Пример #1
        private void CheckWellFormedness(BindModuleExpr bindExpr)
            if (bindExpr.ModuleInfo != null)

            // checked already that the bindings is a function

            // check that receive set of interface is a subset of the receive set of machine
            foreach (var binding in bindExpr.Bindings)
                if (!binding.Item1.ReceivableEvents.IsSubsetEqOf(binding.Item2.Receives))
                    throw handler.InvalidBindExpr(bindExpr.SourceLocation,
                                                  $"receive set of {binding.Item1.Name} is not a subset of receive set of {binding.Item2.Name}");

                if (!binding.Item2.PayloadType.IsAssignableFrom(binding.Item1.PayloadType))
                    throw handler.InvalidBindExpr(bindExpr.SourceLocation,
                                                  $"payload type of {binding.Item1.Name} is not a subtype of payload type of {binding.Item2.Name}");

            //populate the attributes of the module
            bindExpr.ModuleInfo = new ModuleInfo();
            var currentModuleInfo = bindExpr.ModuleInfo;

            // 1) Private events and private interfaces are empty

            // 2) Initialize Ip
            foreach (var binding in bindExpr.Bindings)
                currentModuleInfo.InterfaceDef.Add(binding.Item1, binding.Item2);

            // 3) Initialize Lp
            foreach (var binding in bindExpr.Bindings)
                currentModuleInfo.LinkMap[binding.Item1] = new Dictionary <Interface, Interface>();
                foreach (var interfaceCreated in binding.Item2.Creates.Interfaces)
                    currentModuleInfo.LinkMap[binding.Item1][interfaceCreated] = interfaceCreated;

            var boundMachines = bindExpr.Bindings.Select(b => b.Item2).ToList();

            // 4) compute the sends
            currentModuleInfo.Sends.AddEvents(boundMachines.SelectMany(m => m.Sends.Events));

            // 5) compute the receives
            currentModuleInfo.Receives.AddEvents(boundMachines.SelectMany(m => m.Receives.Events));

            // 6) compute the creates
            foreach (var binding in bindExpr.Bindings)
                foreach (var createdInterface in binding.Item2.Creates.Interfaces)