Пример #1
        public void OpenExcel2(string fileName)
            if (!CheckVersion(fileName))

            IWorkbook   workBook = _application.Workbooks.Open(fileName);
            IWorksheets sheets   = workBook.Worksheets;

            int targetId = 286;

            //GetWorksheetPipeSilt(sheets[0], targetId);//雨水下水道淤積紀錄
            //GetWorksheetPipeCross(sheets[1], targetId);//雨水下水道管線橫越紀錄
            //GetWorksheetPipeOther(sheets[2], targetId);//雨水下水道管線破損及其他紀錄
            //GetWorksheetPipeCableAttach(sheets[3], targetId);//雨水下水道纜線附掛紀錄
            GetWorksheetPipeUnableWalk(sheets[4], targetId);//雨水下水道無法縱走紀錄


            //}catch(Exception ex)
Пример #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets a range object from an existing instance or new one
        ///  if source is null, then adds a new worksheet and return the used range
        ///  if source is Range, then return the range
        ///  if source is Worksheet, then return the used range
        ///  if source is string, then parse the source and return the range
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="source">Reference, range or worksheet</param>
        /// <returns>Range</returns>
        public static IRange GetRange(object source)
            //Get a running instance of Excel or create one
            IExcel excel = ExcelExt.GetInstance();

            //Handle null source
            IWorksheets worksheets = excel.Worksheets;

            if (source == null)
                //Add a new sheet to the current workbook
                IWorksheet lastWorksheet = worksheets[worksheets.Count];
                IWorksheet newWorksheet  = worksheets.Add(Type.Missing, lastWorksheet, Type.Missing, Type.Missing);

            //Handle source as address
            if (source is string)
                //try parse worksheet name
                var srctxt = source as string;
                if (srctxt != null && srctxt.IndexOf('!') == -1 && srctxt.IndexOf(':') == -1)
                    try {
                    } catch { }
                //try parse range name
                try {
                    return(excel[source, Type.Missing]);
                } catch {
                    throw new ExcelSourceError("Failed to resolve the source:\n{0}", source);

            //Handle source as Worksheet
            IWorksheet worksheet = source as IWorksheet;

            if (worksheet != null)

            //Handle source as Range
            IRange range = source as IRange;

            if (range != null)

            throw new ExcelSourceError("Invalid type of source: {0}", source.GetType().Name);
Пример #3
        public void OpenExcel(string fileName)
            if (!CheckVersion(fileName))

            IWorkbook   workBook = _application.Workbooks.Open(fileName);
            IWorksheets sheets   = workBook.Worksheets;

            int targetId = 285;                   //InsertGisMenu("T05", "10018", "新竹市", "新竹市漁港特定區"); //195;

            GetWorksheetRcp(sheets[0], targetId); //雨水竣工管線(102)- 804020102
            GetWorksheetRcm(sheets[1], targetId); //雨水竣工人孔(202)- 804020202
            GetWorksheetCp(sheets[2], targetId);  //連接管(103)- 804020103
            GetWorksheetSw(sheets[3], targetId);  //集水井(204)- 804020204
            GetWorksheetRd(sheets[4], targetId);  //雨水側溝(601) - 804020601

            //}catch(Exception ex)