Пример #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Function to extract the images from the database and copy then to the temp location   Get icons referred inside metadata
        /// </summary>
        private static void ExtractImage(int elementNId, IconElementType IconElementType, DIConnection DIConnection, DIQueries DIQueries, String OutPutPath)
            string    sSql   = DIQueries.Icon.GetIcon(elementNId.ToString(), IconElementType);
            DataTable dtIcon = DIConnection.ExecuteDataTable(sSql);

                if (dtIcon != null)
                    for (int index = 0; index < dtIcon.Rows.Count; index++)
                        Byte[] Buffer;
                        Buffer = (Byte[])dtIcon.Rows[index][Icons.ElementIcon];
                        //create memory stream from this array of bytes
                        System.IO.MemoryStream str = new System.IO.MemoryStream(Buffer);
                        System.Drawing.Image.FromStream(str).Save(System.IO.Path.Combine(OutPutPath, dtIcon.Rows[index][Icons.IconNId].ToString() + "." + dtIcon.Rows[index][Icons.IconType].ToString()));
            catch (Exception)
                //throw ex;
Пример #2
 public static void ClearIcon(DIConnection dbConnection, string dataPrefix, IconElementType elementType)
         dbConnection.ExecuteNonQuery(DevInfo.Lib.DI_LibDAL.Queries.Icon.Delete.ClearIcon(dataPrefix, DIIcons.Elements[elementType].ToString()));
     catch (Exception ex)
         throw new ApplicationException(ex.ToString());
Пример #3
        public static void ClearIcon(DIConnection dbConnection, string dataPrefix, IconElementType elementType)
                dbConnection.ExecuteNonQuery(DevInfo.Lib.DI_LibDAL.Queries.Icon.Delete.ClearIcon(dataPrefix, DIIcons.Elements[elementType].ToString()));

            catch (Exception ex)
                throw new ApplicationException(ex.ToString());
Пример #4
        /// <summary>
        /// Get Icon  details from Icons table for a given  elementNId and ElementType
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="elementNId">elementNId for which icon is to be extracted</param>
        /// <param name="IconElementType">For FilterFieldType "Search" FilterText should be FootNotes.FootNote LIKE '%Sample FootNote%'</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public string GetIcon(string elementNId, IconElementType IconElementType)
            string RetVal = string.Empty;
            StringBuilder sbQuery = new StringBuilder();

            sbQuery.Append("SELECT " + DIColumns.Icons.IconNId + "," + DIColumns.Icons.IconType + "," + DIColumns.Icons.IconDimW );
            sbQuery.Append("," + DIColumns.Icons.IconDimH + "," + DIColumns.Icons.ElementType + "," + DIColumns.Icons.ElementNId + "," + DIColumns.Icons.ElementIcon);

            sbQuery.Append(" FROM " + this.TablesName.Icons);

            sbQuery.Append(" WHERE ");
            sbQuery.Append(DIColumns.Icons.ElementType + "=" + DIQueries.IconElementTypeText[IconElementType]);

            if (elementNId.Trim().Length > 0)
                sbQuery.Append(" AND " + DIColumns.Icons.ElementNId + " IN (" + elementNId + ")");

            RetVal = sbQuery.ToString();
            return RetVal;
Пример #5
 /// <summary>
 /// Function to extract the images from the database and copy then to the temp location   Get icons referred inside metadata
 /// </summary>
 private static void ExtractImage(int elementNId, IconElementType IconElementType, DIConnection DIConnection, DIQueries DIQueries, String OutPutPath)
     string sSql = DIQueries.Icon.GetIcon(elementNId.ToString(), IconElementType);
     DataTable dtIcon = DIConnection.ExecuteDataTable(sSql);
         if (dtIcon != null)
             for (int index = 0; index < dtIcon.Rows.Count; index++)
                 Byte[] Buffer;
                 Buffer = (Byte[])dtIcon.Rows[index][Icons.ElementIcon];
                 //create memory stream from this array of bytes
                 System.IO.MemoryStream str = new System.IO.MemoryStream(Buffer);
                 System.Drawing.Image.FromStream(str).Save(System.IO.Path.Combine(OutPutPath, dtIcon.Rows[index][Icons.IconNId].ToString() + "." + dtIcon.Rows[index][Icons.IconType].ToString()));
     catch (Exception)
         //throw ex;
Пример #6
        /// <summary> 
        /// Dictionary containing old IconNId as key and new IconNId as value. 
        /// This information shall be utilised to update metadata xml being inserted / updated 
        /// </summary> 
        /// <param name="NidInSourceDB"></param> 
        /// <param name="NidInTargetDB"></param> 
        /// <param name="elementType"></param> 
        /// <param name="sourceQurey"></param> 
        /// <param name="SourceDBConnection"></param> 
        /// <param name="targetQurey"></param> 
        /// <param name="TargetDBConnection"></param> 
        /// <returns> 
        /// </returns> 
        /// <remarks></remarks> 
        public static Dictionary<string, string> ImportElement(int NidInSourceDB, int NidInTargetDB, IconElementType elementType, DIQueries sourceQurey, DIConnection sourceDBConnection, DIQueries targetQurey, DIConnection targetDBConnection)
            Dictionary<string, string> RetVal = new Dictionary<string, string>();

            string ElementValue = DIIcons.Elements[elementType];
            string SqlQuery = string.Empty;
            DataTable IconsDatatable;
            string OldIconNId = string.Empty;
            string NewIconNId = string.Empty;
            try {
                if ((sourceDBConnection != null)) {

                    if (DIIcons.IsIconsTblExists(sourceQurey.TablesName.Icons, sourceDBConnection)) {
                        //-- In Target Database: delete records from UT_Icon table if Icon is already associated with given Element Type
                        SqlQuery=DevInfo.Lib.DI_LibDAL.Queries.Icon.Delete.DeleteIcon(targetQurey.DataPrefix,ElementValue, NidInTargetDB.ToString());

                        //-- In Source Database: check Icon is associated with the given Element type in UT_ICon table
                        SqlQuery = sourceQurey.Icon.GetIcon(NidInSourceDB.ToString(), ElementValue);
                        IconsDatatable = sourceDBConnection.ExecuteDataTable(SqlQuery);

                        //-- If associated, then copy it it from Source database into target database
                        foreach(DataRow Row in IconsDatatable.Rows)
                        //-- Insert Icon and get new IconNId
                            NewIconNId = DIIcons.InsertIcon(targetDBConnection, targetQurey, (byte[])(Row["Element_Icon"]), Row["Icon_Type"].ToString(), Convert.ToInt32(Row["Icon_Dim_W"]), Convert.ToInt32(Row["Icon_Dim_H"]), ElementValue,Convert.ToString( NidInTargetDB)).ToString();

                            //-- Add Item to Dictionary with New IconNId as Key and Old IconNId as Value
                            RetVal.Add(IMG_PREFIX + Row["Icon_NId"].ToString() + ".", IMG_PREFIX + NewIconNId + ".");
            catch (Exception ex) {
                throw new ApplicationException(ex.Message);
            return RetVal;
Пример #7
        /// <summary>
        /// Imports metadata from the source database into current database
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="srcConnection"></param>
        /// <param name="srcQueries"></param>
        /// <param name="srcElementNid"></param>
        /// <param name="trgElementNid"></param>
        /// <param name="categoryType"></param>
        /// <param name="metadataType"></param>
        /// <param name="iconType"></param>
        public void ImportMetadata(DIConnection srcConnection, DIQueries srcQueries, int srcElementNid, int trgElementNid, MetadataElementType categoryType, MetaDataType metadataType, IconElementType iconType)
            string    SrcCategoryGID   = string.Empty;
            string    MetadataText     = string.Empty;
            int       TrgCategoryNid   = 0;
            DataTable TrgCategoryTable = null;
            Dictionary <String, String> OldIconNIdnNewIconNId = new Dictionary <string, string>();

                // Get target Category table
                TrgCategoryTable = this.DBConnection.ExecuteDataTable(this.DBQueries.Metadata_Category.GetMetadataCategories(FilterFieldType.Type, DIQueries.MetadataElementTypeText[categoryType]));

                // update metadata icon in DICon table
                OldIconNIdnNewIconNId = DIIcons.ImportElement(srcElementNid, trgElementNid, iconType, srcQueries, srcConnection, this.DBQueries, this.DBConnection);

                //get source metadata reports
                foreach (DataRow SrcRow in srcConnection.ExecuteDataTable(srcQueries.MetadataReport.GetMetadataReportsByTargetNid(srcElementNid.ToString(), categoryType)).Rows)
                    SrcCategoryGID = Convert.ToString(SrcRow[Metadata_Category.CategoryGId]);

                    // check source category GID exists in current database
                    // Import metadta report only if category exists in current database
                    foreach (DataRow TrgCategoryRow in TrgCategoryTable.Select(Metadata_Category.CategoryGId + "='" + DIQueries.RemoveQuotesForSqlQuery(SrcCategoryGID) + "' "))
                        MetadataText = Convert.ToString(SrcRow[MetadataReport.Metadata]);

                        // Update IconNids in metadata if exists
                        foreach (string OldIconName in OldIconNIdnNewIconNId.Keys)
                            MetadataText = MetadataText.Replace(OldIconName, OldIconNIdnNewIconNId[OldIconName].ToString());

                        TrgCategoryNid = Convert.ToInt32(TrgCategoryRow[Metadata_Category.CategoryNId]);
                        this.InsertORUpdateMetadataInfo(metadataType, TrgCategoryNid.ToString(), trgElementNid, MetadataText);
            catch (Exception ex)
Пример #8
        /// <summary>
        ///  Main Method for Displaying Metadata
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="elementType"> Element Type.<example>ElementType.All, ElementType.Indicator </example> <seealso cref="DI_MetaInfo.ElementType"/></param>
        /// <param name="elementNid">ID of selected Data.IND - IndicatorNId, Area - AreaNId, Source - ICNId</param>
        /// <param name="DI_QueryBase"> This contain Connection Details</param>
        /// <param name="outPutPath">This contains the path where  output files were created</param>
        /// <param name="outputFileName">
        /// this will be  the name of outputFile without extention
        /// which will be created at the output path to display metadata
        /// <remarks> extension like ".xml" ".xsl" and ".html" are added to this outputFile name
        /// while creating files </remarks>
        /// </param>
        /// <returns>
        /// </returns>
        public static bool ExtractXmlMetadata(MetadataElementType metadataElementType, int elementNId, DIConnection DIConnection, DIQueries DIQueries, string outputFolder, string outputFileName, ref string infoTitle)
            bool RetVal = false;

            infoTitle = string.Empty;   //Will return the Element name against  ElementNId
            IconElementType IconElementType = IconElementType.MetadataIndicator;
            XmlDocument     XMLDoc          = new XmlDocument();

            DataTable DTMetaDataInfo = null;
            string    MetadataInfo   = string.Empty;
            String    sSql           = "";
            int       LayerNId       = -1;
            string    TargetObjectID = string.Empty;

            Lib.DI_LibSDMX.MetadataTypes SDMXMetadataType = DevInfo.Lib.DI_LibSDMX.MetadataTypes.Indicator;

            switch (metadataElementType)
            case MetadataElementType.Area:
                IconElementType  = IconElementType.MetadataArea;
                SDMXMetadataType = DevInfo.Lib.DI_LibSDMX.MetadataTypes.Area;

                //-- Get LayerNId associated with AreaNId
                if (_LayerNId == -1)
                    LayerNId = GetLayerNId(elementNId.ToString(), DIConnection, DIQueries);
                    LayerNId = _LayerNId;
                //if (LayerNId != -1)
                //    //-- Get Layer Metadata Info
                //    sSql = DIQueries.Area.GetAreaMapMetadata(LayerNId.ToString());
                //    DTMetaDataInfo = DIConnection.ExecuteDataTable(sSql);
                //    if (DTMetaDataInfo != null & DTMetaDataInfo.Rows.Count > 0)
                //    {
                //        MetadataInfo = DTMetaDataInfo.Rows[0][Area_Map_Metadata.MetadataText].ToString();
                //    }
                // Set Meta Info title.
                sSql           = DIQueries.Area.GetArea(FilterFieldType.NId, elementNId.ToString());
                DTMetaDataInfo = DIConnection.ExecuteDataTable(sSql);
                if (DTMetaDataInfo != null & DTMetaDataInfo.Rows.Count > 0)
                    infoTitle      = DTMetaDataInfo.Rows[0][Area.AreaName].ToString() + " (" + DTMetaDataInfo.Rows[0][Area.AreaID].ToString() + ")";
                    TargetObjectID = Convert.ToString(DTMetaDataInfo.Rows[0][Area.AreaID]);

            case MetadataElementType.Indicator:
                IconElementType  = IconElementType.MetadataIndicator;
                SDMXMetadataType = DevInfo.Lib.DI_LibSDMX.MetadataTypes.Indicator;

                sSql           = DIQueries.Indicators.GetIndicator(FilterFieldType.NId, elementNId.ToString(), FieldSelection.Heavy);
                DTMetaDataInfo = DIConnection.ExecuteDataTable(sSql);
                if (DTMetaDataInfo != null & DTMetaDataInfo.Rows.Count > 0)
                    infoTitle      = DTMetaDataInfo.Rows[0][Indicator.IndicatorName].ToString();
                    TargetObjectID = Convert.ToString(DTMetaDataInfo.Rows[0][Indicator.IndicatorGId]);

            case MetadataElementType.Source:
                IconElementType  = IconElementType.MetadataSource;
                SDMXMetadataType = DevInfo.Lib.DI_LibSDMX.MetadataTypes.Source;

                sSql           = DIQueries.IndicatorClassification.GetIC(FilterFieldType.NId, elementNId.ToString(), ICType.Source, FieldSelection.Heavy);
                DTMetaDataInfo = DIConnection.ExecuteDataTable(sSql);
                if (DTMetaDataInfo != null & DTMetaDataInfo.Rows.Count > 0)
                    infoTitle      = DTMetaDataInfo.Rows[0][IndicatorClassifications.ICName].ToString();
                    TargetObjectID = Convert.ToString(DTMetaDataInfo.Rows[0][IndicatorClassifications.ICGId]);

                // Get metadata xml file using SDMX library

                MetadataInfo = Lib.DI_LibSDMX.SDMXUtility.Get_MetadataReport(DevInfo.Lib.DI_LibSDMX.SDMXSchemaType.Two_One, TargetObjectID, SDMXMetadataType, "MDAgency", DIQueries.LanguageCode.Replace("_", ""), DIConnection, DIQueries).InnerXml;

                DevInfo.Lib.DI_LibBAL.DA.DML.DI7MetaDataBuilder MetadataBuilder = new DevInfo.Lib.DI_LibBAL.DA.DML.DI7MetaDataBuilder(DIConnection, DIQueries);

                // Get metadata xml file with category name..
                XMLDoc = MetadataBuilder.GetMetadataReportWCategoryName(MetadataInfo, metadataElementType);

                MetadataInfo = XMLDoc.InnerXml;

                //Write Metadata text to physical file
                // --Change on 18-03-08 .blank xml with root element will be written in case of no metadata info found in database
                // If no metadata info create a blank xml file. with root element.
                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(MetadataInfo) || MetadataInfo.Trim().Length == 0)
                    WriteToFile("<?xml version='1.0'?><root ></root >", System.IO.Path.Combine(outputFolder, outputFileName + ".xml"));
                    WriteToFile(MetadataInfo, System.IO.Path.Combine(outputFolder, outputFileName + ".xml"));
                // Commented on 18-march -2008. shifted in if else part above.
                ////WriteToFile(MetadataInfo, System.IO.Path.Combine(outputFolder, outputFileName + ".xml"));
            catch (Exception ex)
                RetVal = false;

            if (MetadataInfo.Trim().Length > 0)
                RetVal = true;

                //Write XLS and HTMLFile
                    switch (metadataElementType)
                    case MetadataElementType.Area:
                        //In Case Area Get Xslt associated with LayerNId (not with AreaNId)
                        sSql = DIQueries.Xslt.GetXSLT(LayerNId.ToString(), metadataElementType);

                    case MetadataElementType.Indicator:
                    case MetadataElementType.Source:
                        sSql = DIQueries.Xslt.GetXSLT(elementNId.ToString(), metadataElementType);

                    DataTable XSLTInfo = (DIConnection.ExecuteDataTable(sSql));

                    // If  XSLT info was Found Write write Xsl and Html file
                    if (XSLTInfo != null & XSLTInfo.Rows.Count > 0)
                        // Creating Xsl File
                        String xslString = XSLTInfo.Rows[0]["XSLT_Text"].ToString();
                        WriteToFile(xslString, System.IO.Path.Combine(outputFolder, outputFileName + ".xsl"));

                        //Write HTml file
                        WriteHtmlFile(outputFolder, outputFileName);
                catch (Exception)

                //Extract Images associated with metadata
                    if (metadataElementType == MetadataElementType.Area)
                        ExtractImage(LayerNId, IconElementType, DIConnection, DIQueries, outputFolder);
                        ExtractImage(elementNId, IconElementType, DIConnection, DIQueries, outputFolder);
                catch (Exception)
                    //Old database may not have Icon table

            infoTitle = infoTitle.Replace("&", "&&"); //label control do not display & character
Пример #9
        /// <summary>
        /// Imports metadata from the source database into current database
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="srcConnection"></param>
        /// <param name="srcQueries"></param>
        /// <param name="srcElementNid"></param>
        /// <param name="trgElementNid"></param>
        /// <param name="categoryType"></param>
        /// <param name="metadataType"></param>
        /// <param name="iconType"></param>
        public void ImportMetadata(DIConnection srcConnection, DIQueries srcQueries, int srcElementNid, int trgElementNid, MetadataElementType categoryType, MetaDataType metadataType, IconElementType iconType)
            string SrcCategoryGID = string.Empty;
            string MetadataText = string.Empty;
            int TrgCategoryNid = 0;
            DataTable TrgCategoryTable = null;
            Dictionary<String, String> OldIconNIdnNewIconNId = new Dictionary<string, string>();

                // Get target Category table
                TrgCategoryTable = this.DBConnection.ExecuteDataTable(this.DBQueries.Metadata_Category.GetMetadataCategories(FilterFieldType.Type, DIQueries.MetadataElementTypeText[categoryType]));

                // update metadata icon in DICon table
                OldIconNIdnNewIconNId = DIIcons.ImportElement(srcElementNid, trgElementNid, iconType, srcQueries, srcConnection, this.DBQueries, this.DBConnection);

                //get source metadata reports
                foreach (DataRow SrcRow in srcConnection.ExecuteDataTable(srcQueries.MetadataReport.GetMetadataReportsByTargetNid(srcElementNid.ToString(), categoryType)).Rows)
                    SrcCategoryGID = Convert.ToString(SrcRow[Metadata_Category.CategoryGId]);

                    // check source category GID exists in current database
                    // Import metadta report only if category exists in current database
                    foreach (DataRow TrgCategoryRow in TrgCategoryTable.Select(Metadata_Category.CategoryGId + "='" + DIQueries.RemoveQuotesForSqlQuery(SrcCategoryGID) + "' "))
                        MetadataText = Convert.ToString(SrcRow[MetadataReport.Metadata]);

                        // Update IconNids in metadata if exists
                        foreach (string OldIconName in OldIconNIdnNewIconNId.Keys)
                            MetadataText = MetadataText.Replace(OldIconName, OldIconNIdnNewIconNId[OldIconName].ToString());

                        TrgCategoryNid = Convert.ToInt32(TrgCategoryRow[Metadata_Category.CategoryNId]);
                        this.InsertORUpdateMetadataInfo(metadataType, TrgCategoryNid.ToString(), trgElementNid, MetadataText);
            catch (Exception ex)
Пример #10
        /// <summary>
        /// Dictionary containing old IconNId as key and new IconNId as value.
        /// This information shall be utilised to update metadata xml being inserted / updated
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="NidInSourceDB"></param>
        /// <param name="NidInTargetDB"></param>
        /// <param name="elementType"></param>
        /// <param name="sourceQurey"></param>
        /// <param name="SourceDBConnection"></param>
        /// <param name="targetQurey"></param>
        /// <param name="TargetDBConnection"></param>
        /// <returns>
        /// </returns>
        /// <remarks></remarks>
        public static Dictionary <string, string> ImportElement(int NidInSourceDB, int NidInTargetDB, IconElementType elementType, DIQueries sourceQurey, DIConnection sourceDBConnection, DIQueries targetQurey, DIConnection targetDBConnection)
            Dictionary <string, string> RetVal = new Dictionary <string, string>();

            string    ElementValue = DIIcons.Elements[elementType];
            string    SqlQuery     = string.Empty;
            DataTable IconsDatatable;
            string    OldIconNId = string.Empty;
            string    NewIconNId = string.Empty;

            try {
                if ((sourceDBConnection != null))
                    if (DIIcons.IsIconsTblExists(sourceQurey.TablesName.Icons, sourceDBConnection))
                        //-- In Target Database: delete records from UT_Icon table if Icon is already associated with given Element Type
                        SqlQuery = DevInfo.Lib.DI_LibDAL.Queries.Icon.Delete.DeleteIcon(targetQurey.DataPrefix, ElementValue, NidInTargetDB.ToString());

                        //-- In Source Database: check Icon is associated with the given Element type in UT_ICon table
                        SqlQuery       = sourceQurey.Icon.GetIcon(NidInSourceDB.ToString(), ElementValue);
                        IconsDatatable = sourceDBConnection.ExecuteDataTable(SqlQuery);

                        //-- If associated, then copy it it from Source database into target database
                        foreach (DataRow Row in IconsDatatable.Rows)
                            //-- Insert Icon and get new IconNId
                            NewIconNId = DIIcons.InsertIcon(targetDBConnection, targetQurey, (byte[])(Row["Element_Icon"]), Row["Icon_Type"].ToString(), Convert.ToInt32(Row["Icon_Dim_W"]), Convert.ToInt32(Row["Icon_Dim_H"]), ElementValue, Convert.ToString(NidInTargetDB)).ToString();

                            //-- Add Item to Dictionary with New IconNId as Key and Old IconNId as Value
                            RetVal.Add(IMG_PREFIX + Row["Icon_NId"].ToString() + ".", IMG_PREFIX + NewIconNId + ".");
            catch (Exception ex) {
                throw new ApplicationException(ex.Message);