void RunInSim() { // Bind packet events. insim.Bind <IS_NCN>(NewConnection); insim.Bind <IS_NPL>(NewPlayer); insim.Bind <IS_MSO>(MessageReceived); insim.Bind <IS_MCI>(MultiCarInfo); insim.Bind <IS_CNL>(ConnectionLeave); insim.Bind <IS_CPR>(ClientRenames); insim.Bind <IS_PLL>(PlayerLeave); insim.Bind <IS_STA>(OnStateChange); insim.Bind <IS_BTC>(ButtonClicked); insim.Bind <IS_BFN>(ClearButtons); insim.Bind <IS_VTN>(VoteNotify); insim.Bind <IS_AXI>(AutocrossInformation); // Initialize InSim insim.Initialize(new InSimSettings { Host = "", // Port = 29999, Admin = "2910", Prefix = '!', Flags = InSimFlags.ISF_MCI | InSimFlags.ISF_MSO_COLS, Interval = 1000 }); insim.Send(new[] { new IS_TINY { SubT = TinyType.TINY_NCN, ReqI = 255 }, new IS_TINY { SubT = TinyType.TINY_NPL, ReqI = 255 }, new IS_TINY { SubT = TinyType.TINY_ISM, ReqI = 255 }, new IS_TINY { SubT = TinyType.TINY_SST, ReqI = 255 }, new IS_TINY { SubT = TinyType.TINY_MCI, ReqI = 255 }, new IS_TINY { SubT = TinyType.TINY_NCI, ReqI = 255 }, new IS_TINY { SubT = TinyType.TINY_AXI, ReqI = 255 }, new IS_TINY { SubT = TinyType.TINY_SST, ReqI = 255 }, }); insim.Send(255, 0, "^3NOTE: ^8InSim connected with version ^2" + InSimVersion); }
public CruiseEngine() { _inSim = new InSim(); _time = new TimeManagement(); allCars = new AllCars(); buttons = new Buttons(); chat = new String[100]; chatBuffer = new String[100]; count = 0; players = new PlayerInfo(); parameters = new Parameters(); commands = new Commands(); calculations = new Calculations(); drag = new Events.Drag(); carAheadWarning = new Systems.CarAhead(); activePLID = -1; activePLID2 = -1; active = true; lastCrashNameA = ""; lastCrashNameB = ""; avgSpeeds = new double[5]; _inSim.Bind <IS_MSO>(MessageOut); _inSim.Bind <IS_MCI>(CarDataIn); _inSim.Bind <IS_STA>(PlayerInfo); _inSim.Bind <IS_NPL>(NewPlayer); _inSim.Bind <IS_NCN>(NewConnection); _inSim.Bind <IS_CNL>(Disconnected); _inSim.Bind <IS_PLP>(PlayerPits); _inSim.Bind <IS_PLL>(PlayerSpectates); _inSim.Bind <IS_CRS>(CarReset); _inSim.Bind <IS_PIT>(PITStop); _inSim.Bind <IS_PSF>(PITFInished); _inSim.Bind <IS_CON>(Crash); _inSim.Bind <IS_TOC>(CarTakeOver); _inSim.Bind <IS_BTC>(ButtonPressed); _inSim.Bind <IS_BTT>(ButtonText); // Initialize InSim _inSim.Initialize(new InSimSettings { Host = "", Port = 29999, Admin = "ed", Interval = 250, Flags = InSimFlags.ISF_MCI + (int)InSimFlags.ISF_LOCAL + (int)InSimFlags.ISF_CON }); // For now, this will give enough time to make a connection without trying to run any inSim commands Thread.Sleep(500); run(); }
private void Form1_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { InSim insim = new InSim(); // Initialize InSim insim.Initialize(new InSimSettings { Host = "", Port = 29999, Admin = "123123", Flags = InSimFlags.ISF_MCI | InSimFlags.ISF_CON, Interval = 1000, IName = "EmirhanPala", }); // Send message to LFS insim.Send("/msg Canlı button, InSim-EmirhanPala!"); insim.Bind <IS_MCI>(ButtonGorunumu); }
public void connect_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { insim.Bind <IS_MSO>(MessageOut); string value = textBox1.Text; textBox2.Text += "Insim Connected"; connect.Text = "Connected!"; connect.Enabled = false; // insim.Bind<IS_MSO>(Comma); // string[] StrMsg = Msg.Split(' '); // Initailize InSim insim.Initialize(new InSimSettings { Host = "", // Host where LFS is runing Port = 30000, // Port to connect to LFS through Admin = "2910", // Optional game admin password }); }
public static void Main(string[] args) { string IP = INI.Read("config.ini", "IP"); ushort Port = ushort.Parse(INI.Read("config.ini", "Port")); string Admin_Password = INI.Read("config.ini", "Admin_Password"); while (true) { if (!insim.IsConnected) { insim.Bind <IS_ISM>(InSim_Multi.ISM); insim.Bind <IS_NCN>(New_Connection.NCN); insim.Bind <IS_NCI>(New_Connection_Identification.NCI); insim.Bind <IS_CNL>(Connection_Leave.CNL); insim.Bind <IS_NPL>(Leave_Pit.NPL); insim.Bind <IS_PLP>(Goes_To_Pit.PLP); insim.Bind <IS_PLL>(Goes_To_Spectator.PLL); insim.Bind <IS_MCI>(Message_Car_Information.MCI); insim.Bind <IS_MSO>(Message_Output.MSO); insim.Initialize(new InSimSettings { Host = IP, Port = Port, Admin = Admin_Password, Flags = InSimFlags.ISF_MSO_COLS | InSimFlags.ISF_MCI, Interval = 1000, Prefix = '!', IName = "^0L^7I^0B" }); insim.Send(new IS_TINY { ReqI = 2, SubT = TinyType.TINY_ISM }); Logger.Info($"InSim Base - InSim\nInitialized with success, in {IP}:{Port}", Logger.Types.Initialize); } } }
void RunInSim() { // Bind packet events. insim.Bind <IS_NCN>(NewConnection); insim.Bind <IS_NPL>(NewPlayer); insim.Bind <IS_MSO>(MessageReceived); insim.Bind <IS_MCI>(MultiCarInfo); insim.Bind <IS_CNL>(ConnectionLeave); insim.Bind <IS_CPR>(ClientRenames); // insim.Bind<IS_PLL>(PlayerLeave); insim.Bind <IS_STA>(OnStateChange); // insim.Bind<IS_BTC>(ButtonClicked); insim.Bind <IS_BFN>(ClearButtons); // insim.Bind<IS_VTN>(VoteNotify); insim.Bind <IS_AXI>(OnAutocrossInformation); // insim.Bind<IS_TINY>(OnTinyReceived); // insim.Bind<IS_CON>(CarCOntact); insim.Bind <IS_BTT>(ButtonType); insim.Bind <IS_LAP>(Laps); insim.Bind <IS_RES>(Res); insim.Bind <IS_PIT>(Pitstop); insim.Bind <IS_HLV>(HotLapValidity); insim.Bind <IS_RES>(Result); // Initialize InSim insim.Initialize(new InSimSettings { Host = "", // Port = 29999, Admin = "2910693997", Prefix = '!', Flags = InSimFlags.ISF_MCI | InSimFlags.ISF_MSO_COLS | InSimFlags.ISF_CON | InSimFlags.ISF_RES_0 | InSimFlags.ISF_RES_1 | InSimFlags.ISF_NLP | InSimFlags.ISF_HLV, Interval = 500 }); insim.Send(new[] { new IS_TINY { SubT = TinyType.TINY_NCN, ReqI = 255 }, new IS_TINY { SubT = TinyType.TINY_NPL, ReqI = 255 }, new IS_TINY { SubT = TinyType.TINY_ISM, ReqI = 255 }, new IS_TINY { SubT = TinyType.TINY_SST, ReqI = 255 }, new IS_TINY { SubT = TinyType.TINY_MCI, ReqI = 255 }, new IS_TINY { SubT = TinyType.TINY_NCI, ReqI = 255 }, new IS_TINY { SubT = TinyType.TINY_AXI, ReqI = 255 }, }); // insim.Send("/cars " + AVAILABLE_CARS); insim.Send(255, "^8InSim connected with version ^2" + InSim_Version); ConnectedToSQL = SqlInfo.StartUp(SQLIPAddress, SQLDatabase, SQLUsername, SQLPassword); if (!ConnectedToSQL) { insim.Send(255, "SQL connect attempt failed! Attempting to reconnect in ^310 ^8seconds!"); SQLReconnectTimer.Start(); SaveTimer.Start(); } else { insim.Send(255, "^2Loaded userdata from database"); } }
private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { joystick = new vGen(); insim = new InSim(); insim.Initialized += (o, ec) => { insim.Send(new IS_BTN() { ReqI = 5, L = 40, T = 20, H = 5, W = 40, BStyle = ButtonStyles.ISB_CLICK, ClickID = 66, Text = "Control mode: 0", UCID = 0 }); foreach (var p in paths.paths) { MSL("^3Path: ^7" + p.Name); } DrawClickables(); }; insim.Bind(PacketType.ISP_BTC, (ins, bb) => { var bt = (IS_BTC)bb; if (bt.ClickID == 66) { control = (control + 1) % 2; } else if (bt.ClickID == 67) { initPhase = true; } else if (bt.ClickID >= PATH_CLICKID) { var p = paths.paths[bt.ClickID - PATH_CLICKID]; currentPath = p.Waypoints; MSL("^7Selected path: ^3" + p.Name); initPhase = true; } DrawClickables(); }); insim.Bind(PacketType.ISP_BTT, (ins, bb) => { var bt = (IS_BTT)bb; if (bt.ClickID == 67) { speedmod = int.Parse(bt.Text); MSL("^3Speedmod set to ^7" + speedmod + "%"); } DrawClickables(); }); insim.Initialize(new InSimSettings() { IName = "^7Afto^1Piliet", Host = "", Port = 29997, Interval = 100, Prefix = '!', Flags = InSimFlags.ISF_LOCAL }); outsim = new OutSim(10000); outsim.TimedOut += (a, b) => { insim.Send(new InSimDotNet.Packets.IS_MSL() { Msg = "TimeOut..", ReqI = 10, Sound = MessageSound.SND_MESSAGE }); }; outsim.PacketReceived += Outsim_PacketReceived; outsim.Connect("", 30000); joystick.AcquireDev(1, DevType.vJoy, ref hDev); //joystick.SetDevAxis(hDev, 1, (float)100.0); //timer = new System.Timers.Timer(100); //timer.Elapsed += (o, ee) => { // //joystick.SetDevAxis(hDev, 1, (float)DateTime.Now.Millisecond*0.1f); // var cpos = Cursor.Position; // joystick.SetDevAxis(hDev, 1, cpos.X / 19.2f); // joystick.SetDevAxis(hDev, 2, cpos.Y / 10.8f); //}; //timer.Start(); }
static void Main(string[] args) { StreamReader configReader = new StreamReader("config.cfg"); string line = String.Empty; string username = "******", password = "******", channel = "channel"; while ((line = configReader.ReadLine()) != null) { if (line.StartsWith("user")) { username = line.Substring(line.IndexOf("=") + 1).Trim(); } else if (line.StartsWith("pass")) { password = line.Substring(line.IndexOf("=") + 1).Trim(); } else if (line.StartsWith("channel")) { channel = line.Substring(line.IndexOf("=") + 1).Trim(); } } IrcClient client = new IrcClient("irc.twitch.tv", 6667, username, password, channel); InSim insim = new InSim(); insim.Initialize(new InSimSettings { Host = "", Port = 29999, Admin = String.Empty, Flags = InSimFlags.ISF_LOCAL, IName = "Twitch Chat", Interval = 250 }); insim.Bind <IS_MSO>(InSimMessageHandler); while (true) { var message = client.ReadMessage(); if (!message.StartsWith("PING")) { var formattedMessage = message; try { formattedMessage = message.Substring(1, message.IndexOf("!") - 1) + " : " + message.Substring(message.IndexOf(":", 1) + 1); } catch { } Console.WriteLine($"{message}"); string[] tempArray = chatMessages; tempArray[6] = tempArray[5]; tempArray[5] = tempArray[4]; tempArray[4] = tempArray[3]; tempArray[3] = tempArray[2]; tempArray[2] = tempArray[1]; tempArray[1] = tempArray[0]; tempArray[0] = formattedMessage; for (int index = 0; index < tempArray.Length; index++) { insim.Send(new IS_BTN { ClickID = (byte)(index + 1), ReqI = 1, BStyle = ButtonStyles.ISB_DARK, Text = tempArray[index], H = 6, L = 0, T = (byte)(120 - index * 6), W = 50, UCID = 0 }); } insim.Send(new IS_BTN { ClickID = 8, ReqI = 1, Text = "© gxszu.co.uk", H = 4, L = 0, T = 126, W = 10, UCID = 0, BStyle = ButtonStyles.ISB_LEFT | ButtonStyles.ISB_DARK }); chatMessages = tempArray; } } }