public virtual Tree UntransformTree(Tree tree) { ITreeFactory tf = tree.TreeFactory(); if (tree.IsPrePreTerminal()) { if (tree.FirstChild().Label().Value().Matches(".*_.")) { StringBuilder word = new StringBuilder(); for (int i = 0; i < tree.Children().Length; i++) { Tree child = tree.Children()[i]; word.Append(child.FirstChild().Label().Value()); } Tree newChild = tf.NewLeaf(word.ToString()); tree.SetChildren(Java.Util.Collections.SingletonList(newChild)); } } else { for (int i = 0; i < tree.Children().Length; i++) { Tree child = tree.Children()[i]; UntransformTree(child); } } return(tree); }
/// <summary>Read parse trees from a Reader.</summary> /// <param name="filename"/> /// <param name="in"> /// The /// <c>Reader</c> /// </param> /// <param name="simplifiedTagset"> /// If `true`, convert part-of-speech labels to a /// simplified version of the EAGLES tagset, where the tags do not /// include extensive morphological analysis /// </param> /// <param name="aggressiveNormalization"> /// Perform aggressive "normalization" /// on the trees read from the provided corpus documents: /// split multi-word tokens into their constituent words (and /// infer parts of speech of the constituent words). /// </param> /// <param name="retainNER"> /// Retain NER information in preterminals (for later /// use in `MultiWordPreprocessor) and add NER-specific /// parents to single-word NE tokens /// </param> /// <param name="detailedAnnotations"> /// Retain detailed tree node annotations. These /// annotations on parse tree constituents may be useful for /// e.g. training a parser. /// </param> public SpanishXMLTreeReader(string filename, Reader @in, bool simplifiedTagset, bool aggressiveNormalization, bool retainNER, bool detailedAnnotations) { // Constituent annotations ITreebankLanguagePack tlp = new SpanishTreebankLanguagePack(); this.simplifiedTagset = simplifiedTagset; this.detailedAnnotations = detailedAnnotations; stream = new ReaderInputStream(@in, tlp.GetEncoding()); treeFactory = new LabeledScoredTreeFactory(); treeNormalizer = new SpanishTreeNormalizer(simplifiedTagset, aggressiveNormalization, retainNER); DocumentBuilder parser = XMLUtils.GetXmlParser(); try { IDocument xml = parser.Parse(stream); IElement root = xml.GetDocumentElement(); sentences = root.GetElementsByTagName(NodeSent); sentIdx = 0; } catch (SAXException e) { log.Info("Parse exception while reading " + filename); Sharpen.Runtime.PrintStackTrace(e); } catch (IOException e) { Sharpen.Runtime.PrintStackTrace(e); } }
public frmExpData(TreeNodeEx theNode) { InitializeComponent(); treeFactory = new TreeFactory(); this.Text += "-" + Globals.Projectname; TheNode = theNode; }
public FrmScan(TreeNodeEx node, Form PartentForm, ITreeFactory Itree) { treeFactory = Itree; try { InitializeComponent(); } catch { MessageBox.Show("没有安装扫描控件,请打开安装包安装!"); this.DialogResult = DialogResult.OK; return; } tssLabel1.Text = "就绪"; tssLabel2.Text = Globals.AppTitle; tssLabel3.Text = Globals.LoginUser; string strSql = "select filestatus from T_FileList where ProjectNO='" + Globals.ProjectNO + "' and treepath='" + Functions.OpeartPath(node) + "'"; object tmp = Digi.DBUtility.DbHelperOleDb.GetSingle(strSql); if (tmp != null && (tmp.ToString() == "4" || tmp.ToString() == "5")) { MessageBox.Show("该模板已提交,不能扫描或编辑之下的文件。"); this.DialogResult = DialogResult.OK; } NewNode = node; getAllFileFromTemplateNode(node); _parentForm = PartentForm; FileID = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(); }
public FileRegistInfo(bool siVisale, ITreeFactory Itree) { InitializeComponent(); SetControls(siVisale); treeFactory = Itree; BindUnit(); }
public frmAddTemplet(TreeNodeEx Node, Form ParentForm, ITreeFactory Itree, bool fileOrFlord_flg) { InitializeComponent(); _parentForm = ParentForm; treeFactory = Itree; checkBox1.Checked = fileOrFlord_flg; }
public TreeAnnotator(IHeadFinder hf, ITreebankLangParserParams tlpp, Options op) { this.tlpParams = tlpp; this.hf = hf; = new LabeledScoredTreeFactory(); this.trainOptions = op.trainOptions; }
public override Tree NormalizeWholeTree(Tree tree, ITreeFactory tf) { tree = tree.Prune(emptyFilter, tf).SpliceOut(aOverAFilter, tf); foreach (Tree t in tree) { //Map punctuation tags back like the PTB if (t.IsPreTerminal()) { string posStr = NormalizePreterminal(t); t.SetValue(posStr); if (t.Label() is IHasTag) { ((IHasTag)t.Label()).SetTag(posStr); } } else { if (t.IsLeaf()) { //Strip off morphological analyses and place them in the OriginalTextAnnotation, which is //specified by HasContext. if (t.Value().Contains(MorphoFeatureSpecification.MorphoMark)) { string[] toks = t.Value().Split(MorphoFeatureSpecification.MorphoMark); if (toks.Length != 2) { System.Console.Error.Printf("%s: Word contains malformed morph annotation: %s%n", this.GetType().FullName, t.Value()); } else { if (t.Label() is CoreLabel) { ((CoreLabel)t.Label()).SetValue(string.Intern(toks[0].Trim())); ((CoreLabel)t.Label()).SetWord(string.Intern(toks[0].Trim())); ((CoreLabel)t.Label()).SetOriginalText(string.Intern(toks[1].Trim())); } else { System.Console.Error.Printf("%s: Cannot store morph analysis in non-CoreLabel: %s%n", this.GetType().FullName, t.Label().GetType().FullName); } } } } } } //Add start symbol so that the root has only one sub-state. Escape any enclosing brackets. //If the "tree" consists entirely of enclosing brackets e.g. ((())) then this method //will return null. In this case, readers e.g. PennTreeReader will try to read the next tree. while (tree != null && (tree.Value() == null || tree.Value().Equals(string.Empty)) && tree.NumChildren() <= 1) { tree = tree.FirstChild(); } //Ensure that the tree has a top-level unary rewrite if (tree != null && !tree.Value().Equals(rootLabel)) { tree = tf.NewTreeNode(rootLabel, Collections.SingletonList(tree)); } return(tree); }
public override Tree NormalizeWholeTree(Tree tree, ITreeFactory tf) { foreach (TreeNormalizer tn in tns) { tree = tn.NormalizeWholeTree(tree, tf); } return(tree); }
public frmRegistSearch(TreeView t, FileStatus r, frmFileMain _parentForm, ITreeFactory Itree) { InitializeComponent(); this.txtSearchTitle._TextBox.TextChanged += txtSearchTitle_TextChanged; tree = t; treeEnum = r; ParentForm = _parentForm; treeFactory = Itree; }
public ExhaustiveDependencyParser(IDependencyGrammar dg, ILexicon lex, Options op, IIndex <string> wordIndex, IIndex <string> tagIndex) { this.dg = dg; this.lex = lex; this.op = op; this.tlp = op.Langpack(); this.wordIndex = wordIndex; this.tagIndex = tagIndex; tf = new LabeledScoredTreeFactory(); }
public MultiWordProcessor(AnCoraProcessor _enclosing, IFactory <TreeNormalizer> tnf, ITreeFactory tf, bool ner) { this._enclosing = _enclosing; // NB: TreeNormalizer is not thread-safe, and so we need to accept + store a // TreeNormalizer factory instead this.tnf = tnf; = tnf.Create(); = tf; this.ner = ner; }
public TreeNode(ITreeNode <T> parent, T value, ITreeFactory <T> treeFactory) { if (treeFactory == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(treeFactory)); } this.Children = treeFactory.CreateCollection(this); this._parent = parent; this._value = value; }
/// <summary>Normalize a whole tree.</summary> /// <remarks> /// Normalize a whole tree. /// TueBa-D/Z adaptation. Fixes trees with non-unary roots, does nothing else. /// </remarks> public override Tree NormalizeWholeTree(Tree tree, ITreeFactory tf) { if (tree.Label().Value().Equals(root) && tree.Children().Length > 1) { Tree underRoot = tree.TreeFactory().NewTreeNode(root, tree.GetChildrenAsList()); tree.SetChildren(new Tree[1]); tree.SetChild(0, underRoot); } // we just want the non-unary root fixed. return(tree); }
internal virtual Tree TransformRoot(Tree tree, ITreeFactory tf) { // XXXX TODO: use tlp and don't assume 1 daughter of ROOT! // leave the root intact // if (tlp.isStartSymbol(tlp.basicCategory(tree.label().value()))) if (tree.Label().ToString().StartsWith("ROOT")) { return(tf.NewTreeNode(tree.Label(), Java.Util.Collections.SingletonList(TransformNode(tree.Children()[0], tf)))); } return(TransformNode(tree, tf)); }
public ArabicRawTreeNormalizer(ATBArabicDataset _enclosing, PrintWriter outFile, PrintWriter flatFile) { this._enclosing = _enclosing; this.encodingMap = (this._enclosing.encoding == Dataset.Encoding.Utf8) ? new Buckwalter() : new Buckwalter(true); this.outfile = outFile; this.flatFile = flatFile; this.nullFilter = new ArabicTreeNormalizer.ArabicEmptyFilter(); this.aOverAFilter = new BobChrisTreeNormalizer.AOverAFilter(); = new LabeledScoredTreeFactory(); this.tlp = new ArabicTreebankLanguagePack(); }
// todo [cdm 2015]: These next two methods duplicate the Tree.valueOf methods! /// <summary>Simple tree reading utility method.</summary> /// <remarks>Simple tree reading utility method. Given a tree formatted as a PTB string, returns a Tree made by a specific TreeFactory.</remarks> public static Tree ReadTree(string ptbTreeString, ITreeFactory treeFactory) { try { PennTreeReader ptr = new PennTreeReader(new StringReader(ptbTreeString), treeFactory); return(ptr.ReadTree()); } catch (IOException ex) { throw new Exception(ex); } }
/// <summary> /// Normalize a whole tree -- one can assume that this is the /// root. /// </summary> /// <remarks> /// Normalize a whole tree -- one can assume that this is the /// root. This implementation deletes empty elements (ones with /// nonterminal tag label '-NONE-') from the tree, and splices out /// unary A over A nodes. It assumes that it is not given a /// null tree, but it may return one if there are no real words. /// </remarks> public override Tree NormalizeWholeTree(Tree tree, ITreeFactory tf) { Tree middle = tree.Prune(emptyFilter, tf); if (middle == null) { return(null); } else { return(middle.SpliceOut(aOverAFilter, tf)); } }
// static Set preterminals = new HashSet(); public override Tree TransformTree(Tree tree) { ITreeFactory tf = tree.TreeFactory(); string tag = tree.Label().Value(); if (tree.IsPreTerminal()) { string word = tree.FirstChild().Label().Value(); IList <Tree> newPreterms = new List <Tree>(); for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) { string singleCharLabel = new string(new char[] { word[i] }); Tree newLeaf = tf.NewLeaf(singleCharLabel); string suffix; if (word.Length == 1) { suffix = "_S"; } else { if (i == 0) { suffix = "_B"; } else { if (i == word.Length - 1) { suffix = "_E"; } else { suffix = "_M"; } } } newPreterms.Add(tf.NewTreeNode(tag + suffix, Java.Util.Collections.SingletonList <Tree>(newLeaf))); } return(tf.NewTreeNode(tag, newPreterms)); } else { IList <Tree> newChildren = new List <Tree>(); for (int i = 0; i < tree.Children().Length; i++) { Tree child = tree.Children()[i]; newChildren.Add(TransformTree(child)); } return(tf.NewTreeNode(tag, newChildren)); } }
public static Tree NormalizeTree(Tree tree, TreeNormalizer tn, ITreeFactory tf) { foreach (Tree node in tree) { if (node.IsLeaf()) { node.Label().SetValue(tn.NormalizeTerminal(node.Label().Value())); } else { node.Label().SetValue(tn.NormalizeNonterminal(node.Label().Value())); } } return(tn.NormalizeWholeTree(tree, tf)); }
public MainView(ITreeFactory treeFactory, ISaveInformationService saveService, FileViewProvider provider) { InitializeComponent(); _treeFactory = treeFactory ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(treeFactory)); _saveService = saveService ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(saveService)); _provider = provider ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(provider)); this.tsmOpen.Click += TsmOpenClick; this.tsmSave.Click += TsmSaveClick; this.treeView1.BeforeSelect += TreeViewBeforeSelect; this.label1.Text = "Total size: 0"; this.label2.Text = "Selected files: 0"; }
/// <summary> /// Normalize a whole tree -- one can assume that this is the /// root. /// </summary> /// <remarks> /// Normalize a whole tree -- one can assume that this is the /// root. This implementation deletes empty elements (ones with /// nonterminal tag label starting with '*T') from the tree. It /// does work for a null tree. /// </remarks> public override Tree NormalizeWholeTree(Tree tree, ITreeFactory tf) { // add an extra root to non-unary roots if (tree.Value() == null) { tree = FixNonUnaryRoot(tree, tf); } else { if (!tree.Value().Equals(tlp.StartSymbol())) { tree = tf.NewTreeNode(tlp.StartSymbol(), Java.Util.Collections.SingletonList(tree)); } } tree = tree.Prune(emptyFilter, tf).SpliceOut(aOverAFilter, tf); // insert NPs in PPs if you're supposed to do that if (insertNPinPP) { InsertNPinPPall(tree); } foreach (Tree t in tree) { if (t.IsLeaf() || t.IsPreTerminal()) { continue; } if (t.Value() == null || t.Value().Equals(string.Empty)) { t.SetValue("DUMMY"); } // there's also a '--' category if (t.Value().Matches("--.*")) { continue; } // fix a bug in the ACL08 German tiger treebank string cat = t.Value(); if (cat == null || cat.Equals(string.Empty)) { if (t.NumChildren() == 3 && t.FirstChild().Label().Value().Equals("NN") && t.GetChild(1).Label().Value().Equals("$.")) { log.Info("Correcting treebank error: giving phrase label DL to " + t); t.Label().SetValue("DL"); } } } return(tree); }
public override Tree NormalizeWholeTree(Tree tree, ITreeFactory tf) { tree = tree.Prune(hebrewEmptyFilter, tf).SpliceOut(aOverAFilter, tf); //Add start symbol so that the root has only one sub-state. Escape any enclosing brackets. //If the "tree" consists entirely of enclosing brackets e.g. ((())) then this method //will return null. In this case, readers e.g. PennTreeReader will try to read the next tree. while (tree != null && (tree.Value() == null || tree.Value().Equals(string.Empty)) && tree.NumChildren() <= 1) { tree = tree.FirstChild(); } if (tree != null && !tree.Value().Equals(tlp.StartSymbol())) { tree = tf.NewTreeNode(tlp.StartSymbol(), Collections.SingletonList(tree)); } return(tree); }
/// <summary>Build a custom binarizer for Trees.</summary> /// <param name="hf">the HeadFinder to use in binarization</param> /// <param name="tlp">the TreebankLanguagePack to use</param> /// <param name="insideFactor">whether to do inside markovization</param> /// <param name="markovFactor">whether to markovize the binary rules</param> /// <param name="markovOrder">the markov order to use; only relevant with markovFactor=true</param> /// <param name="useWrappingLabels">whether to use state names (labels) that allow wrapping from right to left</param> /// <param name="unaryAtTop"> /// Whether to actually materialize the unary that rewrites /// a passive state to the active rule at the top of an original local /// tree. This is used only when compaction is happening /// </param> /// <param name="selectiveSplitThreshold">if selective split is used, this will be the threshold used to decide which state splits to keep</param> /// <param name="markFinalStates">whether or not to make the state names (labels) of the final active states distinctive</param> /// <param name="noRebinarization">if true, a node which already has exactly two children is not altered</param> public TreeBinarizer(IHeadFinder hf, ITreebankLanguagePack tlp, bool insideFactor, bool markovFactor, int markovOrder, bool useWrappingLabels, bool unaryAtTop, double selectiveSplitThreshold, bool markFinalStates, bool simpleLabels, bool noRebinarization ) { this.hf = hf; this.tlp = tlp; = new LabeledScoredTreeFactory(new CategoryWordTagFactory()); this.insideFactor = insideFactor; this.markovFactor = markovFactor; this.markovOrder = markovOrder; this.useWrappingLabels = useWrappingLabels; this.unaryAtTop = unaryAtTop; this.selectiveSplitThreshold = selectiveSplitThreshold; this.markFinalStates = markFinalStates; this.simpleLabels = simpleLabels; this.noRebinarization = noRebinarization; }
internal virtual Tree TransformNode(Tree tree, ITreeFactory tf) { if (tree.IsLeaf()) { return(tf.NewLeaf(tree.Label())); } if (tree.IsPreTerminal()) { return(tf.NewTreeNode(tree.Label(), Java.Util.Collections.SingletonList(tf.NewLeaf(tree.Children()[0].Label())))); } IList <Tree> children = tree.GetChildrenAsList(); LinkedList <Tree> newChildren = new LinkedList <Tree>(); // promote lower punctuation foreach (Tree child in children) { LinkedList <Tree> preTerms = PreTerms(child); while (!preTerms.IsEmpty() && IsPunc(preTerms.GetFirst())) { newChildren.Add(preTerms.GetFirst()); preTerms.RemoveFirst(); } Tree newChild = TransformNode(child, tf); LinkedList <Tree> temp = new LinkedList <Tree>(); if (newChild.Children().Length > 0) { newChildren.Add(newChild); } while (!preTerms.IsEmpty() && IsPunc(preTerms.GetLast())) { temp.AddFirst(preTerms.GetLast()); preTerms.RemoveLast(); } Sharpen.Collections.AddAll(newChildren, temp); } // remove local punctuation while (!newChildren.IsEmpty() && IsPunc(newChildren.GetFirst())) { newChildren.RemoveFirst(); } while (!newChildren.IsEmpty() && IsPunc(newChildren.GetLast())) { newChildren.RemoveLast(); } return(tf.NewTreeNode(tree.Label(), newChildren)); }
/// <summary> /// The build batch tree. /// </summary> /// <param name="factory"> /// The factory. /// </param> /// <param name="degree"> /// The degree. /// </param> /// <typeparam name="T"> /// Parameter type string/double. /// </typeparam> public void BuildBatchTree <T>(ITreeFactory factory, int degree) { List <List <T> > batchData = this.GetBatchData <T>(); foreach (var data in batchData) { ITree <T> genericTree = factory.GetTree <T>(degree); int count = data.Count; for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { genericTree.Add(data[i]); this.CalculateProgress(i, count); } this.AddToBatchList(genericTree); } }
private Tree FixNonUnaryRoot(Tree t, ITreeFactory tf) { IList <Tree> kids = t.GetChildrenAsList(); if (kids.Count == 2 && t.FirstChild().IsPhrasal() && tlp.IsSentenceFinalPunctuationTag(t.LastChild().Value())) { IList <Tree> grandKids = t.FirstChild().GetChildrenAsList(); grandKids.Add(t.LastChild()); t.FirstChild().SetChildren(grandKids); kids.Remove(kids.Count - 1); t.SetChildren(kids); t.SetValue(tlp.StartSymbol()); } else { t.SetValue(nonUnaryRoot); t = tf.NewTreeNode(tlp.StartSymbol(), Java.Util.Collections.SingletonList(t)); } return(t); }
public TreeAnnotatorAndBinarizer(IHeadFinder annotationHF, IHeadFinder binarizationHF, ITreebankLangParserParams tlpParams, bool forceCNF, bool insideFactor, bool doSubcategorization, Options op) { this.trainOptions = op.trainOptions; if (doSubcategorization) { annotator = new TreeAnnotator(annotationHF, tlpParams, op); } else { annotator = new TreeAnnotatorAndBinarizer.TreeNullAnnotator(annotationHF); } binarizer = new TreeBinarizer(binarizationHF, tlpParams.TreebankLanguagePack(), insideFactor, trainOptions.markovFactor, trainOptions.markovOrder, trainOptions.CompactGrammar() > 0, trainOptions.CompactGrammar() > 1, trainOptions.HselCut, trainOptions .markFinalStates, trainOptions.simpleBinarizedLabels, trainOptions.noRebinarization); if (trainOptions.selectivePostSplit) { postSplitter = new PostSplitter(tlpParams, op); } else { postSplitter = null; } = new LabeledScoredTreeFactory(new CategoryWordTagFactory()); this.tlp = tlpParams.TreebankLanguagePack(); this.forceCNF = forceCNF; if (trainOptions.printAnnotatedRuleCounts) { annotatedRuleCounts = new ClassicCounter <Tree>(); } else { annotatedRuleCounts = null; } if (trainOptions.printAnnotatedStateCounts) { annotatedStateCounts = new ClassicCounter <string>(); } else { annotatedStateCounts = null; } }
// Nested nominal group containing period punctuation // Match boundaries for subtrees created // Match candidate preposition // Headed by a group that was generated from // multi-word token expansion and that we // wish to expand further // With an NP on the left (-> this is a // prep. phrase) and not preceded by any // other prepositions // Match candidate preposition // Which is the first child in a group that // was generated from multi-word token // expansion and that we wish to expand // further // With an NP on the left (-> this is a // prep. phrase) and not preceded by any // other prepositions // In one of our expanded phrases (match // bounds of this expanded phrase; these form // the left edge of first new subtree and the // right edge of the second new subtree) // Fetch more bounds: node to immediate left // of cc is the right edge of the first new // subtree, and node to right of cc is the // left edge of the second new subtree // // NB: left1 may the same as right1; likewise // for the second tree // "en opinion del X," "además del Y" // -> "(en opinion de) (el X)," "(además de) (el Y)" // "del X al Y" // --------- // Final cleanup operations // Should be first-ish // Should not happen until the last moment! The function words // being targeted have weaker "scope" than others earlier // targeted, and so we don't want to clump things around them // until we know we have the right to clump // Verb phrase-related cleanup.. order is important! // Fixes for specific common phrases // Lastly.. // // These final fixes are not at all linguistically motivated -- just need to make the trees less dirty /// <summary> /// Recognize candidate patterns for expansion in the given tree and /// perform the expansions. /// </summary> /// <remarks> /// Recognize candidate patterns for expansion in the given tree and /// perform the expansions. See the class documentation for more /// information. /// </remarks> public virtual Tree ExpandPhrases(Tree t, TreeNormalizer tn, ITreeFactory tf) { // Keep running this sequence of patterns until no changes are // affected. We need this for nested expressions like "para tratar // de regresar al empleo." This first step produces lots of // "intermediate" tree structures which need to be cleaned up later. Tree oldTree; do { oldTree = t.DeepCopy(); t = Edu.Stanford.Nlp.Trees.Tregex.Tsurgeon.Tsurgeon.ProcessPatternsOnTree(firstStepExpansions, t); }while (!t.Equals(oldTree)); // Now clean up intermediate tree structures t = Edu.Stanford.Nlp.Trees.Tregex.Tsurgeon.Tsurgeon.ProcessPatternsOnTree(intermediateExpansions, t); // Normalize first to allow for contraction expansion, etc. t = tn.NormalizeWholeTree(t, tf); // Final cleanup t = Edu.Stanford.Nlp.Trees.Tregex.Tsurgeon.Tsurgeon.ProcessPatternsOnTree(finalCleanup, t); return(t); }
/// <summary> /// Read parse trees from a Reader. /// </summary> /// <param name="input">The Reader</param> /// <param name="tf">TreeFactory -- factory to create some kind of Tree</param> /// <param name="tn">the method of normalizing trees</param> /// <param name="st">Tokenizer that divides up Reader</param> public PennTreeReader(TextReader input, ITreeFactory tf, TreeNormalizer tn, ITokenizer<string> st) { reader = input; treeFactory = tf; treeNormalizer = tn; tokenizer = st; // check for whacked out headers still present in Brown corpus in Treebank 3 string first = (st.HasNext() ? st.Peek() : null); if (first != null && first.StartsWith("*x*x*x")) { int foundCount = 0; while (foundCount < 4 && st.HasNext()) { first = st.Next(); if (first != null && first.StartsWith("*x*x*x")) { foundCount++; } } } }
/// <summary>Read parse trees from a Reader.</summary> /// <param name="in">Reader</param> /// <param name="tf">TreeFactory -- factory to create some kind of Tree</param> /// <param name="tn">the method of normalizing trees</param> public FrenchXMLTreeReader(Reader @in, ITreeFactory tf, TreeNormalizer tn) { // Prefix for MWE nodes ITreebankLanguagePack tlp = new FrenchTreebankLanguagePack(); stream = new ReaderInputStream(@in, tlp.GetEncoding()); treeFactory = tf; treeNormalizer = tn; DocumentBuilder parser = XMLUtils.GetXmlParser(); try { IDocument xml = parser.Parse(stream); IElement root = xml.GetDocumentElement(); sentences = root.GetElementsByTagName(NodeSent); sentIdx = 0; } catch (Exception e) { Sharpen.Runtime.PrintStackTrace(e); } }
public TreeController(IGenericRepository<ITree, Guid> treeRepo, ITreeFactory treeFactory) { _treeRepo = treeRepo; _treeFactory = treeFactory; }
/// <summary> /// Read parse trees from a Reader. /// </summary> /// <param name="input">The Reader</param> /// <param name="tf">TreeFactory -- factory to create some kind of Tree</param> /// <param name="tn">the method of normalizing trees</param> public PennTreeReader(TextReader input, ITreeFactory tf, TreeNormalizer tn) : this(input, tf, tn, new PennTreebankTokenizer(input)) { }
/// <summary> /// Read parse trees from a <code>Reader</code>. /// </summary> /// <param name="input">the Reader</param> /// <param name="tf">TreeFactory -- factory to create some kind of Tree</param> public PennTreeReader(TextReader input, ITreeFactory tf) : this(input, tf, null, new PennTreebankTokenizer(input)) { }
/// <summary> /// Normalize a whole tree -- one can assume that this is the /// root. This implementation deletes empty elements (ones with /// nonterminal tag label '-NONE-') from the tree, and splices out /// unary A over A nodes. It does work for a null tree. /// </summary> public override Tree NormalizeWholeTree(Tree tree, ITreeFactory tf) { return tree.Prune(emptyFilter.Test, tf).SpliceOut(aOverAFilter.Test, tf); }
/// <summary> /// Specify your own {@link TreeFactory}; /// uses a {@link PennTreebankTokenizer}, and a {@link TreeNormalizer}. /// </summary> /// <param name="tf">The TreeFactory to use in building Tree objects to return</param> public PennTreeReaderFactory(ITreeFactory tf) : this(tf, new TreeNormalizer()) { }
/// <summary> /// Normalize a whole tree -- this method assumes that the argument /// that it is passed is the root of a complete <code>Tree</code>. /// It is normally implemented as a Tree-walking routine. /// This method may return <code>null</code>. This is interpreted to /// mean that this is a tree that should not be included in further /// processing. PennTreeReader recognizes this return value, and /// asks for another Tree from the input Reader. /// </summary> /// <param name="tree">The tree to be normalized</param> /// <param name="tf">the TreeFactory to create new nodes (if needed)</param> /// <returns>the normalized tree</returns> public virtual Tree NormalizeWholeTree(Tree tree, ITreeFactory tf) { return tree; }
/// <summary> /// Specify your own {@link TreeFactory}; /// uses a {@link PennTreebankTokenizer}, and a {@link TreeNormalizer}. /// </summary> /// <param name="tf">The TreeFactory to use in building Tree objects to return</param> /// <param name="tn">The TreeNormalizer to use</param> public PennTreeReaderFactory(ITreeFactory tf, TreeNormalizer tn) { = tf; = tn; }