Пример #1
        void ChangeFront2ImgProcStep()
            btnStartProcssing.IsEnabled = true;
            Removeevent(canvasLT, canvasRB);
            while (canvas.Children.Count > 0)
                canvas.Children.RemoveAt(canvas.Children.Count - 1);
            }                                                                                              // delect rect
            titleRB.Text = "Histogram";
            titleLT.Text = "Indexing View";

            Core.EstedChipPos = ImgPFunc.FnCreateEstedChipPos((Core.PData.EndImgPos[1] - Core.PData.StrImgPos[1]),
                                                              (Core.PData.EndImgPos[0] - Core.PData.StrImgPos[0]),
                                                              Core.PData.StrImgPos[1], Core.PData.StrImgPos[0]);
            Core.IndexViewImg      = new Image <Bgr, byte>(Core.PData.ChipWNum, Core.PData.ChipHNum);
            Core.IndexViewImg.Data = MatPattern(Core.PData.ChipHNum, Core.PData.ChipWNum, 3);
            imgLT.ImageSource      = BitmapSourceConvert.ToBitmapSource(Core.IndexViewImg);
            imgRB.ImageSource      = null;

            //var passfun = curry(HistoFromImage(Core.BinSize))(Core.OriginImg); // Passing Form

            WinHost  = CreateWinHost(canvasLT);
            HistoBox = new HistogramBox();
            WinHost.Child = HistoBox;
Пример #2
 public void InitFunc(Canvas canvas)
     DoZoom      = ImgPFunc.FnActZoom(zoom, zoomMax, zoomMin, zoomSpeed);
     CropImgLT   = ImgPFunc.FnCropImg(0, 0, 35, 35);
     CropImgRB   = ImgPFunc.FnCropImg(OriginImg.Width - 35, OriginImg.Height - 35, OriginImg.Width, OriginImg.Height);
     MapCanv2Img = ImgPFunc.FnMapCanv2Img(new double[2] {
         canvas.Width, canvas.Height
                                          new int[2] {
         OriginImg.Width, OriginImg.Height
     MapImg2Canv = ImgPFunc.FnMapImg2Canv(new double[2] {
         canvas.Width, canvas.Height
                                          new int[2] {
         OriginImg.Width, OriginImg.Height
     MapCanv2ImgLTRB = ImgPFunc.FnMapCanv2Img(new double[2] {
         canvas.Width, canvas.Height
                                              new int[2] {
         ( int )LTRBPixelNumberW, ( int )LTRBPixelNumberH
     SumBox = ImgPFunc.FnSumBox(OriginImg);
Пример #3
        void CreateFuncofProc()
            double        thres  = Core.PData.ThresholdV;
            double        areaup = Core.PData.UPAreaLimit;
            double        areadw = Core.PData.DWAreaLimit;
            double        cHnum  = Core.PData.ChipHNum;
            double        cWnum  = Core.PData.ChipWNum;
            ThresholdMode mode   = ckbThresMode.IsChecked.Value ? ThresholdMode.Auto : ThresholdMode.Manual;

            Core.SumAreaPoint    = ImgPFunc.FnSumAreaPoint((int)Core.PData.ChipWSize, ( int )Core.PData.ChipHSize, Core.OriginImg);
            Core.FindPassContour = ImgPFunc.FnFindPassContour(thres, areaup, areadw, mode);
            Core.ApplyBox        = ImgPFunc.FnApplyBox(Core.PData.UPBoxLimit, Core.PData.DWBoxLimit);
Пример #4
        void PorcessingStep1()

            //return Task.Run( () =>
                this.BeginInvoke(() => Mouse.OverrideCursor = System.Windows.Input.Cursors.Wait);

                var temp = Core.PResult;

                Core.PResult = new ImgPResult();

                /* For Simple Notation */
                double            cHnum     = Core.PData.ChipHNum;
                double            cWnum     = Core.PData.ChipWNum;
                Image <Bgr, byte> targetimg = null;

                /* Create Data */
                byte[,,] failchipDisplayData = MatPattern((int)cHnum, (int)cWnum, 3);
                byte[,,] passfailPosData     = new byte[(int)cHnum, (int)cWnum, 1];
                double[,,] estedChipP        = Core.EstedChipPos(cHnum, cWnum);
                var passContours = Core.FindPassContour(Core.OriginImg);
                Core.passChipList = new List <System.Drawing.PointF>();
                Core.failChipList = new List <System.Drawing.PointF>();
                targetimg         = Core.ColorOriImg.Clone();

                /* Draw Contour and Save */
                //targetimg = DrawContour( targetimg , passContours );
                //targetimg.Save( TestFileSavePath.ContourName );

                passContours = ImgPFunc.FnSortcontours(passContours)();
                var boxlist = Core.ApplyBox(passContours);
                targetimg = DrawBox(targetimg, boxlist);
                //targetimg.Save( TestFileSavePath.BoxName );

                // Draw EstedPoint on Image and Cavnas
                targetimg = DrawCenterPoint(targetimg, estedChipP);

                #region check pass fail
                var boximg = Core.ColorOriImg.Clone();
                for (int j = 0; j < estedChipP.GetLength(1); j++)           // col
                    for (int i = 0; i < estedChipP.GetLength(0); i++)       // row
                        bool isFail = true;
                        for (int k = 0; k < boxlist.Count; k++)
                            var inbox = ImgPFunc.FnInBox(boxlist[k], 1);

                            if (inbox(estedChipP[i, j, 0], estedChipP[i, j, 1]))
                                Core.PResult.OutData.Add(new ExResult(j, i, true, Core.SumBox(boxlist[k]), CvInvoke.ContourArea(passContours[k])));
                                Core.passChipList.Add(new System.Drawing.PointF(( float )estedChipP[i, j, 0], ( float )estedChipP[i, j, 1]));
                                isFail = false;
                            if (isFail)
                                double failboxInten = Core.SumAreaPoint((int)estedChipP[i, j, 0], (int)estedChipP[i, j, 1]);
                                Core.PResult.OutData.Add(new ExResult(j, i, false, failboxInten, 0));
                                Core.failChipList.Add(new System.Drawing.PointF(( float )estedChipP[i, j, 0], ( float )estedChipP[i, j, 1]));
                                failchipDisplayData[i, j, 0] = ( byte )(failchipDisplayData[i, j, 0] * 0.3);
                                failchipDisplayData[i, j, 1] = ( byte )(failchipDisplayData[i, j, 1] * 0.5);
                                failchipDisplayData[i, j, 2] = 200;
                    Core.IndexViewImg.Data = failchipDisplayData;
                    Core.ProcedImg         = targetimg;

                    lblPassChipnum.BeginInvoke(() => lblPassChipnum.Content = Core.passChipList.Count());
                    lblFailChipnum.BeginInvoke(() => lblFailChipnum.Content = Core.failChipList.Count());

                    Core.PResult.ChipPassCount = Core.passChipList.Count();
                    Core.PResult.ChipFailCount = Core.failChipList.Count();


                    this.BeginInvoke(() =>
                        imgPro.ImageSource   = BitmapSourceConvert.ToBitmapSource(targetimg);
                        imgLT.ImageSource    = BitmapSourceConvert.ToBitmapSource(Core.IndexViewImg);
                        Mouse.OverrideCursor = null;
            catch (Exception er)
            //} );