Пример #1
        public void Refresh(string search = null)
            var colors = new List <ColorItemViewModel>();

            if (SystemParameters.HighContrast)
                colors.Add(new ColorItemViewModel {
                    Color = SystemColors.ActiveBorderBrush, Name = "ActiveBorderBrush"
                colors.Add(new ColorItemViewModel {
                    Color = SystemColors.ActiveCaptionBrush, Name = "ActiveCaptionBrush"
                colors.Add(new ColorItemViewModel {
                    Color = SystemColors.AppWorkspaceBrush, Name = "AppWorkspaceBrush"
                colors.Add(new ColorItemViewModel {
                    Color = SystemColors.ControlBrush, Name = "ControlBrush"
                colors.Add(new ColorItemViewModel {
                    Color = SystemColors.ControlDarkBrush, Name = "ControlDarkBrush"
                colors.Add(new ColorItemViewModel {
                    Color = SystemColors.ControlDarkDarkBrush, Name = "ControlDarkDarkBrush"
                colors.Add(new ColorItemViewModel {
                    Color = SystemColors.ControlLightBrush, Name = "ControlLightBrush"
                colors.Add(new ColorItemViewModel {
                    Color = SystemColors.ControlLightLightBrush, Name = "ControlLightLightBrush"
                colors.Add(new ColorItemViewModel {
                    Color = SystemColors.ControlTextBrush, Name = "ControlTextBrush"
                colors.Add(new ColorItemViewModel {
                    Color = SystemColors.DesktopBrush, Name = "DesktopBrush"
                colors.Add(new ColorItemViewModel {
                    Color = SystemColors.GradientActiveCaptionBrush, Name = "GradientActiveCaptionBrush"
                colors.Add(new ColorItemViewModel {
                    Color = SystemColors.GradientInactiveCaptionBrush, Name = "GradientInactiveCaptionBrush"
                colors.Add(new ColorItemViewModel {
                    Color = SystemColors.GrayTextBrush, Name = "GrayTextBrush"
                colors.Add(new ColorItemViewModel {
                    Color = SystemColors.HighlightBrush, Name = "HighlightBrush"
                colors.Add(new ColorItemViewModel {
                    Color = SystemColors.HighlightTextBrush, Name = "HighlightTextBrush"
                colors.Add(new ColorItemViewModel {
                    Color = SystemColors.HotTrackBrush, Name = "HotTrackBrush"
                colors.Add(new ColorItemViewModel {
                    Color = SystemColors.InactiveBorderBrush, Name = "InactiveBorderBrush"
                colors.Add(new ColorItemViewModel {
                    Color = SystemColors.InactiveCaptionBrush, Name = "InactiveCaptionBrush"
                colors.Add(new ColorItemViewModel {
                    Color = SystemColors.InactiveSelectionHighlightBrush, Name = "InactiveSelectionHighlightBrush"
                colors.Add(new ColorItemViewModel {
                    Color = SystemColors.InactiveSelectionHighlightTextBrush, Name = "InactiveSelectionHighlightTextBrush"
                colors.Add(new ColorItemViewModel {
                    Color = SystemColors.InfoBrush, Name = "InfoBrush"
                colors.Add(new ColorItemViewModel {
                    Color = SystemColors.InfoTextBrush, Name = "InfoTextBrush"
                colors.Add(new ColorItemViewModel {
                    Color = SystemColors.MenuBarBrush, Name = "MenuBarBrush"
                colors.Add(new ColorItemViewModel {
                    Color = SystemColors.MenuBrush, Name = "MenuBrush"
                colors.Add(new ColorItemViewModel {
                    Color = SystemColors.MenuHighlightBrush, Name = "MenuHighlightBrush"
                colors.Add(new ColorItemViewModel {
                    Color = SystemColors.MenuTextBrush, Name = "MenuTextBrush"
                colors.Add(new ColorItemViewModel {
                    Color = SystemColors.ScrollBarBrush, Name = "ScrollBarBrush"
                colors.Add(new ColorItemViewModel {
                    Color = SystemColors.WindowBrush, Name = "WindowBrush"
                colors.Add(new ColorItemViewModel {
                    Color = SystemColors.WindowFrameBrush, Name = "WindowFrameBrush"
                colors.Add(new ColorItemViewModel {
                    Color = SystemColors.WindowTextBrush, Name = "WindowTextBrush"
                foreach (var c in ImmersiveSystemColors.GetList().OrderBy(d => d.Key))
                    if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(search))
                        if (!c.Key.ToLower().Contains(search.ToLower()))

                    // Exclude junk UI-specific colors that are stale anyway.
                    if (c.Key.Contains("Boot"))
                    if (c.Key.Contains("Start"))
                    if (c.Key.Contains("Hardware"))
                    if (c.Key.Contains("Files"))
                    if (c.Key.Contains("Multitasking"))

                    var color = c.Value;
                    // color.A = 255; // Very misleading to render on white otherwise!
                    colors.Add(new ColorItemViewModel {
                        Color = new SolidColorBrush(color), Opacity = $"{Math.Round(((float)color.A / 255) * 100, 0)}%", Name = c.Key

            Colors = colors;
Пример #2
        public static SolidColorBrush Parse(DependencyObject element, string value)
                bool   isLight         = Options.GetSource(element) == Options.SourceKind.App ? SystemSettings.IsLightTheme : SystemSettings.IsSystemLightTheme;
                string lightOrDarkText = isLight ? "Light" : "Dark";
                Dictionary <string, Dictionary <string, string> > fullMap = new Dictionary <string, Dictionary <string, string> >();
                // Transparent
                // Theme=Transparent
                // Flyout:Theme=Transparent, HighContrast=Window
                foreach (var commaValue in value.Split(','))
                    // Transparent
                    // Theme=Transparent
                    // Flyout:Theme=Transparent
                    var segment = commaValue.Trim();
                    var scope   = "";
                    if (segment.IndexOf(':') > -1)
                        var colonSplit = segment.Split(':');
                        scope   = colonSplit[0];
                        segment = colonSplit[1];
                    if (!fullMap.ContainsKey(scope))
                        fullMap[scope] = new Dictionary <string, string>();

                    // Transparent
                    // Theme=Transparent
                    var equalsSplit = segment.Split('=');
                    var key         = equalsSplit.Length == 1 ? "" : equalsSplit[0];
                    var color       = equalsSplit.Length == 1 ? equalsSplit[0] : equalsSplit[1];
                    fullMap[scope][key] = color;

                // Search for Refs in either the elementScope of deault map.
                var elementScope = Options.GetScope(element);
                var searchKey    = "";
                if (fullMap.ContainsKey(elementScope))
                    if (fullMap[elementScope].ContainsKey(""))
                        searchKey = fullMap[elementScope][""];
                    if (fullMap[""].ContainsKey(""))
                        searchKey = fullMap[""][""];

                if (searchKey != "")
                    if (FindReference(element, searchKey, out var outRef))

                // Pick the color considering theme.
                var    map = fullMap.ContainsKey(elementScope) ? fullMap[elementScope] : fullMap[""];
                string colorName;
                if (SystemParameters.HighContrast)
                    if (map.ContainsKey(""))
                        colorName = map[""];
                    else if (map.ContainsKey("HighContrast"))
                        colorName = map["HighContrast"];
                    else if (map.ContainsKey("Theme"))
                        colorName = map["Theme"].Replace("{Theme}", "Light");
                    else if (map.ContainsKey("Light"))
                        colorName = map["Light"];
                        throw new NotImplementedException($"BrushValueParser: '{value}'");
                    if (map.ContainsKey(""))
                        colorName = map[""];
                    else if (map.ContainsKey("Theme"))
                        colorName = map["Theme"].Replace("{Theme}", isLight ? "Light" : "Dark");
                    else if (map.ContainsKey("Light") && isLight)
                        colorName = map["Light"];
                    else if (map.ContainsKey("Dark") && !isLight)
                        colorName = map["Dark"];
                        throw new NotImplementedException($"BrushValueParser: '{value}'");

                if (FindReference(element, colorName, out var reference))

                // Lookup the color
                Color ret;
                colorName = ParseOpacityFromColor(colorName, out var opacity);
                if (colorName[0] == '#')
                    ret = (Color)ColorConverter.ConvertFromString(colorName);
                else if (!ImmersiveSystemColors.TryLookup($"Immersive{colorName}", out var color))
                    var info = typeof(Colors).GetProperty(colorName, System.Reflection.BindingFlags.Static | System.Reflection.BindingFlags.Public);
                    if (info == null)
                        info = typeof(SystemColors).GetProperty(colorName + "Color", System.Reflection.BindingFlags.Static | System.Reflection.BindingFlags.Public);
                    ret = (Color)info.GetValue(null, null);
                    ret = color;

                if (opacity > 0)
                    ret.A = (byte)(opacity * 255);
                return(new SolidColorBrush(ret));
            catch (Exception ex)
                throw new Exception($"BrushValueParser Error: '{value}'", ex);
Пример #3
 public Color LookupThemeColor(string color) => ImmersiveSystemColors.Lookup(color);