// OnStateEnter is called when a transition starts and the state machine starts to evaluate this state override public void OnStateEnter(Animator animator, AnimatorStateInfo stateInfo, int layerIndex) { if (idleScript == null) { idleScript = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("Player").GetComponent <IdleAnimation>(); } }
void Start() { rb = this.GetComponent <Rigidbody>(); animator = GetComponentInChildren <Animator>(); idelAnimation = new IdleAnimation(); deadAnimation = new DeadAnimation(); walkAnimation = new IdleAnimation(); walkAnimation.Animate(animator, true); }
public IObject ToItem(AGSSerializationContext context) { var textComponent = TextComponent.ToItem(context); IButton button = context.Factory.UI.GetButton(Object.ID, IdleAnimation.ToItem(context), HoverAnimation.ToItem(context), PushedAnimation.ToItem(context), 0, 0, null, "", null, false, textComponent.LabelRenderSize.Width, textComponent.LabelRenderSize.Height); Object.ToItem(context, button); button.TextConfig = textComponent.TextConfig; button.Text = textComponent.Text; button.Visible = Object.Visible; return(button); }
public void EnableAnimationGroup(AnimType anim) { switch (anim) { case AnimType.IDLE: IdleAnimation idleAnimator = new IdleAnimation(species, "idle"); idleAnim = idleAnimator.idleAnim; idleAnim.groupActive = true; Debug.Log("idleAnim -> " + idleAnim.rootClip + ", " + idleAnim.FL_AnkleClip); break; case AnimType.WALK: break; } }
protected virtual void Start() { speed = new Vector2(0, 0); direction = CharacterDirection.DOWN; status = CharacterStatus.IDLE; baseSprite = transform.Find("BaseSprite").gameObject; spriteRenderer = baseSprite.GetComponent <SpriteRenderer>(); effectParent = transform.Find("EffectParent").gameObject; shadowParent = transform.Find("ShadowParent").gameObject; idleAnimation = GetComponent <IdleAnimation>(); walkAnimation = GetComponent <WalkAnimation>(); damageAnimation = GetComponent <DamageAnimation>(); attackAnimation = GetComponent <AttackAnimation>(); GameManager instaince = GameManager.Instance; GameObject shadow = instaince.spriteFactory.instatiateShadow(shadowParent, SpriteFactory.ShadowType.Midiam); shadow.transform.Translate(new Vector3(0, 0, -1)); }
public static Record CreateRecord(string Tag) { Record outRecord; switch (Tag) { case "TES4": outRecord = new Header(); break; case "GMST": outRecord = new GameSetting(); break; case "TXST": outRecord = new TextureSet(); break; case "MICN": outRecord = new MenuIcon(); break; case "GLOB": outRecord = new GlobalVariable(); break; case "CLAS": outRecord = new Class(); break; case "FACT": outRecord = new Faction(); break; case "HDPT": outRecord = new HeadPart(); break; case "HAIR": outRecord = new Hair(); break; case "EYES": outRecord = new Eyes(); break; case "RACE": outRecord = new Race(); break; case "SOUN": outRecord = new Sound(); break; case "ASPC": outRecord = new AcousticSpace(); break; case "MGEF": outRecord = new MagicEffect(); break; case "SCPT": outRecord = new Script(); break; case "LTEX": outRecord = new LandscapeTexture(); break; case "ENCH": outRecord = new ObjectEffect(); break; case "SPEL": outRecord = new ActorEffect(); break; case "ACTI": outRecord = new ESPSharp.Records.Activator(); break; case "TACT": outRecord = new TalkingActivator(); break; case "TERM": outRecord = new Terminal(); break; case "ARMO": outRecord = new Armor(); break; case "BOOK": outRecord = new Book(); break; case "CONT": outRecord = new Container(); break; case "DOOR": outRecord = new Door(); break; case "INGR": outRecord = new Ingredient(); break; case "LIGH": outRecord = new Light(); break; case "MISC": outRecord = new MiscItem(); break; case "STAT": outRecord = new Static(); break; case "SCOL": outRecord = new StaticCollection(); break; case "MSTT": outRecord = new MoveableStatic(); break; case "PWAT": outRecord = new PlaceableWater(); break; case "GRAS": outRecord = new Grass(); break; case "TREE": outRecord = new Tree(); break; case "FURN": outRecord = new Furniture(); break; case "WEAP": outRecord = new Weapon(); break; case "AMMO": outRecord = new Ammunition(); break; case "NPC_": outRecord = new NonPlayerCharacter(); break; case "CREA": outRecord = new Creature(); break; case "LVLC": outRecord = new LeveledCreature(); break; case "LVLN": outRecord = new LeveledNPC(); break; case "KEYM": outRecord = new Key(); break; case "ALCH": outRecord = new Ingestible(); break; case "IDLM": outRecord = new IdleMarker(); break; case "NOTE": outRecord = new Note(); break; case "COBJ": outRecord = new ConstructibleObject(); break; case "PROJ": outRecord = new Projectile(); break; case "LVLI": outRecord = new LeveledItem(); break; case "WTHR": outRecord = new Weather(); break; case "CLMT": outRecord = new Climate(); break; case "REGN": outRecord = new Region(); break; case "NAVI": outRecord = new NavigationMeshInfoMap(); break; case "DIAL": outRecord = new DialogTopic(); break; case "QUST": outRecord = new Quest(); break; case "IDLE": outRecord = new IdleAnimation(); break; case "PACK": outRecord = new Package(); break; case "CSTY": outRecord = new CombatStyle(); break; case "LSCR": outRecord = new LoadScreen(); break; case "ANIO": outRecord = new AnimatedObject(); break; case "WATR": outRecord = new Water(); break; case "EFSH": outRecord = new EffectShader(); break; case "EXPL": outRecord = new Explosion(); break; case "DEBR": outRecord = new Debris(); break; case "IMGS": outRecord = new ImageSpace(); break; case "IMAD": outRecord = new ImageSpaceAdapter(); break; case "FLST": outRecord = new FormList(); break; case "PERK": outRecord = new Perk(); break; case "BPTD": outRecord = new BodyPartData(); break; case "ADDN": outRecord = new AddonNode(); break; case "AVIF": outRecord = new ActorValueInformation(); break; case "RADS": outRecord = new RadiationStage(); break; case "CAMS": outRecord = new CameraShot(); break; case "CPTH": outRecord = new CameraPath(); break; case "VTYP": outRecord = new VoiceType(); break; case "IPCT": outRecord = new Impact(); break; case "IPDS": outRecord = new ImpactDataSet(); break; case "ARMA": outRecord = new ArmorAddon(); break; case "ECZN": outRecord = new EncounterZone(); break; case "MESG": outRecord = new Message(); break; case "RGDL": outRecord = new Ragdoll(); break; case "DOBJ": outRecord = new DefaultObjectManager(); break; case "LGTM": outRecord = new LightingTemplate(); break; case "MUSC": outRecord = new MusicType(); break; case "IMOD": outRecord = new ItemMod(); break; case "REPU": outRecord = new Reputation(); break; case "RCPE": outRecord = new Recipe(); break; case "RCCT": outRecord = new RecipeCategory(); break; case "CHIP": outRecord = new CasinoChip(); break; case "CSNO": outRecord = new Casino(); break; case "LSCT": outRecord = new LoadScreenType(); break; case "MSET": outRecord = new MediaSet(); break; case "ALOC": outRecord = new MediaLocationController(); break; case "CHAL": outRecord = new Challenge(); break; case "AMEF": outRecord = new AmmoEffect(); break; case "CCRD": outRecord = new CaravanCard(); break; case "CMNY": outRecord = new CaravanMoney(); break; case "CDCK": outRecord = new CaravanDeck(); break; case "DEHY": outRecord = new DehydrationStage(); break; case "HUNG": outRecord = new HungerStage(); break; case "SLPD": outRecord = new SleepDeprivationStage(); break; case "CELL": outRecord = new Cell(); break; case "WRLD": outRecord = new Worldspace(); break; case "LAND": outRecord = new GenericRecord(); break; case "NAVM": outRecord = new NavigationMesh(); break; case "INFO": outRecord = new DialogResponse(); break; case "REFR": outRecord = new Reference(); break; case "ACHR": outRecord = new PlacedNPC(); break; case "ACRE": outRecord = new PlacedCreature(); break; case "PGRE": outRecord = new PlacedGrenade(); break; case "PMIS": outRecord = new PlacedMissile(); break; default: Console.WriteLine("Encountered unknown record: " + Tag); outRecord = new GenericRecord(); break; } outRecord.Tag = Tag; return(outRecord); }
public override void SetAnimation(Animator animator) { IdleAnimation.SetState(animator); }
protected override void OnUpdateAnimation() { if (Scene == null) { return; } var ea = Scene.View.Content.Peek <global::Graphics.Renderer.Renderer.EntityAnimation>(MetaEntityAnimation); if (State == UnitState.Alive) { if (actionAnimation != null) { if (!actionAnimationPlaying) { actionAnimation.FadeTime = GetAnimationFadeTime(ea.PlayingAnimation, actionAnimation.Animation); ea.PlayAnimation(actionAnimation); actionAnimationPlaying = true; JumpAnimationStage = JumpAnimationStage.None; } return; } if (IsOnGround) { if (Running && CanControlMovement) { if (JumpAnimationStage == JumpAnimationStage.Falling) { JumpAnimationStage = JumpAnimationStage.None; } if (RunningBackwards) { if (!ea.PlayingAnimation.StartsWith("Backing") || ea.Paused) { string animName = GetAnimationName(UnitAnimations.Backing); ea.PlayAnimation(new AnimationPlayParameters( animName, false, RunSpeed * BackingAnimationSpeed * GetAnimationSpeedMultiplier(animName), AnimationTimeType.Speed, 0) { FadeTime = GetAnimationFadeTime(ea.PlayingAnimation, animName) }); } ea.SetTrackAnimationSpeed(RunSpeed * BackingAnimationSpeed); } else { var animName = GetAnimationName(UnitAnimations.Run); float ras = RunAnimationSpeed; if (RunSpeed >= FastRunStartAtSpeed) { ras = FastRunAnimationSpeed; animName = GetAnimationName(UnitAnimations.FastRun); } if (!ea.PlayingAnimation.StartsWith("Run") || ea.Paused) { ea.PlayAnimation(new AnimationPlayParameters( animName, false, RunSpeed * ras * GetAnimationSpeedMultiplier(animName), AnimationTimeType.Speed, 0) { FadeTime = GetAnimationFadeTime(ea.PlayingAnimation, animName) }); } ea.SetTrackAnimationSpeed(RunSpeed * ras); } } else { if (JumpAnimationStage == JumpAnimationStage.Falling) { var animName = GetAnimationName(UnitAnimations.Land); ea.PlayAnimation(new AnimationPlayParameters(animName, false, GetAnimationSpeedMultiplier(animName), AnimationTimeType.Speed) { FadeTime = GetAnimationFadeTime(ea.PlayingAnimation, animName) }); Program.Instance.SoundManager.GetSFX(Client.Sound.SFX.Land1).Play(new Client.Sound.PlayArgs { }); JumpAnimationStage = JumpAnimationStage.Land; return; } else { var an = GetAnimationName(IdleAnimation); var an2 = IdleAnimation.ToString(); if (!ea.PlayingAnimation.StartsWith(an2) || ea.Paused) { ea.PlayAnimation(new AnimationPlayParameters(an, false, GetAnimationSpeedMultiplier(an), AnimationTimeType.Speed) { FadeTime = GetAnimationFadeTime(ea.PlayingAnimation, an) }); } return; } } } else { if (JumpAnimationStage == JumpAnimationStage.Jump) { if (!ea.PlayingAnimation.StartsWith("Jump")) { var animName = GetAnimationName(UnitAnimations.Jump); ea.PlayAnimation(new AnimationPlayParameters(animName, false, GetAnimationSpeedMultiplier(animName), AnimationTimeType.Speed) { FadeTime = GetAnimationFadeTime(ea.PlayingAnimation, animName) }); } } else if (JumpAnimationStage == JumpAnimationStage.Falling) { if (!ea.PlayingAnimation.StartsWith("Falling")) { var animName = GetAnimationName(UnitAnimations.Falling); ea.PlayAnimation(new AnimationPlayParameters(animName, true, GetAnimationSpeedMultiplier(animName), AnimationTimeType.Speed) { FadeTime = GetAnimationFadeTime(ea.PlayingAnimation, animName) }); } } } } else if (State == UnitState.RaisingCorpse) { if (!ea.PlayingAnimation.StartsWith("RaiseDead")) { var animName = GetAnimationName(UnitAnimations.RaiseDead); ea.PlayAnimation(new AnimationPlayParameters(animName, false, RaiseFromCorpseTime * GetAnimationSpeedMultiplier(animName), AnimationTimeType.Length) { FadeTime = GetAnimationFadeTime(ea.PlayingAnimation, animName) }); } } else if (State == UnitState.Dead || State == UnitState.RaisableCorpse || State == UnitState.HoldCorpse) { if (!ea.PlayingAnimation.StartsWith("Death")) { var animName = GetAnimationName(UnitAnimations.Death); ea.PlayAnimation(new AnimationPlayParameters(animName, false, GetAnimationSpeedMultiplier(animName), AnimationTimeType.Speed, 0) { FadeTime = GetAnimationFadeTime(ea.PlayingAnimation, animName) }); if (Game.Instance != null) { if (Game.Instance.FrameId < 30) { ea.FreezeAtEnd(); } } } } }