public OverlayContainer(string name, Docking dock, IWidgetStyle style) : base(name, dock, style) { ZIndex = 10000; AutoScroll = true; CanFocus = true; }
public TextWidget(string name, Docking dock, IWidgetStyle style, string text, IGUIFont font) : base(name, dock, style) { this.m_Padding = new Padding(3); this.HAlign = Alignment.Near; this.VAlign = Alignment.Center; if (text == null) { m_Text = String.Empty; } else { m_Text = text; } if (font == null) { m_Font = SummerGUIWindow.CurrentContext.FontManager.DefaultFont; } else { m_Font = font; } m_IconFont = SummerGUIWindow.CurrentContext.FontManager.SmallIcons; Format = FontFormat.DefaultSingleLineCentered; CanFocus = false; }
protected SliderBase(string name, Docking dock, IWidgetStyle style) : base(name, dock, style) { MinValue = 0; MaxValue = 1; Value = 0; }
public ComplexSplitContainer(string name, Docking dock, IWidgetStyle style) : base(name, dock, style) { /*** * PanelLeft = new ScrollableContainer ("panelleft", Docking.Fill, new SplitContainerPanelStyle ()); * PanelCenter = new ScrollableContainer ("panelcenter", Docking.Fill, new SplitContainerPanelStyle ()); * PanelBottom = new ScrollableContainer ("panelbottom", Docking.Fill, new SplitContainerPanelStyle ()); * PanelRight = new ScrollableContainer ("panelright", Docking.Fill, new SplitContainerPanelStyle ()); ***/ PanelLeft = new ScrollableContainer("panelleft", Docking.Fill, new SplitContainerPanelStyle()); PanelCenter = new ScrollableContainer("panelcenter", Docking.Fill, new EmptyWidgetStyle()); PanelBottom = new ScrollableContainer("panelbottom", Docking.Fill, new EmptyWidgetStyle()); PanelRight = new ScrollableContainer("panelright", Docking.Fill, new EmptyWidgetStyle()); SplitterLeft = new VerticalSplitter("leftsplitter", new SplitContainerTransparentSplitterStyle()); SplitterBottom = new HorizontalSplitter("bottomsplitter", new SplitContainerTransparentSplitterStyle()); SplitterRight = new VerticalSplitter("rightsplitter", new SplitContainerTransparentSplitterStyle()); PanelCenter.Dock = Docking.Fill; Children.Add(SplitterLeft); Children.Add(SplitterBottom); Children.Add(SplitterRight); Children.Add(PanelLeft); Children.Add(PanelCenter); Children.Add(PanelBottom); Children.Add(PanelRight); SplitterLeft.Distance = 0.25f; SplitterBottom.Distance = -0.25f; SplitterRight.Distance = -0.25f; }
public override void OnPaint(IGUIContext ctx, RectangleF bounds) { ComboBoxBase parent = Parent as ComboBoxBase; if (parent == null) { return; } float scrollOffsetY = 0; if (VScrollBar != null && VScrollBar.IsVisibleEnabled) { scrollOffsetY = VScrollBar.Value; } float itemHeight = parent.ItemHeight; for (int i = 0; i < parent.Items.Count; i++) { RectangleF itemBounds = new RectangleF(bounds.Left, (i * itemHeight) + bounds.Top - scrollOffsetY, bounds.Width, itemHeight); if (i == SelectedIndex) { IWidgetStyle style = Styles.GetStyle(WidgetStates.Selected); ctx.FillRectangle(style.BackColorBrush, itemBounds); parent.DrawItem(ctx, itemBounds, parent.Items[i], style); } else { parent.DrawItem(ctx, itemBounds, parent.Items[i], Style); } } }
public PanelCaption(string name, string text, IWidgetStyle style) : base(name, Docking.Top, style, text, null) { Styles.SetStyle(new ActiveCaptionPanelStyle(), WidgetStates.Active); Format = FontFormat.DefaultSingleLine; Padding = new Padding(6); }
/*** * public MultiLineTextWidget (string name, string text = null) * : this(name, text, new DefaultTextWidgetStyle()) * { * } ***/ public MultiLineTextWidget(string name, string text = null, IWidgetStyle style = null) : base(name, Docking.Fill, style) { Text = text; this.SetFontByTag(CommonFontTags.Default); m_Format = FontFormat.DefaultMultiLine; }
public JsWidgetStyle(JsWidget parentJsWidget, IWidgetStyle widgetStyle, IPageView pageView, bool bIsSetMD5) { _parentJsWidget = parentJsWidget; _widgetStyle = widgetStyle; _pageView = pageView; IsSetMD5 = bIsSetMD5; }
protected Widget(string name, Docking dock, IWidgetStyle style) { unchecked { ID = Interlocked.Increment(ref NextID); } if (name == null) { Name = String.Empty; } else { Name = name; } if (style != null) { Styles = new WidgetStyleProvider(style); } else { Styles = new WidgetStyleProvider(new EmptyWidgetStyle()); } Dock = dock; ScaleFactor = 1f; CanSelect = true; // we want to compare sizes fast and implizit m_MaxSize = SizeMax; m_Visible = true; Enabled = true; AutoContextMenu = true; }
public MultiLineTextBox(string name, IWidgetStyle style) : base(name, Docking.Fill, style) { m_Font = SummerGUIWindow.CurrentContext.FontManager.MonoFont; RowManager = new MultiLineTextManager(this, SpecialCharacterFlags.All); UndoRedoManager = new UndoRedoStack(this, 100); CursorOptions = CursorFlags.Default; CanFocus = true; HideSelection = true; AutoScroll = true; ScrollBars = ScrollBars.Vertical; VScrollBar.SetColorScheme(ScrollBarColorSchemes.Dark); Padding = new Padding(Font.Height, Font.LineHeight / 2); CursorPen = new Pen(Theme.Colors.White, 1.5f); BreakWidthRulerVisible = true; RowManager.LoadingCompleted += delegate { RowManager.MoveHome(); ScrollOffsetX = 0; ScrollOffsetY = 0; IsLoading = false; OnEnabledChanged(); RowManager.Paragraphs.UpdateCompleted += delegate { try { EnsureCurrentRowVisible(); Invalidate(1); } catch (Exception ex) { ex.LogError(); } }; }; }
public Panel(string name, Docking dock, IWidgetStyle style) : base(name, dock, style) { // ToDo: GUG BUG BUG //CanFocus = false; TabIndex = -1; }
public TableLayoutContainer(string name, IWidgetStyle style) : base(name, Docking.Fill, style) { Layout = new TableLayout(this); Layout.CellPadding = new SizeF(12f, 6f); Margin = Padding.Empty; Padding = Padding.Empty; }
public SideMenuContainer(string name, IGuiMenu menu, IWidgetStyle style = null) : base(name, Docking.Fill, style ?? new EmptyGradientWidgetStyle()) { IsMenu = true; Menu = menu; Style.BackColorBrush = new LinearGradientBrush(Theme.Colors.Base00, Theme.Colors.Base0, GradientDirections.BackwardDiagonal); //Style.BackColorBrush = new LinearGradientBrush (Theme.Colors.Base0, Theme.Colors.Base00); }
/// <summary> /// Add a highlighting theme into the collection /// of highlighting themes stored in this object. /// </summary> /// <param name="styleName"></param> /// <param name="style"></param> public void AddWidgetStyle(string styleName, IWidgetStyle style) { if (this.mGlobalStyles == null) { this.mGlobalStyles = new Dictionary <string, IWidgetStyle>(); } this.mGlobalStyles.Add(styleName, style); }
public override void DrawItem(IGUIContext ctx, RectangleF bounds, ComboBoxItem item, IWidgetStyle style) { if (item == null) { return; } // ToDo: DPI Scaling bounds.Inflate(-TextMargin.Width, 0); ctx.DrawString(item.Text, TB.Font, style.ForeColorBrush, bounds, FontFormat.DefaultSingleLine); }
public ConsoleOutputWidget(string name, Docking dock, IWidgetStyle style) : base(name, dock, style) { //Font = ApplicationWindow.CurrentContext.FontManager.MonoFont; Padding = new Padding(16); IsAnimationRunning = false; Logger = new EventLogger(LogLevels.Verbose); Logger.LogEvent += (sender, e) => AddParagraph(e.Message.Replace("\t", " ")); Logging.RegisterLogger(Logger); }
protected SplitterBase(string name, SplitOrientation orientation, IWidgetStyle style) : base(name, Docking.None, style) { //Styles.SetStyle (new SplitContainerSplitterStyle (), WidgetStates.Pressed); Styles.SetStyle (style, WidgetStates.Pressed); ZIndex = 1100; // must be above Scrollbars! Orientation = orientation; SplitterWidth = 4; MinDistanceNear = 100; MinDistanceFar = 50; Distance = 0.25f; }
public IObjectContainer AddMasterPageObject(Guid masterPageGuid, Guid viewGuid, double x = 0, double y = 0) { IObjectContainer container = ParentPage.AddMasterPageObject(masterPageGuid, viewGuid); IMasterPage masterPage = ParentDocument.MasterPages[masterPageGuid]; masterPage.Open(); PageView masterPageView = masterPage.PageViews[viewGuid] as PageView; if (masterPageView == null) { masterPageView = masterPage.PageViews[ParentDocument.AdaptiveViewSet.Base.Guid] as PageView; } double xDelta = masterPageView.PageViewStyle.X - x; double yDelta = masterPageView.PageViewStyle.Y - y; foreach (Widget widget in container.WidgetList) { // Set the created view as the current view because this is the first time when the widget // is added in the current document. widget.CreatedViewGuid = _viewGuid; // Set this flag to false. PlaceWidgetInternal method will set this flag base on checking // if this is base view. widget.HasBeenPlacedInBaseView = false; // Get widget style in this view. IWidgetStyle widgetViewStyle = widget.GetWidgetStyle(_viewGuid); // Widgets in master page should have same relative location, so make them have the same delta. widgetViewStyle.X -= xDelta; widgetViewStyle.Y -= yDelta; if (widget is IHamburgerMenu) { IHamburgerMenu menu = widget as IHamburgerMenu; IHamburgerMenuButton button = menu.MenuButton; IWidgetStyle buttonViewStyle = button.GetWidgetStyle(_viewGuid); buttonViewStyle.X -= xDelta; buttonViewStyle.Y -= yDelta; } PlaceWidgetInternal(widget, true); } // Master Page doesn't contain masters, so we don't handle container.MasterList. return(container); }
public void SetRichText(string simpleText, IWidgetStyle style = null) { if (style == null) { _richText = BuildRichText(simpleText, _widgetStyle); } else { _richText = BuildRichText(simpleText, style as WidgetStyle); } _text = simpleText; }
public override void AppendSpecificTypeStyle(StringBuilder builder, IWidgetStyle widgetStyle) { base.AppendSpecificTypeStyle(builder, widgetStyle); ITextBase textBase = widgetStyle.OwnerWidget as ITextBase; if (textBase.HideBorder) { builder.Append("\"border-color\":\"transparent\","); } builder.AppendFormat("\"background-color\":\"{0}\",", JsHelper.GetRGBAColor(widgetStyle.FillColor)); }
public static void AppendRichTextStyle(StringBuilder builder, IWidgetStyle widgetStyle) { if (widgetStyle.VertAlign == Alignment.Center || widgetStyle.VertAlign == Alignment.Middle) { builder.Append("\"vertical-align\":\"middle\","); } else { builder.AppendFormat("\"vertical-align\":\"{0}\",", widgetStyle.VertAlign.ToString().ToLower()); } // Text Alignment builder.AppendFormat("\"text-align\":\"{0}\",", widgetStyle.HorzAlign.ToString().ToLower()); }
public static string GetHash(IWidgetStyle style, bool bIsPlaced, bool bIsSetTarget = false) { if (style == null) { return(string.Empty); } SerialWidgetStyle target = new SerialWidgetStyle(style, bIsPlaced); string md5 = CreaetMD5Hash(target, bIsSetTarget); if (bIsSetTarget == true) { style.MD5 = md5; } return(md5); }
public Button(string name, string text, char icon, IWidgetStyle style) : base(name, Docking.Left, style, text, SummerGUIWindow.CurrentContext.GetFont(CommonFontTags.Status)) { Padding = new Padding(10, 4, 10, 4); //TextOffsetY = -1; Text = text; OnTextChanged(); Icon = icon; //Font = SummerGUIWindow.CurrentContext.GetFont(CommonFontTags.Status); //IconFontTag = CommonFontTags.SmallIcons.ToString (); CanFocus = true; HandlesEnterKey = true; }
public ApplicationToolBar(string name, IGuiMenu menu, IWidgetStyle style) : base(name, menu, style) { HamburgerMenu = new ToolBarButton("hamburger", null, (char)FontAwesomeIcons.fa_navicon); HamburgerMenu.Dock = Docking.Right; HamburgerMenu.ZIndex += 100; HamburgerMenu.Margin = new Padding(6, 3, 6, 3); HamburgerMenu.CanFocus = false; HamburgerMenu.Tooltip = "Sidebar Menu"; //HamburgerMenu.IsToggleButton = true; //HamburgerMenu.Margin = new Padding (4); HamburgerMenu.SetIconFontByTag(CommonFontTags.MediumIcons); AddChild(HamburgerMenu); RefreshMenu(); }
public override void AppendSpecificTypeStyle(StringBuilder builder, IWidgetStyle widgetStyle) { // Set the image file hash value for styles string hash = _service.ImagesStreamManager.GetConsumerStreamHash(_widget.Guid, widgetStyle.ViewGuid); if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(hash) && widgetStyle.ViewGuid == _widget.ParentDocument.AdaptiveViewSet.Base.Guid) { // If not find and it is base view, try to load again with empty view guid. hash = _service.ImagesStreamManager.GetConsumerStreamHash(_widget.Guid, Guid.Empty); } if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(hash)) { builder.AppendFormat("\"hash\":\"{0}\",", hash); } }
public static void AppendBorderStyle(StringBuilder builder, IWidgetStyle widgetStyle) { // There is no border if (widgetStyle.LineWidth < 1) { return; } builder.AppendFormat("\"width\":\"{0}px\",", Math.Round(widgetStyle.LineWidth)); switch (widgetStyle.LineStyle) { case LineStyle.Solid: { builder.Append("\"type\":\"1\","); break; } case LineStyle.Dot: { builder.Append("\"type\":\"2\","); break; } case LineStyle.DashDot: { builder.Append("\"type\":\"3\","); break; } case LineStyle.DashDotDot: { builder.Append("\"type\":\"4\","); break; } default: { builder.Append("\"type\":\"0\","); break; } } builder.AppendFormat("\"color\":\"{0}\",", JsHelper.GetRGBAColor(widgetStyle.LineColor)); }
public QuatSplitter(string name, Docking dock, IWidgetStyle style) : base(name, dock, style) { Panel1 = new ScrollableContainer("panel1", Docking.Fill, new SplitContainerPanelStyle()); Panel2 = new ScrollableContainer("panel2", Docking.Fill, new SplitContainerPanelStyle()); Panel3 = new ScrollableContainer("panel3", Docking.Fill, new SplitContainerPanelStyle()); Panel4 = new ScrollableContainer("panel4", Docking.Fill, new SplitContainerPanelStyle()); Splitter1 = new HorizontalSplitter(); Splitter2 = new VerticalSplitter(); Children.Add(Splitter1); Children.Add(Splitter2); Children.Add(Panel1); Children.Add(Panel2); Children.Add(Panel3); Children.Add(Panel4); }
public ScrollingBox(string name, Docking dock, IWidgetStyle style) : base(name, dock, style) { Font = SummerGUIWindow.CurrentContext.FontManager.DefaultFont; // ToDo: DPI Scaling: Faster ! (0 or 1) AnimationRate = 2; Padding = new Padding(12); Items = new ScrollingBoxCollection(); Alignment = StringAlignment.Center; //Format = FontFormat.DefaultSingleLineCentered; Format = FontFormat.DefaultMultiLine; ImagePadding = new Padding(0, 21); IsAnimationRunning = true; }
public StatusBar(string name, IWidgetStyle style) : base(name, Docking.Bottom, style) { this.ZIndex = 5000; this.Padding = new Padding(6, 3, 5, 3); this.Margin = Padding.Empty; DefaultPanel = new StatusTextPanel("default", Docking.Fill, ""); this.AddChild(DefaultPanel); ProgressPanel = new StatusProgressPanel("progress"); ProgressPanel.Visible = false; this.AddChild(ProgressPanel); RootControllerObserver = new Observer <EventMessage> (OnNext, OnError, OnCompleted); ReadyStatusString = "Ready."; ShowStatus(); }
protected ToolBarBase(string name, IGuiMenu menu, IWidgetStyle style) : base(name, Docking.Top, style) { IsMenu = true; Menu = menu; if (Menu == null) { Menu = new GuiMenu(name + "_menu"); } this.ZIndex = 1000; this.Padding = new Padding(3, 2, 3, 2); MinSize = new Size(0, 16); CanFocus = false; TabIndex = -1; RefreshMenu(); }