private void DrawViewport() { var size = ImGui.GetWindowSize(); if (Pipeline.Width != (int)size.X || Pipeline.Height != (int)size.Y) { Pipeline.Width = (int)size.X; Pipeline.Height = (int)size.Y; Pipeline.OnResize(); } Pipeline.RenderScene(); if ((ImGui.IsWindowFocused() && _mouseDown) || ImGui.IsWindowFocused() && ImGui.IsWindowHovered() || _mouseDown) { if (!onEnter) { Pipeline.ResetPrevious(); onEnter = true; } //Only update scene when necessary if (ImGuiController.ApplicationHasFocus) { UpdateCamera(); } } else { onEnter = false; //Reset drag/dropped model data if mouse leaves the viewport during a drag event if (DragDroppedModel != null) { DragDroppedModel.DragDroppedOnLeave(); DragDroppedModel = null; } } var id = Pipeline.GetViewportTexture(); ImGui.Image((IntPtr)id, size, new System.Numerics.Vector2(0, 1), new System.Numerics.Vector2(1, 0)); if (ImGui.BeginDragDropTarget()) { ImGuiPayloadPtr outlinerDrop = ImGui.AcceptDragDropPayload("OUTLINER_ITEM", ImGuiDragDropFlags.AcceptNoDrawDefaultRect | ImGuiDragDropFlags.AcceptBeforeDelivery); if (outlinerDrop.IsValid()) { //Drag/drop things onto meshes var mouseInfo = CreateMouseState(); var picked = Pipeline.GetPickedObject(mouseInfo); //Picking object changed. if (DragDroppedModel != picked) { //Set exit drop event for previous model if (DragDroppedModel != null) { DragDroppedModel.DragDroppedOnLeave(); } DragDroppedModel = picked; //Model has changed so call the enter event if (picked != null) { picked.DragDroppedOnEnter(); } } if (picked != null) { //Set the drag/drop event var node = Outliner.GetDragDropNode(); picked.DragDropped(node.Tag); } if (mouseInfo.LeftButton == ButtonState.Released) { DragDroppedModel = null; } } ImGui.EndDragDropTarget(); } }
public void Render() { //Menu if (ImGui.BeginMenuBar()) { if (ImGui.BeginMenu("View Setting")) { if (ImGui.BeginMenu("Background")) { ImGui.Checkbox("Display", ref DrawableBackground.Display); ImGui.ColorEdit3("Color Top", ref DrawableBackground.BackgroundTop); ImGui.ColorEdit3("Color Bottom", ref DrawableBackground.BackgroundBottom); ImGui.EndMenu(); } if (ImGui.BeginMenu("Grid")) { ImGui.Checkbox("Display", ref DrawableFloor.Display); ImGui.ColorEdit4("Grid Color", ref DrawableFloor.GridColor); ImGui.InputInt("Grid Cell Count", ref Toolbox.Core.Runtime.GridSettings.CellAmount); ImGui.InputFloat("Grid Cell Size", ref Toolbox.Core.Runtime.GridSettings.CellSize); ImGui.EndMenu(); } // ImGui.Checkbox("VSync", ref Toolbox.Core.Runtime.EnableVSync); ImGui.Checkbox("Wireframe", ref Toolbox.Core.Runtime.RenderSettings.Wireframe); ImGui.Checkbox("WireframeOverlay", ref Toolbox.Core.Runtime.RenderSettings.WireframeOverlay); ImGui.EndMenu(); } if (ImGui.BeginMenu($"Shading [{Runtime.DebugRendering}]")) { foreach (var mode in Enum.GetValues(typeof(Runtime.DebugRender))) { bool isSelected = (Runtime.DebugRender)mode == Runtime.DebugRendering; if (ImGui.Selectable(mode.ToString(), isSelected)) { Runtime.DebugRendering = (Runtime.DebugRender)mode; } if (isSelected) { ImGui.SetItemDefaultFocus(); } } ImGui.EndMenu(); } if (ImGui.BeginMenu("Camera")) { if (ImGui.Button("Reset Transform")) { Pipeline._context.Camera.TargetPosition = new OpenTK.Vector3(0, 1, -5); Pipeline._context.Camera.RotationX = 0; Pipeline._context.Camera.RotationY = 0; Pipeline._context.Camera.UpdateMatrices(); } ImGuiHelper.InputFromBoolean("Orthographic", Pipeline._context.Camera, "IsOrthographic"); ImGuiHelper.InputFromFloat("Fov (Degrees)", Pipeline._context.Camera, "FovDegrees", true, 1f); if (Pipeline._context.Camera.FovDegrees != 45) { ImGui.SameLine(); if (ImGui.Button("Reset")) { Pipeline._context.Camera.FovDegrees = 45; } } ImGuiHelper.InputFromFloat("ZFar", Pipeline._context.Camera, "ZFar", true, 1f); if (Pipeline._context.Camera.ZFar != 100000.0f) { ImGui.SameLine(); if (ImGui.Button("Reset")) { Pipeline._context.Camera.ZFar = 100000.0f; } } ImGuiHelper.InputFromFloat("ZNear", Pipeline._context.Camera, "ZNear", true, 0.1f); if (Pipeline._context.Camera.ZNear != 0.1f) { ImGui.SameLine(); if (ImGui.Button("Reset")) { Pipeline._context.Camera.ZNear = 0.1f; } } ImGuiHelper.InputFromFloat("Zoom Speed", Pipeline._context.Camera, "ZoomSpeed", true, 0.1f); if (Pipeline._context.Camera.ZoomSpeed != 1.0f) { ImGui.SameLine(); if (ImGui.Button("Reset")) { Pipeline._context.Camera.ZoomSpeed = 1.0f; } } ImGuiHelper.InputFromFloat("Pan Speed", Pipeline._context.Camera, "PanSpeed", true, 0.1f); if (Pipeline._context.Camera.PanSpeed != 1.0f) { ImGui.SameLine(); if (ImGui.Button("Reset")) { Pipeline._context.Camera.PanSpeed = 1.0f; } } ImGui.EndMenu(); } if (ImGui.BeginMenu("Reset Animations")) { parentWindow.Reset(); ImGui.EndMenu(); } ImGui.EndMenuBar(); var menuBG = ImGui.GetStyle().Colors[(int)ImGuiCol.MenuBarBg]; ImGui.PushStyleColor(ImGuiCol.WindowBg, menuBG); ImGui.PushStyleColor(ImGuiCol.ChildBg, menuBG); if (ImGui.BeginChild("viewport_menu2", new System.Numerics.Vector2(350, 22))) { ImGui.AlignTextToFramePadding(); ImGui.Text("Active Model(s)"); ImGui.SameLine(); if (ImGui.BeginCombo("##model_select", selectedModel)) { bool isSelected = "All Models" == selectedModel; if (ImGui.Selectable("All Models", isSelected)) { selectedModel = "All Models"; } if (isSelected) { ImGui.SetItemDefaultFocus(); } foreach (var file in Pipeline.Files) { string name = file.Renderer.Name; isSelected = name == selectedModel; if (ImGui.Selectable(name, isSelected)) { selectedModel = name; } if (isSelected) { ImGui.SetItemDefaultFocus(); } } ImGui.EndCombo(); } } ImGui.EndChild(); ImGui.PopStyleColor(2); } //Make sure the entire viewport is within a child window to have accurate mouse and window sizing relative to the space it uses. if (ImGui.BeginChild("viewport_child1")) { var size = ImGui.GetWindowSize(); if (Pipeline.Width != (int)size.X || Pipeline.Height != (int)size.Y) { Pipeline.Width = (int)size.X; Pipeline.Height = (int)size.Y; Pipeline.OnResize(); } Pipeline.RenderScene(); if (ImGui.IsWindowFocused() && ImGui.IsWindowHovered() || ForceUpdate || _mouseDown) { ForceUpdate = false; if (!onEnter) { Pipeline.ResetPrevious(); onEnter = true; } //Only update scene when necessary UpdateCamera(); } else { onEnter = false; //Reset drag/dropped model data if mouse leaves the viewport during a drag event if (DragDroppedModel != null) { DragDroppedModel.DragDroppedOnLeave(); DragDroppedModel = null; } } var id = Pipeline.GetViewportTexture(); ImGui.Image((IntPtr)id, size, new System.Numerics.Vector2(0, 1), new System.Numerics.Vector2(1, 0)); if (ImGui.BeginDragDropTarget()) { ImGuiPayloadPtr outlinerDrop = ImGui.AcceptDragDropPayload("OUTLINER_ITEM", ImGuiDragDropFlags.AcceptNoDrawDefaultRect | ImGuiDragDropFlags.AcceptBeforeDelivery); if (outlinerDrop.IsValid()) { //Drag/drop things onto meshes var mouseInfo = CreateMouseState(); var picked = Pipeline.GetPickedObject(mouseInfo); //Picking object changed. if (DragDroppedModel != picked) { //Set exit drop event for previous model if (DragDroppedModel != null) { DragDroppedModel.DragDroppedOnLeave(); } DragDroppedModel = picked; //Model has changed so call the enter event if (picked != null) { picked.DragDroppedOnEnter(); } } if (picked != null) { //Set the drag/drop event var node = Outliner.GetDragDropNode(); picked.DragDropped(node.Tag); } } ImGui.EndDragDropTarget(); } } ImGui.EndChild(); }