Пример #1
        static void Main(string[] args)
            AppDomain       domain   = Startup();
            ImageStitching  stitcher = new ImageStitching();
            Barcode         decoder  = new Barcode();
            ObjectDetection detector = new ObjectDetection();
            string          cpu_folder_name;

            /* Stitch Image and decode barcode: */
            var img_list = stitcher.Load_images(SolutionDir.ToString(), Data.Constants.Seg_R, Data.Constants.Seg_R, Data.Constants.filename_top);
            var img      = stitcher.Stitch(img_list);
            var barcode  = decoder.Barcode_finding_run(img);

            /* Create file and save Image: */
            cpu_folder_name = "ACIS_" + DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd-hh-mm-ss");
            string save_path = SolutionDir.ToString() + "\\" + cpu_folder_name;

            Directory.CreateDirectory(Path.Combine(SolutionDir.ToString(), cpu_folder_name));
            String fileName = "BarcodeInfo_" + Data.Constants.filename_top + ".xml";

            new XDocument(new XElement("ACIS", new XElement("barcode", barcode))).Save(Path.Combine(save_path, fileName));
            img.Save(Path.Combine(save_path, Data.Constants.filename_top + ".jpg"));

            /* Defect Detection: */

            Cleanup(domain, stitcher);
            Console.WriteLine("The stitched image and xml file holding the barcode has been saved");
            Console.WriteLine("The save location is in the ACIS_Showcase solution directory under Images");
            Console.WriteLine("Defect Detection Will be added shortly.");
            Console.WriteLine("Thank you. Hit Enter to continue:");
Пример #2
        public ViewModel(Home home)
            m_home           = home;
            m_waitHandle     = new AutoResetEvent(false);
            cpu_done         = false;
            m_scan_cancel    = new CancellationTokenSource();
            m_arduinoControl = new ArduinoControl(m_waitHandle, m_scan_cancel);
            m_motors         = new Motor[Constants.NUMBER_OF_MOTORS];
            for (int i = 0; i < Constants.NUMBER_OF_MOTORS; ++i)
                m_motors[i] = new Motor();
            cameraCapture = new CameraCapture();
            /**********Added for barcode*********/
            m_barcode = new Barcode();
            /*********Added for ImageStitching*********/
            m_stitcher = new ImageStitching();

            m_collabrated           = false;
            m_cpu_scanned           = 0;
            m_y_axis_dividers_count = 0;
            m_progress = 0;
            m_cpu_done = false;
            UsrSettings.PropertyChanged     += UpdateLoggerPathEventHandler;
            DevSettingsProp.SettingChanging += ValidateDevSettings;
            BindingOperations.EnableCollectionSynchronization(ErrorMessages, m_lock); //This is needed to update the collection
            BindingOperations.EnableCollectionSynchronization(InfoMessages, m_lock);
Пример #3
 /* Clean up objects: */
 static void Cleanup(AppDomain domain, ImageStitching stitcher)