public async Task ImportImage(string tag) { var credential = new AzureCredentials( new ServicePrincipalLoginInformation { ClientId = TestEnvironment.ClientId, ClientSecret = TestEnvironment.ClientSecret, }, TestEnvironment.TenantId, AzureEnvironment.AzureGlobalCloud); var _registryClient = new ContainerRegistryManagementClient(credential.WithDefaultSubscription(TestEnvironment.SubscriptionId)); _registryClient.SubscriptionId = TestEnvironment.SubscriptionId; var importSource = new ImportSource { SourceImage = "library/hello-world", RegistryUri = "" }; await _registryClient.Registries.ImportImageAsync( resourceGroupName : TestEnvironment.ResourceGroup, registryName : TestEnvironment.Registry, parameters : new ImportImageParameters { Mode = ImportMode.Force, Source = importSource, TargetTags = new List <string>() { $"library/hello-world:{tag}" } }); }
public async Task ImportImageAsync(string registry, string repository, List <string> tags) { var credential = new AzureCredentials( new ServicePrincipalLoginInformation { ClientId = TestEnvironment.ClientId, ClientSecret = TestEnvironment.ClientSecret, }, TestEnvironment.TenantId, AzureEnvironment.AzureGlobalCloud); var managementClient = new ContainerRegistryManagementClient(credential.WithDefaultSubscription(TestEnvironment.SubscriptionId)); managementClient.SubscriptionId = TestEnvironment.SubscriptionId; var importSource = new ImportSource { SourceImage = repository, RegistryUri = "" }; var targetTags = tags.Select(tag => $"{repository}:{tag}"); await managementClient.Registries.ImportImageAsync( resourceGroupName : TestEnvironment.ResourceGroup, registryName : registry, parameters : new ImportImageParameters { Mode = ImportMode.Force, Source = importSource, TargetTags = targetTags.ToList() }); }
static CardBase() { Cards = new List <Card>(); Editions = new List <Edition>(); IsInitialized = false; if (ImportSource == null) { ImportSource = Import.ImportSource.Cockatrice; } switch (ImportSource) { case ImportSource.Cockatrice: MaxItems = CockatriceImport.MaxItems; break; case ImportSource.MagiccardsInfo: MaxItems = 0; break; default: break; } }
public SourceItem (ImportSource source) : base (source.Name.Replace ("_", "__")) { this.Source = source; Gdk.Pixbuf icon = source.Icon; if (icon != null) this.Image = new Gtk.Image (icon); }
/// <summary> /// Создаёт объект для чтения температур с указанного источника. /// </summary> /// <param name="source"></param> /// <returns></returns> private static ITempertatureReader CreateReader(ImportSource source) { return(source switch { ImportSource.MeteoInfo => new Importers.MemeoInfoReader(), ImportSource.PogodaIKlimat => new Importers.PogodaIKlimatReader(), ImportSource.GisMeteo => new Importers.GisMeteoReader(), _ => throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(source)) });
public SourceItem(ImportSource source) : base(source.Name.Replace("_", "__")) { this.Source = source; Gdk.Pixbuf icon = source.Icon; if (icon != null) { this.Image = new Gtk.Image(icon); } }
public void SwitchToFolderSource(Uri uri) { if (!history_sources.TryGetValue(uri.AbsoluteUri, out var source)) { var name = uri.GetFilename(); source = new ImportSource(uri, name, "folder"); history_sources[uri.AbsoluteUri] = source; } PopulateSourceCombo(source); Controller.ActiveSource = source; }
public async void OnClosePopup(View item, object parameter) { if (item is SelectImportSourceView) { if (parameter != null) { Dictionary <string, object> parameters = parameter as Dictionary <string, object>; if (parameters != null) { CSVImporter csvImporter = (CSVImporter)parameters["CSVImporter"]; ImportSource importSource = (ImportSource)parameters["ImportSource"]; if (importSource.Format != Common.CSVFormat.Unknown) { List <ImportFieldMapping> mappings = CSVImporter.CreateMappings(importSource.Format); await csvImporter.ImportToVault(Vault, mappings); } else { App.Controller.ShowPopup( "vault.importmap", new KeyValuePair <string, object>("CSVImporter", csvImporter), new KeyValuePair <string, object>("ImportHeaders", csvImporter.Headers), new KeyValuePair <string, object>("StandardFields", Credential.StandardFields)); } } } } else if (item is ImportMappingView) { Dictionary <string, object> parameters = parameter as Dictionary <string, object>; if (parameters != null) { CSVImporter csvImporter = (CSVImporter)parameters["CSVImporter"]; List <ImportFieldMapping> mappings = (List <ImportFieldMapping>)parameters["Mappings"]; await csvImporter.ImportToVault(Vault, mappings); } } else if (item is VaultReportView) { string filter = (string)parameter; if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(filter)) { Entry searchEntry = View.FindByName <Entry>("SearchEntry"); if (searchEntry != null) { searchEntry.Text = "@" + filter; } } } ResetIdleTime(); ClearSelectedCredential(true); NotifyPropertyChanged("FilteredCredentials"); }
public static void LoadImportSource([NotNull] Type type, [NotNull] ImportSourceAttribute importSourceAttribute) { Assert.ArgumentNotNull(type, nameof(type)); Assert.ArgumentNotNull(importSourceAttribute, nameof(importSourceAttribute)); var where = new ImportSource { Type = type, Attribute = importSourceAttribute }; importSources.Add(where); }
public async System.Threading.Tasks.Task ImportImageAsync( Registry sourceRegistry, string sourceImage, bool force = true, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default(CancellationToken)) { if (sourceRegistry == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(sourceRegistry)); } var sourceResourceId = sourceRegistry.ResourceId?.ToString(); var sourceLoginServer = string.IsNullOrEmpty(sourceResourceId) ? sourceRegistry.LoginServer : null; var importSource = new ImportSource() { ResourceId = sourceResourceId, RegistryUri = sourceLoginServer, SourceImage = sourceImage }; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(sourceRegistry.UserName)) { importSource.Credentials = new ImportSourceCredentials() { Username = sourceRegistry.UserName, Password = sourceRegistry.Password }; } var importImageParameters = new ImportImageParameters() { Mode = force ? ImportModeForce : ImportModeNoForce, Source = importSource, TargetTags = new List <string> { sourceImage } }; importImageParameters.Validate(); await _registryClient.Registries.ImportImageAsync( _registryConfiguration.ResourceGroupName, _registryConfiguration.Name, importImageParameters, cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false); }
void PopulateSourceCombo(ImportSource sourceToActivate) { int activate_index = 0; sources_combo.Changed -= OnSourceComboChanged; Sources.Clear(); Sources.AppendValues(null, Strings.ChooseImportSource, string.Empty, true); Sources.AppendValues(null, select_folder_label, "folder", true); Sources.AppendValues(null, string.Empty, string.Empty); bool mount_added = false; foreach (var source in Controller.Sources) { if (source == sourceToActivate) { activate_index = Sources.IterNChildren(); } Sources.AppendValues(source, source.Name, source.IconName, true); mount_added = true; } if (!mount_added) { Sources.AppendValues(null, Strings.ParenNoCamerasDetectedParen, string.Empty, false); } if (history_sources.Count > 0) { Sources.AppendValues(null, string.Empty, string.Empty); foreach (var source in history_sources.Values) { if (source == sourceToActivate) { activate_index = Sources.IterNChildren(); } Sources.AppendValues(source, source.Name, source.IconName, true); } } sources_combo.Changed += OnSourceComboChanged; sources_combo.Active = activate_index; }
public async Task <List <ProductDto> > MapRange(ImportSource importSourceProducts) { var directory = Path.Combine(Directory.GetCurrentDirectory(), "App_Data", "Import"); var productQty = 0; var updatedProduct = 0; foreach (var sourceProduct in importSourceProducts.ProductDto) { var queryProduct = from c in _productRepository.Table where c.VendorCode == sourceProduct.Article || c.Price == sourceProduct.Price && c.FullDescription == sourceProduct.Description && c.Name == sourceProduct.Name select c; var productResult = IAsyncCursorSourceExtensions.FirstOrDefault(queryProduct); var isExistedProduct = productResult != null; if (isExistedProduct) { if (productResult.Length == 0 && sourceProduct.Length != 0) { productResult.Length = sourceProduct.Length; } await _productRepository.UpdateAsync(productResult); updatedProduct++; continue; } var product = new ProductDto { LWHMeasure = sourceProduct.LWHMeasure, WeightMeasure = sourceProduct.WeightMeasure, Name = sourceProduct.Name, Width = sourceProduct.Width, Height = Convert.ToDecimal(sourceProduct.Height), Weight = Convert.ToDecimal(sourceProduct.Weight), SeName = sourceProduct.Name.Replace(' ', '-').ToLower().Unidecode(), VendorCode = sourceProduct.Article, FullDescription = sourceProduct.Description, ShortDescription = sourceProduct.Description, Price = sourceProduct.Price, Published = true, DisplayStockAvailability = true, DisplayStockQuantity = true, VisibleIndividually = true, OrderMinimumQuantity = 1, OrderMaximumQuantity = 10000, ProductTemplateId = "5f74eb009eb59f4650635823", StockQuantity = sourceProduct.Mark == 1 ? 10000 : 0, Gibkiy = sourceProduct.Gibkiy == 1, Obrazci = sourceProduct.Obrazci, MarkAsNew = sourceProduct.IsNew, Podsvetka = sourceProduct.Podsvetka == 1, QuantityInBox = sourceProduct.QuantityInBox, Material = sourceProduct.Material, Mark = sourceProduct.Mark, Collection = sourceProduct.Collection, Razdel = sourceProduct.Razdel, UseWith = sourceProduct.UseWith, Analogs = sourceProduct.Analogs }; var queryCategory = from c in _categoryRepository.Table where c.Name == sourceProduct.Category select c; var isExistedCategory = IAsyncCursorSourceExtensions.FirstOrDefault(queryCategory) != null; var categoryDto = new CategoryDto(); if (!isExistedCategory) { categoryDto = await _mediator.Send(new AddCategoryCommand { Model = new CategoryDto { Name = sourceProduct.Category, Published = true, HideOnCatalog = false, ShowOnSearchBox = false, ShowOnHomePage = true, CategoryTemplateId = "5f66096097db2b2da47b957d", ParentCategoryId = "5f8c210ea1bd7e55c439472b" } }); product.Categories.Add(new ProductCategoryDto { CategoryId = categoryDto.Id }); } else { var categoryId = IAsyncCursorSourceExtensions.FirstOrDefault(queryCategory).Id; categoryDto.Id = categoryId; product.Categories.Add(new ProductCategoryDto { CategoryId = categoryId }); } var pictureDtos = new List <PictureDto>(); foreach (var image in sourceProduct.Image) { if (image == "") { continue; } var binary = Path.Combine(directory, "images", image).ToBytes(); if (binary == null) { continue; } pictureDtos.Add(await _mediator.Send(new AddPictureCommand { PictureDto = new PictureDto { SeoFilename = image, MimeType = ("." + image.Split(".")[1]).ToMimeType(), PictureBinary = binary } })); } var queryManufacturer = from c in _manufacturerRepository.Table where c.Name == sourceProduct.Brand select c; var isExistedManufacturer = IAsyncCursorSourceExtensions.FirstOrDefault(queryManufacturer) != null; var manufacturerDto = new ManufacturerDto(); if (!isExistedManufacturer) { manufacturerDto = await _mediator.Send(new AddManufacturerCommand { Model = new ManufacturerDto { Name = sourceProduct.Brand, Published = true, ManufacturerTemplateId = "5f66096097db2b2da47b957e" } }); product.Manufacturers.Add(new ProductManufacturerDto { ManufacturerId = manufacturerDto.Id }); } else { var manufacturerId = IAsyncCursorSourceExtensions.FirstOrDefault(queryManufacturer).Id; manufacturerDto.Id = manufacturerId; product.Manufacturers.Add(new ProductManufacturerDto { ManufacturerId = manufacturerId }); } var productDto = await _mediator.Send( new AddProductCommand { Model = product }); await _categoryService.InsertProductCategory(new ProductCategory { CategoryId = categoryDto.Id, ProductId = productDto.Id, IsFeaturedProduct = true }); var productDtoExample = new ProductDto(); var productExample = new ProductDto(); if (product.Obrazci > 0) { productExample = (ProductDto)product.Clone(); var exampleCategoryName = "Образцы"; var queryCategoryExample = from c in _categoryRepository.Table where c.Name == exampleCategoryName select c; var isExistedCategoryExample = IAsyncCursorSourceExtensions.FirstOrDefault(queryCategoryExample) != null; var categoryDtoExample = new CategoryDto(); if (!isExistedCategoryExample) { categoryDtoExample = await _mediator.Send(new AddCategoryCommand { Model = new CategoryDto { Name = exampleCategoryName, Published = true, HideOnCatalog = true, ShowOnSearchBox = false, ShowOnHomePage = false, CategoryTemplateId = "5f66096097db2b2da47b957d", ParentCategoryId = "5f8c210ea1bd7e55c439472b" } }); var categoryForDelete = productExample.Categories.FirstOrDefault( x => x.CategoryId == categoryDto.Id); productExample.Categories.Remove(categoryForDelete); productExample.Categories.Add(new ProductCategoryDto { CategoryId = categoryDtoExample.Id }); } else { var categoryId = IAsyncCursorSourceExtensions.FirstOrDefault(queryCategoryExample).Id; categoryDtoExample.Id = categoryId; productExample.Categories.Add(new ProductCategoryDto { CategoryId = categoryId }); } productDtoExample = await _mediator.Send( new AddProductCommand { Model = productExample }); await _categoryService.InsertProductCategory(new ProductCategory { CategoryId = categoryDtoExample.Id, ProductId = productDtoExample.Id, IsFeaturedProduct = true }); } await _manufacturerService.InsertProductManufacturer(new ProductManufacturer { ManufacturerId = manufacturerDto.Id, ProductId = productDto.Id, IsFeaturedProduct = true }); foreach (var item in pictureDtos) { product.Pictures.Add(new ProductPictureDto { MimeType = item.MimeType, PictureId = item.Id }); await _productService.InsertProductPicture(new ProductPicture { PictureId = item.Id, ProductId = productDto.Id }); if (product.Obrazci > 0) { productExample.Pictures.Add(new ProductPictureDto { MimeType = item.MimeType, PictureId = item.Id }); await _productService.InsertProductPicture(new ProductPicture { PictureId = item.Id, ProductId = productDtoExample.Id }); _productDtos.Add(productDtoExample); } } _productDtos.Add(productDto); await _logger.InsertLog(LogLevel.Information, $"Добавлен товар №{productQty}"); productQty++; } await _logger.InsertLog(LogLevel.Information, updatedProduct.ToString()); return(_productDtos); }
private void c_source_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, System.EventArgs e) { ISource = (ImportSource)c_source.SelectedIndex; update(); }
//結構物設置 //public bool tBarCheck = false; //public bool bridgePierCheck = false; //public bool groundsillWorkCheck = false; //public bool sedimentationWeirCheck = false; //public int tBarNum = 0; //public int bridgePierNum = 0; //public int groundsillWorkNum = 0; //public int sedimentationWeirNum = 0; // private int _dryBedNum = 0; //private List<Point>[] _tBarPts = null; //private List<Point>[] _bridgePierPts = null; //private List<Point>[] _groundsillWorkPts = null; //private List<Point>[] _sedimentationWeirPts = null; //public List<Point>[] TBarSets //{ // get { return _tBarSets; } // set { _tBarSets = (List<Point>[])value.Clone(); } //} //浸沒邊界資訊 //private int _immersedBoundaryNum = 0; //private List<Point>[] _immersedBoundaryPts = null; //public bool sidewallBoundarySlip = false; // private void Initialization() { //模組特殊功能高程 dimensionType = DimensionType.None; //維度選擇 modelingType = ModelingType.None; //模組選擇 //Special Functions //水理 closeDiffusionEffectFunction = false; //關閉移流擴散效應 secondFlowEffectFunction = false; //二次流效應 structureSetFunction = false; //結構物設置 sideInOutFlowFunction = false; //側出入流 waterHighSandContentEffectFunction = false; //水理高含砂效應 //動床 bedrockFunction = false; //岩床 quayStableAnalysisFunction = false; //岩壁穩定分析 movableBedHighSandContentEffectFunction = false; //動床高含砂效應 //全域參數 inputGrid = null; importSource = ImportSource.None; coorType = TWD97; verticalLevelNumber = 19; //0.1.1 垂向格網分層數目 levelProportion = null; // 分層比例 陣列大小_verticalLevelNumber //水理參數 flowType = FlowType.None; //1.0 定/變量流 //1.1 數值參數 ========================================= //1.1.1 時間 totalSimulationTime = 0; // 總模擬時間 timeSpan2d = 0; // 二維時間間距 outputFrequency = 0; // 輸出頻率 steppingTimesInVertVslcTime = 10; // 垂直方向計算時間步進次數 //1.1.2 收斂條件 waterModelingConvergenceCriteria2d = 0.0001; // 二維水理收斂標準 waterModelingConvergenceCriteria3d = 0.0001; // 三維水理收斂標準 waterModelingMaxIterationTimes = 10000; // 水理最大疊代次數 //1.1.3 輸出控制 //2D outputControlInitialBottomElevation = false; //1.1.3 輸出控制 初始底床高程 outputControlLevel = false; //1.1.3 輸出控制 水位 outputControlDepth = false; //1.1.3 輸出控制 水深 outputControlAverageDepthFlowRate = false; //1.1.3 輸出控制 水深平均流速 outputControlFlow = false; //1.1.3 輸出控制 流量 outputControlBottomShearingStress = false; //1.1.3 輸出控制 底床剪應力 //3D outputControlVelocityInformation3D = false; //1.1.3 輸出控制 三維流速資訊 minWaterDeoth = 0.0001; //1.1.4 最小水深 單一數值 m 0.0001 實數(>0) 實數 8 格 (隱藏版功能) viscosityFactorAdditionInMainstream = 1; //1.1.5 主流方向黏滯係數加成比例 單一數值 1 實數(>=0) 實數 8 格 (隱藏版功能) viscosityFactorAdditionInSideDirection = 1; //1.1.6 側方向黏滯係數加成比例 單一數值 1 實數(>=0) 實數 8 格 (隱藏版功能) //1.2 物理參數 ========================================= roughnessType = RoughnessType.None; //1.2.1 糙度係數 二選一 整數 8 格 manningN = new TwoInOne(TwoInOne.ValueType.Double, TwoInOne.ArrayType.TwoDim); // Manning n 二選一 -- 均一值 chezy = new TwoInOne(TwoInOne.ValueType.Double, TwoInOne.ArrayType.TwoDim); // Chezy 二選一 -- 均一值 roughnessHeightKs = new TwoInOne(TwoInOne.ValueType.Double, TwoInOne.ArrayType.TwoDim); // 粗糙高度 ks mm -- 均一值 turbulenceViscosityType = TurbulenceViscosityType.None; //1.2.2 紊流黏滯係數 四選一 整數 8 格 // 使用者輸入 模擬功能為二維或三維都可選擇此項輸入 // 紊流黏滯係數 Ns/m2 實數(>0) 實數 8 格 tvInMainstreamDirection = 0; //需確認 tvInSideDirection = 0; //需確認 zeroEquationType = ZeroEquationType.Constant; // 零方程 五選一 總共 5 種選項 // 單方程 -- // 雙方程(k-ε) 三維 only,僅一項,不用下拉選單。 //1.2.3 其他 gravityConstant = 9.81; // 重力常數 單一數值 m/s2 9.81 實數 Free waterDensity = 1000; // 水密度 單一數值 kg/m3 1000 實數(>0) Free //1.3 二次流效應 二維 only curvatureRadiusType = 0; //1.3.1 曲率半徑 是否自動計算 curvatureRadius = null; //1.3.1 曲率半徑 矩陣(I,J) m 0 實數 Free //1.4 結構物設置 四種結構物:丁壩、橋墩、固床工、攔河堰。 tBarSet = false; //丁壩設置 bridgePierSet = false; //橋墩設置 groundsillWorkSet = false; //固床工設置 sedimentationWeirSet = false; //攔河堰設置 //1.4.1 結構物數量 tBarNumber = 0; //丁壩數量 bridgePierNumber = 0; //橋墩數量 groundsillWorkNumber = 0; //固床工數量 sedimentationWeirNumber = 0; //攔河堰數量 // 格網位置 tBarSets = null; //丁壩位置集合 bridgePierSets = null; //橋墩位置集合 groundsillWorkSets = null; //固床工位置集合 sedimentationWeirSets = null; //攔河堰位置集合 //1.6 高含砂效應 供使用者輸入 6 個常數:α1、β1、c 1、α2、β2、c 2 highSandEffectAlpha1 = 0; highSandEffectBeta1 = 0; highSandEffectC1 = 0; highSandEffectAlpha2 = 0; highSandEffectBeta2 = 0; highSandEffectC2 = 0; //動床參數 //2.1 數值參數 ========================================= waterTimeSpan = 0; //2.1.1 時間間距 waterOutputFrequency = 0; //2.1.2 輸出頻率 //2.1.3 輸出控制 //2D outputControlBottomElevation = false; //2.1.3 輸出控制 初始底床高程 outputControlAverageDepthDensity = false; //2.1.3 輸出控制 水深平均流速 outputControlErosionDepth = false; //2.1.3 沖淤深度 //3D outputControlDensityInformation3D = false; //2.1.3 輸出控制 三維流速資訊 //2.1.4 選擇擴散公式 diffusionFormulaUse = false;; //2.1.4 擴散公式 diffusionFormula = DiffusionFormulaType.None; //2.1.4 擴散公式 diffusionBonusProportionalInMainstream = 1.0; //2.1.5 主流方向擴散係數加成比例單一數值 1 實數(>=0) 實數8 格三維 only (隱藏版功能) diffusionBonusProportionalInSideflow = 1.0; //2.1.6 側方向擴散係數加成比例單一數值 1 實數(>=0) 實數8 格三維 only (隱藏版功能) diffusionBonusProportionalInSurface = 1.0; //2.1.7 水面擴散係數加成比例單一數值 1 實數(>=0) 實數8 格三維 only (隱藏版功能) diffusionBonusProportionalInBottom = 1.0; //2.1.8 底床擴散係數加成比例單一數值 1 實數(>=0) 實數8 格三維 only (隱藏版功能) //2.2 物理參數 kinematicViscosityCoefficient = 1.12e-6; //2.2.1 動力黏滯係數單一數值 秒 1.12e-6 實數(>=0) 實數16 格 sedimentPoreRatio = 0.4; //2.2.2 泥砂孔隙比單一數值 -- 0.4 實數(>=0) 實數8 格 sedimentDensity = 2700; //2.2.3 泥砂密度單一數值 Kg/m3 2700 實數(>=0) 實數8 格 sedimentParticlesNumber = 3; //2.2.4 泥砂顆粒數目單一數值K 3 整數(>2) 最優先設定 sedimentParticleSize = null; // 泥砂粒徑矩陣(K) m 實數(>0) 實數16 格矩陣(K)為泥砂顆粒數目 //2.3 底床組成 bottomLevelNumber = 6; //2.3.1 底床分層數目單一數值 整數(>0) a. 使用者輸入底床分層數目後 bottomLevelArray = null; // 底床分層厚度矩陣(L) m 實數(>0) 矩陣(L)為底床分層數目 sedimentCompositionArray = null; // 泥砂組成比例矩陣(K,L) 實數(>0) 矩陣(K,L)為(泥砂顆粒數目, 底床分層數目) shenCohesiveSediment = false; //2.3.2 凝聚性沉滓option surfaceErosion = false; // 表層沖刷 -- 實數(>0) 供者用者輸入係數及臨界剪應力(N/m2)兩個值 surfaceErosionCoefficient = 0; // 表層沖刷 -- 實數(>0) 供者用者輸入係數及臨界剪應力(N/m2)兩個值 surfaceErosionCriticalShearStress = 0; // 表層沖刷 -- 實數(>0) 供者用者輸入係數及臨界剪應力(N/m2)兩個值 massiveErosion = false; // 塊狀沖蝕 單一數值 N/m2。 -- 實數(>0) 供者用者輸入臨界剪應力(N/m2) massiveErosionCriticalShearStress = 0; // 塊狀沖蝕 單一數值 N/m2。 -- 實數(>0) 供者用者輸入臨界剪應力(N/m2) noErosionElevationUse = false; //2.3.3 不可沖刷高程 二選一 m 實數 a. option 用 check box noErosionElevation = new TwoInOne(TwoInOne.ValueType.Double, TwoInOne.ArrayType.TwoDim); //b. 0:均一值,逐點給:-1 //2.4.2 高含砂輸砂公式 多選一 -- -- 整數 8 格 共 3 種選項 sandTransportEquation = SandTransportEquationType.None; waterJettingAlpha = 0; //2.5.1 水力沖刷 實數 供使用者輸入α及β兩個常數。 waterJettingBeta = 0; //2.5.1 水力沖刷 實數 供使用者輸入α及β兩個常數。 sedimentErosion = false; //2.5.2 泥砂磨蝕 sedimentErosionElasticModulusValue = 0; // 彈性模數 二選一 pa 實數(>=0) a. 0:均一值,逐點給:-1 sedimentErosionElasticModulusArray = null; // 彈性模數 二選一 pa 實數(>=0) a. 若為逐點給,則參數形式為矩陣(I,J) sedimentErosionTensileStrengthValue = 0; // 張力強度 二選一 pa 實數(>=0) a. 0:均一值,逐點給:-1 sedimentErosionTensileStrengthArray = null; // 張力強度 二選一 pa 實數(>=0) a. 若為逐點給,則參數形式為矩陣(I,J) bedrockElevation = false; //2.5.3 岩床高程 bedrockElevationValue = 0;; //2.5.3 岩床高程 二選一 m 實數 a. 0:均一值,逐點給:-1。 bedrockElevationArray = null; //2.5.3 岩床高程 二選一 m 實數 a. 為逐點給,則參數形式為矩陣(I,J) //2.6 岸壁穩定分析 option //2.6.1 分析位置 positionAnalysis = false; //2.6.1 分析位置 positionAnalysisType = PositionAnalysisType.None; //2.6.1 分析位置二選一 -- a. 僅供介面用,不用輸入到input 檔。此選項為提供全部模擬與局部模擬兩個選項 localBlockNumber = 0; // 數值格網數目的表格供使用者填入欲分析位置數目IB,其中IB 的數目不可超過格網數目I。 localBlockArray = null; // 局部區塊數目矩陣(2, IB) -- a. 矩陣(2, IB),1 代表左岸,2 代表右岸。僅為0、1 兩個數目字可供選擇,若1 為計算,若0 為不計算。 //2.6.2 入滲效應 infiltrationEffect = false; //2.6.2 入滲效應 option infiltrationEffectTimeFormat = InfiltrationEffectTimeFormat.Minute; // 時間格式二選一 小時/分鐘,二選一。 infiltrationEffectTimeSpacing = 0; // 間距單一數值 實數(>0) 使用者自行輸入數值ex:1.5 小時or 90 分鐘 rainfall = null; // 降雨量矩陣 mm 實數(>0) Free a. 矩陣大小需計算:首先將間距換為秒,然後“總模擬時間” (秒)除於間距(秒),即為矩陣大小 //2.6.3 岸壁幾何條件 quayGeometry = false; //2.6.3 岸壁幾何條件 soilStratificationNumber = 0; // 岸壁土壤分層數目單一數值 整數(>0) option layerThicknessArray = null; // 分層厚度矩陣(LBK)m 實數(>0) 矩陣(LBK)為岸壁土壤分層數目 quayHeightArray = null; // 岸壁高度矩陣(2, IB) m 實數 dikeToWharfLengthArray = null; // 堤防到岸壁的長度矩陣(2, IB)m 實數(>0) //2.6.4 岸壁土壤性質 quaySoilProperties = false; //2.6.4 岸壁土壤性質 cohesion = 0; // 凝聚力 二選一 pa 實數(>0) a. 0:均一值,逐點給:-1 cohesionArray = null; // 凝聚力 若為逐點給,則參數形式為矩陣(2,IB,LBK) reposeAngle = 0; // 安息角 二選一 deg 實數(>0) a. 0:均一值,逐點給:-1 reposeAngleArray = null; // 安息角 若為逐點給,則參數形式為矩陣(2,IB,LBK) frictionAngle = 0; // 內摩擦角 二選一 deg 實數(>0) a. 0:均一值,逐點給:-1 frictionAngleArray = null; // 內摩擦角 若為逐點給,則參數形式為矩陣(2,IB,LBK) flowRateRatio = 0; // 比流率 二選一 deg 實數(>0) a. 0:均一值,逐點給:-1 flowRateRatioArray = null; // 比流率 若為逐點給,則參數形式為矩陣(2,IB,LBK) porosityRatio = 0; // 孔隙率二選一 -- 實數(>0) a. 0:均一值,逐點給:-1 porosityRatioArray = null; //若為逐點給,則參數形式為矩陣(2,IB,LBK) soilProportion = 0; // 土壤比重二選一 -- 實數(>0) a. 0:均一值,逐點給:-1 soilProportionArray = null; //若為逐點給,則參數形式為矩陣(2,IB,LBK) ShearStrengthAngle = 0; // 岸壁未飽和基值吸力造成剪力強度增加所對應角度 二選一 deg 實數(>0) a. 0:均一值,逐點給:-1 ShearStrengthAngleArray = null; // 岸壁未飽和基值吸力造成剪力強度增加所對應角度 若為逐點給,則參數形式為矩陣(2,IB,LBK) //3. 初始條件 //3.1 水理模組 ========================================= depthAverageFlowSpeedU = new TwoInOne(TwoInOne.ValueType.Double, TwoInOne.ArrayType.TwoDim); depthAverageFlowSpeedV = new TwoInOne(TwoInOne.ValueType.Double, TwoInOne.ArrayType.TwoDim); waterLevel = new TwoInOne(TwoInOne.ValueType.Double, TwoInOne.ArrayType.TwoDim); ; //3.1.4 水位 二選一 m 實數 實數 8 格a. 若為逐 點給,則參數形式為矩陣(I,J) verticalVelocitySlice = VerticalVelocitySliceType.None; //3.1.4 垂向流速剖面二選一 -- -- 整數8 格a. 三維only b. 0:關;1:開 //3.2 動床模組 depthAverageConcentration = new TwoInOne(TwoInOne.ValueType.ThreeDim, TwoInOne.ArrayType.ThreeDim); //3.2.1 水深平均濃度二選一 ppm -- 實數(>=0) 實數8 格a. 總共有K 個粒徑種類,每種粒徑都要輸入。 verticalConcentrationSlice = VerticalConcentrationSliceType.None; //3.2.2 垂向濃度剖面二選一 -- -- 整數8 格a. 三維only b. 0:關;1:開 //4. 邊界條件 //4.1 水理模組 boundaryTimeNumber = 0; //4.1.0 邊界時間數目 boundaryTime = null; //4.1.0 邊界時間 //4.1.1 上游 upFlowCondition = FlowConditionType.None; // 流況設定 二選一 // 超臨界流 //boundaryConditionNumber = 0; // 邊界條件數目 T 整數(>1) 定量流不輸入 superMainFlowQuantity = new TwoInOne(TwoInOne.ValueType.TwoDim, TwoInOne.ArrayType.TwoDim); // 流量 實數(>=0) 同 superSideFlowQuantity = new TwoInOne(TwoInOne.ValueType.TwoDim, TwoInOne.ArrayType.TwoDim); // 流量 實數(>=0) 同 superWaterLevel = new TwoInOne(TwoInOne.ValueType.TwoDim, TwoInOne.ArrayType.TwoDim); // 水位 m 實數 // 亞臨界流 //subBoundaryConditionNumber = 0; // 邊界條件數目 T 整數(>1) 定量流不輸入 subMainFlowQuantity = new TwoInOne(TwoInOne.ValueType.TwoDim, TwoInOne.ArrayType.TwoDim); // 流量 實數(>=0) 同 subSideFlowQuantity = new TwoInOne(TwoInOne.ValueType.TwoDim, TwoInOne.ArrayType.TwoDim); // 流量 實數(>=0) 同 verticalVelocityType = VerticalVelocityType.Auto; // 垂向流速分布(3D) 矩陣(2,P) 實數(>=0) verticalVelocityDistributionArray = null; // 垂向流速分布(3D) 矩陣(2,P) 實數(>=0) //4.1.2 下游 二選一 downFlowCondition = FlowConditionType.None; //4.1.2 下游 二選一 downSubWaterLevel = new TwoInOne(TwoInOne.ValueType.TwoDim, TwoInOne.ArrayType.TwoDim); // 水位 實數 同,T 與前同( 或4. //4.1.3 側壁 sidewallBoundarySlip = false; // 側壁邊界滑移 -- 0 整數(>0) 整數 8 格 0:非滑移、1:滑移,check box //4.1.4 水面 三維 only。(”即時互動處”不放圖示) mainstreamWindShear = 0; // 主流方向風剪 單一數值 N/m2 0 實數 實數 8 格 sideWindShear = 0; // 側方向風剪 單一數值 N/m2 0 實數 實數 8 格 coriolisForce = 0; // 科氏力 單一數值 N/m2 0 實數 實數 8 格 //4.1.5 底床 實數 三維 only。(”即時互動處”不放圖示) boundaryLayerThickness = 3; // 邊界層厚度 三選一 3 整數(>0) 整數 8 格 1、2、3,三維 only,下拉選單。 seabedBoundarySlip = SeabedBoundarySlipType.NonSlip; // 底床邊界滑移 三選一 -- 0 整數(>0) 整數 8 格 a. 三維 only,下拉選單 b. 0:非滑移、1:滑移、2:壁函數 //4.2 動床模組 //4.2.1 上游 // 入流泥砂設定 bottomBedLoadFluxType = BottomBedLoadFluxType.Auto; // 底床載通量 實數(>=0)“模式自動計算” bottomBedLoadFluxArray = new TwoInOne(TwoInOne.ValueType.ThreeDim, TwoInOne.ArrayType.ThreeDim); ; // 底床載通量 實數(>=0)“自行輸入”,如果為“自行輸入”,則如圖4. 所示 suspendedLoadDepthAvgConcentration = new TwoInOne(TwoInOne.ValueType.ThreeDim, TwoInOne.ArrayType.ThreeDim); // 懸浮載水深平均濃度實數(>=0) 如圖 所示 boundaryUpVerticalDistributionNum = 0; boundaryUpVerticalDistribution = new TwoInOne(TwoInOne.ValueType.Double, TwoInOne.ArrayType.TwoDim); // 垂向濃度分布(3D) 矩陣(2,PP) 均一值 實數(>=0) a. 可為均一值或自行輸入。 // 上游邊界底床 upBoundaryElevationType = BottomBedLoadFluxType.Auto; // 可採用初始上游邊界底床高程或自行輸入 upBoundaryElevationArray = null; // 高程矩陣(T,J) m 初始實數 可採用初始上游邊界底床高程或自行輸入, bottomBedParticleSizeRatio = null; // 底床粒徑比例實數(>=0) 如圖 所示 //4.2.2 下游 圖5,“即時互動處”不放圖示 movableBedDownType = BottomBedLoadFluxType.Auto; // 通量實數(>=0) 如圖 所示 movableBedDownConcentration = null; // 濃度 實數(>=0) 如圖 所示 boundaryDownVerticalDistributionNum = 0; boundaryDownVerticalDistribution = new TwoInOne(TwoInOne.ValueType.Double, TwoInOne.ArrayType.TwoDim); // 垂向濃度分布(3D) 矩陣(2,PP) 均一值 實數(>=0) a. 可為均一值或自行輸入。 nearBedBoundaryType = NearBedBoundaryType.None; //4.2.3 近底床濃度邊界二選一 實數 a. 三維only concentrationCalculation = ConcentrationCalculationType.None; // 濃度計算公式多選一 整數 8 格下拉式選單(總共2~3 種選項) inputConcentration = new TwoInOne(TwoInOne.ValueType.Double, TwoInOne.ArrayType.TwoDim); // 通量/給定濃度二選一 a. 先令使用者選擇是通量或者是給定濃 stopFlah = false; }
private void runImport(ImportSource sourceData) { iCount = 0; iFiles = 0; DateTime start = DateTime.Now; FileManager fmRoot; if (ebParentFileID.Text.Length > 0) { fmRoot = AtMng.GetFile(Convert.ToInt32(ebParentFileID.Text)); } else { fmRoot = AtMng.GetFile((int)ucDest.FileId); } acsr = AtMng.acMng.DB.ACSeries.FindByACSeriesId((int)ucMultiDropDown1.SelectedValue); switch (sourceData) { case ImportSource.LocalPath: MakeFile(ebImportFile.Text, fmRoot); break; case ImportSource.LotusPrePass: string ExtFilePath = Path.Combine("C:\\AtriumFileExtensionRejects", "FileExtRejects.txt"); ExtTW = new StreamWriter(ExtFilePath); ImportPrepass(AtMng, ebImportFile.Text); ExtTW.Close(); break; case ImportSource.LotusEmptyFolderFinder: string ExtFilePath2 = Path.Combine("C:\\AtriumRejects", "emptyDiskFoldersFromLotusExtract.txt"); ExtTW = new StreamWriter(ExtFilePath2); CheckForEmptyLotusFolder(AtMng, ebImportFile.Text); ExtTW.Close(); break; case ImportSource.LotusNotes: DateTime dt = DateTime.Now; string sDt = dt.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd hh_mm"); string PathToListOfDocsWithModifiedDocDate = "C:\\AtriumFileExtensionRejects\\ListOfDocsWithModifiedDocDate" + sDt + ".txt"; DocsWithModifiedDocDate = new StreamWriter(PathToListOfDocsWithModifiedDocDate); StartPath = ebStartAt.Text; if (StartPath.Length > 0) { isOkToContinue = false; } MakeLotusFile(ebImportFile.Text, fmRoot); DocsWithModifiedDocDate.Close(); break; case ImportSource.InfoBank: MessageBox.Show("InfoBank import not implemented"); break; } AddListItem(iFiles.ToString() + " files created in Atrium"); AddListItem(iCount.ToString() + " documents created in Atrium"); TimeSpan ts = DateTime.Now.Subtract(start); AddListItem(ts.ToString() + " elapsed time"); }
void DeactivateSource(ImportSource source) { if (source == null) return; source.Deactivate (); }
private IStep GetStep(int step, ImportSource importSource) { return(pnl_steps.Controls.OfType <IStep>().Where(x => x.Step == step && x.ImportSource == importSource).FirstOrDefault()); }
private static async System.Threading.Tasks.Task ImportImageAsync( ContainerRegistryImagePushedEventData pushEvent, AppConfiguration configuration, ILogger log) { // Create the resourceId from the target ACR resourceId string var targetACRResourceId = ResourceId.FromString(configuration.TargetACRResourceId); // Create Azure credentials to talk to target Cloud using the Active directory application var credential = new AzureCredentials( new ServicePrincipalLoginInformation { ClientId = configuration.TargetAzureServicePrincipalClientId, ClientSecret = configuration.TargetAzureServicePrincipalClientKey }, configuration.TargetAzureServicePrincipalTenantId, AzureEnvironment.FromName(configuration.TargetAzureEnvironmentName)) .WithDefaultSubscription(targetACRResourceId.SubscriptionId); var builder = RestClient .Configure() .WithEnvironment(AzureEnvironment.FromName(configuration.TargetAzureEnvironmentName)) .WithCredentials(credential) .Build(); // Create ACR management client using the Azure credentials var _registryClient = new ContainerRegistryManagementClient(builder); _registryClient.SubscriptionId = targetACRResourceId.SubscriptionId; // Initiate import of the image that is part of the push event into target ACR // Configure the pull of image from source ACR using the token var imageTag = $"{pushEvent.Target.Repository}:{pushEvent.Target.Tag}"; var importSource = new ImportSource { SourceImage = imageTag, RegistryUri = pushEvent.Request.Host, Credentials = new ImportSourceCredentials { Username = configuration.SourceACRPullTokenName, Password = configuration.SourceACRPullTokenPassword, } }; await _registryClient.Registries.ImportImageAsync( resourceGroupName : targetACRResourceId.ResourceGroupName, registryName : targetACRResourceId.Name, parameters : new ImportImageParametersInner { // Existing Tag will be overwritten with Force option, // If the desired behavior is to fail the operation instead of overwriting, use ImportMode.NoForce Mode = ImportMode.Force, Source = importSource, TargetTags = new List <string>() { imageTag } }); log.LogInformation($"Import of '{imageTag}' success to '{configuration.TargetACRResourceId}'"); }
public ImportBuilder Source(ImportSource source) { _source = source; return(this); }
void PopulateSourceCombo(ImportSource source_to_activate) { int activate_index = 0; sources_combo.Changed -= OnSourceComboChanged; Sources.Clear (); Sources.AppendValues (null, Catalog.GetString ("Choose Import source..."), String.Empty, true); Sources.AppendValues (null, select_folder_label, "folder", true); Sources.AppendValues (null, String.Empty, String.Empty); bool mount_added = false; foreach (var source in Controller.Sources) { if (source == source_to_activate) { activate_index = Sources.IterNChildren (); } Sources.AppendValues (source, source.Name, source.IconName, true); mount_added = true; } if (!mount_added) { Sources.AppendValues (null, Catalog.GetString ("(No Cameras Detected)"), String.Empty, false); } if (history_sources.Count > 0) { Sources.AppendValues (null, String.Empty, String.Empty); foreach (var source in history_sources.Values) { if (source == source_to_activate) { activate_index = Sources.IterNChildren (); } Sources.AppendValues (source, source.Name, source.IconName, true); } } sources_combo.Changed += OnSourceComboChanged; sources_combo.Active = activate_index; }