public OpaqueEndpointI(short type, Ice.InputStream s) { _type = type; _rawEncoding = s.getEncoding(); int sz = s.getEncapsulationSize(); _rawBytes = new byte[sz]; s.readBlob(_rawBytes); calcHashValue(); }
internal static void trace(string heading, Ice.OutputStream str, Ice.Logger logger, TraceLevels tl) { if(tl.protocol >= 1) { int p = str.pos(); Ice.InputStream iss = new Ice.InputStream(str.instance(), str.getEncoding(), str.getBuffer(), false); iss.pos(0); using(System.IO.StringWriter s = new System.IO.StringWriter(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture)) { s.Write(heading); printMessage(s, iss); logger.trace(tl.protocolCat, s.ToString()); } str.pos(p); } }
internal static void traceSend(Ice.OutputStream str, Ice.Logger logger, TraceLevels tl) { if(tl.protocol >= 1) { int p = str.pos(); Ice.InputStream iss = new Ice.InputStream(str.instance(), str.getEncoding(), str.getBuffer(), false); iss.pos(0); using(System.IO.StringWriter s = new System.IO.StringWriter(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture)) { byte type = printMessage(s, iss); logger.trace(tl.protocolCat, "sending " + getMessageTypeAsString(type) + " " + s.ToString()); } str.pos(p); } }
private void invokeAll(Ice.OutputStream os, int requestId, int batchRequestNum) { if(_traceLevels.protocol >= 1) { fillInValue(os, 10, os.size()); if(requestId > 0) { fillInValue(os, Protocol.headerSize, requestId); } else if(batchRequestNum > 0) { fillInValue(os, Protocol.headerSize, batchRequestNum); } TraceUtil.traceSend(os, _logger, _traceLevels); } Ice.InputStream iss = new Ice.InputStream(os.instance(), os.getEncoding(), os.getBuffer(), false); if(batchRequestNum > 0) { iss.pos(Protocol.requestBatchHdr.Length); } else { iss.pos(Protocol.requestHdr.Length); } int invokeNum = batchRequestNum > 0 ? batchRequestNum : 1; ServantManager servantManager = _adapter.getServantManager(); try { while(invokeNum > 0) { // // Increase the direct count for the dispatch. We increase it again here for // each dispatch. It's important for the direct count to be > 0 until the last // collocated request response is sent to make sure the thread pool isn't // destroyed before. // try { _adapter.incDirectCount(); } catch(Ice.ObjectAdapterDeactivatedException ex) { handleException(requestId, ex, false); break; } Incoming @in = new Incoming(_reference.getInstance(), this, null, _adapter, _response, (byte)0, requestId); @in.invoke(servantManager, iss); --invokeNum; } } catch(Ice.LocalException ex) { invokeException(requestId, ex, invokeNum, false); // Fatal invocation exception } _adapter.decDirectCount(); }
public void sendResponse(int requestId, Ice.OutputStream os, byte status, bool amd) { Ice.AsyncCallback cb = null; OutgoingAsyncBase outAsync; lock(this) { Debug.Assert(_response); if(_traceLevels.protocol >= 1) { fillInValue(os, 10, os.size()); } // Adopt the OutputStream's buffer. Ice.InputStream iss = new Ice.InputStream(os.instance(), os.getEncoding(), os.getBuffer(), true); iss.pos(Protocol.replyHdr.Length + 4); if(_traceLevels.protocol >= 1) { TraceUtil.traceRecv(iss, _logger, _traceLevels); } if(_asyncRequests.TryGetValue(requestId, out outAsync)) { _asyncRequests.Remove(requestId); outAsync.getIs().swap(iss); cb = outAsync.completed(); } } if(cb != null) { if(amd) { outAsync.invokeCompletedAsync(cb); } else { outAsync.invokeCompleted(cb); } } _adapter.decDirectCount(); }
// // Marshal the endpoint // public override void streamWriteImpl(Ice.OutputStream s) { base.streamWriteImpl(s); if(s.getEncoding().Equals(Ice.Util.Encoding_1_0)) { Ice.Util.Protocol_1_0.write__(s); Ice.Util.Encoding_1_0.write__(s); } // Not transmitted. //s.writeBool(_connect); s.writeBool(_compress); }
public UdpEndpointI(ProtocolInstance instance, Ice.InputStream s) : base(instance, s) { if(s.getEncoding().Equals(Ice.Util.Encoding_1_0)) { s.readByte(); s.readByte(); s.readByte(); s.readByte(); } // Not transmitted. //_connect = s.readBool(); _connect = false; _compress = s.readBool(); }
public Reference create(Ice.Identity ident, Ice.InputStream s) { // // Don't read the identity here. Operations calling this // constructor read the identity, and pass it as a parameter. // if( == 0 && ident.category.Length == 0) { return null; } // // For compatibility with the old FacetPath. // string[] facetPath = s.readStringSeq(); string facet; if(facetPath.Length > 0) { if(facetPath.Length > 1) { throw new Ice.ProxyUnmarshalException(); } facet = facetPath[0]; } else { facet = ""; } int mode = (int)s.readByte(); if(mode < 0 || mode > (int)Reference.Mode.ModeLast) { throw new Ice.ProxyUnmarshalException(); } bool secure = s.readBool(); Ice.ProtocolVersion protocol; Ice.EncodingVersion encoding; if(!s.getEncoding().Equals(Ice.Util.Encoding_1_0)) { protocol = new Ice.ProtocolVersion(); protocol.read__(s); encoding = new Ice.EncodingVersion(); encoding.read__(s); } else { protocol = Ice.Util.Protocol_1_0; encoding = Ice.Util.Encoding_1_0; } EndpointI[] endpoints = null; string adapterId = ""; int sz = s.readSize(); if(sz > 0) { endpoints = new EndpointI[sz]; for(int i = 0; i < sz; i++) { endpoints[i] = instance_.endpointFactoryManager().read(s); } } else { adapterId = s.readString(); } return create(ident, facet, (Reference.Mode)mode, secure, protocol, encoding, endpoints, adapterId, null); }