public override async Task ExecuteLoadDataTypesCommand()
                //go through each of the datatypes and work out all the company accesses for each
                var dataTypes = await UserInfo.GetPermissions().GetDataTypesAsync(true);

                var companies = await UserInfo.GetPermissions().GetCompaniesAsync(true);

                var logDictionary = await UserInfo.GetPermissions().RetrieveAllRelevantLogs();

                TypeSortedLogs.Clear(); //clear the logs, we will reestablish it
                foreach (DataType dataType in dataTypes)
                    //create an indexed log collection, create this for all datatypes, but only add it to the TypeSortedLogs if it has an entry
                    IndexedLogCollection dataTypeLogCollection = new IndexedLogCollection()
                        DataType            = dataType,
                        Logs                = new ObservableCollection <Log>(),
                        LogsWithMaxElements = new ObservableCollection <Log>()
                    bool toAdd = false; //whether to add this indexed log collection to the full list, set true if there is a log added
                    foreach (Company company in companies)
                        if (logDictionary.ContainsKey((dataType.Id, company.Id)))
                            toAdd = true; //there was at least one entry, this data type should be displayed
                            //there is a list, iterate through it and add all the
                            foreach (DateTime dateTime in logDictionary[(dataType.Id, company.Id)])
        async void OnCompanyHistoryButtonSelected(IndexedLogCollection indexedLogCollection)
            if (indexedLogCollection == null)

            LogHistoryCompanyViewModel logHistoryCompanyViewModel = new LogHistoryCompanyViewModel(indexedLogCollection.Company, indexedLogCollection.Logs);

            await Application.Current.MainPage.Navigation.PushAsync(new LogHistoryCompanyPage(logHistoryCompanyViewModel));