private void DestroyImeWindow(IntPtr hwnd)
     if (systemCaret)
         systemCaret = false;
 private void CloseImeComposition()
     if (hasImeComposition)
         // Set focus to 0, which destroys IME suggestions window.
         // Restore focus.
        private void OnImeSetContext(IntPtr hwnd, uint msg, IntPtr wParam, IntPtr lParam)
            // We handle the IME Composition Window ourselves (but let the IME Candidates
            // Window be handled by IME through DefWindowProc()), so clear the
            ImeNative.DefWindowProc(hwnd, msg, wParam, (IntPtr)(lParam.ToInt64() & ~ImeNative.ISC_SHOWUICOMPOSITIONWINDOW));
            // TODO: should we call ImmNotifyIME?

        private void CreateImeWindow(IntPtr hwnd)
            // Chinese/Japanese IMEs somehow ignore function calls to
            // ::ImmSetCandidateWindow(), and use the position of the current system
            // caret instead -::GetCaretPos().
            // Therefore, we create a temporary system caret for Chinese IMEs and use
            // it during this input context.
            // Since some third-party Japanese IME also uses ::GetCaretPos() to determine
            // their window position, we also create a caret for Japanese IMEs.
            languageCodeId = PrimaryLangId(InputLanguageManager.Current.CurrentInputLanguage.KeyboardLayoutId);

            if (languageCodeId == ImeNative.LANG_JAPANESE || languageCodeId == ImeNative.LANG_CHINESE)
                if (!systemCaret)
                    if (ImeNative.CreateCaret(hwnd, IntPtr.Zero, 1, 1))
                        systemCaret = true;
        private void MoveImeWindow(IntPtr hwnd)
            if (compositionBounds.Count == 0)

            var hIMC = ImeNative.ImmGetContext(hwnd);

            var rc = compositionBounds[0];

            var x = rc.X + rc.Width;
            var y = rc.Y + rc.Height;

            const int kCaretMargin = 1;
            // As written in a comment in ImeInput::CreateImeWindow(),
            // Chinese IMEs ignore function calls to ::ImmSetCandidateWindow()
            // when a user disables TSF (Text Service Framework) and CUAS (Cicero
            // Unaware Application Support).
            // On the other hand, when a user enables TSF and CUAS, Chinese IMEs
            // ignore the position of the current system caret and uses the
            // parameters given to ::ImmSetCandidateWindow() with its 'dwStyle'
            // parameter CFS_CANDIDATEPOS.
            // Therefore, we do not only call ::ImmSetCandidateWindow() but also
            // set the positions of the temporary system caret if it exists.
            var candidatePosition = new ImeNative.CANDIDATEFORM
                dwIndex      = 0,
                dwStyle      = (int)ImeNative.CFS_CANDIDATEPOS,
                ptCurrentPos = new ImeNative.POINT(x, y),
                rcArea       = new ImeNative.RECT(0, 0, 0, 0)

            ImeNative.ImmSetCandidateWindow(hIMC, ref candidatePosition);

            if (systemCaret)
                ImeNative.SetCaretPos(x, y);

            if (languageCodeId == ImeNative.LANG_KOREAN)
                // Chinese IMEs and Japanese IMEs require the upper-left corner of
                // the caret to move the position of their candidate windows.
                // On the other hand, Korean IMEs require the lower-left corner of the
                // caret to move their candidate windows.
                y += kCaretMargin;
            // Japanese IMEs and Korean IMEs also use the rectangle given to
            // ::ImmSetCandidateWindow() with its 'dwStyle' parameter CFS_EXCLUDE
            // to move their candidate windows when a user disables TSF and CUAS.
            // Therefore, we also set this parameter here.
            var excludeRectangle = new ImeNative.CANDIDATEFORM
                dwIndex      = 0,
                dwStyle      = (int)ImeNative.CFS_EXCLUDE,
                ptCurrentPos = new ImeNative.POINT(x, y),
                rcArea       = new ImeNative.RECT(rc.X, rc.Y, x, y + kCaretMargin)

            ImeNative.ImmSetCandidateWindow(hIMC, ref excludeRectangle);

            ImeNative.ImmReleaseContext(hwnd, hIMC);