public override int GetHashCode() { int hash = 1; if (ProjectId.Length != 0) { hash ^= ProjectId.GetHashCode(); } if (IndexId.Length != 0) { hash ^= IndexId.GetHashCode(); } if (Kind.Length != 0) { hash ^= Kind.GetHashCode(); } if (Ancestor != global::Google.Cloud.Datastore.Admin.V1.Index.Types.AncestorMode.Unspecified) { hash ^= Ancestor.GetHashCode(); } hash ^= properties_.GetHashCode(); if (State != global::Google.Cloud.Datastore.Admin.V1.Index.Types.State.Unspecified) { hash ^= State.GetHashCode(); } if (_unknownFields != null) { hash ^= _unknownFields.GetHashCode(); } return(hash); }
private static void AddFailedItemsToCollection(IFailedItemStorage store, Guid mailboxGuid, long referenceDocId, int pageSize, List <NonIndexableItem> nonIndexableItems) { FailedItemParameters parameters = new FailedItemParameters(FailureMode.All, FieldSet.Default) { MailboxGuid = new Guid?(mailboxGuid), StartingIndexId = referenceDocId, ResultLimit = pageSize }; foreach (IFailureEntry failureEntry in store.GetFailedItems(parameters)) { MdbItemIdentity mdbItemIdentity = (MdbItemIdentity)failureEntry.ItemId; nonIndexableItems.Add(new NonIndexableItem { CompositeId = mdbItemIdentity, ErrorCode = NonIndexableItem.ConvertSearchErrorCode(failureEntry.ErrorCode), ErrorDescription = failureEntry.ErrorDescription.ToString(), IsPartiallyIndexed = failureEntry.IsPartiallyIndexed, IsPermanentFailure = failureEntry.IsPermanentFailure, AttemptCount = failureEntry.AttemptCount, LastAttemptTime = failureEntry.LastAttemptTime, AdditionalInfo = failureEntry.AdditionalInfo, SortValue = IndexId.CreateIndexId(mdbItemIdentity.MailboxNumber, mdbItemIdentity.DocumentId).ToString() }); } }
public Area() { Color = Color.Black; Index = new IndexId(); Low = 0; Hight = 0; Name = ""; }
public ColorMountains() { List = new List <MountainsCircle>(); ModeAutomatic = false; Color = Color.Black; IndexGroupTop = new IndexId(); ColorMountain = Color.Black; IndexMountainGroup = new IndexId(); Name = ""; }
private string GetQuery( ) { string cmdText = ""; switch (cmbOperation.SelectedIndex) { case 0: cmdText = "DBCC SHOWCONTIG(" + ObjectId + ", " + IndexId.ToString() + ") WITH TABLERESULTS"; break; case 1: cmdText = "DBCC CHECKTABLE('" + Utils.ReplaceQuatations(ObjectOwner + "." + ObjectName) + "', " + IndexId.ToString() + ") WITH TABLERESULTS"; break; case 2: if (rbUseOriginal.Checked) { cmdText = "DBCC DBREINDEX('" + Utils.ReplaceQuatations(ObjectOwner + "." + ObjectName) + "', '" + Utils.ReplaceQuatations(IndexName) + "')"; } else if (rbReset.Checked) { cmdText = "DBCC DBREINDEX('" + Utils.ReplaceQuatations(ObjectOwner + "." + ObjectName) + "', '" + Utils.ReplaceQuatations(IndexName) + "', " + maskedTextBox1.Text + ")"; } break; case 3: cmdText = "DBCC SHOW_STATISTICS('" + Utils.ReplaceQuatations(ObjectOwner + "." + ObjectName) + "', " + Utils.Qualify(IndexName) + ")"; break; case 4: string _command = "DBCC UPDATEUSAGE(0, '" + Utils.ReplaceQuatations(ObjectOwner + "." + ObjectName) + "', " + IndexId.ToString() + ")"; if (chkWithCountRows.Checked) { _command += " WITH COUNT_ROWS"; } cmdText = _command; break; } return(cmdText); }
public override string ToString() { return(string.Format("Index: {0}, LastIndexedEtag: {1}", Index == null ? IndexId.ToString() : Index.PublicName, LastIndexedEtag)); }
public SearchMailboxesResults Search(ISearchPolicy policy, SearchMailboxesInputs input) { long num = 0L; long num2 = 0L; long num3 = 0L; long num4 = 0L; long num5 = 0L; long num6 = 0L; ulong num7 = 0UL; SortedResultPage resultPage = null; MultiMailboxSearchClient multiMailboxSearchClient = null; ResultAggregator resultAggregator = new ResultAggregator(); ByteQuantifiedSize byteQuantifiedSize = new ByteQuantifiedSize(0UL); List <MailboxStatistics> list = new List <MailboxStatistics>(); Dictionary <Guid, List <KeyValuePair <int, long> > > dictionary = new Dictionary <Guid, List <KeyValuePair <int, long> > >(); Stopwatch stopwatch = new Stopwatch(); stopwatch.Start(); Recorder.Record record = policy.Recorder.Start("SearchResultProvider", TraceType.InfoTrace, true); Recorder.Trace(5L, TraceType.InfoTrace, new object[] { "FastLocalSearchResultsProvider.Search Input:", input, "Type:", input.SearchType }); SearchMailboxesResults result; try { Recorder.Trace(5L, TraceType.InfoTrace, "FastLocalSearchResultsProvider.Search Initializing"); num3 = stopwatch.ElapsedMilliseconds; string str = (input.PagingInfo != null && input.PagingInfo.SortBy != null && input.PagingInfo.SortBy.SortOrder == SortOrder.Ascending) ? "+" : "-"; string str2 = (input.PagingInfo != null && input.PagingInfo.SortValue != null && input.PagingInfo.SortValue.SortColumn == ItemSchema.DocumentId) ? "[docid]" : FastIndexSystemSchema.Received.Name; AdditionalParameters additionalParameters = new AdditionalParameters { Sort = str + str2, Refiners = new string[] { FastIndexSystemSchema.Size.Name } }; long referenceDocId = 0L; PaginationQueryFilter pagingFilter = null; QueryFilter queryFilter = input.Criteria.Query; if (input.PagingInfo != null && input.PagingInfo.SortValue != null) { referenceDocId = input.PagingInfo.SortValue.SecondarySortValue; if (input.PagingInfo.SortValue.SortColumnValue != null && input.PagingInfo.SortValue.SortColumn != ItemSchema.DocumentId) { pagingFilter = new PaginationQueryFilter(input.PagingInfo); } } SearchSource searchSource = input.Sources.FirstOrDefault <SearchSource>(); if (searchSource != null) { Guid guid = searchSource.MailboxInfo.IsArchive ? searchSource.MailboxInfo.ArchiveDatabase : searchSource.MailboxInfo.MdbGuid; string displayName = FlowDescriptor.GetImsFlowDescriptor(FastLocalSearchResultsProvider.SearchConfig, FastIndexVersion.GetIndexSystemName(guid)).DisplayName; num4 += stopwatch.ElapsedMilliseconds - num3; num3 = stopwatch.ElapsedMilliseconds; Recorder.Trace(5L, TraceType.InfoTrace, new object[] { "FastLocalSearchResultsProvider.Search Initialized DB:", guid, "Flow:", displayName }); List <SearchSource> list2 = new List <SearchSource>(input.Sources); while (list2.Count > 0) { HashSet <Guid> hashSet = new HashSet <Guid>(); List <SearchSource> list3 = new List <SearchSource>(); int i = 0; while (i < list2.Count) { SearchSource searchSource2 = list2[i]; Guid item = searchSource2.MailboxInfo.IsArchive ? searchSource2.MailboxInfo.ArchiveGuid : searchSource2.MailboxInfo.MailboxGuid; if (!hashSet.Contains(item)) { list3.Add(searchSource2); list2.RemoveAt(i); hashSet.Add(item); } else { i++; } } multiMailboxSearchClient = new MultiMailboxSearchClient(guid, (from s in list3 select s.MailboxInfo).ToArray <MailboxInfo>(), input.Criteria, input.CallerInfo, input.PagingInfo); foreach (SearchSource searchSource3 in list3) { Recorder.Trace(5L, TraceType.InfoTrace, "FastLocalSearchResultsProvider.Search Searching Source", searchSource3); ulong num8 = 0UL; bool flag = false; MailboxStatistics mailboxStatistics = null; ByteQuantifiedSize byteQuantifiedSize2 = new ByteQuantifiedSize(0UL); List <KeyValuePair <int, long> > list4 = new List <KeyValuePair <int, long> >(); Guid guid2 = searchSource3.MailboxInfo.IsArchive ? searchSource3.MailboxInfo.ArchiveGuid : searchSource3.MailboxInfo.MailboxGuid; queryFilter = this.ApplyFolderFilter(queryFilter, searchSource3.MailboxInfo, multiMailboxSearchClient); string text = FqlQueryBuilder.ToFqlString(queryFilter, input.Criteria.QueryCulture); text = this.ApplyPagingFilter(text, referenceDocId, pagingFilter, input.PagingInfo, input.Criteria.QueryCulture); Recorder.Trace(5L, TraceType.InfoTrace, new object[] { "FastLocalSearchResultsProvider.Search Searching Source Guid:", guid2, "Filter:", queryFilter, "Query:", text }); num6 += stopwatch.ElapsedMilliseconds - num3; num3 = stopwatch.ElapsedMilliseconds; IEnumerable <KeyValuePair <PagingImsFlowExecutor.QueryExecutionContext, SearchResultItem[]> > enumerable = FastLocalSearchResultsProvider.FlowExecutor.Execute(displayName, guid2, policy.CallerInfo.QueryCorrelationId, text, 0L, input.Criteria.QueryCulture, additionalParameters, Math.Min(FastLocalSearchResultsProvider.SearchConfig.FastQueryResultTrimHits, input.PagingInfo.PageSize), null); foreach (KeyValuePair <PagingImsFlowExecutor.QueryExecutionContext, SearchResultItem[]> keyValuePair in enumerable) { Recorder.Trace(5L, TraceType.InfoTrace, "FastLocalSearchResultsProvider.Search found pages"); PagingImsFlowExecutor.QueryExecutionContext key = keyValuePair.Key; ISearchResultItem[] value = keyValuePair.Value; if (!flag) { Recorder.Trace(5L, TraceType.InfoTrace, "FastLocalSearchResultsProvider.Search found statistics"); num8 += (ulong)FastLocalSearchResultsProvider.FlowExecutor.ReadHitCount(key); IEnumerable <RefinerResult> source = FastLocalSearchResultsProvider.FlowExecutor.ReadRefiners(key); RefinerResult refinerResult = source.FirstOrDefault((RefinerResult t) => t.Name == FastIndexSystemSchema.Size.Name); if (refinerResult != null) { byteQuantifiedSize2 += new ByteQuantifiedSize((ulong)refinerResult.Sum); } mailboxStatistics = new MailboxStatistics(searchSource3.MailboxInfo, num8, byteQuantifiedSize2); flag = true; } foreach (ISearchResultItem searchResultItem in value) { Recorder.Trace(5L, TraceType.InfoTrace, "FastLocalSearchResultsProvider.Search found items"); IFieldHolder fieldHolder = searchResultItem.Fields.FirstOrDefault((IFieldHolder f) => string.Equals(f.Name, "DocId", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)); if (fieldHolder != null) { long num9 = (long)fieldHolder.Value; int documentId = IndexId.GetDocumentId(num9); IndexId.GetMailboxNumber(num9); list4.Add(new KeyValuePair <int, long>(documentId, num9)); } } if (list4.Count >= input.PagingInfo.PageSize) { Recorder.Trace(5L, TraceType.InfoTrace, "FastLocalSearchResultsProvider.Search completed FAST"); break; } } num7 += num8; byteQuantifiedSize += byteQuantifiedSize2; if (list4.Count > 0) { dictionary[guid2] = list4; } if (mailboxStatistics != null) { list.Add(mailboxStatistics); } num += stopwatch.ElapsedMilliseconds - num3; num3 = stopwatch.ElapsedMilliseconds; } if (dictionary.Count > 0) { Recorder.Trace(5L, TraceType.InfoTrace, "FastLocalSearchResultsProvider.Search loading preview items"); resultPage = multiMailboxSearchClient.FetchPreviewProperties(dictionary); num2 += stopwatch.ElapsedMilliseconds - num3; num3 = stopwatch.ElapsedMilliseconds; } Recorder.Trace(5L, TraceType.InfoTrace, "FastLocalSearchResultsProvider.Search aggregating"); ISearchResult aggregator = new AggregatedSearchTaskResult(new MailboxInfoList(multiMailboxSearchClient.Mailboxes), resultPage, null, num7, byteQuantifiedSize, null, list, null); resultAggregator.MergeSearchResult(aggregator); num5 += stopwatch.ElapsedMilliseconds - num3; num3 = stopwatch.ElapsedMilliseconds; } } result = new SearchMailboxesResults(input.Sources) { SearchResult = resultAggregator }; } finally { record.Attributes["FAST"] = num; record.Attributes["STORE"] = num2; record.Attributes["REST"] = num6; record.Attributes["INIT"] = num4; record.Attributes["AGGR"] = num5; record.Attributes["TOTALSIZE"] = byteQuantifiedSize; record.Attributes["TOTALCNT"] = num7; policy.Recorder.End(record); } return(result); }
public Textures() { Index = new IndexId(); List = new List <TextureID>(); Name = ""; }