Пример #1
        public MainWindow()

            //Connect to the server and subscribe to the events we want
            imager = new ImagerRemote(serverName);
            imager.DescriptionReceived += new DescriptionReceivedEventHandler(imager_DescriptionReceived);
            imager.FramesDiscarded     += new FramesDiscardedEventHandler(imager_FramesDiscarded);
            imager.FrameReceived       += new FrameReceivedEventHandler(imager_FrameReceived);
            imager.MuteWarnings         = true;
            imager.UnbindChannels(); //This isn't required here, but it doesn't hurt anything

            //Put the name of the server on the GUI
            ServerNameLabel.Content = "Listening to server: " + serverName;

            //Use a timer to keep the VRPN connection updated
            timer          = new DispatcherTimer();
            timer.Tick    += new EventHandler(timer_Tick);
            timer.Interval = new TimeSpan(0, 0, 0, 0, 15);

            thisProc = System.Diagnostics.Process.GetCurrentProcess();
            thisProc.ErrorDataReceived  += thisProc_ErrorDataReceived;
            thisProc.OutputDataReceived += thisProc_ErrorDataReceived;
Пример #2
        public MainWindow()

            //Connect to the server and subscribe to the events we want
            imager = new ImagerRemote(serverName);
            imager.DescriptionReceived += new DescriptionReceivedEventHandler(imager_DescriptionReceived);
            imager.FramesDiscarded += new FramesDiscardedEventHandler(imager_FramesDiscarded);
            imager.FrameReceived += new FrameReceivedEventHandler(imager_FrameReceived);
            imager.MuteWarnings = true;
            imager.UnbindChannels(); //This isn't required here, but it doesn't hurt anything

            //Put the name of the server on the GUI
            ServerNameLabel.Content = "Listening to server: " + serverName;

            //Use a timer to keep the VRPN connection updated
            timer = new DispatcherTimer();
            timer.Tick += new EventHandler(timer_Tick);
            timer.Interval = new TimeSpan(0, 0, 0, 0, 15);

            thisProc = System.Diagnostics.Process.GetCurrentProcess();
            thisProc.ErrorDataReceived += thisProc_ErrorDataReceived;
            thisProc.OutputDataReceived += thisProc_ErrorDataReceived;
Пример #3
        //Update the display parameters based on the image description
        void imager_DescriptionReceived(object sender, DescriptionReceivedEventArgs e)
            imager.UnbindChannels(); //Unbind the channels so we can set the new channel bindings base on the new description

            //Save the size of the image to class variables so we can use it later
            width  = e.Columns;
            height = e.Rows;
            depth  = e.Depth;

            //Setup the colors
            if (imager.Channels.Length == 1)
                //Grayscale doesn't require channel binding
                if (imager.Channels[0].BitDepth == ImageBitDepth.unsigned8bit)
                    imageFormat     = PixelFormats.Gray8;
                    bytesPerPixel   = 1;
                    bytesPerChannel = 1;
                else if (imager.Channels[0].BitDepth == ImageBitDepth.float32bit)
                    imageFormat     = PixelFormats.Gray32Float;
                    bytesPerPixel   = 4;
                    bytesPerChannel = 4;
                    imageFormat     = PixelFormats.Gray16;
                    bytesPerPixel   = 2;
                    bytesPerChannel = 2;
            else if (imager.Channels.Length == 3)
                //For RGB, we will bind the first 3 channels
                //In a real application, it would be preferable to bind by channel name
                if (imager.Channels[0].BitDepth == ImageBitDepth.unsigned8bit)
                    imageFormat     = PixelFormats.Rgb24;
                    bytesPerPixel   = 3;
                    bytesPerChannel = 1;
                    if (useChannelBinding)
                        imager.BindChannels("BoundVirtualChannel", imager.Channels[0].Name, 0, imager.Channels[1].Name, 1, imager.Channels[2].Name, 2);
                else if (imager.Channels[0].BitDepth == ImageBitDepth.float32bit)
                    //WPF doesn't support a 96 bits-per-pixel RGB format
                    throw new Exception("Format not supported.");
                    imageFormat     = PixelFormats.Rgb48;
                    bytesPerPixel   = 6;
                    bytesPerChannel = 2;
                    if (useChannelBinding)
                        imager.BindChannels("BoundVirtualChannel", imager.Channels[0].Name, 0, imager.Channels[1].Name, 2, imager.Channels[2].Name, 4);
            else if (imager.Channels.Length == 4)
                //Similiarly, for RGBA we will bind the first 4 channels
                //In a real application, it would be preferable to bind by channel name
                if (imager.Channels[0].BitDepth == ImageBitDepth.unsigned8bit)
                    //Since this format is bgra instead of rgba, we reverse the order of the channels assuming blue will be the 3rd channel and red the 1st
                    imageFormat     = PixelFormats.Bgra32;
                    bytesPerPixel   = 4;
                    bytesPerChannel = 1;
                    if (useChannelBinding)
                        imager.BindChannels("BoundVirtualChannel", imager.Channels[2].Name, 0, imager.Channels[1].Name, 1, imager.Channels[0].Name, 2, imager.Channels[3].Name, 3);
                else if (imager.Channels[0].BitDepth == ImageBitDepth.float32bit)
                    imageFormat     = PixelFormats.Rgba128Float;
                    bytesPerPixel   = 16;
                    bytesPerChannel = 4;
                    if (useChannelBinding)
                        imager.BindChannels("BoundVirtualChannel", imager.Channels[0].Name, 0, imager.Channels[1].Name, 4, imager.Channels[2].Name, 8, imager.Channels[3].Name, 12);
                    imageFormat     = PixelFormats.Rgba64;
                    bytesPerPixel   = 8;
                    bytesPerChannel = 2;
                    if (useChannelBinding)
                        imager.BindChannels("BoundVirtualChannel", imager.Channels[0].Name, 0, imager.Channels[1].Name, 2, imager.Channels[2].Name, 4, imager.Channels[3].Name, 6);

            if (bytesPerPixel != 0)
                image = new WriteableBitmap(width, height, 96.0, 96.0, imageFormat, null);
                DisplayedImage.Source = image;
                rawImage = new byte[e.Rows * e.Columns * e.Depth * bytesPerPixel];

                ConsoleTextBox.Text += String.Format("New description Received at: {0}, the new size is {1} x {2} x {3} with a format of " + imageFormat.ToString() + "\r\n", e.Time, e.Rows, e.Columns, e.Depth);