private void SendOperationStatus(Guid clientId, Guid operationId, OperationStatus status, string errorCode = null, string errorMessage = null) { var sessionIds = _sessionCache.GetSessionIds(clientId.ToString()); if (sessionIds.Length == 0) { return; } _subject.OnNext(new WampEvent { Options = new PublishOptions { Eligible = sessionIds }, Arguments = new object[] { new OperationStatusChangedMessage { Status = status, OperationId = operationId, ErrorCode = errorCode, ErrorMessage = errorMessage } } }); }
public async Task <CommandHandlingResult> Handle(RequestConfirmationCommand command, IEventPublisher eventPublisher) { var sessionIds = _sessionCache.GetSessionIds(command.ClientId.ToString()); if (sessionIds.Length == 0) { return(CommandHandlingResult.Ok()); } _subject.OnNext(new WampEvent { Options = new PublishOptions { Eligible = sessionIds }, Arguments = new object[] { new OperationStatusChangedMessage { Status = OperationStatus.ConfirmationRequested, OperationId = command.OperationId } } }); return(CommandHandlingResult.Ok()); }
private async Task ProcessLimitOrder(LimitOrderMessage ordersUpdateMessage) { await ordersUpdateMessage.Orders.ParallelForEachAsync(async order => { if (Guid.TryParse(order.Order.ExternalId, out Guid orderId)) { var sessionIds = _sessionRepository.GetSessionIds(order.Order.ClientId); if (sessionIds.Length == 0) { return; } var notifyResponse = new LimitOrderUpdateEvent { Order = new Order { Id = orderId, Status = order.Order.Status, AssetPairId = order.Order.AssetPairId, Volume = order.Order.Volume, Price = order.Order.Price, RemainingVolume = order.Order.RemainingVolume, LastMatchTime = order.Order.LastMatchTime }, Trades = order.Trades.Select(x => new Trade { Asset = x.Asset, Volume = x.Volume, Price = x.Price, Timestamp = x.Timestamp, OppositeAsset = x.OppositeAsset, OppositeVolume = x.OppositeVolume }).ToArray() }; _subject.OnNext(new WampEvent { Options = new PublishOptions { Eligible = sessionIds }, Arguments = new object[] { notifyResponse } }); } }).ConfigureAwait(false); }
private void PublishOrdersToClient(string clientId, Order[] orders) { var sessionIds = _sessionCache.GetSessionIds(clientId); if (sessionIds.Length == 0) { return; } _subject.OnNext(new WampEvent { Options = new PublishOptions { Eligible = sessionIds }, Arguments = new [] { orders } }); }
private async Task Process(BalanceUpdateEventModel message) { if (!message.Balances.Any()) { return; } try { foreach (var balance in message.Balances) { var meWalletId = balance.Id; var(clientId, walletId) = await _clientToWalletMapper.GetClientIdAndWalletIdAsync(meWalletId); var sessionIds = _sessionCache.GetSessionIds(clientId); if (sessionIds.Length == 0) { continue; } _subject.OnNext(new WampEvent { Options = new PublishOptions { Eligible = sessionIds }, Arguments = new object[] { new BalanceUpdateMessage { WalletId = walletId, Asset = balance.Asset, Balance = balance.NewBalance, Reserved = balance.NewReserved ?? default(double) } } }); } } catch (Exception e) { _log.WriteError(nameof(BalancesConsumer), message, e); throw; } }
public Task Handle(ClientHistoryExportedEvent evt) { var sessionIds = _sessionCache.GetSessionIds(evt.ClientId); if (sessionIds.Length == 0) { return(Task.CompletedTask); } _subject.OnNext(new WampEvent { Options = new PublishOptions { Eligible = sessionIds }, Arguments = new object[] { new HistoryExportGeneratedMessage { Id = evt.Id, Url = evt.Uri } } }); return(Task.CompletedTask); }
private async Task ProcessTradeAsync(List <TradeLogItem> messages) { if (!messages.Any()) { return; } var messagesByUser = messages.GroupBy(x => x.UserId); try { foreach (var userTrades in messagesByUser) { var sessionIds = _sessionCache.GetSessionIds(userTrades.First().UserId); if (sessionIds.Length == 0) { return; } _subject.OnNext(new WampEvent { Options = new PublishOptions { Eligible = sessionIds }, Arguments = new object[] { userTrades.ToList() } }); } } catch (Exception ex) { _log.WriteWarning(nameof(ProcessTradeAsync), messages, "Failed to process trade", ex); throw; } await Task.CompletedTask; }
async private void StreamBtn_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!IsStreamingToWAMP) { //maybe check if the connection before start wamp string CrossbarAddress = CrossbarIPTextBox.Text + "/ws"; string CrossbarRealm = RealmTextbox.Text; //This was the old code, might have to do some kind of hybrid depending on the url written. /*DefaultWampChannelFactory channelFactory = new DefaultWampChannelFactory(); * IWampChannel channel = channelFactory.CreateJsonChannel("wss://", CrossbarRealm); //CrossbarAddress * * channel.Open().Wait(); * //Task openTask = channel.Open() * //openTask.Wait(5000);*/ //if (CrossbarAddress.Contains("wss://")){ ServicePointManager.SecurityProtocol = SecurityProtocolType.Tls12; //} WampChannelFactory factory = new WampChannelFactory(); IWampChannel channel = factory.ConnectToRealm(CrossbarRealm) .WebSocketTransport(new Uri(CrossbarAddress + "/ws")) .JsonSerialization() .Build(); IWampRealmProxy realmProxy = channel.RealmProxy; channel.RealmProxy.Monitor.ConnectionEstablished += (sender_inner, arg) => { Console.WriteLine("connected session with ID " + arg.SessionId); dynamic details = arg.WelcomeDetails.OriginalValue.Deserialize <dynamic>(); Console.WriteLine("authenticated using method '{0}' and provider '{1}'", details.authmethod, details.authprovider); Console.WriteLine("authenticated with authid '{0}' and authrole '{1}'", details.authid, details.authrole); }; channel.RealmProxy.Monitor.ConnectionBroken += (sender_inner, arg) => { dynamic details = arg.Details.OriginalValue.Deserialize <dynamic>(); Console.WriteLine("disconnected " + arg.Reason + " " + details.reason + details); Console.WriteLine("disconnected " + arg.Reason); }; await channel.Open().ConfigureAwait(false); WAMPSubject = realmProxy.Services.GetSubject("RETDataSample"); SelectedTracker.GazeDataReceived += HandleGazeData; IsStreamingToWAMP = true; WAMPThread = new Thread(() => { while (IsStreamingToWAMP) { try { while (GazeEventQueue.Any()) { GazeDataEventArgs gazeEvent; GazeEventQueue.TryDequeue(out gazeEvent); float gazeX = 0; float gazeY = 0; if (gazeEvent.LeftEye.GazePoint.Validity == Validity.Valid && gazeEvent.RightEye.GazePoint.Validity == Validity.Valid) { gazeX = (gazeEvent.LeftEye.GazePoint.PositionOnDisplayArea.X + gazeEvent.RightEye.GazePoint.PositionOnDisplayArea.X) / 2; gazeY = (gazeEvent.LeftEye.GazePoint.PositionOnDisplayArea.Y + gazeEvent.RightEye.GazePoint.PositionOnDisplayArea.Y) / 2; } else if (gazeEvent.LeftEye.GazePoint.Validity == Validity.Valid) { gazeX = gazeEvent.LeftEye.GazePoint.PositionOnDisplayArea.X; gazeY = gazeEvent.LeftEye.GazePoint.PositionOnDisplayArea.Y; } else if (gazeEvent.RightEye.GazePoint.Validity == Validity.Valid) { gazeX = gazeEvent.RightEye.GazePoint.PositionOnDisplayArea.X; gazeY = gazeEvent.RightEye.GazePoint.PositionOnDisplayArea.Y; } if (gazeEvent.LeftEye.Pupil.PupilDiameter != -1 || gazeEvent.RightEye.Pupil.PupilDiameter != -1) { CurrentPupilDiameters[0] = Double.IsNaN(gazeEvent.LeftEye.Pupil.PupilDiameter) ? -1 : gazeEvent.LeftEye.Pupil.PupilDiameter; CurrentPupilDiameters[1] = Double.IsNaN(gazeEvent.RightEye.Pupil.PupilDiameter) ? -1 : gazeEvent.RightEye.Pupil.PupilDiameter; } WampEvent evt = new WampEvent(); evt.Arguments = new object[] { SelectedTracker.SerialNumber, new object[] { CurrentPupilDiameters[0], gazeEvent.LeftEye.GazePoint.PositionOnDisplayArea.X, gazeEvent.LeftEye.GazePoint.PositionOnDisplayArea.Y, CurrentPupilDiameters[1], gazeEvent.RightEye.GazePoint.PositionOnDisplayArea.X, gazeEvent.RightEye.GazePoint.PositionOnDisplayArea.Y, gazeEvent.LeftEye.GazeOrigin.PositionInUserCoordinates.X, gazeEvent.LeftEye.GazeOrigin.PositionInUserCoordinates.Y, gazeEvent.LeftEye.GazeOrigin.PositionInUserCoordinates.Z, gazeEvent.RightEye.GazeOrigin.PositionInUserCoordinates.X, gazeEvent.RightEye.GazeOrigin.PositionInUserCoordinates.Y, gazeEvent.RightEye.GazeOrigin.PositionInUserCoordinates.Z, gazeX, gazeY } }; WAMPSubject.OnNext(evt); } } catch (Exception exp) { //do nothing, skip Console.Write(exp); } } }); WAMPThread.Start(); if (StreamBtn.InvokeRequired) { StreamBtn.BeginInvoke((MethodInvoker) delegate() { this.StreamBtn.Text = "Stop"; }); } else { StreamBtn.Text = "Stop"; } } else { IsStreamingToWAMP = false; SelectedTracker.GazeDataReceived -= HandleGazeData; if (StreamBtn.InvokeRequired) { StreamBtn.BeginInvoke((MethodInvoker) delegate() { this.StreamBtn.Text = "Stream"; }); } else { StreamBtn.Text = "Stream"; } WAMPThread.Join(); } }
public void OnNext(TTuple value) { IWampEvent wampEvent = mConverter.ToEvent(value); mSubject.OnNext(wampEvent); }
public void OnNext(T value) { mSubject.OnNext(new WampEvent { Arguments = new object[] { value } }); }