross(vToBone, vUp);
                transform._basis    = new IndexedBasisMatrix(new IndexedQuaternion(vAxis, MathUtil.SIMD_HALF_PI));
                transform._origin   = vBoneOrigin;
                m_bodies[1 + 2 * i] = demoApplication.LocalCreateRigidBody(1.0f, offset * transform, m_shapes[1 + 2 * i]);

                // shin
                transform           = IndexedMatrix.Identity;
                transform._origin   = new IndexedVector3(fCos * (fBodySize + fLegLength), fHeight - 0.5f * fForeLegLength, fSin * (fBodySize + fLegLength));
                m_bodies[2 + 2 * i] = demoApplication.LocalCreateRigidBody(1.0f, offset * transform, m_shapes[2 + 2 * i]);

            // Setup some damping on the m_bodies
            for (int i = 0; i < BODYPART_COUNT; ++i)
                m_bodies[i].SetDamping(0.05f, 0.85f);
                //m_bodies[i].setSleepingThresholds(1.6, 2.5);
                m_bodies[i].SetSleepingThresholds(0.5f, 0.5f);

            // Setup the constraints
            HingeConstraint hingeC;

            IndexedMatrix localA, localB, localC;

            for (int i = 0; i < NUM_LEGS; i++)
                float fAngle = MathUtil.SIMD_2_PI * i / NUM_LEGS;
                float fSin   = (float)Math.Sin(fAngle);
                float fCos   = (float)Math.Cos(fAngle);

                // hip joints
                localA = IndexedMatrix.Identity;
                localB = IndexedMatrix.Identity;

                localA         = MathUtil.SetEulerZYX(0f, -fAngle, 0f);
                localA._origin = new IndexedVector3(fCos * fBodySize, 0.0f, fSin * fBodySize);
                localB         = m_bodies[1 + 2 * i].GetWorldTransform().Inverse() * m_bodies[0].GetWorldTransform() * localA;

                if (BulletGlobals.g_streamWriter != null && false)
                    MathUtil.PrintMatrix(BulletGlobals.g_streamWriter, "Hip LocalA", localA);
                    MathUtil.PrintMatrix(BulletGlobals.g_streamWriter, "Hip LocalB", localB);

                hingeC = new HingeConstraint(m_bodies[0], m_bodies[1 + 2 * i], ref localA, ref localB);
                hingeC.SetLimit(-0.75f * MathUtil.SIMD_QUARTER_PI, MathUtil.SIMD_QUARTER_PI / 2f);
                m_joints[2 * i] = hingeC;
                m_dynamicsWorld.AddConstraint(m_joints[2 * i], true);

                // knee joints
                localA = IndexedMatrix.Identity;
                localB = IndexedMatrix.Identity;
                localC = IndexedMatrix.Identity;

                localA         = MathUtil.SetEulerZYX(0f, -fAngle, 0f);
                localA._origin = new IndexedVector3(fCos * (fBodySize + fLegLength), 0.0f, fSin * (fBodySize + fLegLength));

                localB = m_bodies[1 + 2 * i].GetWorldTransform().Inverse() * m_bodies[0].GetWorldTransform() * localA;
                localC = m_bodies[2 + 2 * i].GetWorldTransform().Inverse() * m_bodies[0].GetWorldTransform() * localA;

                if (BulletGlobals.g_streamWriter != null && false)
                    MathUtil.PrintMatrix(BulletGlobals.g_streamWriter, "Knee LocalA", localA);
                    MathUtil.PrintMatrix(BulletGlobals.g_streamWriter, "Knee LocalB", localB);
                    MathUtil.PrintMatrix(BulletGlobals.g_streamWriter, "Knee LocalC", localC);

                hingeC = new HingeConstraint(m_bodies[1 + 2 * i], m_bodies[2 + 2 * i], ref localB, ref localC);
                //hingeC.setLimit(float(-0.01), float(0.01));
                hingeC.SetLimit(-MathUtil.SIMD_QUARTER_PI / 2f, 0.2f);
                m_joints[1 + 2 * i] = hingeC;
                m_dynamicsWorld.AddConstraint(m_joints[1 + 2 * i], true);
Пример #5
 public void InternalGetVelocityInLocalPointObsolete(ref IndexedVector3 rel_pos, ref IndexedVector3 velocity)
     velocity = GetLinearVelocity() + m_deltaLinearVelocity + IndexedVector3.Cross((GetAngularVelocity() + m_deltaAngularVelocity), rel_pos);
Пример #6
            public virtual void ProcessTriangle(IndexedVector3[] triangle, int partId, int triangleIndex)
                //skip self-collisions
                if ((m_partIdA == partId) && (m_triangleIndexA == triangleIndex))

                //skip duplicates (disabled for now)
                //if ((m_partIdA <= partId) && (m_triangleIndexA <= triangleIndex))
                //	return;

                //search for shared vertices and edges
                int numshared = 0;

                int[] sharedVertsA = new int[] { -1, -1, -1 };
                int[] sharedVertsB = new int[] { -1, -1, -1 };

                ///skip degenerate triangles
                float crossBSqr = IndexedVector3.Cross((triangle[1] - triangle[0]), (triangle[2] - triangle[0])).LengthSquared();

                if (crossBSqr < m_triangleInfoMap.m_equalVertexThreshold)

                float crossASqr = IndexedVector3.Cross((m_triangleVerticesA[1] - m_triangleVerticesA[0]), (m_triangleVerticesA[2] - m_triangleVerticesA[0])).LengthSquared();

                ///skip degenerate triangles
                if (crossASqr < m_triangleInfoMap.m_equalVertexThreshold)

#if false
                printf("triangle A[0]	=	(%f,%f,%f)\ntriangle A[1]	=	(%f,%f,%f)\ntriangle A[2]	=	(%f,%f,%f)\n",
                       m_triangleVerticesA[0].GetX(), m_triangleVerticesA[0].GetY(), m_triangleVerticesA[0].GetZ(),
                       m_triangleVerticesA[1].GetX(), m_triangleVerticesA[1].GetY(), m_triangleVerticesA[1].GetZ(),
                       m_triangleVerticesA[2].GetX(), m_triangleVerticesA[2].GetY(), m_triangleVerticesA[2].GetZ());

                printf("partId=%d, triangleIndex=%d\n", partId, triangleIndex);
                printf("triangle B[0]	=	(%f,%f,%f)\ntriangle B[1]	=	(%f,%f,%f)\ntriangle B[2]	=	(%f,%f,%f)\n",
                       triangle[0].GetX(), triangle[0].GetY(), triangle[0].GetZ(),
                       triangle[1].GetX(), triangle[1].GetY(), triangle[1].GetZ(),
                       triangle[2].GetX(), triangle[2].GetY(), triangle[2].GetZ());

                for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
                    for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++)
                        if ((m_triangleVerticesA[i] - triangle[j]).LengthSquared() < m_triangleInfoMap.m_equalVertexThreshold)
                            sharedVertsA[numshared] = i;
                            sharedVertsB[numshared] = j;
                            ///degenerate case
                            if (numshared >= 3)
                    ///degenerate case
                    if (numshared >= 3)
                switch (numshared)
                case 0:

                case 1:
                    //shared vertex

                case 2:
                    //shared edge
                    //we need to make sure the edge is in the order V2V0 and not V0V2 so that the signs are correct
                    if (sharedVertsA[0] == 0 && sharedVertsA[1] == 2)
                        sharedVertsA[0] = 2;
                        sharedVertsA[1] = 0;
                        int tmp = sharedVertsB[1];
                        sharedVertsB[1] = sharedVertsB[0];
                        sharedVertsB[0] = tmp;

                    int hash = GetHash(m_partIdA, m_triangleIndexA);

                    TriangleInfo info = null;
                    if (m_triangleInfoMap.ContainsKey(hash))
                        info = m_triangleInfoMap[hash];
                        info = new TriangleInfo();
                        m_triangleInfoMap[hash] = info;

                    int sumvertsA   = sharedVertsA[0] + sharedVertsA[1];
                    int otherIndexA = 3 - sumvertsA;

                    IndexedVector3 edge = new IndexedVector3(m_triangleVerticesA[sharedVertsA[1]] - m_triangleVerticesA[sharedVertsA[0]]);

                    TriangleShape tA          = new TriangleShape(m_triangleVerticesA[0], m_triangleVerticesA[1], m_triangleVerticesA[2]);
                    int           otherIndexB = 3 - (sharedVertsB[0] + sharedVertsB[1]);

                    TriangleShape tB = new TriangleShape(triangle[sharedVertsB[1]], triangle[sharedVertsB[0]], triangle[otherIndexB]);
                    //btTriangleShape tB(triangle[0],triangle[1],triangle[2]);

                    IndexedVector3 normalA;
                    IndexedVector3 normalB;
                    tA.CalcNormal(out normalA);
                    tB.CalcNormal(out normalB);
                    IndexedVector3 edgeCrossA = IndexedVector3.Normalize(IndexedVector3.Cross(edge, normalA));

                        IndexedVector3 tmp = m_triangleVerticesA[otherIndexA] - m_triangleVerticesA[sharedVertsA[0]];
                        if (IndexedVector3.Dot(edgeCrossA, tmp) < 0)
                            edgeCrossA *= -1;

                    IndexedVector3 edgeCrossB = IndexedVector3.Cross(edge, normalB).Normalized();

                        IndexedVector3 tmp = triangle[otherIndexB] - triangle[sharedVertsB[0]];
                        if (IndexedVector3.Dot(edgeCrossB, tmp) < 0)
                            edgeCrossB *= -1;

                    float angle2 = 0;
                    float ang4   = 0.0f;

                    IndexedVector3 calculatedEdge = IndexedVector3.Cross(edgeCrossA, edgeCrossB);
                    float          len2           = calculatedEdge.LengthSquared();

                    float          correctedAngle    = 0f;
                    IndexedVector3 calculatedNormalB = normalA;
                    bool           isConvex          = false;

                    if (len2 < m_triangleInfoMap.m_planarEpsilon)
                        angle2 = 0.0f;
                        ang4   = 0.0f;
                        IndexedVector3 calculatedNormalA = IndexedVector3.Cross(calculatedEdge, edgeCrossA);
                        angle2 = GetAngle(ref calculatedNormalA, ref edgeCrossA, ref edgeCrossB);
                        ang4   = MathUtil.SIMD_PI - angle2;
                        float dotA = IndexedVector3.Dot(normalA, edgeCrossB);
                        ///@todo: check if we need some epsilon, due to floating point imprecision
                        isConvex = (dotA < 0f);

                        correctedAngle = isConvex ? ang4 : -ang4;
                        IndexedQuaternion orn2         = new IndexedQuaternion(calculatedEdge, -correctedAngle);
                        IndexedMatrix     rotateMatrix = IndexedMatrix.CreateFromQuaternion(orn2);
                        calculatedNormalB = new IndexedBasisMatrix(orn2) * normalA;

                    //alternatively use
                    //IndexedVector3 calculatedNormalB2 = quatRotate(orn,normalA);

                    switch (sumvertsA)
                    case 1:
                        IndexedVector3    edge1           = m_triangleVerticesA[0] - m_triangleVerticesA[1];
                        IndexedQuaternion orn             = new IndexedQuaternion(edge1, -correctedAngle);
                        IndexedVector3    computedNormalB = MathUtil.QuatRotate(orn, normalA);
                        float             bla             = IndexedVector3.Dot(computedNormalB, normalB);
                        if (bla < 0)
                            computedNormalB *= -1;
                            info.m_flags    |= TriangleInfoMap.TRI_INFO_V0V1_SWAP_NORMALB;
                        if ((computedNormalB - normalB).Length() > 0.0001f)
                            System.Console.WriteLine("warning: normals not identical");

                        info.m_edgeV0V1Angle = -correctedAngle;

                        if (isConvex)
                            info.m_flags |= TriangleInfoMap.TRI_INFO_V0V1_CONVEX;

                    case 2:
                        IndexedVector3    edge1           = m_triangleVerticesA[2] - m_triangleVerticesA[0];
                        IndexedQuaternion orn             = new IndexedQuaternion(edge1, -correctedAngle);
                        IndexedVector3    computedNormalB = MathUtil.QuatRotate(orn, normalA);
                        if (IndexedVector3.Dot(computedNormalB, normalB) < 0)
                            computedNormalB *= -1;
                            info.m_flags    |= TriangleInfoMap.TRI_INFO_V2V0_SWAP_NORMALB;

                        if ((computedNormalB - normalB).Length() > 0.0001)
                            System.Console.WriteLine("warning: normals not identical");
                        info.m_edgeV2V0Angle = -correctedAngle;
                        if (isConvex)
                            info.m_flags |= TriangleInfoMap.TRI_INFO_V2V0_CONVEX;

                    case 3:
                        IndexedVector3    edge1           = m_triangleVerticesA[1] - m_triangleVerticesA[2];
                        IndexedQuaternion orn             = new IndexedQuaternion(edge1, -correctedAngle);
                        IndexedVector3    computedNormalB = MathUtil.QuatRotate(orn, normalA);
                        if (IndexedVector3.Dot(computedNormalB, normalB) < 0)
                            info.m_flags    |= TriangleInfoMap.TRI_INFO_V1V2_SWAP_NORMALB;
                            computedNormalB *= -1;
                        if ((computedNormalB - normalB).Length() > 0.0001)
                            System.Console.WriteLine("warning: normals not identical");
                        info.m_edgeV1V2Angle = -correctedAngle;

                        if (isConvex)
                            info.m_flags |= TriangleInfoMap.TRI_INFO_V1V2_CONVEX;


                    //				printf("warning: duplicate triangle\n");
        public static bool FindSeparatingAxis(ConvexPolyhedron hullA, ConvexPolyhedron hullB, ref IndexedMatrix transA, ref IndexedMatrix transB, out IndexedVector3 sep)
            // dummy value to satisfy exit points.
            sep = new IndexedVector3(0, 1, 0);
            IndexedVector3 c0      = transA * hullA.m_localCenter;
            IndexedVector3 c1      = transB * hullB.m_localCenter;
            IndexedVector3 DeltaC2 = c0 - c1;

            float dmin          = float.MaxValue;
            int   curPlaneTests = 0;

            int numFacesA = hullA.m_faces.Count;
            // Test normals from hullA
            for (int i = 0; i < numFacesA; i++)
                IndexedVector3 Normal        = new IndexedVector3(hullA.m_faces[i].m_plane[0], hullA.m_faces[i].m_plane[1], hullA.m_faces[i].m_plane[2]);
                IndexedVector3 faceANormalWS = transA._basis * Normal;

                if (gUseInternalObject && !TestInternalObjects(ref transA, ref transB, ref DeltaC2, ref faceANormalWS, hullA, hullB, dmin))

                float d;
                if (!TestSepAxis(hullA, hullB, ref transA, ref transB, ref faceANormalWS, out d))

                if (d < dmin)
                    dmin = d;
                    sep  = faceANormalWS;

            int numFacesB = hullB.m_faces.Count;
            // Test normals from hullB
            for (int i = 0; i < numFacesB; i++)
                IndexedVector3 Normal      = new IndexedVector3(hullB.m_faces[i].m_plane[0], hullB.m_faces[i].m_plane[1], hullB.m_faces[i].m_plane[2]);
                IndexedVector3 WorldNormal = transB._basis * Normal;

                if (gUseInternalObject && !TestInternalObjects(ref transA, ref transB, ref DeltaC2, ref WorldNormal, hullA, hullB, dmin))

                float d;
                if (!TestSepAxis(hullA, hullB, ref transA, ref transB, ref WorldNormal, out d))

                if (d < dmin)
                    dmin = d;
                    sep  = WorldNormal;

            IndexedVector3 edgeAstart, edgeAend, edgeBstart, edgeBend;

            int curEdgeEdge = 0;
            // Test edges
            for (int e0 = 0; e0 < hullA.m_uniqueEdges.Count; e0++)
                IndexedVector3 edge0      = hullA.m_uniqueEdges[e0];
                IndexedVector3 WorldEdge0 = transA._basis * edge0;
                for (int e1 = 0; e1 < hullB.m_uniqueEdges.Count; e1++)
                    IndexedVector3 edge1      = hullB.m_uniqueEdges[e1];
                    IndexedVector3 WorldEdge1 = transB._basis * edge1;

                    IndexedVector3 Cross = IndexedVector3.Cross(WorldEdge0, WorldEdge1);
                    if (!MathUtil.IsAlmostZero(ref Cross))

                        if (gUseInternalObject && !TestInternalObjects(ref transA, ref transB, ref DeltaC2, ref Cross, hullA, hullB, dmin))

                        float dist;
                        if (!TestSepAxis(hullA, hullB, ref transA, ref transB, ref Cross, out dist))

                        if (dist < dmin)
                            dmin = dist;
                            sep  = Cross;

            IndexedVector3 deltaC = transB._origin - transA._origin;
            if ((IndexedVector3.Dot(deltaC, sep)) > 0.0f)
                sep = -sep;

Пример #8
        public HingeConstraint(RigidBody rbA, RigidBody rbB, ref IndexedVector3 pivotInA, ref IndexedVector3 pivotInB, ref IndexedVector3 axisInA, ref IndexedVector3 axisInB, bool useReferenceFrameA)
            : base(TypedConstraintType.HINGE_CONSTRAINT_TYPE, rbA, rbB)
            m_angularOnly                 = false;
            m_enableAngularMotor          = false;
            m_useOffsetForConstraintFrame = HINGE_USE_FRAME_OFFSET;

            m_useReferenceFrameA = useReferenceFrameA;

            m_rbAFrame._origin = pivotInA;
            m_limit = new AngularLimit();

            m_flags = 0;

            // since no frame is given, assume this to be zero angle and just pick rb transform axis
            IndexedVector3 rbAxisA1 = rbA.GetCenterOfMassTransform()._basis.GetColumn(0);

            IndexedVector3 rbAxisA2   = IndexedVector3.Zero;
            float          projection = IndexedVector3.Dot(axisInA, rbAxisA1);
            if (projection >= 1.0f - MathUtil.SIMD_EPSILON)
                rbAxisA1 = -rbA.GetCenterOfMassTransform()._basis.GetColumn(2);
                rbAxisA2 = rbA.GetCenterOfMassTransform()._basis.GetColumn(1);
            else if (projection <= -1.0f + MathUtil.SIMD_EPSILON)
                rbAxisA1 = rbA.GetCenterOfMassTransform()._basis.GetColumn(2);
                rbAxisA2 = rbA.GetCenterOfMassTransform()._basis.GetColumn(1);
                rbAxisA2 = IndexedVector3.Cross(axisInA, rbAxisA1);
                rbAxisA1 = IndexedVector3.Cross(rbAxisA2, axisInA);

            //m_rbAFrame._basis = new IndexedBasisMatrix(ref rbAxisA1, ref rbAxisA2, ref axisInA);
            m_rbAFrame._basis = new IndexedBasisMatrix(rbAxisA1.X, rbAxisA2.X, axisInA.X,
                                                       rbAxisA1.Y, rbAxisA2.Y, axisInA.Y,
                                                       rbAxisA1.Z, rbAxisA2.Z, axisInA.Z);

            IndexedQuaternion rotationArc = MathUtil.ShortestArcQuat(ref axisInA, ref axisInB);
            IndexedVector3    rbAxisB1    = MathUtil.QuatRotate(ref rotationArc, ref rbAxisA1);
            IndexedVector3    rbAxisB2    = IndexedVector3.Cross(axisInB, rbAxisB1);

            m_rbBFrame._origin = pivotInB;
            //m_rbBFrame._basis = new IndexedBasisMatrix(ref rbAxisB1, ref rbAxisB2, ref axisInB);
            m_rbBFrame._basis = new IndexedBasisMatrix(rbAxisB1.X, rbAxisB2.X, axisInB.X,
                                                       rbAxisB1.Y, rbAxisB2.Y, axisInB.Y,
                                                       rbAxisB1.Z, rbAxisB2.Z, axisInB.Z);

            //start with free
            m_lowerLimit       = float(1.0f);
            m_upperLimit       = float(-1.0f);
            m_biasFactor       = 0.3f;
            m_relaxationFactor = 1.0f;
            m_limitSoftness    = 0.9f;
            m_solveLimit       = false;
            m_referenceSign = m_useReferenceFrameA ? -1f : 1f;
Пример #9
 public void CalcNormal(out IndexedVector3 normal)
     normal = IndexedVector3.Cross(m_vertices1[1] - m_vertices1[0], m_vertices1[2] - m_vertices1[0]);
Пример #10
        public void GetInfo2Internal(ConstraintInfo2 info, IndexedMatrix transA, IndexedMatrix transB, IndexedVector3 angVelA, IndexedVector3 angVelB)
            // transforms in world space
            IndexedMatrix trA = transA * m_rbAFrame;
            IndexedMatrix trB = transB * m_rbBFrame;
            // pivot point
            IndexedVector3 pivotAInW = trA._origin;
            IndexedVector3 pivotBInW = trB._origin;

            // linear (all fixed)
            //info.m_J1linearAxis[0] = 1;
            //info.m_J1linearAxis[s + 1] = 1;
            //info.m_J1linearAxis[2 * s + 2] = 1;
            if (!m_angularOnly)
                info.m_solverConstraints[0].m_contactNormal.X = 1f;
                info.m_solverConstraints[1].m_contactNormal.Y = 1f;
                info.m_solverConstraints[2].m_contactNormal.Z = 1f;

            IndexedVector3 a1 = pivotAInW - transA._origin;
                IndexedVector3 a1neg = -a1;
                MathUtil.GetSkewSymmetricMatrix(ref a1neg,
                                                out info.m_solverConstraints[0].m_relpos1CrossNormal,
                                                out info.m_solverConstraints[1].m_relpos1CrossNormal,
                                                out info.m_solverConstraints[2].m_relpos1CrossNormal);
                //if (info.m_solverConstraints[0].m_relpos1CrossNormal.X == 0.15)
                //    int ibreak = 0;
                int ibreak = 0;
            IndexedVector3 a2 = pivotBInW - transB._origin;
                MathUtil.GetSkewSymmetricMatrix(ref a2,
                                                out info.m_solverConstraints[0].m_relpos2CrossNormal,
                                                out info.m_solverConstraints[1].m_relpos2CrossNormal,
                                                out info.m_solverConstraints[2].m_relpos2CrossNormal);
            // linear RHS
            float k = info.fps * info.erp;

            if (!m_angularOnly)
                for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
                    float val = k * (pivotBInW[i] - pivotAInW[i]);
                    info.m_solverConstraints[i].m_rhs = val;
            // make rotations around X and Y equal
            // the hinge axis should be the only unconstrained
            // rotational axis, the angular velocity of the two bodies perpendicular to
            // the hinge axis should be equal. thus the constraint equations are
            //    p*w1 - p*w2 = 0
            //    q*w1 - q*w2 = 0
            // where p and q are unit vectors normal to the hinge axis, and w1 and w2
            // are the angular velocity vectors of the two bodies.
            // get hinge axis (Z)
            IndexedVector3 ax1 = trA._basis.GetColumn(2);
            // get 2 orthos to hinge axis (X, Y)
            IndexedVector3 p = trA._basis.GetColumn(0);
            IndexedVector3 q = trA._basis.GetColumn(1);

            // set the two hinge angular rows


            int s3 = 3;
            int s4 = 4;

            info.m_solverConstraints[s3].m_relpos1CrossNormal = p;
            info.m_solverConstraints[s4].m_relpos1CrossNormal = q;

            info.m_solverConstraints[s3].m_relpos2CrossNormal = -p;
            info.m_solverConstraints[s4].m_relpos2CrossNormal = -q;

            // compute the right hand side of the constraint equation. set relative
            // body velocities along p and q to bring the hinge back into alignment.
            // if ax1,ax2 are the unit length hinge axes as computed from body1 and
            // body2, we need to rotate both bodies along the axis u = (ax1 x ax2).
            // if `theta' is the angle between ax1 and ax2, we need an angular velocity
            // along u to cover angle erp*theta in one step :
            //   |angular_velocity| = angle/time = erp*theta / stepsize
            //                      = (erp*fps) * theta
            //    angular_velocity  = |angular_velocity| * (ax1 x ax2) / |ax1 x ax2|
            //                      = (erp*fps) * theta * (ax1 x ax2) / sin(theta)
            // ...as ax1 and ax2 are unit length. if theta is smallish,
            // theta ~= sin(theta), so
            //    angular_velocity  = (erp*fps) * (ax1 x ax2)
            // ax1 x ax2 is in the plane space of ax1, so we project the angular
            // velocity to p and q to find the right hand side.
            IndexedVector3 ax2 = trB._basis.GetColumn(2);
            IndexedVector3 u   = IndexedVector3.Cross(ax1, ax2);

            info.m_solverConstraints[s3].m_rhs = k * IndexedVector3.Dot(u, p);
            info.m_solverConstraints[s4].m_rhs = k * IndexedVector3.Dot(u, q);

            // check angular limits
            int nrow = 4;             // last filled row

            float limit_err = 0.0f;
            int   limit     = 0;

            if (GetSolveLimit())
                limit_err = m_limit.GetCorrection() * m_referenceSign;
                limit_err = m_correction * m_referenceSign;
            // if the hinge has joint limits or motor, add in the extra row
            bool powered = false;
            if (GetEnableAngularMotor())
                powered = true;
            if (limit != 0 || powered)
                info.m_solverConstraints[nrow].m_relpos1CrossNormal = ax1;
                info.m_solverConstraints[nrow].m_relpos2CrossNormal = -ax1;

                float lostop = GetLowerLimit();
                float histop = GetUpperLimit();
                if (limit != 0 && (MathUtil.CompareFloat(lostop, histop)))
                {                  // the joint motor is ineffective
                    powered = false;
                info.m_solverConstraints[nrow].m_rhs = 0.0f;
                float currERP = ((m_flags & (int)HingeFlags.BT_HINGE_FLAGS_ERP_STOP) != 0) ? m_stopERP : info.erp;

                if (powered)
                    if ((m_flags & (int)HingeFlags.BT_HINGE_FLAGS_CFM_NORM) != 0)
                        info.m_solverConstraints[nrow].m_cfm = m_normalCFM;

                    float mot_fact = GetMotorFactor(m_hingeAngle, lostop, histop, m_motorTargetVelocity, info.fps * currERP);
                    info.m_solverConstraints[nrow].m_rhs       += mot_fact * m_motorTargetVelocity * m_referenceSign;
                    info.m_solverConstraints[nrow].m_lowerLimit = -m_maxMotorImpulse;
                    info.m_solverConstraints[nrow].m_upperLimit = m_maxMotorImpulse;
                if (limit != 0)
                    k = info.fps * currERP;
                    info.m_solverConstraints[nrow].m_rhs += k * limit_err;

                    if ((m_flags & (int)HingeFlags.BT_HINGE_FLAGS_CFM_STOP) != 0)
                        info.m_solverConstraints[nrow].m_cfm = m_stopCFM;

                    if (MathUtil.CompareFloat(lostop, histop))
                        // limited low and high simultaneously
                        info.m_solverConstraints[nrow].m_lowerLimit = -MathUtil.SIMD_INFINITY;
                        info.m_solverConstraints[nrow].m_upperLimit = MathUtil.SIMD_INFINITY;
                    else if (limit == 1)
                    {                     // low limit
                        info.m_solverConstraints[nrow].m_lowerLimit = 0f;
                        info.m_solverConstraints[nrow].m_upperLimit = MathUtil.SIMD_INFINITY;
                    {                     // high limit
                        info.m_solverConstraints[nrow].m_lowerLimit = -MathUtil.SIMD_INFINITY;
                        info.m_solverConstraints[nrow].m_upperLimit = 0f;
                    // bounce (we'll use slider parameter abs(1.0 - m_dampingLimAng) for that)
                    float bounce = m_limit.GetRelaxationFactor();
                    float bounce = m_relaxationFactor;

                    if (bounce > 0f)
                        float vel = IndexedVector3.Dot(angVelA, ax1);
                        vel -= IndexedVector3.Dot(angVelB, ax1);
                        // only apply bounce if the velocity is incoming, and if the
                        // resulting c[] exceeds what we already have.
                        if (limit == 1)
                        {                               // low limit
                            if (vel < 0)
                                float newc = -bounce * vel;

                                if (newc > info.m_solverConstraints[nrow].m_rhs)
                                    info.m_solverConstraints[nrow].m_rhs = newc;
                        {                               // high limit - all those computations are reversed
                            if (vel > 0)
                                float newc = -bounce * vel;
                                if (newc < info.m_solverConstraints[nrow].m_rhs)
                                    info.m_solverConstraints[nrow].m_rhs = newc;
                    info.m_solverConstraints[nrow].m_rhs *= m_limit.GetBiasFactor();
                    info.m_solverConstraints[nrow].m_rhs *= m_biasFactor;
                }         // if(limit)
            }             // if angular limit or powered
            if (BulletGlobals.g_streamWriter != null && BulletGlobals.debugConstraints)
                PrintInfo2(BulletGlobals.g_streamWriter, this, info);
Пример #11
        public void GetInfo2InternalUsingFrameOffset(ConstraintInfo2 info, ref IndexedMatrix transA, ref IndexedMatrix transB, ref IndexedVector3 angVelA, ref IndexedVector3 angVelB)
            // transforms in world space
            if (BulletGlobals.g_streamWriter != null && BulletGlobals.debugConstraints)
                MathUtil.PrintMatrix(BulletGlobals.g_streamWriter, "rbAFrame", m_rbAFrame);
                MathUtil.PrintMatrix(BulletGlobals.g_streamWriter, "rbBFrame", m_rbBFrame);
                MathUtil.PrintMatrix(BulletGlobals.g_streamWriter, "transA", transA);
                MathUtil.PrintMatrix(BulletGlobals.g_streamWriter, "transB", transB);

            IndexedMatrix trA = transA * m_rbAFrame;
            IndexedMatrix trB = transB * m_rbBFrame;

            if (BulletGlobals.g_streamWriter != null && BulletGlobals.debugConstraints)
                MathUtil.PrintMatrix(BulletGlobals.g_streamWriter, "trA", trA);
                MathUtil.PrintMatrix(BulletGlobals.g_streamWriter, "trB", trB);
            // pivot point
            IndexedVector3 pivotAInW = trA._origin;
            IndexedVector3 pivotBInW = trB._origin;

#if true
            // difference between frames in WCS
            IndexedVector3 ofs = trB._origin - trA._origin;
            // now get weight factors depending on masses
            float miA = GetRigidBodyA().GetInvMass();
            float miB = GetRigidBodyB().GetInvMass();
            bool  hasStaticBody = (miA < MathUtil.SIMD_EPSILON) || (miB < MathUtil.SIMD_EPSILON);
            float miS = miA + miB;
            float factA, factB;
            if (miS > 0.0f)
                factA = miB / miS;
                factA = 0.5f;
            factB = 1.0f - factA;
            // get the desired direction of hinge axis
            // as weighted sum of Z-orthos of frameA and frameB in WCS
            IndexedVector3 ax1A = trA._basis.GetColumn(2);
            IndexedVector3 ax1B = trB._basis.GetColumn(2);

            IndexedVector3 ax1 = ax1A * factA + ax1B * factB;
            // fill first 3 rows
            // we want: velA + wA x relA == velB + wB x relB
            IndexedMatrix  bodyA_trans = transA;
            IndexedMatrix  bodyB_trans = transB;
            int            s0 = 0;
            int            s1 = 1;
            int            s2 = 2;
            int            nrow = 2;  // last filled row
            IndexedVector3 tmpA, tmpB, relA, relB, p, q;
            // get vector from bodyB to frameB in WCS
            relB = trB._origin - bodyB_trans._origin;
            // get its projection to hinge axis
            IndexedVector3 projB = ax1 * IndexedVector3.Dot(relB, ax1);
            // get vector directed from bodyB to hinge axis (and orthogonal to it)
            IndexedVector3 orthoB = relB - projB;
            // same for bodyA
            relA = trA._origin - bodyA_trans._origin;
            IndexedVector3 projA     = ax1 * IndexedVector3.Dot(relA, ax1);
            IndexedVector3 orthoA    = relA - projA;
            IndexedVector3 totalDist = projA - projB;
            // get offset vectors relA and relB
            relA = orthoA + totalDist * factA;
            relB = orthoB - totalDist * factB;
            // now choose average ortho to hinge axis
            p = orthoB * factA + orthoA * factB;
            float len2 = p.LengthSquared();
            if (len2 > MathUtil.SIMD_EPSILON)
                p = trA._basis.GetColumn(1);
            // make one more ortho
            q = IndexedVector3.Cross(ax1, p);
            // fill three rows
            tmpA = IndexedVector3.Cross(relA, p);
            tmpB = IndexedVector3.Cross(relB, p);

            info.m_solverConstraints[s0].m_relpos1CrossNormal = tmpA;
            info.m_solverConstraints[s0].m_relpos2CrossNormal = -tmpB;

            tmpA = IndexedVector3.Cross(ref relA, ref q);
            tmpB = IndexedVector3.Cross(ref relB, ref q);
            if (hasStaticBody && GetSolveLimit())
            {             // to make constraint between static and dynamic objects more rigid
                // remove wA (or wB) from equation if angular limit is hit
                tmpB *= factB;
                tmpA *= factA;

            info.m_solverConstraints[s1].m_relpos1CrossNormal = tmpA;
            info.m_solverConstraints[s1].m_relpos2CrossNormal = -tmpB;

            tmpA = IndexedVector3.Cross(ref relA, ref ax1);
            tmpB = IndexedVector3.Cross(ref relB, ref ax1);
            if (hasStaticBody)
            {             // to make constraint between static and dynamic objects more rigid
                // remove wA (or wB) from equation
                tmpB *= factB;
                tmpA *= factA;
            info.m_solverConstraints[s2].m_relpos1CrossNormal = tmpA;
            info.m_solverConstraints[s2].m_relpos2CrossNormal = -tmpB;

            float k = info.fps * info.erp;

            if (!m_angularOnly)
                info.m_solverConstraints[s0].m_contactNormal = p;
                info.m_solverConstraints[s1].m_contactNormal = q;
                info.m_solverConstraints[s2].m_contactNormal = ax1;

                // compute three elements of right hand side
                float rhs = k * IndexedVector3.Dot(ref p, ref ofs);
                info.m_solverConstraints[s0].m_rhs = rhs;
                rhs = k * IndexedVector3.Dot(ref q, ref ofs);
                info.m_solverConstraints[s1].m_rhs = rhs;
                rhs = k * IndexedVector3.Dot(ref ax1, ref ofs);
                info.m_solverConstraints[s2].m_rhs = rhs;

            // the hinge axis should be the only unconstrained
            // rotational axis, the angular velocity of the two bodies perpendicular to
            // the hinge axis should be equal. thus the constraint equations are
            //    p*w1 - p*w2 = 0
            //    q*w1 - q*w2 = 0
            // where p and q are unit vectors normal to the hinge axis, and w1 and w2
            // are the angular velocity vectors of the two bodies.
            int s3 = 3;
            int s4 = 4;
            info.m_solverConstraints[s3].m_relpos1CrossNormal = p;
            info.m_solverConstraints[s4].m_relpos1CrossNormal = q;

            info.m_solverConstraints[s3].m_relpos2CrossNormal = -p;
            info.m_solverConstraints[s4].m_relpos2CrossNormal = -q;

            // compute the right hand side of the constraint equation. set relative
            // body velocities along p and q to bring the hinge back into alignment.
            // if ax1A,ax1B are the unit length hinge axes as computed from bodyA and
            // bodyB, we need to rotate both bodies along the axis u = (ax1 x ax2).
            // if "theta" is the angle between ax1 and ax2, we need an angular velocity
            // along u to cover angle erp*theta in one step :
            //   |angular_velocity| = angle/time = erp*theta / stepsize
            //                      = (erp*fps) * theta
            //    angular_velocity  = |angular_velocity| * (ax1 x ax2) / |ax1 x ax2|
            //                      = (erp*fps) * theta * (ax1 x ax2) / sin(theta)
            // ...as ax1 and ax2 are unit length. if theta is smallish,
            // theta ~= sin(theta), so
            //    angular_velocity  = (erp*fps) * (ax1 x ax2)
            // ax1 x ax2 is in the plane space of ax1, so we project the angular
            // velocity to p and q to find the right hand side.
            k = info.fps * info.erp;
            IndexedVector3 u = IndexedVector3.Cross(ref ax1A, ref ax1B);
            info.m_solverConstraints[s3].m_rhs = k * IndexedVector3.Dot(u, p);
            info.m_solverConstraints[s4].m_rhs = k * IndexedVector3.Dot(u, q);
            // check angular limits
            nrow = 4;             // last filled row
            int   srow;
            float limit_err = 0f;
            int   limit     = 0;
            if (GetSolveLimit())
                limit_err = m_limit.GetCorrection() * m_referenceSign;
                limit_err = m_correction * m_referenceSign;

                limit = (limit_err > 0f) ? 1 : 2;
            // if the hinge has joint limits or motor, add in the extra row
            bool powered = false;
            if (GetEnableAngularMotor())
                powered = true;
            if (limit != 0 || powered)
                srow = nrow;
                info.m_solverConstraints[srow].m_relpos1CrossNormal = ax1;
                info.m_solverConstraints[srow].m_relpos2CrossNormal = -ax1;

                float lostop = GetLowerLimit();
                float histop = GetUpperLimit();
                if (limit != 0 && (MathUtil.CompareFloat(lostop, histop)))
                {                  // the joint motor is ineffective
                    powered = false;
                info.m_solverConstraints[srow].m_rhs = 0f;
                float currERP = ((m_flags & (int)HingeFlags.BT_HINGE_FLAGS_ERP_STOP) != 0) ? m_stopERP : info.erp;
                if (powered)
                    if ((m_flags & (int)HingeFlags.BT_HINGE_FLAGS_CFM_NORM) != 0)
                        info.m_solverConstraints[srow].m_cfm = m_normalCFM;
                    float mot_fact = GetMotorFactor(m_hingeAngle, lostop, histop, m_motorTargetVelocity, info.fps * currERP);
                    info.m_solverConstraints[srow].m_rhs       += mot_fact * m_motorTargetVelocity * m_referenceSign;
                    info.m_solverConstraints[srow].m_lowerLimit = -m_maxMotorImpulse;
                    info.m_solverConstraints[srow].m_upperLimit = m_maxMotorImpulse;
                if (limit != 0)
                    k = info.fps * currERP;
                    info.m_solverConstraints[srow].m_rhs += k * limit_err;
                    if ((m_flags & (int)HingeFlags.BT_HINGE_FLAGS_CFM_STOP) != 0)
                        info.m_solverConstraints[srow].m_cfm = m_stopCFM;
                    if (MathUtil.CompareFloat(lostop, histop))
                        // limited low and high simultaneously
                        info.m_solverConstraints[srow].m_lowerLimit = -MathUtil.SIMD_INFINITY;
                        info.m_solverConstraints[srow].m_upperLimit = MathUtil.SIMD_INFINITY;
                    else if (limit == 1)
                    {                     // low limit
                        info.m_solverConstraints[srow].m_lowerLimit = 0;
                        info.m_solverConstraints[srow].m_upperLimit = MathUtil.SIMD_INFINITY;
                    {                     // high limit
                        info.m_solverConstraints[srow].m_lowerLimit = -MathUtil.SIMD_INFINITY;
                        info.m_solverConstraints[srow].m_upperLimit = 0;
                    // bounce (we'll use slider parameter abs(1.0 - m_dampingLimAng) for that)
                    float bounce = m_limit.GetRelaxationFactor();
                    float bounce = m_relaxationFactor;

                    if (bounce > 0f)
                        float vel = IndexedVector3.Dot(ref angVelA, ref ax1);
                        vel -= IndexedVector3.Dot(ref angVelB, ref ax1);
                        // only apply bounce if the velocity is incoming, and if the
                        // resulting c[] exceeds what we already have.
                        if (limit == 1)
                        {                               // low limit
                            if (vel < 0)
                                float newc = -bounce * vel;
                                if (newc > info.m_solverConstraints[srow].m_rhs)
                                    info.m_solverConstraints[srow].m_rhs = newc;
                        {                               // high limit - all those computations are reversed
                            if (vel > 0)
                                float newc = -bounce * vel;
                                if (newc < info.m_solverConstraints[srow].m_rhs)
                                    info.m_solverConstraints[srow].m_rhs = newc;
                    info.m_solverConstraints[srow].m_rhs *= m_limit.GetBiasFactor();
                    info.m_solverConstraints[srow].m_rhs *= m_biasFactor;
                }         // if(limit)
            }             // if angular limit or powered
            if (BulletGlobals.g_streamWriter != null && BulletGlobals.debugConstraints)
                PrintInfo2(BulletGlobals.g_streamWriter, this, info);
Пример #12
        public virtual void ProcessTriangle(IndexedVector3[] triangle, int partId, int triangleIndex)
            IndexedVector3 v10 = triangle[1] - triangle[0];
            IndexedVector3 v20 = triangle[2] - triangle[0];

            IndexedVector3 triangleNormal = v10.Cross(ref v20);

            float dist   = IndexedVector3.Dot(ref triangle[0], ref triangleNormal);
            float dist_a = IndexedVector3.Dot(ref triangleNormal, ref m_from);

            dist_a -= dist;
            float dist_b = IndexedVector3.Dot(ref triangleNormal, ref m_to);

            dist_b -= dist;

            if (dist_a * dist_b >= 0f)
                return; // same sign
            //@BP Mod - Backface filtering
            if (((m_flags & EFlags.kF_FilterBackfaces) != 0) && (dist_a > 0f))
                // Backface, skip check

            float proj_length = dist_a - dist_b;
            float distance    = (dist_a) / (proj_length);

            // Now we have the intersection point on the plane, we'll see if it's inside the triangle
            // Add an epsilon as a tolerance for the raycast,
            // in case the ray hits exacly on the edge of the triangle.
            // It must be scaled for the triangle size.

            if (distance < m_hitFraction)
                float edge_tolerance = triangleNormal.LengthSquared();
                edge_tolerance *= -0.0001f;
                IndexedVector3 point;
                point = MathUtil.Interpolate3(ref m_from, ref m_to, distance);
                    IndexedVector3 v0p = triangle[0] - point;
                    IndexedVector3 v1p = triangle[1] - point;

                    IndexedVector3 cp0 = v0p.Cross(ref v1p);

                    if (IndexedVector3.Dot(ref cp0, ref triangleNormal) >= edge_tolerance)
                        IndexedVector3 v2p = triangle[2] - point;
                        IndexedVector3 cp1 = v1p.Cross(ref v2p);//= IndexedVector3.Cross(v1p,v2p);
                        if (IndexedVector3.Dot(ref cp1, ref triangleNormal) >= edge_tolerance)
                            IndexedVector3 cp2 = v2p.Cross(ref v0p);
                            if (IndexedVector3.Dot(ref cp2, ref triangleNormal) >= edge_tolerance)
                                //@BP Mod
                                // Triangle normal isn't normalized

                                //@BP Mod - Allow for unflipped normal when raycasting against backfaces
                                if (((m_flags & EFlags.kF_KeepUnflippedNormal) == 0) && (dist_a <= 0.0f))
                                    IndexedVector3 negNormal = -triangleNormal;
                                    m_hitFraction = ReportHit(ref negNormal, distance, partId, triangleIndex);
                                    m_hitFraction = ReportHit(ref triangleNormal, distance, partId, triangleIndex);
Пример #13
        public void Initialize()
            Dictionary <InternalVertexPair, InternalEdge> edges = new Dictionary <InternalVertexPair, InternalEdge>();

            float TotalArea = 0.0f;

            m_localCenter = IndexedVector3.Zero;
            for (int i = 0; i < m_faces.Count; i++)
                int numVertices = m_faces[i].m_indices.Count;
                int NbTris      = numVertices;
                for (int j = 0; j < NbTris; j++)
                    int k = (j + 1) % numVertices;
                    InternalVertexPair vp    = new InternalVertexPair(m_faces[i].m_indices[j], m_faces[i].m_indices[k]);
                    InternalEdge       edptr = edges[vp];
                    IndexedVector3     edge  = m_vertices[vp.m_v1] - m_vertices[vp.m_v0];

                    bool found = false;

                    for (int p = 0; p < m_uniqueEdges.Count; p++)
                        if (MathUtil.IsAlmostZero(m_uniqueEdges[p] - edge) ||
                            MathUtil.IsAlmostZero(m_uniqueEdges[p] + edge))
                            found = true;

                    if (!found)

                    if (edptr != null)
                        Debug.Assert(edptr.m_face0 >= 0);
                        Debug.Assert(edptr.m_face1 < 0);
                        edptr.m_face1 = (int)i;
                        InternalEdge ed = new InternalEdge();
                        ed.m_face0 = i;
                        edges[vp]  = ed;

            for (int i = 0; i < m_faces.Count; i++)
                int numVertices = m_faces[i].m_indices.Count;

                for (int j = 0; j < numVertices; j++)
                    int k = (j + 1) % numVertices;
                    InternalVertexPair vp    = new InternalVertexPair(m_faces[i].m_indices[j], m_faces[i].m_indices[k]);
                    InternalEdge       edptr = edges[vp];
                    Debug.Assert(edptr != null);
                    Debug.Assert(edptr.m_face0 >= 0);
                    Debug.Assert(edptr.m_face1 >= 0);

                    int connectedFace = (edptr.m_face0 == i) ? edptr.m_face1 : edptr.m_face0;
                    m_faces[i].m_connectedFaces[j] = connectedFace;
            for (int i = 0; i < m_faces.Count; i++)
                int numVertices = m_faces[i].m_indices.Count;
                int NbTris      = numVertices - 2;

                IndexedVector3 p0 = m_vertices[m_faces[i].m_indices[0]];
                for (int j = 1; j <= NbTris; j++)
                    int            k      = (j + 1) % numVertices;
                    IndexedVector3 p1     = m_vertices[m_faces[i].m_indices[j]];
                    IndexedVector3 p2     = m_vertices[m_faces[i].m_indices[k]];
                    float          Area   = IndexedVector3.Cross((p0 - p1), (p0 - p2)).Length() * 0.5f;
                    IndexedVector3 Center = (p0 + p1 + p2) / 3.0f;
                    m_localCenter += Area * Center;
                    TotalArea     += Area;
            m_localCenter /= TotalArea;

            if (true)
                m_radius = float.MaxValue;
                for (int i = 0; i < m_faces.Count; i++)
                    IndexedVector3 Normal = new IndexedVector3(m_faces[i].m_plane[0], m_faces[i].m_plane[1], m_faces[i].m_plane[2]);
                    float          dist   = Math.Abs(m_localCenter.Dot(Normal) + m_faces[i].m_plane[3]);
                    if (dist < m_radius)
                        m_radius = dist;

                float MinX = float.MaxValue;
                float MinY = float.MaxValue;
                float MinZ = float.MaxValue;
                float MaxX = float.MinValue;
                float MaxY = float.MinValue;
                float MaxZ = float.MinValue;
                for (int i = 0; i < m_vertices.Count; i++)
                    IndexedVector3 pt = m_vertices[i];
                    if (pt.X < MinX)
                        MinX = pt.X;
                    if (pt.X > MaxX)
                        MaxX = pt.X;
                    if (pt.Y < MinY)
                        MinY = pt.Y;
                    if (pt.Y > MaxY)
                        MaxY = pt.Y;
                    if (pt.Z < MinZ)
                        MinZ = pt.Z;
                    if (pt.Z > MaxZ)
                        MaxZ = pt.Z;
                mC = new IndexedVector3(MaxX + MinX, MaxY + MinY, MaxZ + MinZ);
                mE = new IndexedVector3(MaxX - MinX, MaxY - MinY, MaxZ - MinZ);

//		const float r = m_radius / sqrtf(2.0f);
                float r             = m_radius / (float)Math.Sqrt(3.0f);
                int   LargestExtent = mE.MaxAxis();
                float Step          = (mE[LargestExtent] * 0.5f - r) / 1024.0f;
                m_extents.X = m_extents.Y = m_extents.Z = r;
                m_extents[LargestExtent] = mE[LargestExtent] * 0.5f;
                bool FoundBox = false;
                for (int j = 0; j < 1024; j++)
                    if (TestContainment())
                        FoundBox = true;

                    m_extents[LargestExtent] -= Step;
                if (!FoundBox)
                    m_extents.X = m_extents.Y = m_extents.Z = r;
                    // Refine the box
                    float innerStep = (m_radius - r) / 1024.0f;
                    int   e0        = (1 << LargestExtent) & 3;
                    int   e1        = (1 << e0) & 3;

                    for (int j = 0; j < 1024; j++)
                        float Saved0 = m_extents[e0];
                        float Saved1 = m_extents[e1];
                        m_extents[e0] += innerStep;
                        m_extents[e1] += innerStep;

                        if (!TestContainment())
                            m_extents[e0] = Saved0;
                            m_extents[e1] = Saved1;
Пример #14
        public void DrawSpherePatch(ref IndexedVector3 center, ref IndexedVector3 up, ref IndexedVector3 axis, float radius, float minTh, float maxTh, float minPs, float maxPs, ref IndexedVector3 color, float stepDegrees)
            IndexedVector3[] vA;
            IndexedVector3[] vB;
            IndexedVector3[] pvA, pvB, pT;
            IndexedVector3 npole = center + up * radius;
            IndexedVector3 spole = center - up * radius;
            IndexedVector3 arcStart = IndexedVector3.Zero;
            float step = stepDegrees * MathUtil.SIMD_RADS_PER_DEG;
            IndexedVector3 kv = up;
            IndexedVector3 iv = axis;

            IndexedVector3 jv = IndexedVector3.Cross(kv, iv);
            bool drawN = false;
            bool drawS = false;
            if (minTh <= -MathUtil.SIMD_HALF_PI)
                minTh = -MathUtil.SIMD_HALF_PI + step;
                drawN = true;
            if (maxTh >= MathUtil.SIMD_HALF_PI)
                maxTh = MathUtil.SIMD_HALF_PI - step;
                drawS = true;
            if (minTh > maxTh)
                minTh = -MathUtil.SIMD_HALF_PI + step;
                maxTh = MathUtil.SIMD_HALF_PI - step;
                drawN = drawS = true;
            int n_hor = (int)((maxTh - minTh) / step) + 1;
            if (n_hor < 2) n_hor = 2;
            float step_h = (maxTh - minTh) / (n_hor - 1);
            bool isClosed = false;
            if (minPs > maxPs)
                minPs = -MathUtil.SIMD_PI + step;
                maxPs = MathUtil.SIMD_PI;
                isClosed = true;
            else if ((maxPs - minPs) >= MathUtil.SIMD_PI * 2f)
                isClosed = true;
                isClosed = false;
            int n_vert = (int)((maxPs - minPs) / step) + 1;
            if (n_vert < 2) n_vert = 2;

            vA = new IndexedVector3[n_vert];
            vB = new IndexedVector3[n_vert];
            pvA = vA; pvB = vB;

            float step_v = (maxPs - minPs) / (float)(n_vert - 1);
            for (int i = 0; i < n_hor; i++)
                float th = minTh + i * step_h;
                float sth = radius * (float)Math.Sin(th);
                float cth = radius * (float)Math.Cos(th);
                for (int j = 0; j < n_vert; j++)
                    float psi = minPs + (float)j * step_v;
                    float sps = (float)Math.Sin(psi);
                    float cps = (float)Math.Cos(psi);
                    pvB[j] = center + cth * cps * iv + cth * sps * jv + sth * kv;
                    if (i != 0)
                        DrawLine(pvA[j], pvB[j], color);
                    else if (drawS)
                        DrawLine(spole, pvB[j], color);
                    if (j != 0)
                        DrawLine(pvB[j - 1], pvB[j], color);
                        arcStart = pvB[j];
                    if ((i == (n_hor - 1)) && drawN)
                        DrawLine(npole, pvB[j], color);
                    if (isClosed)
                        if (j == (n_vert - 1))
                            DrawLine(arcStart, pvB[j], color);
                        if (((i == 0) || (i == (n_hor - 1))) && ((j == 0) || (j == (n_vert - 1))))
                            DrawLine(center, pvB[j], color);
                pT = pvA; pvA = pvB; pvB = pT;

Пример #15
        public virtual void UpdateFriction(float timeStep)
            //calculate the impulse, so that the wheels don't move sidewards
            int numWheel = GetNumWheels();

            if (numWheel == 0)


            int numWheelsOnGround = 0;

            //collapse all those loops into one!
            for (int i = 0; i < numWheel; i++)
                WheelInfo wheelInfo    = m_wheelInfo[i];
                RigidBody groundObject = wheelInfo.m_raycastInfo.m_groundObject as RigidBody;
                if (groundObject != null)
                m_sideImpulse[i]    = 0f;
                m_forwardImpulse[i] = 0f;

            if (numWheelsOnGround != 4)
                int ibreak = 0;

                //foreach(WheelInfo wheelInfo in m_wheelInfo)
                for (int i = 0; i < numWheel; ++i)
                    WheelInfo wheelInfo    = m_wheelInfo[i];
                    RigidBody groundObject = wheelInfo.m_raycastInfo.m_groundObject as RigidBody;

                    if (groundObject != null)
                        IndexedMatrix wheelTrans = GetWheelTransformWS(i);

                        IndexedBasisMatrix wheelBasis0 = wheelTrans._basis;
                        m_axle[i] = new IndexedVector3(

                        IndexedVector3 surfNormalWS = wheelInfo.m_raycastInfo.m_contactNormalWS;
                        float          proj         = IndexedVector3.Dot(m_axle[i], surfNormalWS);
                        m_axle[i] -= surfNormalWS * proj;

                        m_forwardWS[i] = IndexedVector3.Cross(surfNormalWS, m_axle[i]);

                        IndexedVector3 tempAxle    = m_axle[i];
                        float          tempImpulse = m_sideImpulse[i];
                        ContactConstraint.ResolveSingleBilateral(m_chassisBody, ref wheelInfo.m_raycastInfo.m_contactPointWS,
                                                                 groundObject, ref wheelInfo.m_raycastInfo.m_contactPointWS,
                                                                 0f, ref tempAxle, ref tempImpulse, timeStep);
                        m_sideImpulse[i] = (tempImpulse * sideFrictionStiffness2);

            float sideFactor = 1f;
            float fwdFactor  = 0.5f;

            bool sliding = false;

                for (int wheel = 0; wheel < numWheel; wheel++)
                    WheelInfo wheelInfo    = m_wheelInfo[wheel];
                    RigidBody groundObject = wheelInfo.m_raycastInfo.m_groundObject as RigidBody;

                    float rollingFriction = 0f;

                    if (groundObject != null)
                        if (wheelInfo.m_engineForce != 0.0f)
                            rollingFriction = wheelInfo.m_engineForce * timeStep;
                            float             defaultRollingFrictionImpulse = 0f;
                            float             maxImpulse = (wheelInfo.m_brake != 0f) ? wheelInfo.m_brake : defaultRollingFrictionImpulse;
                            IndexedVector3    tempWheel  = m_forwardWS[wheel];
                            WheelContactPoint contactPt  = new WheelContactPoint(m_chassisBody, groundObject, ref wheelInfo.m_raycastInfo.m_contactPointWS, ref tempWheel, maxImpulse);
                            m_forwardWS[wheel] = tempWheel;
                            rollingFriction    = CalcRollingFriction(contactPt);

                    //switch between active rolling (throttle), braking and non-active rolling friction (no throttle/break)

                    m_forwardImpulse[wheel]       = 0f;
                    m_wheelInfo[wheel].m_skidInfo = 1f;

                    if (groundObject != null)
                        m_wheelInfo[wheel].m_skidInfo = 1f;

                        float maximp     = wheelInfo.m_wheelsSuspensionForce * timeStep * wheelInfo.m_frictionSlip;
                        float maximpSide = maximp;

                        float maximpSquared = maximp * maximpSide;
                        m_forwardImpulse[wheel] = rollingFriction;            //wheelInfo.m_engineForce* timeStep;

                        float x = (m_forwardImpulse[wheel]) * fwdFactor;
                        float y = (m_sideImpulse[wheel]) * sideFactor;

                        float impulseSquared = (x * x + y * y);

                        if (impulseSquared > maximpSquared)
                            sliding = true;

                            float factor = (float)(maximp / Math.Sqrt(impulseSquared));

                            m_wheelInfo[wheel].m_skidInfo *= factor;

            if (sliding)
                for (int wheel = 0; wheel < numWheel; wheel++)
                    if (m_sideImpulse[wheel] != 0f)
                        if (m_wheelInfo[wheel].m_skidInfo < 1f)
                            m_forwardImpulse[wheel] *= m_wheelInfo[wheel].m_skidInfo;
                            m_sideImpulse[wheel]    *= m_wheelInfo[wheel].m_skidInfo;

            // apply the impulses
                for (int wheel = 0; wheel < numWheel; wheel++)
                    WheelInfo wheelInfo = m_wheelInfo[wheel];

                    IndexedVector3 rel_pos = wheelInfo.m_raycastInfo.m_contactPointWS -

                    if (m_forwardImpulse[wheel] > 5f || m_sideImpulse[wheel] > 5f)
                        int ibreak = 0;

                    if (m_forwardImpulse[wheel] != 0f)
                        m_chassisBody.ApplyImpulse(m_forwardWS[wheel] * (m_forwardImpulse[wheel]), rel_pos);
                    if (m_sideImpulse[wheel] != 0f)
                        RigidBody groundObject = m_wheelInfo[wheel].m_raycastInfo.m_groundObject as RigidBody;

                        IndexedVector3 rel_pos2 = wheelInfo.m_raycastInfo.m_contactPointWS -

                        IndexedVector3 sideImp = m_axle[wheel] * m_sideImpulse[wheel];

#if ROLLING_INFLUENCE_FIX // fix. It only worked if car's up was along Y - VT.
                        IndexedVector3 vChassisWorldUp = GetRigidBody().GetCenterOfMassTransform()._basis.GetColumn(m_indexUpAxis);
                        rel_pos -= vChassisWorldUp * (IndexedVector3.Dot(vChassisWorldUp, rel_pos) * (1.0f - wheelInfo.m_rollInfluence));
                        rel_pos[m_indexUpAxis] *= wheelInfo.m_rollInfluence;

                        m_chassisBody.ApplyImpulse(ref sideImp, ref rel_pos);

                        //apply friction impulse on the ground
                        IndexedVector3 temp = -sideImp;
                        groundObject.ApplyImpulse(ref temp, ref rel_pos2);
        public static void ClipFaceAgainstHull(ref IndexedVector3 separatingNormal, ConvexPolyhedron hullA, ref IndexedMatrix transA, ObjectArray <IndexedVector3> worldVertsB1, float minDist, float maxDist, IDiscreteCollisionDetectorInterfaceResult resultOut)
            ObjectArray <IndexedVector3> worldVertsB2 = new ObjectArray <IndexedVector3>();
            ObjectArray <IndexedVector3> pVtxIn       = worldVertsB1;
            ObjectArray <IndexedVector3> pVtxOut      = worldVertsB2;

            pVtxOut.Capacity = pVtxIn.Count;

            int closestFaceA = -1;

                float dmin = float.MaxValue;
                for (int face = 0; face < hullA.m_faces.Count; face++)
                    IndexedVector3 Normal        = new IndexedVector3(hullA.m_faces[face].m_plane[0], hullA.m_faces[face].m_plane[1], hullA.m_faces[face].m_plane[2]);
                    IndexedVector3 faceANormalWS = transA._basis * Normal;

                    float d = IndexedVector3.Dot(faceANormalWS, separatingNormal);
                    if (d < dmin)
                        dmin         = d;
                        closestFaceA = face;
            if (closestFaceA < 0)

            Face polyA = hullA.m_faces[closestFaceA];

            // clip polygon to back of planes of all faces of hull A that are adjacent to witness face
            int numContacts  = pVtxIn.Count;
            int numVerticesA = polyA.m_indices.Count;

            for (int e0 = 0; e0 < numVerticesA; e0++)
                IndexedVector3 a                  = hullA.m_vertices[polyA.m_indices[e0]];
                IndexedVector3 b                  = hullA.m_vertices[polyA.m_indices[(e0 + 1) % numVerticesA]];
                IndexedVector3 edge0              = a - b;
                IndexedVector3 WorldEdge0         = transA._basis * edge0;
                IndexedVector3 worldPlaneAnormal1 = transA._basis * new IndexedVector3(polyA.m_plane[0], polyA.m_plane[1], polyA.m_plane[2]);

                IndexedVector3 planeNormalWS1 = -WorldEdge0.Cross(worldPlaneAnormal1);//.cross(WorldEdge0);
                IndexedVector3 worldA1        = transA * a;
                float          planeEqWS1     = -worldA1.Dot(planeNormalWS1);

//int otherFace=0;
#if BLA1
                int otherFace = polyA.m_connectedFaces[e0];
                btVector3 localPlaneNormal(hullA.m_faces[otherFace].m_plane[0], hullA.m_faces[otherFace].m_plane[1], hullA.m_faces[otherFace].m_plane[2]);

                btScalar localPlaneEq = hullA.m_faces[otherFace].m_plane[3];

                btVector3 planeNormalWS = transA.getBasis() * localPlaneNormal;
                btScalar  planeEqWS     = localPlaneEq - planeNormalWS.dot(transA.getOrigin());
                IndexedVector3 planeNormalWS = planeNormalWS1;
                float          planeEqWS     = planeEqWS1;
#endif                //clip face

                ClipFace(pVtxIn, pVtxOut, ref planeNormalWS, planeEqWS);

                ObjectArray <IndexedVector3> temp = pVtxIn;
                pVtxIn  = pVtxOut;
                pVtxOut = temp;


            //#define ONLY_REPORT_DEEPEST_POINT

            IndexedVector3 point;

            // only keep points that are behind the witness face
                IndexedVector3 localPlaneNormal = new IndexedVector3(polyA.m_plane[0], polyA.m_plane[1], polyA.m_plane[2]);
                float          localPlaneEq     = polyA.m_plane[3];
                IndexedVector3 planeNormalWS    = transA._basis * localPlaneNormal;
                float          planeEqWS        = localPlaneEq - IndexedVector3.Dot(planeNormalWS, transA._origin);
                for (int i = 0; i < pVtxIn.Count; i++)
                    float depth = IndexedVector3.Dot(planeNormalWS, pVtxIn[i]) + planeEqWS;
                    if (depth <= minDist)
                        //				printf("clamped: depth=%f to minDist=%f\n",depth,minDist);
                        depth = minDist;

                    if (depth <= maxDist && depth >= minDist)
                        IndexedVector3 point2 = pVtxIn[i];
                        curMaxDist = depth;
#if false
                        if (depth < -3)
                            printf("error in btPolyhedralContactClipping depth = %f\n", depth);
                            printf("likely wrong separatingNormal passed in\n");
                        resultOut.AddContactPoint(ref separatingNormal, ref point2, depth);
            if (curMaxDist < maxDist)
                resultOut.AddContactPoint(ref separatingNormal, ref point, curMaxDist);
Пример #17
        /// sort cached points so most isolated points come first
        private int SortCachedPoints(ManifoldPoint pt)
            //calculate 4 possible cases areas, and take biggest area
            //also need to keep 'deepest'

            int maxPenetrationIndex = -1;

            float maxPenetration = pt.GetDistance();
            for (int i = 0; i < m_pointCache.Length; i++)
                if (m_pointCache[i].GetDistance() < maxPenetration)
                    maxPenetrationIndex = i;
                    maxPenetration      = m_pointCache[i].GetDistance();

            float res0 = 0f, res1 = 0f, res2 = 0f, res3 = 0f;
            if (maxPenetrationIndex != 0)
                IndexedVector3 a0    = pt.GetLocalPointA() - m_pointCache[1].GetLocalPointA();
                IndexedVector3 b0    = m_pointCache[3].GetLocalPointA() - m_pointCache[2].GetLocalPointA();
                IndexedVector3 cross = IndexedVector3.Cross(a0, b0);
                res0 = cross.LengthSquared();
            if (maxPenetrationIndex != 1)
                IndexedVector3 a1    = pt.GetLocalPointA() - m_pointCache[0].GetLocalPointA();
                IndexedVector3 b1    = m_pointCache[3].GetLocalPointA() - m_pointCache[2].GetLocalPointA();
                IndexedVector3 cross = IndexedVector3.Cross(a1, b1);
                res1 = cross.LengthSquared();

            if (maxPenetrationIndex != 2)
                IndexedVector3 a2    = pt.GetLocalPointA() - m_pointCache[0].GetLocalPointA();
                IndexedVector3 b2    = m_pointCache[3].GetLocalPointA() - m_pointCache[1].GetLocalPointA();
                IndexedVector3 cross = IndexedVector3.Cross(a2, b2);
                res2 = cross.LengthSquared();

            if (maxPenetrationIndex != 3)
                IndexedVector3 a3    = pt.GetLocalPointA() - m_pointCache[0].GetLocalPointA();
                IndexedVector3 b3    = m_pointCache[2].GetLocalPointA() - m_pointCache[1].GetLocalPointA();
                IndexedVector3 cross = IndexedVector3.Cross(a3, b3);
                res3 = cross.LengthSquared();

            IndexedVector4 maxvec      = new IndexedVector4(res0, res1, res2, res3);
            int            biggestarea = MathUtil.ClosestAxis(ref maxvec);

            if (BulletGlobals.g_streamWriter != null && BulletGlobals.debugPersistentManifold)
                BulletGlobals.g_streamWriter.WriteLine("sortCachedPoints [{0}]", biggestarea);

Пример #18
        public void DrawXNA(ref IndexedMatrix m, CollisionShape shape, ref IndexedVector3 color, DebugDrawModes debugMode, ref IndexedVector3 worldBoundsMin, ref IndexedVector3 worldBoundsMax, ref IndexedMatrix view, ref IndexedMatrix projection)
            if (shape == null)

            if (shape.GetShapeType() == BroadphaseNativeTypes.UNIFORM_SCALING_SHAPE_PROXYTYPE)
                UniformScalingShape scalingShape = (UniformScalingShape)shape;
                ConvexShape         convexShape  = scalingShape.GetChildShape();
                float         scalingFactor      = scalingShape.GetUniformScalingFactor();
                IndexedMatrix scaleMatrix        = IndexedMatrix.CreateScale(scalingFactor);
                IndexedMatrix finalMatrix        = scaleMatrix * m;
                DrawXNA(ref finalMatrix, convexShape, ref color, debugMode, ref worldBoundsMin, ref worldBoundsMax, ref view, ref projection);
            if (shape.GetShapeType() == BroadphaseNativeTypes.COMPOUND_SHAPE_PROXYTYPE)
                CompoundShape compoundShape = (CompoundShape)shape;
                for (int i = compoundShape.GetNumChildShapes() - 1; i >= 0; i--)
                    IndexedMatrix  childTrans = compoundShape.GetChildTransform(i);
                    CollisionShape colShape   = compoundShape.GetChildShape(i);
                    IndexedMatrix  childMat   = childTrans;

                    //childMat = MathUtil.bulletMatrixMultiply(m, childMat);
                    //childMat = childMat * m;
                    childMat = m * childMat;

                    DrawXNA(ref childMat, colShape, ref color, debugMode, ref worldBoundsMin, ref worldBoundsMax, ref view, ref projection);
                bool useWireframeFallback = true;

                if ((debugMode & DebugDrawModes.DBG_DrawWireframe) == 0)
                    ///you can comment out any of the specific cases, and use the default
                    ///the benefit of 'default' is that it approximates the actual collision shape including collision margin
                    //BroadphaseNativeTypes shapetype = m_textureEnabled ? BroadphaseNativeTypes.MAX_BROADPHASE_COLLISION_TYPES : shape.getShapeType();
                    BroadphaseNativeTypes shapetype = shape.GetShapeType();
                    switch (shapetype)
                    case BroadphaseNativeTypes.BOX_SHAPE_PROXYTYPE:
                        BoxShape       boxShape    = shape as BoxShape;
                        IndexedVector3 halfExtents = boxShape.GetHalfExtentsWithMargin();

                        DrawSolidCube(ref halfExtents, ref m, ref view, ref projection, ref color);
                        //drawSolidSphere(halfExtents.X, 10, 10, ref m, ref view, ref projection);
                        //drawCylinder(halfExtents.X, halfExtents.Y, 1, ref m, ref view, ref projection);
                        //drawSolidCone(halfExtents.Y, halfExtents.X, ref m, ref view, ref projection);

                        //DrawText("Hello World", new IndexedVector3(20, 20, 0), new IndexedVector3(255, 255, 255));
                        useWireframeFallback = false;

                    case BroadphaseNativeTypes.SPHERE_SHAPE_PROXYTYPE:
                        SphereShape sphereShape = shape as SphereShape;
                        float       radius      = sphereShape.GetMargin();//radius doesn't include the margin, so draw with margin
                        DrawSolidSphere(radius, 10, 10, ref m, ref view, ref projection, ref color);
                        useWireframeFallback = false;

                    case BroadphaseNativeTypes.CAPSULE_SHAPE_PROXYTYPE:
                        CapsuleShape capsuleShape = shape as CapsuleShape;

                        float radius     = capsuleShape.GetRadius();
                        float halfHeight = capsuleShape.GetHalfHeight();

                        int upAxis = capsuleShape.GetUpAxis();

                        IndexedVector3 capStart = IndexedVector3.Zero;
                        capStart[upAxis] = -halfHeight;

                        IndexedVector3 capEnd = IndexedVector3.Zero;
                        capEnd[upAxis] = halfHeight;

                        // Draw the ends
                            IndexedMatrix childTransform = IndexedMatrix.Identity;
                            childTransform._origin = m * capStart;
                            DrawSolidSphere(radius, 5, 5, ref childTransform, ref view, ref projection, ref color);

                            IndexedMatrix childTransform = IndexedMatrix.Identity;
                            childTransform._origin = m * capEnd;
                            DrawSolidSphere(radius, 5, 5, ref childTransform, ref view, ref projection, ref color);

                        DrawCylinder(radius, halfHeight, upAxis, ref m, ref view, ref projection, ref color);

                    case BroadphaseNativeTypes.CONE_SHAPE_PROXYTYPE:
                        ConeShape     coneShape    = (ConeShape)(shape);
                        int           upIndex      = coneShape.GetConeUpIndex();
                        float         radius       = coneShape.GetRadius(); //+coneShape.getMargin();
                        float         height       = coneShape.GetHeight(); //+coneShape.getMargin();
                        IndexedMatrix rotateMatrix = IndexedMatrix.Identity;

                        switch (upIndex)
                        case 0:
                            rotateMatrix = IndexedMatrix.CreateRotationX(-MathUtil.SIMD_HALF_PI);

                        case 1:

                        case 2:
                            rotateMatrix = IndexedMatrix.CreateRotationX(MathUtil.SIMD_HALF_PI);


                        IndexedMatrix translationMatrix = IndexedMatrix.CreateTranslation(0f, 0f, -0.5f * height);

                        IndexedMatrix resultant = m * rotateMatrix * translationMatrix;

                        DrawSolidCone(height, radius, ref resultant, ref view, ref projection, ref color);
                        useWireframeFallback = false;

                    case BroadphaseNativeTypes.STATIC_PLANE_PROXYTYPE:
                        StaticPlaneShape staticPlaneShape = shape as StaticPlaneShape;
                        float            planeConst = staticPlaneShape.GetPlaneConstant();
                        IndexedVector3   planeNormal = staticPlaneShape.GetPlaneNormal();
                        IndexedVector3   planeOrigin = planeNormal * planeConst;
                        IndexedVector3   vec0, vec1;
                        TransformUtil.PlaneSpace1(ref planeNormal, out vec0, out vec1);
                        float          vecLen = 100f;
                        IndexedVector3 pt0 = planeOrigin + vec0 * vecLen;
                        IndexedVector3 pt1 = planeOrigin - vec0 * vecLen;
                        IndexedVector3 pt2 = planeOrigin + vec1 * vecLen;
                        IndexedVector3 pt3 = planeOrigin - vec1 * vecLen;

                        // Fallback to debug draw - needs tidying
                        IndexedVector3 colour = new IndexedVector3(255, 255, 255);
                        DrawLine(ref pt0, ref pt1, ref colour);
                        DrawLine(ref pt1, ref pt2, ref colour);
                        DrawLine(ref pt2, ref pt3, ref colour);
                        DrawLine(ref pt3, ref pt1, ref colour);


                    case BroadphaseNativeTypes.CYLINDER_SHAPE_PROXYTYPE:
                        CylinderShape cylinder = (CylinderShape)(shape);
                        int           upAxis   = cylinder.GetUpAxis();

                        float radius     = cylinder.GetRadius();
                        float halfHeight = cylinder.GetHalfExtentsWithMargin()[upAxis];
                        DrawCylinder(radius, halfHeight, upAxis, ref m, ref view, ref projection, ref color);

                        if (shape.IsConvex())
                            ShapeCache sc = Cache(shape as ConvexShape);

                            //if (shape.getUserPointer())
                                ShapeHull hull = sc.m_shapehull /*(btShapeHull*)shape.getUserPointer()*/;

                                int numTriangles = hull.NumTriangles();
                                int numIndices   = hull.NumIndices();
                                int numVertices  = hull.NumVertices();
                                if (numTriangles > 0)
                                    int                    index = 0;
                                    IList <int>            idx   = hull.m_indices;
                                    IList <IndexedVector3> vtx   = hull.m_vertices;

                                    for (int i = 0; i < numTriangles; i++)
                                        int i1 = index++;
                                        int i2 = index++;
                                        int i3 = index++;
                                        Debug.Assert(i1 < numIndices &&
                                                     i2 < numIndices &&
                                                     i3 < numIndices);

                                        int index1 = idx[i1];
                                        int index2 = idx[i2];
                                        int index3 = idx[i3];
                                        Debug.Assert(index1 < numVertices &&
                                                     index2 < numVertices &&
                                                     index3 < numVertices);

                                        IndexedVector3 v1     = m * vtx[index1];
                                        IndexedVector3 v2     = m * vtx[index2];
                                        IndexedVector3 v3     = m * vtx[index3];
                                        IndexedVector3 normal = IndexedVector3.Cross((v3 - v1), (v2 - v1));

                                        Vector2 tex = new Vector2(0, 0);
                                        AddVertex(ref v1, ref normal, ref tex);
                                        AddVertex(ref v2, ref normal, ref tex);
                                        AddVertex(ref v3, ref normal, ref tex);

                /// for polyhedral shapes
                if (debugMode == DebugDrawModes.DBG_DrawFeaturesText && (shape.IsPolyhedral()))
                    PolyhedralConvexShape polyshape = (PolyhedralConvexShape)shape;

                        IndexedVector3 colour = new IndexedVector3(255, 255, 255);
                        for (int i = 0; i < polyshape.GetNumVertices(); i++)
                            IndexedVector3 vtx;
                            polyshape.GetVertex(i, out vtx);
                            String buf = " " + i;
                            DrawText(buf, ref vtx, ref colour);

                        for (int i = 0; i < polyshape.GetNumPlanes(); i++)
                            IndexedVector3 normal;
                            IndexedVector3 vtx;
                            polyshape.GetPlane(out normal, out vtx, i);
                            float d = IndexedVector3.Dot(vtx, normal);
                            vtx *= d;

                            String buf = " plane " + i;
                            DrawText(buf, ref vtx, ref colour);

                if (shape.IsConcave() && !shape.IsInfinite())    //>getShapeType() == TRIANGLE_MESH_SHAPE_PROXYTYPE||shape.getShapeType() == GIMPACT_SHAPE_PROXYTYPE)
                //		if (shape.getShapeType() == TRIANGLE_MESH_SHAPE_PROXYTYPE)
                    ConcaveShape concaveMesh = shape as ConcaveShape;

                    XNADrawcallback drawCallback = new XNADrawcallback(this, ref m);
                    drawCallback.m_wireframe = (debugMode & DebugDrawModes.DBG_DrawWireframe) != 0;

                    concaveMesh.ProcessAllTriangles(drawCallback, ref worldBoundsMin, ref worldBoundsMax);

                //glRasterPos3f(0,0,0);//mvtx.x(),  vtx.y(),  vtx.z());
                if ((debugMode & DebugDrawModes.DBG_DrawText) != 0)
                    IndexedVector3 position = IndexedVector3.Zero;
                    IndexedVector3 colour   = new IndexedVector3(255, 255, 255);
                    DrawText(shape.GetName(), ref position, ref colour);

                if ((debugMode & DebugDrawModes.DBG_DrawFeaturesText) != 0)

                ////	glPopMatrix();
                //if(m_textureenabled) glDisable(GL_TEXTURE_2D);
                //  }
                //    glPopMatrix();