private string determineIconToken(IconType type) { string token = ""; if (type.Equals(IconType.Item)) { token = "it"; } else if (type.Equals(IconType.Skill)) { token = "sk"; } else if (type.Equals(IconType.GameObject)) { token = "ob"; } return(token); }
public void DrawIcon() { if (!icon_type.Equals(IconType.GameObject)) { if (icon_base_container != null) { GUI.DrawTexture(dimensions, icon_base_container); } if (icon_container_object != null) { GUI.DrawTexture(dimensions, icon_container_object); } } }
// used to retrieve details from a specific file with the associated type and name TooltipDetails RetrieveDetails(IconType type, string name) { TooltipDetails details = new TooltipDetails(); details.Name = name; Stream stream; StreamReader reader; if (type.Equals(IconType.Item) && previousIconType != IconType.Item) { objectInfoFile = (TextAsset)Resources.Load("ObjectDetails/item_info"); previousIconType = IconType.Item; } else if (type.Equals(IconType.Skill) && previousIconType != IconType.Skill) { objectInfoFile = (TextAsset)Resources.Load("ObjectDetails/skill_info"); previousIconType = IconType.Skill; } else if (type.Equals(IconType.GameObject) && previousIconType != IconType.GameObject) { objectInfoFile = (TextAsset)Resources.Load("ObjectDetails/object_info"); previousIconType = IconType.GameObject; } try { stream = new MemoryStream(objectInfoFile.bytes); reader = new StreamReader(stream); string desired = "[" + determineIconToken(type) + "]" + name; string read_in = ""; while (!read_in.Equals(desired)) { string data = reader.ReadLine(); if (data.Length >= desired.Length) { read_in = data.Substring(0, desired.Length); } else { read_in = "NULL"; } if (read_in.Equals(desired)) { int extra_char_counter = 0; for (int i = desired.Length; i < data.Length; i++) { if (data[i] != '[') { extra_char_counter++; } else { break; } } details.NameColor = determineNameColor(data.Substring(desired.Length + extra_char_counter, data.Length - (desired.Length + extra_char_counter))); data = reader.ReadLine(); details.ID = int.Parse(data.Substring("[id]".Length, data.Length - "[id]".Length)); string[] CombinedDetails = determineDetails(reader); List <Color> colors = new List <Color>(); details.StatisticalDetails = placeDetails(CombinedDetails, 's', colors); details.StatisticalColors = colors.ToArray(); colors.Clear(); details.DescriptiveDetails = placeDetails(CombinedDetails, 'd', colors); details.DescriptiveColors = colors.ToArray(); colors.Clear(); break; } } reader.Close(); stream.Close(); } catch (IOException ex) { Debug.Log(ex.Message); } return(details); }