Пример #1
        public static bool GeometricEquals(this  IfcClosedShell a, IfcClosedShell b)
            if (a == null && b == null)
                return(false);                        //null
            if (a == null || b == null)
                return(false);                        //different type
            List <IfcFace> fsb = b.CfsFaces.ToList();
            List <IfcFace> fsa = a.CfsFaces.ToList();

            if (fsa.Count != fsb.Count)
            for (int i = 0; i < fsa.Count; i++)
                if (!fsa[i].GeometricEquals(fsb[i]))
 public override void IfcParse(int propIndex, IPropertyValue value)
     if (propIndex == 0)
         _outer = (IfcClosedShell) value.EntityVal;
         this.HandleUnexpectedAttribute(propIndex, value);
Пример #3
 public override void IfcParse(int propIndex, IPropertyValue value)
     if (propIndex == 0)
         _outer = (IfcClosedShell)value.EntityVal;
         this.HandleUnexpectedAttribute(propIndex, value);
Пример #4
        public override void Parse(int propIndex, IPropertyValue value, int[] nestedIndex)
            switch (propIndex)
            case 0:
                _outer = (IfcClosedShell)(value.EntityVal);

                throw new XbimParserException(string.Format("Attribute index {0} is out of range for {1}", propIndex + 1, GetType().Name.ToUpper()));
Пример #5
        public static int GetGeometryHashCode(this  IfcClosedShell shell)
            int hash = shell.CfsFaces.Count;

            if (hash > 30)
                return(hash ^ shell.GetType().Name.GetHashCode());           //probably enough for a uniquish hash
            foreach (IfcFace face in shell.CfsFaces)
                hash ^= face.GetGeometryHashCode();
Пример #6
		internal override void ParseXml(XmlElement xml)
			foreach (XmlNode child in xml.ChildNodes)
				string name = child.Name;
				if (string.Compare(name, "Voids") == 0)
					foreach (XmlNode cn in child.ChildNodes)
						IfcClosedShell s = mDatabase.ParseXml<IfcClosedShell>(cn as XmlElement);
						if (s != null)
Пример #7
        /// <summary>
        /// Compares two objects for geomtric equality
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="a"></param>
        /// <param name="b">object to compare with</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static bool GeometricEquals(this  IfcShell a, IfcShell b)
            IfcOpenShell ob = b as IfcOpenShell;
            IfcOpenShell oa = a as IfcOpenShell;

            if (ob != null && oa != null)

            IfcClosedShell cb = b as IfcClosedShell;
            IfcClosedShell ca = a as IfcClosedShell;

            if (cb != null && ca != null)
Пример #8
		internal enum ShapeRep { AdvancedBrep, Brep, Tessellation } //,CSG, ClosedShell
		internal static void GenerateBasin(ShapeRep shapeRep, STPModelData md, IfcBuilding building)
			md.NextObjectRecord = 500;
			IfcRepresentationMap representationMap = null;
			if (shapeRep == ShapeRep.AdvancedBrep)
				#region advancedBrep
				IfcCartesianPoint cp1 = new IfcCartesianPoint(md, 0.0, 253.099263998677, 0.0);
				cp1.Comments.Add("geometry definition of the advanced brep");
				IfcCartesianPoint cp2 = new IfcCartesianPoint(md, 0.0, 247.792422124388, -83.9999999999991);
				IfcCartesianPoint cp3 = new IfcCartesianPoint(md, 0.0, 268.843232748677, 0.0);
				IfcCartesianPoint cp4 = new IfcCartesianPoint(md, 0.0, 247.792422124388, -93.9999999999991);
				IfcVertexPoint vp1 = new IfcVertexPoint(cp1), vp2 = new IfcVertexPoint(cp2), vp3 = new IfcVertexPoint(cp3),vp4 = new IfcVertexPoint(cp4);

				IfcEdgeCurve edgeCurve1 = new IfcEdgeCurve(vp1, vp2, new IfcPolyline(cp1, cp2), true); //140
				List<Point3d> points3d = new List<Point3d>() { new Point3d(239.758213537139, 192.193559404919, -83.9999999999991), new Point3d(0.0, 275.591853484122, -83.9999999999991), new Point3d(-239.75821353295, 192.193559404918, -83.9999999999991), new Point3d(0.0, -108.13323051355, -83.9999999999991), new Point3d(239.758213537139, 192.193559404919, -83.9999999999991), new Point3d(0.0, 275.591853484122, -83.9999999999991), new Point3d(-239.75821353295, 192.193559404918, -83.9999999999991) };
				IfcBSplineCurveWithKnots nurbsCurve = new IfcBSplineCurveWithKnots(md, 3, points3d, IfcBSplineCurveForm.UNSPECIFIED, IfcLogicalEnum.TRUE, IfcLogicalEnum.TRUE, new List<int>() { 1,1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1,1 }, new List<double>() { -7.0, -6.0, -5.0, -4.0, -3.0, -2.0, -1.0, 0.0, 1.0, 2.0,3.0 }, IfcKnotType.UNSPECIFIED);
				IfcEdgeCurve edgeCurve2 = new IfcEdgeCurve(vp2, vp2, nurbsCurve, true); //149
				List<Point2d> points2d = new List<Point2d>() { new Point2d(-437.751000004175, 168.150654933496), new Point2d(0.0, 295.573568531267), new Point2d(437.751000006541, 168.150654933498), new Point2d(0.0, -290.713822148428), new Point2d(-437.751000004175, 168.150654933496), new Point2d(0.0, 295.573568531267), new Point2d(437.751000006541, 168.150654933498) };
				nurbsCurve = new IfcBSplineCurveWithKnots(md, 3, points2d, IfcBSplineCurveForm.UNSPECIFIED, IfcLogicalEnum.TRUE, IfcLogicalEnum.TRUE, new List<int>() { 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 ,1}, new List<double>() { -7.0, -6.0, -5.0, -4.0, -3.0, -2.0, -1.0, 0.0, 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 }, IfcKnotType.UNSPECIFIED);
				IfcEdgeCurve edgeCurve3 = new IfcEdgeCurve(vp1, vp1, nurbsCurve, true); //158
				IfcEdgeCurve edgeCurve4 = new IfcEdgeCurve(vp3, vp4, new IfcPolyline(cp3, cp4), true); //162
				points3d = new List<Point3d>() { new Point3d(-239.758213535044, 192.193559378247, -93.9999999999991), new Point3d(0.0, 275.591853497458, -93.9999999999991), new Point3d(239.758213535045, 192.193559378248, -93.9999999999991), new Point3d(0.0, -108.133230500215, -93.9999999999991), new Point3d(-239.758213535044, 192.193559378247, -93.9999999999991), new Point3d(0.0, 275.591853497458, -93.9999999999991), new Point3d(239.758213535045, 192.193559378248, -93.9999999999991) };
				nurbsCurve = new IfcBSplineCurveWithKnots(md, 3, points3d, IfcBSplineCurveForm.UNSPECIFIED, IfcLogicalEnum.TRUE, IfcLogicalEnum.TRUE, new List<int>() { 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 }, new List<double>() { -7.0, -6.0, -5.0, -4.0, -3.0, -2.0, -1.0, 0.0, 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 }, IfcKnotType.UNSPECIFIED);
				IfcEdgeCurve edgeCurve5 = new IfcEdgeCurve(vp4, vp4, nurbsCurve, true); //171
				points2d = new List<Point2d>() { new Point2d(457.685108750143, 177.051077752302), new Point2d(0.0, 314.739310246865), new Point2d(-457.685108750141, 177.051077752299), new Point2d(0.0, -318.77998625438), new Point2d(457.685108750143, 177.051077752302), new Point2d(0.0, 314.739310246865), new Point2d(-457.685108750141, 177.051077752299) };
				nurbsCurve = new IfcBSplineCurveWithKnots(md, 3, points2d, IfcBSplineCurveForm.UNSPECIFIED, IfcLogicalEnum.TRUE, IfcLogicalEnum.TRUE, new List<int>() { 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 }, new List<double>() { -7.0, -6.0, -5.0, -4.0, -3.0, -2.0, -1.0, 0.0, 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 }, IfcKnotType.UNSPECIFIED);
				IfcEdgeCurve edgeCurve6 = new IfcEdgeCurve(vp3, vp3, nurbsCurve, true); //181

				List<IfcOrientedEdge> orientedEdges = new List<IfcOrientedEdge>();
				orientedEdges.Add(new IfcOrientedEdge(edgeCurve1, true));
				orientedEdges.Add(new IfcOrientedEdge(edgeCurve2, true));
				orientedEdges.Add(new IfcOrientedEdge(edgeCurve1, false));
				orientedEdges.Add(new IfcOrientedEdge(edgeCurve3, true));
				IfcFaceOuterBound faceOuterBound = new IfcFaceOuterBound(new IfcEdgeLoop(orientedEdges), true);
				List<List<Point3d>> surfaceControlPoints = new List<List<Point3d>>();
				surfaceControlPoints.Add(new List<Point3d>() { new Point3d(437.751000006541, 168.150654933498, 0.0), new Point3d(0.0, 295.573568531267, 0.0), new Point3d(-437.751000004175, 168.150654933496, 0.0), new Point3d(0.0, -290.713822148428, 0.0), new Point3d(437.751000006541, 168.150654933498, 0.0), new Point3d(0.0, 295.573568531267, 0.0), new Point3d(-437.751000004175, 168.150654933496, 0.0) });
				surfaceControlPoints.Add(new List<Point3d>() { new Point3d(371.75340451674, 176.164956423972, -27.9999999999997), new Point3d(0.0, 288.912996848885, -27.9999999999997), new Point3d(-371.753404513767, 176.16495642397, -27.9999999999997), new Point3d(0.0, -229.853624936802, -27.9999999999997), new Point3d(371.75340451674, 176.164956423972, -27.9999999999997), new Point3d(0.0, 288.912996848885, -27.9999999999997), new Point3d(-371.753404513767, 176.16495642397, -27.9999999999997) });
				surfaceControlPoints.Add(new List<Point3d>() { new Point3d(305.75580902694, 184.179257914445, -55.9999999999994), new Point3d(0.0, 282.252425166504, -55.9999999999994), new Point3d(-305.755809023358, 184.179257914444, -55.9999999999994), new Point3d(0.0, -168.993427725176, -55.9999999999994), new Point3d(305.75580902694, 184.179257914445, -55.9999999999994), new Point3d(0.0, 282.252425166504, -55.9999999999994), new Point3d(-305.755809023358, 184.179257914444, -55.9999999999994) });
				surfaceControlPoints.Add(new List<Point3d>() { new Point3d(239.758213537139, 192.193559404919, -83.9999999999991), new Point3d(0.0, 275.591853484122, -83.9999999999991), new Point3d(-239.75821353295, 192.193559404918, -83.9999999999991), new Point3d(0.0, -108.13323051355, -83.9999999999991), new Point3d(239.758213537139, 192.193559404919, -83.9999999999991), new Point3d(0.0, 275.591853484122, -83.9999999999991), new Point3d(-239.75821353295, 192.193559404918, -83.9999999999991) });
				List<int> uMults = new List<int>() { 4, 4 }, vMults = new List<int>() {1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1,1 };
				List<double> uKnots = new List<double>() { 0.0, 14.7110308353668 };
				List<double> vKnots = new List<double>() { -7, -6.0, -5.0, -4.0, -3.0, -2.0, -1.0, 0.0, 1.0, 2.0,3.0 };
				IfcBSplineSurfaceWithKnots nurbsSurface = new IfcBSplineSurfaceWithKnots(md, 3, 3, surfaceControlPoints, IfcBSplineSurfaceForm.UNSPECIFIED, IfcLogicalEnum.FALSE, IfcLogicalEnum.TRUE, IfcLogicalEnum.FALSE, uMults, vMults, uKnots, vKnots, IfcKnotType.UNSPECIFIED);
				IfcAdvancedFace face1 = new IfcAdvancedFace(faceOuterBound, nurbsSurface, false);

				orientedEdges = new List<IfcOrientedEdge>();
				orientedEdges.Add(new IfcOrientedEdge(edgeCurve4, true));
				orientedEdges.Add(new IfcOrientedEdge(edgeCurve5, true));
				orientedEdges.Add(new IfcOrientedEdge(edgeCurve4, false));
				orientedEdges.Add(new IfcOrientedEdge(edgeCurve6, true));
				faceOuterBound = new IfcFaceOuterBound(new IfcEdgeLoop(orientedEdges), true);
				surfaceControlPoints = new List<List<Point3d>>();
				surfaceControlPoints.Add(new List<Point3d>() { new Point3d(-457.685108750141, 177.051077752299, 0.0), new Point3d(0.0, 314.739310246865, 0.0), new Point3d(457.685108750143, 177.051077752302, 0.0), new Point3d(0.0, -318.77998625438, 0.0), new Point3d( -457.685108750141, 177.051077752299, 0.0), new Point3d(0.0, 314.739310246865, 0.0), new Point3d(457.685108750143, 177.051077752302, 0.0) });
				surfaceControlPoints.Add(new List<Point3d>() { new Point3d(-385.042810345109, 182.098571627615, -31.333333333333), new Point3d(0.0, 301.690157997063, -31.333333333333), new Point3d(385.04281034511, 182.098571627617, -31.333333333333), new Point3d(0.0, -248.564401002992, -31.333333333333), new Point3d(-385.042810345109, 182.098571627615, -31.333333333333), new Point3d(0.0, 301.690157997063, -31.333333333333), new Point3d(385.04281034511, 182.098571627617, -31.333333333333) });
				surfaceControlPoints.Add(new List<Point3d>() { new Point3d(-312.400511940076, 187.146065502931, -62.666666666666), new Point3d(0.0, 288.64100574726, -62.666666666666), new Point3d(312.400511940078, 187.146065502933, -62.666666666666), new Point3d(0.0, -178.348815751603, -62.6666666666661), new Point3d(-312.400511940076, 187.146065502931, -62.666666666666), new Point3d(0.0, 288.64100574726, -62.666666666666), new Point3d(312.400511940078, 187.146065502933, -62.666666666666) });
				surfaceControlPoints.Add(new List<Point3d>() { new Point3d(-239.758213535044, 192.193559378247, -93.9999999999991), new Point3d(0.0, 275.591853497458, -93.9999999999991), new Point3d(239.758213535045, 192.193559378248, -93.9999999999991), new Point3d(0.0, -108.133230500215, -93.9999999999991), new Point3d(-239.758213535044, 192.193559378247, -93.9999999999991), new Point3d(0.0, 275.591853497458, -93.9999999999991), new Point3d(239.758213535045, 192.193559378248, -93.9999999999991) });
				uMults = new List<int>() { 4, 4 };
				vMults = new List<int>() { 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1,1,1 };
				uKnots = new List<double>() { 0.0, 15.4213505620632 };
				vKnots = new List<double>() { -3.0, -2.0, -1.0, 0.0, 1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0, 5.0, 6.0, 7.0 };
				nurbsSurface = new IfcBSplineSurfaceWithKnots(md, 3, 3, surfaceControlPoints, IfcBSplineSurfaceForm.UNSPECIFIED, IfcLogicalEnum.FALSE, IfcLogicalEnum.TRUE, IfcLogicalEnum.FALSE, uMults, vMults, uKnots, vKnots, IfcKnotType.UNSPECIFIED);
				IfcAdvancedFace face2 = new IfcAdvancedFace(faceOuterBound, nurbsSurface, false);
				IfcOrientedEdge orientedEdge = new IfcOrientedEdge(edgeCurve2, false);
				faceOuterBound = new IfcFaceOuterBound(new IfcEdgeLoop(orientedEdge), true);
				IfcPlane plane = new IfcPlane(new IfcAxis2Placement3D(cp2, null,null));
				IfcAdvancedFace face3 = new IfcAdvancedFace(faceOuterBound, plane, true);
				orientedEdge = new IfcOrientedEdge(edgeCurve5, true);
				faceOuterBound = new IfcFaceOuterBound(new IfcEdgeLoop(orientedEdge),true);
				plane = new IfcPlane(new IfcAxis2Placement3D(cp4, null, null));
				IfcAdvancedFace face4 = new IfcAdvancedFace(faceOuterBound, plane, false);

				orientedEdge = new IfcOrientedEdge(edgeCurve6, false);
				faceOuterBound = new IfcFaceOuterBound(new IfcEdgeLoop(orientedEdge),true);
				orientedEdge = new IfcOrientedEdge(edgeCurve3, false);
				IfcFaceBound facebound = new IfcFaceBound(new IfcEdgeLoop(orientedEdge), true);
				plane = new IfcPlane(new IfcAxis2Placement3D(cp1, null, null));
				IfcAdvancedFace face5 = new IfcAdvancedFace(faceOuterBound,facebound, plane, true);

				IfcAdvancedBrep advancedBrep = new IfcAdvancedBrep(new List<IfcAdvancedFace>() { face1, face2, face3, face4, face5 });
				representationMap = new IfcRepresentationMap(advancedBrep);
			else if (shapeRep == ShapeRep.Brep)
				#region facetedBrep
				List<IfcCartesianPoint> cps = new List<IfcCartesianPoint>();

				List<IfcFace> faces = new List<IfcFace>();

				cps.Add(new IfcCartesianPoint(md, 8.5265128291212E-14, 268.843232748677, 0));
				cps.Add(new IfcCartesianPoint(md, -40.6565545240771, 267.741230885222, 0));
				cps.Add(new IfcCartesianPoint(md, -81.1844472420702, 264.337146165631, 0));
				cps.Add(new IfcCartesianPoint(md, -121.414523219646, 258.379966740374, 0));
				cps.Add(new IfcCartesianPoint(md, -161.084488243579, 249.439282575701, 0));
				cps.Add(new IfcCartesianPoint(md, -199.732402407963, 236.816640911423, 0));
				cps.Add(new IfcCartesianPoint(md, -236.448287386336, 219.398404238099, 0));
				cps.Add(new IfcCartesianPoint(md, -269.269780991348, 195.519340118616, 0));
				cps.Add(new IfcCartesianPoint(md, -294.036921021401, 163.504056083023, 0));
				cps.Add(new IfcCartesianPoint(md, -304.879990220018, 124.598157305706, 0));
				cps.Add(new IfcCartesianPoint(md, -300.744331060112, 84.2991194842604, 0));
				cps.Add(new IfcCartesianPoint(md, -286.871978591032, 46.1280924370721, 0));
				cps.Add(new IfcCartesianPoint(md, -267.00397578777, 10.6705825582408, 0));
				cps.Add(new IfcCartesianPoint(md, -242.91417242145, -22.0789599923818, 0));
				cps.Add(new IfcCartesianPoint(md, -215.49737582355, -52.1038389186614, 0));
				cps.Add(new IfcCartesianPoint(md, -185.233564258487, -79.2577607647334, 0));
				cps.Add(new IfcCartesianPoint(md, -152.394753430662, -103.231127678777, 0));
				cps.Add(new IfcCartesianPoint(md, -117.162752124351, -123.516605031891, 0));
				cps.Add(new IfcCartesianPoint(md, -79.7327064970238, -139.366465926728, 0));
				cps.Add(new IfcCartesianPoint(md, -40.4494524879168, -149.766330003707, 0));
				cps.Add(new IfcCartesianPoint(md, -8.5265128291212E-14, -153.50296491882, 0));
				cps.Add(new IfcCartesianPoint(md, 40.4494508793845, -149.766330296203, 0));
				cps.Add(new IfcCartesianPoint(md, 79.7327043771191, -139.366466661145, 0));
				cps.Add(new IfcCartesianPoint(md, 117.162756918928, -123.516602630764, 0));
				cps.Add(new IfcCartesianPoint(md, 152.394751766558, -103.231128764915, 0));
				cps.Add(new IfcCartesianPoint(md, 185.23356996992, -79.2577561301781, 0));
				cps.Add(new IfcCartesianPoint(md, 215.497373929206, -52.103840795184, 0));
				cps.Add(new IfcCartesianPoint(md, 242.914167878755, -22.078965508489, 0));
				cps.Add(new IfcCartesianPoint(md, 267.003976250216, 10.6705832692101, 0));
				cps.Add(new IfcCartesianPoint(md, 286.871977954697, 46.1280910808867, 0));
				cps.Add(new IfcCartesianPoint(md, 300.744329678325, 84.2991139637225, 0));
				cps.Add(new IfcCartesianPoint(md, 304.879990112863, 124.598158883845, 0));
				cps.Add(new IfcCartesianPoint(md, 294.036920669161, 163.504056764251, 0));
				cps.Add(new IfcCartesianPoint(md, 269.269779973882, 195.519341068674, 0));
				cps.Add(new IfcCartesianPoint(md, 236.44828639794, 219.398404808304, 0));
				cps.Add(new IfcCartesianPoint(md, 199.73240148445, 236.816641271916, 0));
				cps.Add(new IfcCartesianPoint(md, 161.084487568103, 249.439282758701, 0));
				cps.Add(new IfcCartesianPoint(md, 121.414531991753, 258.379965126806, 0));
				cps.Add(new IfcCartesianPoint(md, 81.1844476691385, 264.337146116746, 0));
				cps.Add(new IfcCartesianPoint(md, 40.6565563813857, 267.741230783552, 0));

				IfcPolyloop polyloop = new IfcPolyloop(cps.GetRange(0,40));
				IfcFaceOuterBound faceOuterBound = new IfcFaceOuterBound(polyloop,true);

				cps.Add(new IfcCartesianPoint(md, -2.36369146477955E-09, 253.099263998677, 0));
				cps.Add(new IfcCartesianPoint(md, 38.4274900386849, 252.103548079205, 0));
				cps.Add(new IfcCartesianPoint(md, 76.7439433401587, 249.028666176807, 0));
				cps.Add(new IfcCartesianPoint(md, 114.803789550381, 243.649797844599, 0));
				cps.Add(new IfcCartesianPoint(md, 152.382048016624, 235.580438211911, 0));
				cps.Add(new IfcCartesianPoint(md, 189.083091558087, 224.18969850467, 0));
				cps.Add(new IfcCartesianPoint(md, 224.125137689733, 208.456936531179, 0));
				cps.Add(new IfcCartesianPoint(md, 255.793363304913, 186.795125569967, 0));
				cps.Add(new IfcCartesianPoint(md, 280.260264776878, 157.383008003324, 0));
				cps.Add(new IfcCartesianPoint(md, 291.499069651162, 120.929075349148, 0));
				cps.Add(new IfcCartesianPoint(md, 287.781794186053, 82.8439932251812, 0));
				cps.Add(new IfcCartesianPoint(md, 274.333349777552, 46.8976139888769, 0));
				cps.Add(new IfcCartesianPoint(md, 255.041935323226, 13.6804471549583, 0));
				cps.Add(new IfcCartesianPoint(md, 231.718321168942, -16.8550204261573, 0));
				cps.Add(new IfcCartesianPoint(md, 205.26490842152, -44.72871539005, 0));
				cps.Add(new IfcCartesianPoint(md, 176.16701831263, -69.8307253653909, 0));
				cps.Add(new IfcCartesianPoint(md, 144.705875892003, -91.8966701176456, 0));
				cps.Add(new IfcCartesianPoint(md, 111.075533913924, -110.483174825384, 0));
				cps.Add(new IfcCartesianPoint(md, 75.4792575648176, -124.93688849428, 0));
				cps.Add(new IfcCartesianPoint(md, 38.2480241625981, -134.377886037238, 0));
				cps.Add(new IfcCartesianPoint(md, -1.27897692436818E-13, -137.758996454453, 0));
				cps.Add(new IfcCartesianPoint(md, -38.2480094096726, -134.377888604729, 0));
				cps.Add(new IfcCartesianPoint(md, -75.4792556281902, -124.936889137129, 0));
				cps.Add(new IfcCartesianPoint(md, -111.075539062433, -110.483172351871, 0));
				cps.Add(new IfcCartesianPoint(md, -144.705874376312, -91.8966710674264, 0));
				cps.Add(new IfcCartesianPoint(md, -176.167011118929, -69.8307309751332, 0));
				cps.Add(new IfcCartesianPoint(md, -205.264906834, -44.7287169020584, 0));
				cps.Add(new IfcCartesianPoint(md, -231.718318258428, -16.855023827089, 0));
				cps.Add(new IfcCartesianPoint(md, -255.041934669669, 13.6804461875579, 0));
				cps.Add(new IfcCartesianPoint(md, -274.333348315742, 46.8976109786559, 0));
				cps.Add(new IfcCartesianPoint(md, -287.781793945095, 82.843992280873, 0));
				cps.Add(new IfcCartesianPoint(md, -291.499069558299, 120.929076449465, 0));
				cps.Add(new IfcCartesianPoint(md, -280.260264225365, 157.383008985549, 0));
				cps.Add(new IfcCartesianPoint(md, -255.793362494351, 186.795126279187, 0));
				cps.Add(new IfcCartesianPoint(md, -224.12513653713, 208.45693715988, 0));
				cps.Add(new IfcCartesianPoint(md, -189.083091723532, 224.189698444526, 0));
				cps.Add(new IfcCartesianPoint(md, -152.382036267776, 235.580441242109, 0));
				cps.Add(new IfcCartesianPoint(md, -114.803784949771, 243.649798652405, 0));
				cps.Add(new IfcCartesianPoint(md, -76.7439536078398, 249.028665054834, 0));
				cps.Add(new IfcCartesianPoint(md, -38.4274901357192, 252.103548074371, 0));

				polyloop = new IfcPolyloop(cps.GetRange(40,40));
				IfcFaceBound faceBound = new IfcFaceBound(polyloop,true);
				faces.Add(new IfcFace(faceOuterBound,faceBound));

				cps.Add(new IfcCartesianPoint(md, 7.105427357601E-14, 247.792422124388, -93.9999999999991));
				cps.Add(new IfcCartesianPoint(md, 22.543570345102, 247.043703986819, -93.9999999999991));
				cps.Add(new IfcCartesianPoint(md, 44.9796137172465, 244.728140008744, -93.9999999999991));
				cps.Add(new IfcCartesianPoint(md, 67.1650892668505, 240.670010701811, -93.9999999999991));
				cps.Add(new IfcCartesianPoint(md, 88.8758496727837, 234.574313720423, -93.9999999999991));
				cps.Add(new IfcCartesianPoint(md, 109.718194276454, 225.983554212619, -93.9999999999991));
				cps.Add(new IfcCartesianPoint(md, 128.945156504883, 214.242543022066, -93.9999999999991));
				cps.Add(new IfcCartesianPoint(md, 145.131083023098, 198.61702521984, -93.9999999999991));
				cps.Add(new IfcCartesianPoint(md, 156.028264873931, 178.980157903609, -93.9999999999991));
				cps.Add(new IfcCartesianPoint(md, 159.834545208795, 156.846549510419, -93.999999999999));
				cps.Add(new IfcCartesianPoint(md, 157.205129966729, 134.492794130245, -93.9999999999991));
				cps.Add(new IfcCartesianPoint(md, 150.333031384556, 113.029267864972, -93.9999999999991));
				cps.Add(new IfcCartesianPoint(md, 140.585417581734, 92.698690766237, -93.9999999999991));
				cps.Add(new IfcCartesianPoint(md, 128.649651812238, 73.5661983153641, -93.9999999999991));
				cps.Add(new IfcCartesianPoint(md, 114.88081683599, 55.7059230027226, -93.9999999999991));
				cps.Add(new IfcCartesianPoint(md, 99.4572081299554, 39.2537668954707, -93.9999999999991));
				cps.Add(new IfcCartesianPoint(md, 82.4557792492348, 24.4401234195301, -93.9999999999991));
				cps.Add(new IfcCartesianPoint(md, 63.9015117223512, 11.6305834057239, -93.9999999999991));
				cps.Add(new IfcCartesianPoint(md, 43.825812852227, 1.38178464649553, -93.9999999999991));
				cps.Add(new IfcCartesianPoint(md, 22.3741376569279, -5.50526474040419, -93.9999999999991));
				cps.Add(new IfcCartesianPoint(md, 1.4210854715202E-14, -8.02430054072738, -93.9999999999991));
				cps.Add(new IfcCartesianPoint(md, -22.3741369000302, -5.50526490804053, -93.9999999999991));
				cps.Add(new IfcCartesianPoint(md, -43.8258109334306, 1.38178384202005, -93.9999999999991));
				cps.Add(new IfcCartesianPoint(md, -63.9015107453348, 11.6305828171828, -93.9999999999991));
				cps.Add(new IfcCartesianPoint(md, -82.4557778416754, 24.4401223202192, -93.9999999999991));
				cps.Add(new IfcCartesianPoint(md, -99.4572071589388, 39.2537659566927, -93.9999999999991));
				cps.Add(new IfcCartesianPoint(md, -114.880815789293, 55.7059217719804, -93.9999999999991));
				cps.Add(new IfcCartesianPoint(md, -128.649650827451, 73.5661969013759, -93.9999999999991));
				cps.Add(new IfcCartesianPoint(md, -140.585419271271, 92.6986938201311, -93.9999999999991));
				cps.Add(new IfcCartesianPoint(md, -150.333030863305, 113.029266577227, -93.9999999999991));
				cps.Add(new IfcCartesianPoint(md, -157.205128832971, 134.492789207233, -93.9999999999991));
				cps.Add(new IfcCartesianPoint(md, -159.834545214161, 156.846549002985, -93.9999999999991));
				cps.Add(new IfcCartesianPoint(md, -156.028266010736, 178.980154672375, -93.9999999999991));
				cps.Add(new IfcCartesianPoint(md, -145.131082712872, 198.617025613766, -93.9999999999991));
				cps.Add(new IfcCartesianPoint(md, -128.945159904117, 214.242540461469, -93.9999999999991));
				cps.Add(new IfcCartesianPoint(md, -109.718192999937, 225.983554847043, -93.9999999999991));
				cps.Add(new IfcCartesianPoint(md, -88.8758510792069, 234.574313243064, -93.9999999999991));
				cps.Add(new IfcCartesianPoint(md, -67.16508882249, 240.670010803143, -93.9999999999991));
				cps.Add(new IfcCartesianPoint(md, -44.9796135673833, 244.728140029868, -93.9999999999991));
				cps.Add(new IfcCartesianPoint(md, -22.5435788308204, 247.043703417137, -93.9999999999991));

				polyloop = new IfcPolyloop(cps.GetRange(80, 40));
				faceOuterBound = new IfcFaceOuterBound(polyloop, true);
				faces.Add(new IfcFace(faceOuterBound));

				cps.Add(new IfcCartesianPoint(md, -4.18794598999739E-09, 247.792422124388, -83.9999999999991));
				cps.Add(new IfcCartesianPoint(md, -22.5435703494529, 247.043703987136, -83.9999999999991));
				cps.Add(new IfcCartesianPoint(md, -44.9796137218369, 244.728140009905, -83.9999999999991));
				cps.Add(new IfcCartesianPoint(md, -67.1650892718133, 240.670010704167, -83.9999999999991));
				cps.Add(new IfcCartesianPoint(md, -88.8758496782756, 234.574313724111, -83.9999999999991));
				cps.Add(new IfcCartesianPoint(md, -109.718194282579, 225.983554217461, -83.9999999999991));
				cps.Add(new IfcCartesianPoint(md, -128.945156511477, 214.24254302742, -83.9999999999991));
				cps.Add(new IfcCartesianPoint(md, -145.131083029256, 198.617025224586, -83.9999999999991));
				cps.Add(new IfcCartesianPoint(md, -156.028264877734, 178.980157906939, -83.9999999999991));
				cps.Add(new IfcCartesianPoint(md, -159.834545208922, 156.846549512965, -83.9999999999991));
				cps.Add(new IfcCartesianPoint(md, -157.205129964107, 134.492794132934, -83.9999999999991));
				cps.Add(new IfcCartesianPoint(md, -150.333031380544, 113.029267867934, -83.9999999999991));
				cps.Add(new IfcCartesianPoint(md, -140.585417577166, 92.6986907692923, -83.9999999999991));
				cps.Add(new IfcCartesianPoint(md, -128.649651807611, 73.5661983182769, -83.9999999999991));
				cps.Add(new IfcCartesianPoint(md, -114.88081683159, 55.7059230052684, -83.9999999999991));
				cps.Add(new IfcCartesianPoint(md, -99.4572081259275, 39.2537668974612, -83.9999999999991));
				cps.Add(new IfcCartesianPoint(md, -82.45577924561, 24.4401234208308, -83.9999999999991));
				cps.Add(new IfcCartesianPoint(md, -63.9015117190565, 11.6305834062858, -83.9999999999991));
				cps.Add(new IfcCartesianPoint(md, -43.8258128490947, 1.38178464641787, -83.9999999999991));
				cps.Add(new IfcCartesianPoint(md, -22.374137653742, -5.50526474077583, -83.9999999999991));
				cps.Add(new IfcCartesianPoint(md, -5.6843418860808E-14, -8.02430054072741, -83.9999999999991));
				cps.Add(new IfcCartesianPoint(md, 22.374136903413, -5.50526490696816, -83.9999999999991));
				cps.Add(new IfcCartesianPoint(md, 43.8258109365215, 1.38178384447853, -83.9999999999991));
				cps.Add(new IfcCartesianPoint(md, 63.9015107478721, 11.6305828210529, -83.9999999999991));
				cps.Add(new IfcCartesianPoint(md, 82.4557778435065, 24.4401223253757, -83.9999999999991));
				cps.Add(new IfcCartesianPoint(md, 99.4572071600111, 39.2537659629489, -83.9999999999991));
				cps.Add(new IfcCartesianPoint(md, 114.880815789634, 55.7059217791287, -83.9999999999991));
				cps.Add(new IfcCartesianPoint(md, 128.64965082716, 73.5661969092022, -83.9999999999991));
				cps.Add(new IfcCartesianPoint(md, 140.585419270523, 92.6986938284213, -83.9999999999991));
				cps.Add(new IfcCartesianPoint(md, 150.333030862371, 113.029266585776, -83.9999999999991));
				cps.Add(new IfcCartesianPoint(md, 157.205128832256, 134.492789215875, -83.9999999999991));
				cps.Add(new IfcCartesianPoint(md, 159.834545214197, 156.846549011699, -83.9999999999991));
				cps.Add(new IfcCartesianPoint(md, 156.028266011557, 178.980154681359, -83.9999999999991));
				cps.Add(new IfcCartesianPoint(md, 145.131082713423, 198.617025622727, -83.9999999999991));
				cps.Add(new IfcCartesianPoint(md, 128.945159903547, 214.242540469453, -83.9999999999991));
				cps.Add(new IfcCartesianPoint(md, 109.718192998164, 225.983554853335, -83.9999999999991));
				cps.Add(new IfcCartesianPoint(md, 88.8758510764901, 234.574313247461, -83.9999999999991));
				cps.Add(new IfcCartesianPoint(md, 67.1650888191183, 240.67001080579, -83.9999999999991));
				cps.Add(new IfcCartesianPoint(md, 44.9796135636075, 244.728140031113, -83.9999999999991));
				cps.Add(new IfcCartesianPoint(md, 22.5435788267922, 247.043703417465, -83.9999999999991));

				polyloop = new IfcPolyloop(cps.GetRange(120, 40));
				faceOuterBound = new IfcFaceOuterBound(polyloop, true);
				faces.Add(new IfcFace(faceOuterBound));

				for (int icounter = 0; icounter < 40; icounter++)
					polyloop = new IfcPolyloop(cps[icounter == 39 ? 0 : icounter + 1], cps[icounter], cps[icounter == 0 ? 80 : 120 - icounter]);
					faceOuterBound = new IfcFaceOuterBound(polyloop, true);
					faces.Add(new IfcFace(faceOuterBound));
					polyloop = new IfcPolyloop(cps[80 + (icounter == 39 ? 0 : icounter + 1)], cps[80 + icounter], cps[icounter == 0 ? 0 : 40 - icounter]);
					faceOuterBound = new IfcFaceOuterBound(polyloop, true);
					faces.Add(new IfcFace(faceOuterBound));

					polyloop = new IfcPolyloop(cps[40+( icounter == 39 ? 0 : icounter + 1)], cps[40+icounter], cps[icounter == 0 ? 120 : 160 - icounter]);
					faceOuterBound = new IfcFaceOuterBound(polyloop, true);
					faces.Add(new IfcFace(faceOuterBound));
					polyloop = new IfcPolyloop(cps[120 + (icounter == 39 ? 0 : icounter + 1)], cps[120 + icounter], cps[icounter == 0 ? 40 : 80 - icounter]);
					faceOuterBound = new IfcFaceOuterBound(polyloop, true);
					faces.Add(new IfcFace(faceOuterBound));
				IfcClosedShell closedShell = new IfcClosedShell(faces);
				IfcFacetedBrep facetedBrep = new IfcFacetedBrep(closedShell);
				representationMap = new	IfcRepresentationMap(facetedBrep);
			else if (shapeRep == ShapeRep.Tessellation)
				List<Point3d> points = new List<Point3d>() { new Point3d(-300.0, 150.0, 0.0), new Point3d(-260.012578, 202.771984, 0.0), new Point3d(-200.897703, 235.427328, 0.0), new Point3d(-135.653172, 254.960516, 0.0), new Point3d(-68.351281, 265.485063, 0.0), new Point3d(2.288734, 268.839531, 0.0), new Point3d(72.81782, 265.023844, 0.0), new Point3d(139.786906, 254.038063, 0.0), new Point3d(201.174906, 235.317031, 0.0), new Point3d(259.220938, 203.387031, 0.0), new Point3d(300.0, 150.0, 0.0), new Point3d(301.12175, 84.866148, 0.0), new Point3d(274.727594, 21.433672, 0.0), new Point3d(235.605922, -32.723826, 0.0), new Point3d(186.088641, -80.939688, 0.0), new Point3d(130.136258, -119.016594, 0.0), new Point3d(67.084977, -144.523266, 0.0), new Point3d(1.477218, -153.498641, 0.0), new Point3d(-64.392137, -145.234375, 0.0), new Point3d(-128.935, -119.668008, 0.0), new Point3d(-185.4365, -81.474469, 0.0), new Point3d(-235.751609, -32.555805, 0.0), new Point3d(-275.439625, 22.660475, 0.0), new Point3d(-301.2465, 85.400219, 0.0), new Point3d(0.0, 253.099266, 0.0), new Point3d(-65.777992, 249.952375, 0.0), new Point3d(-128.508695, 240.511688, 0.0), new Point3d(-189.983266, 222.998141, 0.0), new Point3d(-246.840234, 193.330969, 0.0), new Point3d(-286.93375, 143.116359, 0.0), new Point3d(-288.338563, 84.231891, 0.0), new Point3d(-263.388344, 25.178932, 0.0), new Point3d(-224.986906, -26.382564, 0.0), new Point3d(-176.642109, -71.667547, 0.0), new Point3d(-122.550633, -106.846461, 0.0), new Point3d(-61.391031, -130.155953, 0.0), new Point3d(1.00923, -137.756953, 0.0), new Point3d(63.202145, -129.69757, 0.0), new Point3d(123.138398, -106.540977, 0.0), new Point3d(176.955734, -71.42018, 0.0), new Point3d(224.650078, -26.756678, 0.0), new Point3d(262.387781, 23.516443, 0.0), new Point3d(288.070906, 83.103938, 0.0), new Point3d(286.93375, 143.116359, 0.0), new Point3d(248.344641, 192.212875, 0.0), new Point3d(191.622094, 222.376281, 0.0), new Point3d(129.659992, 240.269531, 0.0), new Point3d(64.742059, 250.052203, 0.0), new Point3d(-157.154922, 175.808609, -94.0), new Point3d(-136.207516, 207.772813, -94.0), new Point3d(-105.240203, 227.552281, -94.0), new Point3d(-71.061875, 239.383609, -94.0), new Point3d(-35.805801, 245.758375, -94.0), new Point3d(1.198953, 247.790172, -94.0), new Point3d(38.145594, 245.479016, -94.0), new Point3d(73.227336, 238.824875, -94.0), new Point3d(105.385414, 227.485469, -94.0), new Point3d(135.792813, 208.145344, -94.0), new Point3d(157.154922, 175.808609, -94.0), new Point3d(157.742547, 136.356797, -94.0), new Point3d(143.915969, 97.9355, -94.0), new Point3d(123.422102, 65.13209, -94.0), new Point3d(97.482477, 35.927559, -94.0), new Point3d(68.171844, 12.864227, -94.0), new Point3d(35.142449, -2.585266, -94.0), new Point3d(0.77384, -8.021682, -94.0), new Point3d(-33.731801, -3.015985, -94.0), new Point3d(-67.542563, 12.469661, -94.0), new Point3d(-97.140859, 35.603637, -94.0), new Point3d(-123.498414, 65.233859, -94.0), new Point3d(-144.288969, 98.678578, -94.0), new Point3d(-157.807906, 136.680281, -94.0), new Point3d(-300.0, 150.0, 0.0), new Point3d(-228.577453, 162.904313, -47.0), new Point3d(-157.154922, 175.808609, -94.0), new Point3d(-260.012578, 202.771984, 0.0), new Point3d(-136.207516, 207.772813, -94.0), new Point3d(-200.897703, 235.427328, 0.0), new Point3d(-105.240203, 227.552281, -94.0), new Point3d(-135.653172, 254.960516, 0.0), new Point3d(-71.061875, 239.383609, -94.0), new Point3d(-68.351281, 265.485063, 0.0), new Point3d(-35.805801, 245.758375, -94.0), new Point3d(2.288734, 268.839531, 0.0), new Point3d(1.198953, 247.790172, -94.0), new Point3d(72.81782, 265.023844, 0.0), new Point3d(38.145594, 245.479016, -94.0), new Point3d(139.786906, 254.038063, 0.0), new Point3d(73.227336, 238.824875, -94.0), new Point3d(201.174906, 235.317031, 0.0), new Point3d(105.385414, 227.485469, -94.0), new Point3d(259.220938, 203.387031, 0.0), new Point3d(135.792813, 208.145344, -94.0), new Point3d(300.0, 150.0, 0.0), new Point3d(157.154922, 175.808609, -94.0), new Point3d(301.12175, 84.866148, 0.0), new Point3d(157.742547, 136.356797, -94.0), new Point3d(274.727594, 21.433672, 0.0), new Point3d(143.915969, 97.9355, -94.0), new Point3d(235.605922, -32.723826, 0.0), new Point3d(123.422102, 65.13209, -94.0), new Point3d(186.088641, -80.939688, 0.0), new Point3d(97.482477, 35.927559, -94.0), new Point3d(130.136258, -119.016594, 0.0), new Point3d(68.171844, 12.864227, -94.0), new Point3d(67.084977, -144.523266, 0.0), new Point3d(35.142449, -2.585266, -94.0), new Point3d(1.477218, -153.498641, 0.0), new Point3d(0.77384, -8.021682, -94.0), new Point3d(-64.392137, -145.234375, 0.0), new Point3d(-33.731801, -3.015985, -94.0), new Point3d(-128.935, -119.668008, 0.0), new Point3d(-67.542563, 12.469661, -94.0), new Point3d(-185.4365, -81.474469, 0.0), new Point3d(-97.140859, 35.603637, -94.0), new Point3d(-235.751609, -32.555805, 0.0), new Point3d(-123.498414, 65.233859, -94.0), new Point3d(-275.439625, 22.660475, 0.0), new Point3d(-144.288969, 98.678578, -94.0), new Point3d(-301.2465, 85.400219, 0.0), new Point3d(-157.807906, 136.680281, -94.0), new Point3d(-300.0, 150.0, 0.0), new Point3d(-228.577453, 162.904313, -47.0), new Point3d(-157.154922, 175.808609, -94.0), new Point3d(-103.357523, 247.172063, -47.0), new Point3d(-153.068953, 231.489813, -47.0), new Point3d(-52.078543, 255.621719, -47.0), new Point3d(1.743843, 258.314844, -47.0), new Point3d(55.481707, 255.251438, -47.0), new Point3d(106.507117, 246.431469, -47.0), new Point3d(197.506875, 205.766188, -47.0), new Point3d(153.280156, 231.40125, -47.0), new Point3d(228.577453, 162.904313, -47.0), new Point3d(229.432141, 110.611469, -47.0), new Point3d(209.321781, 59.684586, -47.0), new Point3d(179.514016, 16.204132, -47.0), new Point3d(141.785563, -22.506064, -47.0), new Point3d(51.113715, -73.554266, -47.0), new Point3d(99.154047, -53.076184, -47.0), new Point3d(1.125529, -80.760164, -47.0), new Point3d(-49.061969, -74.12518, -47.0), new Point3d(-98.238781, -53.599176, -47.0), new Point3d(-141.288688, -22.935416, -47.0), new Point3d(-209.864297, 60.669523, -47.0), new Point3d(-179.625016, 16.339027, -47.0), new Point3d(-229.527203, 111.04025, -47.0), new Point3d(0.0, 247.792422, -84.0), new Point3d(35.45952, 245.798125, -84.0), new Point3d(71.015367, 239.395359, -84.0), new Point3d(104.952289, 227.684234, -84.0), new Point3d(136.019484, 207.942281, -84.0), new Point3d(157.154922, 175.808609, -84.0), new Point3d(157.77775, 136.530484, -84.0), new Point3d(143.710984, 97.530469, -84.0), new Point3d(123.041867, 64.626715, -84.0), new Point3d(96.919461, 35.394453, -84.0), new Point3d(67.443461, 12.407895, -84.0), new Point3d(34.616102, -2.748099, -84.0), new Point3d(0.55276, -8.022964, -84.0), new Point3d(-33.624148, -3.048111, -84.0), new Point3d(-67.121539, 12.207951, -84.0), new Point3d(-96.747688, 35.232555, -84.0), new Point3d(-123.226352, 64.87157, -84.0), new Point3d(-144.259, 98.61857, -84.0), new Point3d(-157.924344, 137.268734, -84.0), new Point3d(-157.154922, 175.808609, -84.0), new Point3d(-135.195516, 208.674078, -84.0), new Point3d(-104.054703, 228.091234, -84.0), new Point3d(-70.384797, 239.553859, -84.0), new Point3d(-36.026906, 245.732781, -84.0), new Point3d(0.0, 247.792422, -84.0), new Point3d(0.0, 253.099266, 0.0), new Point3d(64.742059, 250.052203, 0.0), new Point3d(129.659992, 240.269531, 0.0), new Point3d(191.622094, 222.376281, 0.0), new Point3d(248.344641, 192.212875, 0.0), new Point3d(286.93375, 143.116359, 0.0), new Point3d(288.070906, 83.103938, 0.0), new Point3d(262.387781, 23.516443, 0.0), new Point3d(224.650078, -26.756678, 0.0), new Point3d(176.955734, -71.42018, 0.0), new Point3d(123.138398, -106.540977, 0.0), new Point3d(63.202145, -129.69757, 0.0), new Point3d(1.00923, -137.756953, 0.0), new Point3d(-61.391031, -130.155953, 0.0), new Point3d(-122.550633, -106.846461, 0.0), new Point3d(-176.642109, -71.667547, 0.0), new Point3d(-224.986906, -26.382564, 0.0), new Point3d(-263.388344, 25.178932, 0.0), new Point3d(-288.338563, 84.231891, 0.0), new Point3d(-286.93375, 143.116359, 0.0), new Point3d(-246.840234, 193.330969, 0.0), new Point3d(-189.983266, 222.998141, 0.0), new Point3d(-128.508695, 240.511688, 0.0), new Point3d(-65.777992, 249.952375, 0.0), new Point3d(0.0, 253.099266, 0.0), new Point3d(0.0, 247.792422, -84.0), new Point3d(35.45952, 245.798125, -84.0), new Point3d(71.015367, 239.395359, -84.0), new Point3d(104.952289, 227.684234, -84.0), new Point3d(136.019484, 207.942281, -84.0), new Point3d(157.154922, 175.808609, -84.0), new Point3d(157.77775, 136.530484, -84.0), new Point3d(143.710984, 97.530469, -84.0), new Point3d(123.041867, 64.626715, -84.0), new Point3d(96.919461, 35.394453, -84.0), new Point3d(67.443461, 12.407895, -84.0), new Point3d(34.616102, -2.748099, -84.0), new Point3d(0.55276, -8.022964, -84.0), new Point3d(-33.624148, -3.048111, -84.0), new Point3d(-67.121539, 12.207951, -84.0), new Point3d(-96.747688, 35.232555, -84.0), new Point3d(-123.226352, 64.87157, -84.0), new Point3d(-144.259, 98.61857, -84.0), new Point3d(-157.924344, 137.268734, -84.0), new Point3d(-157.154922, 175.808609, -84.0), new Point3d(-135.195516, 208.674078, -84.0), new Point3d(-104.054703, 228.091234, -84.0), new Point3d(-70.384797, 239.553859, -84.0), new Point3d(-36.026906, 245.732781, -84.0) };
				IfcCartesianPointList3D cartesianPointList3D = new IfcCartesianPointList3D(md, points);
				List<CoordIndex> coordIndex = new List<CoordIndex>() { new CoordIndex(28, 2, 29), new CoordIndex(1, 29, 2), new CoordIndex(30, 1, 24), new CoordIndex(29, 1, 30), new CoordIndex(24, 31, 30), new CoordIndex(3, 2, 28), new CoordIndex(5, 4, 27), new CoordIndex(6, 5, 25), new CoordIndex(25, 5, 26), new CoordIndex(4, 28, 27), new CoordIndex(5, 27, 26), new CoordIndex(3, 28, 4), new CoordIndex(23, 32, 31), new CoordIndex(33, 32, 23), new CoordIndex(24, 23, 31), new CoordIndex(34, 22, 21), new CoordIndex(23, 22, 33), new CoordIndex(22, 34, 33), new CoordIndex(21, 20, 35), new CoordIndex(36, 35, 20), new CoordIndex(34, 21, 35), new CoordIndex(37, 36, 19), new CoordIndex(20, 19, 36), new CoordIndex(18, 37, 19), new CoordIndex(7, 6, 48), new CoordIndex(8, 7, 47), new CoordIndex(7, 48, 47), new CoordIndex(8, 47, 46), new CoordIndex(46, 9, 8), new CoordIndex(46, 45, 10), new CoordIndex(11, 10, 45), new CoordIndex(12, 11, 44), new CoordIndex(45, 44, 11), new CoordIndex(10, 9, 46), new CoordIndex(12, 44, 43), new CoordIndex(15, 39, 16), new CoordIndex(40, 39, 15), new CoordIndex(38, 16, 39), new CoordIndex(18, 17, 37), new CoordIndex(16, 38, 17), new CoordIndex(17, 38, 37), new CoordIndex(13, 43, 42), new CoordIndex(12, 43, 13), new CoordIndex(14, 13, 42), new CoordIndex(15, 14, 40), new CoordIndex(14, 41, 40), new CoordIndex(42, 41, 14), new CoordIndex(48, 6, 25), new CoordIndex(50, 72, 49), new CoordIndex(51, 72, 50), new CoordIndex(71, 72, 52), new CoordIndex(51, 52, 72), new CoordIndex(53, 71, 52), new CoordIndex(69, 70, 63), new CoordIndex(71, 54, 70), new CoordIndex(66, 67, 65), new CoordIndex(67, 68, 65), new CoordIndex(68, 69, 64), new CoordIndex(71, 53, 54), new CoordIndex(54, 55, 61), new CoordIndex(55, 56, 61), new CoordIndex(58, 60, 57), new CoordIndex(60, 56, 57), new CoordIndex(59, 60, 58), new CoordIndex(65, 68, 64), new CoordIndex(69, 63, 64), new CoordIndex(62, 63, 70), new CoordIndex(62, 54, 61), new CoordIndex(61, 56, 60), new CoordIndex(62, 70, 54), new CoordIndex(74, 73, 76), new CoordIndex(80, 125, 126), new CoordIndex(126, 76, 78), new CoordIndex(126, 77, 76), new CoordIndex(76, 77, 74), new CoordIndex(82, 127, 125), new CoordIndex(127, 82, 84), new CoordIndex(127, 83, 81), new CoordIndex(125, 81, 79), new CoordIndex(128, 84, 129), new CoordIndex(88, 130, 86), new CoordIndex(92, 131, 90), new CoordIndex(90, 132, 88), new CoordIndex(94, 133, 92), new CoordIndex(96, 134, 94), new CoordIndex(98, 135, 96), new CoordIndex(128, 85, 83), new CoordIndex(77, 75, 74), new CoordIndex(77, 126, 79), new CoordIndex(85, 128, 87), new CoordIndex(87, 129, 89), new CoordIndex(131, 93, 132), new CoordIndex(134, 97, 133), new CoordIndex(97, 134, 99), new CoordIndex(133, 95, 131), new CoordIndex(132, 91, 130), new CoordIndex(135, 98, 136), new CoordIndex(102, 137, 100), new CoordIndex(106, 138, 104), new CoordIndex(104, 139, 102), new CoordIndex(137, 103, 136), new CoordIndex(108, 140, 106), new CoordIndex(138, 107, 139), new CoordIndex(139, 105, 137), new CoordIndex(99, 135, 101), new CoordIndex(141, 110, 112), new CoordIndex(114, 143, 142), new CoordIndex(141, 111, 109), new CoordIndex(110, 141, 140), new CoordIndex(118, 144, 145), new CoordIndex(120, 146, 144), new CoordIndex(116, 145, 143), new CoordIndex(122, 123, 146), new CoordIndex(140, 109, 138), new CoordIndex(111, 141, 142), new CoordIndex(113, 142, 143), new CoordIndex(145, 117, 115), new CoordIndex(146, 121, 119), new CoordIndex(123, 124, 121), new CoordIndex(144, 119, 117), new CoordIndex(148, 173, 172), new CoordIndex(149, 174, 173), new CoordIndex(151, 176, 175), new CoordIndex(152, 177, 176), new CoordIndex(150, 175, 174), new CoordIndex(154, 179, 178), new CoordIndex(155, 180, 179), new CoordIndex(157, 182, 181), new CoordIndex(158, 183, 182), new CoordIndex(156, 181, 180), new CoordIndex(153, 178, 177), new CoordIndex(160, 185, 159), new CoordIndex(161, 186, 160), new CoordIndex(163, 188, 162), new CoordIndex(164, 189, 163), new CoordIndex(162, 187, 161), new CoordIndex(166, 191, 165), new CoordIndex(167, 192, 166), new CoordIndex(169, 194, 168), new CoordIndex(171, 196, 170), new CoordIndex(170, 195, 169), new CoordIndex(168, 193, 167), new CoordIndex(165, 190, 164), new CoordIndex(159, 184, 183), new CoordIndex(217, 216, 215), new CoordIndex(217, 215, 218), new CoordIndex(220, 219, 214), new CoordIndex(215, 219, 218), new CoordIndex(197, 220, 214), new CoordIndex(214, 213, 197), new CoordIndex(219, 215, 214), new CoordIndex(210, 208, 211), new CoordIndex(213, 212, 205), new CoordIndex(212, 211, 207), new CoordIndex(197, 213, 205), new CoordIndex(198, 204, 199), new CoordIndex(200, 199, 203), new CoordIndex(203, 202, 201), new CoordIndex(200, 203, 201), new CoordIndex(203, 199, 204), new CoordIndex(209, 208, 210), new CoordIndex(208, 207, 211), new CoordIndex(206, 212, 207), new CoordIndex(212, 206, 205), new CoordIndex(197, 205, 204), new CoordIndex(197, 204, 198), new CoordIndex(80, 126, 78), new CoordIndex(82, 125, 80), new CoordIndex(127, 84, 128), new CoordIndex(127, 81, 125), new CoordIndex(125, 79, 126), new CoordIndex(84, 86, 129), new CoordIndex(130, 129, 86), new CoordIndex(131, 132, 90), new CoordIndex(132, 130, 88), new CoordIndex(133, 131, 92), new CoordIndex(134, 133, 94), new CoordIndex(135, 134, 96), new CoordIndex(128, 83, 127), new CoordIndex(128, 129, 87), new CoordIndex(129, 130, 89), new CoordIndex(93, 91, 132), new CoordIndex(97, 95, 133), new CoordIndex(134, 135, 99), new CoordIndex(95, 93, 131), new CoordIndex(91, 89, 130), new CoordIndex(98, 100, 136), new CoordIndex(137, 136, 100), new CoordIndex(138, 139, 104), new CoordIndex(139, 137, 102), new CoordIndex(103, 101, 136), new CoordIndex(140, 138, 106), new CoordIndex(107, 105, 139), new CoordIndex(105, 103, 137), new CoordIndex(135, 136, 101), new CoordIndex(141, 112, 142), new CoordIndex(114, 142, 112), new CoordIndex(141, 109, 140), new CoordIndex(110, 140, 108), new CoordIndex(118, 145, 116), new CoordIndex(120, 144, 118), new CoordIndex(116, 143, 114), new CoordIndex(122, 146, 120), new CoordIndex(109, 107, 138), new CoordIndex(111, 142, 113), new CoordIndex(113, 143, 115), new CoordIndex(145, 115, 143), new CoordIndex(146, 119, 144), new CoordIndex(123, 121, 146), new CoordIndex(144, 117, 145), new CoordIndex(148, 172, 147), new CoordIndex(149, 173, 148), new CoordIndex(151, 175, 150), new CoordIndex(152, 176, 151), new CoordIndex(150, 174, 149), new CoordIndex(154, 178, 153), new CoordIndex(155, 179, 154), new CoordIndex(157, 181, 156), new CoordIndex(158, 182, 157), new CoordIndex(156, 180, 155), new CoordIndex(153, 177, 152), new CoordIndex(185, 184, 159), new CoordIndex(186, 185, 160), new CoordIndex(188, 187, 162), new CoordIndex(189, 188, 163), new CoordIndex(187, 186, 161), new CoordIndex(191, 190, 165), new CoordIndex(192, 191, 166), new CoordIndex(194, 193, 168), new CoordIndex(196, 195, 170), new CoordIndex(195, 194, 169), new CoordIndex(193, 192, 167), new CoordIndex(190, 189, 164), new CoordIndex(159, 183, 158) };
				IfcTriangulatedFaceSet triangulatedFaceSet = new IfcTriangulatedFaceSet(md, cartesianPointList3D, null, true, coordIndex, null);
				representationMap = new IfcRepresentationMap(triangulatedFaceSet);

			md.NextObjectRecord = 200;
			IfcMaterial ceramic = new IfcMaterial(md, "Ceramic", "", "");
			ceramic.Associates.GlobalId = "0Pkhszwjv1qRMYyCFg9fjB";
			IfcSanitaryTerminalType sanitaryTerminalType = new IfcSanitaryTerminalType(md, "Wash Hand Basin", IfcSanitaryTerminalTypeEnum.WASHHANDBASIN) { GlobalId = "2Vk5O9OO94lfvLVH2WXKBZ", MaterialSelect = ceramic, RepresentationMaps = new List<IfcRepresentationMap>() { representationMap } };
			sanitaryTerminalType.ObjectTypeOf.GlobalId = "01OIK6g$5EVxvitdj$pQSU";
			IfcElement element = sanitaryTerminalType.GenerateMappedItemElement(building, Plane.WorldXY);
			element.GlobalId = "0dOOwKTsn8I8gwbP3LM1Yz";
 public IXbimSolidSet CreateSolidSet(IfcClosedShell ifcSolid)
     return _engine.CreateSolidSet(ifcSolid);
Пример #10
 public IfcFacetedBrepWithVoids(IfcClosedShell s, IEnumerable <IfcClosedShell> voids) : base(s)
     mVoids.AddRange(voids.Select(x => x.Index));
Пример #11
 public IfcFacetedBrep(IfcClosedShell __Outer)
     : base(__Outer)
Пример #12
 internal void addVoid(IfcClosedShell shell)
Пример #13
        internal enum ShapeRep { AdvancedBrep, Brep, Tessellation }         //,CSG, ClosedShell
        internal static void GenerateBasin(ShapeRep shapeRep, STPModelData md, IfcBuilding building)
            md.NextObjectRecord = 500;
            IfcRepresentationMap representationMap = null;

            if (shapeRep == ShapeRep.AdvancedBrep)
                #region advancedBrep
                IfcCartesianPoint cp1 = new IfcCartesianPoint(md, 0.0, 253.099263998677, 0.0);
                cp1.Comments.Add("geometry definition of the advanced brep");
                IfcCartesianPoint cp2 = new IfcCartesianPoint(md, 0.0, 247.792422124388, -83.9999999999991);
                IfcCartesianPoint cp3 = new IfcCartesianPoint(md, 0.0, 268.843232748677, 0.0);
                IfcCartesianPoint cp4 = new IfcCartesianPoint(md, 0.0, 247.792422124388, -93.9999999999991);
                IfcVertexPoint    vp1 = new IfcVertexPoint(cp1), vp2 = new IfcVertexPoint(cp2), vp3 = new IfcVertexPoint(cp3), vp4 = new IfcVertexPoint(cp4);

                IfcEdgeCurve   edgeCurve1 = new IfcEdgeCurve(vp1, vp2, new IfcPolyline(cp1, cp2), true);               //140
                List <Point3d> points3d   = new List <Point3d>()
                    new Point3d(239.758213537139, 192.193559404919, -83.9999999999991), new Point3d(0.0, 275.591853484122, -83.9999999999991), new Point3d(-239.75821353295, 192.193559404918, -83.9999999999991), new Point3d(0.0, -108.13323051355, -83.9999999999991), new Point3d(239.758213537139, 192.193559404919, -83.9999999999991), new Point3d(0.0, 275.591853484122, -83.9999999999991), new Point3d(-239.75821353295, 192.193559404918, -83.9999999999991)
                IfcBSplineCurveWithKnots nurbsCurve = new IfcBSplineCurveWithKnots(md, 3, points3d, IfcBSplineCurveForm.UNSPECIFIED, IfcLogicalEnum.TRUE, IfcLogicalEnum.TRUE, new List <int>()
                    1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1
                }, new List <double>()
                    -7.0, -6.0, -5.0, -4.0, -3.0, -2.0, -1.0, 0.0, 1.0, 2.0, 3.0
                }, IfcKnotType.UNSPECIFIED);
                IfcEdgeCurve   edgeCurve2 = new IfcEdgeCurve(vp2, vp2, nurbsCurve, true);               //149
                List <Point2d> points2d   = new List <Point2d>()
                    new Point2d(-437.751000004175, 168.150654933496), new Point2d(0.0, 295.573568531267), new Point2d(437.751000006541, 168.150654933498), new Point2d(0.0, -290.713822148428), new Point2d(-437.751000004175, 168.150654933496), new Point2d(0.0, 295.573568531267), new Point2d(437.751000006541, 168.150654933498)
                nurbsCurve = new IfcBSplineCurveWithKnots(md, 3, points2d, IfcBSplineCurveForm.UNSPECIFIED, IfcLogicalEnum.TRUE, IfcLogicalEnum.TRUE, new List <int>()
                    1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1
                }, new List <double>()
                    -7.0, -6.0, -5.0, -4.0, -3.0, -2.0, -1.0, 0.0, 1.0, 2.0, 3.0
                }, IfcKnotType.UNSPECIFIED);
                IfcEdgeCurve edgeCurve3 = new IfcEdgeCurve(vp1, vp1, nurbsCurve, true);                 //158
                IfcEdgeCurve edgeCurve4 = new IfcEdgeCurve(vp3, vp4, new IfcPolyline(cp3, cp4), true);  //162
                points3d = new List <Point3d>()
                    new Point3d(-239.758213535044, 192.193559378247, -93.9999999999991), new Point3d(0.0, 275.591853497458, -93.9999999999991), new Point3d(239.758213535045, 192.193559378248, -93.9999999999991), new Point3d(0.0, -108.133230500215, -93.9999999999991), new Point3d(-239.758213535044, 192.193559378247, -93.9999999999991), new Point3d(0.0, 275.591853497458, -93.9999999999991), new Point3d(239.758213535045, 192.193559378248, -93.9999999999991)
                nurbsCurve = new IfcBSplineCurveWithKnots(md, 3, points3d, IfcBSplineCurveForm.UNSPECIFIED, IfcLogicalEnum.TRUE, IfcLogicalEnum.TRUE, new List <int>()
                    1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1
                }, new List <double>()
                    -7.0, -6.0, -5.0, -4.0, -3.0, -2.0, -1.0, 0.0, 1.0, 2.0, 3.0
                }, IfcKnotType.UNSPECIFIED);
                IfcEdgeCurve edgeCurve5 = new IfcEdgeCurve(vp4, vp4, nurbsCurve, true);                 //171
                points2d = new List <Point2d>()
                    new Point2d(457.685108750143, 177.051077752302), new Point2d(0.0, 314.739310246865), new Point2d(-457.685108750141, 177.051077752299), new Point2d(0.0, -318.77998625438), new Point2d(457.685108750143, 177.051077752302), new Point2d(0.0, 314.739310246865), new Point2d(-457.685108750141, 177.051077752299)
                nurbsCurve = new IfcBSplineCurveWithKnots(md, 3, points2d, IfcBSplineCurveForm.UNSPECIFIED, IfcLogicalEnum.TRUE, IfcLogicalEnum.TRUE, new List <int>()
                    1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1
                }, new List <double>()
                    -7.0, -6.0, -5.0, -4.0, -3.0, -2.0, -1.0, 0.0, 1.0, 2.0, 3.0
                }, IfcKnotType.UNSPECIFIED);
                IfcEdgeCurve edgeCurve6 = new IfcEdgeCurve(vp3, vp3, nurbsCurve, true);                 //181

                List <IfcOrientedEdge> orientedEdges = new List <IfcOrientedEdge>();
                orientedEdges.Add(new IfcOrientedEdge(edgeCurve1, true));
                orientedEdges.Add(new IfcOrientedEdge(edgeCurve2, true));
                orientedEdges.Add(new IfcOrientedEdge(edgeCurve1, false));
                orientedEdges.Add(new IfcOrientedEdge(edgeCurve3, true));
                IfcFaceOuterBound      faceOuterBound       = new IfcFaceOuterBound(new IfcEdgeLoop(orientedEdges), true);
                List <List <Point3d> > surfaceControlPoints = new List <List <Point3d> >();
                surfaceControlPoints.Add(new List <Point3d>()
                    new Point3d(437.751000006541, 168.150654933498, 0.0), new Point3d(0.0, 295.573568531267, 0.0), new Point3d(-437.751000004175, 168.150654933496, 0.0), new Point3d(0.0, -290.713822148428, 0.0), new Point3d(437.751000006541, 168.150654933498, 0.0), new Point3d(0.0, 295.573568531267, 0.0), new Point3d(-437.751000004175, 168.150654933496, 0.0)
                surfaceControlPoints.Add(new List <Point3d>()
                    new Point3d(371.75340451674, 176.164956423972, -27.9999999999997), new Point3d(0.0, 288.912996848885, -27.9999999999997), new Point3d(-371.753404513767, 176.16495642397, -27.9999999999997), new Point3d(0.0, -229.853624936802, -27.9999999999997), new Point3d(371.75340451674, 176.164956423972, -27.9999999999997), new Point3d(0.0, 288.912996848885, -27.9999999999997), new Point3d(-371.753404513767, 176.16495642397, -27.9999999999997)
                surfaceControlPoints.Add(new List <Point3d>()
                    new Point3d(305.75580902694, 184.179257914445, -55.9999999999994), new Point3d(0.0, 282.252425166504, -55.9999999999994), new Point3d(-305.755809023358, 184.179257914444, -55.9999999999994), new Point3d(0.0, -168.993427725176, -55.9999999999994), new Point3d(305.75580902694, 184.179257914445, -55.9999999999994), new Point3d(0.0, 282.252425166504, -55.9999999999994), new Point3d(-305.755809023358, 184.179257914444, -55.9999999999994)
                surfaceControlPoints.Add(new List <Point3d>()
                    new Point3d(239.758213537139, 192.193559404919, -83.9999999999991), new Point3d(0.0, 275.591853484122, -83.9999999999991), new Point3d(-239.75821353295, 192.193559404918, -83.9999999999991), new Point3d(0.0, -108.13323051355, -83.9999999999991), new Point3d(239.758213537139, 192.193559404919, -83.9999999999991), new Point3d(0.0, 275.591853484122, -83.9999999999991), new Point3d(-239.75821353295, 192.193559404918, -83.9999999999991)
                List <int> uMults = new List <int>()
                    4, 4
                }, vMults = new List <int>()
                    1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1
                List <double> uKnots = new List <double>()
                    0.0, 14.7110308353668
                List <double> vKnots = new List <double>()
                    -7, -6.0, -5.0, -4.0, -3.0, -2.0, -1.0, 0.0, 1.0, 2.0, 3.0
                IfcBSplineSurfaceWithKnots nurbsSurface = new IfcBSplineSurfaceWithKnots(md, 3, 3, surfaceControlPoints, IfcBSplineSurfaceForm.UNSPECIFIED, IfcLogicalEnum.FALSE, IfcLogicalEnum.TRUE, IfcLogicalEnum.FALSE, uMults, vMults, uKnots, vKnots, IfcKnotType.UNSPECIFIED);
                IfcAdvancedFace            face1        = new IfcAdvancedFace(faceOuterBound, nurbsSurface, false);

                orientedEdges = new List <IfcOrientedEdge>();
                orientedEdges.Add(new IfcOrientedEdge(edgeCurve4, true));
                orientedEdges.Add(new IfcOrientedEdge(edgeCurve5, true));
                orientedEdges.Add(new IfcOrientedEdge(edgeCurve4, false));
                orientedEdges.Add(new IfcOrientedEdge(edgeCurve6, true));
                faceOuterBound       = new IfcFaceOuterBound(new IfcEdgeLoop(orientedEdges), true);
                surfaceControlPoints = new List <List <Point3d> >();
                surfaceControlPoints.Add(new List <Point3d>()
                    new Point3d(-457.685108750141, 177.051077752299, 0.0), new Point3d(0.0, 314.739310246865, 0.0), new Point3d(457.685108750143, 177.051077752302, 0.0), new Point3d(0.0, -318.77998625438, 0.0), new Point3d(-457.685108750141, 177.051077752299, 0.0), new Point3d(0.0, 314.739310246865, 0.0), new Point3d(457.685108750143, 177.051077752302, 0.0)
                surfaceControlPoints.Add(new List <Point3d>()
                    new Point3d(-385.042810345109, 182.098571627615, -31.333333333333), new Point3d(0.0, 301.690157997063, -31.333333333333), new Point3d(385.04281034511, 182.098571627617, -31.333333333333), new Point3d(0.0, -248.564401002992, -31.333333333333), new Point3d(-385.042810345109, 182.098571627615, -31.333333333333), new Point3d(0.0, 301.690157997063, -31.333333333333), new Point3d(385.04281034511, 182.098571627617, -31.333333333333)
                surfaceControlPoints.Add(new List <Point3d>()
                    new Point3d(-312.400511940076, 187.146065502931, -62.666666666666), new Point3d(0.0, 288.64100574726, -62.666666666666), new Point3d(312.400511940078, 187.146065502933, -62.666666666666), new Point3d(0.0, -178.348815751603, -62.6666666666661), new Point3d(-312.400511940076, 187.146065502931, -62.666666666666), new Point3d(0.0, 288.64100574726, -62.666666666666), new Point3d(312.400511940078, 187.146065502933, -62.666666666666)
                surfaceControlPoints.Add(new List <Point3d>()
                    new Point3d(-239.758213535044, 192.193559378247, -93.9999999999991), new Point3d(0.0, 275.591853497458, -93.9999999999991), new Point3d(239.758213535045, 192.193559378248, -93.9999999999991), new Point3d(0.0, -108.133230500215, -93.9999999999991), new Point3d(-239.758213535044, 192.193559378247, -93.9999999999991), new Point3d(0.0, 275.591853497458, -93.9999999999991), new Point3d(239.758213535045, 192.193559378248, -93.9999999999991)
                uMults = new List <int>()
                    4, 4
                vMults = new List <int>()
                    1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1
                uKnots = new List <double>()
                    0.0, 15.4213505620632
                vKnots = new List <double>()
                    -3.0, -2.0, -1.0, 0.0, 1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0, 5.0, 6.0, 7.0
                nurbsSurface = new IfcBSplineSurfaceWithKnots(md, 3, 3, surfaceControlPoints, IfcBSplineSurfaceForm.UNSPECIFIED, IfcLogicalEnum.FALSE, IfcLogicalEnum.TRUE, IfcLogicalEnum.FALSE, uMults, vMults, uKnots, vKnots, IfcKnotType.UNSPECIFIED);
                IfcAdvancedFace face2 = new IfcAdvancedFace(faceOuterBound, nurbsSurface, false);

                IfcOrientedEdge orientedEdge = new IfcOrientedEdge(edgeCurve2, false);
                faceOuterBound = new IfcFaceOuterBound(new IfcEdgeLoop(orientedEdge), true);
                IfcPlane        plane = new IfcPlane(new IfcAxis2Placement3D(cp2, null, null));
                IfcAdvancedFace face3 = new IfcAdvancedFace(faceOuterBound, plane, true);

                orientedEdge   = new IfcOrientedEdge(edgeCurve5, true);
                faceOuterBound = new IfcFaceOuterBound(new IfcEdgeLoop(orientedEdge), true);
                plane          = new IfcPlane(new IfcAxis2Placement3D(cp4, null, null));
                IfcAdvancedFace face4 = new IfcAdvancedFace(faceOuterBound, plane, false);

                orientedEdge   = new IfcOrientedEdge(edgeCurve6, false);
                faceOuterBound = new IfcFaceOuterBound(new IfcEdgeLoop(orientedEdge), true);
                orientedEdge   = new IfcOrientedEdge(edgeCurve3, false);
                IfcFaceBound facebound = new IfcFaceBound(new IfcEdgeLoop(orientedEdge), true);
                plane = new IfcPlane(new IfcAxis2Placement3D(cp1, null, null));
                IfcAdvancedFace face5 = new IfcAdvancedFace(faceOuterBound, facebound, plane, true);

                IfcAdvancedBrep advancedBrep = new IfcAdvancedBrep(new List <IfcAdvancedFace>()
                    face1, face2, face3, face4, face5
                representationMap = new IfcRepresentationMap(advancedBrep);
            else if (shapeRep == ShapeRep.Brep)
                #region facetedBrep
                List <IfcCartesianPoint> cps = new List <IfcCartesianPoint>();

                List <IfcFace> faces = new List <IfcFace>();

                cps.Add(new IfcCartesianPoint(md, 8.5265128291212E-14, 268.843232748677, 0));
                cps.Add(new IfcCartesianPoint(md, -40.6565545240771, 267.741230885222, 0));
                cps.Add(new IfcCartesianPoint(md, -81.1844472420702, 264.337146165631, 0));
                cps.Add(new IfcCartesianPoint(md, -121.414523219646, 258.379966740374, 0));
                cps.Add(new IfcCartesianPoint(md, -161.084488243579, 249.439282575701, 0));
                cps.Add(new IfcCartesianPoint(md, -199.732402407963, 236.816640911423, 0));
                cps.Add(new IfcCartesianPoint(md, -236.448287386336, 219.398404238099, 0));
                cps.Add(new IfcCartesianPoint(md, -269.269780991348, 195.519340118616, 0));
                cps.Add(new IfcCartesianPoint(md, -294.036921021401, 163.504056083023, 0));
                cps.Add(new IfcCartesianPoint(md, -304.879990220018, 124.598157305706, 0));
                cps.Add(new IfcCartesianPoint(md, -300.744331060112, 84.2991194842604, 0));
                cps.Add(new IfcCartesianPoint(md, -286.871978591032, 46.1280924370721, 0));
                cps.Add(new IfcCartesianPoint(md, -267.00397578777, 10.6705825582408, 0));
                cps.Add(new IfcCartesianPoint(md, -242.91417242145, -22.0789599923818, 0));
                cps.Add(new IfcCartesianPoint(md, -215.49737582355, -52.1038389186614, 0));
                cps.Add(new IfcCartesianPoint(md, -185.233564258487, -79.2577607647334, 0));
                cps.Add(new IfcCartesianPoint(md, -152.394753430662, -103.231127678777, 0));
                cps.Add(new IfcCartesianPoint(md, -117.162752124351, -123.516605031891, 0));
                cps.Add(new IfcCartesianPoint(md, -79.7327064970238, -139.366465926728, 0));
                cps.Add(new IfcCartesianPoint(md, -40.4494524879168, -149.766330003707, 0));
                cps.Add(new IfcCartesianPoint(md, -8.5265128291212E-14, -153.50296491882, 0));
                cps.Add(new IfcCartesianPoint(md, 40.4494508793845, -149.766330296203, 0));
                cps.Add(new IfcCartesianPoint(md, 79.7327043771191, -139.366466661145, 0));
                cps.Add(new IfcCartesianPoint(md, 117.162756918928, -123.516602630764, 0));
                cps.Add(new IfcCartesianPoint(md, 152.394751766558, -103.231128764915, 0));
                cps.Add(new IfcCartesianPoint(md, 185.23356996992, -79.2577561301781, 0));
                cps.Add(new IfcCartesianPoint(md, 215.497373929206, -52.103840795184, 0));
                cps.Add(new IfcCartesianPoint(md, 242.914167878755, -22.078965508489, 0));
                cps.Add(new IfcCartesianPoint(md, 267.003976250216, 10.6705832692101, 0));
                cps.Add(new IfcCartesianPoint(md, 286.871977954697, 46.1280910808867, 0));
                cps.Add(new IfcCartesianPoint(md, 300.744329678325, 84.2991139637225, 0));
                cps.Add(new IfcCartesianPoint(md, 304.879990112863, 124.598158883845, 0));
                cps.Add(new IfcCartesianPoint(md, 294.036920669161, 163.504056764251, 0));
                cps.Add(new IfcCartesianPoint(md, 269.269779973882, 195.519341068674, 0));
                cps.Add(new IfcCartesianPoint(md, 236.44828639794, 219.398404808304, 0));
                cps.Add(new IfcCartesianPoint(md, 199.73240148445, 236.816641271916, 0));
                cps.Add(new IfcCartesianPoint(md, 161.084487568103, 249.439282758701, 0));
                cps.Add(new IfcCartesianPoint(md, 121.414531991753, 258.379965126806, 0));
                cps.Add(new IfcCartesianPoint(md, 81.1844476691385, 264.337146116746, 0));
                cps.Add(new IfcCartesianPoint(md, 40.6565563813857, 267.741230783552, 0));

                IfcPolyloop       polyloop       = new IfcPolyloop(cps.GetRange(0, 40));
                IfcFaceOuterBound faceOuterBound = new IfcFaceOuterBound(polyloop, true);

                cps.Add(new IfcCartesianPoint(md, -2.36369146477955E-09, 253.099263998677, 0));
                cps.Add(new IfcCartesianPoint(md, 38.4274900386849, 252.103548079205, 0));
                cps.Add(new IfcCartesianPoint(md, 76.7439433401587, 249.028666176807, 0));
                cps.Add(new IfcCartesianPoint(md, 114.803789550381, 243.649797844599, 0));
                cps.Add(new IfcCartesianPoint(md, 152.382048016624, 235.580438211911, 0));
                cps.Add(new IfcCartesianPoint(md, 189.083091558087, 224.18969850467, 0));
                cps.Add(new IfcCartesianPoint(md, 224.125137689733, 208.456936531179, 0));
                cps.Add(new IfcCartesianPoint(md, 255.793363304913, 186.795125569967, 0));
                cps.Add(new IfcCartesianPoint(md, 280.260264776878, 157.383008003324, 0));
                cps.Add(new IfcCartesianPoint(md, 291.499069651162, 120.929075349148, 0));
                cps.Add(new IfcCartesianPoint(md, 287.781794186053, 82.8439932251812, 0));
                cps.Add(new IfcCartesianPoint(md, 274.333349777552, 46.8976139888769, 0));
                cps.Add(new IfcCartesianPoint(md, 255.041935323226, 13.6804471549583, 0));
                cps.Add(new IfcCartesianPoint(md, 231.718321168942, -16.8550204261573, 0));
                cps.Add(new IfcCartesianPoint(md, 205.26490842152, -44.72871539005, 0));
                cps.Add(new IfcCartesianPoint(md, 176.16701831263, -69.8307253653909, 0));
                cps.Add(new IfcCartesianPoint(md, 144.705875892003, -91.8966701176456, 0));
                cps.Add(new IfcCartesianPoint(md, 111.075533913924, -110.483174825384, 0));
                cps.Add(new IfcCartesianPoint(md, 75.4792575648176, -124.93688849428, 0));
                cps.Add(new IfcCartesianPoint(md, 38.2480241625981, -134.377886037238, 0));
                cps.Add(new IfcCartesianPoint(md, -1.27897692436818E-13, -137.758996454453, 0));
                cps.Add(new IfcCartesianPoint(md, -38.2480094096726, -134.377888604729, 0));
                cps.Add(new IfcCartesianPoint(md, -75.4792556281902, -124.936889137129, 0));
                cps.Add(new IfcCartesianPoint(md, -111.075539062433, -110.483172351871, 0));
                cps.Add(new IfcCartesianPoint(md, -144.705874376312, -91.8966710674264, 0));
                cps.Add(new IfcCartesianPoint(md, -176.167011118929, -69.8307309751332, 0));
                cps.Add(new IfcCartesianPoint(md, -205.264906834, -44.7287169020584, 0));
                cps.Add(new IfcCartesianPoint(md, -231.718318258428, -16.855023827089, 0));
                cps.Add(new IfcCartesianPoint(md, -255.041934669669, 13.6804461875579, 0));
                cps.Add(new IfcCartesianPoint(md, -274.333348315742, 46.8976109786559, 0));
                cps.Add(new IfcCartesianPoint(md, -287.781793945095, 82.843992280873, 0));
                cps.Add(new IfcCartesianPoint(md, -291.499069558299, 120.929076449465, 0));
                cps.Add(new IfcCartesianPoint(md, -280.260264225365, 157.383008985549, 0));
                cps.Add(new IfcCartesianPoint(md, -255.793362494351, 186.795126279187, 0));
                cps.Add(new IfcCartesianPoint(md, -224.12513653713, 208.45693715988, 0));
                cps.Add(new IfcCartesianPoint(md, -189.083091723532, 224.189698444526, 0));
                cps.Add(new IfcCartesianPoint(md, -152.382036267776, 235.580441242109, 0));
                cps.Add(new IfcCartesianPoint(md, -114.803784949771, 243.649798652405, 0));
                cps.Add(new IfcCartesianPoint(md, -76.7439536078398, 249.028665054834, 0));
                cps.Add(new IfcCartesianPoint(md, -38.4274901357192, 252.103548074371, 0));

                polyloop = new IfcPolyloop(cps.GetRange(40, 40));
                IfcFaceBound faceBound = new IfcFaceBound(polyloop, true);
                faces.Add(new IfcFace(faceOuterBound, faceBound));

                cps.Add(new IfcCartesianPoint(md, 7.105427357601E-14, 247.792422124388, -93.9999999999991));
                cps.Add(new IfcCartesianPoint(md, 22.543570345102, 247.043703986819, -93.9999999999991));
                cps.Add(new IfcCartesianPoint(md, 44.9796137172465, 244.728140008744, -93.9999999999991));
                cps.Add(new IfcCartesianPoint(md, 67.1650892668505, 240.670010701811, -93.9999999999991));
                cps.Add(new IfcCartesianPoint(md, 88.8758496727837, 234.574313720423, -93.9999999999991));
                cps.Add(new IfcCartesianPoint(md, 109.718194276454, 225.983554212619, -93.9999999999991));
                cps.Add(new IfcCartesianPoint(md, 128.945156504883, 214.242543022066, -93.9999999999991));
                cps.Add(new IfcCartesianPoint(md, 145.131083023098, 198.61702521984, -93.9999999999991));
                cps.Add(new IfcCartesianPoint(md, 156.028264873931, 178.980157903609, -93.9999999999991));
                cps.Add(new IfcCartesianPoint(md, 159.834545208795, 156.846549510419, -93.999999999999));
                cps.Add(new IfcCartesianPoint(md, 157.205129966729, 134.492794130245, -93.9999999999991));
                cps.Add(new IfcCartesianPoint(md, 150.333031384556, 113.029267864972, -93.9999999999991));
                cps.Add(new IfcCartesianPoint(md, 140.585417581734, 92.698690766237, -93.9999999999991));
                cps.Add(new IfcCartesianPoint(md, 128.649651812238, 73.5661983153641, -93.9999999999991));
                cps.Add(new IfcCartesianPoint(md, 114.88081683599, 55.7059230027226, -93.9999999999991));
                cps.Add(new IfcCartesianPoint(md, 99.4572081299554, 39.2537668954707, -93.9999999999991));
                cps.Add(new IfcCartesianPoint(md, 82.4557792492348, 24.4401234195301, -93.9999999999991));
                cps.Add(new IfcCartesianPoint(md, 63.9015117223512, 11.6305834057239, -93.9999999999991));
                cps.Add(new IfcCartesianPoint(md, 43.825812852227, 1.38178464649553, -93.9999999999991));
                cps.Add(new IfcCartesianPoint(md, 22.3741376569279, -5.50526474040419, -93.9999999999991));
                cps.Add(new IfcCartesianPoint(md, 1.4210854715202E-14, -8.02430054072738, -93.9999999999991));
                cps.Add(new IfcCartesianPoint(md, -22.3741369000302, -5.50526490804053, -93.9999999999991));
                cps.Add(new IfcCartesianPoint(md, -43.8258109334306, 1.38178384202005, -93.9999999999991));
                cps.Add(new IfcCartesianPoint(md, -63.9015107453348, 11.6305828171828, -93.9999999999991));
                cps.Add(new IfcCartesianPoint(md, -82.4557778416754, 24.4401223202192, -93.9999999999991));
                cps.Add(new IfcCartesianPoint(md, -99.4572071589388, 39.2537659566927, -93.9999999999991));
                cps.Add(new IfcCartesianPoint(md, -114.880815789293, 55.7059217719804, -93.9999999999991));
                cps.Add(new IfcCartesianPoint(md, -128.649650827451, 73.5661969013759, -93.9999999999991));
                cps.Add(new IfcCartesianPoint(md, -140.585419271271, 92.6986938201311, -93.9999999999991));
                cps.Add(new IfcCartesianPoint(md, -150.333030863305, 113.029266577227, -93.9999999999991));
                cps.Add(new IfcCartesianPoint(md, -157.205128832971, 134.492789207233, -93.9999999999991));
                cps.Add(new IfcCartesianPoint(md, -159.834545214161, 156.846549002985, -93.9999999999991));
                cps.Add(new IfcCartesianPoint(md, -156.028266010736, 178.980154672375, -93.9999999999991));
                cps.Add(new IfcCartesianPoint(md, -145.131082712872, 198.617025613766, -93.9999999999991));
                cps.Add(new IfcCartesianPoint(md, -128.945159904117, 214.242540461469, -93.9999999999991));
                cps.Add(new IfcCartesianPoint(md, -109.718192999937, 225.983554847043, -93.9999999999991));
                cps.Add(new IfcCartesianPoint(md, -88.8758510792069, 234.574313243064, -93.9999999999991));
                cps.Add(new IfcCartesianPoint(md, -67.16508882249, 240.670010803143, -93.9999999999991));
                cps.Add(new IfcCartesianPoint(md, -44.9796135673833, 244.728140029868, -93.9999999999991));
                cps.Add(new IfcCartesianPoint(md, -22.5435788308204, 247.043703417137, -93.9999999999991));

                polyloop       = new IfcPolyloop(cps.GetRange(80, 40));
                faceOuterBound = new IfcFaceOuterBound(polyloop, true);
                faces.Add(new IfcFace(faceOuterBound));

                cps.Add(new IfcCartesianPoint(md, -4.18794598999739E-09, 247.792422124388, -83.9999999999991));
                cps.Add(new IfcCartesianPoint(md, -22.5435703494529, 247.043703987136, -83.9999999999991));
                cps.Add(new IfcCartesianPoint(md, -44.9796137218369, 244.728140009905, -83.9999999999991));
                cps.Add(new IfcCartesianPoint(md, -67.1650892718133, 240.670010704167, -83.9999999999991));
                cps.Add(new IfcCartesianPoint(md, -88.8758496782756, 234.574313724111, -83.9999999999991));
                cps.Add(new IfcCartesianPoint(md, -109.718194282579, 225.983554217461, -83.9999999999991));
                cps.Add(new IfcCartesianPoint(md, -128.945156511477, 214.24254302742, -83.9999999999991));
                cps.Add(new IfcCartesianPoint(md, -145.131083029256, 198.617025224586, -83.9999999999991));
                cps.Add(new IfcCartesianPoint(md, -156.028264877734, 178.980157906939, -83.9999999999991));
                cps.Add(new IfcCartesianPoint(md, -159.834545208922, 156.846549512965, -83.9999999999991));
                cps.Add(new IfcCartesianPoint(md, -157.205129964107, 134.492794132934, -83.9999999999991));
                cps.Add(new IfcCartesianPoint(md, -150.333031380544, 113.029267867934, -83.9999999999991));
                cps.Add(new IfcCartesianPoint(md, -140.585417577166, 92.6986907692923, -83.9999999999991));
                cps.Add(new IfcCartesianPoint(md, -128.649651807611, 73.5661983182769, -83.9999999999991));
                cps.Add(new IfcCartesianPoint(md, -114.88081683159, 55.7059230052684, -83.9999999999991));
                cps.Add(new IfcCartesianPoint(md, -99.4572081259275, 39.2537668974612, -83.9999999999991));
                cps.Add(new IfcCartesianPoint(md, -82.45577924561, 24.4401234208308, -83.9999999999991));
                cps.Add(new IfcCartesianPoint(md, -63.9015117190565, 11.6305834062858, -83.9999999999991));
                cps.Add(new IfcCartesianPoint(md, -43.8258128490947, 1.38178464641787, -83.9999999999991));
                cps.Add(new IfcCartesianPoint(md, -22.374137653742, -5.50526474077583, -83.9999999999991));
                cps.Add(new IfcCartesianPoint(md, -5.6843418860808E-14, -8.02430054072741, -83.9999999999991));
                cps.Add(new IfcCartesianPoint(md, 22.374136903413, -5.50526490696816, -83.9999999999991));
                cps.Add(new IfcCartesianPoint(md, 43.8258109365215, 1.38178384447853, -83.9999999999991));
                cps.Add(new IfcCartesianPoint(md, 63.9015107478721, 11.6305828210529, -83.9999999999991));
                cps.Add(new IfcCartesianPoint(md, 82.4557778435065, 24.4401223253757, -83.9999999999991));
                cps.Add(new IfcCartesianPoint(md, 99.4572071600111, 39.2537659629489, -83.9999999999991));
                cps.Add(new IfcCartesianPoint(md, 114.880815789634, 55.7059217791287, -83.9999999999991));
                cps.Add(new IfcCartesianPoint(md, 128.64965082716, 73.5661969092022, -83.9999999999991));
                cps.Add(new IfcCartesianPoint(md, 140.585419270523, 92.6986938284213, -83.9999999999991));
                cps.Add(new IfcCartesianPoint(md, 150.333030862371, 113.029266585776, -83.9999999999991));
                cps.Add(new IfcCartesianPoint(md, 157.205128832256, 134.492789215875, -83.9999999999991));
                cps.Add(new IfcCartesianPoint(md, 159.834545214197, 156.846549011699, -83.9999999999991));
                cps.Add(new IfcCartesianPoint(md, 156.028266011557, 178.980154681359, -83.9999999999991));
                cps.Add(new IfcCartesianPoint(md, 145.131082713423, 198.617025622727, -83.9999999999991));
                cps.Add(new IfcCartesianPoint(md, 128.945159903547, 214.242540469453, -83.9999999999991));
                cps.Add(new IfcCartesianPoint(md, 109.718192998164, 225.983554853335, -83.9999999999991));
                cps.Add(new IfcCartesianPoint(md, 88.8758510764901, 234.574313247461, -83.9999999999991));
                cps.Add(new IfcCartesianPoint(md, 67.1650888191183, 240.67001080579, -83.9999999999991));
                cps.Add(new IfcCartesianPoint(md, 44.9796135636075, 244.728140031113, -83.9999999999991));
                cps.Add(new IfcCartesianPoint(md, 22.5435788267922, 247.043703417465, -83.9999999999991));

                polyloop       = new IfcPolyloop(cps.GetRange(120, 40));
                faceOuterBound = new IfcFaceOuterBound(polyloop, true);
                faces.Add(new IfcFace(faceOuterBound));

                for (int icounter = 0; icounter < 40; icounter++)
                    polyloop       = new IfcPolyloop(cps[icounter == 39 ? 0 : icounter + 1], cps[icounter], cps[icounter == 0 ? 80 : 120 - icounter]);
                    faceOuterBound = new IfcFaceOuterBound(polyloop, true);
                    faces.Add(new IfcFace(faceOuterBound));
                    polyloop       = new IfcPolyloop(cps[80 + (icounter == 39 ? 0 : icounter + 1)], cps[80 + icounter], cps[icounter == 0 ? 0 : 40 - icounter]);
                    faceOuterBound = new IfcFaceOuterBound(polyloop, true);
                    faces.Add(new IfcFace(faceOuterBound));

                    polyloop       = new IfcPolyloop(cps[40 + (icounter == 39 ? 0 : icounter + 1)], cps[40 + icounter], cps[icounter == 0 ? 120 : 160 - icounter]);
                    faceOuterBound = new IfcFaceOuterBound(polyloop, true);
                    faces.Add(new IfcFace(faceOuterBound));
                    polyloop       = new IfcPolyloop(cps[120 + (icounter == 39 ? 0 : icounter + 1)], cps[120 + icounter], cps[icounter == 0 ? 40 : 80 - icounter]);
                    faceOuterBound = new IfcFaceOuterBound(polyloop, true);
                    faces.Add(new IfcFace(faceOuterBound));

                IfcClosedShell closedShell = new IfcClosedShell(faces);
                IfcFacetedBrep facetedBrep = new IfcFacetedBrep(closedShell);
                representationMap = new IfcRepresentationMap(facetedBrep);
            else if (shapeRep == ShapeRep.Tessellation)
                List <Point3d> points = new List <Point3d>()
                    new Point3d(-300.0, 150.0, 0.0), new Point3d(-260.012578, 202.771984, 0.0), new Point3d(-200.897703, 235.427328, 0.0), new Point3d(-135.653172, 254.960516, 0.0), new Point3d(-68.351281, 265.485063, 0.0), new Point3d(2.288734, 268.839531, 0.0), new Point3d(72.81782, 265.023844, 0.0), new Point3d(139.786906, 254.038063, 0.0), new Point3d(201.174906, 235.317031, 0.0), new Point3d(259.220938, 203.387031, 0.0), new Point3d(300.0, 150.0, 0.0), new Point3d(301.12175, 84.866148, 0.0), new Point3d(274.727594, 21.433672, 0.0), new Point3d(235.605922, -32.723826, 0.0), new Point3d(186.088641, -80.939688, 0.0), new Point3d(130.136258, -119.016594, 0.0), new Point3d(67.084977, -144.523266, 0.0), new Point3d(1.477218, -153.498641, 0.0), new Point3d(-64.392137, -145.234375, 0.0), new Point3d(-128.935, -119.668008, 0.0), new Point3d(-185.4365, -81.474469, 0.0), new Point3d(-235.751609, -32.555805, 0.0), new Point3d(-275.439625, 22.660475, 0.0), new Point3d(-301.2465, 85.400219, 0.0), new Point3d(0.0, 253.099266, 0.0), new Point3d(-65.777992, 249.952375, 0.0), new Point3d(-128.508695, 240.511688, 0.0), new Point3d(-189.983266, 222.998141, 0.0), new Point3d(-246.840234, 193.330969, 0.0), new Point3d(-286.93375, 143.116359, 0.0), new Point3d(-288.338563, 84.231891, 0.0), new Point3d(-263.388344, 25.178932, 0.0), new Point3d(-224.986906, -26.382564, 0.0), new Point3d(-176.642109, -71.667547, 0.0), new Point3d(-122.550633, -106.846461, 0.0), new Point3d(-61.391031, -130.155953, 0.0), new Point3d(1.00923, -137.756953, 0.0), new Point3d(63.202145, -129.69757, 0.0), new Point3d(123.138398, -106.540977, 0.0), new Point3d(176.955734, -71.42018, 0.0), new Point3d(224.650078, -26.756678, 0.0), new Point3d(262.387781, 23.516443, 0.0), new Point3d(288.070906, 83.103938, 0.0), new Point3d(286.93375, 143.116359, 0.0), new Point3d(248.344641, 192.212875, 0.0), new Point3d(191.622094, 222.376281, 0.0), new Point3d(129.659992, 240.269531, 0.0), new Point3d(64.742059, 250.052203, 0.0), new Point3d(-157.154922, 175.808609, -94.0), new Point3d(-136.207516, 207.772813, -94.0), new Point3d(-105.240203, 227.552281, -94.0), new Point3d(-71.061875, 239.383609, -94.0), new Point3d(-35.805801, 245.758375, -94.0), new Point3d(1.198953, 247.790172, -94.0), new Point3d(38.145594, 245.479016, -94.0), new Point3d(73.227336, 238.824875, -94.0), new Point3d(105.385414, 227.485469, -94.0), new Point3d(135.792813, 208.145344, -94.0), new Point3d(157.154922, 175.808609, -94.0), new Point3d(157.742547, 136.356797, -94.0), new Point3d(143.915969, 97.9355, -94.0), new Point3d(123.422102, 65.13209, -94.0), new Point3d(97.482477, 35.927559, -94.0), new Point3d(68.171844, 12.864227, -94.0), new Point3d(35.142449, -2.585266, -94.0), new Point3d(0.77384, -8.021682, -94.0), new Point3d(-33.731801, -3.015985, -94.0), new Point3d(-67.542563, 12.469661, -94.0), new Point3d(-97.140859, 35.603637, -94.0), new Point3d(-123.498414, 65.233859, -94.0), new Point3d(-144.288969, 98.678578, -94.0), new Point3d(-157.807906, 136.680281, -94.0), new Point3d(-300.0, 150.0, 0.0), new Point3d(-228.577453, 162.904313, -47.0), new Point3d(-157.154922, 175.808609, -94.0), new Point3d(-260.012578, 202.771984, 0.0), new Point3d(-136.207516, 207.772813, -94.0), new Point3d(-200.897703, 235.427328, 0.0), new Point3d(-105.240203, 227.552281, -94.0), new Point3d(-135.653172, 254.960516, 0.0), new Point3d(-71.061875, 239.383609, -94.0), new Point3d(-68.351281, 265.485063, 0.0), new Point3d(-35.805801, 245.758375, -94.0), new Point3d(2.288734, 268.839531, 0.0), new Point3d(1.198953, 247.790172, -94.0), new Point3d(72.81782, 265.023844, 0.0), new Point3d(38.145594, 245.479016, -94.0), new Point3d(139.786906, 254.038063, 0.0), new Point3d(73.227336, 238.824875, -94.0), new Point3d(201.174906, 235.317031, 0.0), new Point3d(105.385414, 227.485469, -94.0), new Point3d(259.220938, 203.387031, 0.0), new Point3d(135.792813, 208.145344, -94.0), new Point3d(300.0, 150.0, 0.0), new Point3d(157.154922, 175.808609, -94.0), new Point3d(301.12175, 84.866148, 0.0), new Point3d(157.742547, 136.356797, -94.0), new Point3d(274.727594, 21.433672, 0.0), new Point3d(143.915969, 97.9355, -94.0), new Point3d(235.605922, -32.723826, 0.0), new Point3d(123.422102, 65.13209, -94.0), new Point3d(186.088641, -80.939688, 0.0), new Point3d(97.482477, 35.927559, -94.0), new Point3d(130.136258, -119.016594, 0.0), new Point3d(68.171844, 12.864227, -94.0), new Point3d(67.084977, -144.523266, 0.0), new Point3d(35.142449, -2.585266, -94.0), new Point3d(1.477218, -153.498641, 0.0), new Point3d(0.77384, -8.021682, -94.0), new Point3d(-64.392137, -145.234375, 0.0), new Point3d(-33.731801, -3.015985, -94.0), new Point3d(-128.935, -119.668008, 0.0), new Point3d(-67.542563, 12.469661, -94.0), new Point3d(-185.4365, -81.474469, 0.0), new Point3d(-97.140859, 35.603637, -94.0), new Point3d(-235.751609, -32.555805, 0.0), new Point3d(-123.498414, 65.233859, -94.0), new Point3d(-275.439625, 22.660475, 0.0), new Point3d(-144.288969, 98.678578, -94.0), new Point3d(-301.2465, 85.400219, 0.0), new Point3d(-157.807906, 136.680281, -94.0), new Point3d(-300.0, 150.0, 0.0), new Point3d(-228.577453, 162.904313, -47.0), new Point3d(-157.154922, 175.808609, -94.0), new Point3d(-103.357523, 247.172063, -47.0), new Point3d(-153.068953, 231.489813, -47.0), new Point3d(-52.078543, 255.621719, -47.0), new Point3d(1.743843, 258.314844, -47.0), new Point3d(55.481707, 255.251438, -47.0), new Point3d(106.507117, 246.431469, -47.0), new Point3d(197.506875, 205.766188, -47.0), new Point3d(153.280156, 231.40125, -47.0), new Point3d(228.577453, 162.904313, -47.0), new Point3d(229.432141, 110.611469, -47.0), new Point3d(209.321781, 59.684586, -47.0), new Point3d(179.514016, 16.204132, -47.0), new Point3d(141.785563, -22.506064, -47.0), new Point3d(51.113715, -73.554266, -47.0), new Point3d(99.154047, -53.076184, -47.0), new Point3d(1.125529, -80.760164, -47.0), new Point3d(-49.061969, -74.12518, -47.0), new Point3d(-98.238781, -53.599176, -47.0), new Point3d(-141.288688, -22.935416, -47.0), new Point3d(-209.864297, 60.669523, -47.0), new Point3d(-179.625016, 16.339027, -47.0), new Point3d(-229.527203, 111.04025, -47.0), new Point3d(0.0, 247.792422, -84.0), new Point3d(35.45952, 245.798125, -84.0), new Point3d(71.015367, 239.395359, -84.0), new Point3d(104.952289, 227.684234, -84.0), new Point3d(136.019484, 207.942281, -84.0), new Point3d(157.154922, 175.808609, -84.0), new Point3d(157.77775, 136.530484, -84.0), new Point3d(143.710984, 97.530469, -84.0), new Point3d(123.041867, 64.626715, -84.0), new Point3d(96.919461, 35.394453, -84.0), new Point3d(67.443461, 12.407895, -84.0), new Point3d(34.616102, -2.748099, -84.0), new Point3d(0.55276, -8.022964, -84.0), new Point3d(-33.624148, -3.048111, -84.0), new Point3d(-67.121539, 12.207951, -84.0), new Point3d(-96.747688, 35.232555, -84.0), new Point3d(-123.226352, 64.87157, -84.0), new Point3d(-144.259, 98.61857, -84.0), new Point3d(-157.924344, 137.268734, -84.0), new Point3d(-157.154922, 175.808609, -84.0), new Point3d(-135.195516, 208.674078, -84.0), new Point3d(-104.054703, 228.091234, -84.0), new Point3d(-70.384797, 239.553859, -84.0), new Point3d(-36.026906, 245.732781, -84.0), new Point3d(0.0, 247.792422, -84.0), new Point3d(0.0, 253.099266, 0.0), new Point3d(64.742059, 250.052203, 0.0), new Point3d(129.659992, 240.269531, 0.0), new Point3d(191.622094, 222.376281, 0.0), new Point3d(248.344641, 192.212875, 0.0), new Point3d(286.93375, 143.116359, 0.0), new Point3d(288.070906, 83.103938, 0.0), new Point3d(262.387781, 23.516443, 0.0), new Point3d(224.650078, -26.756678, 0.0), new Point3d(176.955734, -71.42018, 0.0), new Point3d(123.138398, -106.540977, 0.0), new Point3d(63.202145, -129.69757, 0.0), new Point3d(1.00923, -137.756953, 0.0), new Point3d(-61.391031, -130.155953, 0.0), new Point3d(-122.550633, -106.846461, 0.0), new Point3d(-176.642109, -71.667547, 0.0), new Point3d(-224.986906, -26.382564, 0.0), new Point3d(-263.388344, 25.178932, 0.0), new Point3d(-288.338563, 84.231891, 0.0), new Point3d(-286.93375, 143.116359, 0.0), new Point3d(-246.840234, 193.330969, 0.0), new Point3d(-189.983266, 222.998141, 0.0), new Point3d(-128.508695, 240.511688, 0.0), new Point3d(-65.777992, 249.952375, 0.0), new Point3d(0.0, 253.099266, 0.0), new Point3d(0.0, 247.792422, -84.0), new Point3d(35.45952, 245.798125, -84.0), new Point3d(71.015367, 239.395359, -84.0), new Point3d(104.952289, 227.684234, -84.0), new Point3d(136.019484, 207.942281, -84.0), new Point3d(157.154922, 175.808609, -84.0), new Point3d(157.77775, 136.530484, -84.0), new Point3d(143.710984, 97.530469, -84.0), new Point3d(123.041867, 64.626715, -84.0), new Point3d(96.919461, 35.394453, -84.0), new Point3d(67.443461, 12.407895, -84.0), new Point3d(34.616102, -2.748099, -84.0), new Point3d(0.55276, -8.022964, -84.0), new Point3d(-33.624148, -3.048111, -84.0), new Point3d(-67.121539, 12.207951, -84.0), new Point3d(-96.747688, 35.232555, -84.0), new Point3d(-123.226352, 64.87157, -84.0), new Point3d(-144.259, 98.61857, -84.0), new Point3d(-157.924344, 137.268734, -84.0), new Point3d(-157.154922, 175.808609, -84.0), new Point3d(-135.195516, 208.674078, -84.0), new Point3d(-104.054703, 228.091234, -84.0), new Point3d(-70.384797, 239.553859, -84.0), new Point3d(-36.026906, 245.732781, -84.0)
                IfcCartesianPointList3D cartesianPointList3D = new IfcCartesianPointList3D(md, points);
                List <CoordIndex>       coordIndex           = new List <CoordIndex>()
                    new CoordIndex(28, 2, 29), new CoordIndex(1, 29, 2), new CoordIndex(30, 1, 24), new CoordIndex(29, 1, 30), new CoordIndex(24, 31, 30), new CoordIndex(3, 2, 28), new CoordIndex(5, 4, 27), new CoordIndex(6, 5, 25), new CoordIndex(25, 5, 26), new CoordIndex(4, 28, 27), new CoordIndex(5, 27, 26), new CoordIndex(3, 28, 4), new CoordIndex(23, 32, 31), new CoordIndex(33, 32, 23), new CoordIndex(24, 23, 31), new CoordIndex(34, 22, 21), new CoordIndex(23, 22, 33), new CoordIndex(22, 34, 33), new CoordIndex(21, 20, 35), new CoordIndex(36, 35, 20), new CoordIndex(34, 21, 35), new CoordIndex(37, 36, 19), new CoordIndex(20, 19, 36), new CoordIndex(18, 37, 19), new CoordIndex(7, 6, 48), new CoordIndex(8, 7, 47), new CoordIndex(7, 48, 47), new CoordIndex(8, 47, 46), new CoordIndex(46, 9, 8), new CoordIndex(46, 45, 10), new CoordIndex(11, 10, 45), new CoordIndex(12, 11, 44), new CoordIndex(45, 44, 11), new CoordIndex(10, 9, 46), new CoordIndex(12, 44, 43), new CoordIndex(15, 39, 16), new CoordIndex(40, 39, 15), new CoordIndex(38, 16, 39), new CoordIndex(18, 17, 37), new CoordIndex(16, 38, 17), new CoordIndex(17, 38, 37), new CoordIndex(13, 43, 42), new CoordIndex(12, 43, 13), new CoordIndex(14, 13, 42), new CoordIndex(15, 14, 40), new CoordIndex(14, 41, 40), new CoordIndex(42, 41, 14), new CoordIndex(48, 6, 25), new CoordIndex(50, 72, 49), new CoordIndex(51, 72, 50), new CoordIndex(71, 72, 52), new CoordIndex(51, 52, 72), new CoordIndex(53, 71, 52), new CoordIndex(69, 70, 63), new CoordIndex(71, 54, 70), new CoordIndex(66, 67, 65), new CoordIndex(67, 68, 65), new CoordIndex(68, 69, 64), new CoordIndex(71, 53, 54), new CoordIndex(54, 55, 61), new CoordIndex(55, 56, 61), new CoordIndex(58, 60, 57), new CoordIndex(60, 56, 57), new CoordIndex(59, 60, 58), new CoordIndex(65, 68, 64), new CoordIndex(69, 63, 64), new CoordIndex(62, 63, 70), new CoordIndex(62, 54, 61), new CoordIndex(61, 56, 60), new CoordIndex(62, 70, 54), new CoordIndex(74, 73, 76), new CoordIndex(80, 125, 126), new CoordIndex(126, 76, 78), new CoordIndex(126, 77, 76), new CoordIndex(76, 77, 74), new CoordIndex(82, 127, 125), new CoordIndex(127, 82, 84), new CoordIndex(127, 83, 81), new CoordIndex(125, 81, 79), new CoordIndex(128, 84, 129), new CoordIndex(88, 130, 86), new CoordIndex(92, 131, 90), new CoordIndex(90, 132, 88), new CoordIndex(94, 133, 92), new CoordIndex(96, 134, 94), new CoordIndex(98, 135, 96), new CoordIndex(128, 85, 83), new CoordIndex(77, 75, 74), new CoordIndex(77, 126, 79), new CoordIndex(85, 128, 87), new CoordIndex(87, 129, 89), new CoordIndex(131, 93, 132), new CoordIndex(134, 97, 133), new CoordIndex(97, 134, 99), new CoordIndex(133, 95, 131), new CoordIndex(132, 91, 130), new CoordIndex(135, 98, 136), new CoordIndex(102, 137, 100), new CoordIndex(106, 138, 104), new CoordIndex(104, 139, 102), new CoordIndex(137, 103, 136), new CoordIndex(108, 140, 106), new CoordIndex(138, 107, 139), new CoordIndex(139, 105, 137), new CoordIndex(99, 135, 101), new CoordIndex(141, 110, 112), new CoordIndex(114, 143, 142), new CoordIndex(141, 111, 109), new CoordIndex(110, 141, 140), new CoordIndex(118, 144, 145), new CoordIndex(120, 146, 144), new CoordIndex(116, 145, 143), new CoordIndex(122, 123, 146), new CoordIndex(140, 109, 138), new CoordIndex(111, 141, 142), new CoordIndex(113, 142, 143), new CoordIndex(145, 117, 115), new CoordIndex(146, 121, 119), new CoordIndex(123, 124, 121), new CoordIndex(144, 119, 117), new CoordIndex(148, 173, 172), new CoordIndex(149, 174, 173), new CoordIndex(151, 176, 175), new CoordIndex(152, 177, 176), new CoordIndex(150, 175, 174), new CoordIndex(154, 179, 178), new CoordIndex(155, 180, 179), new CoordIndex(157, 182, 181), new CoordIndex(158, 183, 182), new CoordIndex(156, 181, 180), new CoordIndex(153, 178, 177), new CoordIndex(160, 185, 159), new CoordIndex(161, 186, 160), new CoordIndex(163, 188, 162), new CoordIndex(164, 189, 163), new CoordIndex(162, 187, 161), new CoordIndex(166, 191, 165), new CoordIndex(167, 192, 166), new CoordIndex(169, 194, 168), new CoordIndex(171, 196, 170), new CoordIndex(170, 195, 169), new CoordIndex(168, 193, 167), new CoordIndex(165, 190, 164), new CoordIndex(159, 184, 183), new CoordIndex(217, 216, 215), new CoordIndex(217, 215, 218), new CoordIndex(220, 219, 214), new CoordIndex(215, 219, 218), new CoordIndex(197, 220, 214), new CoordIndex(214, 213, 197), new CoordIndex(219, 215, 214), new CoordIndex(210, 208, 211), new CoordIndex(213, 212, 205), new CoordIndex(212, 211, 207), new CoordIndex(197, 213, 205), new CoordIndex(198, 204, 199), new CoordIndex(200, 199, 203), new CoordIndex(203, 202, 201), new CoordIndex(200, 203, 201), new CoordIndex(203, 199, 204), new CoordIndex(209, 208, 210), new CoordIndex(208, 207, 211), new CoordIndex(206, 212, 207), new CoordIndex(212, 206, 205), new CoordIndex(197, 205, 204), new CoordIndex(197, 204, 198), new CoordIndex(80, 126, 78), new CoordIndex(82, 125, 80), new CoordIndex(127, 84, 128), new CoordIndex(127, 81, 125), new CoordIndex(125, 79, 126), new CoordIndex(84, 86, 129), new CoordIndex(130, 129, 86), new CoordIndex(131, 132, 90), new CoordIndex(132, 130, 88), new CoordIndex(133, 131, 92), new CoordIndex(134, 133, 94), new CoordIndex(135, 134, 96), new CoordIndex(128, 83, 127), new CoordIndex(128, 129, 87), new CoordIndex(129, 130, 89), new CoordIndex(93, 91, 132), new CoordIndex(97, 95, 133), new CoordIndex(134, 135, 99), new CoordIndex(95, 93, 131), new CoordIndex(91, 89, 130), new CoordIndex(98, 100, 136), new CoordIndex(137, 136, 100), new CoordIndex(138, 139, 104), new CoordIndex(139, 137, 102), new CoordIndex(103, 101, 136), new CoordIndex(140, 138, 106), new CoordIndex(107, 105, 139), new CoordIndex(105, 103, 137), new CoordIndex(135, 136, 101), new CoordIndex(141, 112, 142), new CoordIndex(114, 142, 112), new CoordIndex(141, 109, 140), new CoordIndex(110, 140, 108), new CoordIndex(118, 145, 116), new CoordIndex(120, 144, 118), new CoordIndex(116, 143, 114), new CoordIndex(122, 146, 120), new CoordIndex(109, 107, 138), new CoordIndex(111, 142, 113), new CoordIndex(113, 143, 115), new CoordIndex(145, 115, 143), new CoordIndex(146, 119, 144), new CoordIndex(123, 121, 146), new CoordIndex(144, 117, 145), new CoordIndex(148, 172, 147), new CoordIndex(149, 173, 148), new CoordIndex(151, 175, 150), new CoordIndex(152, 176, 151), new CoordIndex(150, 174, 149), new CoordIndex(154, 178, 153), new CoordIndex(155, 179, 154), new CoordIndex(157, 181, 156), new CoordIndex(158, 182, 157), new CoordIndex(156, 180, 155), new CoordIndex(153, 177, 152), new CoordIndex(185, 184, 159), new CoordIndex(186, 185, 160), new CoordIndex(188, 187, 162), new CoordIndex(189, 188, 163), new CoordIndex(187, 186, 161), new CoordIndex(191, 190, 165), new CoordIndex(192, 191, 166), new CoordIndex(194, 193, 168), new CoordIndex(196, 195, 170), new CoordIndex(195, 194, 169), new CoordIndex(193, 192, 167), new CoordIndex(190, 189, 164), new CoordIndex(159, 183, 158)
                IfcTriangulatedFaceSet triangulatedFaceSet = new IfcTriangulatedFaceSet(md, cartesianPointList3D, null, true, coordIndex, null);
                representationMap = new IfcRepresentationMap(triangulatedFaceSet);

            md.NextObjectRecord = 200;
            IfcMaterial ceramic = new IfcMaterial(md, "Ceramic", "", "");
            ceramic.Associates.GlobalId = "0Pkhszwjv1qRMYyCFg9fjB";
            IfcSanitaryTerminalType sanitaryTerminalType = new IfcSanitaryTerminalType(md, new IfcElemTypeParams("2Vk5O9OO94lfvLVH2WXKBZ", "Wash Hand Basin", "", "", ""), ceramic, representationMap, null, IfcSanitaryTerminalTypeEnum.WASHHANDBASIN);
            sanitaryTerminalType.ObjectTypeOf.GlobalId = "01OIK6g$5EVxvitdj$pQSU";
            sanitaryTerminalType.GenerateMappedItemElement(building, Plane.WorldXY, new IfcElemParams("0dOOwKTsn8I8gwbP3LM1Yz", "", "", "", ""));
Пример #14
 public IfcAdvancedBrep(IfcClosedShell __Outer)
     : base(__Outer)
Пример #15
 public IXbimSolidSet CreateSolidSet(IfcClosedShell ifcSolid)
Пример #16
 public IfcFacetedBrep(IfcClosedShell s) : base(s)
Пример #17
 public IfcManifoldSolidBrep(IfcClosedShell __Outer)
     this._Outer = __Outer;
Пример #18
 protected IfcManifoldSolidBrep(IfcClosedShell __Outer)
     this.Outer = __Outer;
        public static bool GeometricEquals(this  IfcClosedShell a, IfcClosedShell b)
            if (a == null && b == null) return false; //null
            if (a == null || b == null) return false; //different type
            List<IfcFace> fsb = b.CfsFaces.ToList();
            List<IfcFace> fsa = a.CfsFaces.ToList();
            if (fsa.Count != fsb.Count) return false;
            for (int i = 0; i < fsa.Count; i++)
                if (!fsa[i].GeometricEquals(fsb[i])) return false;
            return true;

Пример #20
        /// <summary>
        /// You can give the name of the TestCase -> to build only them
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="args">Testcases to expoert</param>
        /// <help> Testcases: Spatial_simple\n
        /// Railway_spatial\n Spatial_01\nPlacement_Local"\nGeomRepresentation_01\n
        /// \nGeomRepresentation_02\nGeomRepresentation_03\nGeomRepresentation_04
        /// \nLocalPlacement_01\nLinearPlacement_02
        /// </help>
        static void Main(string[] args)
            //Var declaration

            string folder       = "Unittest";
            var    testcasename = new List <string>();

            System.IO.Directory.CreateDirectory(".\\" + folder);

            //Help handling + single selection
            if (args.Length != 0)
                //Help handling
                if (args.First().Equals("-?"))
                    foreach (var i in testcasename)

                //Select only selected ones
                testcasename = new List <string>();
                foreach (var i in args)

            foreach (var proname in testcasename)
                var db = new DatabaseIfc(ModelView.Ifc4NotAssigned);
                db.Factory.Options.GenerateOwnerHistory = false;

                var site = new IfcSite(db, "site")
                    Guid = new Guid("aa4019f8-2584-44a1-a132-c17dfff69c41")
                var project = new IfcProject(db, proname)
                    Guid = new Guid("94d4ddac-9120-4fb9-bea0-7a414ee725d4")

                new IfcRelAggregates(project, new List <IfcObjectDefinition>()
                    Guid = new Guid("5e1fd0e5-b005-fe11-501e-5caff01dc1ad")
                //Some placements
                IfcAxis2Placement3D placement1       = new IfcAxis2Placement3D(new IfcCartesianPoint(db, 2, 5, 1));
                IfcLocalPlacement   objectPlacement1 = new IfcLocalPlacement(site.ObjectPlacement, placement1);
                IfcAxis2Placement3D placement2       = new IfcAxis2Placement3D(new IfcCartesianPoint(db, 10, 5, 1));
                IfcLocalPlacement   objectPlacement2 = new IfcLocalPlacement(site.ObjectPlacement, placement2);
                IfcAxis2Placement3D placement3       = new IfcAxis2Placement3D(new IfcCartesianPoint(db, 15, 3, 6));
                IfcLocalPlacement   objectPlacement3 = new IfcLocalPlacement(site.ObjectPlacement, placement3);
                IfcAxis2Placement3D placement4       = new IfcAxis2Placement3D(new IfcCartesianPoint(db, 5, 8, 3));
                IfcLocalPlacement   objectPlacement4 = new IfcLocalPlacement(site.ObjectPlacement, placement4);
                IfcAxis2Placement3D originaxis2place = new IfcAxis2Placement3D(db.Factory.Origin);
                IfcLocalPlacement   origionobjplace  = new IfcLocalPlacement(site.ObjectPlacement, originaxis2place);

                //Select the Testcases and fill them into the container
                switch (proname)
                case "Spatial_simple":
                    //initial File
                    IfcBuilding building1 = new IfcBuilding(db, "building1")
                        Guid = new Guid("fbc7f4b2-177d-4875-88bb-d3b44115bb42")
                    building1.ObjectPlacement = objectPlacement1;

                    IfcBuilding building2 = new IfcBuilding(db, "building2")
                        Guid = new Guid("fbc7f4b2-177d-4875-88bb-d3b441151337")
                    building2.ObjectPlacement = objectPlacement2;

                    //Write inital File
                    db.WriteFile(".\\" + folder + "\\Initial_" + proname + ".ifc");
                    db.WriteXmlFile(".\\" + folder + "\\Initial_" + proname + ".ifcxml");

                    //continue with the updated version

                    IfcBuilding building3 = new IfcBuilding(db, "building3")
                        Guid            = new Guid("fbc7f4b2-177d-4875-88bb-d3b441153531"),
                        ObjectPlacement = objectPlacement3

                case "Railway_spatial":
                    IfcSpatialZone spazone1 = new IfcSpatialZone(db, "Spatialzone1")
                        Guid            = new Guid("42c7f4b2-177d-4875-88bb-d3b441153531"),
                        ObjectPlacement = objectPlacement1

                    IfcSpatialZone spazone2 = new IfcSpatialZone(db, "Spatialzone2")
                        Guid            = new Guid("42c7f4b2-1337-4875-88bb-d3b441153531"),
                        ObjectPlacement = objectPlacement2
                    db.WriteFile(".\\" + folder + "\\Initial_" + proname + ".ifc");
                    db.WriteXmlFile(".\\" + folder + "\\Initial_" + proname + ".ifcxml");

                    IfcSpatialZone spazone3 = new IfcSpatialZone(db, "Spatialzone3")
                        Guid            = new Guid("42c7f4b2-1337-4422-88bb-d3b441153531"),
                        ObjectPlacement = objectPlacement3
                    IfcSpatialZone spazone4 = new IfcSpatialZone(db, "Spatialzone4")
                        Guid            = new Guid("42c7f4b2-1337-4875-4242-d3b441153531"),
                        ObjectPlacement = objectPlacement4


                case "Spatial_01":
                    //creating building and add parts to it
                    building1 = new IfcBuilding(db, "building1")
                        Guid            = new Guid("fbc7f4b2-177d-4875-88bb-d3b44115bb42"),
                        ObjectPlacement = objectPlacement1

                    IfcBuildingStorey buildingsto1 = new IfcBuildingStorey(building1, "Level1", 0)
                        Guid            = new Guid("42c74222-1337-4875-4242-d3b441153531"),
                        ObjectPlacement = objectPlacement2

                    building1.IsDecomposedBy.First().Guid = new Guid("42abcd22-1337-4875-4242-abcd41153531");

                    var profile1 = new IfcRectangleProfileDef(db, "rectangleProfileDef", 4, 6);
                    IfcExtrudedAreaSolid      extrudedAreaSolid1 = new IfcExtrudedAreaSolid(profile1, 1.35);
                    IfcProductDefinitionShape shape1             = new IfcProductDefinitionShape(new IfcShapeRepresentation(extrudedAreaSolid1));

                    IfcWall wall = new IfcWall(buildingsto1, objectPlacement3, shape1)
                        Guid = new Guid("42aa4222-1337-aaaa-4242-d3aa41153531"),
                        Name = "Wall1"
                    wall.ContainedInStructure.Guid = new Guid("42c74222-1337-4875-4242-d3b44abcd531");

                    db.WriteFile(".\\" + folder + "\\Initial_" + proname + ".ifc");
                    db.WriteXmlFile(".\\" + folder + "\\Initial_" + proname + ".ifcxml");

                    IfcBuildingStorey buildingsto2 = new IfcBuildingStorey(building1, "Level2", 0)
                        Guid            = new Guid("42c74222-1337-4875-4242-bbbb41153531"),
                        ObjectPlacement = objectPlacement4
                    // Reassign Wall to Storey2
                    wall.ContainedInStructure.RelatingStructure = buildingsto2;


                case "Placement_Local":
                    //Initial set
                    profile1           = new IfcRectangleProfileDef(db, "rectangleProfileDef", 4, 6);
                    extrudedAreaSolid1 = new IfcExtrudedAreaSolid(profile1, 1.35);
                    shape1             = new IfcProductDefinitionShape(new IfcShapeRepresentation(extrudedAreaSolid1));

                    //Wall at origin
                    IfcWall wall2 = new IfcWall(site, origionobjplace, shape1)
                        Guid = new Guid("42aa4222-1337-aaaa-4242-d3aa41153531"),
                        Name = "Wall1"
                    wall2.ContainedInStructure.Guid = new Guid("42cab222-1337-4875-4242-d3b44abcd531");

                    db.WriteFile(".\\" + folder + "\\Initial_" + proname + ".ifc");
                    db.WriteXmlFile(".\\" + folder + "\\Initial_" + proname + ".ifcxml");

                    IfcAxis2Placement3D wallaxisplace = new IfcAxis2Placement3D(new IfcCartesianPoint(db, 2, 3, 0));
                    wall2.ObjectPlacement = new IfcLocalPlacement(site.ObjectPlacement, wallaxisplace);


                case "GeomRepresentation_01":
                    profile1           = new IfcRectangleProfileDef(db, "rectangleProfileDef", 4, 6);
                    extrudedAreaSolid1 = new IfcExtrudedAreaSolid(profile1, 1.35);
                    shape1             = new IfcProductDefinitionShape(new IfcShapeRepresentation(extrudedAreaSolid1));

                    IfcRectangleProfileDef    profile2           = new IfcRectangleProfileDef(db, "rectangleProfileDef", 4, 6);
                    IfcExtrudedAreaSolid      extrudedAreaSolid2 = new IfcExtrudedAreaSolid(profile2, 1.35);
                    IfcProductDefinitionShape shape2             = new IfcProductDefinitionShape(new IfcShapeRepresentation(extrudedAreaSolid2));

                    var proxy1 = new IfcBuildingElementProxy(site, objectPlacement1, shape1)
                        Name = "Cuboid1",
                        Guid = new Guid("fbc7f4b2-177d-4875-88bb-d3abed15bbaa")
                    proxy1.ContainedInStructure.Guid = new Guid("000ab222-1337-4875-4242-d3b44abcd531");

                    var proxy2 = new IfcBuildingElementProxy(site, objectPlacement2, shape2)
                        Name = "Cuboid2",
                        Guid = new Guid("f8e196cb-c7d9-4d53-9885-0f687706abcd")
                    proxy2.ContainedInStructure.Guid = new Guid("42cab222-1337-4875-4242-00004abcd531");

                    db.WriteFile(".\\" + folder + "\\Initial_" + proname + ".ifc");
                    db.WriteXmlFile(".\\" + folder + "\\Initial_" + proname + ".ifcxml");

                    proxy2.Representation = shape1;
                    shape2.Dispose(true);     //Remove orphaned entries


                case "GeomRepresentation_02":
                    profile1           = new IfcRectangleProfileDef(db, "rectangleProfileDef", 4, 6);
                    extrudedAreaSolid1 = new IfcExtrudedAreaSolid(profile1, 1.35);
                    shape1             = new IfcProductDefinitionShape(new IfcShapeRepresentation(extrudedAreaSolid1));

                    profile2           = new IfcRectangleProfileDef(db, "rectangleProfileDef", 4, 6);
                    extrudedAreaSolid2 = new IfcExtrudedAreaSolid(profile2, 1.35);
                    shape2             = new IfcProductDefinitionShape(new IfcShapeRepresentation(extrudedAreaSolid2));

                    proxy1 = new IfcBuildingElementProxy(site, objectPlacement1, shape1)
                        Name = "Cuboid1",
                        Guid = new Guid("fbcba4b2-1c7d-4875-88bb-d3abed15bbaa")
                    proxy1.ContainedInStructure.Guid = new Guid("000ab222-1337-4875-4242-d3b00abcd531");
                    proxy2 = new IfcBuildingElementProxy(site, objectPlacement2, shape2)
                        Name = "Cuboid2",
                        Guid = new Guid("f821963b-c7d9-4d53-9885-0f87cd6abcda")
                    proxy1.ContainedInStructure.Guid = new Guid("000ab222-1337-4875-4242-d3414abcd531");
                    db.WriteFile(".\\" + folder + "\\Initial_" + proname + ".ifc");
                    db.WriteXmlFile(".\\" + folder + "\\Initial_" + proname + ".ifcxml");

                    extrudedAreaSolid2.Depth = 3;

                case "GeomRepresentation_03":
                    profile1           = new IfcRectangleProfileDef(db, "rectangleProfileDef", 4, 6);
                    extrudedAreaSolid1 = new IfcExtrudedAreaSolid(profile1, 1.35);
                    shape1             = new IfcProductDefinitionShape(new IfcShapeRepresentation(extrudedAreaSolid1));

                    proxy1 = new IfcBuildingElementProxy(site, objectPlacement1, shape1)
                        Name = "Cuboid_extrudedArea",
                        Guid = new Guid("fbcba4b2-1c7d-0000-88bb-d3abed15bbaa")
                    proxy1.ContainedInStructure.Guid = new Guid("00011222-1337-4875-4242-d1114abcd531");
                    db.WriteFile(".\\" + folder + "\\Initial_" + proname + ".ifc");
                    db.WriteXmlFile(".\\" + folder + "\\Initial_" + proname + ".ifcxml");

                    profile1.Dispose(false);     // Remove profile
                    var profile3 = new IfcCircleProfileDef(db, "CylinderProfileDef", 4);
                    extrudedAreaSolid1.SweptArea = profile3;
                    proxy1.Name = "Cylinder_extrudedArea";


                case "GeomRepresentation_04":
                    profile1           = new IfcRectangleProfileDef(db, "rectangleProfileDef", 4, 6);
                    extrudedAreaSolid1 = new IfcExtrudedAreaSolid(profile1, 1.35);
                    shape1             = new IfcProductDefinitionShape(new IfcShapeRepresentation(extrudedAreaSolid1));

                    proxy1 = new IfcBuildingElementProxy(site, objectPlacement1, shape1)
                        Name = "Cuboid_extrudedArea",
                        Guid = new Guid("fbcba4b2-1c7d-0000-88bb-d3abed15bbaa")
                    proxy1.ContainedInStructure.Guid = new Guid("00011222-1337-4875-4242-d1114abcd531");

                    db.WriteFile(".\\" + folder + "\\Initial_" + proname + ".ifc");
                    db.WriteXmlFile(".\\" + folder + "\\Initial_" + proname + ".ifcxml");


                    var points = new List <IfcCartesianPoint>();
                    points.Add(new IfcCartesianPoint(db, -2, -3, 0));
                    points.Add(new IfcCartesianPoint(db, -2, 3, 0));
                    points.Add(new IfcCartesianPoint(db, 2, 3, 0));
                    points.Add(new IfcCartesianPoint(db, 2, -3, 0));
                    points.Add(new IfcCartesianPoint(db, -2, -3, 1.35));
                    points.Add(new IfcCartesianPoint(db, -2, 3, 1.35));
                    points.Add(new IfcCartesianPoint(db, 2, 3, 1.35));
                    points.Add(new IfcCartesianPoint(db, 2, -3, 1.35));

                    var polyloop = new List <IfcPolyLoop>();
                    polyloop.Add(new IfcPolyLoop(points[0], points[1], points[2], points[3]));
                    polyloop.Add(new IfcPolyLoop(points[0], points[4], points[5], points[1]));
                    polyloop.Add(new IfcPolyLoop(points[0], points[4], points[7], points[3]));
                    polyloop.Add(new IfcPolyLoop(points[4], points[5], points[6], points[7]));
                    polyloop.Add(new IfcPolyLoop(points[1], points[5], points[6], points[2]));
                    polyloop.Add(new IfcPolyLoop(points[3], points[7], points[6], points[2]));

                    var faceouter = new List <IfcFaceOuterBound>();
                    foreach (var i in polyloop)
                        faceouter.Add(new IfcFaceOuterBound(i, true));

                    var face = new List <IfcFace>();
                    foreach (var j in faceouter)
                        face.Add(new IfcFace(j));

                    var closedshell = new IfcClosedShell(face);
                    var brep        = new IfcFacetedBrep(closedshell);

                    shape2 = new IfcProductDefinitionShape(new IfcShapeRepresentation(brep));
                    proxy1.Representation = shape2;

                case "GeomRepresentation_05":
                    var points1 = new List <IfcCartesianPoint>();
                    points1.Add(new IfcCartesianPoint(db, -2, -3, 0));
                    points1.Add(new IfcCartesianPoint(db, -2, 3, 0));
                    points1.Add(new IfcCartesianPoint(db, 2, 3, 0));
                    points1.Add(new IfcCartesianPoint(db, 2, -3, 0));
                    var points2 = new List <IfcCartesianPoint>();
                    points2.Add(new IfcCartesianPoint(db, -2, -3, 1.35));
                    points2.Add(new IfcCartesianPoint(db, -2, 3, 1.35));
                    points2.Add(new IfcCartesianPoint(db, 2, 3, 1.35));
                    points2.Add(new IfcCartesianPoint(db, 2, -3, 1.35));

                    polyloop = new List <IfcPolyLoop>();
                    polyloop.Add(new IfcPolyLoop(points1));
                    polyloop.Add(new IfcPolyLoop(points2));


                case "LocalPlacement_01":
                    profile1           = new IfcRectangleProfileDef(db, "rectangleProfileDef", 4, 6);
                    extrudedAreaSolid1 = new IfcExtrudedAreaSolid(profile1, 1.35);
                    shape1             = new IfcProductDefinitionShape(new IfcShapeRepresentation(extrudedAreaSolid1));

                    profile2           = new IfcRectangleProfileDef(db, "rectangleProfileDef", 4, 6);
                    extrudedAreaSolid2 = new IfcExtrudedAreaSolid(profile2, 1.35);
                    shape2             = new IfcProductDefinitionShape(new IfcShapeRepresentation(extrudedAreaSolid2));

                    proxy1 = new IfcBuildingElementProxy(site, objectPlacement1, shape1)
                        Name = "Cuboid1",
                        Guid = new Guid("fbcba4b2-1c7d-4815-88bb-d3abed15bbaa")
                    proxy1.ContainedInStructure.Guid = new Guid("000ab222-1337-4875-4242-d3b00abcd531");
                    proxy2 = new IfcBuildingElementProxy(site, objectPlacement2, shape2)
                        Name = "Cuboid2",
                        Guid = new Guid("f821963b-c7d9-4d53-9825-0f87cd6abcda")
                    proxy1.ContainedInStructure.Guid = new Guid("000ab242-1337-4875-4242-d3414abcd531");
                    db.WriteFile(".\\" + folder + "\\Initial_" + proname + ".ifc");
                    db.WriteXmlFile(".\\" + folder + "\\Initial_" + proname + ".ifcxml");

                    var point1 = new IfcCartesianPoint(db, 2, 2, 2);
                    placement1.Location = point1;


                case "LinearPlacement_02":

                    profile1           = new IfcRectangleProfileDef(db, "rectangleProfileDef", 4, 6);
                    extrudedAreaSolid1 = new IfcExtrudedAreaSolid(profile1, 1.35);
                    shape1             = new IfcProductDefinitionShape(new IfcShapeRepresentation(extrudedAreaSolid1));

                    profile2           = new IfcRectangleProfileDef(db, "rectangleProfileDef", 4, 6);
                    extrudedAreaSolid2 = new IfcExtrudedAreaSolid(profile2, 1.35);
                    shape2             = new IfcProductDefinitionShape(new IfcShapeRepresentation(extrudedAreaSolid2));

                    IfcLine line1 = new IfcLine(new IfcCartesianPoint(db, 1, 1, 1)
                                                , new IfcVector(new IfcDirection(db, 1, 1), 20));

                    IfcLine line2 = new IfcLine(new IfcCartesianPoint(db, 1, -1, -1)
                                                , new IfcVector(new IfcDirection(db, -1, 1), 20));

                    var alignment1 = new IfcAlignment(site, line1)
                        Name = "Alignment1",
                        Guid = new Guid("fbcba4b2-1cdd-48d5-88bb-d3aced15bbaa")
                    var alignment2 = new IfcAlignment(site, line2)
                        Name = "Alignment2",
                        Guid = new Guid("f111a4b2-1c7d-4815-88bb-d3aced15bbaa")

                    var distn1 = new IfcPointByDistanceExpression(4, line1);
                    var distn2 = new IfcPointByDistanceExpression(2, line2);

                    //Deprecated but should be right for IFC4
                    var linearplace1 = new IfcLinearPlacement(line1, distn1)
                        Orientation = new IfcOrientationExpression(new IfcDirection(db, 0.5, 0.24),
                                                                   new IfcDirection(db, -0.24, 0.5))
                    var linearplace2 = new IfcLinearPlacement(line2, distn2)
                        Orientation = new IfcOrientationExpression(new IfcDirection(db, 0.75, 0.24),
                                                                   new IfcDirection(db, -0.24, 0.66))

                    proxy1 = new IfcBuildingElementProxy(site, linearplace1, shape1)
                        Name = "Cuboid1",
                        Guid = new Guid("fbcba4b2-1c7d-4815-88bb-d3aced15bbaa")
                    proxy1.ContainedInStructure.Guid = new Guid("000cc222-1337-4875-4242-d3b00abcd531");
                    proxy2 = new IfcBuildingElementProxy(site, linearplace2, shape2)
                        Name = "Cuboid2",
                        Guid = new Guid("f821963b-c7d9-4d53-98a5-0f8ccd6abcda")
                    proxy1.ContainedInStructure.Guid = new Guid("000ccc42-1337-4875-4242-d3414abcd531");
                    db.WriteFile(".\\" + folder + "\\Initial_" + proname + ".ifc");
                    db.WriteXmlFile(".\\" + folder + "\\Initial_" + proname + ".ifcxml");


                    IfcLine line3 = new IfcLine(new IfcCartesianPoint(db, 0, 1, 0)
                                                , new IfcVector(new IfcDirection(db, 0, 5, 2), 15));
                    var distn3 = new IfcPointByDistanceExpression(4, line3);

                    linearplace1.PlacementMeasuredAlong = line3;
                    linearplace1.Distance = distn3;



                db.WriteFile(".\\" + folder + "\\Update_" + proname + ".ifc");
                db.WriteXmlFile(".\\" + folder + "\\Update_" + proname + ".ifcxml");
Пример #21
 public IfcFacetedBrepWithVoids(IfcClosedShell __Outer, IfcClosedShell[] __Voids)
     : base(__Outer)
     this.Voids = new HashSet <IfcClosedShell>(__Voids);
Пример #22
        public static Entity getEntityFromIfcRepresentationItem(IfcRepresentationItem reprItem, ViewportLayout viewportLayout1 = null, Transformation entityTrs = null)
            Entity result = null;

            if (reprItem is IfcBooleanClippingResult)
                IfcBooleanClippingResult bcr = (IfcBooleanClippingResult)reprItem;

                result = getSolidFromIfcBooleanClippingResult(bcr);
            else if (reprItem is IfcCurve)
                result = (Entity)getICurveFromIfcCurve((IfcCurve)reprItem, viewportLayout1, entityTrs);
            else if (reprItem is IfcExtrudedAreaSolid)
                IfcExtrudedAreaSolid extrAreaSolid = (IfcExtrudedAreaSolid)reprItem;

                // if (!viewportLayout1.Blocks.ContainsKey(extrAreaSolid.Index.ToString()))
                    Plane pln = Conversion.getPlaneFromPosition(extrAreaSolid.Position);

                    Align3D align = new Align3D(Plane.XY, pln);

                    IfcDirection dir = extrAreaSolid.ExtrudedDirection;

                    Vector3D extDir = new Vector3D(dir.DirectionRatioX, dir.DirectionRatioY, dir.DirectionRatioZ);

                    //extDir.TransformBy(trs * align2);

                    devDept.Eyeshot.Entities.Region region = getRegionFromIfcProfileDef(extrAreaSolid.SweptArea, viewportLayout1);

                    if (region != null)
                        //region.TransformBy(trs * align2);

                        result = region.ExtrudeAsMesh(extDir * extrAreaSolid.Depth, 0.1, Mesh.natureType.Plain); // 0.1 tolerance must be computed according to object size

                        //viewportLayout1.Entities.Add(result, 1);
                        //Block b = new Block();
                        //viewportLayout1.Blocks.Add(extrAreaSolid.Index.ToString(), b);
                // BlockReference br = new IfcBlockReference(trs, extrAreaSolid.Index.ToString());
                // viewportLayout1.Entities.Add(br, 0, Color.Gray);
            else if (reprItem is IfcFaceBasedSurfaceModel)
                IfcFaceBasedSurfaceModel fbs = (IfcFaceBasedSurfaceModel)reprItem;

                result = new Mesh(0, 0, Mesh.natureType.Plain);

                foreach (IfcConnectedFaceSet cfs in fbs.FbsmFaces)
                    Mesh global = new Mesh(0, 0, Mesh.natureType.Plain);

                    foreach (IfcFace face in cfs.CfsFaces)
                        Point3D[] outerPoints = null;

                        List <Point3D[]> innerPointsList = new List <Point3D[]>();

                        foreach (IfcFaceBound fb in face.Bounds)        // al massimo 2 ? profilo esterno e interno
                            // bool sense = ifb.mOrientation;

                            if (fb is IfcFaceOuterBound)
                                IfcFaceOuterBound ifob = (IfcFaceOuterBound)fb;

                                IfcPolyloop pl = (IfcPolyloop)fb.Bound;

                                List <Point3D> pLIst = new List <Point3D>();

                                for (int i = 0; i < pl.Polygon.Count; i++)
                                    Point3D p = getPoint3DFromIfcCartesianPoint(pl.Polygon[i]);

                                    if (!pLIst.Contains(p))                     // non copio punti uguali !!

                                outerPoints = pLIst.ToArray();

                                if (!outerPoints[0].Equals(outerPoints[outerPoints.Length - 1]))
                                    Array.Resize(ref outerPoints, outerPoints.Length + 1);

                                    outerPoints[outerPoints.Length - 1] = (Point3D)outerPoints[0].Clone();
                                IfcFaceBound ifb = (IfcFaceBound)fb;

                                IfcPolyloop inPl = (IfcPolyloop)ifb.Bound;

                                List <Point3D> pLIst = new List <Point3D>();

                                for (int i = 0; i < inPl.Polygon.Count; i++)
                                    Point3D p = getPoint3DFromIfcCartesianPoint(inPl.Polygon[i]);

                                    if (!pLIst.Contains(p))                     // non copio punti uguali !!

                                Point3D[] innerPoints = pLIst.ToArray();

                                if (!innerPoints[0].Equals(innerPoints[innerPoints.Length - 1]))
                                    Array.Resize(ref innerPoints, innerPoints.Length + 1);

                                    innerPoints[innerPoints.Length - 1] = (Point3D)innerPoints[0].Clone();

                        if (outerPoints.Length > 3)
                            Mesh local;

                            List <LinearPath> boundLp = new List <LinearPath>();

                            boundLp.Add(new LinearPath(outerPoints));

                            foreach (Point3D[] innerPoints in innerPointsList)
                                boundLp.Add(new LinearPath(innerPoints));

                            local = new devDept.Eyeshot.Entities.Region(boundLp.ToArray()).ConvertToMesh(0, Mesh.natureType.Plain);

                            global.MergeWith(local, true); // fonde i vertici, sarebbe meglio farla una volta sola alla fine
                    ((Mesh)result).MergeWith(global, true);
            else if (reprItem is IfcFacetedBrep)  //controllare
                IfcFacetedBrep facBrep = (IfcFacetedBrep)reprItem;

                IfcClosedShell cs = facBrep.Outer;

                Mesh global = new Mesh(0, 0, Mesh.natureType.Plain);

                foreach (IfcFace face in cs.CfsFaces)
                    Point3D[] outerPoints = null;

                    List <Point3D[]> innerPointsList = new List <Point3D[]>();

                    foreach (IfcFaceBound fb in face.Bounds)
                        // bool sense = ifb.mOrientation;

                        if (fb is IfcFaceOuterBound)
                            IfcFaceOuterBound ifob = (IfcFaceOuterBound)fb;

                            IfcPolyloop pl = (IfcPolyloop)fb.Bound;

                            List <Point3D> pLIst = new List <Point3D>();

                            for (int i = 0; i < pl.Polygon.Count; i++)
                                Point3D p = getPoint3DFromIfcCartesianPoint(pl.Polygon[i]);

                                if (!pLIst.Contains(p))                     // non copio punti uguali !!

                            outerPoints = pLIst.ToArray();

                            if (!outerPoints[0].Equals(outerPoints[outerPoints.Length - 1]))
                                Array.Resize(ref outerPoints, outerPoints.Length + 1);

                                outerPoints[outerPoints.Length - 1] = (Point3D)outerPoints[0].Clone();
                            IfcFaceBound ifb = (IfcFaceBound)fb;

                            IfcPolyloop inPl = (IfcPolyloop)ifb.Bound;

                            List <Point3D> pLIst = new List <Point3D>();

                            for (int i = 0; i < inPl.Polygon.Count; i++)
                                Point3D p = getPoint3DFromIfcCartesianPoint(inPl.Polygon[i]);

                                if (!pLIst.Contains(p))                     // non copio punti uguali !!

                            Point3D[] innerPoints = pLIst.ToArray();

                            if (!innerPoints[0].Equals(innerPoints[innerPoints.Length - 1]))
                                Array.Resize(ref innerPoints, innerPoints.Length + 1);

                                innerPoints[innerPoints.Length - 1] = (Point3D)innerPoints[0].Clone();

                    if (outerPoints.Length > 3)
                        Mesh local;

                        List <LinearPath> boundLp = new List <LinearPath>();

                        boundLp.Add(new LinearPath(outerPoints));

                        foreach (Point3D[] innerPoints in innerPointsList)
                            boundLp.Add(new LinearPath(innerPoints));
                        local = new devDept.Eyeshot.Entities.Region(boundLp.ToArray()).ConvertToMesh(0, Mesh.natureType.Plain);

                        global.MergeWith(local, true); // fonde i vertici, sarebbe meglio farla una volta sola alla fine

                result = global;
            //else if (repItem is IfcBoundingBox)
            //    IfcBoundingBox bBox = (IfcBoundingBox)iRep.Items[0];
            //    m = Mesh.CreateBox(bBox.XDim, bBox.YDim, bBox.ZDim);
            //    m.Translate(bBox.Corner.Coordinates.Item1, bBox.Corner.Coordinates.Item1, bBox.Corner.Coordinates.Item1);
            else if (reprItem is IfcMappedItem)
                IfcMappedItem mapItem = (IfcMappedItem)reprItem;

                if (!viewportLayout1.Blocks.ContainsKey("MappingSource " + mapItem.MappingSource.Index.ToString()))
                    IfcRepresentationMap reprMapSource = mapItem.MappingSource;

                    Entity mapSource = getEntityFromIfcRepresentation(reprMapSource.MappedRepresentation, viewportLayout1, entityTrs);

                    Block b = new Block();

                    if (mapSource != null)
                        Plane pln = getPlaneFromPosition((IfcPlacement)reprMapSource.MappingOrigin);

                        Align3D algn = new Align3D(Plane.XY, pln);



                    viewportLayout1.Blocks.Add("MappingSource " + mapItem.MappingSource.Index.ToString(), b);

                IfcCartesianTransformationOperator3D iTrs = (IfcCartesianTransformationOperator3D)mapItem.MappingTarget;

                Point3D org = new Point3D(iTrs.LocalOrigin.Coordinates.Item1, iTrs.LocalOrigin.Coordinates.Item2, iTrs.LocalOrigin.Coordinates.Item3);

                Vector3D vectorX;

                if (iTrs.Axis1 != null)
                    vectorX = new Vector3D(iTrs.Axis1.DirectionRatioX, iTrs.Axis1.DirectionRatioY, iTrs.Axis1.DirectionRatioZ);
                    vectorX = new Vector3D(1, 0, 0);
                vectorX = vectorX * iTrs.Scale;

                Vector3D vectorY;

                if (iTrs.Axis2 != null)
                    vectorY = new Vector3D(iTrs.Axis2.DirectionRatioX, iTrs.Axis2.DirectionRatioY, iTrs.Axis2.DirectionRatioZ);
                    vectorY = new Vector3D(0, 1, 0);

                Vector3D vectorZ;

                if (iTrs.Axis1 != null)
                    vectorZ = new Vector3D(iTrs.Axis3.DirectionRatioX, iTrs.Axis3.DirectionRatioY, iTrs.Axis3.DirectionRatioZ);
                    vectorZ = new Vector3D(0, 0, 1);

                if (iTrs is IfcCartesianTransformationOperator3DnonUniform)
                    IfcCartesianTransformationOperator3DnonUniform nut = (IfcCartesianTransformationOperator3DnonUniform)iTrs;

                    vectorY = vectorY * nut.Scale2;

                    vectorZ = vectorZ * nut.Scale3;

                Transformation targetTrs = new Transformation(org, vectorX, vectorY, vectorZ);

                result = new IfcBlockReference(targetTrs, "MappingSource " + mapItem.MappingSource.Index.ToString());
            else if (reprItem is IfcShellBasedSurfaceModel)
                IfcShellBasedSurfaceModel sbs = (IfcShellBasedSurfaceModel)reprItem;

                result = new Mesh(0, 0, Mesh.natureType.Plain);

                foreach (IfcShell cfs in sbs.SbsmBoundary)
                    Mesh global = new Mesh(0, 0, Mesh.natureType.Plain);

                    foreach (IfcFace face in cfs.CfsFaces)
                        Point3D[] outerPoints = null;

                        List <Point3D[]> innerPointsList = new List <Point3D[]>();

                        foreach (IfcFaceBound fb in face.Bounds)        // al massimo 2 ? profilo esterno e interno
                            // bool sense = ifb.mOrientation;

                            if (fb is IfcFaceOuterBound)
                                IfcFaceOuterBound ifob = (IfcFaceOuterBound)fb;

                                IfcPolyloop pl = (IfcPolyloop)fb.Bound;

                                List <Point3D> pLIst = new List <Point3D>();

                                for (int i = 0; i < pl.Polygon.Count; i++)
                                    Point3D p = getPoint3DFromIfcCartesianPoint(pl.Polygon[i]);

                                    if (!pLIst.Contains(p))                     // non copio punti uguali !!

                                outerPoints = pLIst.ToArray();

                                if (!outerPoints[0].Equals(outerPoints[outerPoints.Length - 1]))
                                    Array.Resize(ref outerPoints, outerPoints.Length + 1);

                                    outerPoints[outerPoints.Length - 1] = (Point3D)outerPoints[0].Clone();
                                IfcFaceBound ifb = (IfcFaceBound)fb;

                                IfcPolyloop inPl = (IfcPolyloop)ifb.Bound;

                                List <Point3D> pLIst = new List <Point3D>();

                                for (int i = 0; i < inPl.Polygon.Count; i++)
                                    Point3D p = getPoint3DFromIfcCartesianPoint(inPl.Polygon[i]);

                                    if (!pLIst.Contains(p))                     // non copio punti uguali !!

                                Point3D[] innerPoints = pLIst.ToArray();

                                if (!innerPoints[0].Equals(innerPoints[innerPoints.Length - 1]))
                                    Array.Resize(ref innerPoints, innerPoints.Length + 1);

                                    innerPoints[innerPoints.Length - 1] = (Point3D)innerPoints[0].Clone();

                        if (outerPoints.Length > 3)
                            Mesh local;

                            List <LinearPath> boundLp = new List <LinearPath>();

                            boundLp.Add(new LinearPath(outerPoints));

                            foreach (Point3D[] innerPoints in innerPointsList)
                                boundLp.Add(new LinearPath(innerPoints));

                            //devDept.Eyeshot.Entities.Region localRegion = new devDept.Eyeshot.Entities.Region(boundLp.ToArray());


                            //viewportLayout1.Entities.Add(localRegion, 1);

                            local = new devDept.Eyeshot.Entities.Region(boundLp.ToArray()).ConvertToMesh(0, Mesh.natureType.Plain);

                            global.MergeWith(local, true); // fonde i vertici, sarebbe meglio farla una volta sola alla fine
                    ((Mesh)result).MergeWith(global, true);
                if (!debug.Contains("IfcRepresentationItem not supported: " + reprItem.KeyWord))
                    debug += "IfcRepresentationItem not supported: " + reprItem.KeyWord + "\n";

            if (result != null)
                Color color;
                if (tryGetColorFromIfcRepresentationItem(reprItem, out color))
                    result.ColorMethod = colorMethodType.byEntity;

                    result.Color = color;
                    result.ColorMethod = colorMethodType.byParent;
