Пример #1
        /// <summary>
        /// This sample illustrates how to use the Ifx tracing APIs.
        /// </summary>
        public static void TracingSample()
             * Tracing a log message.
                IfxTracingLevel.Critical,               // The trace level of this trace message.
                "C8A640DD-F25E-4CA1-9265-1AC2628D0190", // Tag Id: The unique identification of the instrumentation point in the source code.
                "A critical message.");                 // The message being logged.

             * Logging property bag.
                IfxTracingLevel.Critical,               // The trace level of this trace message.
                "343A9FA7-B2D5-43FD-8D27-99AE108FA988", // Tag Id: The unique identification of the instrumentation point in the source code.
                "Pet",                                  // Property 1
                "Cat",                                  // Value 1
                "Sound",                                // Property 2
                "Meow, meow");                          // Value 2