// Relative size toggle and percentage. private void DrawRelativeSizeSelector() { var scaleModSelector = Penumbra.Config.ScaleModSelector; if (ImGui.Checkbox("Scale Mod Selector With Window Size", ref scaleModSelector)) { Penumbra.Config.ScaleModSelector = scaleModSelector; Penumbra.Config.Save(); } ImGui.SameLine(); if (ImGuiUtil.DragInt("##relativeSize", ref _relativeSelectorSize, _window._inputTextWidth.X - ImGui.GetCursorPosX(), 0.1f, Configuration.Constants.MinScaledSize, Configuration.Constants.MaxScaledSize, "%i%%") && _relativeSelectorSize != Penumbra.Config.ModSelectorScaledSize) { Penumbra.Config.ModSelectorScaledSize = _relativeSelectorSize; Penumbra.Config.Save(); } ImGui.SameLine(); ImGuiUtil.LabeledHelpMarker("Mod Selector Relative Size", "Instead of keeping the mod-selector in the Installed Mods tab a fixed width, this will let it scale with the total size of the Penumbra window."); }