Пример #1
 public bool RuntimeValidation(ref string error)
     if (RequiresVehicle == null)
         error = $"In {Name} we were unable to find a vehicle type with the name {VehicleTypeName}!";
     foreach (var network in Root.NetworkData)
         if (network.NetworkType == AutoNetworkName)
             AutoNetwork = network;
         else if (network.NetworkType == TransitNetworkName)
             TransitNetwork = network as ITripComponentData;
     if (AutoNetwork == null)
         error = "In '" + Name + "' we were unable to find an auto network called '" + AutoNetworkName + "'";
     if (TransitNetwork == null)
         error = "In '" + Name + "' we were unable to find a transit network called '" + TransitNetworkName + "'";
Пример #2
 public bool RuntimeValidation(ref string error)
     //search through the networks and load in the data based on their names
     foreach (var network in Root.NetworkData)
         if (network.NetworkType == TransitNetworkString)
             TransitNetwork = network as ITripComponentData;
         if (network.NetworkType == AutoNetworkString)
             AutoNetwork = network;
     // check to make sure that both networks were loaded in, if not report an error
     if (AutoNetwork == null)
         error = "In '" + Name + "' a auto network named '" + AutoNetworkString + "' could not be found.";
     if (TransitNetwork == null)
         error = "In '" + Name + "' a transit network named '" + TransitNetworkString + "' could not be found.";
Пример #3
        public bool RuntimeValidation(ref string error)
            if (String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(this.ModeName))
                error = "All modes require a mode name!";
            bool found = false;
            IList <INetworkData> networks;

            networks = this.Root.NetworkData;
            foreach (var network in networks)
                if (network.NetworkType == this.NetworkType)
                    this.TransitData = network as ITripComponentData;
                    if (this.TransitData == null)
                        error = "The network data \"" + this.NetworkType + "\" does not support the ITransitNetworkData interface.  Please use a module that supports this!";
                    found = true;
            if (!found)
                error = "We were unable to find the network data with the name \"" + this.NetworkType + "\" in this Model System!";
Пример #4
        public bool RuntimeValidation(ref string error)
            foreach (var network in this.Root.NetworkData)
                if (network.Name == this.AccessModeName)
                    this.First = network;

                if (network.Name == this.PrimaryModeName)
                    var temp = network as ITripComponentData;
                    this.Second = temp == null ? this.Second : temp;
            if (this.First == null)
                error = "In '" + this.Name + "' the name of the access network data type was not found!";
            else if (this.Second == null)
                error = "In '" + this.Name + "' the name of the primary network data type was not found or does not contain trip component data!";
Пример #5
 public bool RuntimeValidation(ref string error)
     foreach (var network in Root.NetworkData)
         if (network.NetworkType == AutoNetworkName)
             AutoNetwork = network;
         else if (network.NetworkType == TransitNetworkName)
             TransitNetwork = network as ITripComponentData;
     if (AutoNetwork == null)
         error = "In '" + Name + "' we were unable to find an auto network called '" + AutoNetworkName + "'";
     if (TransitNetwork == null)
         error = "In '" + Name + "' we were unable to find a transit network called '" + TransitNetworkName + "'";
Пример #6
        public bool RuntimeValidation(ref string error)
            if (String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(this.ModeName))
                error = "In module '" + this.Name + "', please add in a 'Mode Name' for your nested choice!";
            if (this.Correlation > 1 || this.Correlation < 0)
                error = "Correlation must be between 0 and 1 for " + this.ModeName + "!";
            if (MaxAccessStations <= 0)
                error = "The number of feasible access stations must be greater than 0!";
            foreach (var network in this.Root.NetworkData)
                if (network.NetworkType == this.AccessModeName)
                    this.First = network;

                if (network.NetworkType == this.PrimaryModeName)
                    var temp = network as ITripComponentData;
                    this.Second = temp == null ? this.Second : temp;

                if (network.NetworkType == this.EgressNetworkName)
                    var temp = network as ITripComponentData;
                    this.Third = temp == null ? this.Third : temp;

                if (network.NetworkType == this.AlternativePrimaryModeName)
                    this.FirstAlternative = network;
            if (this.First == null)
                error = "In '" + this.Name + "' the name of the access network data type was not found!";
            else if (this.Second == null)
                error = "In '" + this.Name + "' the name of the primary network data type was not found or does not contain trip component data!";
            else if (this.Third == null && this.ComputeEgressStation)
                error = "In '" + this.Name + "' the name of the egress network data type was not found or does not contain trip component data!";
Пример #7
            private void CalculateUtilities(RangeSet stationRanges, RangeSet spatialZones, float[] capacity, int[] closestStation)
                INetworkData       autoNetwork    = GetNetwork(AutoNetworkName);
                ITripComponentData transitNetwork = GetNetwork(TransitNetworkName) as ITripComponentData;

                EnsureNetworks(autoNetwork, transitNetwork);
                var zoneArray = Root.ZoneSystem.ZoneArray;

                IZone[] zones              = zoneArray.GetFlatData();
                int[]   stationZones       = GetStationZones(stationRanges, capacity, zones);
                var     flatCapacityFactor = CapacityFactor.GetFlatData();

                if (AutoFromOriginToAccessStation == null || TransitFromAccessStationToDestination.Length != stationZones.Length * zones.Length)
                    TransitFromAccessStationToDestination = new float[stationZones.Length * zones.Length];
                    AutoFromOriginToAccessStation         = new float[stationZones.Length * zones.Length];
                    TransitFromDestinationToAccessStation = new float[stationZones.Length * zones.Length];
                    AutoFromAccessStationToDestination    = new float[stationZones.Length * zones.Length];
                // compute the toAccess utilities
                Parallel.For(0, zones.Length, (int originIndex) =>
                    var zoneNumber = zones[originIndex].ZoneNumber;
                    if (spatialZones.Contains(zoneNumber))
                        for (int i = 0; i < stationZones.Length; i++)
                            var accessIndex = stationZones[i];
                            var factor      = (float)Math.Pow(flatCapacityFactor[accessIndex], CapacityFactorExp);
                            // calculate access' to access station this will include more factors
                            AutoFromOriginToAccessStation[originIndex * stationZones.Length + i] = (float)Math.Exp(ComputeUtility(autoNetwork, originIndex, accessIndex)
                                                                                                                   + (Capacity * capacity[accessIndex]
                                                                                                                      + ParkingCost * zones[accessIndex].ParkingCost
                                                                                                                      + (closestStation[originIndex] == accessIndex ? ClosestStationFactor : 0))) * factor;
                            // calculate egress' from access station
                            AutoFromAccessStationToDestination[originIndex * stationZones.Length + i] = (float)Math.Exp(ComputeUtility(autoNetwork, accessIndex, originIndex)) * factor;

                // compute the toDesinstination utilities
                Parallel.For(0, zones.Length, (int destIndex) =>
                    var zoneNumber = zones[destIndex].ZoneNumber;
                    if (spatialZones.Contains(zoneNumber))
                        for (int i = 0; i < stationZones.Length; i++)
                            var accessIndex = stationZones[i];
                            var factor      = (float)Math.Pow(flatCapacityFactor[accessIndex], CapacityFactorExp);
                            // calculate access' to destination
                            TransitFromAccessStationToDestination[destIndex * stationZones.Length + i] = (float)Math.Exp(ComputeUtility(transitNetwork, accessIndex, destIndex)) * factor;
                            // calculate egress' to access station
                            TransitFromDestinationToAccessStation[destIndex * stationZones.Length + i] = (float)Math.Exp(ComputeUtility(transitNetwork, destIndex, accessIndex)) * factor;
Пример #8
 private static float ComputeV(ITripComponentData data, int egress, int destination, Time time, float ivttWeight, float walkWeight, float waitWeight, float boardingWeight, float costWeight)
     data.GetAllData(egress, destination, time, out Time ivtt, out Time walk, out Time wait, out Time boarding, out float cost);
     return(ivttWeight * ivtt.ToMinutes()
            + walkWeight * walk.ToMinutes()
            + waitWeight * wait.ToMinutes()
            + boardingWeight * boarding.ToMinutes()
            + costWeight * cost);
Пример #9
 private static float ComputeSubV(ITripComponentData data, int flatOrigin, int flatDestination, Time t, float ivttWeight, float walkWeight, float waitWeight, float boardingWeight, float costWeight)
     data.GetAllData(flatOrigin, flatDestination, t, out float ivtt, out float walk, out float wait, out float boarding, out float cost);
     return(ivttWeight * ivtt
            + walkWeight * walk
            + waitWeight * wait
            + boardingWeight * boarding
            + costWeight * cost);
Пример #10
 private float ComputeUtility(ITripComponentData transitNetwork, int originIndex, int destIndex)
     if (transitNetwork.GetAllData(originIndex, destIndex, StartTime, out float trueTravelTime, out float walk, out float wait, out float perceivedTravelTime, out float cost) && (perceivedTravelTime > 0))
         return(PerceivedTransitTime * perceivedTravelTime
                + TransitFare * cost);
Пример #11
 private void EnsureNetworks(INetworkData autoNetwork, ITripComponentData transitNetwork)
     if (autoNetwork == null)
         throw new XTMFRuntimeException("In '" + Name + "' we were unable to find an auto network named '" + AutoNetworkName + "'!");
     if (transitNetwork == null)
         throw new XTMFRuntimeException("In '" + Name + "' we were unable to find an transit network named '" + TransitNetworkName + "'!");
Пример #12
 /// <summary>
 /// Find and Load in the network data
 /// </summary>
 private void LoadNetworkData()
     foreach (var dataSource in Root.NetworkData)
         if (dataSource is ITripComponentData ds && dataSource.NetworkType == NetworkType)
             NetworkData = ds;
Пример #13
        private static float ComputeSubV(ITripComponentData data, int flatOrigin, int flatDestination, Time t, float ivttWeight, float walkWeight, float waitWeight, float costWeight)
            Time  ivtt, walk, wait, boarding;
            float cost;

            data.GetAllData(flatOrigin, flatDestination, t, out ivtt, out walk, out wait, out boarding, out cost);
            return(ivttWeight * ivtt.ToMinutes()
                   + walkWeight * walk.ToMinutes()
                   + waitWeight * wait.ToMinutes()
                   + costWeight * cost);
Пример #14
 /// <summary>
 /// Find and Load in the network data
 /// </summary>
 private void LoadNetworkData()
     foreach ( var dataSource in this.Root.NetworkData )
         var ds = dataSource as ITripComponentData;
         if ( ds != null && dataSource.NetworkType == this.NetworkType )
             this.NetworkData = ds;
Пример #15
 private float ComputeUtility(ITripComponentData transitNetwork, int originIndex, int destIndex)
     if (transitNetwork.GetAllData(originIndex, destIndex, StartTime, out float ivtt, out float walk, out float wait, out float boardingPenalty, out float cost) && (boardingPenalty > 0))
         return(TIVTT * ivtt
                + Boarding * boardingPenalty
                + TWALK * walk
                + TWAIT * wait
                + TransitFare * cost);
Пример #16
 private bool AssignNetwork(IList <INetworkData> networks)
     foreach (var network in networks)
         if (network.NetworkType == NetworkType)
             Network = network as ITripComponentData;
             return(Network != null);
Пример #17
 /// <summary>
 /// Find and Load in the network data
 /// </summary>
 private void LoadNetworkData()
     foreach (var dataSource in this.Root.NetworkData)
         var ds = dataSource as ITripComponentData;
         if (ds != null && dataSource.NetworkType == this.NetworkType)
             this.NetworkData = ds;
Пример #18
 private static bool ComputeThird(ITripComponentData data, int flatOrigin, int flatDestination, Time t, float walkTime, float waitTime, out float result)
     data.GetAllData(flatOrigin, flatDestination, t, out float ivtt, out float walk, out float wait, out float boarding, out float cost);
     if (walk <= 0)
         result = float.PositiveInfinity;
     result = walk * walkTime
              + wait * waitTime
              + ivtt;
Пример #19
 public bool RuntimeValidation(ref string error)
     foreach (var network in Root.NetworkData)
         if (network.NetworkType == AutoNetworkName)
             _autoNetwork = network as INetworkData;
         else if (network.NetworkType == TransitNetworkName)
             _transitNetwork = network as ITripComponentData;
     if (_autoNetwork == null)
         error = "In '" + Name + "' we were unable to find an auto network called '" + AutoNetworkName + "'";
     if (_transitNetwork == null)
         error = "In '" + Name + "' we were unable to find a transit network called '" + TransitNetworkName + "'";
     foreach (var mode in Root.AllModes)
         if (mode.ModeName == DATModeName)
             _dat = mode;
     foreach (var mode in Root.AllModes)
         if (mode.ModeName == PassengerModeName)
             _passenger = mode;
     if (_dat == null)
         error = "In '" + Name + "' we were unable to find a DAT mode called '" + DATModeName + "'";
     if (_passenger == null)
         error = "In '" + Name + "' we were unable to find a Passenger mode called '" + DATModeName + "'";
Пример #20
        private void LoadInVehicleTimes(SparseTwinIndex <float> data, ITripComponentData network)
            var flatData = data.GetFlatData();
            var time     = TimeToLoad;

            for (int i = 0; i < flatData.Length; i++)
                var row = flatData[i];
                for (int j = 0; j < row.Length; j++)
                    row[j] = network.InVehicleTravelTime(i, j, time).ToMinutes();
Пример #21
        private static bool ComputeThird(ITripComponentData data, int flatOrigin, int flatDestination, Time t, float walkTime, float waitTime, out float result)
            data.GetAllData(flatOrigin, flatDestination, t, out Time ivtt, out Time walk, out Time wait, out Time boarding, out float cost);
            var timeWalkingInMinutes = walk.ToMinutes();

            if (timeWalkingInMinutes <= 0)
                result = float.PositiveInfinity;
            result = timeWalkingInMinutes * walkTime
                     + wait.ToMinutes() * waitTime
                     + ivtt.ToMinutes();
Пример #22
 /// <summary>
 /// Find and Load in the network data
 /// </summary>
 private void LoadNetworkData()
     foreach (var dataSource in Root.NetworkData)
         if (dataSource.NetworkType == NetworkType)
             NetworkData = dataSource;
             if (dataSource is ITripComponentData advancedData)
                 AdvancedNetworkData = advancedData;
Пример #23
        public bool RuntimeValidation(ref string error)
            if (String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(ModeName))
                error = "In module '" + Name + "', please add in a 'Mode Name' for your nested choice!";
            if (Correlation > 1 || Correlation < 0)
                error = "Correlation must be between 0 and 1 for " + ModeName + "!";
            foreach (var network in Root.NetworkData)
                if (network.NetworkType == AccessModeName)
                    First = network;

                if (network.NetworkType == PrimaryModeName)
                    var temp = network as ITripComponentData;
                    Second = temp ?? Second;

                if (network.NetworkType == EgressNetworkName)
                    var temp = network as ITripComponentData;
                    Third = temp ?? Third;
            if (First == null)
                error = "In '" + Name + "' the name of the access network data type was not found!";
            if (Second == null)
                error = "In '" + Name + "' the name of the primary network data type was not found or does not contain trip component data!";
            if (Third == null && ComputeEgressStation)
                error = "In '" + Name + "' the name of the egress network data type was not found or does not contain trip component data!";
Пример #24
 /// <summary>
 /// Find and Load in the network data
 /// </summary>
 private void LoadNetworkData()
     foreach (var dataSource in this.Root.NetworkData)
         if (dataSource.NetworkType == this.NetworkType)
             this.NetworkData = dataSource;
             ITripComponentData advancedData = dataSource as ITripComponentData;
             if (advancedData != null)
                 this.AdvancedNetworkData = advancedData;
Пример #25
        public bool RuntimeValidation(ref string error)
            if (String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(ModeName))
                error = "In module '" + Name + "', please add in a 'Mode Name' for your nested choice!";
            if (Correlation > 1 || Correlation < 0)
                error = "Correlation must be between 0 and 1 for " + ModeName + "!";
            if (MaxAccessStations <= 0)
                error = "The number of feasible access stations must be greater than 0!";
            foreach (var network in Root.NetworkData)
                if (network.NetworkType == AccessModeName)
                    First = network;

                if (network.NetworkType == PrimaryModeName)
                    var temp = network as ITripComponentData;
                    Second = temp == null ? Second : temp;
            if (First == null)
                error = "In '" + Name + "' the name of the access network data type was not found!";
            if (Second == null)
                error = "In '" + Name + "' the name of the primary network data type was not found or does not contain trip component data!";
            // If everything is fine we can now Generate our children
            if (!GenerateChildren())
Пример #26
        public bool RuntimeValidation(ref string error)
            foreach (var network in this.Root.NetworkData)
                if (network.NetworkType == Auto)
                    this.AutoData = network;

                else if (network.NetworkType == Transit)
                    var temp = network as ITripComponentData;
                    this.TransitData = temp == null ? this.TransitData : temp;
Пример #27
 /// <summary>
 /// This is called before the start method as a way to pre-check that all of the parameters that are selected
 /// are in fact valid for this module.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="error">A string that should be assigned a detailed error</param>
 /// <returns>If the validation was successful or if there was a problem</returns>
 public bool RuntimeValidation(ref string error)
     Data = null;
     foreach (var network in TashaRuntime.NetworkData)
         if (network.NetworkType == NetworkType && network is ITripComponentData)
             Data = network as ITripComponentData;
     if (Data == null)
         error = "We were unable to find a transit network with the name \"" + NetworkType + "\"!";
Пример #28
 /// <summary>
 /// Find and Load in the network data
 /// </summary>
 private bool LoadNetworkData(ref string error)
     foreach (var dataSource in Root.NetworkData)
         if (dataSource.NetworkType == NetworkType)
             if (dataSource is ITripComponentData advancedData)
                 NetworkData = advancedData;
             error = "In '" + Name + "' the given network data '" + NetworkType + "' is not ITripComponentData compliant!";
     error = "In '" + Name + "' we were unable to find any network data with the name '" + NetworkType + "'!";
Пример #29
        private static bool ComputeThird(ITripComponentData data, int flatOrigin, int flatDestination, Time t, float WalkTime, float WaitTime, out float result)
            Time  ivtt, walk, wait, boarding;
            float cost;

            data.GetAllData(flatOrigin, flatDestination, t, out ivtt, out walk, out wait, out boarding, out cost);
            var walkTime = walk.ToMinutes();

            if (walkTime <= 0)
                result = float.PositiveInfinity;
            result = walkTime * WalkTime
                     + wait.ToMinutes() * WaitTime
                     + ivtt.ToMinutes();
Пример #30
 public bool RuntimeValidation(ref string error)
     // load auto network + transit network
     foreach (var network in Root.NetworkData)
         var networkName = network.NetworkType;
         if (networkName == AutoNetworkName)
             AutoNetwork = network;
         if (networkName == TransitNetworkName)
             TransitNetwork = network as ITripComponentData;
     if (AutoNetwork == null)
         error = "In '" + Name + "' the auto network could not be found!";
     if (TransitNetwork == null)
         error = "In '" + Name + "' the transit network could not be found!";
     // check resources for proper types
     if (!EmployedPopulationResidenceByZone.CheckResourceType <SparseArray <float> >())
         error = "In '" + Name + "' the Employed Population Residence By Zone is not of type SparseArray<float>!";
     if (!JobsByZone.CheckResourceType <SparseArray <float> >())
         error = "In '" + Name + "' the Jobs By Zone is not of type SparseArray<float>!";
     if (KFactors != null && !KFactors.CheckResourceType <SparseTwinIndex <float> >())
         error = "In '" + Name + "' the KFactors are not of type SparseTwinIndex<float>!";
Пример #31
        public bool RuntimeValidation(ref string error)
            foreach (var network in Root.NetworkData)
                if (network.Name == AccessModeName)
                    First          = network;
                    FirstComponent = network as ITripComponentData;

                if (network.Name == PrimaryModeName)
                    var temp = network as ITripComponentData;
                    Second = temp ?? Second;

                if (network.NetworkType == EgressNetworkName)
                    var temp = network as ITripComponentData;
                    Third = temp ?? Third;
            if (First == null)
                error = "In '" + Name + "' the name of the access network data type was not found!";
            if (Second == null)
                error = "In '" + Name + "' the name of the primary network data type was not found or does not contain trip component data!";
            if (Third == null && ComputeEgressStation)
                error = "In '" + Name + "' the name of the egress network data type was not found or does not contain trip component data!";
Пример #32
 private static float ComputeSubV(ITripComponentData data, int flatOrigin, int flatDestination, Time t, float ivttWeight, float walkWeight, float waitWeight, float boardingWeight, float costWeight)
     float ivtt, walk, wait, boarding;
     float cost;
     data.GetAllData( flatOrigin, flatDestination, t, out ivtt, out walk, out wait, out boarding, out cost );
     return ivttWeight * ivtt
         + walkWeight * walk
         + waitWeight * wait
         + boardingWeight * boarding
         + costWeight * cost;
Пример #33
        public bool RuntimeValidation(ref string error)
            foreach ( var network in this.Root.NetworkData )
                if ( network.Name == this.AccessModeName )
                    this.First = network;

                if ( network.Name == this.PrimaryModeName )
                    var temp = network as ITripComponentData;
                    this.Second = temp == null ? this.Second : temp;

                if ( network.NetworkType == this.EgressNetworkName )
                    var temp = network as ITripComponentData;
                    this.Third = temp == null ? this.Third : temp;
            if ( this.First == null )
                error = "In '" + this.Name + "' the name of the access network data type was not found!";
                return false;
            else if ( this.Second == null )
                error = "In '" + this.Name + "' the name of the primary network data type was not found or does not contain trip component data!";
                return false;
            else if ( this.Third == null && this.ComputeEgressStation )
                error = "In '" + this.Name + "' the name of the egress network data type was not found or does not contain trip component data!";
                return false;
            return true;
Пример #34
        public bool RuntimeValidation(ref string error)
            if ( String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace( this.ModeName ) )
                error = "In module '" + this.Name + "', please add in a 'Mode Name' for your nested choice!";
                return false;
            if ( this.Correlation > 1 || this.Correlation < 0 )
                error = "Correlation must be between 0 and 1 for " + this.ModeName + "!";
                return false;
            if ( MaxAccessStations <= 0 )
                error = "The number of feasible access stations must be greater than 0!";
                return false;
            foreach ( var network in this.Root.NetworkData )
                if ( network.NetworkType == this.AccessModeName )
                    this.First = network;

                if ( network.NetworkType == this.PrimaryModeName )
                    var temp = network as ITripComponentData;
                    this.Second = temp == null ? this.Second : temp;

                if ( network.NetworkType == this.EgressNetworkName )
                    var temp = network as ITripComponentData;
                    this.Third = temp == null ? this.Third : temp;

                if ( network.NetworkType == this.AlternativePrimaryModeName )
                    this.FirstAlternative = network;
            if ( this.First == null )
                error = "In '" + this.Name + "' the name of the access network data type was not found!";
                return false;
            else if ( this.Second == null )
                error = "In '" + this.Name + "' the name of the primary network data type was not found or does not contain trip component data!";
                return false;
            else if ( this.Third == null && this.ComputeEgressStation )
                error = "In '" + this.Name + "' the name of the egress network data type was not found or does not contain trip component data!";
                return false;
            return true;
Пример #35
 protected float GetTravelLogsum(INetworkData autoNetwork, ITripComponentData transitNetwork, int i, int j, Time time)
     float ivtt, cost;
     if(!autoNetwork.GetAllData(i, j, time, out ivtt, out cost))
         return 0.0f;
     return (float)(GetTransitUtility(transitNetwork, i, j, time)
         + Math.Exp(ivtt * AutoTime + cost * Cost));
Пример #36
 private static float ComputeV(ITripComponentData data, int egress, int destination, Time time, float ivttWeight, float walkWeight, float waitWeight, float boardingWeight, float costWeight)
     Time ivtt, walk, wait, boarding;
     float cost;
     data.GetAllData( egress, destination, time, out ivtt, out walk, out wait, out boarding, out cost );
     return ivttWeight * ivtt.ToMinutes()
         + walkWeight * walk.ToMinutes()
         + waitWeight * wait.ToMinutes()
         + boardingWeight * boarding.ToMinutes()
         + costWeight * cost;
 private float ComputeUtility(ITripComponentData transitNetwork, int originIndex, int destIndex)
     float trueTravelTime, walk, wait, perceivedTravelTime, cost;
     if (transitNetwork.GetAllData(originIndex, destIndex, StartTime, out trueTravelTime, out walk, out wait, out perceivedTravelTime, out cost) && (perceivedTravelTime > 0))
         return PerceivedTransitTime * perceivedTravelTime
             + TransitFare * cost;
     return float.NegativeInfinity;
Пример #38
 private void EnsureNetworks(INetworkData autoNetwork, ITripComponentData transitNetwork)
     if(autoNetwork == null)
         throw new XTMFRuntimeException("In '" + Name + "' we were unable to find an auto network named '" + AutoNetworkName + "'!");
     if(transitNetwork == null)
         throw new XTMFRuntimeException("In '" + Name + "' we were unable to find an transit network named '" + TransitNetworkName + "'!");
Пример #39
 public bool RuntimeValidation(ref string error)
     foreach(var network in Root.NetworkData)
         if(network.NetworkType == AutoNetworkName)
             AutoNetwork = network;
         else if(network.NetworkType == TransitNetworkName)
             TransitNetwork = network as ITripComponentData;
     if(AutoNetwork == null)
         error = "In '" + Name + "' we were unable to find an auto network called '" + AutoNetworkName + "'";
         return false;
     if(TransitNetwork == null)
         error = "In '" + Name + "' we were unable to find a transit network called '" + TransitNetworkName + "'";
         return false;
     return true;
Пример #40
 public bool RuntimeValidation(ref string error)
     if ( String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace( this.ModeName ) )
         error = "All modes require a mode name!";
         return false;
     bool found = false;
     IList<INetworkData> networks;
     networks = this.Root.NetworkData;
     foreach ( var network in networks )
         if ( network.NetworkType == this.NetworkType )
             this.TransitData = network as ITripComponentData;
             if ( this.TransitData == null )
                 error = "The network data \"" + this.NetworkType + "\" does not support the ITransitNetworkData interface.  Please use a module that supports this!";
                 return false;
             found = true;
     if ( !found )
         error = "We were unable to find the network data with the name \"" + this.NetworkType + "\" in this Model System!";
         return false;
     return true;
Пример #41
 private static bool ComputeThird(ITripComponentData data, int flatOrigin, int flatDestination, Time t, float walkTime, float waitTime, out float result)
     float ivtt, walk, wait, boarding;
     float cost;
     data.GetAllData( flatOrigin, flatDestination, t, out ivtt, out walk, out wait, out boarding, out cost );
     if ( walk <= 0 )
         result = float.PositiveInfinity;
         return false;
     result = walk * walkTime
             + wait * waitTime
             + ivtt;
     return true;
Пример #42
        public bool RuntimeValidation(ref string error)
            foreach ( var network in this.Root.NetworkData )
                if ( network.NetworkType == Auto )
                    this.AutoData = network;

                else if ( network.NetworkType == Transit )
                    var temp = network as ITripComponentData;
                    this.TransitData = temp == null ? this.TransitData : temp;
            return true;
Пример #43
        public bool RuntimeValidation(ref string error)
                error = "In '" + Name + "' the sub module Professional Full Time was not of type SparseArray<float>!";
                return false;
                error = "In '" + Name + "' the sub module Professional Part Time was not of type SparseArray<float>!";
                return false;
                error = "In '" + Name + "' the sub module Manufacturing Full Time was not of type SparseArray<float>!";
                return false;
                error = "In '" + Name + "' the sub module Manufacturing Part Time was not of type SparseArray<float>!";
                return false;
                error = "In '" + Name + "' the sub module General Full Time was not of type SparseArray<float>!";
                return false;
                error = "In '" + Name + "' the sub module General Part Time was not of type SparseArray<float>!";
                return false;
                error = "In '" + Name + "' the sub module Retail Full Time was not of type SparseArray<float>!";
                return false;
                error = "In '" + Name + "' the sub module Retail Part Time was not of type SparseArray<float>!";
                return false;
            foreach(var network in Root.NetworkData)
                if(network.NetworkType == AutoNetworkName)
                    AutoNetwork = network;
            if(AutoNetwork == null)
                error = "In '" + Name + "' we were unable to find a network called '" + AutoNetworkName + "'";

            foreach(var network in Root.NetworkData)
                if(network.NetworkType == TransitNetworkName)
                    TransitNetwork = network as ITripComponentData;
            if(TransitNetwork == null)
                error = "In '" + Name + "' we were unable to find a network called '" + AutoNetworkName + "'";
            return true;
Пример #44
 /// <summary>
 /// Find and Load in the network data
 /// </summary>
 private void LoadNetworkData()
     foreach ( var dataSource in this.Root.NetworkData )
         if ( dataSource.NetworkType == this.NetworkType )
             this.NetworkData = dataSource;
             ITripComponentData advancedData = dataSource as ITripComponentData;
             if ( advancedData != null )
                 this.AdvancedNetworkData = advancedData;
Пример #45
 private double GetTransitUtility(ITripComponentData network, int i, int j, Time time)
     float ivtt, walk, wait, cost, boarding;
     if(!network.GetAllData(i, j, time, out ivtt, out walk, out wait, out boarding, out cost))
         return 0f;
     return Math.Exp(
           TransitTime * ivtt
         + TransitWalk * walk
         + TransitWait * wait
         + Cost * cost);
Пример #46
 private float ComputeUtility(ITripComponentData transitNetwork, int originIndex, int destIndex)
     float ivtt, walk, wait, boardingPenalty, cost;
     if(transitNetwork.GetAllData(originIndex, destIndex, StartTime, out ivtt, out walk, out wait, out boardingPenalty, out cost) && (boardingPenalty > 0))
         return TIVTT * ivtt
             + Boarding * boardingPenalty
             + TWALK * walk
             + TWAIT * wait
             + TransitFare * cost;
     return float.NegativeInfinity;
Пример #47
 /// <summary>
 /// This is called before the start method as a way to pre-check that all of the parameters that are selected
 /// are in fact valid for this module.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="error">A string that should be assigned a detailed error</param>
 /// <returns>If the validation was successful or if there was a problem</returns>
 public bool RuntimeValidation(ref string error)
     this.Data = null;
     foreach ( var network in this.TashaRuntime.NetworkData )
         if ( network.NetworkType == this.NetworkType && network is ITripComponentData )
             this.Data = network as ITripComponentData;
     if ( this.Data == null )
         error = "We were unable to find a transit network with the name \"" + this.NetworkType + "\"!";
         return false;
     return true;
Пример #48
 private bool AssignNetwork(IList<INetworkData> networks)
     foreach(var network in networks)
         if(network.NetworkType == NetworkType)
             Network = network as ITripComponentData;
             return Network != null;
     return false;