protected void imprimir(Object sender, DataGridCommandEventArgs e) { string codRedencion = ((DataBoundLiteralControl)e.Item.Cells[0].Controls[0]).Text.Replace("\n", "").Replace("\r", "").Replace("\t", ""); Imprimir reporte = new Imprimir(); Label lbvacio = new Label(); DataTable dt = new DataTable(); string[] Formulas = new string[0]; string[] ValFormulas = new string[0]; string usuario = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["UID"]; string password = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["PWD"]; Crypto miCripto = new Crypto(Crypto.CryptoProvider.TripleDES); miCripto.IV = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["VectorInicialEncriptacion"]; miCripto.Key = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["ValorConcatClavePrivada"]; string newPwd = miCripto.DescifrarCadena(password); string nomA = String.Format("Redencion_{0}", codRedencion); dt.Columns.Add("NOMBRE", typeof(string)); dt.Columns.Add("VALOR", typeof(object)); DataRow row = dt.NewRow(); row[0] = "Codigo"; row[1] = codRedencion; dt.Rows.Add(row); reporte.DtValPar = dt; reporte.PreviewReport2("VIP.Redencion", "", "", 1, 1, 1, "", "", nomA, "pdf", usuario, newPwd, Formulas, ValFormulas, lbvacio); Response.Write("<script language:javascript>'" + reporte.Documento + "','','HEIGHT=600,WIDTH=600');</script>"); ViewState["reporte"] = reporte.Documento; }
private string imprimir(string codFactura) { Imprimir reporte = new Imprimir(); Label lbvacio = new Label(); DataTable dt = new DataTable(); string[] Formulas = new string[0]; string[] ValFormulas = new string[0]; string usuario = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["UID"]; string password = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["PWD"]; Crypto miCripto = new Crypto(Crypto.CryptoProvider.TripleDES); miCripto.IV = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["VectorInicialEncriptacion"]; miCripto.Key = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["ValorConcatClavePrivada"]; string newPwd = miCripto.DescifrarCadena(password); string nomA = String.Format("Factura_{0}", codFactura); dt.Columns.Add("NOMBRE", typeof(string)); dt.Columns.Add("VALOR", typeof(object)); DataRow row = dt.NewRow(); row[0] = "Codigo"; row[1] = codFactura; dt.Rows.Add(row); reporte.DtValPar = dt; reporte.PreviewReport2("VIP.Facturacion", "", "", 1, 1, 1, "", "", nomA, "pdf", usuario, newPwd, Formulas, ValFormulas, lbvacio); return(reporte.Documento); }
protected void generarInforme() { Label lbvacio = new Label(); string[] Formulas = new string[8]; string[] ValFormulas = new string[8]; string header = "AMS_HEADER.rpt"; string footer = "AMS_FOOTER.rpt"; DataSet tempDS = new DataSet(); //JFSC 11022008 Poner en comentario por no ser usado //string where = "";filtro=""; //string[] filtros; Formulas[0] = "CLIENTE"; Formulas[1] = "NIT"; Formulas[2] = "TITULO"; Formulas[3] = "TITULO1"; Formulas[4] = "SELECCION1"; Formulas[5] = "SELECCION2"; Formulas[6] = "VERSION"; Formulas[7] = "REPORTE"; string empresa = DBFunctions.SingleData("select cemp_nombre from dbxschema.cempresa"); ValFormulas[0] = "" + empresa + ""; //nombre empresa string nit = DBFunctions.SingleData("select mnit_nit from dbxschema.cempresa"); DataSet datosReporte = new DataSet(); ValFormulas[1] = "" + nit + ""; ValFormulas[2] = "SOLICITUD DE PEDIDO VEHICULOS A PROVEEDOR "; //titulo rpt ValFormulas[3] = "SISTEMA DE VEHICULOS"; //subtitulo Sistema de Nomina ValFormulas[4] = " "; //año mes quince ValFormulas[5] = ""; // ValFormulas[6] = "ECAS - AMS VER 3.0.1"; Imprimir funcion = new Imprimir(); string servidor = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["Server" + GlobalData.getEMPRESA()]; string database = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["DataBase" + GlobalData.getEMPRESA()]; string usuario = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["UID"]; string password = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["PWD" + GlobalData.getEMPRESA()]; AMS.CriptoServiceProvider.Crypto miCripto = new Crypto(AMS.CriptoServiceProvider.Crypto.CryptoProvider.TripleDES); miCripto.IV = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["VectorInicialEncriptacion"]; miCripto.Key = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["ValorConcatClavePrivada"]; string newPwd = miCripto.DescifrarCadena(password); //JFSC 11022008 Cambiar nombre de método y cantidad de parámetros string nomA = "Solicitud Vehiculos"; funcion.PreviewReport2("AMS.Vehiculos.SolicitudDePedidosVehiculos", header, footer, 1, 1, 1, "", "", nomA, "pdf", usuario, newPwd, Formulas, ValFormulas, lbvacio); hl1.NavigateUrl = funcion.Documento; hl1.Visible = true; }
protected void generarInforme() { Label lbvacio = new Label(); string[] Formulas = new string[8]; string[] ValFormulas = new string[8]; string header = "AMS_HEADER.rpt"; string footer = "AMS_FOOTER.rpt"; DataSet tempDS = new DataSet(); Formulas[0] = "CLIENTE"; Formulas[1] = "NIT"; Formulas[2] = "TITULO"; Formulas[3] = "TITULO1"; Formulas[4] = "SELECCION1"; Formulas[5] = "SELECCION2"; Formulas[6] = "VERSION"; Formulas[7] = "REPORTE"; string empresa = DBFunctions.SingleData("select cemp_nombre from dbxschema.cempresa"); ValFormulas[0] = "" + empresa + ""; //nombre empresa string nit = DBFunctions.SingleData("select mnit_nit from dbxschema.cempresa"); DataSet datosReporte = new DataSet(); ValFormulas[1] = "" + nit + ""; ValFormulas[2] = "SOLICITUD DE PEDIDO VEHICULOS CLIENTES MAYOR "; //titulo rpt ValFormulas[3] = "SISTEMA DE VEHICULOS"; //subtitulo Sistema de Nomina ValFormulas[4] = " "; //año mes quince ValFormulas[5] = ""; // ValFormulas[6] = "ECAS - AMS VER 3.0.1"; Imprimir funcion = new Imprimir(); string servidor = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["Server" + GlobalData.getEMPRESA()]; string database = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["DataBase" + GlobalData.getEMPRESA()]; string usuario = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["UID"]; string password = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["PWD" + GlobalData.getEMPRESA()]; AMS.CriptoServiceProvider.Crypto miCripto = new Crypto(AMS.CriptoServiceProvider.Crypto.CryptoProvider.TripleDES); miCripto.IV = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["VectorInicialEncriptacion"]; miCripto.Key = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["ValorConcatClavePrivada"]; string newPwd = miCripto.DescifrarCadena(password); string nomA = "Solicitud Vehiculos Mayor"; funcion.PreviewReport2("AMS.Vehiculos.SolicitudDePedidosVehiculosMayor", header, footer, 1, 1, 1, "", "", nomA, "pdf", usuario, newPwd, Formulas, ValFormulas, lbvacio); Response.Write("<script language:javascript>'" + funcion.Documento + "','','HEIGHT=600,WIDTH=600');</script>"); //Utils.MostrarAlerta(Response, "Pedido creado correctamente!"); //funcion.ReportUnload(); hl1.NavigateUrl = funcion.Documento; hl1.Visible = true; }
protected void imprimir_carta(string prefijo, string numero) { string prefPed = prefijo; string numPed = numero; DBFunctions.NonQuery("drop view DBXSCHEMA.VVEHICULOS_PEDIDOSDEVEHICULOSCLIENTES_R"); DBFunctions.NonQuery("CREATE VIEW DBXSCHEMA.VVEHICULOS_PEDIDOSDEVEHICULOSCLIENTES_R AS SELECT * FROM DBXSCHEMA.VVEHICULOS_PEDIDOSDEVEHICULOSCLIENTES where pdoc_codigo='" + prefPed + "' and mped_numepedi=" + numPed + " "); ConString = System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["ConnectionString"]; Label lbvacio = new Label(); string[] Formulas = new string[8]; string[] ValFormulas = new string[8]; string header = "AMS_HEADER.rpt"; string footer = "AMS_FOOTER.rpt"; DataSet tempDS = new DataSet(); Formulas[0] = "CLIENTE"; Formulas[1] = "NIT"; Formulas[2] = "TITULO"; Formulas[3] = "TITULO1"; Formulas[4] = "SELECCION1"; Formulas[5] = "SELECCION2"; Formulas[6] = "VERSION"; Formulas[7] = "REPORTE"; string empresa = DBFunctions.SingleData("select cemp_nombre from dbxschema.cempresa"); ValFormulas[0] = "" + empresa + ""; //nombre empresa string nit = DBFunctions.SingleData("select mnit_nit from dbxschema.cempresa"); DataSet datosReporte = new DataSet(); DBFunctions.Request(datosReporte, IncludeSchema.NO, "Select PMES_NOMBRE,PANO_DETALLE from DBXSCHEMA.CVEHICULOS CVEH , DBXSCHEMA.PANO PANO,DBXSCHEMA.PMES PMES WHERE PANO.PANO_ANO=CVEH.PANO_ANO AND PMES.PMES_MES=CVEH.PMES_MES"); string mes = datosReporte.Tables[0].Rows[0][0].ToString(); string ano = datosReporte.Tables[0].Rows[0][1].ToString(); ValFormulas[1] = "" + nit + ""; ValFormulas[2] = "CARTA DE BIENVENIDA"; //titulo rpt ValFormulas[3] = "SISTEMA DE VEHICULOS"; //subtitulo Sistema de Nomina ValFormulas[4] = "AÑO:" + ano + " MES:" + mes + " "; //año mes ValFormulas[5] = ""; // ValFormulas[6] = "ECAS - AMS VER 3.0.1"; Imprimir funcion = new Imprimir(); string servidor = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["Server" + GlobalData.getEMPRESA()]; string database = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["DataBase" + GlobalData.getEMPRESA()]; string usuario = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["UID"]; string password = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["PWD" + GlobalData.getEMPRESA()]; AMS.CriptoServiceProvider.Crypto miCripto = new Crypto(AMS.CriptoServiceProvider.Crypto.CryptoProvider.TripleDES); miCripto.IV = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["VectorInicialEncriptacion"]; miCripto.Key = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["ValorConcatClavePrivada"]; string newPwd = miCripto.DescifrarCadena(password); string nomA = "Carta Bienvenida"; string cartarpt = DBFunctions.SingleData("SELECT SFOR_NOMBRPT FROM SFORMATODOCUMENTOCRYSTAL WHERE SFOR_CODIGO = 'FORMCART';"); try { funcion.PreviewReport2(cartarpt, header, footer, 1, 1, 1, "", "", nomA, "pdf", usuario, newPwd, Formulas, ValFormulas, lbvacio); } catch { funcion.PreviewReport2("AMS.Vehiculos.CartadeBienvenida", header, footer, 1, 1, 1, "", "", nomA, "pdf", usuario, newPwd, Formulas, ValFormulas, lbvacio); } Response.Write("<script language:javascript>'" + funcion.Documento + "','','HEIGHT=600,WIDTH=600');</script>"); }
protected void gen_rpt(object sender, EventArgs e) { DBFunctions.NonQuery("DROP VIEW DBXSCHEMA.VVEHICULOS_DOCUMENTOS_R"); DBFunctions.NonQuery("create VIEW DBXSCHEMA.VVEHICULOS_DOCUMENTOS_R AS select * from dbxschema.vvehiculos_documentos where tipo='" + ddlcatalogoS + "' and VIN='" + ddlVinS + "'"); ConString = System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["ConnectionString"]; Label lbvacio = new Label(); string[] Formulas = new string[8]; string[] ValFormulas = new string[8]; string header = "AMS_HEADER.rpt"; string footer = "AMS_FOOTER.rpt"; DataSet tempDS = new DataSet(); //JFSC 11022008 Poner en comentario por no ser usado //string where = "",filtro=""; //string[] filtros; Formulas[0] = "CLIENTE"; Formulas[1] = "NIT"; Formulas[2] = "TITULO"; Formulas[3] = "TITULO1"; Formulas[4] = "SELECCION1"; Formulas[5] = "SELECCION2"; Formulas[6] = "VERSION"; Formulas[7] = "REPORTE"; string empresa = DBFunctions.SingleData("select cemp_nombre from dbxschema.cempresa"); ValFormulas[0] = "" + empresa + ""; //nombre empresa string nit = DBFunctions.SingleData("select mnit_nit from dbxschema.cempresa"); DataSet datosReporte = new DataSet(); string ruta = System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["PathToPreviews"]; ValFormulas[1] = "" + nit + ""; ValFormulas[2] = "Acta Entrega Vehiculos"; //titulo rpt ValFormulas[3] = "SISTEMA DE VEHICULOS"; //subtitulo Sistema de Nomina ValFormulas[4] = ""; //año mes quince ValFormulas[5] = ""; // ValFormulas[6] = "ECAS - AMS VER 1.0.0."; Imprimir funcion = new Imprimir(); string servidor = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["Server" + GlobalData.getEMPRESA()]; string database = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["DataBase" + GlobalData.getEMPRESA()]; string usuario = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["UID"]; string password = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["PWD" + GlobalData.getEMPRESA()]; AMS.CriptoServiceProvider.Crypto miCripto = new Crypto(AMS.CriptoServiceProvider.Crypto.CryptoProvider.TripleDES); miCripto.IV = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["VectorInicialEncriptacion"]; miCripto.Key = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["ValorConcatClavePrivada"]; string newPwd = miCripto.DescifrarCadena(password); string nomA = "Acta Entrega Vehiculos"; funcion.PreviewReport2("AMS.Vehiculos.Documentos", header, footer, 1, 1, 1, "", "", nomA, "pdf", usuario, newPwd, Formulas, ValFormulas, lbvacio); Response.Write("<script language:javascript>'" + funcion.Documento + "','','HEIGHT=600,WIDTH=600');</script>"); DatasToControls param = new DatasToControls(); param.PutDatasIntoDropDownList(ddlcatalogo, "select distinct pcat_codigo from dbxschema.mvehiculo MV, MCATALOGOVEHICULO MC WHERE MC.MCAT_VIN = MV.MCat_VIN"); param.PutDatasIntoDropDownList(ddlVin, "SELECT MV.MCAT_VIN AS VIN FROM MVEHICULO MV, mcatalogovehiculo MC WHERE MC.MCAT_VIN = MV.MCAT_VIN AND MC.PCAT_CODIGO='" + ddlcatalogo.SelectedValue + "'"); param.PutDatasIntoDropDownList(ddlCodDoc, "select pdoc_codigo,pdoc_codigo concat '-' concat pdoc_nombre from dbxschema.PDOCUMENTOVEHICULO"); DataSet d = new DataSet(); DBFunctions.Request(d, IncludeSchema.NO, "select MVEH_CODIGO,PCAT_CODIGO,mvd.MCAT_VIN,PDOC_CODIDOCU,MVEH_NUMEDOCU,MVEH_FECHINGRESO,MVEH_VALODOCU,MVEH_FECHENTREGA,MVEH_OBSERVAC,MVEH_NOMBRETRAMITA,TRES_SINO from dbxschema.mvehiculodocumento mvd, mcatalogovehiculo mc where PCAT_CODIGO='" + ddlcatalogo.SelectedValue + "' and mvd.mcat_vin='" + ddlVin.SelectedValue + "' and PDOC_CODIDOCU='" + ddlCodDoc.SelectedValue + "' and mvd.mcat_vin = mc.mcat_vin "); if (d.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0) { txtFechaDoc.Text = d.Tables[0].Rows[0][5].ToString(); txtValoDoc.Text = d.Tables[0].Rows[0][6].ToString(); txtFechaVencDoc.Text = d.Tables[0].Rows[0][7].ToString(); txtObserva.Text = d.Tables[0].Rows[0][8].ToString(); txtTramitador.Text = d.Tables[0].Rows[0][9].ToString(); txtNumDoc.Text = d.Tables[0].Rows[0][4].ToString(); } else { txtFechaDoc.Text = ""; txtValoDoc.Text = ""; txtFechaVencDoc.Text = ""; txtObserva.Text = ""; txtTramitador.Text = ""; txtNumDoc.Text = ""; } }