Пример #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Multiplies two dense matrices and returns the resultant matrix (using tiling).
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="accelerator">The Accelerator to run the multiplication on</param>
        /// <param name="a">A dense MxK matrix</param>
        /// <param name="b">A dense KxN matrix</param>
        /// <returns>A dense MxN matrix</returns>
        static float[,] MatrixMultiplyTiled(Accelerator accelerator, float[,] a, float[,] b)
            var m  = a.GetLength(0);
            var ka = a.GetLength(1);
            var kb = b.GetLength(0);
            var n  = b.GetLength(1);

            if (ka != kb)
                throw new ArgumentException($"Cannot multiply {m}x{ka} matrix by {n}x{kb} matrix", nameof(b));

            var kernel = accelerator.LoadStreamKernel <
                ArrayView2D <float, Stride2D.DenseX>,
                ArrayView2D <float, Stride2D.DenseX>,
                ArrayView2D <float, Stride2D.DenseX> >(
            var groupSize = new Index2D(TILE_SIZE, TILE_SIZE);
            var numGroups = new Index2D((m + TILE_SIZE - 1) / TILE_SIZE, (n + TILE_SIZE - 1) / TILE_SIZE);

            using (var aBuffer = accelerator.Allocate2DDenseX <float>(new Index2D(m, ka)))
                using (var bBuffer = accelerator.Allocate2DDenseX <float>(new Index2D(ka, n)))
                    using (var cBuffer = accelerator.Allocate2DDenseX <float>(new Index2D(m, n)))

                        kernel((numGroups, groupSize), aBuffer, bBuffer, cBuffer);

        /// <summary>
        ///     Searches for an item that matches the conditions defined by the specified
        ///     predicate, and returns the <see cref="ItemRequestResult{T}"/> with underlying index
        ///     of the first occurrence searched within the specified sector. Otherwise returns
        ///     <see cref="ItemRequestResult{T}.Fail"/>
        ///     <para>
        ///         Exceptions:<br/>
        ///         <see cref="ArgumentOutOfRangeException"/>: <paramref name="startIndex"/> must
        ///         be within collection bounds;<br/>
        ///         <paramref name="sectorSize"/> must be within collection bounds, beginning from
        ///         <paramref name="startIndex"/>.
        ///     </para>
        /// </summary>
        /// <typeparam name="T"></typeparam>
        /// <typeparam name="TRectCollection">
        ///     <typeparamref name="TRectCollection"/> is
        ///     <see cref="IRectangularCollection{T}"/>
        /// </typeparam>
        /// <typeparam name="TPredicate">
        ///     <typeparamref name="TPredicate"/> is <see cref="IPredicate{T}"/> and
        ///     <see langword="struct"/>
        /// </typeparam>
        /// <param name="source">The collection in which the operation takes place.</param>
        /// <param name="startIndex">Zero-based index from which searching starts.</param>
        /// <param name="sectorSize">The rectangular sector size to be searched.</param>
        /// <param name="match">
        ///     A <see langword="struct"/> implementing <see cref="IPredicate{T}"/> that defines
        ///     the conditions of the element to search for.
        /// </param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static ItemRequestResult <Index2D> FindIndex <
            T, TRectCollection, TPredicate>(
            this TRectCollection source,
            Index2D startIndex,
            Bounds2D sectorSize,
            TPredicate match)
            where TRectCollection : IRectangularCollection <T>
            where TPredicate : struct, IPredicate <T>
            if (!source.IsValidIndex(startIndex))
                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(
                          nameof(startIndex), "startIndex must be within collection bounds.");
            var indexAfterEnd = new Index2D(
                startIndex.Dimension1Index + sectorSize.Length1,
                startIndex.Dimension2Index + sectorSize.Length2);
            Bounds2D sourceBounds = source.Boundaries;

            if (indexAfterEnd.Dimension1Index > sourceBounds.Length1 ||
                indexAfterEnd.Dimension2Index > sourceBounds.Length2)
                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(
                          "sectorSize must be within collection bounds, beginning from startIndex.");

            return(source.FindIndexInternal <T, TRectCollection, TPredicate>(
                       startIndex, sectorSize, match));
Пример #3
        public static void TestRow(int row)
            Index2D index = new Index2D(row, 1);

            Assert.AreEqual(index.Row, row);
            Assert.AreEqual(index.Dimension1Index, row);
            public void VisualizeSolution(IMatrix <int> matrix, ISolution solution)
                var text     = new StringBuilder();
                var splitted = new SplittedMatrix(matrix, solution);
                var index    = new Index2D();

                for (int i = 0; i < splitted.Size(0); i++) //строка разбитой матрицы
                    if (i != 0)
                    for (index.I = splitted.CellLow(i, 0); index.I <= splitted.CellHigh(i, 0); index.I++) //строка исходной матрицы, попавшая в строку разбитой матрицы
                        for (int j = 0; j < splitted.Size(1); j++)                                        //столбец разбитой матрицы
                            if (j != 0)
                                text.AppendFormat("    ");

                            for (index.J = splitted.CellLow(j, 1); index.J <= splitted.CellHigh(j, 1); index.J++) //столбец исходной матрицы, попавший в столбец разбитой матрицы
                                text.AppendFormat("{0,3} ", matrix[index]);

Пример #5
        public static void TestColumns(int column)
            Index2D index = new Index2D(1, column);

            Assert.AreEqual(index.Column, column);
            Assert.AreEqual(index.Dimension2Index, column);
Пример #6
        //internal override XElement ToXML()
        //    XElement e = new XElement("Enemy");
        //    e.SetAttributeValue("Type", this.GetType().ToString());
        //    e.SetAttributeValue("Name", Name);
        //    e.SetAttributeValue("Speed", Speed);
        //    e.SetAttributeValue("Health", Health);
        //    e.SetAttributeValue("Pos", Pos);
        //    //add other data about this type of enemy here
        //    return e;

        internal static Wasp Parse(XElement e)
            Wasp g = new Wasp();
            foreach (XAttribute attr in e.Attributes())
                if (attr.Name == "Name")
                    g.Name = attr.Value;
                else if (attr.Name == "Health")
                    g.Health = int.Parse(attr.Value);
                else if (attr.Name == "Speed")
                    g.Speed = float.Parse(attr.Value);
                else if (attr.Name == "Pos")
                    g.Pos = Index2D.Parse(attr.Value);
            string  name   = e.Attribute("Name").Value;
            int     health = int.Parse(e.Attribute("Health").Value);
            Index2D pos    = Index2D.Parse(e.Attribute("Pos").Value);
            Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Vector2 initpos = new Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Vector2(pos.X, pos.Y);
            Wasp g = new Wasp(name, initpos);
Пример #7
 public static void ThrowsExceptionIfSectorSizeIsOutOfBounds(
     List2D <byte> source,
     byte[,] destination,
     Bounds2D sectorSize,
     Index2D destIndex)
 => Assert.Throws <ArgumentOutOfRangeException>(
     () => source.CopyTo(destination, sectorSize, destIndex));
Пример #8
 private HexEditor CreateHex(Index2D index)
     var hex = ((HexEditor)GameObject.Instantiate(prototype, HexInfo.IndexToVector(index), new Quaternion()));
     hexMap.Add(index, hex);
     hex.Initialize(index, container);
     return hex;
Пример #9
 public BallMovedEventArgs(Board board, Index2D slotFrom, Index2D slotTo, GameObject ball)
     Board    = board;
     SlotFrom = slotFrom;
     SlotTo   = slotTo;
     Ball     = ball;
Пример #10
        public static Index2D Get(Index2D index1, Index2D index2, bool roundUp = false)
            int x = MathUtilities.IntegerMidpoint(index1.X, index2.X, roundUp);
            int y = MathUtilities.IntegerMidpoint(index1.Y, index2.Y, roundUp);

            return(new Index2D(x, y));
        protected override void SetBitmap()
            for (int i = 0; i < solutionSizeColumn; i++) //строка разбитой матрицы
                var lastOnI = splittedMatrix.CellHigh(i, 0);

                var index = new Index2D();
                //строка исходной матрицы, попавшая в строку разбитой матрицы
                for (index.I = splittedMatrix.CellLow(i, 0); index.I <= lastOnI; index.I++)
                    for (int j = 0; j < solutionSizeRow; j++) //столбец разбитой матрицы
                        var lastOnJ = splittedMatrix.CellHigh(j, 1);

                        //строка исходной матрицы, попавшая в столбец разбитой матрицы
                        for (index.J = splittedMatrix.CellLow(j, 1); index.J <= lastOnJ; index.J++)
                                (int)(coefficient * GetValueOfMatrixFrom(matrix[index])),
                                index.I + i * zoomShift,
                                index.J + j * zoomShift);
Пример #12
        /// <summary>
        ///     Returns <see cref="ICollection{T}"/> containing all the elements that match the
        ///     conditions defined by the specified predicate.
        ///     <para>
        ///         Exceptions:<br/>
        ///         <see cref="NotSupportedException"/>: Provided type must support
        ///         <see cref="ICollection{T}.Add(T)"/> method.
        ///     </para>
        /// </summary>
        /// <typeparam name="T"></typeparam>
        /// <typeparam name="TCollection">
        ///     <typeparamref name = "TCollection"/> is <see cref="ICollection{T}"/> and has a
        ///     parameterless constructor.
        /// </typeparam>
        /// <typeparam name="TRectCollection">
        ///     <typeparamref name="TRectCollection"/> is
        ///     <see cref="IRectangularCollection{T}"/>
        /// </typeparam>
        /// <typeparam name="TPredicate">
        ///     <typeparamref name = "TPredicate"/> is <see cref="IPredicate{T}"/> and
        ///     <see langword="struct"/>
        /// </typeparam>
        /// <param name="source">The collection in which the operation takes place.</param>
        /// <param name="match">
        ///     A <see langword="struct"/> implementing <see cref="IPredicate{T}"/> that defines
        ///     the conditions of the element to search for.
        /// </param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static TCollection FindAll <
            T, TCollection, TRectCollection, TPredicate>(
            this TRectCollection source, TPredicate match)
            where TCollection : ICollection <T>, new()
            where TRectCollection : IRectangularCollection <T>
            where TPredicate : struct, IPredicate <T>
            var resizableCollection = new TCollection();

                Bounds2D bounds = source.Boundaries;

                for (int i = 0; i < bounds.Length1; i++)
                    for (int j = 0; j < bounds.Length2; j++)
                        var index = new Index2D(i, j);

                        if (match.Invoke(source[index]))
            catch (NotSupportedException)
                throw new NotSupportedException("Provided type must support Add(T) method.");
Пример #13
        public bool TryMoveBall(Index2D slotFrom, Index2D slotTo)
            if (!TryGetBall(slotFrom, out var ballToMove))

            if (TryGetBall(slotTo, out _))

            ballMap[slotFrom] = null;
            ballMap[slotTo]   = ballToMove;

            if (!TryGetTile(slotTo, out var tile))

            ballToMove.transform.position = ObtainNewBallPosition(tile, ballToMove.transform.position.y);
            onBallMoved?.Invoke(this, new BallMovedEventArgs(this, slotFrom, slotTo, ballToMove));

        /// <summary>
        /// Handles the array resizing if necessary when an index is accessed.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="index">The index being accessed.</param>
        /// <returns>The adjusted index to be used for accessing the backing array.</returns>
        private Index2D HandleArrayResizing(Index2D index)
            int x = index.X;
            int y = index.Y;

            if (this.IsIndexInCurrentBounds(index))
                x += this.xOrigin;
                y += this.yOrigin;
                return(new Index2D(x, y));

            // determine size of new array
            int xOffset, yOffset;
            int xNewSize = DynamicArrayUtilities.HandleAxis(this.GetCurrentLength(Axis2D.X), ref x, ref this.xOrigin, out xOffset);
            int yNewSize = DynamicArrayUtilities.HandleAxis(this.GetCurrentLength(Axis2D.Y), ref y, ref this.yOrigin, out yOffset);

            // copy old array into new array
            T[,] newArray = new T[xNewSize, yNewSize];
            foreach (KeyValuePair <Index2D, T> pair in this.array.GetIndexValuePairs())
                newArray[pair.Key.X + xOffset, pair.Key.Y + yOffset] = pair.Value;

            this.array = newArray;
            return(new Index2D(x, y));
Пример #15
 public static void ThrowsExceptionIfSectorSizeIsOutOfBounds <T>(
     Array2D <T> source,
     Array2D <T> destination,
     Bounds2D sectorSize,
     Index2D destIndex)
 => Assert.Throws <ArgumentOutOfRangeException>(
     () => source.CopyTo(destination, sectorSize, destIndex));
        /// <summary>
        ///     Searches for an item that matches the conditions defined by the specified
        ///     predicate, and returns the <see cref="ItemRequestResult{T}"/> with underlying index
        ///     of the last occurrence searched within the specified sector. Otherwise returns
        ///     <see cref="ItemRequestResult{T}.Fail"/>
        ///     <para>
        ///         Exceptions:<br/>
        ///         <see cref="ArgumentOutOfRangeException"/>: <paramref name="startIndex"/> must
        ///         be within collection bounds;<br/>
        ///         <paramref name="sectorSize"/> must be within collection bounds, beginning
        ///         backwardly from <paramref name="startIndex"/>.
        ///     </para>
        /// </summary>
        /// <typeparam name="T"></typeparam>
        /// <typeparam name="TRefRectCollection">
        ///     <typeparamref name="TRefRectCollection"/> is
        ///     <see cref="IRefRectangularCollection{T}"/>
        /// </typeparam>
        /// <typeparam name="TPredicate">
        ///     <typeparamref name="TPredicate"/> is <see cref="IPredicate{T}"/> and
        ///     <see langword="struct"/>
        /// </typeparam>
        /// <param name="source">The collection in which the operation takes place.</param>
        /// <param name="startIndex">Zero-based starting index of the backward search.</param>
        /// <param name="sectorSize">The rectangular sector size to be searched.</param>
        /// <param name="match">
        ///     A <see langword="struct"/> implementing <see cref="IPredicate{T}"/> that defines
        ///     the conditions of the element to search for.
        /// </param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static ItemRequestResult <Index2D> FindLastIndex <
            T, TRefRectCollection, TPredicate>(
            this TRefRectCollection source,
            Index2D startIndex,
            Bounds2D sectorSize,
            TPredicate match)
            where TRefRectCollection : IRefRectangularCollection <T>
            where TPredicate : struct, IPredicate <T>
            if (!source.IsValidIndex(startIndex))
                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(
                          nameof(startIndex), "startIndex must be within collection bounds.");
            var indexAfterEnd = new Index2D(
                startIndex.Row - sectorSize.Rows,
                startIndex.Column - sectorSize.Columns);

            if (indexAfterEnd.Row < -1 || indexAfterEnd.Column < -1)
                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(
                          "sectorSize must be within collection bounds, beginning backwardly from " +

            return(source.FindLastIndexInternal <T, TRefRectCollection, TPredicate>(
                       startIndex, indexAfterEnd, match));
Пример #17
    public static T Get <T>(this T[,] array, Index2D index)
        Contracts.Requires.That(array != null);

        return(array[index.X, index.Y]);
Пример #18
        private static int LocalMaximumDiag(IMatrix <int> matrix, int I, int J)
            int max = 0;

            var index = new Index2D();

            for (index.I = I; index.I <= I + 1; index.I++)
                for (index.J = 0; index.J < matrix.Size(1); index.J++)
                    if (max < matrix[index])
                        max = matrix[index];

            for (index.J = J; index.J <= J + 1; index.J++)
                for (index.I = 0; index.I < matrix.Size(0); index.I++)
                    if (max < matrix[index])
                        max = matrix[index];
Пример #19
    public static void Set <T>(this T[,] array, Index2D index, T value)
        Contracts.Requires.That(array != null);

        array[index.X, index.Y] = value;
Пример #20
        public void GroupedIndex2EntryPoint(int length)
            var end = (int)Math.Sqrt(Accelerator.MaxNumThreadsPerGroup);

            for (int i = 1; i <= end; i <<= 1)
                var stride = new Index2D(i, i);
                var extent = new KernelConfig(
                    new Index2D(length, length),
                using var buffer = Accelerator.Allocate1D <int>(extent.Size);
                Execute(extent, buffer.View, stride, extent.GridDim.XY);

                var expected = new int[extent.Size];
                for (int j = 0; j < length * length; ++j)
                    var gridIdx = Index2D.ReconstructIndex(j, extent.GridDim.XY);
                    for (int k = 0; k < i * i; ++k)
                        var groupIdx = Index2D.ReconstructIndex(k, extent.GroupDim.XY);
                        var idx      = (gridIdx * stride + groupIdx).ComputeLinearIndex(
                        expected[idx] = idx;

                Verify(buffer.View, expected);
        private void UpdateGrid(GridContent content,
                                Index2D idx)
            var widthDef  = content.WidthDef;
            var heightDef = content.HeightDef;

            // Validate Spans
            if (idx.X + widthDef.Span > ColumnCount)
                throw new ArgumentException("Column span is out of bound");

            if (idx.Y + heightDef.Span > RowCount)
                throw new ArgumentException("Row span is out of bound");

            // Insert content
            for (int i = idx.X; i < idx.X + widthDef.Span; i++)
                for (int j = idx.Y; j < idx.Y + heightDef.Span; j++)
                    // TODO: Implement auto for containers
                    if (content.IsContent == false &&
                        (Columns[i].IsAuto || Rows[j].IsAuto))
                        throw new NotImplementedException("Auto not implemented for containers");

                    Grid[i, j] = content;
Пример #22
        /// <summary>
        /// Multiplies two dense matrices and returns the resultant matrix (using tiling).
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="accelerator">The Accelerator to run the multiplication on</param>
        /// <param name="a">A dense MxK matrix</param>
        /// <param name="b">A dense KxN matrix</param>
        /// <returns>A dense MxN matrix</returns>
        static float[,] MatrixMultiplyTiled(Accelerator accelerator, float[,] a, float[,] b)
            var m  = a.GetLength(0);
            var ka = a.GetLength(1);
            var kb = b.GetLength(0);
            var n  = b.GetLength(1);

            if (ka != kb)
                throw new ArgumentException($"Cannot multiply {m}x{ka} matrix by {n}x{kb} matrix", nameof(b));

            var kernel = accelerator.LoadStreamKernel <
                ArrayView2D <float, Stride2D.DenseX>,
                ArrayView2D <float, Stride2D.DenseX>,
                ArrayView2D <float, Stride2D.DenseX> >(
            var groupSize = new Index2D(TILE_SIZE, TILE_SIZE);
            var numGroups = new Index2D((m + TILE_SIZE - 1) / TILE_SIZE, (n + TILE_SIZE - 1) / TILE_SIZE);

            using var aBuffer = accelerator.Allocate2DDenseX <float>(new Index2D(m, ka));
            using var bBuffer = accelerator.Allocate2DDenseX <float>(new Index2D(ka, n));
            using var cBuffer = accelerator.Allocate2DDenseX <float>(new Index2D(m, n));

            kernel((numGroups, groupSize), aBuffer, bBuffer, cBuffer);

            // Reads data from the GPU buffer into a new CPU array.
            // Implicitly calls accelerator.DefaultStream.Synchronize() to ensure
            // that the kernel and memory copy are completed first.
Пример #23
        /// <summary>
        /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="OffsetArray2D{TValue}"/> class.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="array">The array to wrap.</param>
        /// <param name="offset">The offset of the zero origin.</param>
        public OffsetArray2D(IBoundedIndexable <Index2D, T> array, Index2D offset)
            Contracts.Requires.That(array != null);

            this.array  = array;
            this.offset = offset;
Пример #24
        public bool TrySpawnBall(Index2D slot = null, Color32?color = null)
            if (slot == null)
                if (!TryGetRandomAvailableSlot(Board, out slot))

            if (!Board.TryGetTile(slot, out var tile))

            color ??= BallColorPool.GetRandomColor();

            var ballStyle    = ballStyleRepository.ObtainDefault();
            var tilePosition = tile.transform.position;
            var ballPosition = new Vector3(
                (Board.TileStyle.Size + ballStyle.UniformScale) * 0.5f,
            var ball = ballFactory.Create(ballPosition, color.Value, ballStyle);

            ball.name = "Ball_" + slot.ColumnIndex + "_" + slot.RowIndex;
            ball.AddComponent <Rigidbody>();

            return(Board.TrySpawnBall(ball, slot));
Пример #25
 public static ItemRequestResult <Index2D> Test <FloatPredicate>(
     ReadOnlyMatrix4x4 matrix,
     Index2D startIndex,
     Bounds2D sector,
     FloatPredicate match)
     where FloatPredicate : struct, IPredicate <float>
 => matrix.FindIndex <float, ReadOnlyMatrix4x4, FloatPredicate>(
     startIndex, sector, match);
        /// <summary>
        /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="MultidirectionalDynamicArray2D{TValue}"/> class.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="dimensions">The dimensions of the array.</param>
        public MultidirectionalDynamicArray2D(Index2D dimensions)

            this.array   = new T[dimensions.X, dimensions.Y];
            this.xOrigin = dimensions.X / 2;
            this.yOrigin = dimensions.Y / 2;
 /// <inheritdoc />
 protected override void DeserializeValues(
     Index2D lowerBounds, Index2D dimensions, byte[] buffer, ref int index, TIndexable result)
     foreach (var resultIndex in Index.Range(lowerBounds, dimensions))
         result[resultIndex] = this.ValueSerializer.Deserialize(buffer, ref index);
 /// <inheritdoc />
 protected override void SerializeValues(
     TIndexable value, Index2D lowerBounds, Index2D dimensions, byte[] buffer, ref int index)
     foreach (var valueIndex in Index.Range(lowerBounds, dimensions))
         this.ValueSerializer.Serialize(value[valueIndex], buffer, ref index);
Пример #29
 public static void ThrowsExceptionIfSourceIndexIsOutOfBounds <T>(
     Array2D <T> src, Index2D srcIndex)
 => Assert.Throws <ArgumentOutOfRangeException>(
     () => src.CopyTo(
         new Array2D <T>(src.Rows, src.Columns),
         new Bounds2D(),
         new Index2D()));
Пример #30
 public static void ThrowsExceptionIfSectorSizeIsOutOfBounds(
     Array2D <byte> src,
     Index2D srcIndex,
     byte[,] dest,
     Bounds2D sectorSize,
     Index2D destIndex)
 => Assert.Throws <ArgumentOutOfRangeException>(
     () => src.CopyTo(srcIndex, dest, sectorSize, destIndex));
Пример #31
 public static void ThrowsExceptionIfSourceIndexIsOutOfBounds(
     List2D <byte> src, Index2D srcIndex)
 => Assert.Throws <ArgumentOutOfRangeException>(
     () => src.CopyTo(
         new byte[src.Rows, src.Columns],
         new Bounds2D(),
         new Index2D()));
Пример #32
        public static Index2D[] GetCircumIndices(Index2D centerIndex)
            var circumIndices = new Index2D[]

            return circumIndices;
Пример #33
        public virtual void SetIndex(Index2D index)
            Index = index;

            CircumIndices = HexInfo.GetCircumIndices(index);
Пример #34
 public NullHex(Index2D index)
     : this(index, true)
Пример #35
 public NullHex(Index2D index, bool defined)
     Defined = defined;
     Index = index;
     CircumIndices = HexInfo.GetCircumIndices(index);
Пример #36
 public static Vector3 IndexToVector(Index2D index, float height = 0)
     return new Vector3(index.X * X_METRIC_K * A, height, index.Y * R);
Пример #37
 public CopyInfo(Index2D source, Index2D destination, Size2D size)
     this.Source = source;
     this.Destination = destination;
     this.Size = size;