private void SelectTag() { string returnStr = "未查到相关标签"; string tag = ""; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Request.QueryString["tag"])) { tag = InText.SafeStr(InText.SafeSql(Request.QueryString["tag"].ToString())); } if (tag.Trim() != "") { String sql = "select * from t_tag where tag_name like '%" + tag + "%' "; DataTable dt = artBll.SelectToDataTable(sql); if (dt.Rows.Count > 0) { returnStr = "<ul>"; for (int i = 0; i < dt.Rows.Count; i++) { returnStr += "<li><a href='javascript:void(0)' onclick='SetTag(\"" + dt.Rows[i]["tag_name"].ToString() + "\")'>" + dt.Rows[i]["tag_name"].ToString() + "</a></li>"; } returnStr += "</ul>"; } } Response.Write(returnStr); }
//添加按钮 protected void imgBtn_Click(object sender, ImageClickEventArgs e) { int order = 0; string sql = "select max(link_order) as maxOrder from t_friendlink"; DataTable dtMaxOrder = artBll.SelectToDataTable(sql); if (dtMaxOrder.Rows.Count > 0) { order = Convert.ToInt32(dtMaxOrder.Rows[0]["maxOrder"]) + 1; } string name = InText.SafeSql(InText.SafeStr(this.txtAddLinkName.Value)); string link = InText.SafeSql(InText.SafeStr(this.txtAddLink.Value)); if (name.Trim() != "" && link.Trim() != "") { sql = string.Format("insert into t_friendlink (link_name,link,link_order,update_date) values ('{0}','{1}',{2},getdate())", name, link, order); if (artBll.ExecuteSQLNonquery(sql)) { this.CteateHTML(url + "index927_2.aspx", "/", ""); //重新生成首页 InText.AlertAndRedirect("添加成功!", Request.Url.ToString()); //刷新当前页 } } }
public string GetDaoyu(string daoyu, string content, int length) { daoyu = InText.SafeStr(daoyu); content = InText.SafeStr(content); if (daoyu.Trim() != "" && daoyu.Trim() != "no") { //return GetPartContent(InText.SafeStr(daoyu), length) + "..."; if (daoyu.Length > length) { return(daoyu.Substring(0, length) + "..."); } else { return(daoyu + "..."); } } else { //return GetPartContent(InText.SafeStr(content), length) + "..."; if (content.Length > length) { return(content.Substring(0, length) + "..."); } else { return(content + "..."); } } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { adminId = new AdminMethod().CheckAdminLogin();//----------------------------- if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Request.QueryString["html"])) { html = InText.SafeStr(Request.QueryString["html"].ToString()); this.txt_html.Value = html; } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Request.QueryString["dateMin"])) { update_date_min = InText.SafeSql(InText.SafeStr(Request.QueryString["dateMin"].ToString())); this.txt_update_date_min.Value = update_date_min; } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Request.QueryString["dateMax"])) { update_date_max = InText.SafeSql(InText.SafeStr(Request.QueryString["dateMax"].ToString())); this.txt_update_date_max.Value = update_date_max; } if (!IsPostBack) { BindList(); } }
private void SelectEmailExist() { string email = ""; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(HttpContext.Current.Request["email"])) { email = InText.SafeSql(InText.SafeStr(HttpContext.Current.Request["email"])); } int result = userBll.SelectEmailExist(email); StringWriter sw = new StringWriter(); Newtonsoft.Json.JsonWriter writer = new Newtonsoft.Json.JsonTextWriter(sw); if (result == 0) { writer.WriteStartObject(); writer.WritePropertyName("status"); writer.WriteValue("200"); writer.WriteEndObject(); writer.Flush(); } else { writer.WriteStartObject(); writer.WritePropertyName("status"); writer.WriteValue("500"); writer.WriteEndObject(); writer.Flush(); } string jsonText = sw.GetStringBuilder().ToString(); Response.Write(jsonText); }
//保存按钮 protected void btn_Update_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { name = InText.SafeSql(InText.SafeStr(this.txt_name.Value)); pwd = WebBasic.Encryption.Encrypt(InText.SafeSql(InText.SafeStr(this.txt_pwd.Value))); remark = InText.SafeSql(InText.SafeStr(this.txt_remark.Value)); if (admin_id != 0)//执行修改 { string sql = string.Format("update t_admin set name='{0}',pwd='{1}',remark='{2}' where id={3}", name, pwd, remark, admin_id); bool isOk = artBll.ExecuteSQLNonquery(sql); if (isOk) { InText.AlertAndRedirect("修改成功", "/xzdd927/admin/admin_list.aspx");// Request.Url.AbsoluteUri } } else //执行添加 { string sql = string.Format("insert into t_admin (name,pwd,remark) values ('{0}','{1}','{2}')", name, pwd, remark); bool isOk = artBll.ExecuteSQLNonquery(sql); if (isOk) { InText.AlertAndRedirect("添加成功", "/xzdd927/admin/admin_list.aspx");// Request.Url.AbsoluteUri } } }
private bool BindList() { bool ifOk = true; int pageIndex = 1; int pageSize = 30;//pager.PageSize;//每页显示20条信息 int totalRecord = 0; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Request.QueryString["p"]) && MetarnetRegex.IsNumeric(Request.QueryString["p"])) { pageIndex = Convert.ToInt32(InText.SafeSql(InText.SafeStr(Request.QueryString["p"].ToString()))); } string where = " where 1=1"; if (html.Trim() != "") { where += " and html like '%" + html + "%'"; } if (update_date_min != "") { where += " and DateDiff( day, '" + update_date_min + "',t_article_pic.update_date) >=0 "; } if (update_date_max != "") { where += " and DateDiff( day, '" + update_date_max + "',t_article_pic.update_date) <=0 "; } string strSql = " Select as pic_id,t_article.title,t_article.html,t_article_pic.pic,t_article_pic.update_date " + " ,row_number() over(order by desc) as rowNumber " + " FROM t_article_pic " + " LEFT JOIN t_article ON "; DataTable dt = artBll.ExecutePager(strSql + where, pageSize, pageIndex, ref totalRecord); if (dt.Rows.Count > 0) { ifOk = true; pager.PageSize = pageSize; pager.RecordCount = totalRecord; this.repList_Img.DataSource = dt; this.repList_Img.DataBind(); this.labInfoCount.Text = totalRecord.ToString(); if (totalRecord <= pageSize)//只有一页,隐藏分页控件 { this.divFenye.Visible = false; } } else { this.divFenye.Visible = false; ifOk = false; } return(ifOk); }
//生成二维码按钮 protected void imgBtnSubmit_Click(object sender, ImageClickEventArgs e) { string content = InText.SafeStr(this.textContent.Value);// int size = Convert.ToInt32(this.ddlSize.SelectedValue); size = size * 3; if (content.Trim() != "") { create_two(content, size); } }
//添加分类按钮 protected void imgBtn_Click(object sender, ImageClickEventArgs e) { string type_name = InText.SafeSql(InText.SafeStr(this.txtAddType.Value)); string type_keyword = InText.SafeSql(InText.SafeStr(this.txtAddTypeKeyword.Value)); if (type_name.Trim() != "") { string sql = string.Format("insert into t_article_type (type_name,type_keyword,remark) values ('{0}','{1}','')", type_name, type_keyword); if (artBll.ExecuteSQLNonquery(sql)) { InText.AlertAndRedirect("添加成功!", Request.Url.ToString());//刷新当前页 } } }
private void TestJSONP() { string cb = ""; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Request.QueryString["cb"])) { cb = InText.SafeStr(Request.QueryString["cb"].ToString()); } StringWriter sw = new StringWriter(); JsonWriter writer = new JsonTextWriter(sw); //writer.writest writer.WriteStartArray(); writer.WriteStartObject(); writer.WritePropertyName("name"); writer.WriteValue("王晓明"); writer.WritePropertyName("age"); writer.WriteValue("95"); writer.WriteEndObject(); writer.Flush(); writer.WriteStartObject(); writer.WritePropertyName("name"); writer.WriteValue("王晓明1"); writer.WritePropertyName("age"); writer.WriteValue("951"); writer.WriteEndObject(); writer.Flush(); writer.WriteEndArray(); string jsonText = sw.GetStringBuilder().ToString(); //string aaa = "[{\"name\":\"王晓明\",\"age\":\"95\"},{\"name\":\"王晓明1\",\"age\":\"951\"}]"; string retrunStr = "{\"man\":" + jsonText + "}"; if (cb.Trim() != "") { retrunStr = cb + "(" + retrunStr + ")"; } Response.Write(retrunStr); }
private bool BindList() { bool ifOk = true; int pageIndex = 1; int pageSize = 100;//pager.PageSize;//每页显示20条信息 int totalRecord = 0; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Request.QueryString["p"]) && MetarnetRegex.IsNumeric(Request.QueryString["p"])) { pageIndex = Convert.ToInt32(InText.SafeSql(InText.SafeStr(Request.QueryString["p"].ToString()))); } string strSql = " Select id,tag_name,tag_keyword,article_num " + " ,row_number() over(order by t_tag.article_num desc ) as rowNumber " + " FROM t_tag where t_tag.article_num>0 "; DataTable dt = artBll.ExecutePager(strSql, pageSize, pageIndex, ref totalRecord); if (dt.Rows.Count > 0) { ifOk = true; pager.PageSize = pageSize; pager.RecordCount = totalRecord; this.repList.DataSource = dt; this.repList.DataBind(); //this.labInfoCount.Text = totalRecord.ToString(); if (totalRecord <= pageSize)//只有一页,隐藏分页控件 { this.divFenye.Visible = false; } } else { this.divFenye.Visible = false; ifOk = false; } return(ifOk); }
//添加/修改按钮 protected void btn_add_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { int huandeng1 = 0; if (this.chkHuandeng1.Checked)//是否首页幻灯 { huandeng1 = 1; } string title = InText.SafeSql(InText.SafeStr(this.txt_title.Text)); string title1 = InText.SafeSql(InText.SafeStr(this.txt_title1.Text)); if (title1.Trim() == "") { title1 = title; } string source = InText.SafeSql(InText.SafeStr(this.txt_source.Text)); int articleType = Convert.ToInt32(this.ddl_articleType.SelectedValue); string articleTypeName = this.ddl_articleType.SelectedItem.Text; string content = this.hidDes.Value.Trim();//素材内容(编辑器) //InText.SafeSql(InText.SafeSqlContent(content2.Text)); int declare_mark = Convert.ToInt32(this.ddl_declare_mark.SelectedValue); string keyword = InText.SafeSql(InText.SafeStr(this.txt_keyword.Text)); string search_keyword = InText.SafeSql(InText.SafeStr(this.txt_search_keyword.Text)); string daoyu = InText.SafeSql(InText.SafeStr(this.txt_daoyu.Text)); string tag = InText.SafeSql(InText.SafeStr(this.txt_tag.Text)); int right_type = Convert.ToInt32(this.ddl_right_type.SelectedValue); //================================上传图片附件============================================================================ string savePath = HttpRuntime.AppDomainAppPath.ToString() + @ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["Article_File"].ToString(); //int result = 0; //文章图片 if (this.fu_image.HasFile) { //修改文章时,删除原来的图片 if (articleId != 0) { if (artPic.Trim() != "") { string sql = "update t_article set pic='' where id=" + articleId; bool isOk = artBll.ExecuteSQLNonquery(sql); if (isOk) { string strPath = HttpRuntime.AppDomainAppPath.ToString() + @ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["Article_File"].ToString() + artPic; //删除原图 CommonMethod.FilePicDelete(strPath); strPath = HttpRuntime.AppDomainAppPath.ToString() + @ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["Article_File"].ToString() + "100_100_" + artPic; //删除缩略图 CommonMethod.FilePicDelete(strPath); } } } artPic = ""; int len = fu_image.PostedFile.ContentLength; if (fu_image.PostedFile.ContentLength <= 10240000)//10M内 { //if (FileUpload.PostedFile.ContentLength<=) if (CommonMethod.IsAllowedExtension(fu_image))//验证下文件是否为图片 { string filepath = fu_image.PostedFile.FileName; string filename_user = filepath.Substring(filepath.LastIndexOf("\\") + 1); artPic = imageNamePre + DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMddHHmmss") + Guid.NewGuid().ToString("N") + ".jpg"; string serverpath = savePath + "img_" + artPic; fu_image.PostedFile.SaveAs(serverpath); //保存原图片 string smallPath = savePath + artPic; //缩略图路径 //CommonMethod.MakeThumbnail(serverpath, smallPath, 500, 500, "W");//保存成最大500*500 smallPath = savePath + "100_100_" + artPic; //缩略图路径 CommonMethod.MakeThumbnail(serverpath, smallPath, 300, 300, "HW"); //生成缩略图150*150 CommonMethod.FilePicDelete(serverpath); //删除原图片 } } } artPic = this.hid_artPic.Value; //幻灯图片 if (this.fu_image_huandeng1.HasFile) { savePath = HttpRuntime.AppDomainAppPath.ToString() + @ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["hd1"].ToString(); //修改文章时,删除原来的图片 if (articleId != 0) { if (artPic_huandeng1.Trim() != "") { string sql = "update t_article set huandeng1_pic='' where id=" + articleId; bool isOk = artBll.ExecuteSQLNonquery(sql); if (isOk) { string strPath = HttpRuntime.AppDomainAppPath.ToString() + @ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["Article_File"].ToString() + artPic_huandeng1;//删除原图 CommonMethod.FilePicDelete(strPath); } } } artPic_huandeng1 = ""; int len = fu_image_huandeng1.PostedFile.ContentLength; if (fu_image_huandeng1.PostedFile.ContentLength <= 10240000) //10M内 { if (CommonMethod.IsAllowedExtension(fu_image_huandeng1)) //验证下文件是否为图片 { string filepath = fu_image_huandeng1.PostedFile.FileName; string filename_user = filepath.Substring(filepath.LastIndexOf("\\") + 1); artPic_huandeng1 = imageNamePre + "hd1_" + DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMddHHmmss") + Guid.NewGuid().ToString("N") + ".jpg"; string serverpath = savePath + artPic_huandeng1; fu_image_huandeng1.PostedFile.SaveAs(serverpath);//保存原图片 //string smallPath = savePath + artPic;//缩略图路径 //CommonMethod.MakeThumbnail(serverpath, smallPath, 500, 500, "W");//保存成最大500*500 //CommonMethod.FilePicDelete(serverpath);//删除原图片 huandeng1 = 1; } } } //======================================上传图片附件========================================================================== string tagIdHtml = ""; //要引用的标签静态页ID(第一个标签的ID) string tagId = ""; //要保存的多个标签ID string tagStr = ""; //要保存的多个标签 if (this.txt_tag.Text.Trim() != "") { tagStr = InText.SafeSql(InText.SafeStr(this.txt_tag.Text)); //生成标签 string[] arrayTag = tagStr.Split(' '); for (int i = 0; i < arrayTag.Length; i++) { if (arrayTag[i].Trim() != "") { string tag_id = SelectOneTag(arrayTag[i]); if (tag_id != "") { //CreateOneTag(tag_id); if (tagIdHtml == "") { tagIdHtml = tag_id; } tagId += tag_id + ","; } } } tagId = "," + tagId; } if (articleId != 0)//执行修改 { string sql = string.Format("update t_article set title='{0}',keyword='{1}',daoyu='{2}',content='{3}',type={4},declare_mark={5},pic='{6}',remark='{7}',source='{9}',huandeng1={10},huandeng1_pic='{11}',tag='{12}',tag_id='{13}',right_type={14},title1='{15}',search_keyword='{16}' where id={8}", title, keyword, daoyu, content, articleType, declare_mark, artPic, "article/", articleId, source, huandeng1, artPic_huandeng1, tagStr, tagId, right_type, title1, search_keyword);// bool isOk = artBll.ExecuteSQLNonquery(sql); GetLastNext(articleId, articleType);//获取上一篇、下一篇 //更新上一篇、下一篇 sql = "update t_article set last_id=" + last_id + ",next_id=" + next_id + " where id=" + articleId; isOk = artBll.ExecuteSQLNonquery(sql); //更新上一篇文章的下一篇id sql = "update t_article set next_id=" + articleId + " where id=" + last_id; isOk = artBll.ExecuteSQLNonquery(sql); //生成静态页 CommonMethod.CreateArticleHtml(articleId, title, title1, source, articleType, articleTypeName, content, keyword, artPic, article_html, tagStr, tagId, tagIdHtml, Convert.ToDateTime(update_date).ToString("yyyy年M月d日"), last_html, last_title, next_html, next_title, search_keyword); //生成wap版静态页 CommonMethod.CreateArticleHtml_Wap(articleId, title, title1, source, articleType, articleTypeName, content, keyword, artPic, article_html, tagStr, tagId, tagIdHtml, search_keyword); //重新生成上一篇文章(更新“下一篇”链接) CommonMethod.CreateOneArticleHtml(last_id); //sql = "select top 1 * from t_article where id <" + articleId + " order by id desc"; //DataTable dtLast = artBll.SelectToDataTable(sql); //if (dtLast.Rows.Count > 0) //{ // int last_id = Convert.ToInt32(dtLast.Rows[0]["id"]); // //string article_html_last = dtLast.Rows[0]["html"].ToString(); // CommonMethod.CreateOneArticleHtml(last_id); //} } else //执行添加 { string sql = string.Format("insert into t_article (title,keyword,daoyu,content,type,update_date,declare_mark,pic,remark,source,huandeng1,huandeng1_pic,tag,tag_id,right_type,title1,search_keyword) values ('{0}','{1}','{2}','{3}',{4},getdate(),{5},'{6}','{7}','{8}',{9},'{10}','{11}','{12}',{13},'{14}','{15}')", title, keyword, daoyu, content, articleType, declare_mark, artPic, "article/", source, huandeng1, artPic_huandeng1, tagStr, tagId, right_type, title1, search_keyword); bool isOk = artBll.ExecuteSQLNonquery(sql); if (isOk) { DataTable dtMaxId = artBll.SelectToDataTable("select max(id) as id from t_article"); if (dtMaxId.Rows.Count > 0) { articleId = Convert.ToInt32(dtMaxId.Rows[0]["id"]); string id_show = CommonMethod.GetIDEncrypt(articleId);//对ID进行加密 DataTable dtIdShow = artBll.SelectToDataTable("select id from t_article where id_show='" + id_show + "' "); while (dtIdShow.Rows.Count > 0) { id_show = CommonMethod.GetIDEncrypt(articleId);//有重复,再次对ID进行加密 dtIdShow = artBll.SelectToDataTable("select id from t_article where id_show='" + id_show + "' "); } articleId = Convert.ToInt32(dtMaxId.Rows[0]["id"]); article_html = staticPath + id_show + ".shtml"; sql = "update t_article set html='" + article_html + "',id_show='" + id_show + "' where id=" + articleId; isOk = artBll.ExecuteSQLNonquery(sql); //将静态页名称保存到数据库 GetLastNext(articleId, articleType); //获取上一篇、下一篇 //更新上一篇、下一篇 sql = "update t_article set last_id=" + last_id + ",next_id=" + next_id + " where id=" + articleId; isOk = artBll.ExecuteSQLNonquery(sql); //更新上一篇文章的下一篇id sql = "update t_article set next_id=" + articleId + " where id=" + last_id; isOk = artBll.ExecuteSQLNonquery(sql); //生成静态页 CommonMethod.CreateArticleHtml(articleId, title, title1, source, articleType, articleTypeName, content, keyword, artPic, article_html, tagStr, tagId, tagIdHtml, DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy年M月d日"), last_html, last_title, next_html, next_title, search_keyword); //生成wap版静态页 CommonMethod.CreateArticleHtml_Wap(articleId, title, title1, source, articleType, articleTypeName, content, keyword, artPic, article_html, tagStr, tagId, tagIdHtml, search_keyword); //重新生成上一篇文章(更新“下一篇”链接) CommonMethod.CreateOneArticleHtml(last_id); //sql = "select top 1 * from t_article where id <" + articleId + " order by id desc"; //DataTable dtLast = artBll.SelectToDataTable(sql); //if (dtLast.Rows.Count > 0) //{ // last_id = Convert.ToInt32(dtLast.Rows[0]["id"]); // //string article_html_last = dtLast.Rows[0]["html"].ToString(); // CommonMethod.CreateOneArticleHtml(last_id); //} } } } if (this.txt_tag.Text.Trim() != "") { tagStr = InText.SafeSql(InText.SafeStr(this.txt_tag.Text)); //生成标签 string[] arrayTag = tagStr.Split(' '); for (int i = 0; i < arrayTag.Length; i++) { if (arrayTag[i].Trim() != "") { string tag_id = SelectOneTag(arrayTag[i]); if (tag_id != "") { CreateOneTag(tag_id); if (tagIdHtml == "") { tagIdHtml = tag_id; } //select count(id) from t_article where tag_id like '*,9,*' if (tag_id_a.Trim() == "") { //添加文章,更新该标签下的文章数量 artBll.ExecuteSQLNonquery("update t_tag set article_num=article_num+1 where id=" + tag_id); } tagId += tag_id + ","; } } } tagId = "," + tagId; } //生成右侧 //CommonMethod.CteateHTML(url + "template/Side_2.aspx", "", "/userControl/Side_2.html"); //生成404页面 CommonMethod.CteateHTML(url + "template/404.aspx", "", "/404.html"); if (articleId != 0) //执行修改 { InText.AlertAndRedirect("修改成功", "/xzdd927/article/article_list.aspx"); // } else //执行添加 { InText.AlertAndRedirect("添加成功", "/xzdd927/article/add_article.aspx");// /xzdd927/article/article_list.aspx } }
public string navStr = "";// ?at=1 ?tag=1 protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { CommonMethod.ValidUrl(); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Request.QueryString["title"])) { title = InText.SafeSql(InText.SafeStr(Request.QueryString["title"].ToString())); //this.txt_search.Value = title; articleTypeName = "> " + "“" + title + "”的搜索结果"; html_title = "“" + title + "”" + "的搜索结果_好宝宝早教网"; tishi = title; this.div_tishi.Visible = true; description = "好宝宝早教网为您提供有关" + title + "_" + @ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["title"].ToString() + "的相关内容"; keywords = title + "_" + @ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["title"].ToString(); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Request.QueryString["tag"])) { tag_id = (Utils.CheckInt(Request.QueryString["tag"].ToString())); if (tag_id != 0) { tagName = this.SelectOneTagName(tag_id.ToString()); html_title = tagName + "_" + @ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["title"].ToString(); tishi = tagName; this.div_tishi.Visible = true; description = "好宝宝早教网为您提供有关" + tagName + "_" + @ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["title"].ToString() + "的相关内容"; keywords = tagName + "_" + @ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["title"].ToString(); navStr = "tag=" + tag_id.ToString(); this.div_nav.Visible = true; } } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Request.QueryString["at"]) && MetarnetRegex.IsNumeric(Request.QueryString["at"])) { articleType = Utils.CheckInt(Request.QueryString["at"].ToString()); string sql = "select type_name,type_keyword from t_article_type where id=" + articleType; DataTable dtType = accessBll.SelectToDataTable(sql); if (dtType.Rows.Count > 0) { articleTypeName = "> <span style='color:#36648b'>" + dtType.Rows[0]["type_name"].ToString() + "</span>"; if (dtType.Rows[0]["type_keyword"].ToString().Trim() != "")//分类关键词 { html_title = dtType.Rows[0]["type_name"].ToString() + "_" + dtType.Rows[0]["type_keyword"].ToString() + "_好宝宝早教网"; description = "好宝宝早教网为您提供有关" + dtType.Rows[0]["type_name"].ToString() + "_" + dtType.Rows[0]["type_keyword"].ToString() + "_" + @ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["title"].ToString() + "的相关内容"; keywords = dtType.Rows[0]["type_name"].ToString() + "," + dtType.Rows[0]["type_keyword"].ToString() + "," + @ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["title"].ToString().Replace("|", ","); } else { html_title = dtType.Rows[0]["type_name"].ToString() + "_好宝宝早教网"; description = "好宝宝早教网为您提供有关" + dtType.Rows[0]["type_name"].ToString() + "_" + @ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["title"].ToString() + "的相关内容"; keywords = dtType.Rows[0]["type_name"].ToString() + "," + @ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["title"].ToString().Replace("|", ","); } tishi = dtType.Rows[0]["type_name"].ToString(); navStr = "at=" + articleType.ToString(); this.div_nav.Visible = true; } } if (html_title.Trim() == "") { html_title = @ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["title"].ToString(); } if (tishi.Trim() == "") { this.div_tishi.Visible = false; } if (!IsPostBack) { BindList();//绑定列表 //GetTypeList();//绑定文章分类 //BindHotList();//绑定热门文章 } }
private bool BindList() { bool ifOk = true; int pageIndex = 1; int pageSize = 30;//pager.PageSize;//每页显示10条信息 int totalRecord = 0; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Request.QueryString["p"]) && MetarnetRegex.IsNumeric(Request.QueryString["p"])) { pageIndex = Convert.ToInt32(InText.SafeSql(InText.SafeStr(Request.QueryString["p"].ToString()))); } string where = " where 1=1"; if (articleId != 0) { where += " and articleId=" + articleId; } if (title.Trim() != "") { where += " and (title like '%" + title + "%' or keyword like '%" + title + "%' or tag_name like '%" + title + "%' or search_keyword like '%" + title + "%')"; } if (tag_id != 0) { where += " and tag_id like '%," + tag_id + ",%'"; } if (articleType != 0) { where += " and type=" + articleType; } if (where == " where 1=1") { //where += " and daoyu<>'no' "; } string strSql = " Select as articleId,t_article.title,t_article.keyword,t_article.daoyu,t_article.content,t_article.type,t_article.update_date,t_article.declare_mark,t_article.pic,t_article.html,t_article.remark,t_article_type.type_name,tag,tag_id,tag_name " + " ,row_number() over(order by desc) as rowNumber " + " FROM t_article " + " LEFT JOIN t_article_type ON " + " LEFT JOIN t_tag ON replace(t_article.tag_id,',','') "; DataTable dt = artBll.ExecutePager(strSql + where, pageSize, pageIndex, ref totalRecord); //string strShow = " articleId,title,keyword,daoyu,content,type,update_date,declare_mark,pic,remark,type_name,html,tag,tag_id ";//要显示的字段 //int PageCount = 0; //DataTable dt = artBll.ExecutePager(strSql, pageSize, pageIndex, ref totalRecord); //string sqlCount = "select count(*) from t_article left join t_article_type on " + where; //totalRecord = accessBll.MaxCount(sqlCount); if (dt.Rows.Count > 0) { ifOk = true; pager.PageSize = pageSize; pager.RecordCount = totalRecord; this.repList1.DataSource = dt; this.repList1.DataBind(); //this.labInfoCount.Text = totalRecord.ToString(); if (totalRecord <= pageSize)//只有一页,隐藏分页控件 { this.divFenye.Visible = false; } //this.div_news.Visible = true; } else { this.divFenye.Visible = false; ifOk = false; //绑定最新发布的前N条文章 sql = "Select top 20 as articleId,t_article.title,t_article.keyword,t_article.daoyu,t_article.content,t_article.type,t_article.update_date,t_article.declare_mark,t_article.pic,t_article.html,t_article.remark,t_article_type.type_name,source,tag,tag_id FROM t_article " + " LEFT JOIN t_article_type ON "; sql += " where daoyu<>'no' "; sql += " order by update_date desc "; dt = artBll.SelectToDataTable(sql); if (dt.Rows.Count > 0) { this.repList2.DataSource = dt; this.repList2.DataBind(); } this.div_nonews1.Visible = true; this.div_nonews2.Visible = true; } return(ifOk); }
private bool BindList() { bool ifOk = true; int pageIndex = 1; int pageSize = 20;//pager.PageSize;//每页显示10条信息 int totalRecord = 0; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Request.QueryString["p"]) && MetarnetRegex.IsNumeric(Request.QueryString["p"])) { pageIndex = Convert.ToInt32(InText.SafeSql(InText.SafeStr(Request.QueryString["p"].ToString()))); } string where = " where 1=1"; if (articleId != 0) { where += " and articleId=" + articleId; } if (title.Trim() != "") { where += " and title like '%" + title + "%'"; } if (tag_id != 0) { where += " and tag_id like '%," + tag_id + ",%'"; } if (articleType != 0) { where += " and type=" + articleType; } if (where == " where 1=1") { where += " and daoyu<>'no' "; } //string strSql = " Select P.ProductID,P.ProClassID,P.ProductName,P.ProFlag,P.DateTime,P.ProductImage,C.ProClassName,C.ProClassKey,C.ProClassDes FROM ProductInfo P " + // " LEFT JOIN ProClass C ON P.ProClassID=C.ProClassID "; //string strShow = " ProductID,ProductName,DateTime,ProductImage,ProFlag,ProClassName,ProClassKey,ProClassDes "; //return ClassFile.AccessHelper.ExecutePager(PageIndex, PageSize, "ProductID", strShow, strSql, strWhere, " ProductID DESC ", out PageCount, out RecordCount); string strSql = " Select as articleId,t_article.title,t_article.keyword,t_article.daoyu,t_article.content,t_article.type,t_article.update_date,t_article.declare_mark,t_article.pic,t_article.html,t_article.remark,t_article_type.type_name,tag,tag_id FROM t_article " + " LEFT JOIN t_article_type ON "; string strShow = " articleId,title,keyword,daoyu,content,type,update_date,declare_mark,pic,remark,type_name,html,tag,tag_id ";//要显示的字段 int PageCount = 0; DataTable dt = accessBll.ExecutePager(pageIndex, pageSize, "articleId", strShow, strSql, where, " update_date DESC ", out PageCount, out totalRecord); string sqlCount = "select count(*) from t_article left join t_article_type on " + where; //totalRecord = accessBll.MaxCount(sqlCount); if (dt.Rows.Count > 0) { ifOk = true; pager.PageSize = pageSize; pager.RecordCount = totalRecord; this.repList1.DataSource = dt; this.repList1.DataBind(); //this.labInfoCount.Text = totalRecord.ToString(); if (totalRecord <= pageSize)//只有一页,隐藏分页控件 { this.divFenye.Visible = false; } this.div_news.Visible = true; } else { this.divFenye.Visible = false; ifOk = false; //绑定最新发布的前N条文章 sql = "Select top 30 as articleId,t_article.title,t_article.keyword,t_article.daoyu,t_article.content,t_article.type,t_article.update_date,t_article.declare_mark,t_article.pic,t_article.html,t_article.remark,t_article_type.type_name,source,tag,tag_id FROM t_article " + " LEFT JOIN t_article_type ON "; sql += " where daoyu<>'no' "; sql += " order by update_date desc "; dt = accessBll.SelectToDataTable(sql); if (dt.Rows.Count > 0) { this.repList2.DataSource = dt; this.repList2.DataBind(); } this.div_nonews1.Visible = true; this.div_nonews2.Visible = true; } return(ifOk); }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { adminId = new AdminMethod().CheckAdminLogin();//----------------------------- if (!IsPostBack) { InitArticle(); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Request.QueryString["a_id"]) && MetarnetRegex.IsNumeric(Request.QueryString["a_id"])) { articleId = Utils.CheckInt(Request.QueryString["a_id"].ToString()); this.txt_article_id.Value = InText.SafeSql(InText.SafeStr(Request.QueryString["a_id"].ToString())); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Request.QueryString["title"])) { title = InText.SafeStr(Request.QueryString["title"].ToString()); this.txt_title.Value = title; } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Request.QueryString["search_keyword"])) { search_keyword = InText.SafeStr(Request.QueryString["search_keyword"].ToString()); this.txt_search_keyword.Value = title; } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Request.QueryString["a_t"]) && MetarnetRegex.IsNumeric(Request.QueryString["a_t"])) { articleType = Utils.CheckInt(Request.QueryString["a_t"].ToString()); this.ddl_articleType.SelectedValue = InText.SafeStr(Request.QueryString["a_t"].ToString()); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Request.QueryString["dateMin"])) { update_date_min = InText.SafeSql(InText.SafeStr(Request.QueryString["dateMin"].ToString())); this.txt_update_date_min.Value = update_date_min; } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Request.QueryString["dateMax"])) { update_date_max = InText.SafeSql(InText.SafeStr(Request.QueryString["dateMax"].ToString())); this.txt_update_date_max.Value = update_date_max; } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Request.QueryString["tag"])) { tag = InText.SafeStr(Request.QueryString["tag"].ToString()); this.txt_tag.Value = tag; } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Request.QueryString["html"])) { html = InText.SafeStr(Request.QueryString["html"].ToString()); this.txt_html.Value = html; } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Request.QueryString["hd1"]) && MetarnetRegex.IsNumeric(Request.QueryString["hd1"])) { isHuandeng1 = Utils.CheckInt(Request.QueryString["hd1"].ToString()); this.chkIsHuandeng1.Checked = true; } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Request.QueryString["r_t"]) && MetarnetRegex.IsNumeric(Request.QueryString["r_t"])) { right_type = Utils.CheckInt(Request.QueryString["r_t"].ToString()); this.ddl_right_type.SelectedValue = InText.SafeStr(Request.QueryString["r_t"].ToString()); } if (!IsPostBack) { BindList();//绑定列表 } }
private bool BindList() { bool ifOk = true; int pageIndex = 1; int pageSize = 20;//pager.PageSize;//每页显示20条信息 int totalRecord = 0; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Request.QueryString["p"]) && MetarnetRegex.IsNumeric(Request.QueryString["p"])) { pageIndex = Convert.ToInt32(InText.SafeSql(InText.SafeStr(Request.QueryString["p"].ToString()))); } string where = " where 1=1"; if (articleId != 0) { where += " and" + articleId; } if (title.Trim() != "") { where += " and title like '%" + title + "%'"; } if (search_keyword.Trim() != "") { where += " and search_keyword like '%" + search_keyword + "%'"; } if (articleType != 0) { where += " and type=" + articleType; } if (right_type != 0) { where += " and right_type=" + right_type; } if (update_date_min != "") { where += " and DateDiff( day, '" + update_date_min + "',update_date) >=0 "; } if (update_date_max != "") { where += " and DateDiff( day, '" + update_date_max + "',update_date) <=0 "; } if (tag.Trim() != "") { where += " and tag like '%" + tag + "%'"; } if (html.Trim() != "") { where += " and html like '%" + html + "%'"; } if (isHuandeng1 != 0) { where += " and huandeng1=1 "; } //string strSql = " Select P.ProductID,P.ProClassID,P.ProductName,P.ProFlag,P.DateTime,P.ProductImage,C.ProClassName,C.ProClassKey,C.ProClassDes FROM ProductInfo P " + // " LEFT JOIN ProClass C ON P.ProClassID=C.ProClassID "; //string strShow = " ProductID,ProductName,DateTime,ProductImage,ProFlag,ProClassName,ProClassKey,ProClassDes "; //return ClassFile.AccessHelper.ExecutePager(PageIndex, PageSize, "ProductID", strShow, strSql, strWhere, " ProductID DESC ", out PageCount, out RecordCount); string strSql = " Select as articleId,t_article.title,t_article.keyword,t_article.search_keyword,t_article.daoyu,t_article.content,t_article.type,t_article.update_date,t_article.declare_mark,t_article.pic,t_article.html,t_article.remark,t_article_type.type_name,source,t_article.tag,t_article.tag_id,t_article.huandeng1,right_type,t_article.ts_baidu " + " ,row_number() over(order by desc) as rowNumber " + " FROM t_article " + " LEFT JOIN t_article_type ON "; DataTable dt = artBll.ExecutePager(strSql + where, pageSize, pageIndex, ref totalRecord); if (dt.Rows.Count > 0) { ifOk = true; pager.PageSize = pageSize; pager.RecordCount = totalRecord; this.repList.DataSource = dt; this.repList.DataBind(); this.labInfoCount.Text = totalRecord.ToString(); if (totalRecord <= pageSize)//只有一页,隐藏分页控件 { this.divFenye.Visible = false; } } else { this.divFenye.Visible = false; ifOk = false; } return(ifOk); }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { CommonMethod.ValidUrl(); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Request.QueryString["title"])) { title = InText.SafeSql(InText.SafeStr(Request.QueryString["title"].ToString())); tishi = "“" + title + "”的搜索结果"; html_title = "“" + title + "”" + "的搜索结果_好宝宝早教网"; description = "好宝宝早教网为您提供有关" + title + "_" + @ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["title"].ToString() + "的相关内容"; keywords = title + "_" + @ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["title"].ToString(); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Request.QueryString["tag"])) { tag_id = (Utils.CheckInt(Request.QueryString["tag"].ToString())); if (tag_id != 0) { String sql = "select * from t_tag where id=" + tag_id; DataTable dt = artBll.SelectToDataTable(sql); if (dt.Rows.Count > 0) { tagName = dt.Rows[0]["tag_name"].ToString(); if (dt.Rows[0]["tag_keyword"].ToString().Trim() != "") { html_title = tagName + "_" + dt.Rows[0]["tag_keyword"].ToString() + "_好宝宝早教网"; description = "好宝宝早教网为您提供有关" + tagName + "_" + dt.Rows[0]["tag_keyword"].ToString() + "的相关内容"; keywords = tagName + "_" + dt.Rows[0]["tag_keyword"].ToString(); } else { html_title = tagName + "_好宝宝早教网";//+ "_" + @ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["title"].ToString(); description = "好宝宝早教网为您提供有关" + tagName + "_" + @ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["title"].ToString() + "的相关内容"; keywords = tagName + "_" + @ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["title"].ToString(); } tishi = tagName; miaoshu_pic = dt.Rows[0]["tag_pic"].ToString(); miaoshu = dt.Rows[0]["tag_miaoshu"].ToString(); miaoshu_title = tagName; if (miaoshu.Trim() != "") { this.div_miaoshu.Visible = true;//显示描述div } } } } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Request.QueryString["at"]) && MetarnetRegex.IsNumeric(Request.QueryString["at"])) { articleType = Utils.CheckInt(Request.QueryString["at"].ToString()); this.hid_type.Value = Request.QueryString["at"].ToString(); string sql = "select type_name,type_keyword from t_article_type where id=" + articleType; DataTable dtType = artBll.SelectToDataTable(sql); if (dtType.Rows.Count > 0) { articleTypeName = dtType.Rows[0]["type_name"].ToString(); if (dtType.Rows[0]["type_keyword"].ToString().Trim() != "")//分类关键词 { html_title = dtType.Rows[0]["type_name"].ToString() + "_" + dtType.Rows[0]["type_keyword"].ToString() + "_好宝宝早教网"; description = "好宝宝早教网为您提供有关" + dtType.Rows[0]["type_name"].ToString() + "_" + dtType.Rows[0]["type_keyword"].ToString() + "_" + @ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["title"].ToString() + "的相关内容"; keywords = dtType.Rows[0]["type_name"].ToString() + "," + dtType.Rows[0]["type_keyword"].ToString() + "," + @ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["title"].ToString().Replace("|", ","); } else { html_title = dtType.Rows[0]["type_name"].ToString() + "_好宝宝早教网"; description = "好宝宝早教网为您提供有关" + dtType.Rows[0]["type_name"].ToString() + "_" + @ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["title"].ToString() + "的相关内容"; keywords = dtType.Rows[0]["type_name"].ToString() + "," + @ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["title"].ToString().Replace("|", ","); } tishi = dtType.Rows[0]["type_name"].ToString(); } } if (html_title.Trim() == "") { html_title = @ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["title"].ToString(); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Request.QueryString["p"]) && MetarnetRegex.IsNumeric(Request.QueryString["p"])) { int p = Convert.ToInt32(InText.SafeSql(InText.SafeStr(Request.QueryString["p"].ToString()))); if (p > 1) { html_title += "_第" + p + "页"; } } if (!IsPostBack) { BindList();//绑定列表 } }
private void Login() { //string username = ""; //if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(HttpContext.Current.Request["username"])) //{ // username = InText.SafeSql(InText.SafeStr(HttpContext.Current.Request["username"])); //} //string pwd = ""; //if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(HttpContext.Current.Request["pwd"])) //{ // pwd = InText.SafeSql(InText.SafeStr(HttpContext.Current.Request["pwd"])); // //pwd = WebBasic.Encryption.Encrypt(pwd); // pwd = Utils.Encrypt(pwd); //} string username = ""; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(HttpContext.Current.Request["username"])) { username = InText.SafeSql(InText.SafeStr(HttpContext.Current.Request.Form["username"])); } string pwd = ""; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(HttpContext.Current.Request["pwd"])) { pwd = InText.SafeSql(InText.SafeStr(HttpContext.Current.Request.Form["pwd"])); //pwd = WebBasic.Encryption.Encrypt(pwd); pwd = Utils.Encrypt(pwd); } int valid_type = 1;//1、根据用户名判断 2、根据邮箱判断 if (username.Contains("@")) { valid_type = 2; } int result = 0; if (userBll.SelectUsernameEmailExist(username) > 0) { int count = userBll.SelectUserPwdIsTrue(username, pwd, valid_type); if (count > 0) { result = UserLogin(username);//执行登录,并返回登录结果 } else { result = 2;//用户名或密码错误 } } else { result = 4;//用户名不存在 } StringWriter sw = new StringWriter(); Newtonsoft.Json.JsonWriter writer = new Newtonsoft.Json.JsonTextWriter(sw); writer.WriteStartObject(); writer.WritePropertyName("status"); writer.WriteValue("200"); writer.WritePropertyName("result"); writer.WriteValue(result.ToString()); writer.WriteEndObject(); writer.Flush(); string jsonText = sw.GetStringBuilder().ToString(); Response.Write(jsonText); }
private void register() { string username = ""; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(HttpContext.Current.Request["username"])) { username = InText.SafeSql(InText.SafeStr(HttpContext.Current.Request["username"])); } string pwd = ""; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(HttpContext.Current.Request["pwd"])) { pwd = Utils.Encrypt(InText.SafeSql(InText.SafeStr(HttpContext.Current.Request["pwd"]))); } string email = ""; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(HttpContext.Current.Request["email"])) { email = InText.SafeSql(InText.SafeStr(HttpContext.Current.Request["email"])); } int sex = 2; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(HttpContext.Current.Request["sex"])) { sex = Utils.CheckInt(HttpContext.Current.Request["sex"]); } int baby = 2; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(HttpContext.Current.Request["baby"])) { baby = Utils.CheckInt(HttpContext.Current.Request["baby"]); } DateTime baby_date = DateTime.Now; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(HttpContext.Current.Request["baby_date"])) { baby_date = Convert.ToDateTime(HttpContext.Current.Request["baby_date"]); } string remark = ""; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(HttpContext.Current.Request["remark"])) { remark = InText.SafeSql(InText.SafeStr(HttpContext.Current.Request["remark"])); } int result = userBll.Add_User(username, pwd, email, sex, baby, baby_date, remark); StringWriter sw = new StringWriter(); Newtonsoft.Json.JsonWriter writer = new Newtonsoft.Json.JsonTextWriter(sw); if (result > 0) { writer.WriteStartObject(); writer.WritePropertyName("status"); writer.WriteValue("200"); writer.WritePropertyName("newid"); writer.WriteValue(result.ToString()); writer.WriteEndObject(); writer.Flush(); } else { writer.WriteStartObject(); writer.WritePropertyName("status"); writer.WriteValue("500"); writer.WriteEndObject(); writer.Flush(); } string jsonText = sw.GetStringBuilder().ToString(); Response.Write(jsonText); }