Пример #1
        public IGeometry CreateGeometry(double radius, IPolyline polyline, double qdgc, double zdgc)
            IPointCollection pointCollection = CreatePointCollectionForCircle(radius);
            IVector3D        pVectorZ        = new Vector3DClass();

            pVectorZ.SetComponents(0, 0, 1);
            IConstructMultiPatch patch = new MultiPatchClass();
            IZAware zAware             = pointCollection as IZAware;

            if (zAware == null)
            zAware.ZAware = true;
            // 依据管线长度拉伸
            patch.ConstructExtrude(polyline.Length, pointCollection as IGeometry);
            // 依据管线角度旋转
            IVector3D pVector3D = new Vector3DClass();

            pVector3D.SetComponents(polyline.ToPoint.X - polyline.FromPoint.X, polyline.ToPoint.Y - polyline.FromPoint.Y, zdgc - qdgc);
            double       rotateAngle = Math.Acos(pVector3D.ZComponent / pVector3D.Magnitude);
            IVector3D    vectorAxis  = pVectorZ.CrossProduct(pVector3D) as IVector3D;
            ITransform3D transform3D = patch as ITransform3D;

            transform3D.RotateVector3D(vectorAxis, rotateAngle);
            // 平移到指定位置
            transform3D.Move3D(polyline.FromPoint.X, polyline.FromPoint.Y, qdgc);
            return(patch as IGeometry);
Пример #2
        public override IGeometry CreateGeometry()
            IPointCollection pointCollection = new PolygonClass();
            IZAware          zAware          = pointCollection as IZAware;

            zAware.ZAware = true;

            double angle = 2 * Math.PI / _division;

            for (int i = 0; i < _division; i++)
                IPoint point = new PointClass();
                point.X = _diameter * Math.Cos(angle * i) / 2;
                point.Y = _diameter * Math.Sin(angle * i) / 2;
                point.Z = 0;

            IConstructMultiPatch patch = new MultiPatchClass();

            patch.ConstructExtrude(0 - _depth, pointCollection as IGeometry);
            ITransform3D transform3D = patch as ITransform3D;

            transform3D.Move3D(_x, _y, _z);
            return(patch as IGeometry);
Пример #3
 private void RotateGeometry(IMarker3DSymbol pSymbol, IVector3D pAxis, double dDegree)
     if ((pAxis != null) && (dDegree != 0.0))
         IMarker3DPlacement placement = pSymbol as IMarker3DPlacement;
         IGeometry          shape     = placement.Shape;
         IEnvelope          envelope  = shape.Envelope;
         IPoint             point     = new PointClass
             X = envelope.XMin + (envelope.XMax - envelope.XMin),
             Y = envelope.YMin + (envelope.YMax - envelope.YMin),
             Z = envelope.ZMin + (envelope.ZMax - envelope.ZMin)
         double       rotationAngle = this.DegreesToRadians(dDegree);
         ITransform3D transformd    = shape as ITransform3D;
         transformd.Move3D(-point.X, -point.Y, -point.Z);
         transformd.RotateVector3D(pAxis, rotationAngle);
         transformd.Move3D(point.X, point.Y, point.Z);
Пример #4
        public override IGeometry CreateGeometry()
            IPointCollection pointCollection = new PolygonClass();
            IZAware          zAware          = pointCollection as IZAware;

            zAware.ZAware = true;

            IPoint point = new PointClass();

            point.X = -_width / 2;
            point.Y = -_height / 2;
            point.Z = 0;

            point   = new PointClass();
            point.X = -_width / 2;
            point.Y = _height / 2;
            point.Z = 0;

            point   = new PointClass();
            point.X = _width / 2;
            point.Y = _height / 2;
            point.Z = 0;

            point   = new PointClass();
            point.X = _width / 2;
            point.Y = -_height / 2;
            point.Z = 0;

            IConstructMultiPatch patch = new MultiPatchClass();

            patch.ConstructExtrude(_polyline.Length, pointCollection as IGeometry);

            IVector3D vectorZ = new Vector3DClass();

            vectorZ.SetComponents(0, 0, 1);
            IVector3D vector3D = new Vector3DClass();

            vector3D.SetComponents(_polyline.ToPoint.X - _polyline.FromPoint.X, _polyline.ToPoint.Y - _polyline.FromPoint.Y, _zdgc - _qdgc);
            double    rotateAngle = Math.Acos(vector3D.ZComponent / vector3D.Magnitude);
            IVector3D vectorAxis  = vectorZ.CrossProduct(vector3D) as IVector3D;

            ITransform3D transform3D = patch as ITransform3D;

            transform3D.RotateVector3D(vectorAxis, rotateAngle);
            transform3D.Move3D(_polyline.FromPoint.X, _polyline.FromPoint.Y, _qdgc);
            return(patch as IGeometry);
Пример #5
        public void GetSurfaceNode()
            IPoint originPoint = Material.ConstructPoint3D(0, 0, 0);

            SurfacePoints      = new IPoint[NodeCount, SurfaceCount];
            Pcolumn            = new IPoint[3, DenseCount];
            SurfaceProbability = new double[NodeCount, SurfaceCount];
            SurfaceRegardP     = new double[NodeCount, SurfaceCount];
            int CV = 0;

            for (int i = 0; i < NodeCount - 4; i++)
                for (int j = 0; j < SurfaceCount; j++)
                    SurfacePoints[i, j] = new PointClass();
                    MakeZAware(SurfacePoints[i, j]);
                    SurfacePoints[i, j].X    = SinglePoints[i, j].X;
                    SurfacePoints[i, j].Y    = SinglePoints[i, j].Y;
                    SurfacePoints[i, j].Z    = SinglePoints[i, j].Z;
                    SurfaceProbability[i, j] = SingleProbability[i, j];
                    SurfaceRegardP[i, j]     = RegardP[i, j];
                    ITransform3D Transform3D = SurfacePoints[i, j] as ITransform3D;
                    Transform3D.Move3D(OSPoints[i].X - originPoint.X, OSPoints[i].Y - originPoint.Y, OSPoints[i].Z - originPoint.Z);

                if (pattern != 0)
                    if ((i == ChooseBoreForEN[0]) || (i == ChooseBoreForEN[1]) || (i == ChooseBoreForEN[2]))
                        for (int j = 0; j < DenseCount; j++)
                            Pcolumn[CV, j] = new PointClass();
                            MakeZAware(Pcolumn[CV, j]);
                            Pcolumn[CV, j].X = DensePoints[j].X;
                            Pcolumn[CV, j].Y = DensePoints[j].Y;
                            Pcolumn[CV, j].Z = DensePoints[j].Z;
                            ITransform3D Transform3D = Pcolumn[CV, j] as ITransform3D;
                            Transform3D.Move3D(OSPoints[i].X - originPoint.X, OSPoints[i].Y - originPoint.Y, OSPoints[i].Z - originPoint.Z);
Пример #6
        public static IGeometry GetExample1()
            const double XOffset = 7.5;
            const double YOffset = 7.5;
            const double ZOffset = -10;

            //Transform3D: Cylinder Repositioned Via Move3D()

            IGeometry geometry = Vector3DExamples.GetExample3();

            ITransform3D transform3D = geometry as ITransform3D;

            transform3D.Move3D(XOffset, YOffset, ZOffset);

Пример #7
        public override IGeometry CreateGeometry()
            IPointCollection pointCollection = new PolygonClass();
            IZAware          zAware          = pointCollection as IZAware;

            zAware.ZAware = true;

            IPoint point = new PointClass();

            point.X = -_width / 2;
            point.Y = -_length / 2;
            point.Z = 0;

            point   = new PointClass();
            point.X = -_width / 2;
            point.Y = _length / 2;
            point.Z = 0;

            point   = new PointClass();
            point.X = _width / 2;
            point.Y = _length / 2;
            point.Z = 0;

            point   = new PointClass();
            point.X = _width / 2;
            point.Y = -_length / 2;
            point.Z = 0;


            IConstructMultiPatch patch = new MultiPatchClass();

            patch.ConstructExtrude(0 - _depth, pointCollection as IGeometry);
            ITransform3D transform3D = patch as ITransform3D;
            IVector3D    vector3D    = ConstructVector3D(0, 0, 1);

            transform3D.RotateVector3D(vector3D, _radian);
            transform3D.Move3D(_x, _y, _z);
            return(patch as IGeometry);
Пример #8
        private static void DrawEnd(IGraphicsContainer3D endGraphicsContainer3D, IPoint endPoint, IVector3D axisOfRotationVector3D, double degreesOfRotation, IColor endColor, double endRadius)
            IGeometry endGeometry = Vector3DExamples.GetExample2();

            ITransform3D transform3D = endGeometry as ITransform3D;

            IPoint originPoint = GeometryUtilities.ConstructPoint3D(0, 0, 0);

            transform3D.Scale3D(originPoint, endRadius, endRadius, 2 * endRadius);

            if (degreesOfRotation != 0)
                double angleOfRotationInRadians = GeometryUtilities.GetRadians(degreesOfRotation);

                transform3D.RotateVector3D(axisOfRotationVector3D, angleOfRotationInRadians);

            transform3D.Move3D(endPoint.X - originPoint.X, endPoint.Y - originPoint.Y, endPoint.Z - originPoint.Z);

            GraphicsLayer3DUtilities.AddMultiPatchToGraphicsLayer3D(endGraphicsContainer3D, endGeometry, endColor);
Пример #9
        public static IGeometry GetExample4()
            const double XScale            = 0.5;
            const double YScale            = 0.5;
            const double ZScale            = 2;
            const double XOffset           = -5;
            const double YOffset           = -5;
            const double ZOffset           = -8;
            const double DegreesOfRotation = 90;

            //Transform3D: Cylinder Scaled, Rotated, Repositioned Via Move3D(), Scale3D(), RotateVector3D()

            IGeometry geometry = Vector3DExamples.GetExample3();

            ITransform3D transform3D = geometry as ITransform3D;

            //Stretch The Cylinder So It Looks Like A Tube

            IPoint originPoint = GeometryUtilities.ConstructPoint3D(0, 0, 0);

            transform3D.Scale3D(originPoint, XScale, YScale, ZScale);

            //Rotate The Cylinder So It Lies On Its Side

            IVector3D axisOfRotationVector3D = GeometryUtilities.ConstructVector3D(0, 10, 0);

            double angleOfRotationInRadians = GeometryUtilities.GetRadians(DegreesOfRotation);

            transform3D.RotateVector3D(axisOfRotationVector3D, angleOfRotationInRadians);

            //Reposition The Cylinder So It Is Located Underground

            transform3D.Move3D(XOffset, YOffset, ZOffset);

Пример #10
        public override void OnMouseDown(int Button, int Shift, int X, int Y)
            // TODO:  Add ToolAddCraterOnTIN.OnMouseDown implementation
            if (pTinLayer != null)
                ITin         pTin     = pTinLayer.Dataset;
                ISurface     pSurface = ((ITinAdvanced)pTin).Surface;
                IMapControl2 pMapCtr  = (((IToolbarControl)m_hookHelper.Hook).Buddy) as IMapControl2;
                if (pMapCtr != null)
                    IPoint  mapPoint = pMapCtr.ToMapPoint(X, Y);
                    IZAware za       = mapPoint as IZAware;
                    za.ZAware = true;
                    double zVal;
                    zVal = pSurface.GetElevation(mapPoint);
                    if (double.IsNaN(zVal))
                    if (m_listModels.Count == 0)
                    mapPoint.Z = zVal;
                        //IMultiPatch pMP = new MultiPatchClass();
                        IFeatureClass pFC  = pFeatureLayer.FeatureClass;
                        IFeature      pF   = pFC.CreateFeature();
                        IImport3DFile pI3D = new Import3DFileClass();
                        pI3D.CreateFromFile(m_listModels[m_listModels.Count - 1]);
                        IMultiPatch  pMP  = pI3D.Geometry as IMultiPatch;
                        ITransform3D pT3D = pMP as ITransform3D;
                        pT3D.Move3D(mapPoint.X, mapPoint.Y, mapPoint.Z);
                        pF.Shape = pMP as IGeometry;
                        if (pMapCtr != null)
                            pMapCtr.ActiveView.PartialRefresh(esriViewDrawPhase.esriViewGeography, null, null);
                    catch (SystemException e)
                    //IMultiPatch pMP = new MultiPatchClass();
                    //for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++)
                    //    IFeature pF = pFC.CreateFeature();
                    //    IImport3DFile pI3D = new Import3DFileClass();
                    //    pI3D.CreateFromFile(@"C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\sampleAnalysis\1002.3ds");
                    //    IMultiPatch pMP = pI3D.Geometry as IMultiPatch;
                    //   // ITransform3D pT3D = pMP as ITransform3D;
                    //    pF.Shape = pMP as IGeometry;
                    //    ITransform3D pT3D = pF.Shape as ITransform3D;
                    //    pT3D.Move3D(5293 + 1600, -20427 , 800 + i*400);
                    //    // pF.Shape = pI3D.Geometry;
            if (pRasterLayer != null)
                //ITin pTin = pTinLayer.Dataset;
                //ISurface pSurface = ((ITinAdvanced)pTin).Surface;
                IMapControl2 pMapCtr = (((IToolbarControl)m_hookHelper.Hook).Buddy) as IMapControl2;
                if (pMapCtr != null)
                    IPoint mapPoint = pMapCtr.ToMapPoint(X, Y);

                    FrmManualSetModelPara pManualSetPara = null;
                    if (m_pModel == null)
                        Pt2d ptCurrent = new Pt2d();
                        ptCurrent.X    = mapPoint.X;
                        ptCurrent.Y    = mapPoint.Y;
                        pManualSetPara = new FrmManualSetModelPara(ptCurrent, "Crater");
                        m_pModel.x     = mapPoint.X;
                        m_pModel.y     = mapPoint.Y;
                        pManualSetPara = new FrmManualSetModelPara(m_pModel);

                    //FrmManualSetModelPara pManualSetPara = new FrmManualSetModelPara(ptCurrent, "Crater");
                    if (pManualSetPara.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK)
                        if (m_pModel == null)
                            m_pModel = new Model();

                        bool bFlag = m_pModel.compareModelPara(pManualSetPara.m_pModel);
                        if (!bFlag) //模型参数已经被修改,需要重新生成新的模型文件

                            TriType triType = TriType.TriForward;
                            LibModelGen.MappingType mappingType = LibModelGen.MappingType.Flat;
                            String szModelOutputFilename        = System.IO.Path.GetTempFileName();
                            szModelOutputFilename = szModelOutputFilename.Substring(0, szModelOutputFilename.LastIndexOf('.')) + ".3ds";

                            ModelBase crater = new CraterGen(m_pModel.dbSize, m_pModel.dbDepth);
                            crater.OutputFilename = szModelOutputFilename;
                            crater.triype         = triType;
                            crater.mappingType    = mappingType;

                            if (crater.generate())

                        Model pTmpModel = new Model();

                    IZAware za = mapPoint as IZAware;
                    za.ZAware = true;
                    double   zVal;
                    IRaster2 pRaster2 = pRasterLayer.Raster as IRaster2;
                    int      col, row;
                    pRaster2.MapToPixel(mapPoint.X, mapPoint.Y, out col, out row);
                    zVal = Convert.ToDouble(pRaster2.GetPixelValue(0, col, row));
                    if (double.IsNaN(zVal))
                    if (m_listModels.Count == 0)
                    mapPoint.Z = zVal;
                    IFeature pfeature = null;
                        //IMultiPatch pMP = new MultiPatchClass();
                        IFeatureClass pFC  = pFeatureLayer.FeatureClass;
                        IFeature      pF   = pFC.CreateFeature();
                        IImport3DFile pI3D = new Import3DFileClass();
                        pI3D.CreateFromFile(m_listModels[m_listModels.Count - 1]);
                        IMultiPatch pMP = pI3D.Geometry as IMultiPatch;

                        ITransform3D pT3D = pMP as ITransform3D;

                        // pT3D.Move3D(mapPoint.X, mapPoint.Y, mapPoint.Z);
                        pT3D.Move3D(pManualSetPara.m_pModel.x, pManualSetPara.m_pModel.y, mapPoint.Z);
                        //IRasterProps pRasterProps = pRasterLayer.Raster as IRasterProps;
                        //double xmax = pRasterProps.Extent.XMax;
                        //double xmin = pRasterProps.Extent.XMin;
                        //double ymax = pRasterProps.Extent.YMax;
                        //double ymin = pRasterProps.Extent.YMin;
                        //double dbGeoRangeX = xmax - xmin;
                        //double dbGeoRangeY = ymax - ymin;

                        //double dbModelRangeX = pMP.Envelope.Width;
                        //double dbModelRangeY = pMP.Envelope.Height;
                        //double dbModelRangeZ = pMP.Envelope.ZMax - pMP.Envelope.ZMin;

                        //double dbRandomSize = Math.Min(dbGeoRangeX, dbGeoRangeY) * (0.15); //[0.03 0.06]
                        //double dbRandomSize = pRasterProps.MeanCellSize().X * 300;
                        //double dbScale = pManualSetPara.m_pModel.dbSize;// / Math.Max(dbModelRangeX, dbModelRangeY);
                        //pT3D.Scale3D(mapPoint, dbScale, dbScale, dbScale);

                        pF.Shape = pMP as IGeometry;
                        pfeature = pF as IFeature;
                        if (pMapCtr != null)
                            pMapCtr.ActiveView.PartialRefresh(esriViewDrawPhase.esriViewGeography, null, null);
                    catch (SystemException e)
                        if (e.Message == "The spatial index grid size is invalid.")
                            IFeatureClassLoad pFCL = pFeatureLayer.FeatureClass as IFeatureClassLoad;
                            pFCL.LoadOnlyMode = true;
                            pFCL.LoadOnlyMode = false;
Пример #11
        private void buttonXZIncrease_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            ISelection pSelection = null;

            // ISelection pSelection
            if (m_SceneCtrl != null)
                pSelection = m_SceneCtrl.Scene.FeatureSelection;
            if (m_MapCtrl != null)
                pSelection = m_MapCtrl.Map.FeatureSelection;
            //这是因为从axMapControl1.Map.FeatureSelection QI到IEnumFeature 时,
            //ArcGIS中FeatureSelection默认的时候只存入Feature 的Shape,而不是整个Feature的字段数据。
            IEnumFeatureSetup pSelectionsetup = pSelection as IEnumFeatureSetup;

            pSelectionsetup.AllFields = true;//这里是关键
            IEnumFeature pFeatureCollection = pSelectionsetup as IEnumFeature;
            IFeature     pF = pFeatureCollection.Next();

            while (pF != null)
                if ((pF.Shape is IMultiPatch))
                    int           OID = pF.OID;
                    IFeatureClass pFC = pF.Table as IFeatureClass;
                    IQueryFilter  pQF = new QueryFilterClass();
                    pQF.WhereClause = "\"OBJECTID\" = " + OID.ToString();
                    IFeatureCursor pFCursor = pFC.Update(pQF, false);
                    IFeature       pFeature = pFCursor.NextFeature();

                    //    StartEditing(pFeature);
                    IMultiPatch  pMpatch = pFeature.Shape as IMultiPatch;
                    ITransform3D pTf3D   = pMpatch as ITransform3D;

                    pTf3D.Move3D(0, 0, doubleInputZIncrement.Value);

                    pFeature.Shape = pMpatch as IGeometry;
                    //  StopEditing(pFeature);
                    AxMapControl ms = pmapcontrol as AxMapControl;
                    for (int i = 0; i < m_SceneCtrl.Scene.LayerCount; i++)
                        ILayer player = m_SceneCtrl.Scene.get_Layer(i);
                        if (player is IFeatureLayer)
                            IFeatureLayer pFlayer = player as IFeatureLayer;
                            if (pFlayer.FeatureClass.Equals(pFC))
                                IActiveView pActiveView = m_SceneCtrl.Scene as IActiveView;
                                pActiveView.PartialRefresh(esriViewDrawPhase.esriViewGeography, pFlayer, null);
                pF = pFeatureCollection.Next();
Пример #12
        public static IGeometry GetExample1()
            //Composite: Multiple, Disjoint Geometries Contained Within A Single MultiPatch

            IGeometryCollection multiPatchGeometryCollection = new MultiPatchClass();

            IMultiPatch multiPatch = multiPatchGeometryCollection as IMultiPatch;

            //Vector3D Example 2

            IGeometry vector3DExample2Geometry = Vector3DExamples.GetExample2();

            ITransform3D vector3DExample2Transform3D = vector3DExample2Geometry as ITransform3D;

            vector3DExample2Transform3D.Move3D(5, 5, 0);

            IGeometryCollection vector3DExample2GeometryCollection = vector3DExample2Geometry as IGeometryCollection;

            for (int i = 0; i < vector3DExample2GeometryCollection.GeometryCount; i++)
                multiPatchGeometryCollection.AddGeometry(vector3DExample2GeometryCollection.get_Geometry(i), ref _missing, ref _missing);

            //Vector3D Example 3

            IGeometry vector3DExample3Geometry = Vector3DExamples.GetExample3();

            ITransform3D vector3DExample3Transform3D = vector3DExample3Geometry as ITransform3D;

            vector3DExample3Transform3D.Move3D(5, -5, 0);

            IGeometryCollection vector3DExample3GeometryCollection = vector3DExample3Geometry as IGeometryCollection;

            for (int i = 0; i < vector3DExample3GeometryCollection.GeometryCount; i++)
                multiPatchGeometryCollection.AddGeometry(vector3DExample3GeometryCollection.get_Geometry(i), ref _missing, ref _missing);

            //Vector3D Example 4

            IGeometry vector3DExample4Geometry = Vector3DExamples.GetExample4();

            ITransform3D vector3DExample4Transform3D = vector3DExample4Geometry as ITransform3D;

            vector3DExample4Transform3D.Move3D(-5, -5, 0);

            IGeometryCollection vector3DExample4GeometryCollection = vector3DExample4Geometry as IGeometryCollection;

            for (int i = 0; i < vector3DExample4GeometryCollection.GeometryCount; i++)
                multiPatchGeometryCollection.AddGeometry(vector3DExample4GeometryCollection.get_Geometry(i), ref _missing, ref _missing);

            //Vector3D Example 5

            IGeometry vector3DExample5Geometry = Vector3DExamples.GetExample5();

            ITransform3D vector3DExample5Transform3D = vector3DExample5Geometry as ITransform3D;

            vector3DExample5Transform3D.Move3D(-5, 5, 0);

            IGeometryCollection vector3DExample5GeometryCollection = vector3DExample5Geometry as IGeometryCollection;

            for (int i = 0; i < vector3DExample5GeometryCollection.GeometryCount; i++)
                multiPatchGeometryCollection.AddGeometry(vector3DExample5GeometryCollection.get_Geometry(i), ref _missing, ref _missing);

            return(multiPatchGeometryCollection as IGeometry);
Пример #13
        public void CreateFeature()
            IVector3D VerticalVector = Material.ConstructVector3D(0, 0, 1);
            IPoint    originPoint    = Material.ConstructPoint3D(0, 0, 0);

            Material.MakeZAware(originPoint as IGeometry);

            for (int i = 0; i < VectorModel.TinCount; i++)
                IFeature BarycentreFeature = BarycentreFeatureClass.CreateFeature();
                BarycentreFeature.Shape = BARYCENTRE[i];
                int index1 = BarycentreFeature.Fields.FindField("X");
                BarycentreFeature.set_Value(index1, BARYCENTRE[i].X);
                int index2 = BarycentreFeature.Fields.FindField("Y");
                BarycentreFeature.set_Value(index2, BARYCENTRE[i].Y);
                int index3 = BarycentreFeature.Fields.FindField("Z");
                BarycentreFeature.set_Value(index3, BARYCENTRE[i].Z);
                int index4 = BarycentreFeature.Fields.FindField("Probability");
                BarycentreFeature.set_Value(index4, 0.95 - (0.9 / 49) * i);

                if (i == 0)
                    Ctxt.WriteLine("GOCAD VSet" + "\r\n"
                                   + "HEADER" + "\r\n"
                                   + "{name: Borehole}" + "\r\n"
                                   + "GOCAD_ORIGINAL_COORDINATE_SYSTEM\nNAME" + "\r\n"
                                   + "PROJECTION Unknown" + "\r\n"
                                   + "DATUM Unknown" + "\r\n"
                                   + "AXIS_NAME X Y Z" + "\r\n"
                                   + "AXIS_UNIT m m m" + "\r\n"
                                   + "ZPOSITIVE Elevation" + "\r\n"
                                   + "END_ORIGINAL_COORDINATE_SYSTEM" + "\r\n"
                                   + "PROPERTIES P" + "\r\n"
                                   + "PROP_LEGAL_RANGES **none**  **none**" + "\r\n"
                                   + "NO_DATA_VALUES -99999" + "\r\n"
                                   + "PROPERTY_CLASSES p" + "\r\n"
                                   + "PROPERTY_KINDS \"Real Number\"" + "\r\n"
                                   + "PROPERTY_SUBCLASSES QUANTITY Float" + "\r\n"
                                   + "ESIZES 1" + "\r\n"
                                   + "UNITS unitless" + "\r\n"
                                   + "PROPERTY_CLASS_HEADER X {" + "\r\n" + "kind: X" + "\r\n" + "unit: m" + "\r\n" + "pclip: 99}" + "\r\n"
                                   + "PROPERTY_CLASS_HEADER Y {" + "\r\n" + "kind: Y" + "\r\n" + "unit: m" + "\r\n" + "pclip: 99}" + "\r\n"
                                   + "PROPERTY_CLASS_HEADER Z {" + "\r\n" + "kind: Depth\nunit: m" + "\r\n" + "is_z: on" + "\r\n" + "pclip: 99}" + "\r\n"
                                   + "PROPERTY_CLASS_HEADER p {" + "\r\n" + "kind: Real Number" + "\r\n" + "unit: unitless" + "\r\n" + "pclip: 99}" + "\r\n"
                Ctxt.Write("PVRTX " + i + " ");
                Ctxt.Write(BARYCENTRE[i].X + " ");
                Ctxt.Write(BARYCENTRE[i].Y + " ");
                Ctxt.Write(BARYCENTRE[i].Z + " ");
                if (i == VectorModel.TinCount - 1)
                    Ctxt.WriteLine("0.5" + " ");
                    Ctxt.WriteLine(0.95 - (0.9 / 49) * i + " ");

                if (i == VectorModel.TinCount - 1)

                IFeature VectorFeature = GravityVectorFeatureClass.CreateFeature();
                IPoint   endPoint      = new PointClass();
                Material.MakeZAware(endPoint as IGeometry);
                endPoint.X = BARYCENTRE[i].X;
                endPoint.Y = BARYCENTRE[i].Y;
                endPoint.Z = BARYCENTRE[i].Z - VOLUME[i] * gLength;                                        //
                IPointCollection VectorPointCollection = new PolylineClass();
                Material.MakeZAware(VectorPointCollection as IGeometry);
                VectorPointCollection.AddPoint(BARYCENTRE[i], ref _missing, ref _missing);
                VectorPointCollection.AddPoint(endPoint, ref _missing, ref _missing);
                VectorFeature.Shape = VectorPointCollection as IGeometry;
                int index5 = VectorFeature.Fields.FindField("Gravity");
                VectorFeature.set_Value(index5, VOLUME[i]);
                int index6 = VectorFeature.Fields.FindField("Probability");
                VectorFeature.set_Value(index6, 0.95 - (0.9 / 49) * i);

                IVector3D Gvector     = Material.CreateVector3DTwoPoints(endPoint, BARYCENTRE[i]);
                IGeometry Arrow       = Material.GetArrow();
                double    Inclination = Gvector.Inclination;
                double       degreesOfRotation = Math.Acos((Gvector.DotProduct(VerticalVector)) / ((Gvector.Magnitude) * (VerticalVector.Magnitude)));
                ITransform3D transform3D       = Arrow as ITransform3D;
                transform3D.Scale3D(originPoint, XScale, YScale, ZScale);
                if (degreesOfRotation != 0)
                    double    angleOfRotationInRadians = degreesOfRotation;
                    IVector3D axisOfRotationVector3D   = new Vector3DClass();
                    axisOfRotationVector3D.XComponent = 1;
                    axisOfRotationVector3D.YComponent = 0;
                    axisOfRotationVector3D.ZComponent = 0;
                    transform3D.RotateVector3D(axisOfRotationVector3D, angleOfRotationInRadians);
                if (endPoint.IsEmpty)
                transform3D.Move3D(endPoint.X - originPoint.X, endPoint.Y - originPoint.Y, endPoint.Z - originPoint.Z);
                IFeature ArrowFeature = ArrowFeatureClass.CreateFeature();
                ArrowFeature.Shape = Arrow as IMultiPatch;
                int index7 = ArrowFeature.Fields.FindField("Probability");
                ArrowFeature.set_Value(index7, 0.95 - (0.9 / 49) * i);
                IFeature EnCloseFeature = EncloseFeatureClass[i].CreateFeature();
                EnCloseFeature.Shape = multiPatchGeometryCollection[i] as IMultiPatch;
                int index17 = EnCloseFeature.Fields.FindField("Probability");
                EnCloseFeature.set_Value(index7, 0.95 - (0.9 / 49) * i);

                if (i == VectorModel.TinCount - 1)
Пример #14
        public override void OnMouseDown(int Button, int Shift, int X, int Y)
            // TODO:  Add ToolAddStone.OnMouseDown implementation
            if (pTinLayer != null)
                ITin         pTin     = pTinLayer.Dataset;
                ISurface     pSurface = ((ITinAdvanced)pTin).Surface;
                IMapControl2 pMapCtr  = (((IToolbarControl)m_hookHelper.Hook).Buddy) as IMapControl2;
                if (pMapCtr != null)
                    IPoint  mapPoint = pMapCtr.ToMapPoint(X, Y);
                    IZAware za       = mapPoint as IZAware;
                    za.ZAware = true;
                    double zVal;
                    zVal = pSurface.GetElevation(mapPoint);
                    if (double.IsNaN(zVal))
                    if (m_listModels.Count == 0)
                    mapPoint.Z = zVal;
                    IFeature pfeature = null;
                        //IMultiPatch pMP = new MultiPatchClass();
                        IFeatureClass pFC  = pFeatureLayer.FeatureClass;
                        IFeature      pF   = pFC.CreateFeature();
                        IImport3DFile pI3D = new Import3DFileClass();
                        pI3D.CreateFromFile(m_listModels[m_listModels.Count - 1]);
                        IMultiPatch  pMP  = pI3D.Geometry as IMultiPatch;
                        ITransform3D pT3D = pMP as ITransform3D;
                        pT3D.Move3D(mapPoint.X, mapPoint.Y, mapPoint.Z);
                        pF.Shape = pMP as IGeometry;
                        pfeature = pF as IFeature;
                        if (pMapCtr != null)
                            pMapCtr.ActiveView.PartialRefresh(esriViewDrawPhase.esriViewGeography, null, null);
                    catch (SystemException e)
                        if (e.Message == "The spatial index grid size is invalid.")
                            IFeatureClassLoad pFCL = pFeatureLayer.FeatureClass as IFeatureClassLoad;
                            pFCL.LoadOnlyMode = true;
                            pFCL.LoadOnlyMode = false;

                    //IMultiPatch pMP = new MultiPatchClass();
                    //for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++)
                    //    IFeature pF = pFC.CreateFeature();
                    //    IImport3DFile pI3D = new Import3DFileClass();
                    //    pI3D.CreateFromFile(@"C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\sampleAnalysis\1002.3ds");
                    //    IMultiPatch pMP = pI3D.Geometry as IMultiPatch;
                    //   // ITransform3D pT3D = pMP as ITransform3D;
                    //    pF.Shape = pMP as IGeometry;
                    //    ITransform3D pT3D = pF.Shape as ITransform3D;
                    //    pT3D.Move3D(5293 + 1600, -20427 , 800 + i*400);
                    //    // pF.Shape = pI3D.Geometry;
            if (pRasterLayer != null)
                //ITin pTin = pTinLayer.Dataset;
                //ISurface pSurface = ((ITinAdvanced)pTin).Surface;
                IMapControl2 pMapCtr = (((IToolbarControl)m_hookHelper.Hook).Buddy) as IMapControl2;
                if (pMapCtr != null)
                    IPoint mapPoint = pMapCtr.ToMapPoint(X, Y);

                    FrmManualSetModelPara pManualSetPara = null;
                    if (m_pModel == null)
                        Pt2d ptCurrent = new Pt2d();
                        ptCurrent.X    = mapPoint.X;
                        ptCurrent.Y    = mapPoint.Y;
                        pManualSetPara = new FrmManualSetModelPara(ptCurrent, "Rock");
                        m_pModel.x     = mapPoint.X;
                        m_pModel.y     = mapPoint.Y;
                        pManualSetPara = new FrmManualSetModelPara(m_pModel);

                    if (pManualSetPara.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK)
                        if (m_pModel == null)
                            m_pModel = new Model();

                        //bool bFlag = m_pModel.compareModelPara(pManualSetPara.m_pModel);
                        //if (!bFlag)//模型参数已经被修改,需要重新生成新的模型文件
                        //    m_pModel.copyFromModel(pManualSetPara.m_pModel);

                        //    //获得当前文件路径下的石头模型文件,并随机获得石块模型
                        //    String szAppPathName = GetParentPathofExe() + @"Resource\RockModel";
                        //    String[] szFileList = Directory.GetFiles(szAppPathName);
                        //    if (szFileList.Length > 0)
                        //    {
                        //        Random r = new Random(TerrainGen.Chaos_GetRandomSeed());
                        //        int nRandomPos = r.Next(szFileList.Length);
                        //        String szModelOutputFilename = szFileList[nRandomPos];
                        //        m_listModels.Add(szModelOutputFilename);
                        //    }


                        String   szAppPathName = ClsGlobal.GetParentPathofExe() + @"Resource\RockModel";
                        String[] szFileList    = Directory.GetFiles(szAppPathName);
                        if (szFileList.Length > 0)
                            Random r                     = new Random(TerrainGen.Chaos_GetRandomSeed());
                            int    nRandomPos            = r.Next(szFileList.Length);
                            String szModelOutputFilename = szFileList[nRandomPos];

                        Model pTmpModel = new Model();

                    IZAware za = mapPoint as IZAware;
                    za.ZAware = true;
                    double   zVal;
                    IRaster2 pRaster2 = pRasterLayer.Raster as IRaster2;
                    int      col, row;
                    pRaster2.MapToPixel(mapPoint.X, mapPoint.Y, out col, out row);
                    zVal = Convert.ToDouble(pRaster2.GetPixelValue(0, col, row));
                    if (double.IsNaN(zVal))
                    if (m_listModels.Count == 0)
                    mapPoint.Z = zVal;
                        //IMultiPatch pMP = new MultiPatchClass();
                        IFeatureClass pFC  = pFeatureLayer.FeatureClass;
                        IFeature      pF   = pFC.CreateFeature();
                        IImport3DFile pI3D = new Import3DFileClass();
                        pI3D.CreateFromFile(m_listModels[m_listModels.Count - 1]);
                        IMultiPatch  pMP  = pI3D.Geometry as IMultiPatch;
                        ITransform3D pT3D = pMP as ITransform3D;
                        pT3D.Move3D(mapPoint.X, mapPoint.Y, mapPoint.Z);
                        IRasterProps pRasterProps = pRasterLayer.Raster as IRasterProps;
                        double       xmax         = pRasterProps.Extent.XMax;
                        double       xmin         = pRasterProps.Extent.XMin;
                        double       ymax         = pRasterProps.Extent.YMax;
                        double       ymin         = pRasterProps.Extent.YMin;
                        double dbGeoRangeX = xmax - xmin;
                        double dbGeoRangeY = ymax - ymin;

                        double dbModelRangeX = pMP.Envelope.Width;
                        double dbModelRangeY = pMP.Envelope.Height;
                        double dbModelRangeZ = pMP.Envelope.ZMax - pMP.Envelope.ZMin;

                        //double dbRandomSize = Math.Min(dbGeoRangeX, dbGeoRangeY) * (0.03 ); //[0.03 0.06]
                        //double dbScale = dbRandomSize / Math.Max(dbModelRangeX, dbModelRangeY);
                        double dbScale = m_pModel.dbSize / Math.Max(dbModelRangeX, Math.Max(dbModelRangeY, dbModelRangeZ));
                        pT3D.Scale3D(mapPoint, dbScale, dbScale, dbScale);

                        pF.Shape = pMP as IGeometry;
                        if (pMapCtr != null)
                            pMapCtr.ActiveView.PartialRefresh(esriViewDrawPhase.esriViewGeography, null, null);
                    catch (SystemException e)