private IReadOnlyList <ISearchValue> ExtractSearchValues(
            string searchParameterDefinitionUrl,
            IReadOnlyList <string> allowedReferenceResourceTypes,
            ITypedElement element,
            string fhirPathExpression,
            EvaluationContext context)
            Debug.Assert(searchParameterType != SearchParamType.Composite, "The search parameter must be non-composite.");

            var results = new List <ISearchValue>();

            // For simple value type, we can parse the expression directly.
            IEnumerable <ITypedElement> extractedValues = Enumerable.Empty <ITypedElement>();

                extractedValues = element.Select(fhirPathExpression, context);
            catch (Exception ex)
                    "Failed to extract the values using '{FhirPathExpression}' against '{ElementType}'.",

            Debug.Assert(extractedValues != null, "The extracted values should not be null.");

            // If there is target set, then filter the extracted values to only those types.
            if (searchParameterType == SearchParamType.Reference &&
                allowedReferenceResourceTypes?.Count > 0)
                List <string> targetResourceTypes = _targetTypesLookup.GetOrAdd(searchParameterDefinitionUrl, _ =>
                    return(allowedReferenceResourceTypes.Select(t => t.ToString()).ToList());

                // TODO: The expression for reference search parameters in STU3 has issues.
                // The reference search parameter could be pointing to an element that can be multiple types. For example,
                // the can be type of Patient, Practitioner, Related Person, Location, and so on.
                // Some search parameter could refer to this property but restrict to certain types. For example,
                // Appointment's location search parameter is returned only when is Location element.
                // The STU3 expressions don't have this restriction so everything is being returned. This is addressed in R4 release (see
                // Therefore, for now, we will need to compare the reference value itself (which can be internal or external references), and restrict
                // the values ourselves.
                extractedValues = extractedValues.Where(ev =>
                    if (ev.InstanceType.Equals("ResourceReference", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                        return(ev.Scalar("reference") is string rr && targetResourceTypes.Any(trt => rr.Contains(trt, StringComparison.Ordinal)));


            foreach (var extractedValue in extractedValues)
                if (!_fhirElementTypeConverterManager.TryGetConverter(extractedValue.InstanceType, GetSearchValueTypeForSearchParamType(searchParameterType), out ITypedElementToSearchValueConverter converter))
                        "The FHIR element '{ElementType}' is not supported.",


                IEnumerable <ISearchValue> searchValues = converter.ConvertTo(extractedValue);

                if (searchValues != null)
                    if (searchParameterType == SearchParamType.Reference && allowedReferenceResourceTypes?.Count == 1)
                        // For references, if the type is not specified in the reference string, we can set the type on the search value because
                        // in this case it can only be of one type.
                        string singleAllowedResourceType = allowedReferenceResourceTypes[0];
                        foreach (ISearchValue searchValue in searchValues)
                            if (searchValue is ReferenceSearchValue rsr && string.IsNullOrEmpty(rsr.ResourceType))
                                results.Add(new ReferenceSearchValue(rsr.Kind, rsr.BaseUri, singleAllowedResourceType, rsr.ResourceId));