public void Value_With_Multiple_Inserts() { ITextRepository repo = new DictionaryTextRepository(new TextItem[] { new TextItem { Key = "abc", Value = "abc abc" }, new TextItem { Key = "def", Value = "def $(abc) def $(abc) def" } }); var processor = new IncludeTextProcessor(repo); var value = processor.Process("def"); Assert.AreEqual("def abc abc def abc abc def", value); }
public void Circular_Reference_Keys_Ignore_Case_Throws_Exception() { ITextRepository repo = new DictionaryTextRepository(new TextItem[] { new TextItem { Key = "aBc", Value = "abc $(def) abc" }, new TextItem { Key = "def", Value = "def $(abc) def" } }); var processor = new IncludeTextProcessor(repo); var ex = Assert.Throws <InvalidOperationException>(() => processor.Process("def")); Console.Write(ex.Message); }
public void Value_With_Insert_First_Last_Character() { ITextRepository repo = new DictionaryTextRepository(new TextItem[] { new TextItem { Key = "abc", Value = "abc" }, new TextItem { Key = "def", Value = "$(abc)" } }); var processor = new IncludeTextProcessor(repo); var value = processor.Process("def"); Assert.AreEqual("abc", value); }
public void Invalid_Key_Format_Missing_Key_And_Tail() { ITextRepository repo = new DictionaryTextRepository(new TextItem[] { new TextItem { Key = "abc", Value = "123" }, new TextItem { Key = "def", Value = "def" }, new TextItem { Key = "hij", Value = "$($(def)" }, new TextItem { Key = "klm", Value = "$(" }, new TextItem { Key = "nop", Value = "$(sdfsdf" }, }); var processor = new IncludeTextProcessor(repo); var value = processor.Process("hij"); Assert.AreEqual("$(def", value, "Failed to find 'hij'"); value = processor.Process("klm"); Assert.AreEqual("$(", value, "Failed to find 'klm'"); value = processor.Process("nop"); Assert.AreEqual("$(sdfsdf", value, "Failed to find 'nop'"); }
public void Invalid_Key_Not_Found() { ITextRepository repo = new DictionaryTextRepository(new TextItem[] { new TextItem { Key = "abc", Value = "123" }, new TextItem { Key = "def", Value = "def" }, new TextItem { Key = "hij", Value = "$(xxx)$(def)" }, }); var processor = new IncludeTextProcessor(repo); var value = processor.Process("hij"); Assert.AreEqual("$(xxx)def", value); }