Пример #1
        public void SetUp()
            var importBook = new ImportBook {
                Id = 123

            var importBookResource = new ImportBookResource
                Id           = 123,
                ParcelNumber = 4,
                SupplierId   = 2,
                DateCreated  = new DateTime().ToString("o"),
                CarrierId    = 4,
                Weight       = 00.70m,
                Comments     = "Rsn 1234 raised as BRG, but Customs charged duty incorrectly."

            this.ImportBooksFacadeService.Update(Arg.Any <int>(), Arg.Any <ImportBookResource>())
            .Returns(new SuccessResult <ImportBook>(importBook));

            this.Response = this.Browser.Put(
                with =>
                with.Header("Accept", "application/json");
Пример #2
        public void TestImport()
            var sheet1 = new ImportSheet <ImportStudent>
                UniqueValidationPrompt = "零花钱不可重复",
                HeaderRowIndex         = 0,
                SheetIndex             = 0,
                ValidateHandler        = (list) =>
                    foreach (ImportStudent model in list)
                        if (model.IsValidated && model.Name == "name0")
                            model.SetError(nameof(model.Name), "名字不可为0");
                        if (model.IsValidated && model.Money < 0.5)
                            model.SetError(nameof(model.Money), "零花钱不可小于0.5");
            var sheet2 = new ImportSheet <ImportGrade>
                HeaderRowIndex = 0,
                SheetIndex     = 1
            var sheet3 = new ImportSheet <ImportSchool>
                HeaderRowIndex  = 1,
                SheetIndex      = 2,
                ValidateHandler = (list) =>
                    foreach (var model in list)
                        if (model.Price > 0.5)
                            model.SetError(nameof(model.Price), "学费不可大于0.5");
            var import = new DefaultExcelImporter();

            using var inputStrem = new FileStream("D://export.xlsx", FileMode.OpenOrCreate, FileAccess.Read);
            using var outStrem   = new FileStream("D://error.xlsx", FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write);
            var bookmodel = new ImportBook();

            bookmodel.SetSheetModels(sheet1, sheet2, sheet3);
            var ret             = import.ImportExcel(inputStrem, ExtEnum.XLSX, bookmodel, outStrem);
            var success         = ret.ImportSuccess;
            var summaryErrorMsg = ret.GetSummaryErrorMessage();
            var notDisplayMsg   = ret.GetNotDisplayErrorMessage();

Пример #3
        public void TestImport()
            var sheet1 = new BookSheet <ImportStudent>
                UniqueValidationPrompt = "零花钱不可重复",
                HeaderRowIndex         = 0,
                SheetIndex             = 0,
                ValidateHandler        = (list) =>
                    foreach (ImportStudent model in list)
                        if (model.IsValidated && model.Name == "name0")
                            model.SetError(nameof(model.Name), "名字不可为0");
                        if (model.IsValidated && model.Money < 0.5)
                            model.SetError(nameof(model.Money), "零花钱不可小于0.5");
            var sheet2 = new BookSheet <ImportGrade>
                HeaderRowIndex = 0,
                SheetIndex     = 1
            var sheet3 = new BookSheet <ImportSchool>
                HeaderRowIndex  = 1,
                SheetIndex      = 2,
                ValidateHandler = (list) =>
                    foreach (var model in list)
                        if (model.Price > 0.5)
                            model.SetError(nameof(model.Price), "学费不可大于0.5");
            var bookmodel = new ImportBook().SetSheets(sheet1, sheet2, sheet3);

            using var inputStream = new FileStream(Path.Combine(AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory, "Excels//Export.xlsx"), FileMode.OpenOrCreate, FileAccess.Read);
            using var outStream   = new FileStream("D://Export_Error.xlsx", FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write);
            var importResult = _importer.ImportExcel(inputStream, ExtEnum.Xlsx, bookmodel, outStream);

            var success         = importResult.ImportSuccess;
            var summaryErrorMsg = importResult.GetSummaryErrorMessage();
            var notDisplayMsg   = importResult.GetNotDisplayErrorMessage();
            var sheet1Data      = importResult.Sheets[0].GetData <ImportStudent>();

Пример #4
        public void SetUp()
            var importBook = new ImportBook {
                Id = 123

            this.ImportBooksFacadeService.GetById(123).Returns(new SuccessResult <ImportBook>(importBook));

            this.Response = this.Browser.Get(
                with => { with.Header("Accept", "application/json"); }).Result;
Пример #5
        public void SetUp()
            var firstInvoiceDetail = new ImportBookInvoiceDetail
                ImportBookId  = this.impbookId,
                InvoiceNumber = "123",
                LineNumber    = 1,
                InvoiceValue  = 12.5m

            var secondInvoiceDetail = new ImportBookInvoiceDetail
                ImportBookId  = this.impbookId,
                InvoiceNumber = "1234",
                LineNumber    = 2,
                InvoiceValue  = 155.2m

            this.impbook = new ImportBook
                Id               = this.impbookId,
                DateCreated      = DateTime.Now.AddDays(-5),
                SupplierId       = 555,
                CarrierId        = 678,
                TransportId      = 1,
                TransactionId    = 44,
                TotalImportValue = 123.4m,
                InvoiceDetails   =
                    new List <ImportBookInvoiceDetail> {
                    firstInvoiceDetail, secondInvoiceDetail
                OrderDetails = new List <ImportBookOrderDetail>(),
                PostEntries  = new List <ImportBookPostEntry>()

            var newImportBook = new ImportBook
                Id               = this.impbookId,
                DateCreated      = DateTime.Now.AddDays(-5),
                SupplierId       = 555,
                CarrierId        = 678,
                TransactionId    = 44,
                TotalImportValue = 123.4m,
                InvoiceDetails   = new List <ImportBookInvoiceDetail> {
                OrderDetails = new List <ImportBookOrderDetail>(),
                PostEntries  = new List <ImportBookPostEntry>()

            this.Sut.Update(this.impbook, newImportBook);
Пример #6
        /// <summary>
        /// 导入Excel
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="fileStream">excel文件流</param>
        /// <param name="ext">excel后缀</param>
        /// <param name="importBook">导入模型</param>
        /// <param name="outPutErrorStream">错误输出流</param>
        /// <returns>导入结果</returns>
        public ImportResult ImportExcel(Stream fileStream, ExtEnum ext, ImportBook importBook, Stream outPutErrorStream = null)
            var ret    = new ImportResult();
            var sheets = importBook.Sheets.Select(m => this.CreateResultSheetInstance(m.GetType().GenericTypeArguments[0], m)).ToArray();

            IWorkbook workbook;

                workbook = WorkbookGenerator.GetIWorkbook(fileStream, ext);
            catch (Exception ex)
                ret.SetBookFormatErrorMessage(ex.Message, ex);

            var errorStyleGenerator = new ImporterErrorStyleGenerator(workbook, importBook.DataErrorForegroundColor, importBook.RepeatedErrorForegroundColor, importBook.DefaultForegroundColor);

            for (var i = 0; i < workbook.NumberOfSheets; i++)
                var sheet      = workbook.GetSheetAt(i);
                var sheetModel = ret.Sheets.FirstOrDefault(m => m.SheetIndex == i || m.SheetName == sheet.SheetName);
                if (sheetModel == null)

                sheetModel.SheetIndex = i;
                sheetModel.SheetName  = sheet.SheetName;

                this.ParseSheetToModel(sheet, sheetModel);
                if (outPutErrorStream != null)
                    errorStyleGenerator.InitStyle(sheet, sheetModel.HeaderRowIndex);
                    errorStyleGenerator.SetErrorStyle(sheet, sheetModel);

            if (outPutErrorStream != null)

Пример #7
 private void ExtractDetails(
     ICollection <CalculationValueModel> values,
     ImportBook impbook,
     ImportBookOrderDetail orderDetail)
         new CalculationValueModel
         RowId       = $"{impbook.Id.ToString()}/{orderDetail.LineNumber}",
         ColumnId    = "RsnNo",
         TextDisplay = orderDetail.RsnNumber?.ToString(),
         RowTitle    = impbook.Id.ToString()
         new CalculationValueModel
         RowId       = $"{impbook.Id.ToString()}/{orderDetail.LineNumber}",
         ColumnId    = "Currency",
         TextDisplay = impbook.Currency,
         RowTitle    = impbook.Id.ToString()
         new CalculationValueModel
         RowId       = $"{impbook.Id.ToString()}/{orderDetail.LineNumber}",
         ColumnId    = "CustomsEntryCodeDate",
         TextDisplay = impbook.CustomsEntryCodeDate?.ToString("o"),
         RowTitle    = impbook.Id.ToString()
         new CalculationValueModel
         RowId       = $"{impbook.Id.ToString()}/{orderDetail.LineNumber}",
         ColumnId    = "TariffCode",
         TextDisplay = orderDetail.TariffCode,
         RowTitle    = impbook.Id.ToString()
Пример #8
        public void TestImport()
            var sheet = new BookSheet <ImportBalanceOfPayment>
                UniqueValidationPrompt = "年月不可重复",
                HeaderRowIndex         = 0,
                SheetIndex             = 0
            var bookmodel = new ImportBook().SetSheets(sheet);

            var inputFilePath = Path.Combine(AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory, "Excels//Simple.xlsx");

            using var inputStream = new FileStream(inputFilePath, FileMode.OpenOrCreate, FileAccess.Read);
            using var outStream   = new FileStream("D://Simple_Error.xlsx", FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write);

            var importResult = _importer.ImportExcel(inputStream, inputFilePath.GetExt(), bookmodel, outStream);

            var success         = importResult.ImportSuccess;
            var summaryErrorMsg = importResult.GetSummaryErrorMessage();
            var importData      = importResult.Sheets[0].GetData <ImportBalanceOfPayment>();

Пример #9
        public void SetUp()
            this.from = new ImportBook
                Id                     = this.impbookId,
                DateCreated            = this.now.AddDays(-5),
                ParcelNumber           = null,
                SupplierId             = 555,
                ForeignCurrency        = string.Empty,
                Currency               = "GBP",
                CarrierId              = 678,
                OldArrivalPort         = "Glasscow",
                FlightNumber           = string.Empty,
                TransportId            = 1,
                TransportBillNumber    = string.Empty,
                TransactionId          = 44,
                DeliveryTermCode       = string.Empty,
                ArrivalPort            = "LAX",
                LineVatTotal           = null,
                Hwb                    = "what is hwb",
                SupplierCostCurrency   = "bacon",
                TransNature            = "air",
                ArrivalDate            = null,
                FreightCharges         = null,
                HandlingCharge         = null,
                ClearanceCharge        = null,
                Cartage                = null,
                Duty                   = null,
                Vat                    = null,
                Misc                   = null,
                CarriersInvTotal       = null,
                CarriersVatTotal       = null,
                TotalImportValue       = 123.4m,
                Pieces                 = null,
                Weight                 = null,
                CustomsEntryCode       = "code RED",
                CustomsEntryCodeDate   = null,
                LinnDuty               = null,
                LinnVat                = null,
                IprCpcNumber           = null,
                EecgNumber             = null,
                DateCancelled          = null,
                CancelledBy            = null,
                CancelledReason        = null,
                CarrierInvNumber       = null,
                CarrierInvDate         = null,
                CountryOfOrigin        = string.Empty,
                FcName                 = string.Empty,
                VaxRef                 = string.Empty,
                Storage                = null,
                NumCartons             = null,
                NumPallets             = null,
                Comments               = string.Empty,
                ExchangeRate           = null,
                ExchangeCurrency       = string.Empty,
                BaseCurrency           = string.Empty,
                PeriodNumber           = null,
                CreatedBy              = null,
                PortCode               = string.Empty,
                CustomsEntryCodePrefix = "AA",
                InvoiceDetails         = new List <ImportBookInvoiceDetail>(),
                OrderDetails           = new List <ImportBookOrderDetail>(),
                PostEntries            = new List <ImportBookPostEntry>()

            this.resource = new ImportBookResource()
                Id                       = this.impbookId,
                DateCreated              = this.now.AddDays(2).ToString("o"),
                ParcelNumber             = 1,
                SupplierId               = 556,
                ForeignCurrency          = "YN",
                Currency                 = "GBD",
                CarrierId                = 678,
                OldArrivalPort           = "Glesga",
                FlightNumber             = "sk123",
                TransportId              = 2,
                TransportBillNumber      = "1212",
                TransactionId            = 45,
                DeliveryTermCode         = "dli",
                ArrivalPort              = "LAZ",
                LineVatTotal             = 12,
                Hwb                      = "hwbbb",
                SupplierCostCurrency     = "egg",
                TransNature              = "sea",
                ArrivalDate              = this.now.AddDays(3).ToString("o"),
                FreightCharges           = 11.1m,
                HandlingCharge           = 11.1m,
                ClearanceCharge          = 11.1m,
                Cartage                  = 11.1m,
                Duty                     = 11.1m,
                Vat                      = 11.1m,
                Misc                     = 11.1m,
                CarriersInvTotal         = 11.1m,
                CarriersVatTotal         = 11.1m,
                TotalImportValue         = 133.4m,
                Pieces                   = 1,
                Weight                   = 11.1m,
                CustomsEntryCode         = "code green",
                CustomsEntryCodeDate     = this.now.AddDays(2).ToString("o"),
                LinnDuty                 = 12,
                LinnVat                  = 11.1m,
                IprCpcNumber             = 1,
                EecgNumber               = 1,
                DateCancelled            = this.now.AddDays(5).ToString("o"),
                CancelledBy              = 33105,
                CancelledReason          = "cancel",
                CarrierInvNumber         = "inv123",
                CarrierInvDate           = this.now.AddDays(3).ToString("o"),
                CountryOfOrigin          = "DE",
                FcName                   = "FC1",
                VaxRef                   = "VAX123",
                Storage                  = 11.1m,
                NumCartons               = 1,
                NumPallets               = 1,
                Comments                 = "now closed",
                ExchangeRate             = 11.1m,
                ExchangeCurrency         = "BB",
                BaseCurrency             = "AA",
                PeriodNumber             = 47,
                CreatedBy                = 33105,
                PortCode                 = "g74",
                CustomsEntryCodePrefix   = "AA",
                ImportBookInvoiceDetails =
                    new List <ImportBookInvoiceDetailResource>
                    new ImportBookInvoiceDetailResource
                        ImportBookId  = this.impbookId,
                        InvoiceNumber = "123",
                        LineNumber    = 1,
                        InvoiceValue  = 12.5m
                    new ImportBookInvoiceDetailResource
                        ImportBookId  = this.impbookId,
                        InvoiceNumber = "1234",
                        LineNumber    = 2,
                        InvoiceValue  = 155.2m
                ImportBookOrderDetails =
                    new List <ImportBookOrderDetailResource>
                    new ImportBookOrderDetailResource
                        ImportBookId     = this.impbookId,
                        LineNumber       = 2,
                        OrderNumber      = 13,
                        RsnNumber        = 2,
                        OrderDescription = "palpatine final order",
                        Qty          = 1,
                        DutyValue    = 21.12m,
                        FreightValue = 22.12m,
                        VatValue     = 3.12m,
                        OrderValue   = 44.1m,
                        Weight       = 55.2m,
                        LoanNumber   = null,
                        LineType     = "TYpe B",
                        CpcNumber    = null,
                        TariffCode   = "121213",
                        InsNumber    = null,
                        VatRate      = null
                    new ImportBookOrderDetailResource
                        ImportBookId     = this.impbookId,
                        LineNumber       = 1,
                        OrderNumber      = 111,
                        RsnNumber        = 222,
                        OrderDescription = "kylo ren first order",
                        Qty          = 3,
                        DutyValue    = 91.12m,
                        FreightValue = 92.12m,
                        VatValue     = 93.12m,
                        OrderValue   = 944.1m,
                        Weight       = 955.2m,
                        LoanNumber   = 999,
                        LineType     = "Type C",
                        CpcNumber    = 91,
                        TariffCode   = "121213",
                        InsNumber    = 92,
                        VatRate      = 93
                ImportBookPostEntries = new List <ImportBookPostEntryResource>
                    new ImportBookPostEntryResource
                        ImportBookId    = this.impbookId,
                        LineNumber      = 1,
                        EntryCodePrefix = "PR",
                        EntryCode       = "code blu",
                        EntryDate       = null,
                        Reference       = "refer fence",
                        Duty            = null,
                        Vat             = null
                    new ImportBookPostEntryResource
                        ImportBookId    = this.impbookId,
                        LineNumber      = 2,
                        EntryCodePrefix = "DL",
                        EntryCode       = "code blanc",
                        EntryDate       = this.now.AddDays(-6)
                        Reference = "hocus pocus",
                        Duty      = 33,
                        Vat       = 44

            this.ImportBookRepository.FindById(Arg.Any <int>()).Returns(this.from);
            this.result = this.Sut.Update(this.impbookId, this.resource);
Пример #10
        public void SetUp()
            this.impbook = new ImportBook
                Id                     = this.impbookId,
                DateCreated            = this.now.AddDays(-5),
                ParcelNumber           = null,
                SupplierId             = 555,
                ForeignCurrency        = string.Empty,
                Currency               = "GBP",
                CarrierId              = 678,
                OldArrivalPort         = "Glasscow",
                FlightNumber           = string.Empty,
                TransportId            = 1,
                TransportBillNumber    = string.Empty,
                TransactionId          = 44,
                DeliveryTermCode       = string.Empty,
                ArrivalPort            = "LAX",
                LineVatTotal           = null,
                Hwb                    = "what is hwb",
                SupplierCostCurrency   = "bacon",
                TransNature            = "air",
                ArrivalDate            = null,
                FreightCharges         = null,
                HandlingCharge         = null,
                ClearanceCharge        = null,
                Cartage                = null,
                Duty                   = null,
                Vat                    = null,
                Misc                   = null,
                CarriersInvTotal       = null,
                CarriersVatTotal       = null,
                TotalImportValue       = 123.4m,
                Pieces                 = null,
                Weight                 = null,
                CustomsEntryCode       = "code RED",
                CustomsEntryCodeDate   = null,
                LinnDuty               = null,
                LinnVat                = null,
                IprCpcNumber           = null,
                EecgNumber             = null,
                DateCancelled          = null,
                CancelledBy            = null,
                CancelledReason        = null,
                CarrierInvNumber       = null,
                CarrierInvDate         = null,
                CountryOfOrigin        = string.Empty,
                FcName                 = string.Empty,
                VaxRef                 = string.Empty,
                Storage                = null,
                NumCartons             = null,
                NumPallets             = null,
                Comments               = string.Empty,
                ExchangeRate           = null,
                ExchangeCurrency       = string.Empty,
                BaseCurrency           = string.Empty,
                PeriodNumber           = null,
                CreatedBy              = null,
                PortCode               = string.Empty,
                CustomsEntryCodePrefix = "AA",
                InvoiceDetails         = new List <ImportBookInvoiceDetail>(),
                OrderDetails           = new List <ImportBookOrderDetail>(),
                PostEntries            = new List <ImportBookPostEntry>()

            this.newImpBook = new ImportBook
                Id                     = this.impbookId,
                DateCreated            = this.now.AddDays(2),
                ParcelNumber           = 1,
                SupplierId             = 556,
                ForeignCurrency        = "YN",
                Currency               = "GBD",
                CarrierId              = 678,
                OldArrivalPort         = "Glesga",
                FlightNumber           = "sk123",
                TransportId            = 2,
                TransportBillNumber    = "1212",
                TransactionId          = 45,
                DeliveryTermCode       = "dli",
                ArrivalPort            = "LAZ",
                LineVatTotal           = 12,
                Hwb                    = "hwbbb",
                SupplierCostCurrency   = "egg",
                TransNature            = "sea",
                ArrivalDate            = this.now.AddDays(3),
                FreightCharges         = 11.1m,
                HandlingCharge         = 11.1m,
                ClearanceCharge        = 11.1m,
                Cartage                = 11.1m,
                Duty                   = 11.1m,
                Vat                    = 11.1m,
                Misc                   = 11.1m,
                CarriersInvTotal       = 11.1m,
                CarriersVatTotal       = 11.1m,
                TotalImportValue       = 133.4m,
                Pieces                 = 1,
                Weight                 = 11.1m,
                CustomsEntryCode       = "code green",
                CustomsEntryCodeDate   = this.now.AddDays(2),
                LinnDuty               = 12,
                LinnVat                = 11.1m,
                IprCpcNumber           = 1,
                EecgNumber             = 1,
                DateCancelled          = this.now.AddDays(5),
                CancelledBy            = 33105,
                CancelledReason        = "cancel",
                CarrierInvNumber       = "inv123",
                CarrierInvDate         = this.now.AddDays(3),
                CountryOfOrigin        = "DE",
                FcName                 = "FC1",
                VaxRef                 = "VAX123",
                Storage                = 11.1m,
                NumCartons             = 1,
                NumPallets             = 1,
                Comments               = "now closed",
                ExchangeRate           = 11.1m,
                ExchangeCurrency       = "BB",
                BaseCurrency           = "AA",
                PeriodNumber           = 47,
                CreatedBy              = 33105,
                PortCode               = "g74",
                CustomsEntryCodePrefix = "AA",
                InvoiceDetails         = new List <ImportBookInvoiceDetail>(),
                OrderDetails           = new List <ImportBookOrderDetail>(),
                PostEntries            = new List <ImportBookPostEntry>()

            this.Sut.Update(this.impbook, this.newImpBook);
Пример #11
        public void SetUp()
            var firstOrderDetail = new ImportBookOrderDetail
                ImportBookId     = this.impbookId,
                LineNumber       = 1,
                OrderNumber      = null,
                RsnNumber        = null,
                OrderDescription = "kylo ren first order",
                Qty          = 1,
                DutyValue    = 21.12m,
                FreightValue = 22.12m,
                VatValue     = 3.12m,
                OrderValue   = 44.1m,
                Weight       = 55.2m,
                LoanNumber   = null,
                LineType     = "typea",
                CpcNumber    = null,
                TariffCode   = "121213",
                InsNumber    = null,
                VatRate      = null

            var secondOrderDetail = new ImportBookOrderDetail
                ImportBookId     = this.impbookId,
                LineNumber       = 2,
                OrderNumber      = 13,
                RsnNumber        = 2,
                OrderDescription = "palpatine final order",
                Qty          = 1,
                DutyValue    = 21.12m,
                FreightValue = 22.12m,
                VatValue     = 3.12m,
                OrderValue   = 44.1m,
                Weight       = 55.2m,
                LoanNumber   = null,
                LineType     = "TYpe B",
                CpcNumber    = null,
                TariffCode   = "121213",
                InsNumber    = null,
                VatRate      = null

            var updatedFirstOrderDetail = new ImportBookOrderDetail
                ImportBookId     = this.impbookId,
                LineNumber       = 1,
                OrderNumber      = 111,
                RsnNumber        = 222,
                OrderDescription = "kylo ren first order",
                Qty          = 3,
                DutyValue    = 91.12m,
                FreightValue = 92.12m,
                VatValue     = 93.12m,
                OrderValue   = 944.1m,
                Weight       = 955.2m,
                LoanNumber   = 999,
                LineType     = "Type C",
                CpcNumber    = 91,
                TariffCode   = "121213",
                InsNumber    = 92,
                VatRate      = 93

            this.impbook = new ImportBook
                Id               = this.impbookId,
                DateCreated      = DateTime.Now.AddDays(-5),
                SupplierId       = 555,
                CarrierId        = 678,
                TransportId      = 1,
                TransactionId    = 44,
                TotalImportValue = 123.4m,
                InvoiceDetails   = new List <ImportBookInvoiceDetail>(),
                OrderDetails     = new List <ImportBookOrderDetail> {
                PostEntries = new List <ImportBookPostEntry>()

            var newImportBook = new ImportBook
                Id               = this.impbookId,
                DateCreated      = DateTime.Now.AddDays(-5),
                SupplierId       = 555,
                CarrierId        = 678,
                TransactionId    = 44,
                TotalImportValue = 123.4m,
                InvoiceDetails   = new List <ImportBookInvoiceDetail>(),
                OrderDetails     =
                    new List <ImportBookOrderDetail> {
                    updatedFirstOrderDetail, secondOrderDetail
                PostEntries = new List <ImportBookPostEntry>()

            this.Sut.Update(this.impbook, newImportBook);
Пример #12
        public void SetUp()
            var firstPostEntry = new ImportBookPostEntry()
                ImportBookId    = this.impbookId,
                LineNumber      = 1,
                EntryCodePrefix = "PR",
                EntryCode       = "code blu",
                EntryDate       = null,
                Reference       = "refer fence",
                Duty            = null,
                Vat             = null

            var secondPostEntry = new ImportBookPostEntry()
                ImportBookId    = this.impbookId,
                LineNumber      = 2,
                EntryCodePrefix = "DL",
                EntryCode       = "code blanc",
                EntryDate       = this.now.AddDays(-6),
                Reference       = "hocus pocus",
                Duty            = 33,
                Vat             = 44

            var updatedFirstPostEntry = new ImportBookPostEntry()
                ImportBookId    = this.impbookId,
                LineNumber      = 1,
                EntryCodePrefix = "PRE",
                EntryCode       = "code vert",
                EntryDate       = this.now.AddDays(-5),
                Reference       = "refer fence",
                Duty            = 111,
                Vat             = 222

            this.impbook = new ImportBook
                Id               = this.impbookId,
                DateCreated      = DateTime.Now.AddDays(-5),
                SupplierId       = 555,
                CarrierId        = 678,
                TransportId      = 1,
                TransactionId    = 44,
                TotalImportValue = 123.4m,
                InvoiceDetails   = new List <ImportBookInvoiceDetail>(),
                OrderDetails     = new List <ImportBookOrderDetail>(),
                PostEntries      = new List <ImportBookPostEntry> {

            var newImportBook = new ImportBook
                Id               = this.impbookId,
                DateCreated      = DateTime.Now.AddDays(-5),
                SupplierId       = 555,
                CarrierId        = 678,
                TransactionId    = 44,
                TotalImportValue = 123.4m,
                InvoiceDetails   = new List <ImportBookInvoiceDetail>(),
                OrderDetails     = new List <ImportBookOrderDetail>(),
                PostEntries      =
                    new List <ImportBookPostEntry> {
                    updatedFirstPostEntry, secondPostEntry

            this.Sut.Update(this.impbook, newImportBook);