public async Task <MovieContainer> GetMovieAsync(int movieId, CancellationToken cancellationToken) { MovieContainer container = Movies.FindById(movieId); if (container != null) { return(container); } MovieMethods methods = MovieMethods.Credits | MovieMethods.Images | MovieMethods.Videos | MovieMethods.Translations | MovieMethods.Keywords; Movie tmdbResult = await TMDbClient.GetMovieAsync(movieId, methods, cancellationToken); container = new MovieContainer(tmdbResult); ImdbHelper.GetImdbInfo(tmdbResult.ImdbId).ContinueWith(x => { if (x.IsCompleted && !x.IsFaulted && x.Result != null) { container.Votes = x.Result.Resource.RatingCount; container.TopRating = x.Result.Resource.TopRank; container.ImdbRating = x.Result.Resource.Rating; } }, TaskScheduler.FromCurrentSynchronizationContext()).LogIfFaulted(); return(container); }
public async Task <TvShowContainer> GetTvShowAsync(int tvShowId, CancellationToken cancellationToken) { TvShowContainer container = TvShows.FindById(tvShowId); if (container != null) { return(container); } TvShowMethods methods = TvShowMethods.Credits | TvShowMethods.Images | TvShowMethods.Videos | TvShowMethods.Translations | TvShowMethods.Keywords | TvShowMethods.ExternalIds; TvShow tmdbResult = await TMDbClient.GetTvShowAsync(tvShowId, methods, cancellationToken); container = new TvShowContainer(tmdbResult); ImdbHelper.GetImdbInfo(tmdbResult.ExternalIds.ImdbId).ContinueWith(x => { if (x.IsCompleted && !x.IsFaulted && x.Result != null) { container.Votes = x.Result.Resource.RatingCount; container.ImdbRating = x.Result.Resource.Rating; if (x.Result.Resource.OtherRanks?.Length > 0) { container.TopRating = x.Result.Resource.OtherRanks[0].Rank; } } }, TaskScheduler.FromCurrentSynchronizationContext()).LogIfFaulted(); return(container); }
private void btnGetByImdbId_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { //IMDB ID if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(txtImdbId.Text)) { string imdbId = txtImdbId.Text; string logPath = @"D:\Development\Projects\MArchive\MArchiveImdbParser\_log"; Directory.CreateDirectory(logPath); TextWriter tw = new StreamWriter(logPath + logHelper.createLogFileName(string.Format("{0}", imdbId))); DateTime start = DateTime.Now; tw.WriteLine("Start : " + start.ToString( )); ImdbModel iInfo = new ImdbModel( ); try { iInfo = ImdbHelper.getMovieInformation(imdbId, tw, start); DateTime finish = DateTime.Now; TimeSpan processTime = finish - start; imdbInfoForm frmImdbInfo = new imdbInfoForm(iInfo, this, "addnew"); //frmImdbInfo.MdiParent = this.MdiParent; frmImdbInfo.Text += " - " + processTime.Seconds.ToString( ) + "." + processTime.Milliseconds.ToString( ) + " saniye"; frmImdbInfo.Show( ); } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show(ex.Message); } tw.WriteLine("End : " + DateTime.Now.ToString( )); tw.Close( ); } }
public async Task UpdateMovieAsync(MovieContainer container, CancellationToken cancellationToken) { MovieMethods methods = MovieMethods.Credits | MovieMethods.Images | MovieMethods.Videos | MovieMethods.Translations | MovieMethods.Keywords; Movie tmdbResult = await TMDbClient.GetMovieAsync(container.Id, methods, cancellationToken); container.Item = tmdbResult; ImdbInfo imdbInfo = await ImdbHelper.GetImdbInfo(tmdbResult.ImdbId); container.Votes = imdbInfo.Resource.RatingCount; container.TopRating = imdbInfo.Resource.TopRank; container.ImdbRating = imdbInfo.Resource.Rating; Movies.Update(container); }
public async Task UpdateTvShowAsync(TvShowContainer container, CancellationToken cancellationToken) { TvShowMethods methods = TvShowMethods.Credits | TvShowMethods.Images | TvShowMethods.Videos | TvShowMethods.Translations | TvShowMethods.Keywords | TvShowMethods.ExternalIds; TvShow tmdbResult = await TMDbClient.GetTvShowAsync(container.Id, methods, cancellationToken); container.Item = tmdbResult; ImdbInfo imdbInfo = await ImdbHelper.GetImdbInfo(tmdbResult.ExternalIds.ImdbId); container.Votes = imdbInfo.Resource.RatingCount; container.ImdbRating = imdbInfo.Resource.Rating; if (imdbInfo.Resource.OtherRanks?.Length > 0) { container.TopRating = imdbInfo.Resource.OtherRanks[0].Rank; } TvShows.Update(container); }
public ActionResult Search(string key) { Movie movie; key = key.Trim(); if (key.IsIMDB() || key.IsIMDBUrl()) { if (key.IsIMDBUrl()) { key = ImdbHelper.GetImdbId(key); } //search for local record movie = _movieRepository.GetByImdbId(key); if (movie == null) { var scrapper = new ImdbScrapper(_movieXPathRepository); //movie = scrapper.LoadMovieFromFile("C:/GOT.txt"); movie = scrapper.GetMovie(key); } } else { movie = _movieRepository.GetByMovieName(key); if (movie == null) { movie = _movieRepository.GetMovieByAKA(key); } if (movie == null) { movie = new Movie(); TempData["NoSearchResult"] = true; } } ViewBag.Search = key; var viewModel = movie.MapItem <MovieViewModel>(); return(View("Index", viewModel)); }
private void getMovieInfoByIdAndSave(string imdbId, MovieDO movie, TextWriter tw, DateTime start) { ImdbModel imdbInfo = new ImdbModel( ); try { imdbInfo = ImdbHelper.getMovieInformation(imdbId, tw, start); logHelper.logLine(tw, "Imdb information parsed successfully. Starting operation 'Basic Info'"); #region Basic Info (not updated in db yet) if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(movie.ImdbID)) { movie.ImdbID = imdbId; } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(movie.ImdbPoster) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(imdbInfo.picturePath)) { string savePath = getSavePath( ); string fileName = FileSystemHelper.prepareFileNameForPicture(imdbInfo.picturePath.Substring(imdbInfo.picturePath.LastIndexOf('/')), new MovieNameModel { OriginalName = movie.OriginalName }, savePath); WebRequestHelper.Download(imdbInfo.picturePath, savePath + fileName); movie.ImdbPoster = fileName; } movie.ImdbRating = imdbInfo.imdbRating; if (movie.Year == null || movie.Year == 0) { movie.Year = imdbInfo.year; } #endregion Basic Info logHelper.logLine(tw, "Basic Info inserted"); logHelper.logLine(tw, "Starting operation 'Genres'"); #region types if (MovieTypeBL.GetAllByMovieID(movie.ID).Count() < 1) { try { if (imdbInfo.genres != null) { foreach (string item in imdbInfo.genres) { if (allTypes.ContainsKey(item)) { MovieTypeBL.Save(new MovieTypeDO( ) { MovieID = movie.ID, TypeID = allTypes[item] }, 1); } else { int currentID = TypeBL.Save(new MArchive.Domain.Lookup.TypeDO( ) { Name = item }, 1).ID; //MovieTypeBL.Save( movie.ID, item, 1 ); MovieTypeBL.Save(new MovieTypeDO( ) { MovieID = movie.ID, TypeID = currentID }, 1); allTypes.Add(item, currentID); } } } logHelper.logLine(tw, "Genres inserted"); } catch (Exception ex) { logHelper.logLine(tw, "Genres could not be inserted."); logHelper.logException(tw, ex); logHelper.logLine(tw); } } #endregion types logHelper.logLine(tw, "Starting operation 'Actors'"); #region actors if (MovieActorBL.GetAllByMovieID(movie.ID).Count( ) < 1) { try { if (imdbInfo.cast != null) { foreach (string item in imdbInfo.cast) { if (allActors.ContainsKey(item)) { MovieActorBL.Save(new MovieActorDO( ) { MovieID = movie.ID, ActorID = allActors[item] }, 1); } else { int currentID = ActorBL.Save(new MArchive.Domain.Lookup.ActorDO( ) { Name = item }, 1).ID; MovieActorBL.Save(new MovieActorDO( ) { MovieID = movie.ID, ActorID = currentID }, 1); allActors.Add(item, currentID); } } } logHelper.logLine(tw, "Actors inserted"); } catch (Exception ex) { logHelper.logLine(tw, "Actors could not be inserted."); logHelper.logException(tw, ex); logHelper.logLine(tw); } } #endregion actors logHelper.logLine(tw, "Starting operation 'Languages'"); #region languages if (MovieLanguageBL.GetAllByMovieID(movie.ID).Count( ) < 1) { try { if (imdbInfo.languages != null) { foreach (string item in imdbInfo.languages) { if (allLanguages.ContainsKey(item)) { MovieLanguageBL.Save(new MovieLanguageDO( ) { MovieID = movie.ID, LanguageID = allLanguages[item] }, 1); } else { int currentID = LanguageBL.Save(new MArchive.Domain.Lookup.LanguageDO( ) { Name = item }, 1).ID; MovieLanguageBL.Save(new MovieLanguageDO( ) { MovieID = movie.ID, LanguageID = currentID }, 1); allLanguages.Add(item, currentID); } } } logHelper.logLine(tw, "Languages inserted"); } catch (Exception ex) { logHelper.logLine(tw, "Languages could not be inserted."); logHelper.logException(tw, ex); logHelper.logLine(tw); } } #endregion languages logHelper.logLine(tw, "Starting operation 'Directors'"); #region directors if (MovieDirectorBL.GetAllByMovieID(movie.ID).Count( ) < 1) { try { if (imdbInfo.directors != null) { foreach (string item in imdbInfo.directors) { if (allDirectors.ContainsKey(item)) { MovieDirectorBL.Save(new MovieDirectorDO( ) { MovieID = movie.ID, DirectorID = allDirectors[item] }, 1); } else { int currentID = DirectorBL.Save(new MArchive.Domain.Lookup.DirectorDO( ) { Name = item }, 1).ID; MovieDirectorBL.Save(new MovieDirectorDO( ) { MovieID = movie.ID, DirectorID = currentID }, 1); allDirectors.Add(item, currentID); } } } logHelper.logLine(tw, "Directors inserted"); } catch (Exception ex) { logHelper.logLine(tw, "Directors could not be inserted."); logHelper.logException(tw, ex); logHelper.logLine(tw); } } #endregion directors logHelper.logLine(tw, "Starting operation 'Writers'"); #region writers if (MovieWriterBL.GetAllByMovieID(movie.ID).Count( ) < 1) { try { if (imdbInfo.writers != null) { foreach (string item in imdbInfo.writers) { if (allWriters.ContainsKey(item)) { MovieWriterBL.Save(new MovieWriterDO( ) { MovieID = movie.ID, WriterID = allWriters[item] }, 1); } else { int currentID = WriterBL.Save(new MArchive.Domain.Lookup.WriterDO( ) { Name = item }, 1).ID; MovieWriterBL.Save(new MovieWriterDO( ) { MovieID = movie.ID, WriterID = currentID }, 1); allWriters.Add(item, currentID); } } } logHelper.logLine(tw, "Writers inserted"); } catch (Exception ex) { logHelper.logLine(tw, "Writers could not be inserted."); logHelper.logException(tw, ex); logHelper.logLine(tw); } } #endregion writers logHelper.logLine(tw, "Updating 'movie' table"); movie.ImdbParsed = true; movie.ImdbLastParseDate = movie.UpdateDate = DateTime.Now; MovieBL.Save(movie, 1); logHelper.logLine(tw, "Table update successful"); } catch (Exception ex) { logHelper.logException(tw, ex); } }
private void btnSearch_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { //MOVIE NAME if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(txtSearch.Text)) { string search = ImdbHelper.getSearchFriendlyString(txtSearch.Text); string imdbId = ""; string tempHtml = ""; //StreamReader sr = new StreamReader ( @"E:\Projects\MArchive\MArchiveImdbParser\imdb_se.txt" ); //tempHtml = sr.ReadToEnd ( ); try { tempHtml = WebRequestHelper.CallPage("" + search.Replace(" ", "+")); } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show(ex.Message); } Regex rgx; MatchCollection matches; if (tempHtml != "") { string temp = ""; //check if this is the search page //or if we've been redirected to the movie's page string _searchPagePattern = "<link.*href.*"; rgx = new System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex(_searchPagePattern); matches = rgx.Matches(tempHtml); if (matches.Count > 0) { //arama sayfasına gelmişiz _searchPagePattern = string.Format("<div class={0}{1}findSection{0}{1}>.*<table class={0}{1}findList{0}{1}.*>(.*)</table>.*More title matches", "\\", "\""); rgx = new Regex(_searchPagePattern, RegexOptions.Singleline); matches = rgx.Matches(tempHtml); if (matches.Count > 0) { string tableContent = matches[0].Groups[1].Value; _searchPagePattern = string.Format("<a href=\"/title/(tt[0-9]{7,9})/"); //TODO: Burada kaldım } if (tempHtml.Contains("<b>Popular Titles</b>")) { //popüler sonuçlarda bulduk, onu alalım temp = tempHtml.Substring(tempHtml.IndexOf("<b>Popular Titles</b>")); temp = temp.Substring(temp.IndexOf("<a href=\"/title/tt") + 16); imdbId = temp.Remove(temp.IndexOf("/")); } else { //popülerde yoksa, şimdilik salla, sonra bakalım ama - - -!!! throw new Exception("I could not find the movie that you searched for.. Sorry."); } } else { //sayfayı bulmuşuz if (tempHtml.Contains("<link href=\"")) { temp = tempHtml.Substring(tempHtml.IndexOf("<link href=\"") + 38); } else if (tempHtml.Contains("<link rel=\"canonical\" href=\"")) { temp = tempHtml.Substring(tempHtml.IndexOf("<link rel=\"canonical\" href=\"") + 54); } imdbId = temp.Remove(temp.IndexOf("/")); } } else { throw new Exception("Error while connecting to IMDB"); } MessageBox.Show(imdbId); } }