public bool IsAvailable(IUserDataHolder cache)
            var invocation = _provider.GetSelectedElement<IInvocationExpression>(false, false);
            if (invocation == null || invocation.Reference == null)
                return false;

            var referenceExpression = invocation.InvokedExpression as IReferenceExpression;
            if (referenceExpression == null)
                return false;

            switch (referenceExpression.Reference.GetName())
                case "Stub":
                case "Expect":
                case "AssertWasCalled":
                case "AssertWasNotCalled":
                    return false;

            var qualifierExpression = referenceExpression.QualifierExpression as IReferenceExpression;
            if (qualifierExpression == null)
                return false;

            var qualifierType = qualifierExpression.Type();
            if (!qualifierType.GetPresentableName(CSharpLanguage.Instance).StartsWith("I"))
                return false;

            return true;
        public override sealed bool IsAvailable(IUserDataHolder cache)
            using (ReadLockCookie.Create())
                if (Provider.SelectedElement != null)
                    var catelArgumentType = TypeHelper.CreateTypeByCLRName(CatelCore.Argument, Provider.PsiModule, Provider.SelectedElement.GetResolveContext());
                    _parameterDeclaration = null;
                    _methodDeclaration = null;

                    if (catelArgumentType.GetTypeElement() != null)
                        if (Provider.SelectedElement != null && Provider.SelectedElement.Parent is IRegularParameterDeclaration)
                            _parameterDeclaration = Provider.SelectedElement.Parent as IRegularParameterDeclaration;
                            if (_parameterDeclaration.Parent != null && _parameterDeclaration.Parent != null
                                && _parameterDeclaration.Parent.Parent is ICSharpFunctionDeclaration)
                                _methodDeclaration =
                                    _parameterDeclaration.Parent.Parent as ICSharpFunctionDeclaration;

            return _parameterDeclaration != null && IsArgumentTypeTheExpected(_parameterDeclaration.Type)
                   && _methodDeclaration != null
                   && !IsArgumentChecked(_methodDeclaration, _parameterDeclaration);
Пример #3
        public override bool IsAvailable(IUserDataHolder cache)
            callMethod = error?.Reference?.Resolve().DeclaredElement as IParametersOwner;
            if (callMethod == null)

            // ReSharper disable once PossibleNullReferenceException
            var callTreeNode = error?.Reference.GetTreeNode();

            classDeclaration = callTreeNode.FindParent <IClassDeclaration>();
            if (classDeclaration == null)

            // ReSharper disable once AssignNullToNotNullAttribute
            file = callTreeNode.GetContainingFile() as ICSharpFile;
            if (file == null)

            superTypes = classDeclaration.SuperTypes.SelectMany(x => x.GetAllSuperTypes()).Concat(classDeclaration.SuperTypes).ToArray();
            return(superTypes.Any(x => x.GetClassType()?.Methods.Any(y => y.ShortName == "NewMock") ?? false));
Пример #4
 public override bool IsApplicable(IObjectValueRole <TValue> valueRole,
                                   IMetadataTypeLite instanceType,
                                   IPresentationOptions options,
                                   IUserDataHolder dataHolder)
     return(myUnityOptions.ExtensionsEnabled && instanceType.Is("UnityEditor.SerializedProperty"));
Пример #5
 public ImmutableSwitchExpressionNode(IQsiTreeNode parent, IQsiExpressionNode value, IQsiSwitchCaseExpressionNode[] cases, IUserDataHolder userData)
     Parent   = parent;
     Value    = value;
     Cases    = cases;
     UserData = userData;
        public override sealed bool IsAvailable(IUserDataHolder cache)
            if (!_provider.IsValidForContractContextActions())
                return false;

            return DoIsAvailable();
Пример #7
 public ImmutableHanaDerivedTableNode(
     IQsiTreeNode parent,
     IQsiTableDirectivesNode directives,
     IQsiColumnsDeclarationNode columns,
     IQsiTableNode source,
     IQsiAliasNode alias,
     IQsiWhereExpressionNode @where,
     IQsiGroupingExpressionNode grouping,
     IQsiMultipleOrderExpressionNode order,
     IQsiLimitExpressionNode limit,
     QsiExpressionNode top,
     QsiExpressionFragmentNode sampling,
     HanaTableBehaviorNode behavior,
     QsiExpressionFragmentNode timeTravel,
     QsiExpressionFragmentNode hint,
     IUserDataHolder userData)
     Parent     = parent;
     Directives = directives;
     Columns    = columns;
     Source     = source;
     Alias      = alias;
     Where      = @where;
     Grouping   = grouping;
     Order      = order;
     Limit      = limit;
     Top        = top;
     Operation  = operation;
     Sampling   = sampling;
     Behavior   = behavior;
     TimeTravel = timeTravel;
     Hint       = hint;
     UserData   = userData;
Пример #8
        public override bool IsAvailable(IUserDataHolder cache)
            var testProjectProvider = ComponentResolver.GetComponent <ITestProjectProvider>(_dataProvider);

            _selectedElement      = _dataProvider.GetSelectedElement <IObjectCreationExpression>(false, false);
            _csharpMemberProvider = ComponentResolver.GetComponent <ICsharpMemberProvider>(_dataProvider);
            if (!(_selectedElement?.TypeReference?.Resolve().DeclaredElement is IClass c))

            var parameterCount = _selectedElement.ArgumentList?.Arguments.Count(x => x.Kind != ParameterKind.UNKNOWN);

            _constructor = c.Constructors.FirstOrDefault(x => !x.IsParameterless &&
                                                         x.Parameters.Count > parameterCount &&
            if (_constructor == null)

            var isAvailable = testProjectProvider.IsTestProject(_dataProvider.PsiModule) && _selectedElement != null && _selectedElement.Arguments.Count == 0;

            if (isAvailable)

Пример #9
        public override bool IsAvailable(IUserDataHolder cache)
            var propertyDeclaration = myDataProvider.GetSelectedElement <IPropertyDeclaration>();

            if (propertyDeclaration == null)

            if (InterfaceDeclarationNavigator.GetByPropertyDeclaration(propertyDeclaration) != null)

            if (!CSharpAutoPropertyUtil.IsPropertyHeaderSelected(propertyDeclaration, myDataProvider.SelectedTreeRange))
            if (!CSharpAutoPropertyUtil.IsEmptyOrNotImplemented(propertyDeclaration))

Пример #10
        public override bool IsAvailable(IUserDataHolder cache)
            var testProjectProvider = ComponentResolver.GetComponent <ITestProjectProvider>(_dataProvider);

            _parameterProvider = ComponentResolver.GetComponent <IParameterProvider>(_dataProvider);
            _selectedElement   = _dataProvider.GetSelectedElement <IObjectCreationExpression>(false, false);
            _block             = _dataProvider.GetSelectedElement <IBlock>();
            _classBody         = _dataProvider.GetSelectedElement <IClassBody>();
            _classDeclaration  = _classBody?.GetContainingTypeDeclaration() as IClassLikeDeclaration;

            if (_classDeclaration == null || _block == null || _selectedElement == null)

            if (!(_selectedElement.TypeReference?.Resolve().DeclaredElement is IClass c))

            _parameterNumber = _selectedElement.ArgumentList.Arguments.Count(x => x.Kind != ParameterKind.UNKNOWN);
            _constructor     = c.Constructors.ToArray().FirstOrDefault(x => !x.IsParameterless && x.Parameters.Count > _parameterNumber);
            if (_constructor == null)

        private bool TryCacheDebuggerDisplay(IObjectValueRole <TValue> valueRole, IMetadataTypeLite instanceType,
                                             IUserDataHolder userDataHolder)
            // If the (key) name of the reference is the same as its actual name, don't display the name in the value.
            // Replace with a second dictionary or whatever if we need to handle more types
            if (valueRole.ValueReference is CalculatedValueReferenceDecorator <TValue> reference &&
                !reference.AllowNameInValue && instanceType.FullName == "UnityEngine.GameObject")
                userDataHolder.PutData(ourDebuggerDisplayStringKey, GameObjectDebuggerDisplayStringWithoutName);

            // DebuggerDisplayAttribute is inherited. This is important for applying a debug string on Behaviour, and
            // having it used in custom MonoBehaviour classes
            var current = instanceType;

            while (current != null)
                if (myDebuggerDisplayValues.TryGetValue(current.GetGenericTypeDefinition().FullName,
                                                        out var displayString))
                    userDataHolder.PutData(ourDebuggerDisplayStringKey, displayString);

                current = current.BaseType;

		//Namespace.SubNamespace.PageClass = function/*{caret}*/(contentUrl) {
		//	this._needInit = false;
		//Namespace.SubNamespace.PageClass.prototype = {
		//	getIsMobile: function () {
		//		return true;
		//	},
		//	getSystemSwitcher: function () {
		//		return this._needInit;
		//	}
		//ITsExpressionStatement - constructor
		// CompoundExpression
		//  BinaryExpression
		//	 ReferenceExpression - Namespace.SubNamespace.PageClass
		//		ReferenceExpression - Namespace.SubNamespace
		//			ReferenceExpression - Namespace
		//	WhiteSpace
		//	EqTokenElement
		//	WhiteSpace
		//	FunctionExpression 	function(contentUrl) {this._needInit = false;}
		//		FunctionExpressionSignature 	function(contentUrl)
		//			FunctionKeywordTokenElement	function
		//		Whitespace
		//		ITsBlock
		//			LbraceTokenElement
		//			RbraceTokenElement
		//ITsExpressionStatement - prototype
		// CompoundExpression
		//  BinaryExpression
		//		ReferenceExpression
		//		ITsObjectLiteral
		//			ITsObjectPropertyInitializer
		//				IPropertyNameIdentifier
		//				WhiteSpace
		//				Block
		//					FunctionExpression
		public override bool IsAvailable(IUserDataHolder cache)

			var index = _provider.GetSelectedElement<ITsSimpleAssignmentExpression>(true, true);
			_indexExpression = null;
			_indexDeclaration = null;
			if (index != null && index.IsValid() && index.Source is ITsFunctionExpression && index.Dest is ITsReferenceExpression)
				_indexExpression = index;
				_replacement = "Convert to ES6 Class";
				return true;

			if (index != null && index.IsValid() && index.Source is ITsObjectLiteral && index.Dest is ITsReferenceExpression)
				_indexExpression = index;
				_replacement = "Convert to ES6 Static Class";
				return true;

			var indexDeclaration = _provider.GetSelectedElement<ITsFunctionStatement>(true, true);
			if (indexDeclaration != null && indexDeclaration.IsValid())
				_indexDeclaration = indexDeclaration;
				_replacement = "Convert to ES6 Class";
				return true;

			return false;
        public bool IsAvailable(IUserDataHolder cache)
            if (!myDataProvider.Project.IsUnityProject())

            var unityApi         = myDataProvider.Solution.GetComponent <UnityApi>();
            var fieldDeclaration = myDataProvider.GetSelectedElement <IFieldDeclaration>();

            if (fieldDeclaration == null || !unityApi.IsSerialisedField(fieldDeclaration.DeclaredElement))

            var existingAttribute = AttributeUtil.GetAttribute(fieldDeclaration, AttributeTypeName);

            if (existingAttribute != null && !IsRemoveActionAvailable)

            // Only for UnityObject types, not [Serialized] types
            var classDeclaration = fieldDeclaration.GetContainingTypeDeclaration();
            var classElement     = classDeclaration?.DeclaredElement;

            return(unityApi.IsDescendantOfMonoBehaviour(classElement) ||
        public override bool IsAvailable(IUserDataHolder cache)
            var literal = _provider.GetSelectedElement <ILiteralExpression>(true, true);

            //var processor = new YC.ReSharper.AbstractAnalysis.Plugin.Core.Processor(_provider);
            //var parserRes = processor.Process();
            ////var style = new TextStyle(FontStyle.Italic, Color.Aqua, Color.Bisque);
            ////var t =  CSharpHighlightingConsumerExtension.AddHighlighting()
            ////var t = _provider.Document. // TextControl;
            ////var h = new TextControlMarkup.HighlighterProcessor();
            ////var gg = HighlighterLayer.
            ////var tt = highli
            if (literal != null && literal.IsConstantValue() && literal.ConstantValue.IsString())
                var s = literal.ConstantValue.Value as string;
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(s))
                    _stringLiteral = literal;
        public override bool IsAvailable(IUserDataHolder cache)
            var nodeText          = _nodeUnderCaret?.DeclaredName;
            var containsUpperCase = nodeText != null && nodeText.Any(char.IsUpper);

Пример #16
        /// <summary>
        /// Process clean-up on file.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="projectFile">
        /// The project file to process.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="rangeMarker">
        /// The range marker to process.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="profile">
        /// The code cleanup settings to use.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="progressIndicator">
        /// The progress indicator.
        /// </param>
        public void Process(IPsiSourceFile projectFile, IRangeMarker rangeMarker, CodeCleanupProfile profile,
                            IProgressIndicator progressIndicator, IUserDataHolder cache)
            if (!this.IsAvailable(projectFile))

            ISolution solution = projectFile.GetSolution();

            ICSharpFile file = projectFile.GetDominantPsiFile <CSharpLanguage>() as ICSharpFile;

            if (file == null)

            if (!profile.GetSetting(FIX_VIOLATIONS))

            var services = solution.GetPsiServices();

            services.Transactions.Execute("Code cleanup", () => this.InternalProcess(projectFile.ToProjectFile(), file, profile.GetSetting(CREATE_XML_DOC_STUB)));

 public override bool IsAvailable(IUserDataHolder cache)
     var literal = _provider.GetSelectedElement<ILiteralExpression>(true, true);
     //var processor = new YC.ReSharper.AbstractAnalysis.Plugin.Core.Processor(_provider);
     //var parserRes = processor.Process();
     ////var style = new TextStyle(FontStyle.Italic, Color.Aqua, Color.Bisque);
     ////var t =  CSharpHighlightingConsumerExtension.AddHighlighting()
     ////var t = _provider.Document. // TextControl;
     ////var h = new TextControlMarkup.HighlighterProcessor();
     ////var gg = HighlighterLayer.
     ////var tt = highli
     if (literal != null && literal.IsConstantValue() && literal.ConstantValue.IsString())
         var s = literal.ConstantValue.Value as string;
         if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(s))
             _stringLiteral = literal;
             return true;
     return false;
        public override bool IsAvailable(IUserDataHolder cache)
            myMethodDeclaration = myProvider.GetSelectedElement<IMethodDeclaration>(true, true);
              if (myMethodDeclaration == null)
            return false;

              // only on non-generic methods
              var method = myMethodDeclaration.DeclaredElement;
              if (method == null || method.TypeParameters.Any())
            return false;

              if (!method.IsStatic)
            // only on non-generic types
            myClassDeclaration = method.GetContainingType() as IClass;
            if (myClassDeclaration == null || myClassDeclaration.HasTypeParameters())
              return false;

            // with default constructor
            if (!myClassDeclaration.IsStatic ||
              (!myClassDeclaration.Constructors.IsEmpty() && !myClassDeclaration.Constructors.Any(c => c.Parameters.IsEmpty())))
              return false;

              return !method.Parameters.Any();
		public override bool IsAvailable(IUserDataHolder cache)
				IMethodDeclaration method = Provider.GetSelectedElement<IMethodDeclaration>();

				bool insideOfMethod = method != null;

				if (insideOfMethod)
					bool returnsNull = ReturnsNullOrEmpty();

					bool isGenericList = CorrectReturnType(method);

					return returnsNull && isGenericList;

				return false;
			catch (Exception e)
 public override bool IsAvailable(IUserDataHolder cache)
     myClassDeclaration = myProvider.GetSelectedElement<IClassDeclaration>(true, true);
       // this context action is available on every class at the moment
       // TODO: add some constraints, like: there is already a test for this class
       return myClassDeclaration != null;
Пример #21
        public override bool IsAvailable(IUserDataHolder cache)
            var parameterType = error.ParameterType;

            if (!parameterType.IsGenericTask())

            var scalarType = parameterType.GetScalarType();

            if (scalarType == null)

            var substitution = scalarType.GetSubstitution();

            if (substitution.IsEmpty())

            var firstGenericParameterType = substitution.Apply(substitution.Domain[0]);

            var argumentType = error.ArgumentType.ToIType();

            if (argumentType == null)

 protected override bool IsApplicable(IMetadataTypeLite type, IPresentationOptions options,
                                      IUserDataHolder dataHolder)
     // Check debugger type proxy settings to avoid recursion while rendering Raw View. See GetChildren
     return(myUnityOptions.ExtensionsEnabled &&
            options.EvaluateDebuggerTypeProxy &&
Пример #23
 protected override IEnumerable <IValueEntity> GetChildren(IObjectValueRole <TValue> valueRole,
                                                           IMetadataTypeLite instanceType,
                                                           IPresentationOptions options,
                                                           IUserDataHolder dataHolder,
                                                           CancellationToken token)
     yield return(new ChildrenGroup(valueRole, ValueServices, myLogger));
Пример #24
 public ImmutableColumnsDeclarationNode(IQsiTreeNode parent, IQsiColumnNode[] columns, IUserDataHolder userData)
     Parent   = parent;
     Count    = columns?.Length ?? 0;
     Columns  = columns;
     IsEmpty  = Count == 0;
     UserData = userData;
 public override bool IsApplicable(IObjectValueRole <TValue> valueRole, IMetadataTypeLite instanceType,
                                   IPresentationOptions options,
                                   IUserDataHolder dataHolder)
     // Note that DebuggerDisplayObjectPresenter checks options.AllowTargetInvoke here
     return(myUnityOptions.ExtensionsEnabled && options.AllowDebuggerDisplayEvaluation &&
            TryCacheDebuggerDisplay(valueRole, instanceType.GetGenericTypeDefinition(), dataHolder));
Пример #26
        public override bool IsAvailable(IUserDataHolder cache)
            var returnType = error.ReturnType;

            var valueType = error.ValueType.ToIType();

 public ImmutableColumnExpressionNode(
     IQsiTreeNode parent,
     IQsiColumnNode column,
     IUserDataHolder userData)
     Parent   = parent;
     Column   = column;
     UserData = userData;
 public ImmutableWhereExpressionNode(
     IQsiTreeNode parent,
     IQsiExpressionNode expression,
     IUserDataHolder userData)
     Parent     = parent;
     Expression = expression;
     UserData   = userData;
Пример #29
 public ImmutableTableReferenceNode(
     IQsiTreeNode parent,
     QsiQualifiedIdentifier identifier,
     IUserDataHolder userData)
     Parent     = parent;
     Identifier = identifier;
     UserData   = userData;
 public virtual bool IsAvailable(IUserDataHolder cache)
     var parameterDeclaration = FindParameterDeclaration();
     if (parameterDeclaration == null || !parameterDeclaration.Language.IsLanguage(Language))
         return false;
     if (!Context.IsValid) return false;
     return !HasNamingConflicts(Context.Constructor.GetContainingType(), Context.SuggestedPropertyName);
Пример #31
        public override bool IsAvailable(IUserDataHolder cache)
            var testProjectProvider = ComponentResolver.GetComponent <ITestProjectProvider>(_dataProvider);

            _selectedElement   = _dataProvider.GetSelectedElement <IObjectCreationExpression>(false, false);
            _parameterProvider = ComponentResolver.GetComponent <IParameterProvider>(_dataProvider);

            return(testProjectProvider.IsTestProject(_dataProvider.PsiModule) && _selectedElement != null && _selectedElement.Arguments.Count == 0);
 public override bool IsAvailable(IUserDataHolder cache)
     if (_range == null || !ValidUtils.Valid(_range.First) || !ValidUtils.Valid(_range.Last))
         return false;
     var treeRange = AdjustTreeRange(_range);
     if (treeRange != null)
         return treeRange.First.Parent == treeRange.Last.Parent;
     return false;
Пример #33
 public ImmutableChangeSearchPathActionNode(
     IQsiTreeNode parent,
     QsiIdentifier[] identifiers,
     IUserDataHolder userData)
     Parent      = parent;
     Identifiers = identifiers;
     UserData    = userData;
Пример #34
        public bool IsAvailable(IUserDataHolder cache)
            if (!myWarning.Argument.IsValid())

            return(GetEditorBuildSettings(GetUnityModule(myWarning.Argument.GetSolution())) != null);
    public override bool IsAvailable(IUserDataHolder cache)
      var topLevelNode = myProvider.GetTopLevelNode();
      if (topLevelNode == null) return false;

      myChainedInvocation = FindInvocationChain(topLevelNode);

      return myChainedInvocation != null;
Пример #36
 public ImmutableMultipleOrderExpressionNode(
     IQsiTreeNode parent,
     IQsiOrderExpressionNode[] orders,
     IUserDataHolder userData)
     Parent   = parent;
     Orders   = orders;
     UserData = userData;
 public bool IsAvailable(IUserDataHolder cache)
     return(_myReferenceExpression != null &&
            _anchor != null &&
            !IsInvocationExpression(_myReferenceExpression) &&
            !InsideConstantExpression &&
            IsUnqualifiedExpression &&
Пример #38
        public override bool IsAvailable(IUserDataHolder cache)
            using (ReadLockCookie.Create())
                this._selectedDocCommentNode = GetSelectedExpression <IDocCommentNode>();

                return(this._selectedDocCommentNode != null);
 public ImmutableMultipleExpressionNode(
     IQsiTreeNode parent,
     IQsiExpressionNode[] elements,
     IUserDataHolder userData)
     Parent   = parent;
     Elements = elements;
     UserData = userData;
Пример #40
        public override sealed bool IsAvailable(IUserDataHolder cache)
            if (!_provider.IsValidForContractContextActions())

        public override bool IsAvailable(IUserDataHolder cache)
            // Quick fix should be available only for exceptions, declared in the same project.
            // I.e. fix would be unavailable for internal exeptions visible because of InternalVisibleTo
            var project =
                    .With(x => x.GetContainingType())
                    .With(x => x.GetSingleOrDefaultSourceFile())
                    .With(x => x.GetProject());

            var exceptionProject =
                    .With(x => x.GetDeclarations().FirstOrDefault())
                    .With(x => x.GetProject());

            // Fix is available only when exception declared in the same project!!
            if (project == null || exceptionProject == null || project.Guid != exceptionProject.Guid)
                return false;

            var exceptionDeclaration =
                (IClassDeclaration) _highlighting.ExceptionClass.GetDeclarations().FirstOrDefault();

            if (exceptionDeclaration == null)
                return false;

            // TODO: terrible approach, but can't find better!
            using (var workflow = GeneratorWorkflowFactory.CreateWorkflowWithoutTextControl(
                Contract.Assert(workflow != null);

                var ctors = workflow.Context.ProvidedElements
                    .Select(c => c.DeclaredElement)

                // TODO: refine me later!!
                if (ctors.Any(ContractUtils.HasTwoStringArgument))
                    _missedConstructorPredicate = ContractUtils.HasTwoStringArgument;
                    _missedConstructor = "ctor(string, string)";
                    return true;

                if (ctors.Any(ContractUtils.HasOneStringArgument))
                    _missedConstructorPredicate = ContractUtils.HasOneStringArgument;
                    _missedConstructor = "ctor(string)";
                    return true;

                return false;
Пример #42
        public override bool IsAvailable(IUserDataHolder cache)
            var isAvailable = base.IsAvailable(cache);

            if (isAvailable)
                cache.PutData(InstanceKey, this);
Пример #43
 public override bool IsAvailable(IUserDataHolder cache)
     return myReference
         .If(x => x.IsValid())
         .With(x => x.GetTreeNode() as ICSharpArgument)
         .If(x => x.Value is ICSharpLiteralExpression)
         .With(x => x.MatchingParameter)
         .With(x => x.Element)
         .With(x => myReference.GetReferenceSymbolTable(false).Names().Any());
 public override bool IsAvailable(IUserDataHolder cache)
     var index = _provider.GetSelectedElement<IIndexExpression>(true, true);
     if (index != null && index.IsValid() && index.AccessedPropertyName != null)
         _indexExpression = index;
         _replacement = string.Format("{0}.{1}", index.IndexedExpression.GetText(), index.AccessedPropertyName);
         return true;
     return false;
    public sealed override bool IsAvailable(IUserDataHolder cache)
      myOuterInvocation = null;
      myExistingLambdaParameterName = null;

      var topLevelNode = myProvider.GetTopLevelNode();
      if (topLevelNode == null) return false;

      myOuterInvocation = FindChain(topLevelNode);
      return myOuterInvocation != null;
		//angular.controller("UserProfileCtrl", function ($scope, mainFormModel, dataAccess) {
		//	$scope.logout = function () {}
		//			CompaundExpression
		//				ITsInvocationExpression //angular.controller(...)
		//					ITsReferenceExpression //angular.controller
		//					ITsLiteralExpression //"UserProfileCtrl"
		//					FunctionExpression <OR ITsArrayLiteral> //function ($scope, mainFormModel, dataAccess) {...}
		//						FunctionExpressionSignature
		//							ParametersList ($scope, mainFormModel, dataAccess)
		//						ITsBlock
		//							LbraceTokenElement
		//							ExpressionStatement //FOR-EACH
		//								CompaundExpression
		//									ITsSimpleAssignmentExpression
		//										ITsReferenceExpression //$scope.changeUserProfile
		//										FunctionExpression //function (profileId) {}
		//											ITsFunctionStatementSignature
		//											ITsBlock
		//							RbraceTokenElement

		//angular.controller("UserProfileCtrl", ["$scope", "mainFormModel", "dataAccess", function ($scope, mainFormModel, dataAccess) {
		//		$scope.logout = function () {
		//			AppConnection.logout().done(function () {
		//				window.location.href = "logout.html";
		//			});
		//		}
		//	}
		//					ITsArrayLiteral
		//						ITsLiteralExpression //FOR-EACH
		//						FunctionExpression //function ($scope, mainFormModel, dataAccess) {...}
		public override bool IsAvailable(IUserDataHolder cache)
			var index = _provider.GetSelectedElement<ITsReferenceExpression>(true, true);

			if (index != null && index.IsValid() && index.GetText().EndsWith(".controller") && index.Parent is ITsInvocationExpression)
				_indexInvocation = index.Parent as ITsInvocationExpression;
				_replacement = "Convert NG Controller to ES6 Class";
				return true;
			return false;
    public override bool IsAvailable(IUserDataHolder cache)
      using (ReadLockCookie.Create())
        _selectedExpression = GetSelectedExpression();

        if (_selectedExpression != null)
          return !IsConstantExpression(_selectedExpression) && IsIntMaxValue(_selectedExpression);

        return false;
		//(function ($scope, mainFormModel, dataAccess) {
		//	$scope.logout = function () {}
		//	var f1 = function() { }
		//	var f_private = function() { }
		//	var dataService = {
		//		f1: f1,
		//		f2:f2
		//	};
		//	return dataService;
		//	function f2() { f_private();}
		//})(window['$scope'], window['mainFormModel'], window['dataAccess']);
		//			CompaundExpression
		//				ITsInvocationExpression //angular.controller(...)
		//					ITsReferenceExpression //angular.controller
		//					ITsLiteralExpression //"UserProfileCtrl"
		//					FunctionExpression <OR ITsArrayLiteral> //function ($scope, mainFormModel, dataAccess) {...}
		//						FunctionExpressionSignature
		//							ParametersList ($scope, mainFormModel, dataAccess)
		//						ITsBlock
		//							LbraceTokenElement
		//							ExpressionStatement //FOR-EACH
		//								CompaundExpression
		//									ITsSimpleAssignmentExpression
		//										ITsReferenceExpression //$scope.changeUserProfile
		//										FunctionExpression //function (profileId) {}
		//											ITsFunctionStatementSignature
		//											ITsBlock
		//							RbraceTokenElement
		public override bool IsAvailable(IUserDataHolder cache)
			var index = _provider.GetSelectedElement<ITsFunctionExpression>(true, true);

			if (index != null && index.IsValid())
				_index = index;
				_replacement = "Convert Closure to ES6 Class";
				return true;
			return false;
        public bool IsAvailable(IUserDataHolder cache)
            var item = _provider.GetSelectedElement<IArgument>(false, false);
            if (item == null)
                return false;

            var owner = item.GetContainingNode<IArgumentsOwner>();
            if (owner == null)
                return false;

            var ownerOfOwner = owner.GetContainingNode<IArgumentsOwner>();
            if (ownerOfOwner == null)
                return false;

            var invocation = ownerOfOwner as IInvocationExpression;
            if (invocation == null || invocation.Reference == null)
                return false;

            switch (invocation.Reference.GetName())
                case "Stub":
                case "AssertWasCalled":
                case "AssertWasNotCalled":
                    return false;

            if (item.Expression is IInvocationExpression)
                var argInvocation = (IInvocationExpression)item.Expression;
                var expression = argInvocation.InvokedExpression as IReferenceExpression;
                if (expression != null)
                    var qualifier = expression.QualifierExpression as IReferenceExpression;
                    if (qualifier != null && qualifier.GetText().StartsWith("Arg<"))
                        return false;
                    return true;

            if (item.Expression is IReferenceExpression)
                var refExpression = (IReferenceExpression)item.Expression;
                var qualifier = refExpression.QualifierExpression as IReferenceExpression;
                if (qualifier != null && qualifier.GetText().StartsWith("Arg<"))
                    return false;

            return true;
Пример #50
 public bool IsAvailable(IUserDataHolder cache)
     var literal = _provider.GetSelectedElement<ILiteralExpression>(true, true);
     if (literal != null && literal.IsConstantValue() && literal.ConstantValue.IsString())
         var s = literal.ConstantValue.Value as string;
         if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(s))
             _stringLiteral = literal;
             return true;
     return false;
Пример #51
        public bool IsAvailable(IUserDataHolder cache)
            var item = _provider.GetSelectedElement<IMethodDeclaration>(false, true);

            if (item != null)
                var accessRights = item.GetAccessRights();

                if (accessRights == AccessRights.PUBLIC && !item.IsStatic && !item.IsVirtual && !item.IsOverride)
                    return true;
            return false;
        public override bool IsAvailable(IUserDataHolder cache)
            if (_highlighing.ReferingFieldOrProperty == null)
                _generateProperty = true;
                return true;

            // Let's disable quick fix for fields. It sounds crazy to fix visibility of one field instead of another!
            if (_highlighing.ReferingFieldOrProperty is IFieldDeclaration)
                return false;

            _changeVisibility = true;
            return true;
 public override bool IsAvailable(IUserDataHolder cache)
     var reference = _provider.GetSelectedElement<IReferenceExpression>(true, true);
     if (reference != null && reference.IsValid())
         var qualifier = reference.Qualifier;
         var nameIdentifier = reference.NameIdentifier;
         if (qualifier != null && nameIdentifier != null)
             _referenceExpression = reference;
             _replacement = string.Format("{0}['{1}']", qualifier.GetText(), nameIdentifier.GetText());
             return true;
     return false;
    /// <summary>The is available.</summary>
    /// <param name="cache">The cache.</param>
    /// <returns>The <see cref="bool"/>.</returns>
    public override bool IsAvailable(IUserDataHolder cache)
      var literal = this.provider.GetSelectedElement<ILiteralExpression>(true, true);
      if (literal == null || !literal.IsConstantValue() || !literal.ConstantValue.IsString())
        return false;

      if (ActiveContext.ActiveContentTree == null)
        return false;

      var text = literal.ConstantValue.Value as string;
      if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(text))
        return false;

      if (!text.StartsWith("{"))
        return false;

      Guid guid;
      if (!Guid.TryParse(text, out guid))
        return false;

      var project = this.provider.GetProject();
      if (project == null)
        return false;

      var site = project.Site;
      if (site == null)
        return false;

      this.Site = site;
      this.Guid = guid;

      return true;
Пример #55
        public override bool IsAvailable(IUserDataHolder cache)
            using (ReadLockCookie.Create())
                if (Provider.SelectedElement != null)
                    _superType = TypeHelper.CreateTypeByCLRName(SuperTypeName, Provider.PsiModule, Provider.SelectedElement.GetResolveContext());
                    if (_superType.GetTypeElement() != null)
                        _classDeclaration = Provider.SelectedElement.Parent as IClassDeclaration;

            // !_classDeclaration.IsStatic doesn't work, IsStatic is returns true
            return _classDeclaration != null && !_classDeclaration.IsStaticEx() && _classDeclaration.SuperTypes.IsEmpty();
 public bool IsAvailable(IUserDataHolder cache)
     _propertyAssignment = null;
     _dllImportAttribute = null;
     Func<IAttribute, bool> isDllImportAttribute = a =>
         var typeReference = a.TypeReference;
         if (typeReference != null)
             var typeElement = typeReference.Resolve().DeclaredElement as ITypeElement;
             if (typeElement != null && Equals(typeElement.GetClrName(), DllImportMissingAnalyzer.DllImportAttribute))
                 return true;
         return false;
     var method = _provider.GetSelectedElement<IMethodDeclaration>(true, true);
     if (method == null)
         return false;
     var attribute = method.Attributes.FirstOrDefault(isDllImportAttribute);
     if (attribute == null || !attribute.IsValid())
         return false;
     _dllImportAttribute = attribute;
     var entryPoint = attribute.PropertyAssignments.FirstOrDefault(pa => pa.PropertyNameIdentifier.Name == "EntryPoint");
     if (entryPoint == null)
         return true;
     _propertyAssignment = entryPoint;
     var literal = entryPoint.Source as ICSharpLiteralExpression;
     if (literal != null)
         if (!literal.IsConstantValue())
             return true;
         var value = literal.ConstantValue.Value as string;
         return value != method.NameIdentifier.Name;
     return false;
    public override bool IsAvailable(IUserDataHolder cache)
      var selection = myProvider.DocumentSelection.TextRange;

      if (!DocumentHelper.IsWholeStatementRangeSelected(selection, myProvider.Document)) return false;

      var block = myProvider.GetSelectedElement<IBlock>();
      var statementsRange = block?.GetStatementsRange(myProvider.SelectedTreeRange);
      if (statementsRange == null || statementsRange.Statements.Count < 2) return false;

      var statements = statementsRange.Statements;

      if (!AreDeclarationsBeforeLastStatement(statements)) return false;
      if (!AreDeclarationsFollowPattern(statements)) return false;
      if (!IsNoOtherVariableReferences(statements, block)) return false;

      return true;
    /// <summary>The is available.</summary>
    /// <param name="cache">The cache.</param>
    /// <returns>The <see cref="bool"/>.</returns>
    public override bool IsAvailable(IUserDataHolder cache)
      this.InvocationExpression = null;

      var invocationExpression = this.provider.GetSelectedElement<IInvocationExpression>(true, true);
      if (invocationExpression == null)
        return false;

      var referenceExpression = invocationExpression.InvokedExpression as IReferenceExpression;
      if (referenceExpression == null)
        return false;

      var declaredElement = referenceExpression.Reference.Resolve().DeclaredElement;
      if (declaredElement == null)
        return false;

      if (declaredElement.ShortName != "GetItem")
        return false;

      var containingType = this.GetContainingTypeName(declaredElement);
      if (containingType == null)
        return false;

      if (containingType != "Sitecore.Data.Database")
        return false;

      this.InvocationExpression = invocationExpression;

      return true;
        /// <summary>
        /// Determines whether the specified action is available for execution.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="cache">Ignored.</param>
        public override bool IsAvailable(IUserDataHolder cache)
            // Check that the caret is within method declaration
            var methodDeclaration = _provider.GetSelectedElement<IMethodDeclaration>(true, true);
            if (null == methodDeclaration)
                return false;

            // Check that the caret is exactly on the method name
            ITreeNode selectedElement = _provider.SelectedElement;
            if (null == selectedElement)
                return false;

            if (!methodDeclaration.GetNameDocumentRange().Contains(selectedElement.GetDocumentRange()))
                return false;

            // Cache method declaration for reuse in the execute method
            _methodDeclaration = methodDeclaration;

            return true;
        public override bool IsAvailable(IUserDataHolder cache)
            // Quick fix should be available only for exceptions, declared in the same project.
            // I.e. fix would be unavailable for internal exeptions visible because of InternalVisibleTo
            var project =
                    .With(x => x.GetContainingType())
                    .With(x => x.GetSingleOrDefaultSourceFile())
                    .With(x => x.GetProject());

            var exceptionProject =
                    .With(x => x.GetDeclarations().FirstOrDefault())
                    .With(x => x.GetProject());

            if (project == null || exceptionProject == null)
                return false;

            return project.Guid == exceptionProject.Guid;