Пример #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets the analysis entry for the given view.
        /// For files on disk this is pretty easy - we analyze each file on it's own in a buffer parser.
        /// Therefore we map filename -> analyzer and then get the analysis from the analyzer.  If we
        /// determine an analyzer but the file isn't loaded into it for some reason this would return null.
        /// We can also apply some policy to buffers depending upon the view that they're hosted in.  For
        /// example if a buffer is outside of any projects, but hosted in a difference view with a buffer
        /// that is in a project, then we'll look in the view that has the project.
        /// For interactive windows we will use the analyzer that's configured for the window.
        /// </summary>
        public bool TryGetAnalysisEntry(ITextView textView, out AnalysisEntry entry)
            if (textView == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(textView));

            if (TryGetAnalysisEntry(textView.TextBuffer, out entry))

            if (textView != null)
                // If we have a difference viewer we'll match the LHS w/ the RHS
                var viewer = _diffService?.TryGetViewerForTextView(textView);
                if (viewer != null)
                    if (TryGetAnalysisEntry(viewer.DifferenceBuffer.RightBuffer, out entry))
                    if (TryGetAnalysisEntry(viewer.DifferenceBuffer.LeftBuffer, out entry))

            entry = null;
Пример #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Tries to get the analyzer and filename of the specified text view. This is
        /// equivalent to using the view's default text buffer, with some added checks
        /// for non-standard editors.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>True if an analyzer and filename are found.</returns>
        /// <exception cref="ArgumentNullException"><paramref name="textView"/> is null.</exception>
        public bool TryGetAnalyzer(ITextView textView, out ProjectAnalyzer analyzer, out string filename)
            if (textView == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(textView));

            // Try to get the analyzer from the main text buffer
            if (TryGetAnalyzer(textView.TextBuffer, out analyzer, out filename))

            // If we have a difference viewer we'll match the LHS w/ the RHS
            var viewer = _diffService?.TryGetViewerForTextView(textView);

            if (viewer != null)
                if (TryGetAnalyzer(viewer.DifferenceBuffer.RightBuffer, out analyzer, out filename))
                if (TryGetAnalyzer(viewer.DifferenceBuffer.LeftBuffer, out analyzer, out filename))

Пример #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets the best analyzer for this text view, accounting for things like REPL windows and
        /// difference windows.
        /// </summary>
        internal static VsProjectAnalyzer GetBestAnalyzer(this ITextView textView, IServiceProvider serviceProvider)
            // If we have set an analyzer explicitly, return that
            VsProjectAnalyzer analyzer = null;

            if (textView.TextBuffer.Properties.TryGetProperty(typeof(VsProjectAnalyzer), out analyzer))

            // If we have a REPL evaluator we'll use it's analyzer
            var evaluator = textView.TextBuffer.GetInteractiveWindow()?.Evaluator as IPythonInteractiveIntellisense;

            if (evaluator != null)

            // If we have a difference viewer we'll match the LHS w/ the RHS
            IWpfDifferenceViewerFactoryService diffService = null;

            try {
                diffService = serviceProvider.GetComponentModel().GetService <IWpfDifferenceViewerFactoryService>();
            } catch (System.ComponentModel.Composition.CompositionException) {
            } catch (System.ComponentModel.Composition.ImportCardinalityMismatchException) {
            if (diffService != null)
                var viewer = diffService.TryGetViewerForTextView(textView);
                if (viewer != null)
                    var entry = GetAnalysisEntry(null, viewer.DifferenceBuffer.LeftBuffer, serviceProvider) ??
                                GetAnalysisEntry(null, viewer.DifferenceBuffer.RightBuffer, serviceProvider);

                    if (entry != null)

Пример #4
        //public void SetAnalyzer(ITextBuffer textBuffer, VsProjectAnalyzer analyzer) {
        //    if (textBuffer == null) {
        //        throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(textBuffer));
        //    }
        //    if (analyzer == null) {
        //        textBuffer.Properties.RemoveProperty(typeof(VsProjectAnalyzer));
        //        return;
        //    }
        //    textBuffer.Properties[typeof(VsProjectAnalyzer)] = analyzer;
        //    TaskCompletionSource<object> tcs;
        //    if (textBuffer.Properties.TryGetProperty(_waitForAnalyzerKey, out tcs)) {
        //        tcs.TrySetResult(null);
        //        textBuffer.Properties.RemoveProperty(_waitForAnalyzerKey);
        //    }

        /// <summary>
        /// Gets the analysis entry for the given view and buffer.
        /// For files on disk this is pretty easy - we analyze each file on it's own in a buffer parser.
        /// Therefore we map filename -> analyzer and then get the analysis from the analyzer.  If we
        /// determine an analyzer but the file isn't loaded into it for some reason this would return null.
        /// We can also apply some policy to buffers depending upon the view that they're hosted in.  For
        /// example if a buffer is outside of any projects, but hosted in a difference view with a buffer
        /// that is in a project, then we'll look in the view that has the project.
        /// For interactive windows we will use the analyzer that's configured for the window.
        /// </summary>
        public bool TryGetAnalysisEntry(ITextView textView, ITextBuffer textBuffer, out AnalysisEntry entry)
            var bi = PythonTextBufferInfo.TryGetForBuffer(textBuffer ?? textView?.TextBuffer);

            if (bi == null && textView != null)
                // If we have a difference viewer we'll match the LHS w/ the RHS
                var viewer = _diffService?.TryGetViewerForTextView(textView);
                if (viewer != null)
                    if (TryGetAnalysisEntry(viewer.DifferenceBuffer.RightBuffer, out entry))
                    if (TryGetAnalysisEntry(viewer.DifferenceBuffer.LeftBuffer, out entry))

            entry = bi?.AnalysisEntry;
            return(entry != null);