public static double getTotalHeight(IXLWorksheet ws, int startRow) { var totalHeight = 0.0; foreach (var row in ws.Rows(startRow, ws.LastRowUsed().RowNumber())) { totalHeight += row.Height; } return totalHeight; }
public void AddContainerInfo(IXLWorksheet ws, Container container) { ws.Cell("A1").SetValue(container.ExporterName).Style.Font.FontSize = 20; ws.Range("A1:E1").Merge(); ws.Cell("A2").SetValue(container.ExporterAddress).Style.Alignment.WrapText = true; ws.Range("A2:B3").Merge(); ws.Cell("A5").SetValue("Shipped Per"); ws.Cell("B5").SetValue(container.ShippedPer); ws.Range("B5:C5").Merge(); ws.Cell("A6").SetValue("On/About"); ws.Cell("B6").SetValue(container.OnAbout); ws.Range("B6:C6").Merge(); ws.Cell("A7").SetValue("From"); ws.Cell("B7").SetValue(container.From); // ws.Row(7) // .Style // .Alignment.SetVertical(XLAlignmentVerticalValues.Top) // .Alignment.SetWrapText(true); ws.Range("B7:C7").Merge(); ws.Row(7).Height = 70; ws.Cell("A8").SetValue("Airway Bill No. \nor B/L No."); ws.Cell("B8").SetValue(container.AirwayBillNumber); ws.Range("B8:C8").Merge(); ws.Row(8).Height = 30; // ws.Row(8).Style.Alignment.SetWrapText(true); ws.Cell("A9").SetValue("Letter of\nCredit No."); ws.Cell("B9").SetValue(container.LetterOfCreditNumber); ws.Range("B9:C9").Merge(); ws.Row(9).Height = 30; ws.Cell("A10").SetValue("Drawn Under"); ws.Cell("B10").SetValue(container.DrawnUnder) .Style .Alignment.SetHorizontal(XLAlignmentHorizontalValues.Center); // .Alignment.SetWrapText(true); ws.Range("B10:C10").Merge(); ws.Row(10).Height = 70; // ws.Row(10).Style.Alignment.SetVertical(XLAlignmentVerticalValues.Top); ws.Range("A1:A10").Style.Font.Bold = true; ws.Range("B5:C10").Style.Border.BottomBorder = XLBorderStyleValues.Thin; // ws.Range("B5:C10").Style.Alignment.WrapText = true; ws.Rows("5:10").Style.Alignment.SetWrapText(true) .Alignment.SetVertical(XLAlignmentVerticalValues.Top); //Importer ws.Cell("E5").SetValue(container.ImporterName + "\n" + container.ImporterAddress + "\n" + "(TAX CERTIFICATE NO. " + container.ImporterTaxCertificateNumber + ")") .Style .Alignment.SetVertical(XLAlignmentVerticalValues.Top) .Alignment.SetWrapText(); ws.Range("E5:H10").Merge().Style.Border.OutsideBorder = XLBorderStyleValues.Medium; //Container Number + Container Date ws.Cell("F2").SetValue("INVOICE NO:"); ws.Cell("G2").SetValue(container.CustomsInvoiceNumber); ws.Cell("F3").SetValue("DATE:"); ws.Cell("G3").SetValue(container.Date); ws.Range("F2:F3").Style.Alignment.Horizontal = XLAlignmentHorizontalValues.Right; ws.Range("G2:H2").Merge(); ws.Range("G3:H3").Merge(); ws.Range("G2:G3").Style.Alignment.Horizontal = XLAlignmentHorizontalValues.Left; ws.Range("F2:H3").Style.Font.Bold = true; }
void OutputOverdues(IXLWorksheet sheet, XmlDocument dom, ref int nRowIndex, ref List<int> column_max_chars) { XmlNodeList nodes = dom.DocumentElement.SelectNodes("overdues/overdue"); if (nodes.Count == 0) return; int nStartRow = nRowIndex; OutputTitleLine(sheet, ref nRowIndex, "--- 费用 --- " + nodes.Count, XLColor.DarkRed, 2, 6); int nRet = 0; List<IXLCell> cells = new List<IXLCell>(); // 栏目标题 { List<string> titles = new List<string>(); titles.Add("序号"); titles.Add("册条码号"); titles.Add("书目摘要"); titles.Add("说明"); titles.Add("金额"); titles.Add("ID"); #if NO titles.Add("以停代金情况"); titles.Add("起点日期"); titles.Add("期限"); titles.Add("终点日期"); #endif int nColIndex = 2; foreach (string s in titles) { IXLCell cell = sheet.Cell(nRowIndex, nColIndex).SetValue(s); cell.Style.Alignment.WrapText = true; cell.Style.Alignment.Vertical = XLAlignmentVerticalValues.Center; cell.Style.Font.Bold = true; cell.Style.Font.FontColor = XLColor.DarkGray; nColIndex++; cells.Add(cell); } nRowIndex++; } int nItemIndex = 0; foreach (XmlElement borrow in nodes) { string strItemBarcode = borrow.GetAttribute("barcode"); string strReason = borrow.GetAttribute("reason"); string strPrice = borrow.GetAttribute("price"); string strID = borrow.GetAttribute("id"); string strRecPath = borrow.GetAttribute("recPath"); string strSummary = borrow.GetAttribute("summary"); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(strItemBarcode) == false && string.IsNullOrEmpty(strSummary) == true) { string strError = ""; nRet = this.MainForm.GetBiblioSummary(strItemBarcode, strRecPath, // strConfirmItemRecPath, false, out strSummary, out strError); if (nRet == -1) strSummary = strError; } List<string> cols = new List<string>(); cols.Add((nItemIndex + 1).ToString()); cols.Add(strItemBarcode); cols.Add(strSummary); cols.Add(strReason); cols.Add(strPrice); cols.Add(strID); int nColIndex = 2; foreach (string s in cols) { // 统计最大字符数 SetMaxChars(ref column_max_chars, nColIndex - 1, GetCharWidth(s)); IXLCell cell = null; if (nColIndex == 2) { cell = sheet.Cell(nRowIndex, nColIndex).SetValue(nItemIndex + 1); cell.Style.Alignment.Horizontal = XLAlignmentHorizontalValues.Center; } else cell = sheet.Cell(nRowIndex, nColIndex).SetValue(s); cell.Style.Alignment.WrapText = true; cell.Style.Alignment.Vertical = XLAlignmentVerticalValues.Center; nColIndex++; cells.Add(cell); } nItemIndex++; nRowIndex++; } // 标题行下的虚线 var rngData = sheet.Range(cells[0], cells[cells.Count - 1]); rngData.FirstRow().Style.Border.TopBorder = XLBorderStyleValues.Dotted; sheet.Rows(nStartRow + 1, nRowIndex - 1).Group(); }
// parameters: // bAdvanceXml 是否为 AdvanceXml 情况 static void OutputBorrowHistory( IXLWorksheet sheet, XmlDocument reader_dom, ChargingHistoryLoader history_loader, CacheableBiblioLoader summary_loader, // Delegate_GetBiblioSummary procGetBiblioSummary, ref int nRowIndex, ref List<int> column_max_chars) { int nStartRow = nRowIndex; OutputTitleLine(sheet, ref nRowIndex, "--- 借阅历史 --- " + history_loader.GetCount(), XLColor.DarkGreen, 2, 7); List<IXLCell> cells = new List<IXLCell>(); // 册信息若干行的标题 { List<string> titles = new List<string>(); titles.Add("序号"); titles.Add("册条码号"); titles.Add("书目摘要"); titles.Add("借阅时间"); titles.Add("期限"); titles.Add("借阅操作者"); titles.Add("还书时间"); titles.Add("还书操作者"); int nColIndex = 2; foreach (string s in titles) { IXLCell cell = sheet.Cell(nRowIndex, nColIndex).SetValue(s); cell.Style.Alignment.WrapText = true; cell.Style.Alignment.Vertical = XLAlignmentVerticalValues.Center; cell.Style.Font.Bold = true; cell.Style.Font.FontColor = XLColor.DarkGray; //cell.Style.Font.FontName = strFontName; //cell.Style.Alignment.Horizontal = alignments[nColIndex - 1]; nColIndex++; cells.Add(cell); } nRowIndex++; } List<string> item_barcodes = new List<string>(); List<Point> points = new List<Point>(); int nItemIndex = 0; foreach (ChargingItemWrapper wrapper in history_loader) { ChargingItem item = wrapper.Item; ChargingItem rel = wrapper.RelatedItem; string strItemBarcode = item.ItemBarcode; string strBorrowDate = rel == null ? "" : rel.OperTime; string strBorrowPeriod = GetDisplayTimePeriodString(rel == null ? "" : rel.Period); string strReturnDate = item.OperTime; //string strRecPath = borrow.GetAttribute("recPath"); //string strIsOverdue = borrow.GetAttribute("isOverdue"); //bool bIsOverdue = DomUtil.IsBooleanTrue(strIsOverdue, false); //string strOverdueInfo = borrow.GetAttribute("overdueInfo1"); string strSummary = ""; #if NO if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(strItemBarcode) == false && string.IsNullOrEmpty(strSummary) == true) { string strError = ""; int nRet = procGetBiblioSummary(strItemBarcode, "", // strConfirmItemRecPath, false, out strSummary, out strError); if (nRet == -1) strSummary = strError; } #endif item_barcodes.Add("@itemBarcode:" + strItemBarcode); List<string> cols = new List<string>(); cols.Add((nItemIndex + 1).ToString()); cols.Add(strItemBarcode); cols.Add(strSummary); cols.Add(strBorrowDate); cols.Add(strBorrowPeriod); cols.Add(rel == null ? "" : rel.Operator); cols.Add(strReturnDate); cols.Add(item.Operator); int nColIndex = 2; points.Add(new Point(nColIndex + 2, nRowIndex)); foreach (string s in cols) { // 统计最大字符数 SetMaxChars(ref column_max_chars, nColIndex - 1, GetCharWidth(s)); IXLCell cell = null; if (nColIndex == 2) { cell = sheet.Cell(nRowIndex, nColIndex).SetValue(nItemIndex + 1); cell.Style.Alignment.Horizontal = XLAlignmentHorizontalValues.Center; } else cell = sheet.Cell(nRowIndex, nColIndex).SetValue(s); cell.Style.Alignment.WrapText = true; cell.Style.Alignment.Vertical = XLAlignmentVerticalValues.Center; //cell.Style.Font.FontName = strFontName; //cell.Style.Alignment.Horizontal = alignments[nColIndex - 1]; nColIndex++; cells.Add(cell); } #if NO // 超期的行为黄色背景 if (bIsOverdue) { var line = sheet.Range(nRowIndex, 2, nRowIndex, 2 + cols.Count - 1); line.Style.Fill.BackgroundColor = XLColor.Yellow; } #endif nItemIndex++; nRowIndex++; } // 加入书目摘要 summary_loader.RecPaths = item_barcodes; int i = 0; foreach (BiblioItem biblio in summary_loader) { Point point = points[i]; int nColIndex = point.X; // 统计最大字符数 SetMaxChars(ref column_max_chars, nColIndex - 1, GetCharWidth(biblio.Content)); IXLCell cell = null; cell = sheet.Cell(point.Y, nColIndex).SetValue(biblio.Content); cell.Style.Alignment.WrapText = true; cell.Style.Alignment.Vertical = XLAlignmentVerticalValues.Center; i++; } // 册信息标题下的虚线 var rngData = sheet.Range(cells[0], cells[cells.Count - 1]); rngData.FirstRow().Style.Border.TopBorder = XLBorderStyleValues.Dotted; sheet.Rows(nStartRow + 1, nRowIndex - 1).Group(); }
void OutputBorrows(IXLWorksheet sheet, XmlDocument dom, ref int nRowIndex, ref List<int> column_max_chars) { XmlNodeList nodes = dom.DocumentElement.SelectNodes("borrows/borrow"); if (nodes.Count == 0) return; int nStartRow = nRowIndex; OutputTitleLine(sheet, ref nRowIndex, "--- 在借 --- " + nodes.Count, XLColor.DarkGreen, 2, 7); List<IXLCell> cells = new List<IXLCell>(); // 册信息若干行的标题 { List<string> titles = new List<string>(); titles.Add("序号"); titles.Add("册条码号"); titles.Add("书目摘要"); titles.Add("借阅时间"); titles.Add("借期"); titles.Add("应还时间"); titles.Add("是否超期"); int nColIndex = 2; foreach (string s in titles) { IXLCell cell = sheet.Cell(nRowIndex, nColIndex).SetValue(s); cell.Style.Alignment.WrapText = true; cell.Style.Alignment.Vertical = XLAlignmentVerticalValues.Center; cell.Style.Font.Bold = true; cell.Style.Font.FontColor = XLColor.DarkGray; //cell.Style.Font.FontName = strFontName; //cell.Style.Alignment.Horizontal = alignments[nColIndex - 1]; nColIndex++; cells.Add(cell); } nRowIndex++; } int nItemIndex = 0; foreach (XmlElement borrow in nodes) { string strItemBarcode = borrow.GetAttribute("barcode"); string strBorrowDate = ToLocalTime(borrow.GetAttribute("borrowDate"), "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm"); string strBorrowPeriod = GetDisplayTimePeriodString(borrow.GetAttribute("borrowPeriod")); string strReturningDate = ToLocalTime(borrow.GetAttribute("returningDate"), "yyyy-MM-dd"); string strRecPath = borrow.GetAttribute("recPath"); string strIsOverdue = borrow.GetAttribute("isOverdue"); bool bIsOverdue = DomUtil.IsBooleanTrue(strIsOverdue, false); string strOverdueInfo = borrow.GetAttribute("overdueInfo1"); string strSummary = borrow.GetAttribute("summary"); #if NO nRet = this.MainForm.GetBiblioSummary(strItemBarcode, strRecPath, // strConfirmItemRecPath, false, out strSummary, out strError); if (nRet == -1) strSummary = strError; #endif List<string> cols = new List<string>(); cols.Add((nItemIndex + 1).ToString()); cols.Add(strItemBarcode); cols.Add(strSummary); cols.Add(strBorrowDate); cols.Add(strBorrowPeriod); cols.Add(strReturningDate); if (bIsOverdue) cols.Add(strOverdueInfo); else cols.Add(""); int nColIndex = 2; foreach (string s in cols) { // 统计最大字符数 SetMaxChars(ref column_max_chars, nColIndex - 1, GetCharWidth(s)); IXLCell cell = null; if (nColIndex == 2) { cell = sheet.Cell(nRowIndex, nColIndex).SetValue(nItemIndex + 1); cell.Style.Alignment.Horizontal = XLAlignmentHorizontalValues.Center; } else cell = sheet.Cell(nRowIndex, nColIndex).SetValue(s); cell.Style.Alignment.WrapText = true; cell.Style.Alignment.Vertical = XLAlignmentVerticalValues.Center; //cell.Style.Font.FontName = strFontName; //cell.Style.Alignment.Horizontal = alignments[nColIndex - 1]; nColIndex++; cells.Add(cell); } // 超期的行为黄色背景 if (bIsOverdue) { var line = sheet.Range(nRowIndex, 2, nRowIndex, 2 + cols.Count - 1); line.Style.Fill.BackgroundColor = XLColor.Yellow; } nItemIndex++; nRowIndex++; } // 册信息标题下的虚线 var rngData = sheet.Range(cells[0], cells[cells.Count - 1]); rngData.FirstRow().Style.Border.TopBorder = XLBorderStyleValues.Dotted; #if NO // 第一行上面的横线 rngData = sheet.Range(cell_no, cells[cells.Count - 1]); rngData.FirstRow().Style.Border.TopBorder = XLBorderStyleValues.Medium; #endif sheet.Rows(nStartRow + 1, nRowIndex-1).Group(); }
public static void CLSetDefaultHeight(this IXLWorksheet @this, int headerHeight = 30, int rowsHeight = 20, XLColor back = null) { @this.Rows().Height = rowsHeight; @this.Row(1).Height = headerHeight; }
public IXLRange CopyTo(IXLRange range) { // LastCellUsed may produce the wrong result, see var lastCell = _sheet.Cell( _sheet.LastRowUsed(true).RowNumber(), _sheet.LastColumnUsed(true).ColumnNumber()); var tempRng = _sheet.Range(_sheet.Cell(1, 1), lastCell); var rowDiff = tempRng.RowCount() - range.RowCount(); if (rowDiff > 0) { range.InsertRowsBelow(rowDiff, true); } else if (rowDiff < 0) { range.Worksheet.Range( range.LastRow().RowNumber() + rowDiff + 1, range.FirstColumn().ColumnNumber(), range.LastRow().RowNumber(), range.LastColumn().ColumnNumber()) .Delete(XLShiftDeletedCells.ShiftCellsUp); } range.Worksheet.ConditionalFormats.Remove(c => c.Range.Intersects(range)); var columnDiff = tempRng.ColumnCount() - range.ColumnCount(); if (columnDiff > 0) { range.InsertColumnsAfter(columnDiff, true); } else if (columnDiff < 0) { range.Worksheet.Range( range.FirstRow().RowNumber(), range.LastColumn().ColumnNumber() + columnDiff + 1, range.LastRow().RowNumber(), range.LastColumn().ColumnNumber()) .Delete(XLShiftDeletedCells.ShiftCellsLeft); } tempRng.CopyTo(range.FirstCell()); var tgtSheet = range.Worksheet; var tgtStartRow = range.RangeAddress.FirstAddress.RowNumber; using (var srcRows = _sheet.Rows(tempRng.RangeAddress.FirstAddress.RowNumber, tempRng.RangeAddress.LastAddress.RowNumber)) foreach (var row in srcRows) { var xlRow = tgtSheet.Row(row.RowNumber() + tgtStartRow - 1); xlRow.OutlineLevel = row.OutlineLevel; if (row.IsHidden) { xlRow.Collapse(); } else { xlRow.Expand(); } } return(range); }
/// <summary> /// Create a worksheet /// </summary> /// <param name="worksheet">IXLWorksheet</param> /// <param name="sheet">CExcelSheet</param> private void CreateAWorkSheet(IXLWorksheet worksheet, CExcelSheet sheet) { //title IXLAddress firstAdd = worksheet.Cell(1, COL_BEGIN).Address; worksheet.Cell(1, 1).Value = sheet.Title; worksheet.Cell(1, 1).Style.Font.Bold = true; worksheet.Cell(1, 1).Style.Font.FontSize = 15; worksheet.Cell(1, 1).Style.Font.FontColor = XLColor.White; worksheet.Cell(1, 1).Style.Fill.BackgroundColor = XLColor.FromArgb(0x0066cc); #region Export By int rowIdx = ROW_BEGIN; if (sheet.ExportBy != null) { foreach (var item in sheet.ExportBy) { // reset column int colIdx = COL_BEGIN; worksheet.Cell(rowIdx, colIdx).DataType = XLCellValues.Text; worksheet.Cell(rowIdx, colIdx).Value = "'" + item.key; worksheet.Range( worksheet.Cell(rowIdx, colIdx).Address, worksheet.Cell(rowIdx, colIdx + 2).Address).Merge(); colIdx += 3; worksheet.Cell(rowIdx, colIdx).DataType = XLCellValues.Text; worksheet.Cell(rowIdx, colIdx).Value = "'" + item.value; // new row rowIdx++; } } #endregion // Header int col = COL_BEGIN; #region Header //Add No if (sheet.IsRenderNo) { worksheet.Cell(rowIdx, col).Value = "No"; worksheet.Cell(rowIdx, col).Style.Border.OutsideBorder = XLBorderStyleValues.Thin; worksheet.Cell(rowIdx, col).Style.Alignment.Horizontal = XLAlignmentHorizontalValues.Center; col++; } foreach (string header in sheet.Header) { worksheet.Cell(rowIdx, col).Value = header; worksheet.Cell(rowIdx, col).Style.Border.OutsideBorder = XLBorderStyleValues.Thin; col++; } //Style for header worksheet.Range(worksheet.Cell(rowIdx, COL_BEGIN).Address, worksheet.Cell(rowIdx, col - 1).Address).Style.Alignment.Horizontal = XLAlignmentHorizontalValues.Center; worksheet.Range(worksheet.Cell(rowIdx, COL_BEGIN).Address, worksheet.Cell(rowIdx, col - 1).Address).Style.Font.Bold = true; worksheet.Range(worksheet.Cell(rowIdx, COL_BEGIN).Address, worksheet.Cell(rowIdx, col - 1).Address).Style.Font.FontSize = 12; worksheet.Range(worksheet.Cell(rowIdx, COL_BEGIN).Address, worksheet.Cell(rowIdx, col - 1).Address).Style.Fill.BackgroundColor = XLColor.FromTheme(XLThemeColor.Accent1, 0.5); //merge title IXLAddress secondAdd = worksheet.Cell(1, col - 1).Address; worksheet.Range(firstAdd, secondAdd).Merge(); worksheet.Range(firstAdd, secondAdd).Style.Alignment.Horizontal = XLAlignmentHorizontalValues.Center; // Merge export by for (int i = ROW_BEGIN; i < rowIdx; i++) { worksheet.Range( worksheet.Cell(i, 4).Address, worksheet.Cell(i, col - 1).Address).Merge(); } #endregion // detail // Comment when adding export by, rowIdx is the number of export by //int idx_row = ROW_BEGIN + 1; int idx_row = rowIdx + 1; string preGroup = string.Empty; ArrayList beginSubList = new ArrayList(); ArrayList endSubList = new ArrayList(); //linh.quang.le: Freeze panels worksheet.SheetView.FreezeRows(sheet.FreezeRow); worksheet.SheetView.FreezeColumns(sheet.FreezeColumn); //linh.quang.le number int no = 1; #region Detail foreach (Object row in sheet.List) { int idx_col = COL_BEGIN; int index = 0; bool hasMainColumnValue = HasMainColumnValue(row, sheet); //linh.quang.le #region GroupName if (sheet.IsGroup) { string groupName = string.Empty; groupName = row.GetType().GetProperty(sheet.GroupName).GetValue(row, null).ToString(); if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(groupName) && preGroup != groupName) { if (beginSubList.Count != 0) endSubList.Add(idx_row - 1); worksheet.Cell(idx_row, COL_BEGIN).Value = groupName; worksheet.Cell(idx_row, COL_BEGIN).Style.Font.Bold = true; worksheet.Cell(idx_row, COL_BEGIN).Style.Font.FontSize = 12; worksheet.Cell(idx_row, COL_BEGIN).Style.Font.FontColor = XLColor.Black; worksheet.Cell(idx_row, COL_BEGIN).Style.Fill.BackgroundColor = XLColor.FromArgb(0xD9D9D9); IXLAddress firstGroupAddr = worksheet.Cell(idx_row, COL_BEGIN).Address; IXLAddress secondGroupAddr = worksheet.Cell(idx_row, (COL_BEGIN + (sheet.IsRenderNo ? sheet.ColumnList.Length : sheet.ColumnList.Length - 1))).Address; worksheet.Range(firstGroupAddr, secondGroupAddr).Merge(); worksheet.Range(firstGroupAddr, secondGroupAddr).Style.Border.OutsideBorder = XLBorderStyleValues.Thin; preGroup = groupName; no = 1; idx_row++; beginSubList.Add(idx_row); } if (sheet.IsRenderNo && hasMainColumnValue) { worksheet.Cell(idx_row, idx_col).Value = no.ToString(); worksheet.Cell(idx_row, idx_col).Style.Border.OutsideBorder = XLBorderStyleValues.Thin; worksheet.Cell(idx_row, idx_col).Style.Alignment.Horizontal = XLAlignmentHorizontalValues.CenterContinuous; no++; idx_col++; } } else { if (sheet.IsRenderNo) { worksheet.Cell(idx_row, idx_col).Value = (idx_row - ROW_BEGIN).ToString(); worksheet.Cell(idx_row, idx_col).Style.Border.OutsideBorder = XLBorderStyleValues.Thin; worksheet.Cell(idx_row, idx_col).Style.Alignment.Horizontal = XLAlignmentHorizontalValues.CenterContinuous; idx_col++; } } #endregion if (sheet.IsGroup) { if (hasMainColumnValue) { foreach (string header in sheet.ColumnList) { string[] headerArr = header.Split(Convert.ToChar(":")); Object obj = null; if (row.GetType().GetProperty(headerArr[0].ToString()) != null) obj = row.GetType().GetProperty(headerArr[0].ToString()).GetValue(row, null); else { string[] arr = (string[])row; if (arr != null) obj = arr[index++]; } string strValue = string.Empty; strValue = obj == null ? "" : obj.ToString(); #region Format item if (headerArr.Count() == 2) { switch (headerArr[1].ToString().ToLower()) { case "text": worksheet.Cell(idx_row, idx_col).Style.Alignment.Horizontal = XLAlignmentHorizontalValues.Left; worksheet.Cell(idx_row, idx_col).DataType = XLCellValues.Text; strValue = "'" + strValue; break; case "date": worksheet.Cell(idx_row, idx_col).Style.Alignment.Horizontal = XLAlignmentHorizontalValues.Center; strValue = obj == null ? "" : ((DateTime)obj).ToString(Constants.DATETIME_FORMAT_VIEW); worksheet.Cell(idx_row, idx_col).Style.DateFormat.Format = Constants.DATETIME_FORMAT_VIEW; break; case "datetime": worksheet.Cell(idx_row, idx_col).Style.Alignment.Horizontal = XLAlignmentHorizontalValues.Center; strValue = obj == null ? "" : ((DateTime)obj).ToString(Constants.DATETIME_FORMAT_TIME); worksheet.Cell(idx_row, idx_col).Style.DateFormat.Format = Constants.DATETIME_FORMAT_TIME; worksheet.Cell(idx_row, idx_col).DataType = XLCellValues.Text; break; // Convert from Int of Hour and Minute to "Hour : Minute" string // Using in Time Mangement Module // @author : tai.pham case "hour": worksheet.Cell(idx_row, idx_col).Style.Alignment.Horizontal = XLAlignmentHorizontalValues.Center; worksheet.Cell(idx_row, idx_col).DataType = XLCellValues.Text; strValue = (obj == null || obj == string.Empty) ? string.Empty : "'" + ConvertUtil.ConvertToDouble(obj).ToString("0#:##"); break; // Convert from location code to location string // Using in Time Mangement Module // @author : tai.pham case "location": worksheet.Cell(idx_row, idx_col).Style.Alignment.Horizontal = XLAlignmentHorizontalValues.Left; strValue = obj == null ? "" : CommonFunc.GenerateStringOfLocation((string)obj); break; case "gender": worksheet.Cell(idx_row, idx_col).Style.Alignment.Horizontal = XLAlignmentHorizontalValues.Center; strValue = obj == null ? "" : (bool)obj == Constants.MALE ? "Male" : "Female"; break; case "married": worksheet.Cell(idx_row, idx_col).Style.Alignment.Horizontal = XLAlignmentHorizontalValues.Center; strValue = obj == null ? "" : (bool)obj == Constants.MARRIED ? "Married" : "Single"; break; case "labor": strValue = obj == null ? "" : (bool)obj == Constants.LABOR_UNION_FALSE ? "No" : "Yes"; break; case "hhmm": worksheet.Cell(idx_row, idx_col).Style.NumberFormat.NumberFormatId = 20; worksheet.Cell(idx_row, idx_col).Style.Alignment.Horizontal = XLAlignmentHorizontalValues.Center; strValue = (obj == null || obj == "") ? "" : CommonFunc.FormatTime((double)obj); break; case "jr": strValue = obj == null ? "" : Constants.JOB_REQUEST_PREFIX + obj; break; case "pr": strValue = obj == null ? "" : Constants.PR_REQUEST_PREFIX + obj; break; case "sr": strValue = obj == null ? "" : Constants.SR_SERVICE_REQUEST_PREFIX + obj; break; case "candidate": strValue = obj == null ? "" : CommonFunc.GetCandidateStatus((int)obj); break; case "actionsendmail": strValue = obj == null ? "" : (bool)obj != true ? "No" : "Yes"; break; case "jr_request": strValue = obj == null ? "" : (int)obj == Constants.JR_REQUEST_TYPE_NEW ? "New" : "Replace"; break; case "dayofweek": worksheet.Cell(idx_row, idx_col).Style.Alignment.Horizontal = XLAlignmentHorizontalValues.Center; strValue = obj == null ? "" : ((DateTime)obj).DayOfWeek.ToString(); break; case "number": worksheet.Cell(idx_row, idx_col).Style.Alignment.Horizontal = XLAlignmentHorizontalValues.Right; break; case "duration": strValue = obj == null ? "" : obj + " " + Constants.TC_DURATION_PREFIX; worksheet.Cell(idx_row, idx_col).Style.Alignment.Horizontal = XLAlignmentHorizontalValues.Center; break; default: worksheet.Cell(idx_row, idx_col).Style.Alignment.Horizontal = XLAlignmentHorizontalValues.Right; break; } worksheet.Cell(idx_row, idx_col).Value = strValue; } #endregion else { worksheet.Cell(idx_row, idx_col).Style.Alignment.Horizontal = XLAlignmentHorizontalValues.Center; worksheet.Cell(idx_row, idx_col).DataType = XLCellValues.Text; worksheet.Cell(idx_row, idx_col).Value = "'" + strValue; } worksheet.Cell(idx_row, idx_col).Style.Border.OutsideBorder = XLBorderStyleValues.Thin; idx_col++; } worksheet.Columns(COL_BEGIN, idx_col).AdjustToContents(); idx_row++; } } else { foreach (string header in sheet.ColumnList) { string[] headerArr = header.Split(Convert.ToChar(":")); Object obj = null; if (row.GetType().GetProperty(headerArr[0].ToString()) != null) obj = row.GetType().GetProperty(headerArr[0].ToString()).GetValue(row, null); else { string[] arr = (string[])row; if (arr != null) obj = arr[index++]; } string strValue = string.Empty; strValue = obj == null ? "" : obj.ToString(); #region Format item if (headerArr.Count() == 2) { switch (headerArr[1].ToString().ToLower()) { case "text": worksheet.Cell(idx_row, idx_col).Style.Alignment.Horizontal = XLAlignmentHorizontalValues.Left; worksheet.Cell(idx_row, idx_col).DataType = XLCellValues.Text; strValue = "'" + strValue; break; case "date": worksheet.Cell(idx_row, idx_col).Style.Alignment.Horizontal = XLAlignmentHorizontalValues.Center; strValue = obj == null ? "" : ((DateTime)obj).ToString(Constants.DATETIME_FORMAT_VIEW); worksheet.Cell(idx_row, idx_col).Style.DateFormat.Format = Constants.DATETIME_FORMAT_VIEW; break; case "datetime": worksheet.Cell(idx_row, idx_col).Style.Alignment.Horizontal = XLAlignmentHorizontalValues.Center; strValue = obj == null ? "" : ((DateTime)obj).ToString(Constants.DATETIME_FORMAT_TIME); worksheet.Cell(idx_row, idx_col).Style.DateFormat.Format = Constants.DATETIME_FORMAT_TIME; worksheet.Cell(idx_row, idx_col).DataType = XLCellValues.Text; break; case "gender": worksheet.Cell(idx_row, idx_col).Style.Alignment.Horizontal = XLAlignmentHorizontalValues.Center; strValue = obj == null ? "" : (bool)obj == Constants.MALE ? "Male" : "Female"; break; case "married": worksheet.Cell(idx_row, idx_col).Style.Alignment.Horizontal = XLAlignmentHorizontalValues.Center; strValue = obj == null ? "" : (bool)obj == Constants.MARRIED ? "Married" : "Single"; break; case "labor": strValue = obj == null ? "" : (bool)obj == Constants.LABOR_UNION_FALSE ? "No" : "Yes"; break; // Convert from Int of Hour and Minute to "Hour : Minute" string // Using in Time Management Module // @author : tai.pham case "hour": worksheet.Cell(idx_row, idx_col).Style.Alignment.Horizontal = XLAlignmentHorizontalValues.Center; worksheet.Cell(idx_row, idx_col).DataType = XLCellValues.Text; strValue = (obj == null || obj == string.Empty) ? string.Empty : "'" + ConvertUtil.ConvertToDouble(obj).ToString("0#:##"); break; // Convert from location code to location string // Using in Time Mangement Module // @author : tai.pham case "location": worksheet.Cell(idx_row, idx_col).Style.Alignment.Horizontal = XLAlignmentHorizontalValues.Left; strValue = obj == null ? "" : CommonFunc.GenerateStringOfLocation((string)obj); break; case "hhmm": worksheet.Cell(idx_row, idx_col).Style.NumberFormat.NumberFormatId = 20; worksheet.Cell(idx_row, idx_col).Style.Alignment.Horizontal = XLAlignmentHorizontalValues.Center; strValue = (obj == null || obj == "") ? "" : CommonFunc.FormatTime((double)obj); break; case "jr": strValue = obj == null ? "" : Constants.JOB_REQUEST_PREFIX + obj; break; case "pr": strValue = obj == null ? "" : Constants.PR_REQUEST_PREFIX + obj; break; case "sr": strValue = obj == null ? "" : Constants.SR_SERVICE_REQUEST_PREFIX + obj; break; case "candidate": strValue = obj == null ? "" : CommonFunc.GetCandidateStatus((int)obj); break; case "actionsendmail": strValue = obj == null ? "" : (bool)obj != true ? "No" : "Yes"; break; case "jr_request": strValue = obj == null ? "" : (int)obj == Constants.JR_REQUEST_TYPE_NEW ? "New" : "Replace"; break; case "dayofweek": worksheet.Cell(idx_row, idx_col).Style.Alignment.Horizontal = XLAlignmentHorizontalValues.Center; strValue = obj == null ? "" : ((DateTime)obj).DayOfWeek.ToString(); break; case "number": worksheet.Cell(idx_row, idx_col).Style.Alignment.Horizontal = XLAlignmentHorizontalValues.Right; break; case "duration": strValue = obj == null ? "" : obj + " " + Constants.TC_DURATION_PREFIX; worksheet.Cell(idx_row, idx_col).Style.Alignment.Horizontal = XLAlignmentHorizontalValues.Center; break; default: worksheet.Cell(idx_row, idx_col).Style.Alignment.Horizontal = XLAlignmentHorizontalValues.Right; break; } worksheet.Cell(idx_row, idx_col).Value = strValue; } #endregion else { worksheet.Cell(idx_row, idx_col).Style.Alignment.Horizontal = XLAlignmentHorizontalValues.Center; worksheet.Cell(idx_row, idx_col).DataType = XLCellValues.Text; worksheet.Cell(idx_row, idx_col).Value = "'" + strValue; } worksheet.Cell(idx_row, idx_col).Style.Border.OutsideBorder = XLBorderStyleValues.Thin; idx_col++; } worksheet.Columns(COL_BEGIN, idx_col).AdjustToContents(); idx_row++; } } if (sheet.IsGroup) { if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(sheet.GroupName)) { for (int i = 0; i < beginSubList.Count; i++) { worksheet.Outline.SummaryVLocation = XLOutlineSummaryVLocation.Top; if (i >= endSubList.Count) worksheet.Rows((int)beginSubList[i], idx_row - 1).Group(); else worksheet.Rows((int)beginSubList[i], (int)endSubList[i]).Group(); } } } #endregion #region Footer if (sheet.Footer != null) { col = COL_BEGIN; if (sheet.IsRenderNo) { worksheet.Cell(idx_row, col).Value = "Total"; worksheet.Cell(idx_row, col).Style.Border.OutsideBorder = XLBorderStyleValues.Thin; worksheet.Cell(idx_row, col).Style.Alignment.Horizontal = XLAlignmentHorizontalValues.Center; col++; } foreach (string footer in sheet.Footer) { worksheet.Cell(idx_row, col).Value = footer; worksheet.Cell(idx_row, col).Style.Border.OutsideBorder = XLBorderStyleValues.Thin; col++; } //Style for footer worksheet.Range(worksheet.Cell(idx_row, COL_BEGIN).Address, worksheet.Cell(idx_row, col - 1).Address).Style.Alignment.Horizontal = XLAlignmentHorizontalValues.Right; worksheet.Range(worksheet.Cell(idx_row, COL_BEGIN).Address, worksheet.Cell(idx_row, col - 1).Address).Style.Font.Bold = true; worksheet.Range(worksheet.Cell(idx_row, COL_BEGIN).Address, worksheet.Cell(idx_row, col - 1).Address).Style.Font.FontSize = 12; worksheet.Range(worksheet.Cell(idx_row, COL_BEGIN).Address, worksheet.Cell(idx_row, col - 1).Address).Style.Fill.BackgroundColor = XLColor.FromTheme(XLThemeColor.Accent1, 0.5); } #endregion }
public ResponseResult Import(HttpPostedFileBase file, int CTDTID) { ResponseResult res = null; string s = ""; try { List <HocPhanTheoCTDTModel> dt = new List <HocPhanTheoCTDTModel>(); file.InputStream.Position = 0; var memoryStream = new MemoryStream(); file.InputStream.CopyTo(memoryStream); using (XLWorkbook workBook = new XLWorkbook(memoryStream)) { //Read the first Sheet from Excel file. IXLWorksheet workSheet = workBook.Worksheet(1); foreach (IXLRow row in workSheet.Rows()) { int i = 0; string check = row.Cell(3).Value.ToString(); if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(check) && int.TryParse(check, out i) && int.Parse(check) > 0) { var a = new HocPhanTheoCTDTModel(); a.ChuongTrinhDaoTaoID = CTDTID; a.MaHP = row.Cell(3).Value.ToString(); a.HocKi = ""; if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(row.Cell(5).Value.ToString())) { a.HocKi += "1,"; } if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(row.Cell(6).Value.ToString())) { a.HocKi += "2,"; } if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(row.Cell(7).Value.ToString())) { a.HocKi += "3,"; } if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(row.Cell(8).Value.ToString())) { a.HocKi += "4,"; } if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(row.Cell(9).Value.ToString())) { a.HocKi += "5,"; } if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(row.Cell(10).Value.ToString())) { a.HocKi += "6,"; } if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(row.Cell(11).Value.ToString())) { a.HocKi += "7,"; } if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(row.Cell(12).Value.ToString())) { a.HocKi += "8,"; } if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(row.Cell(13).Value.ToString())) { a.HocKi += "9,"; } if (a.HocKi != "") { a.HocKi = a.HocKi.Remove(a.HocKi.LastIndexOf(',')); } a.NguoiTao = AccountUtils.CurrentUsername(); if (dt.Where(x => x.MaHP == a.MaHP) != null) { dt.Add(a); } foreach (var item in dt) { if (dt.Where(x => x.MaHP == a.MaHP) != null) { item.HocKi = a.HocKi; break; } } } } } foreach (var item in dt) { res = HocPhanTheoCTDT_DA.ThemHocPhanTheoCTDT(item); if (res.ResponseMessage != null) { s += res.ResponseMessage + ", "; } else if (res == null && dt.Count > 0) { break; } } if (s != "") { s = s.Remove(s.LastIndexOf(',')); if (res != null) { res.ResponseMessage = s; } } } catch (Exception ex) { throw ex; } return(res); }
/// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- /// <summary> /// DataTableをもとにxlsxファイルを作成し、PDFファイルを作成 /// </summary> /// <param name="dtHachu">発注のデータテーブル</param> /// <returns>結合PDFファイル</returns> /// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- public string dbToPdf(DataTable dtHachu) { string strWorkPath = System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["workpath"]; string strFilePath = "./Template/A0120_ChumonShoPrint.xlsx"; string strDateTime = DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMddHHmmss"); try { // excelのインスタンス生成 XLWorkbook workbook = new XLWorkbook(strFilePath, XLEventTracking.Disabled); IXLWorksheet templatesheet = workbook.Worksheet(1); // テンプレートシート IXLWorksheet currentsheet = null; // 処理中シート int pageCnt = 0; // ページ(シート枚数)カウント int xlsRowCnt = 11; // Excel出力行カウント(開始は出力行) Boolean blnSheetCreate = false; string strTorihikisakiCd = ""; string strHachusha = ""; // ClosedXMLで1行ずつExcelに出力 foreach (DataRow drHachu in dtHachu.Rows) { // 取引先コードが前行と違う場合、テンプレートシート作成 if (!strTorihikisakiCd.Equals(drHachu[1].ToString())) { // 取引先コードが空でない場合 if (!strTorihikisakiCd.Equals("")) { // 明細行が17行、18行の場合 if (xlsRowCnt == 28 || xlsRowCnt == 29) { // 不要な明細行、発注者行を削除 currentsheet.Rows(xlsRowCnt, 33).Delete(); pageCnt++; xlsRowCnt = 11; // テンプレートシートをコピーし、1つ前のシートから取引先名などをコピー templatesheet.CopyTo(templatesheet.Name); } // 不要な明細行を削除 currentsheet.Rows(xlsRowCnt, 28).Delete(); // 発注者 currentsheet.Cell(xlsRowCnt + 2, "K").Value = strHachusha; currentsheet.Range(xlsRowCnt + 2, 11, xlsRowCnt + 4, 11).Merge(); } strTorihikisakiCd = drHachu[1].ToString(); // 取引先コード strHachusha = drHachu[11].ToString(); // 発注者 pageCnt++; xlsRowCnt = 11; blnSheetCreate = true; // テンプレートシートからコピー templatesheet.CopyTo("Page" + pageCnt.ToString()); currentsheet = workbook.Worksheet(workbook.Worksheets.Count); } // 明細行が19行になった場合 if (xlsRowCnt == 29) { // 発注者行を削除 currentsheet.Rows(xlsRowCnt, 33).Delete(); pageCnt++; xlsRowCnt = 11; // テンプレートシートをコピーし、1つ前のシートから取引先名などをコピー templatesheet.CopyTo(templatesheet.Name); } // 最初の明細行の場合 if (blnSheetCreate) { blnSheetCreate = false; currentsheet.Cell("A4").Value = drHachu[2].ToString(); // 取引先名 currentsheet.Cell("B6").Value = drHachu[3].ToString(); // 電話番号 currentsheet.Cell("B7").Value = drHachu[4].ToString(); // FAX currentsheet.Cell("E3").Value = drHachu[0].ToString(); // 年月日 currentsheet.Cell("K3").Value = drHachu[13].ToString(); // 営業所名 } currentsheet.Cell(xlsRowCnt, "A").Value = drHachu[5].ToString(); // 商品名 currentsheet.Cell(xlsRowCnt, "E").Value = drHachu[6].ToString(); // 数量 currentsheet.Cell(xlsRowCnt, "F").Value = drHachu[7].ToString(); // 単価 currentsheet.Cell(xlsRowCnt, "G").Value = drHachu[8].ToString(); // 金額 currentsheet.Cell(xlsRowCnt, "I").Value = drHachu[9].ToString(); // 納期 currentsheet.Cell(xlsRowCnt, "J").Value = drHachu[10].ToString(); // 注文番号 currentsheet.Cell(xlsRowCnt, "K").Value = "'" + drHachu[12].ToString(); // 備考 xlsRowCnt++; } // 発注データがある場合 if (dtHachu.Rows.Count > 0) { // 明細行が17行、18行の場合 if (xlsRowCnt == 28 || xlsRowCnt == 29) { // 不要な明細行、発注者行を削除 currentsheet.Rows(xlsRowCnt, 33).Delete(); pageCnt++; xlsRowCnt = 11; // テンプレートシートをコピーし、1つ前のシートから取引先名などをコピー templatesheet.CopyTo(templatesheet.Name); //this.sheetCopy(ref workbook, ref currentsheet, templatesheet, pageCnt); } // 不要な明細行を削除 currentsheet.Rows(xlsRowCnt, 28).Delete(); // 発注者 currentsheet.Cell(xlsRowCnt + 2, "K").Value = strHachusha; currentsheet.Range(xlsRowCnt + 2, 11, xlsRowCnt + 4, 11).Merge(); } // テンプレートシート削除 templatesheet.Delete(); // workbookを保存 string strOutXlsFile = strWorkPath + strDateTime + ".xlsx"; workbook.SaveAs(strOutXlsFile); // workbookを解放 workbook.Dispose(); // CreatePdfのインスタンス生成 CreatePdf pdf = new CreatePdf(); // ロゴ貼り付け処理 int[] topRow = { 2 }; int[] leftColumn = { 8 }; pdf.logoPaste(strOutXlsFile, topRow, leftColumn, 200, 850, 57); // PDF化の処理 return(pdf.createPdf(strOutXlsFile, strDateTime)); } catch { throw; } finally { //// Workフォルダの作成日時ファイルを取得 //string[] files = Directory.GetFiles(strWorkPath, strDateTime + "*", SearchOption.AllDirectories); //// Workフォルダ内のファイル削除 //foreach (string filepath in files) //{ // File.Delete(filepath); //} } }
public static Dictionary <string, string> ExportToExcel <T>(string fileName, string worksheetName, List <T> dataFromService, List <string> isCenter = null) where T : class { string sourcePath = Conf.DocumentFolder + fileName; Dictionary <string, string> dt = new Dictionary <string, string>(); string columnName = "", fldName = "", fileExcel = "", startSheet = "", endSheet = "", cell = ""; int iSheetValue = 0; #region temp variable DateTime tmpDate; int tmpInt; decimal tmpDecimal; #endregion if (worksheetName == String.Empty) { worksheetName = "Sheet1"; } var allData = dataFromService; Dictionary <string, object> data2 = new Dictionary <string, object>(); //new workbook XLWorkbook workBook = new XLWorkbook(); //worksheet IXLWorksheet sheet = workBook.Worksheets.Add(worksheetName); var data = Library.GetFieldAndType(typeof(T)); List <Dictionary <string, string> > col = new List <Dictionary <string, string> >(); foreach (var items in data) { Dictionary <string, string> tmpData = new Dictionary <string, string>(); tmpData.Add("fldName", items["fldName"]); tmpData.Add("fldType", items["fldType"]); col.Add(tmpData); } int i = 1; int counter = 0; foreach (Dictionary <string, string> x in col) { cell = Library.GetColumnExcel(i); columnName = Library.GetColumnExcel(i) + "1"; fldName = x["fldName"]; sheet.Cell(columnName).Value = fldName; iSheetValue = 2; if (counter == 0) { startSheet = columnName; } else if (counter == col.Count - 1) { endSheet = columnName; } int countIndex = 0; foreach (var row in allData) { columnName = Library.GetColumnExcel(i) + iSheetValue; var rowValue = row.GetType().GetProperty(fldName).GetValue(allData[countIndex]).ToString(); sheet.Cell(columnName).Value = rowValue; iSheetValue++; if (DateTime.TryParse(rowValue, out tmpDate)) { sheet.Cell(columnName).Style.DateFormat.Format = "dd-MMM-yyyy"; sheet.Cell(columnName).Style.Alignment.Horizontal = XLAlignmentHorizontalValues.Center; } else if (decimal.TryParse(rowValue, out tmpDecimal)) { sheet.Cell(columnName).Style.Alignment.Horizontal = XLAlignmentHorizontalValues.Right; } else if (int.TryParse(rowValue, out tmpInt)) { sheet.Cell(columnName).Style.Alignment.Horizontal = XLAlignmentHorizontalValues.Right; } if (isCenter != null) { foreach (var item in isCenter) { if (item == fldName) { if (DateTime.TryParse(rowValue, out tmpDate)) { sheet.Cell(columnName).Style.DateFormat.Format = "dd-MMM-yyyy"; sheet.Cell(columnName).Style.Alignment.Horizontal = XLAlignmentHorizontalValues.Center; } else { sheet.Cell(columnName).Style.Alignment.Horizontal = XLAlignmentHorizontalValues.Center; } } } } countIndex++; } counter++; i++; } var rangeHeader = sheet.Range(startSheet + ":" + endSheet); rangeHeader.Style.Alignment.Horizontal = XLAlignmentHorizontalValues.Center; rangeHeader.Style.Font.Bold = true; endSheet = endSheet.Remove(endSheet.Length - 1); var rangeBorder = sheet.Range(startSheet + ":" + endSheet + (allData.Count + 1)); rangeBorder.Style.Border.OutsideBorder = XLBorderStyleValues.Thin; rangeBorder.Style.Border.OutsideBorder = XLBorderStyleValues.Thin; rangeBorder.Style.Border.InsideBorder = XLBorderStyleValues.Thin; sheet.Rows().AdjustToContents(); sheet.Columns().AdjustToContents(); fileExcel = fileName; workBook.SaveAs(sourcePath); dt.Add("fileExcel", fileExcel); return(dt); }
private IXLRow FindYellowRow() { return(sheet.Rows(1, 1000).FirstOrDefault(r => r.Cell(1).Style.Fill.BackgroundColor == XLColor.Yellow)); }