public async Task Alias_IndexPatchMismatchingOld_NotAuthorized()
            using (IdentityWsDbContext ef = CreateEf()) {
                ef.Aliases.Add(new Alias
                    EmailAddress = "*****@*****.**",
                    Being        = new Being
                        SaltedHashedPassword = Sha512Util.SaltAndHashNewPassword("password1")
                await ef.SaveChangesAsync();

                AliasesController patient = new AliasesController(ef, dummyLog, now, dummyRunner);

                AliasesController.IndexPatchRequestBody body = new AliasesController.IndexPatchRequestBody
                    oldPassword = "******",
                    password    = "******"
                IActionResult result = await patient.IndexPatch("*****@*****.**", body);

                result.Should().BeOfType <UnauthorizedResult>($"'{nameof(body.oldPassword)}' does not match");
Пример #2
        public async Task AliasClientWithoutData_Index_EmptyJsonArray()
            using (IdentityWsDbContext ef = CreateEf()) {
                ef.Aliases.Add(new Alias
                    EmailAddress = "*****@*****.**",
                    Being        = new Being {
                        Clients = new[] {
                            new BeingClient {
                                ClientName = "testclient"
                await ef.SaveChangesAsync();

                ClientsController patient = new ClientsController(ef, dummyLog, now, null);

                IActionResult result = await patient.Index("*****@*****.**", "testclient");

                result.Should().BeOfType <JsonResult>()
                .Which.Value.Should().BeOfType <Dictionary <string, string> >()
                .Which.Should().HaveCount(0, "there is no data for the client and being");
        public async Task Alias_IndexPatchOldSameAsNew_Conflict()
            using (IdentityWsDbContext ef = CreateEf()) {
                ef.Aliases.Add(new Alias
                    EmailAddress = "*****@*****.**",
                    Being        = new Being
                        SaltedHashedPassword = Sha512Util.SaltAndHashNewPassword("password1")
                await ef.SaveChangesAsync();

                AliasesController patient = new AliasesController(ef, dummyLog, now, dummyRunner);

                AliasesController.IndexPatchRequestBody body = new AliasesController.IndexPatchRequestBody
                    oldPassword = "******",
                    password    = "******"
                IActionResult result = await patient.IndexPatch("*****@*****.**", body);

                result.Should().BeOfType <StatusCodeResult>()
                .Which.StatusCode.Should().Be(409, $"'{nameof(body.password)}' must differ from '{nameof(body.oldPassword)}'");
        public async Task Alias_IndexPatchExpiredReset_NotAuthorized()
            using (IdentityWsDbContext ef = CreateEf()) {
                ef.Aliases.Add(new Alias
                    EmailAddress = "*****@*****.**",
                    Being        = new Being
                        PasswordResetToken           = "abracadabra",
                        PasswordResetTokenValidUntil = now.UtcNow,
                        SaltedHashedPassword         = Sha512Util.SaltAndHashNewPassword("password1")
                await ef.SaveChangesAsync();

                AliasesController patient = new AliasesController(ef, dummyLog, now, dummyRunner);

                AliasesController.IndexPatchRequestBody body = new AliasesController.IndexPatchRequestBody
                    resetToken = "abracadabra",
                    password   = "******"
                IActionResult result = await patient.IndexPatch("*****@*****.**", body);

                result.Should().BeOfType <UnauthorizedResult>($"the reset token is expired");
Пример #5
        public async Task WrongClient_Login_NotFound()
            const string PASSWORD = "******", CLIENT = "testing";

            using (IdentityWsDbContext ef = CreateEf()) {
                Alias alias;
                ef.Aliases.Add(alias = new Alias
                    EmailAddress = "*****@*****.**",
                    Being        = new Being
                        SaltedHashedPassword = Sha512Util.SaltAndHashNewPassword(PASSWORD),
                        Clients = new HashSet <BeingClient>
                            new BeingClient {
                                ClientName = CLIENT
                await ef.SaveChangesAsync();

                ClientsController patient = new ClientsController(ef, dummyLog, now, null);

                IActionResult result = await patient.Login("*****@*****.**", "wrong", new ClientsController.LoginRequestBody
                    password = PASSWORD

                result.Should().BeOfType <NotFoundResult>("the client does not match");
        public async Task Alias_IndexPatchMatchingOld_NoContentWithChangedPassword()
            using (IdentityWsDbContext ef = CreateEf()) {
                Being being = new Being
                    SaltedHashedPassword = Sha512Util.SaltAndHashNewPassword("password1")
                ef.Aliases.Add(new Alias
                    EmailAddress = "*****@*****.**",
                    Being        = being
                await ef.SaveChangesAsync();

                AliasesController patient = new AliasesController(ef, dummyLog, now, dummyRunner);

                AliasesController.IndexPatchRequestBody body = new AliasesController.IndexPatchRequestBody
                    oldPassword = "******",
                    password    = "******"
                IActionResult result = await patient.IndexPatch("*****@*****.**", body);

                result.Should().BeOfType <NoContentResult>($"'{nameof(body.oldPassword)}' matched");
                Sha512Util.TestPassword("p@ssword1", being.SaltedHashedPassword).Should().BeTrue("the password should have been changed");
Пример #7
        public async Task BeingAndClient_IndexPost_Conflict()
            using (IdentityWsDbContext ef = CreateEf()) {
                ef.Aliases.Add(new Alias
                    EmailAddress = "*****@*****.**",
                    Being        = new Being
                        Clients = new[] {
                            new BeingClient {
                                ClientName = "testclient"
                await ef.SaveChangesAsync();

                ClientsController patient = new ClientsController(ef, dummyLog, now, null);

                IActionResult result = await patient.IndexPost("*****@*****.**", "testclient", new Dictionary <string, string>());

                result.Should().BeOfType <StatusCodeResult>().Which.StatusCode.Should().Be(StatusCodes.Status409Conflict,
                                                                                           "the client already exists for the being");
Пример #8
        public async Task Being_IndexPost_NoContentWithNewBeingClientAndData()
            using (IdentityWsDbContext ef = CreateEf()) {
                Dictionary <string, string> expected_data = new Dictionary <string, string>()
                    ["key1"] = "value1",
                    ["key2"] = "value2",
                ef.Aliases.Add(new Alias
                    EmailAddress = "*****@*****.**",
                    Being        = new Being()
                await ef.SaveChangesAsync();

                ClientsController patient = new ClientsController(ef, dummyLog, now, null);

                IActionResult result = await patient.IndexPost("*****@*****.**", "testclient", expected_data);

                result.Should().BeOfType <NoContentResult>("no such client existed previously for the being");
                Dictionary <string, string> actual_data = new Dictionary <string, string>();
                await ef.BeingClientData
                .Where(d => d.BeingClient.Being.Aliases.Any(a => a.EmailAddress == "*****@*****.**"))
                .ForEachAsync(d => actual_data.Add(d.Key, d.Value));

                actual_data.ShouldBeEquivalentTo(expected_data, "such data were provided with the POST request");
Пример #9
        public async Task Confirmed_Run_SendsEmail()
            using (IdentityWsDbContext ef = CreateEf()) {
                Email email;
                ef.Emails.Add(email = new Email
                    To = new Alias
                        DateConfirmed = now.UtcNow
                await ef.SaveChangesAsync();

                EmailQueueProcessor patient     = new EmailQueueProcessor(dummyLog, now);
                bool email_sent                 = false;
                Mock <IEmailSender> mock_sender = new Mock <IEmailSender>();
                mock_sender.Setup(m => m.Send(It.IsAny <string>(), It.IsAny <string>(), It.IsAny <string>(),
                                              It.IsAny <string>(), It.IsAny <string>(), It.IsAny <string>()))
                .Callback <string, string, string, string, string, string>((a, b, c, d, e, f) => email_sent = true);
                IServiceProvider services = MakeServices(mock_sender.Object, ef);

                patient.Run(services, null);

                email.Should().Match <Email>(e =>
                                             e.ProcessingCount == 1 &&
                                             e.DateLastProcessed == now.UtcNow &&
                                             "the alias is confirmed");
                email_sent.Should().BeTrue("the email can be sent");
        public async Task OneAlias_IndexDelete_Forbidden()
            using (IdentityWsDbContext ef = CreateEf())
                ef.Beings.Add(new Being
                    Aliases = new HashSet <Alias>
                        new Alias
                            EmailAddress = "*****@*****.**"
                await ef.SaveChangesAsync();

                AliasesController patient = new AliasesController(ef, dummyLog, now, dummyRunner);

                IActionResult result = await patient.IndexDelete("*****@*****.**");

                result.Should().BeOfType <StatusCodeResult>()
                .Which.StatusCode.Should().Be(StatusCodes.Status403Forbidden, "a being must not be without an alias");
                (await ef.Aliases.CountAsync()).Should().Be(1, "the single alias was not deleted");
Пример #11
        public async Task ProhibitedUnconfirmed_Run_FailsPermanently()
            using (IdentityWsDbContext ef = CreateEf()) {
                Email email;
                ef.Emails.Add(email = new Email
                    To = new Alias()
                await ef.SaveChangesAsync();

                EmailQueueProcessor patient     = new EmailQueueProcessor(dummyLog, now);
                bool email_sent                 = false;
                Mock <IEmailSender> mock_sender = new Mock <IEmailSender>();
                mock_sender.Setup(m => m.Send(It.IsAny <string>(), It.IsAny <string>(), It.IsAny <string>(),
                                              It.IsAny <string>(), It.IsAny <string>(), It.IsAny <string>()))
                .Callback <string, string, string, string, string, string>((a, b, c, d, e, f) => email_sent = true);
                IServiceProvider services = MakeServices(mock_sender.Object, ef);

                patient.Run(services, null);

                email.Should().Match <Email>(e =>
                                             e.ProcessingCount == 10 &&
                                             e.DateLastProcessed == now.UtcNow &&
                                             e.LastProcessingError == "Unconfirmed",
                                             "the alias is unconfirmed and Email.SendIfUnconfirmed is false");
                email_sent.Should().BeFalse("an error ocurred");
        public async Task BeingAndResetToken_ResetPost_JsonNewResetToken()
            string old_tok = "Prev";

            using (IdentityWsDbContext ef = CreateEf()) {
                Being being = new Being
                    PasswordResetToken           = old_tok,
                    PasswordResetTokenValidUntil = now.UtcNow.AddMinutes(2)
                ef.Aliases.Add(new Alias
                    EmailAddress = "*****@*****.**",
                    Being        = being
                await ef.SaveChangesAsync();

                AliasesController patient = new AliasesController(ef, dummyLog, now, dummyRunner);

                IActionResult result = await patient.ResetPost("*****@*****.**");

                result.Should().BeOfType <JsonResult>()
                .Which.Value.Should().BeOfType <Dictionary <string, string> >()
                .Which["resetToken"].Should().NotBe(old_tok, "a new token should have been generated");
                being.PasswordResetTokenValidUntil.Should().Be(now.UtcNow.AddHours(1), "the validity period should also reset");
Пример #13
        public async Task OutsideBackoffPeriod_Run_SendsEmail()
            using (IdentityWsDbContext ef = CreateEf()) {
                DateTime last_processed = now.UtcNow.AddMinutes(-16);
                Email    email;
                ef.Emails.Add(email = new Email
                    To = new Alias
                        DateConfirmed = now.UtcNow
                    ProcessingCount     = 4, // Processing should be allowed 16 mins after error (2^^4).
                    LastProcessingError = "some weird error",
                    DateLastProcessed   = last_processed
                await ef.SaveChangesAsync();

                EmailQueueProcessor patient     = new EmailQueueProcessor(dummyLog, now);
                bool email_sent                 = false;
                Mock <IEmailSender> mock_sender = new Mock <IEmailSender>();
                mock_sender.Setup(m => m.Send(It.IsAny <string>(), It.IsAny <string>(), It.IsAny <string>(),
                                              It.IsAny <string>(), It.IsAny <string>(), It.IsAny <string>()))
                .Callback <string, string, string, string, string, string>((a, b, c, d, e, f) => email_sent = true);
                IServiceProvider services = MakeServices(mock_sender.Object, ef);

                patient.Run(services, null);

                email.Should().Match <Email>(e =>
                                             e.ProcessingCount == 5 &&
                                             e.DateLastProcessed == now.UtcNow &&
                                             "the last processing date is (just) outside the back-off period");
                email_sent.Should().BeTrue("the email can be sent");
Пример #14
 public ClientsController(IdentityWsDbContext ef, ILogger <ClientsController> log, IUtcNow now, IConfiguration config)
     this.ef     = ef;
     this.log    = log;    = now;
     this.config = config;
Пример #15
        IServiceProvider MakeServices(IEmailSender sender, IdentityWsDbContext ef)
            Mock <IServiceProvider> mock_provider = new Mock <IServiceProvider>();

            mock_provider.Setup(m => m.GetService(It.IsAny <Type>()))
            .Returns <Type>(t => t.IsAssignableFrom(ef.GetType()) ? (object)ef : sender);
Пример #16
 public AliasesController(IdentityWsDbContext ef, ILogger <AliasesController> log, IUtcNow now,
                          IBackgroundJobRunner <EmailQueueProcessor> runner)
     this.ef     = ef;
     this.log    = log;    = now;
     this.runner = runner;
Пример #17
        public async Task RightPassword_Login_NoContentAndDbTrue()
            const string PASSWORD = "******", CLIENT = "testing";

            using (IdentityWsDbContext ef = CreateEf()) {
                Alias alias;
                ef.Aliases.Add(alias = new Alias
                    EmailAddress = "*****@*****.**",
                    Being        = new Being
                        SaltedHashedPassword = Sha512Util.SaltAndHashNewPassword(PASSWORD),
                        Clients = new HashSet <BeingClient>
                            new BeingClient {
                                ClientName = CLIENT
                    LoginAttempts = new List <LoginAttempt>
                        new LoginAttempt
                            DateCreated = now.UtcNow.AddMinutes(-7)
                        new LoginAttempt
                            DateCreated = now.UtcNow.AddMinutes(-6)
                        new LoginAttempt
                            DateCreated = now.UtcNow.AddMinutes(-5),
                            // The account is not locked because this success breaks the sequence.
                            Success = true
                        new LoginAttempt
                            DateCreated = now.UtcNow.AddMinutes(-4)
                await ef.SaveChangesAsync();

                ClientsController patient = new ClientsController(ef, dummyLog, now, config);

                IActionResult result = await patient.Login("*****@*****.**", CLIENT, new ClientsController.LoginRequestBody
                    password = PASSWORD

                result.Should().BeOfType <NoContentResult>("the password matches");
                (await ef.LoginAttempts.CountAsync()).Should().Be(5, "a new record should be added");
                (await ef.LoginAttempts.LastAsync()).Should().Match <LoginAttempt>(a => a.Success && a.ClientName == CLIENT,
                                                                                   "such a client was supplied");
        public async Task NoAlias_IndexGet_NotFound()
            using (IdentityWsDbContext ef = CreateEf()) {
                AliasesController patient = new AliasesController(ef, dummyLog, now, dummyRunner);

                IActionResult result = await patient.Index("*****@*****.**");

                result.Should().BeOfType <NotFoundResult>("the alias does not exist in the database");
        public async Task NoBeing_ResetPost_NotFound()
            using (IdentityWsDbContext ef = CreateEf()) {
                AliasesController patient = new AliasesController(ef, dummyLog, now, dummyRunner);

                IActionResult result = await patient.ResetPost("*****@*****.**");

                result.Should().BeOfType <NotFoundResult>("the being does not exist");
Пример #20
        public async Task NoBeing_IndexPost_NotFound()
            using (IdentityWsDbContext ef = CreateEf()) {
                ClientsController patient = new ClientsController(ef, dummyLog, now, null);

                IActionResult result = await patient.IndexPost("*****@*****.**", "testclient", new Dictionary <string, string>());

                result.Should().BeOfType <NotFoundResult>("the being does not exist");
Пример #21
        public async Task NoAliasNoClient_Index_NotFound()
            using (IdentityWsDbContext ef = CreateEf()) {
                ClientsController patient = new ClientsController(ef, dummyLog, now, null);

                IActionResult result = await patient.Index("*****@*****.**", "*****@*****.**");

                result.Should().BeOfType <NotFoundResult>("the alias does not exist");
Пример #22
        public async Task ExceptionDuringSend_Run_SavesMessageAndContinues()
            using (IdentityWsDbContext ef = CreateEf()) {
                Email email1, email2;
                ef.Emails.AddRange(new[] {
                    email1 = new Email
                        To = new Alias
                            DateConfirmed = now.UtcNow
                        BodyText = "Hello"
                    }, email2 = new Email
                        To = new Alias
                            DateConfirmed = now.UtcNow
                        BodyText = "World"
                await ef.SaveChangesAsync();

                EmailQueueProcessor patient     = new EmailQueueProcessor(dummyLog, now);
                string emailed_text             = null;
                bool   called_back              = false;
                Mock <IEmailSender> mock_sender = new Mock <IEmailSender>();
                mock_sender.Setup(m => m.Send(It.IsAny <string>(), It.IsAny <string>(), It.IsAny <string>(),
                                              It.IsAny <string>(), It.IsAny <string>(), It.IsAny <string>()))
                .Callback <string, string, string, string, string, string>((a, b, c, d, e, f) => {
                    if (!called_back)
                        called_back = true;
                        throw new Exception("Exceptional!");
                    emailed_text = e;
                IServiceProvider services = MakeServices(mock_sender.Object, ef);

                patient.Run(services, null);

                email1.Should().Match <Email>(e =>
                                              e.ProcessingCount == 1 &&
                                              e.DateLastProcessed == now.UtcNow &&
                                              e.LastProcessingError == "Exceptional!",
                                              "an exception was thrown during sending");
                email2.Should().Match <Email>(e =>
                                              e.ProcessingCount == 1 &&
                                              e.DateLastProcessed == now.UtcNow &&
                                              "sending should succeed");
                emailed_text.Should().Be("World", "that's the subject of email2");
Пример #23
        public void Run(IServiceProvider services, IConfigurationSection section)
            // Work out when to delete before (from the config).
            int      days          = section.GetSection("DeleteCreatedBeforeDays").GetValue <int>(entityName);
            DateTime delete_before = now.UtcNow.AddDays(-days);

            // Delete any older rows.
            IdentityWsDbContext ef    = services.GetRequiredService <IdentityWsDbContext>();
            DbSet <T>           table = (DbSet <T>)tableProperty.GetValue(ef);

            table.RemoveRange(table.Where(e => e.DateCreated < delete_before).ToList());
        public async Task NoAlias_Confirm_NotFound()
            using (IdentityWsDbContext ef = CreateEf()) {
                AliasesController patient = new AliasesController(ef, dummyLog, now, dummyRunner);

                IActionResult result = await patient.ConfirmPost("*****@*****.**", new AliasesController.ConfirmPostRequestBody
                    confirmToken = "abc"

                result.Should().BeOfType <NotFoundResult>("the alias does not exist");
        public async Task NoAlias_IndexPatch_NotFound()
            using (IdentityWsDbContext ef = CreateEf()) {
                AliasesController patient = new AliasesController(ef, dummyLog, now, dummyRunner);

                AliasesController.IndexPatchRequestBody body = new AliasesController.IndexPatchRequestBody
                    password = "******"
                IActionResult result = await patient.IndexPatch("*****@*****.**", body);

                result.Should().BeOfType <NotFoundResult>("the alias does not exist in the database");
Пример #26
        public async Task WrongPassword_Login_UnauthorizedAndDbFalse()
            const string PASSWORD = "******", CLIENT = "testing";

            using (IdentityWsDbContext ef = CreateEf()) {
                Alias alias;
                ef.Aliases.Add(alias = new Alias
                    EmailAddress = "*****@*****.**",
                    Being        = new Being
                        SaltedHashedPassword = Sha512Util.SaltAndHashNewPassword(PASSWORD),
                        Clients = new HashSet <BeingClient>
                            new BeingClient {
                                ClientName = CLIENT
                    LoginAttempts = new List <LoginAttempt>
                        new LoginAttempt
                            // This is too old to count.
                            DateCreated = now.UtcNow.AddMinutes(-15).AddMilliseconds(-100)
                        new LoginAttempt
                            DateCreated = now.UtcNow.AddMinutes(-5)
                await ef.SaveChangesAsync();

                ClientsController patient = new ClientsController(ef, dummyLog, now, config);

                IActionResult result = await patient.Login("*****@*****.**", CLIENT, new ClientsController.LoginRequestBody
                    password = "******"

                LoginAttempt attempt = await ef.LoginAttempts.FirstAsync(a => a.AliasID == alias.AliasID);

                result.Should().BeOfType <UnauthorizedResult>("the password doesn't match");
                (await ef.LoginAttempts.CountAsync()).Should().Be(3, "a new record should be added");
                (await ef.LoginAttempts.LastAsync()).Should().Match <LoginAttempt>(a => !a.Success && a.ClientName == CLIENT,
                                                                                   "such a client was supplied");
        public async Task Alias_IndexPostWithNeitherPasswordNorEmail_BadRequest()
            using (IdentityWsDbContext ef = CreateEf()) {
                ef.Aliases.Add(new Alias {
                    EmailAddress = "*****@*****.**"
                await ef.SaveChangesAsync();

                AliasesController patient = new AliasesController(ef, dummyLog, now, dummyRunner);

                AliasesController.IndexPostRequestBody body = new AliasesController.IndexPostRequestBody();
                IActionResult result = await patient.IndexPost("*****@*****.**", body);

                result.Should().BeOfType <BadRequestResult>($"exactly one of '{nameof(body.otherEmailAddress)}' or '{nameof(body.password)} is required'");
        public async Task WrongAlias_Email_NotFound()
            using (IdentityWsDbContext ef = CreateEf()) {
                Alias alias;
                ef.Aliases.Add(alias = new Alias
                    EmailAddress = "*****@*****.**"
                await ef.SaveChangesAsync();

                AliasesController patient = new AliasesController(ef, dummyLog, now, dummyRunner);

                IActionResult result = await patient.Email("*****@*****.**", new AliasesController.EmailRequestBody());

                result.Should().BeOfType <NotFoundResult>("the email address doesn't match");
        public async Task UnconfirmedAlias_Index_ConfirmationToken()
            using (IdentityWsDbContext ef = CreateEf()) {
                ef.Aliases.Add(new Alias {
                    EmailAddress = "*****@*****.**"
                await ef.SaveChangesAsync();

                AliasesController patient = new AliasesController(ef, dummyLog, now, dummyRunner);

                IActionResult result = await patient.Index("*****@*****.**");

                result.Should().BeOfType <JsonResult>()
                .Which.Value.Should().BeOfType <Dictionary <string, string> >()
                .Which["confirmToken"].Should().NotBeNull("the alias has not yet been confirmed");
Пример #30
        public async Task AliasNoClient_Index_NotFound()
            using (IdentityWsDbContext ef = CreateEf()) {
                ef.Aliases.Add(new Alias
                    EmailAddress = "*****@*****.**",
                    Being        = new Being()
                await ef.SaveChangesAsync();

                ClientsController patient = new ClientsController(ef, dummyLog, now, null);

                IActionResult result = await patient.Index("*****@*****.**", "*****@*****.**");

                result.Should().BeOfType <NotFoundResult>("the client does not exist");