public ExplanationInstance Explain(object query, object docId)
            if (IndexName.IsNullOrWhiteSpace())
                throw new JavaScriptException(Engine, "Error", "indexName not set. Please set the indexName property on the Search Instance prior to performing an operation.");

            if (query == null || query == Null.Value || query == Undefined.Value)
                throw new JavaScriptException(Engine, "Error", "A query object must be specified as the first parameter.");

            if (docId == null || docId == Null.Value || docId == Undefined.Value)
                throw new JavaScriptException(Engine, "Error",
                                              "A search result or document id must be specified as the second parameter.");

            var searchQueryType = query.GetType();
            var queryProperty   = searchQueryType.GetProperty("Query", BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.Public);

            if (queryProperty == null || typeof(Query).IsAssignableFrom(queryProperty.PropertyType) == false)
                throw new JavaScriptException(Engine, "Error", "Unsupported query object.");

            var queryValue = queryProperty.GetValue(query, null) as Query;

            //TODO: Change doc ID to also accept searchResults.
            var docIdValue = TypeConverter.ToInteger(docId);

            var explanation = m_baristaSearchServiceProxy.Explain(m_indexDefinition, queryValue, docIdValue);

            return(new ExplanationInstance(Engine.Object.InstancePrototype, explanation));
        public SearchServiceInstance Index(object documentObject)
            if (IndexName.IsNullOrWhiteSpace())
                throw new JavaScriptException(Engine, "Error", "indexName not set. Please set the indexName property on the Search Instance prior to performing an operation.");

            if (documentObject == null || documentObject == Null.Value || documentObject == Undefined.Value)
                throw new JavaScriptException(Engine, "Error",
                                              "A document object to be indexed must be supplied as the first parameter.");

            var objects = documentObject as ArrayInstance;

            if (objects != null)
                var documentObjects  = objects;
                var documentsToIndex = documentObjects.ElementValues
                                       .Select(d => ConvertObjectToJsonDocumentDto(d))

                m_baristaSearchServiceProxy.IndexJsonDocuments(m_indexDefinition, documentsToIndex);
                var documentToIndex = ConvertObjectToJsonDocumentDto(documentObject);
                m_baristaSearchServiceProxy.IndexJsonDocument(m_indexDefinition, documentToIndex);

        public void DeleteDocuments(object documentIds)
            if (IndexName.IsNullOrWhiteSpace())
                throw new JavaScriptException(Engine, "Error", "indexName not set. Please set the indexName property on the Search Instance prior to performing an operation.");

            IEnumerable <string> documentIdValues;
            var ids = documentIds as ArrayInstance;

            if (ids != null)
                var arrDocumentIds = ids;
                documentIdValues = arrDocumentIds.ElementValues
                                   .Select(documentId => TypeConverter.ConvertTo <string>(Engine, documentId))
                    documentIdValue =>
                    documentIdValue.IsNullOrWhiteSpace() == false &&
                    documentIdValue != "undefined")
                documentIdValues = new List <string> {

            m_baristaSearchServiceProxy.DeleteDocuments(m_indexDefinition, documentIdValues);
        public bool DoesIndexExist()
            if (IndexName.IsNullOrWhiteSpace())
                throw new JavaScriptException(Engine, "Error", "indexName not set. Please set the indexName property on the Search Instance prior to performing an operation.");

        public void DeleteAllDocuments()
            if (IndexName.IsNullOrWhiteSpace())
                throw new JavaScriptException(Engine, "Error", "indexName not set. Please set the indexName property on the Search Instance prior to performing an operation.");

        public int SearchResultCount(object query, object maxResults)
            if (IndexName.IsNullOrWhiteSpace())
                throw new JavaScriptException(Engine, "Error", "indexName not set. Please set the indexName property on the Search Instance prior to performing an operation.");

            var args = CoerceSearchArguments(query, maxResults, null);

            var searchResultCount = m_baristaSearchServiceProxy.SearchResultCount(m_indexDefinition, args);

        public JsonDocumentInstance Retrieve(string documentId)
            if (IndexName.IsNullOrWhiteSpace())
                throw new JavaScriptException(Engine, "Error", "indexName not set. Please set the indexName property on the Search Instance prior to performing an operation.");

            var result = m_baristaSearchServiceProxy.Retrieve(m_indexDefinition, documentId);

            return(result == null
              ? null
              : new JsonDocumentInstance(Engine, result));
        public ArrayInstance GetFieldNames()
            if (IndexName.IsNullOrWhiteSpace())
                throw new JavaScriptException(Engine, "Error", "indexName not set. Please set the indexName property on the Search Instance prior to performing an operation.");

            var fieldNames = m_baristaSearchServiceProxy.GetFieldNames(m_indexDefinition);

            // ReSharper disable CoVariantArrayConversion
            // ReSharper enable CoVariantArrayConversion
        public ArrayInstance FacetedSearch(object query, object maxResults, object groupByFields)
            if (IndexName.IsNullOrWhiteSpace())
                throw new JavaScriptException(Engine, "Error", "indexName not set. Please set the indexName property on the Search Instance prior to performing an operation.");

            var args = CoerceSearchArguments(query, maxResults, groupByFields);

            var searchResults = m_baristaSearchServiceProxy.FacetedSearch(m_indexDefinition, args);

            // ReSharper disable CoVariantArrayConversion
            return(Engine.Array.Construct(searchResults.Select(sr => new FacetedSearchResultInstance(Engine.Object.InstancePrototype, sr)).ToArray()));
            // ReSharper restore CoVariantArrayConversion
        public string Highlight(object query, object docId, object fieldName, object fragCharSize)
            if (IndexName.IsNullOrWhiteSpace())
                throw new JavaScriptException(Engine, "Error", "indexName not set. Please set the indexName property on the Search Instance prior to performing an operation.");

            if (query == null || query == Null.Value || query == Undefined.Value)
                throw new JavaScriptException(Engine, "Error", "A query object must be specified as the first argument.");

            if (docId == null || docId == Null.Value || docId == Undefined.Value)
                throw new JavaScriptException(Engine, "Error",
                                              "A search result or document id must be specified as the second argument.");

            if (fieldName == null || fieldName == Null.Value || fieldName == Undefined.Value || TypeConverter.ToString(fieldName).IsNullOrWhiteSpace())
                throw new JavaScriptException(Engine, "Error",
                                              "A field name must be specified as the third argument.");

            var searchQueryType = query.GetType();
            var queryProperty   = searchQueryType.GetProperty("Query", BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.Public);

            if (queryProperty == null || typeof(Query).IsAssignableFrom(queryProperty.PropertyType) == false)
                throw new JavaScriptException(Engine, "Error", "Unsupported query object.");

            var queryValue = queryProperty.GetValue(query, null) as Query;

            //TODO: Change doc ID to also accept searchResults.
            var docIdValue = TypeConverter.ToInteger(docId);

            var fragCharSizeValue = 100;

            if (fragCharSize != null && fragCharSize != Null.Value && fragCharSize != Undefined.Value)
                fragCharSizeValue = TypeConverter.ToInteger(fragCharSize);

            return(m_baristaSearchServiceProxy.Highlight(m_indexDefinition, queryValue, docIdValue, TypeConverter.ToString(fieldName), fragCharSizeValue));