private IWpfTextView GetViewFromIVsIntellisenseHost(IVsIntellisenseHost intellisenseHost)
            // The easiest way (unfortunately) is to get do reflection to get the view from the IVsIntellisenseHost.
            // In practice, the implementations we care about of this are just shim implementations from the editor.
            // The only alternative way to do this is to do very complicated watching of ITextView and IVsTextView
            // lifetimes to correlate them, but that requires running code in those code paths for all views which
            // seems a bit overkill for our needs.
            var field = intellisenseHost
                | System.Reflection.BindingFlags.Instance

            if (field == null)

            if (!(field.GetValue(intellisenseHost) is IVsTextView view))
