void Deploy() { if (_lock) { return; } float minx = -(_width * _dim[0]) / 2; float miny = -(_height * _dim[1]) / 2; _map = new GameObject[_width, _height]; for (int j = 0; j < _height; ++j) { GameObject line = new GameObject(); line.name = "Row " + j.ToString(); line.transform.parent = transform; for (int i = 0; i < _width; ++i) { _map[i, j] = new GameObject(); _map[i, j].transform.parent = line.transform; _map[i, j].transform.position = new Vector3(minx + _dim[0] * i, 0.0f, miny + _dim[1] * j); _map[i, j].AddComponent <TileCell>(); _map[i, j].name = "Col " + i.ToString(); } } IconControl icc = this.transform.GetComponent <IconControl>(); if (icc != null) { icc._container = this; icc.Deploy(_width, _height, _dim[0], _dim[1]); } }
void Awake() { if (Instance == null) { Instance = this; } }
private void Awake() { attrControls = new Dictionary <string, AttrUIControl>(); skillIcon = new List <Transform>(); Transform skills = this.transform.Find("skills"); for (int i = 0; i < skills.childCount; i++) { skillIcon.Add(skills.GetChild(i)); UIEventListener.Get(skills.GetChild(i).gameObject).onHover = (go, state) => { if (state) { UITooltip.Show(go.name); } else { UITooltip.Hide(); } }; } lv = this.transform.Find("lv").Find("value").GetComponent <UILabel>(); killed = this.transform.Find("kill").Find("value").GetComponent <UILabel>(); soul = this.transform.Find("soul").Find("value").GetComponent <UILabel>(); iconFocus = this.transform.Find("focus").GetComponent <UITexture>(); iconFocus.enabled = false; attrControls["hp"] = new SliderControl(this.transform.FindChild("hp"), null); attrControls["mp"] = new SliderControl(this.transform.FindChild("mp"), null); attrControls["exp"] = new SliderControl(this.transform.FindChild("exp"), null); attrControls["atk"] = new IconControl(this.transform.FindChild("atk"), null); attrControls["def"] = new IconControl(this.transform.FindChild("def"), null); attrControls["speed"] = new IconControl(this.transform.FindChild("speed"), null); attrControls["luck"] = new IconControl(this.transform.FindChild("luck"), null); attrControls["mind"] = new IconControl(this.transform.FindChild("mind"), null); //Transform hd = this.transform.FindChild("HUDText"); //this.attacker.GetComponent<ChracterBase>().SetHudText(hd.GetComponent<HUDText>()); //GameManager.gameMain.RegStateUI(this); }
protected void Upload_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (Allowed_Extension() == true) { try { con.Open(); string folderPath = Server.MapPath("~/Apps/" + appName.Text + "/"); int APPID; Random r = new Random(); do { APPID = r.Next(1, 100); cmd = new SqlCommand("select * from App where ID = " + APPID + ";", con); rd = cmd.ExecuteReader(); } while (rd.HasRows); //Select a unique ID from 1 to 100 rd.Close(); if (!Directory.Exists(folderPath)) { Directory.CreateDirectory(folderPath); string iconPath = Server.MapPath("~/Apps/" + appName.Text + "/" + "img/"); Directory.CreateDirectory(iconPath); string filename = ""; string iconname = ""; if (FControl.HasFile) { try { filename = Path.GetFileName(FControl.FileName); iconname = Path.GetFileName(IconControl.FileName); FControl.SaveAs(folderPath + filename); IconControl.SaveAs(iconPath + iconname); FileInfo fi = new FileInfo(Convert.ToString(folderPath + Path.GetFileName(FControl.FileName))); FileInfo ic = new FileInfo(Convert.ToString(folderPath + Path.GetFileName(IconControl.FileName))); long size = fi.Length / 1024; cmd.CommandText = "insert into App values(" + APPID + ",'" + appName.Text + "','" + Description.Text + "','" + getTypeFromExtension(fi.Extension) + "'," + size + ");" + "insert into AppLocation values(" + APPID + ",'" + fi.Name.ToString() + "');" + "insert into AppIcon values(" + APPID + ",'" + ic.Name.ToString() + "');"; cmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); foreach (ListItem listItem in Category.Items) { if (listItem.Selected) { cmd.CommandText = "insert into AppCategory values(" + APPID + "," + listItem.Value + ");"; cmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); } } con.Close(); StatusLabel.Text = "Upload Status: " + "File Uploaded"; } catch (Exception ex) { StatusLabel.Text = "Upload Status: Upload Failed. Reason: " + ex.Message; } } } else { StatusLabel.Text = "Upload Status: App Already Exists"; } } catch (Exception ex) { StatusLabel.Text += "Exception Occured. Reason:" + ex.Message; } } else { StatusLabel.Text = "Upload Status: Failed. Reason: Category and file type mismatched..."; } }