public ActionResult SubmitSearch(PackageIndexVM packageData) { DataLayer dl = new DataLayer(); packageData.desCode = (from u in dl.locations where == packageData.desCity.ToLower() select u.code).ToList <string>().FirstOrDefault(); // HOTELS: HotelSearch hs = new HotelSearch(); hs.FillData(packageData.desCode, packageData.sdate, packageData.edate); hs.BuildURL(); string json = hs.GetJson(); dynamic results = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(json); // convert incoming data to json form SearchResultsVM sr = new SearchResultsVM(); sr.hotelSearchResultsVM = new List <HotelSearchResultsVM>(); sr.startdDate = packageData.sdate; sr.endDate = packageData.edate; sr.nights = ToolsClass.getNumOfNights(ToolsClass.getDate(sr.startdDate), ToolsClass.getDate(sr.endDate)); for (int i = 0; i < results.results.Count; ++i) { ImageSearch image = new ImageSearch(); try { image.SetHotelName(results.results[i].property_name.ToString()); // initialize object by GoogleAPI } catch (Exception) { Thread.Sleep(1000); return(SubmitSearch(packageData)); } int newRating = -1; // initialize to -1 try { if (results.results[i].awards[0].rating != null) { newRating = results.results[i].awards[0].rating; } } catch (Exception) { } if (newRating == -1) { newRating = GenerateRating(); } HotelSearchResultsVM temp = new HotelSearchResultsVM() { originalLink = hs.GetSearchURL(), // to fix the api room problem hotelLink = results.results[i]._links.more_rooms_at_this_hotel.href, hotelName = results.results[i].property_name, hotelDescription = results.results[i].marketing_text, rating = newRating, hotelPrice = results.results[i].total_price.amount, hotelImage = image.GetImage() // image is an object }; sr.hotelSearchResultsVM.Add(temp); } // FLIGHTS: FlightSearch flightSearch = new FlightSearch(); flightSearch.FillData("TLV", packageData.desCode, packageData.sdate, packageData.edate, "Israel", "Tel Aviv", packageData.desCountry, packageData.desCity); // if no results were found (400: bad request) if (flightSearch.GetResponse() != "") { List <PackageDetails> packages = new List <PackageDetails>(); packages.Add(new PackageDetails() { flight = new FlightInfoVM() { departureDate = packageData.sdate, returnDate = packageData.edate, destinationCity = packageData.desCity, destinationCountry = packageData.desCountry, originCity = "Tel Aviv", originCountry = "Israel", } }); PackageDetailsVM newObj = new PackageDetailsVM() { composition = packageData.composition, packages = packages, }; return(View("SearchResults", newObj)); } // for the google map string[] loc = flightSearch.GetLocation().Split(','); double latitude = Double.Parse(loc[0]); double longitude = Double.Parse(loc[1]); // create object to pass to the view FlightSearchResultsVM flightSearchResultsVM = new FlightSearchResultsVM() { departureDate = flightSearch.GetDepartureDate(), destinationCity = flightSearch.GetDestinationCity(), destinationCodeCity = flightSearch.GetDestinationCodeCity(), destinationCountry = flightSearch.GetDestinationCountry(), inbound = flightSearch.GetInbound(), originCity = flightSearch.GetOriginCity(), originCodeCity = flightSearch.GetOriginCodeCity(), originCountry = flightSearch.GetOriginCountry(), outbound = flightSearch.GetOutbound(), price = flightSearch.GetPrice(), returnDate = flightSearch.GetReturnDate(), seatsRemaining = flightSearch.GetSeatsRemaining(), airline = flightSearch.GetAirline(), }; PackageDetailsVM pdvm = new PackageDetailsVM(); pdvm.composition = packageData.composition; var rand = new Random(); foreach (HotelSearchResultsVM h in sr.hotelSearchResultsVM) { PackageDetails pd = new PackageDetails(); pd.hotel = h; int n = rand.Next(flightSearchResultsVM.airline.Count()); FlightInfoVM f = new FlightInfoVM() { airline = flightSearchResultsVM.airline[n], inbound = flightSearchResultsVM.inbound[n], outbound = flightSearchResultsVM.outbound[n], departureDate = flightSearchResultsVM.departureDate, returnDate = flightSearchResultsVM.returnDate, originCountry = flightSearchResultsVM.originCountry, originCity = flightSearchResultsVM.originCity, destinationCountry = flightSearchResultsVM.destinationCountry, destinationCity = flightSearchResultsVM.destinationCity, originCodeCity = flightSearchResultsVM.originCodeCity, destinationCodeCity = flightSearchResultsVM.destinationCodeCity, seatsRemaining = flightSearchResultsVM.seatsRemaining[n], price = flightSearchResultsVM.price[n].ToString() }; pd.flight = f; pd.price = (pd.hotel.hotelPrice + Convert.ToDouble(pd.flight.price)) * Tools.ToolsClass.getPricePercent(pdvm.composition); pdvm.packages.Add(pd); } pdvm.nights = sr.nights; pdvm.latitude = latitude; pdvm.longitude = longitude; return(View("SearchResults", pdvm)); }
public ActionResult SubmitSearch(HotelIndexVM hotelsData) { DataLayer dl = new DataLayer(); hotelsData.code = (from u in dl.locations where == select u.code).ToList <string>().FirstOrDefault(); HotelSearch hs = new HotelSearch(); hs.FillData(hotelsData.code, hotelsData.sdate, hotelsData.edate); hs.BuildURL(); string json = hs.GetJson(); dynamic results = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(json); // convert incoming data to json form SearchResultsVM sr = new SearchResultsVM(); sr.hotelSearchResultsVM = new List <HotelSearchResultsVM>(); sr.startdDate = hotelsData.sdate; sr.endDate = hotelsData.edate; sr.originalLink = hs.GetSearchURL(); // to fix the api room problem sr.destination = + ", " +; if (results.results.Count != 0) { // for the google map string realCode = hs.GetLocation(hotelsData.code, "firstStage"); string[] loc = hs.GetLocation(realCode, "secondStage").Split(','); sr.latitude = Double.Parse(loc[0]); sr.longitude = Double.Parse(loc[1]); } sr.nights = ToolsClass.getNumOfNights(ToolsClass.getDate(sr.startdDate), ToolsClass.getDate(sr.endDate)); for (int i = 0; i < results.results.Count; ++i) { ImageSearch image = new ImageSearch(); try { image.SetHotelName(results.results[i].property_name.ToString()); // initialize object by GoogleAPI } catch (Exception) { Thread.Sleep(1000); return(SubmitSearch(hotelsData)); } int newRating = -1; // initialize to -1 try { if (results.results[i].awards[0].rating != null) { newRating = results.results[i].awards[0].rating; } } catch (Exception) { } if (newRating == -1) { newRating = GenerateRating(); } HotelSearchResultsVM temp = new HotelSearchResultsVM() { hotelLink = results.results[i]._links.more_rooms_at_this_hotel.href, hotelName = results.results[i].property_name, hotelDescription = results.results[i].marketing_text, rating = newRating, hotelPrice = results.results[i].total_price.amount, hotelImage = image.GetImage() // image is an object }; sr.hotelSearchResultsVM.Add(temp); } return(View("SearchResults", sr)); }
// Index page for hotels (include search) //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- public ActionResult Index() { HotelIndexVM hivm = new HotelIndexVM(); DataLayer dl = new DataLayer(); List <string> codes = (from u in dl.locations select u.code).ToList <string>(); var rand = new Random(); while ( < 6) { string code = codes.ElementAt(rand.Next(codes.Count())); HotelSearch hs = new HotelSearch(); hs.FillData(code, "15.07.2018", "18.07.2018"); hs.BuildURL(); string json = hs.GetJson(); dynamic results = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(json); // convert incoming data to json form if (results.results.Count > 0) { ImageSearch image = new ImageSearch(); try { image.SetHotelName(results.results[0].property_name.ToString()); // initialize object by GoogleAPI } catch (Exception) { Thread.Sleep(1000); return(Index()); } int newRating = -1; // initialize to -1 try { newRating = results.results[0].awards[0].rating; } catch (Exception) { newRating = GenerateRating(); } if (newRating == -1) { newRating = GenerateRating(); } HotelSearchResultsVM temp = new HotelSearchResultsVM() { hotelLink = results.results[0]._links.more_rooms_at_this_hotel.href, hotelName = results.results[0].property_name, hotelDescription = results.results[0].marketing_text, rating = newRating, hotelPrice = results.results[0].total_price.amount, hotelImage = image.GetImage() // image is an object };; } } hivm.countries = (from u in dl.locations select <string>().GroupBy(p => p) .Select(g => g.First()).OrderBy(q => q) .ToList(); hivm.cities = (from u in dl.locations where == hivm.countries.FirstOrDefault() select <string>().GroupBy(p => p) .Select(g => g.First()).OrderBy(q => q) .ToList(); return(View(hivm)); }
public ActionResult GetRandomHotelsByJson(List <string> loc) { HotelIndexVM hivm = new HotelIndexVM(); DataLayer dl = new DataLayer(); List <Locations> locations = GetLocations(loc); var rand = new Random(); string startDate = "13.08.2018"; string endDate = "20.08.2018"; hivm.nights = ToolsClass.getNumOfNights(ToolsClass.getDate(startDate), ToolsClass.getDate(endDate)); while ( < 4) { int random = rand.Next(0, locations.Count); string code = locations[random].code; HotelSearch hs = new HotelSearch(); hs.FillData(code, startDate, endDate); hs.BuildURL(); string json = hs.GetJson(); string originalLink = hs.GetSearchURL(); dynamic results = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(json); // convert incoming data to json form if (results.results.Count > 0) { ImageSearch image = new ImageSearch(); try { image.SetHotelName(results.results[0].property_name.ToString()); // initialize object by GoogleAPI } catch (Exception) { Thread.Sleep(1000); return(Index()); } int newRating = -1; // initialize to -1 try { newRating = results.results[0].awards[0].rating; } catch (Exception) { newRating = GenerateRating(); } if (newRating == -1) { newRating = GenerateRating(); } HotelSearchResultsVM temp = new HotelSearchResultsVM() { originalLink = originalLink, startDate = startDate, endDate = endDate, location = locations[random].city + ", " + locations[random].country, hotelLink = results.results[0]._links.more_rooms_at_this_hotel.href, hotelName = results.results[0].property_name, hotelDescription = results.results[0].marketing_text, rating = newRating, hotelPrice = results.results[0].total_price.amount, hotelImage = image.GetImage() // image is an object };; locations.RemoveAt(random); } } return(Json(hivm, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet)); }