public VarNode(SourcePosition position, IdentNode name, ExpressionNode defaultValue, bool exported, bool final) : base(position) { Name = name; DefaultValue = defaultValue; Exported = exported; Final = final; }
public TryCatchNode(SourcePosition position, StatementNode @try, StatementNode @catch, IdentNode error) : base(position) { Try = @try; Catch = @catch; Error = error; ID = currentID++; }
public RepeatNode(IdentNode iterator, ExpressionNode start, ExpressionNode end, StatementNode statement) { this.iterator = iterator; this.start = start; this.end = end; this.statement = statement; }
public void ProcessConstant(SqlNode constant, bool resolveIdent) { // If the constant is an IDENT, figure out what it means... bool isIdent = (constant.Type == HqlSqlWalker.IDENT || constant.Type == HqlSqlWalker.WEIRD_IDENT); if (resolveIdent && isIdent && IsAlias(constant.Text)) { // IDENT is a class alias in the FROM. IdentNode ident = (IdentNode)constant; // Resolve to an identity column. ident.Resolve(false, true); } else { // IDENT might be the name of a class. IQueryable queryable = _walker.SessionFactoryHelper.FindQueryableUsingImports(constant.Text); if (isIdent && queryable != null) { constant.Text = queryable.DiscriminatorSQLValue; } // Otherwise, it's a literal. else { ProcessLiteral(constant); } } }
public ProcNode(SourcePosition position, IdentNode name, bool exported) : base(position) { Name = name; Exported = exported; Parameters = new List <ParameterNode>(); Statements = new List <StatementNode>(); }
public ForKeyValueIteratorNode(SourcePosition position, IdentNode key, IdentNode value, ExpressionNode from, StatementNode code) : base(position) { Key = key; Value = value; From = from; Code = code; }
private IdentNode parseIdent() { expect(TokenType.IDENT); var ident = new IdentNode(current().Data); next(); return(ident); }
private IdentNode ParseIdent() { Expect(TokenType.IDENT); var ident = new IdentNode(Position(), Current().Text); Next(); return(ident); }
public ForRangeNode(SourcePosition position, IdentNode iterator, ExpressionNode start, ExpressionNode end, ExpressionNode by, StatementNode code) : base(position) { Iterator = iterator; Start = start; End = end; Code = code; By = by; }
public OptionNode(IdentNode key, ExpressionNode @case, ExpressionNode caseDecision, ExpressionNode defaultDecision) { Key = key; Case = @case; CaseDecision = caseDecision; DefaultDecision = defaultDecision; ID = currentID++; }
private void generateIdent(ILGenerator il, IdentNode node, Dictionary <string, LocalBuilder> locals) { if (locals.ContainsKey(node.Ident)) { il.Emit(OpCodes.Ldloc, locals[node.Ident]); } else { il.Emit(OpCodes.Ldarg_2); } }
public void Visit(IdentNode node) { SymbolTableEntry info; if (symbolTable.TryLookup(node.Name, out info)) { info.EmitLookup(il); } else { OnCodeGenError(new SemanticErrorEventArgs(String.Format("`{0}` is not in scope", node.Name))); } }
public void VisitIdent(IdentNode node) { UpdateLine(node); if (asm.IsLocal(node.Value)) { asm.GetLocal(node.Value); } else if (asm.IsUpValue(node.Value)) { GetUpValue(node.Value); } else { asm.GetGlobal(node.Value); } }
IASTNode GenerateSyntheticDotNodeForNonQualifiedPropertyRef(IASTNode property, FromElement fromElement) { IASTNode dot = (IASTNode)adaptor.Create(DOT, "{non-qualified-property-ref}"); // TODO : better way?!? ((DotNode)dot).PropertyPath = ((FromReferenceNode)property).Path; IdentNode syntheticAlias = (IdentNode)adaptor.Create(IDENT, "{synthetic-alias}"); syntheticAlias.FromElement = fromElement; syntheticAlias.IsResolved = true; dot.SetFirstChild(syntheticAlias); dot.AddChild(property); return(dot); }
public void VisitId(IdentNode n) { idOrNum = new IdentificatorValue(n.Name); }
public void VisitIdent(IdentNode node) { writeLine(node.Ident); }
public ForIteratorNode(SourcePosition position, IdentNode iterator, ExpressionNode from, StatementNode code) : base(position) { Iterator = iterator; From = from; Code = code; }
public abstract void VisitIdent(IdentNode node);
public VarNode(IdentNode name, ExpressionNode defaultValue) { = name; this.defaultValue = defaultValue; }
public IdentNodeTests() { subject = new IdentNode(new SourcePosition(2, 4), "foo"); }
public void VisitIdent(IdentNode node) { VisitIdentHandler(node); }
public DesignationNode makeDesignationNode(DesignationNode node, IdentNode ident) { return(null); }
public override void VisitIdent(IdentNode node) { }
public EnumDeclNode getEnumDecl(IdentNode idNode) { return(null); }
//- enums ------------------------------------------------------------- public EnumDeclNode startEnumSpec(IdentNode idNode, EnumeratorNode enumer) { return(null); }
public AssignNode(IdentNode name, ExpressionNode value) { = name; this.value = value; }
//- struct/unions ----------------------------------------------------- //public Declaration makeTypeDeclNode(DeclSpecNode declspecs) //{ // TypeDeclNode typdef = declspecs.baseType; // Declaration decl = new Declaration(); // decl.decls.Add(typdef); // return decl; //} public StructDeclNode starttructSpec(StructDeclNode node, IdentNode idNode, StructDeclarationNode field, bool isUnion) { return(null); }
public DefNode(IdentNode name) { = name; parameters = new List <IdentNode>(); code = new List <StatementNode>(); }
public StructDeclNode getStructDecl(IdentNode idNode, bool isUnion) { return(null); }
public EnumDeclNode(IdentNode idNode) : base("enum") { // TODO: Complete member initialization this.idNode = idNode; }