private void TestLang()
            short s;

            m_pl.GetUserLanguageID(out s);

            Debug.Assert(s == 1033);
Пример #2
        private void SetCutomProfile(int vidbitrate, int audbitrate, int vidheight, int vidwidth, double fps)
            //seperate method atm braindump for adjusting an existing profile (prx file)
            //method call is not enabled yet
            IWMProfileManager  profileManager  = null;
            IWMProfileManager2 profileManager2 = null;
            IWMProfile         profile         = null;
            IWMStreamConfig    streamConfig;
            //IWMInputMediaProps inputProps = null;
            IWMProfileManagerLanguage profileManagerLanguage = null;
            WMVersion     wmversion   = WMVersion.V8_0;
            int           nbrProfiles = 0;
            short         langID;
            StringBuilder profileName        = new StringBuilder(MAXLENPROFNAME);
            StringBuilder profileDescription = new StringBuilder(MAXLENPROFDESC);
            int           profileNameLen     = MAXLENPROFNAME;
            int           profileDescLen     = MAXLENPROFDESC;

            profileName.Length        = 0;
            profileDescription.Length = 0;
            double videoFps          = fps;
            long   singleFramePeriod = (long)((10000000L / fps));
            //Guid guidInputType;
            //int dwInputCount = 0;
            int           hr;
            int           videoBitrate        = vidbitrate;
            int           audioBitrate        = audbitrate;
            int           videoHeight         = vidheight;
            int           videoWidth          = vidwidth;
            double        videofps            = fps;
            int           streamCount         = 0;
            IWMMediaProps streamMediaProps    = null;
            IntPtr        mediaTypeBufferPtr  = IntPtr.Zero;
            uint          mediaTypeBufferSize = 0;
            Guid          streamType          = Guid.Empty;
            WmMediaType   videoMediaType      = new WmMediaType();
            //Set WMVIDEOHEADER
            WMVIDEOINFOHEADER videoInfoHeader = new WMVIDEOINFOHEADER();

            //Setup the profile manager
            hr = WMLib.WMCreateProfileManager(out profileManager);
            profileManager2 = (IWMProfileManager2)profileManager;
            //Set profile version - possibly not needed in this case.
            //get the profile to modify
            string strprofileType = Config.GetFile(Config.Dir.Base, @"Profiles\MPCustom.prx");
            //read the profile contents
            string profileContents = "";

            using (StreamReader prx = new StreamReader(strprofileType))
                profileContents = prx.ReadToEnd();

            profileManager2        = profileManager as IWMProfileManager2;
            profileManagerLanguage = profileManager as IWMProfileManagerLanguage;
            hr = profileManager2.GetSystemProfileVersion(out wmversion);
            Log.Info("DVRMS2WMV: WM version=" + wmversion.ToString());
            hr = profileManagerLanguage.GetUserLanguageID(out langID);
            Log.Info("DVRMS2WMV: WM language ID=" + langID.ToString());
            hr = profileManager2.SetSystemProfileVersion(DefaultWMversion);
            hr = profileManager2.GetSystemProfileCount(out nbrProfiles);
            Log.Info("DVRMS2WMV: ProfileCount=" + nbrProfiles.ToString());
            //load the profile contents
            hr = profileManager.LoadProfileByData(profileContents, out profile);
            //get the profile name
            hr = profile.GetName(profileName, ref profileNameLen);
            Log.Info("DVRMS2WMV: profile name {0}", profileName.ToString());
            //get the profile description
            hr = profile.GetDescription(profileDescription, ref profileDescLen);
            Log.Info("DVRMS2WMV: profile description {0}", profileDescription.ToString());
            //get the stream count
            hr = profile.GetStreamCount(out streamCount);
            for (int i = 0; i < streamCount; i++)
                profile.GetStream(i, out streamConfig);
                streamMediaProps = (IWMMediaProps)streamConfig;
                streamConfig.GetStreamType(out streamType);
                if (streamType == MediaType.Video)
                    //adjust the video details based on the user input values.
                    streamConfig.SetBufferWindow(-1); //3 or 5 seconds ???
                    streamMediaProps.GetMediaType(IntPtr.Zero, ref mediaTypeBufferSize);
                    mediaTypeBufferPtr = Marshal.AllocHGlobal((int)mediaTypeBufferSize);
                    streamMediaProps.GetMediaType(mediaTypeBufferPtr, ref mediaTypeBufferSize);
                    Marshal.PtrToStructure(mediaTypeBufferPtr, videoMediaType);
                    Marshal.PtrToStructure(videoMediaType.pbFormat, videoInfoHeader);
                    videoInfoHeader.TargetRect.right  = 0; // set to zero to take source size
                    videoInfoHeader.TargetRect.bottom = 0; // set to zero to take source size
                    videoInfoHeader.BmiHeader.Width   = videoWidth;
                    videoInfoHeader.BmiHeader.Height  = videoHeight;
                    videoInfoHeader.BitRate           = videoBitrate;
                    videoInfoHeader.AvgTimePerFrame   = singleFramePeriod; //Need to check how this is to be calculated
                    IntPtr vidInfoPtr = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(WMVIDEOINFOHEADER)));
                    Marshal.StructureToPtr(videoInfoHeader, vidInfoPtr, false);
                    videoMediaType.pbFormat = vidInfoPtr;
                    hr = streamMediaProps.SetMediaType(videoMediaType);
                if (streamType == MediaType.Audio)
                    //adjust the audio details based on the user input
                    //audio is determined from bitrate selection and thus effects audio profile.
                    hr = streamConfig.SetBitrate(audioBitrate);
                    hr = streamConfig.SetBufferWindow(-1); //3 or 5 seconds ???
                    //TODO: set the WaveformatEx profile info etc
                //recofigures the stream ready for saving
                hr = profile.ReconfigStream(streamConfig);
            //save the profile
            //You should make two calls to SaveProfile.
            //On the first call, pass NULL as pwszProfile.
            int profileLength = 0;

            hr = profileManager2.SaveProfile(profile, null, ref profileLength);
            //On return, the value of pdwLength is set to the length required to hold the profile in string form.
            //TODO: set memory buffer to profileLength
            //Then you can allocate the required amount of memory for the buffer and pass a pointer to it as pwszProfile on the second call.
            hr = profileManager2.SaveProfile(profile, profileContents, ref profileLength);
Пример #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Get asf profile information
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public bool GetProfileFormatInfo(AsfFormatSelection avformat)
            int hr;
            IWMProfileManager profileManager = null;
            IWMProfile        profile        = null;

            if (this.InnerList.Count > 0)
                // Profile information already loaded

            Debug.WriteLine("Look for Windows Media profile information: " + avformat.ToString());
                IWMProfileManager2        profileManager2        = null;
                IWMProfileManagerLanguage profileManagerLanguage = null;
                WMVersion wmversion   = WMVersion.V4_0;
                int       nbrProfiles = 0;
                int       totalItems  = 0;
                short     langID;

                // Open the profile manager
                    hr = WMLib.WMCreateProfileManager(out profileManager);
                catch (Exception) { hr = -1; }
                if (hr >= 0)
                    // Convert pWMProfileManager to a IWMProfileManager2
                    profileManager2        = profileManager as IWMProfileManager2;
                    profileManagerLanguage = profileManager as IWMProfileManagerLanguage;

                    hr = profileManager2.GetSystemProfileVersion(out wmversion);
                    Debug.WriteLine("WM version=" + wmversion.ToString());

                    hr = profileManagerLanguage.GetUserLanguageID(out langID);
                    Debug.WriteLine("WM language ID=" + langID.ToString());

                    // Specify the version number of the profiles to use
                    hr = profileManager2.SetSystemProfileVersion(DefaultWMversion);
                    // Marshal.ThrowExceptionForHR(hr);

                    if (hr >= 0)
                        hr = profileManager2.GetSystemProfileCount(out nbrProfiles);
                        if (hr < 0)
                            // No profiles available, so nothing to do
                        Debug.WriteLine("ProfileCount=" + nbrProfiles.ToString());
                        // Error occured when setting profile version
                    // Error occured when creating profile manager

                // There are profiles to look for!
                for (int p = 0; (p < nbrProfiles) && (hr >= 0); p++)
                    Guid guid = Guid.Empty;
                    // Load the profile specified by the caller
                    //hr = profileManager2.LoadProfileByID(guid, out profile);
                    // Marshal.ThrowExceptionForHR(hr);
                    hr = profileManager2.LoadSystemProfile(p, out profile);
                    if (hr >= 0)
                        IWMProfile2 profile2 = profile as IWMProfile2;
                        hr = profile2.GetProfileID(out guid);
                        if (hr < 0)
                            Debug.WriteLine("GetProfileID failed for item " + p.ToString());
                        Debug.WriteLine("LoadSystemProfile failed for item " + p.ToString());
                    if (hr >= 0)
                        // Add item to list
                        if (AddProfileItem(avformat, profile, guid, null))
                }                 // for p

                // Start of NEW
                // Look for profile (*.prx) files in the current directory.
                // If found, then add the profile(s) to the list
                string profileData;
                string pathProfile   = System.IO.Directory.GetCurrentDirectory();
                string filterProfile = "*.prx";

                // Obtain the file system entries in the directory path.
                string[] directoryEntries =
                    System.IO.Directory.GetFileSystemEntries(pathProfile, filterProfile);

                foreach (string filename in directoryEntries)
                    if (GetProfileDataFromFile(filename, out profileData))
                        hr = profileManager.LoadProfileByData(profileData, out profile);
                        if (hr >= 0)
                            if (AddProfileItem(avformat, profile, Guid.Empty, filename))
                // End of NEW

                // Release the locals
                if (profile != null)
                    profile = null;
                if (profileManager != null)
                    profileManager = null;