public bool Draw() { ImGui.SetNextWindowSize(new Vector2(500, 500), ImGuiCond.Always); var isOpen = true; if (!ImGui.Begin("Dalamud Data", ref isOpen, ImGuiWindowFlags.NoCollapse)) { ImGui.End(); return(false); } // Main window if (ImGui.Button("Force Reload")) { Load(); } ImGui.SameLine(); var copy = ImGui.Button("Copy all"); ImGui.SameLine(); ImGui.Combo("Data kind", ref currentKind, new[] { "ServerOpCode", "ContentFinderCondition" }, 2); ImGui.BeginChild("scrolling", new Vector2(0, 0), false, ImGuiWindowFlags.HorizontalScrollbar); if (copy) { ImGui.LogToClipboard(); } ImGui.PushStyleVar(ImGuiStyleVar.ItemSpacing, new Vector2(0, 0)); if (this.wasReady) { switch (currentKind) { case 0: ImGui.TextUnformatted(this.serverOpString); break; case 1: ImGui.TextUnformatted(this.cfcString); break; } } else { ImGui.TextUnformatted("Data not ready."); } ImGui.PopStyleVar(); ImGui.EndChild(); ImGui.End(); return(isOpen); }
public override void Draw() { //Main Window Contents if (propertiesOpen && !statePlaying) { ImGui.Columns(2, "##alecolumns", true); if (firstProperties) { ImGui.SetColumnWidth(0, 300); firstProperties = false; } ImGui.BeginChild("##leftpanel"); DoProperties(); ImGui.EndChild(); ImGui.NextColumn(); } if (TabHandler.VerticalTab("Properties", propertiesOpen)) { propertiesOpen = !propertiesOpen; } //Viewport ImGui.SameLine(); ImGui.BeginChild("##maincontent"); var totalH = ImGui.GetWindowHeight(); ImGuiExt.SplitterV(2f, ref h1, ref h2, 8, 8, -1); h1 = totalH - h2 - 24f; ImGui.BeginChild("###viewport", new Vector2(-1, h1), false, ImGuiWindowFlags.None); if (validXml) { DoViewport(mainWindow.RenderDelta); } else { ImGui.Text(exceptionText); } ImGui.EndChild(); //Text ImGui.BeginChild("###text", new Vector2(-1, h2), false, ImGuiWindowFlags.None); xmlEditor.Render("##texteditor"); if (xmlEditor.TextChanged()) { TextChanged(); } var coords = xmlEditor.GetCoordinates(); editingObject = null; if (validXml) { editingObject = FindEditingObject(coords.Y + 1, coords.X + 1); } ImGui.EndChild(); ImGui.EndChild(); }
public void DrawRaidEffectsTab() { ImGui.Columns(1 + MonitorDisplays.Count, "###statusColumns", false); ImGui.SetColumnWidth(0, 220); for (var i = 1; i <= MonitorDisplays.Count; i++) { ImGui.SetColumnWidth(i, 100); } ImGui.Text("状态"); ImGui.NextColumn(); foreach (var m in MonitorDisplays.Values) { ImGui.Text(m.Name); ImGui.NextColumn(); } ImGui.Separator(); ImGui.Separator(); ImGui.Columns(1); ImGui.BeginChild("###scrolling", new Vector2(-1)); ImGui.Columns(1 + MonitorDisplays.Count, "###statusColumns", false); ImGui.SetColumnWidth(0, 220); for (var i = 1; i <= MonitorDisplays.Count; i++) { ImGui.SetColumnWidth(i, 100); } StatusMonitorConfigDisplay(638, 15, raid: true, note: pluginInterface.Data.GetExcelSheet <Action>().GetRow(2258)?.Name); // 目标 / 受伤加重 (忍者) StatusMonitorConfigDisplay(1221, 15, raid: true); // 目标 / 连环计 (学者) StatusMonitorConfigDisplay(1213, 15, raid: true, selfOnly: true); // 玩家 / 灵护 (召唤) StatusMonitorConfigDisplay(786, 20, raid: true, selfOnly: true); // 玩家 / 战斗连祷 (龙骑) StatusMonitorConfigDisplay(1184, 20, raid: true, selfOnly: true, statusList: new uint[] { 1183 }, forcedName: pluginInterface.Data.GetExcelSheet <Action>().GetRow(7398)?.Name); // 玩家 / 巨龙视线 (龙骑) StatusMonitorConfigDisplay(1185, 20, raid: true, selfOnly: true); // 玩家 / 义结金兰:攻击 (武僧) StatusMonitorConfigDisplay(1297, 20, raid: true, selfOnly: true); // 玩家 / 鼓励 (赤魔) StatusMonitorConfigDisplay(1202, 20, raid: true, selfOnly: true); // 玩家 / 大地神的抒情恋歌 (诗人) StatusMonitorConfigDisplay(1876, 20, raid: true, selfOnly: true, statusList: new uint[] { 1882, 1884, 1885 }, forcedName: "近战卡"); // 玩家 / 王冠之领主 (占星) StatusMonitorConfigDisplay(1877, 20, raid: true, selfOnly: true, statusList: new uint[] { 1883, 1886, 1887 }, forcedName: "远程卡"); // 玩家 / 王冠之贵妇 (占星) ImGui.Columns(1); ImGui.TextWrapped("\n有东西缺失了?\n请到 goat place discord 向 Caraxi 反馈,之后它便会被添加。"); ImGui.EndChild(); }
public unsafe override void ImGuiLayout() { // 1. Show a simple window // Tip: if we don't call ImGui.Begin()/ImGui.End() the widgets appears in a window automatically called "Debug" { var io = ImGui.GetIO(); ImGui.BeginWindow("Debug"); ImGui.Text("Hello, world!"); ImGui.SliderFloat("float", ref f, 0.0f, 1.0f, null, 1f); ImGui.ColorEdit3("clear color", ref clear_color, ColorEditFlags.Default); if (ImGui.Button("Test Window")) { show_test_window = !show_test_window; } if (ImGui.Button("Another Window")) { show_another_window = !show_another_window; } ImGui.Text(string.Format("Application average {0:F3} ms/frame ({1:F1} FPS)", ImGui.GetIO().DeltaTime, 1f / ImGui.GetIO().DeltaTime)); //ImGui.InputText("Text Input 1", _TextInputBuffers[0], _TextInputBuffers[0].Length,InputTextFlags.Default,new TextEditCallback(); //ImGui.InputText("Text Input 2", _TextInputBuffers[1].Buffer, _TextInputBuffers[1].Length); if (ImGui.Button("Open File")) { show_file_dialog = !show_file_dialog; } ImGui.EndWindow(); } // 2. Show another simple window, this time using an explicit Begin/End pair if (show_another_window) { ImGui.SetNextWindowSize(new System.Numerics.Vector2(200, 100), Condition.FirstUseEver); ImGui.BeginChild("Another Window", show_another_window); ImGui.Text("Hello"); ImGui.EndChild(); } // 3. Show the ImGui test window. Most of the sample code is in ImGui.ShowTestWindow() if (show_test_window) { ImGui.SetNextWindowPos(new System.Numerics.Vector2(650, 20), Condition.FirstUseEver, new System.Numerics.Vector2(0, 0)); ImGuiNative.igShowDemoWindow(ref show_test_window); } // 4. Show the memory editor and file dialog, just as an example. _MemoryEditor.Draw("Memory editor", _MemoryEditorData, _MemoryEditorData.Length); if (show_file_dialog) { string start = _Dialog.LastDirectory; _Dialog.ChooseFileDialog(true, _Dialog.LastDirectory, null, "Choose File", new System.Numerics.Vector2(500, 500), new System.Numerics.Vector2(50, 50), 1f); /* if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(_Dialog.ChosenPath)) * _TextInputBuffers[0].StringValue = _Dialog.ChosenPath;*/ } }
protected override void DrawOverride(ref bool isGameViewFocused) { ImGui.PushItemWidth(-1); ImGui.InputTextMultiline("", ref _scriptConsoleText, 1000, Vector2.Zero); ImGui.PopItemWidth(); if (ImGui.Button("Run") || ImGui.IsKeyPressed(0x0D)) { _scriptConsoleTextAll = string.Concat(_scriptConsoleTextAll, ">> ", _scriptConsoleText.Replace("\n", "\n>> "), "\n"); ExecuteLuaScript(_scriptConsoleText); } ImGui.SameLine(); if (ImGui.Button("Clear")) { _scriptConsoleTextAll = ""; } ImGui.SameLine(); var loadPopupID = "load"; if (ImGui.Button("Load")) { ImGui.OpenPopup(loadPopupID); } var savePopupID = "save"; ImGui.SameLine(); if (ImGui.Button("Save")) { ImGui.OpenPopup(savePopupID); } ImGui.PushStyleColor(ImGuiCol.Border, new Vector4(0, 0, 150, 1)); ImGui.Separator(); ImGui.BeginChild("cmd", Vector2.Zero, true); ImGui.PushStyleColor(ImGuiCol.Text, _consoleTextColor); ImGui.Text(_scriptConsoleTextAll); ImGui.PopStyleColor(); ImGui.EndChild(); ImGui.PopStyleColor(); if (ImGui.BeginPopup(loadPopupID)) { ImGui.Text("Soon"); ImGui.EndPopup(); } if (ImGui.BeginPopup(savePopupID)) { ImGui.Text("Soon"); ImGui.EndPopup(); } }
public static void Render(FMAT material) { var renderer = material.MaterialAsset as SharcFBRenderer; if (renderer.GLShaderInfo == null) { return; } if (ImGui.BeginCombo("Stage", selectedStage)) { if (ImGui.Selectable("Vertex")) { selectedStage = "Vertex"; } if (ImGui.Selectable("Pixel")) { selectedStage = "Pixel"; } ImGui.EndCombo(); } ImGui.BeginTabBar("menu_shader1"); if (ImguiCustomWidgets.BeginTab("menu_shader1", $"Shader Code")) { LoadShaderStageCode(material); ImGui.EndTabItem(); } if (ImguiCustomWidgets.BeginTab("menu_shader1", "Shader Info")) { if (ImGui.BeginChild("ShaderInfoC")) { LoadShaderInfo(material); } ImGui.EndChild(); ImGui.EndTabItem(); } if (ImguiCustomWidgets.BeginTab("menu_shader1", "GX2 Shader Data")) { var shader = material.MaterialAsset as SharcFBRenderer; var program = shader.ShaderModel; if (selectedStage == "Vertex") { var gx2Shader = program.GetRawVertexShader(shader.BinaryIndex).ToArray(); MemoryEditor.Draw(gx2Shader, gx2Shader.Length); } if (selectedStage == "Pixel") { var gx2Shader = program.GetRawPixelShader(shader.BinaryIndex).ToArray(); MemoryEditor.Draw(gx2Shader, gx2Shader.Length); } ImGui.EndTabItem(); } }
public override void DrawSettingsMenu() { ImGui.BulletText($"v{PluginVersion}"); ImGui.PushStyleVar(StyleVar.ChildRounding, 5.0f); ImGuiNative.igGetContentRegionAvail(out var newcontentRegionArea); if (ImGui.BeginChild("RightSettings", new System.Numerics.Vector2(newcontentRegionArea.X, newcontentRegionArea.Y), true, WindowFlags.Default)) { SettingsMenu(); } ImGui.EndChild(); }
public void Draw(AptSceneManager manager) { if (_frameListUtilities.Reset(manager)) { // if this is a different frame (imply _utilities.Active == true) ImGui.SetNextWindowSize(Vector2.Zero); _inputFrameNumber = manager.CurrentFrame; _playing = false; _playSpeed = 1f; } else if (!_frameListUtilities.Active) { return; } if (ImGui.Begin(Name)) { ImGui.InputFloat("Speed multiplier", ref _playSpeed); ImGui.Text($"Current Frame: {manager.CurrentFrameWrapped}"); ProcessPlay(manager); ImGui.Separator(); ImGui.InputInt($" / {manager.NumberOfFrames}", ref _inputFrameNumber); _inputFrameNumber = Math.Abs(_inputFrameNumber); if (ImGui.Button("Play to frame")) { manager.PlayToFrame(_inputFrameNumber); } ImGui.Separator(); if (ImGui.BeginChild("Real Frame List")) { var digits = 1; if (manager.NumberOfFrames > 10) { digits = (int)Math.Log10(manager.NumberOfFrames - 1) + 1; } for (var i = 0; i < manager.NumberOfFrames; ++i) { var selected = (i == manager.CurrentFrameWrapped); ImGui.Selectable($"Frame {i.ToString($"D{digits}")}", ref selected); if (selected && i != manager.CurrentFrameWrapped) { manager.PlayToFrame(i); _inputFrameNumber = i; } } } ImGui.EndChild(); } ImGui.End(); }
public override void Draw() { if (ImGui.BeginChild("###newsFrame", this.GetSize())) { ImGui.PushStyleVar(ImGuiStyleVar.WindowPadding, new Vector2(32f, 32f)); //ImGui.Text("awooga"); if (this.newsLoaded) { var banner = this.banners[this.currentBanner]; ImGui.Image(banner.ImGuiHandle, banner.Size); if (ImGui.IsItemClicked(ImGuiMouseButton.Left)) { Util.OpenBrowser(this.headlines.Banner[this.currentBanner].Link.ToString()); } ImGui.Dummy(new Vector2(15)); void ShowNewsEntry(News newsEntry) { ImGui.Text(newsEntry.Title); if (ImGui.IsItemClicked(ImGuiMouseButton.Left) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(newsEntry.Url)) { Util.OpenBrowser(newsEntry.Url); } } foreach (News newsEntry in this.headlines.News) { ShowNewsEntry(newsEntry); } ImGui.Separator(); foreach (News topic in this.headlines.Topics) { ShowNewsEntry(topic); } } else { ImGui.Text("News are loading..."); } ImGui.PopStyleVar(); } ImGui.EndChild(); base.Draw(); }
private void DrawHistory(IList <SequenceCombo> collection) { ImGui.Separator(); ImGui.BeginChild("ComboTrackerChild1"); for (int i = collection.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--) { ImGui.Text(collection[i].Name); } ImGui.EndChild(); }
public override void Draw(ref bool isGameViewFocused) { ImGui.BeginChild("ru sidebar", new Vector2(250, 0), true, 0); ImGui.TextWrapped(_ruText); ImGui.EndChild(); ImGui.SameLine(); base.Draw(ref isGameViewFocused); }
public void OnGui(PARAM.Row selection, string id, float w, float h) { ImGui.PushStyleColor(ImGuiCol.ChildBg, new Vector4(0.145f, 0.145f, 0.149f, 1.0f)); ImGui.SetNextWindowSize(new Vector2(350, h - 80), ImGuiCond.FirstUseEver); ImGui.SetNextWindowPos(new Vector2(w - 370, 20), ImGuiCond.FirstUseEver); ImGui.Begin($@"Properties##{id}"); ImGui.BeginChild("propedit"); PropEditorParamRow(selection); ImGui.EndChild(); ImGui.End(); ImGui.PopStyleColor(); }
private void RenderStatisticsWindow() { if (ImGui.Begin("Statistics", ImGuiWindowFlags.NoCollapse | ImGuiWindowFlags.NoMove | ImGuiWindowFlags.NoResize | ImGuiWindowFlags.HorizontalScrollbar)) { // set position and size of the window ImGui.SetWindowPos(new System.Numerics.Vector2((int)(0.25 * Window.Size.X), (int)(0.7 * Window.Size.Y))); ImGui.SetWindowSize(new System.Numerics.Vector2((int)(0.3 * Window.Size.X - 2), (int)(0.3 * Window.Size.Y))); if (ManipulatorHandler.Count > 0) { var quarterWidth = 0.25f * ImGui.GetWindowContentRegionWidth(); int selectedIndex = -1; ImGui.PushStyleVar(ImGuiStyleVar.ChildRounding, 5); if (ImGui.BeginChild("ManipulatorStat", new System.Numerics.Vector2(quarterWidth, ImGui.GetContentRegionAvail().Y), true, ImGuiWindowFlags.HorizontalScrollbar)) { foreach (var manipulator in ManipulatorHandler.Manipulators) { if (ImGui.Selectable($"Manip {++selectedIndex}")) { _selectedStatIndex = selectedIndex; } } ImGui.EndChild(); } ImGui.SameLine(); ImGui.BeginGroup(); if (_selectedStatIndex != -1) { ImGui.Text($"Manipulator {_selectedStatIndex}"); ImGui.Separator(); RenderAlgorithmStatistics(ManipulatorHandler.Manipulators[_selectedStatIndex]); } ImGui.EndGroup(); } else { ImGui.Text("No manipulators on the scene."); } } }
public override void Draw(ref bool isGameViewFocused) { ImGui.BeginChild("wnd tree", new Vector2(400, 0), true, 0); DrawControlTreeItemRecursive(_rootControl); ImGui.EndChild(); ImGui.SameLine(); base.Draw(ref isGameViewFocused); }
/// <inheritdoc/> public override void Draw() { ImGui.BeginChild("color_scrolling", new Vector2(0, 0), false, ImGuiWindowFlags.AlwaysVerticalScrollbar | ImGuiWindowFlags.HorizontalScrollbar); ImGui.Text("This is a collection of UI colors you can use in your plugin."); ImGui.Separator(); foreach (var color in this.colors) { ImGui.TextColored(color.Value, color.Key); } ImGui.EndChild(); }
internal void DrawIcon(ushort icon, Vector2 size) { if (icon < 65000) { if (textureDictionary.ContainsKey(icon)) { var tex = textureDictionary[icon]; if (tex == null || tex.ImGuiHandle == IntPtr.Zero) { ImGui.PushStyleColor(ImGuiCol.Border, new Vector4(1, 0, 0, 1)); ImGui.BeginChild("FailedTexture", size, true); ImGui.Text(icon.ToString()); ImGui.EndChild(); ImGui.PopStyleColor(); } else { ImGui.Image(textureDictionary[icon].ImGuiHandle, size); } } else { ImGui.BeginChild("WaitingTexture", size, true); ImGui.EndChild(); textureDictionary[icon] = null; Task.Run(() => { try { var iconTex = PluginInterface.Data.GetIcon(icon); var tex = PluginInterface.UiBuilder.LoadImageRaw(iconTex.GetRgbaImageData(), iconTex.Header.Width, iconTex.Header.Height, 4); if (tex != null && tex.ImGuiHandle != IntPtr.Zero) { textureDictionary[icon] = tex; } } catch { // Ignore } }); } } else { ImGui.BeginChild("NoIcon", size, true); if (PluginConfig.ShowItemID) { ImGui.Text(icon.ToString()); } ImGui.EndChild(); } }
void DrawResourceMods() { var ret = ImGui.BeginTabItem("Resource Mods"); if (!ret) { return; } DrawModsSelector(); ImGui.SameLine(); if (_selectedMod != null) { try { ImGui.BeginChild("selectedModInfo", AutoFillSize, true); ImGui.Text(_selectedMod.Meta.Name); ImGui.SameLine(); ImGui.TextColored(new Vector4(1f, 1f, 1f, 0.66f), "by"); ImGui.SameLine(); ImGui.Text(_selectedMod.Meta.Author); ImGui.TextWrapped(_selectedMod.Meta.Description ?? ""); ImGui.SetCursorPosY(ImGui.GetCursorPosY() + 12); // list files ImGui.Text("Files:"); ImGui.SetNextItemWidth(-1); if (ImGui.ListBoxHeader("##", AutoFillSize)) { foreach (var file in _selectedMod.ModFiles) { ImGui.Selectable(file.FullName); } } ImGui.ListBoxFooter(); ImGui.EndChild(); } catch (Exception ex) { PluginLog.LogError(ex, "f**k"); } } ImGui.EndTabItem(); }
private void LoadArchiveProperties(NodeBase node, bool onLoad) { var archiveFileWrapper = node as ArchiveHiearchy; //Wrapper is a folder, skip if (!archiveFileWrapper.IsFile) { return; } if (ImGui.BeginChild("##editor_menu", new System.Numerics.Vector2(200, 22))) { if (ImGui.BeginCombo("Editor", archiveFileWrapper.ArchiveEditor)) { if (ImGui.Selectable("Hex Preview")) { archiveFileWrapper.ArchiveEditor = "Hex Preview"; } if (ImGui.Selectable("File Editor")) { archiveFileWrapper.ArchiveEditor = "File Editor"; } if (ImGui.Selectable("Text Preview")) { archiveFileWrapper.ArchiveEditor = "Text Preview"; } ImGui.EndCombo(); } } ImGui.EndChild(); if (archiveFileWrapper.ArchiveEditor == "Hex Preview") { if (ActiveEditor == null || ActiveEditor.GetType() != typeof(MemoryEditor)) { ActiveEditor = new MemoryEditor(); } var data = archiveFileWrapper.ArchiveFileInfo.FileData; if (memPool.Length != data.Length) { memPool = data.ToArray(); } ((MemoryEditor)ActiveEditor).Draw(memPool, memPool.Length); } if (archiveFileWrapper.ArchiveEditor == "File Editor") { LoadProperties(node, onLoad); } }
public bool Draw() { if (ImGuiExt.BeginDock(Title, ref open, 0)) { //Layout if (selectedNode != null) { ImGui.Columns(2, "NodeColumns", true); } //Headers ImGui.Separator(); ImGui.Text("Nodes"); if (selectedNode != null) { ImGui.NextColumn(); ImGui.Text("Node Information"); ImGui.NextColumn(); } ImGui.Separator(); //Tree ImGui.BeginChild("##scroll", false, 0); var flags = selectedNode == Utf.Root ? TreeNodeFlags.Selected | tflags : tflags; var isOpen = ImGui.TreeNodeEx("/", flags); if (ImGuiNative.igIsItemClicked(0)) { selectedNode = Utf.Root; } ImGui.PushID("/"); DoNodeMenu("/", Utf.Root, null); ImGui.PopID(); if (isOpen) { int i = 0; foreach (var node in Utf.Root.Children) { DoNode(node, Utf.Root, i++); } ImGui.TreePop(); } ImGui.EndChild(); //End Tree if (selectedNode != null) { //Node preview ImGui.NextColumn(); NodeInformation(); } } ImGuiExt.EndDock(); Popups(); return(open); }
public override void Draw() { ImGui.BeginChild("ConsoleInner", new Vector2(-1, -64)); ImGui.PushFont(ImGuiManager.Instance.MonospacedFont); foreach (var logEntry in Logging.LogEntries.TakeLast(logLimit)) { if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(currentConsoleFilter) && !GetFilterMatch(logEntry, currentConsoleFilter)) { continue; } ImGui.TextWrapped(logEntry.timestamp.TimeOfDay.ToString()); ImGui.SameLine(); ImGui.PushStyleColor(ImGuiCol.Text, SeverityToColor(logEntry.severity)); ImGui.TextWrapped(logEntry.str); ImGui.PopStyleColor(); if (ImGui.IsItemHovered()) { ImGui.SetNextWindowSize(new Vector2(GameSettings.GameResolutionX / 2f, -1)); ImGui.BeginTooltip(); ImGui.Text("Stack Trace:"); ImGui.TextWrapped(logEntry.stackTrace.ToString()); ImGui.EndTooltip(); } ImGui.Separator(); } if (scrollQueued) { ImGui.SetScrollHereY(1.0f); scrollQueued = false; } ImGui.PopFont(); ImGui.EndChild(); ImGui.InputText("Filter", ref currentConsoleFilter, 256); ImGui.InputText("Input", ref currentConsoleInput, 256); ImGui.SameLine(); if (ImGui.Button("Submit")) { CommandRegistry.ParseAndExecute(currentConsoleInput); currentConsoleInput = ""; } }
public void DrawRaidEffectsTab() { ImGui.Columns(1 + MonitorDisplays.Count, "###statusColumns", false); ImGui.SetColumnWidth(0, 220); for (var i = 1; i <= MonitorDisplays.Count; i++) { ImGui.SetColumnWidth(i, 100); } ImGui.Text("Status"); ImGui.NextColumn(); foreach (var m in MonitorDisplays.Values) { ImGui.Text(m.Name); ImGui.NextColumn(); } ImGui.Separator(); ImGui.Separator(); ImGui.Columns(1); ImGui.BeginChild("###scrolling", new Vector2(-1)); ImGui.Columns(1 + MonitorDisplays.Count, "###statusColumns", false); ImGui.SetColumnWidth(0, 220); for (var i = 1; i <= MonitorDisplays.Count; i++) { ImGui.SetColumnWidth(i, 100); } StatusMonitorConfigDisplay(638, 15, raid: true, note: pluginInterface.Data.GetExcelSheet <Action>().GetRow(2258)?.Name); // Target / Trick Attack (NIN) StatusMonitorConfigDisplay(1221, 15, raid: true); // Target / Chain Stratagem (SCH) StatusMonitorConfigDisplay(1213, 15, raid: true, selfOnly: true); // Player / Devotion (SMN) StatusMonitorConfigDisplay(786, 20, raid: true, selfOnly: true); // Player / Battle Litany (DRG) StatusMonitorConfigDisplay(1184, 20, raid: true, selfOnly: true, note: pluginInterface.Data.GetExcelSheet <Action>().GetRow(7398)?.Name); // Player / Dragon Sight (DRG) StatusMonitorConfigDisplay(1185, 20, raid: true, selfOnly: true); // Player / Brotherhood (MNK) StatusMonitorConfigDisplay(1297, 20, raid: true, selfOnly: true); // Player / Embolden (RDM) StatusMonitorConfigDisplay(1202, 20, raid: true, selfOnly: true); // Player / Nature's Minne (BRD) StatusMonitorConfigDisplay(1876, 20, raid: true, selfOnly: true, statusList: new uint[] { 1882, 1884, 1885 }, forcedName: "Melee Cards"); // Player / Balance (AST) StatusMonitorConfigDisplay(1877, 20, raid: true, selfOnly: true, statusList: new uint[] { 1883, 1886, 1887 }, forcedName: "Ranged Cards"); // Player / Bole (AST) ImGui.Columns(1); ImGui.TextWrapped("\nSomething Missing?\nPlease let Caraxi know on the goat place discord and it will be added."); ImGui.EndChild(); }
public override void Draw() { if (firstDraw) { firstDraw = false; selectedUnitBase = (AtkUnitBase *)(Plugin.PluginConfig.Debugging.SelectedAtkUnitBase); } ImGui.BeginChild("st_uiDebug_unitBaseSelect", new Vector2(250, -1), true); ImGui.SetNextItemWidth(-38); ImGui.InputTextWithHint("###atkUnitBaseSearch", "Search", ref Plugin.PluginConfig.Debugging.AtkUnitBaseSearch, 0x20); ImGui.SameLine(); ImGui.PushFont(UiBuilder.IconFont); ImGui.PushStyleColor(ImGuiCol.Text, elementSelectorActive ? 0xFF00FFFF : 0xFFFFFFFF); if (ImGui.Button($"{(char) FontAwesomeIcon.ObjectUngroup}", new Vector2(-1, ImGui.GetItemRectSize().Y))) { elementSelectorActive = !elementSelectorActive; Service.PluginInterface.UiBuilder.Draw -= DrawElementSelector; FreeExclusiveDraw(); if (elementSelectorActive) { SetExclusiveDraw(DrawElementSelector); } } ImGui.PopStyleColor(); ImGui.PopFont(); if (ImGui.IsItemHovered()) { ImGui.SetTooltip("Element Selector"); } DrawUnitBaseList(); ImGui.EndChild(); if (selectedUnitBase != null) { ImGui.SameLine(); ImGui.BeginChild("st_uiDebug_selectedUnitBase", new Vector2(-1, -1), true); DrawUnitBase(selectedUnitBase); ImGui.EndChild(); } if (elementSelectorCountdown > 0) { elementSelectorCountdown -= 1; if (elementSelectorCountdown < 0) { elementSelectorCountdown = 0; } } }
void FLPane() { var totalH = ImGui.GetWindowHeight(); ImGuiExt.SplitterV(2f, ref fl_h1, ref fl_h2, 8, 8, -1); fl_h1 = totalH - fl_h2 - 6f; ImGui.BeginChild("1", new Vector2(-1, fl_h1), false, ImGuiWindowFlags.None); ImGui.Separator(); //3DB list if (ImGui.TreeNodeEx("Model/")) { int i = 0; foreach (var mdl in output) { FLTree(mdl, ref i); } } ImGui.EndChild(); ImGui.BeginChild("2", new Vector2(-1, fl_h2), false, ImGuiWindowFlags.None); if (ImGuiExt.ToggleButton("Options", curTab == 0)) { curTab = 0; } ImGui.SameLine(); if (ImGuiExt.ToggleButton("Materials", curTab == 1)) { curTab = 1; } ImGui.Separator(); switch (curTab) { case 0: //OPTIONS ImGui.AlignTextToFramePadding(); ImGui.Text("Model Name:"); ImGui.SameLine(); modelNameBuffer.InputText("##mdlname", ImGuiInputTextFlags.None); ImGui.Checkbox("Generate Materials", ref generateMaterials); break; case 1: //MATERIALS if (selected == null) { ImGui.Text("No object selected"); } else { MatNameEdit(); } break; } ImGui.EndChild(); }
public override void DrawSettingsMenu() { ImGui.BulletText($"v{PluginVersion}"); ImGui.BulletText($"Last Updated: {buildDate}"); idPop = 1; ImGui.PushStyleVar(StyleVar.ChildRounding, 5.0f); ImGuiNative.igGetContentRegionAvail(out var newcontentRegionArea); if (ImGui.BeginChild("RightSettings", new System.Numerics.Vector2(newcontentRegionArea.X, newcontentRegionArea.Y), true, WindowFlags.Default)) { DelveMenu(idPop, out var newInt); idPop = newInt; } }
protected override void renderSelf() { ImGui.BeginChild("tree"); foreach (var node in Nodes) { node.OnSelectInChildren(select); node.FlagsInChildren(ImGuiTreeNodeFlags.OpenOnArrow | ImGuiTreeNodeFlags.DefaultOpen | ImGuiTreeNodeFlags.OpenOnDoubleClick); node.Render(); } ImGui.EndChild(); }
private void RenderCurrentCaptureArea() { ImGui.SetNextWindowSize(new Vector2(_currentResizeOperation !.CurrentArea.Width, _currentResizeOperation.CurrentArea.Height)); ImGui.SetNextWindowPos(new Vector2(_currentResizeOperation.CurrentArea.X, _currentResizeOperation.CurrentArea.Y)); ImGui.Begin("CurrentSelection", NoDecoration); { ImGui.SetWindowFontScale(1f); ImGui.BeginChild("CurrentAreaText", new Vector2(), false, NoDecoration); ImGui.TextWrapped("Current active capture area. Hold and drag mouse to select new. Press Escape to cancel"); ImGui.EndChild(); } }
public void Tick(float DeltaTime) { ImGui.Begin("Console"); ImGui.BeginChild("Scrolling"); for (int i = 0; i < ConsoleMessages.Count; i++) { ImGui.Text(ConsoleMessages[i]); } ImGui.EndChild(); ImGui.End(); }
public void DrawRight() { ImGui.BeginChild("InstanceInfoChlid", new Vector2(0, ImGui.GetWindowHeight())); ImGui.Text(curInstance.type.Name); ImGui.SameLine(); ImGui.Text(; foreach (IClassView i in subViews) { i.DrawView(); } ImGui.EndChild(); }
void DrawObjectList() { ImGui.SetNextWindowPos(new Vector2(10, 30), ImGuiCond.Once, new Vector2(0.0f, 0.0f)); ImGui.SetNextWindowSize(new Vector2(150, Screen.height - 125), ImGuiCond.Once); ImGui.Begin("Objects", ImGuiWindowFlags.NoSavedSettings); { if (ImGui.Checkbox("Camera View", ref camView)) { ToggleCameraView(); } ImGui.BeginChild("ObjectList", new Vector2(0, -ImGui.GetFrameHeightWithSpacing() * 2), true); { foreach (var obj in scriptObjects) { if (ImGui.Selectable(, activeObject == obj)) { activeObject = obj; } } } ImGui.EndChild(); if (ImGui.Button("+")) { var sfd = new SelectFileDialog() .SetFilter("Image file\0*.jpg;*.png\0") .SetTitle("Select image") .SetDefaultExt("png") .Show(); if (sfd.IsSucessful) { var gameObJ = new GameObject(); var scriptObj = gameObJ.AddComponent <ScriptObject>(); scriptObj.TextureName = sfd.File; var newKeyframe = KeyFrame.Empty(); newKeyframe.Position = transform.position + transform.rotation * new Vector3(0, 0, 5); newKeyframe.Rotation = transform.eulerAngles; scriptObj.KeyFrames.Add(newKeyframe); scriptObj.Position = newKeyframe.Position; scriptObj.Rotation = newKeyframe.Rotation; scriptObjects.Add(scriptObj); } } } ImGui.End(); }
private void DrawSymbolsSelectBox(float reserveSize) { PlottedGraph?graph = _ActiveGraph; if (graph == null) { return; } if (_activeHighlights.LastExternNodeCount < graph.InternalProtoGraph.ExternalNodesCount) { RefreshExternHighlightData(graph.InternalProtoGraph.copyExternalNodeList()); } ImGui.Text("Filter"); ImGui.SameLine(); ImGui.InputText("##SymFilter", ref _activeHighlights.SymFilterText, 255); ImGui.SameLine(); if (ImGui.Button($"{ImGuiController.FA_ICON_TRASHCAN}")) { _activeHighlights.SymFilterText = ""; } //ImGui.PushStyleColor(ImGuiCol.Text, 0xFF000000); ImGui.PushStyleColor(ImGuiCol.ChildBg, Themes.GetThemeColourUINT(Themes.eThemeColour.WindowBackground)); ImGui.PushStyleVar(ImGuiStyleVar.WindowPadding, Vector2.Zero); if (ImGui.BeginChild(ImGui.GetID("htSymsFrameHeader"), new Vector2(ImGui.GetContentRegionAvail().X - 3, 20), true)) { ImGui.SameLine(10); ImGui.Text("Symbol"); ImGui.SameLine(200); ImGui.Text("Address"); ImGui.SameLine(315); ImGui.Text("Unique Nodes"); ImGui.EndChild(); } ImGui.PopStyleVar(); ImGui.PopStyleColor(); ImGui.PushStyleColor(ImGuiCol.ChildBg, Themes.GetThemeColourUINT(Themes.eThemeColour.Frame)); if (ImGui.BeginChild("htSymsFrame", new Vector2(ImGui.GetContentRegionAvail().X - 3, ImGui.GetContentRegionAvail().Y - reserveSize))) { DrawModSymTreeNodes(graph); ImGui.EndChild(); } //ImGui.PopStyleColor(); ImGui.PopStyleColor(); }