private TraktSyncRatingsPostBuilder AddMovieOrIgnore(ITraktMovie movie, int?rating = null, DateTime?ratedAt = null) { if (ContainsMovie(movie)) { return(this); } var ratingsMovie = new TraktSyncRatingsPostMovie { Ids = movie.Ids, Title = movie.Title, Year = movie.Year }; if (rating.HasValue) { ratingsMovie.Rating = rating; } if (ratedAt.HasValue) { ratingsMovie.RatedAt = ratedAt.Value.ToUniversalTime(); } (_ratingsPost.Movies as List <ITraktSyncRatingsPostMovie>)?.Add(ratingsMovie); return(this); }
/// <summary>Adds a <see cref="ITraktMovie" />, which will be added to the history remove post.</summary> /// <param name="movie">The Trakt movie, which will be added.</param> /// <returns>The current <see cref="TraktSyncHistoryRemovePostBuilder" /> instance.</returns> /// <exception cref="ArgumentNullException"> /// Thrown, if the given movie is null. /// Thrown, if the given movie ids are null. /// </exception> /// <exception cref="ArgumentException"> /// Thrown, if the given movie has no valid ids set. /// Thrown, if the given movie has an year set, which has more or less than four digits. /// </exception> public TraktSyncHistoryRemovePostBuilder AddMovie(ITraktMovie movie) { ValidateMovie(movie); EnsureMoviesListExists(); return(AddMovieOrIgnore(movie)); }
private ITraktMovieScrobblePost CreateMovieScrobblePost(ITraktMovie movie, float progress, string appVersion = null, DateTime?appDate = null) { Validate(movie); ValidateProgress(progress); var movieScrobblePost = new TraktMovieScrobblePost { Movie = new TraktMovie { Title = movie.Title, Year = movie.Year, Ids = movie.Ids }, Progress = progress }; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(appVersion)) { movieScrobblePost.AppVersion = appVersion; } if (appDate.HasValue) { movieScrobblePost.AppDate = appDate.Value.ToTraktDateString(); } return(movieScrobblePost); }
/// <summary>Adds a <see cref="ITraktMovie" />, which will be added to the history post.</summary> /// <param name="movie">The Trakt movie, which will be added.</param> /// <param name="watchedAt">The datetime, when the given movie was watched. Will be converted to the Trakt UTC-datetime and -format.</param> /// <returns>The current <see cref="TraktSyncHistoryPostBuilder" /> instance.</returns> /// <exception cref="ArgumentNullException"> /// Thrown, if the given movie is null. /// Thrown, if the given movie ids are null. /// </exception> /// <exception cref="ArgumentException"> /// Thrown, if the given movie has no valid ids set. /// Thrown, if the given movie has an year set, which has more or less than four digits. /// </exception> public TraktSyncHistoryPostBuilder AddMovie(ITraktMovie movie, DateTime watchedAt) { ValidateMovie(movie); EnsureMoviesListExists(); return(AddMovieOrIgnore(movie, watchedAt)); }
private void ValidateMovie(ITraktMovie movie) { if (movie == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(movie), "movie must not be null"); } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(movie.Title)) { throw new ArgumentException("movie title not valid", nameof(movie.Title)); } if (movie.Year <= 0 || movie.Year.ToString().Length != 4) { throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(movie.Year), "movie year not valid"); } if (movie.Ids == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(movie.Ids), "movie ids must not be null"); } if (!movie.Ids.HasAnyId) { throw new ArgumentException("movie ids have no valid id", nameof(movie.Ids)); } }
public ITraktSyncRecommendationsPostBuilder AddMovieWithNotes(ITraktMovie movie, string notes) { if (movie == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(movie)); } if (notes == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(notes)); } if (notes.Length > 255) { throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(notes), "notes cannot be longer than 255 characters"); } _moviesWithNotes.Add(new PostBuilderObjectWithNotes <ITraktMovie> { Object = movie, Notes = notes }); return(this); }
private void HandleMovieScrobbleStart(IPlayerContext pc, IMediaPlaybackControl pmc) { ValidateAuthorization(); MediaItem movieMediaItem = GetMediaItem(pc.CurrentMediaItem.MediaItemId, new Guid[] { MediaAspect.ASPECT_ID, ExternalIdentifierAspect.ASPECT_ID, MovieAspect.ASPECT_ID }); _traktMovie = ConvertMediaItemToTraktMovie(movieMediaItem); float progress = GetCurrentProgress(pmc); ITraktMovieScrobblePostResponse postMovieResponse = _traktClient.StartScrobbleMovie(_traktMovie, progress); string title = postMovieResponse.Movie.Title + " " + "(" + postMovieResponse.Movie.Year + ")"; int? traktProgress = null; if (postMovieResponse.Progress != null) { traktProgress = (int)postMovieResponse.Progress; } string actionType = postMovieResponse.Action.DisplayName; bool startNotificationsEnabled = _mediaPortalServices.GetTraktSettingsWatcher().TraktSettings.ShowScrobbleStartedNotifications; if (startNotificationsEnabled) { ShowNotification(new TraktScrobbleStartedNotification(title, true, traktProgress, actionType), TimeSpan.FromSeconds(5)); } _duration = pmc.Duration; _mediaPortalServices.GetLogger().Info("Trakt: started to scrobble: {0}", title); }
public async Task Test_TraktMoviesModule_GetMovie_With_ExtendedInfo() { TraktClient client = TestUtility.GetMockClient($"{GET_MOVIE_URI}?extended={EXTENDED_INFO}", MOVIE_JSON); TraktResponse <ITraktMovie> response = await client.Movies.GetMovieAsync(MOVIE_ID, EXTENDED_INFO); response.Should().NotBeNull(); response.IsSuccess.Should().BeTrue(); response.HasValue.Should().BeTrue(); response.Value.Should().NotBeNull(); ITraktMovie responseValue = response.Value; responseValue.Title.Should().Be("Star Wars: The Force Awakens"); responseValue.Year.Should().Be(2015); responseValue.Ids.Should().NotBeNull(); responseValue.Ids.Trakt.Should().Be(94024U); responseValue.Ids.Slug.Should().Be("star-wars-the-force-awakens-2015"); responseValue.Ids.Imdb.Should().Be("tt2488496"); responseValue.Ids.Tmdb.Should().Be(140607U); responseValue.Tagline.Should().Be("Every generation has a story."); responseValue.Overview.Should().Be("Thirty years after defeating the Galactic Empire, Han Solo and his allies face a new threat from the evil Kylo Ren and his army of Stormtroopers."); responseValue.Released.Should().Be(DateTime.Parse("2015-12-18")); responseValue.Runtime.Should().Be(136); responseValue.UpdatedAt.Should().Be(DateTime.Parse("2016-03-31T09:01:59Z").ToUniversalTime()); responseValue.Trailer.Should().Be(""); responseValue.Homepage.Should().Be(""); responseValue.Rating.Should().Be(8.31988f); responseValue.Votes.Should().Be(9338); responseValue.LanguageCode.Should().Be("en"); responseValue.AvailableTranslationLanguageCodes.Should().NotBeNull().And.HaveCount(4).And.Contain("en", "de", "en", "it"); responseValue.Genres.Should().NotBeNull().And.HaveCount(4).And.Contain("action", "adventure", "fantasy", "science-fiction"); responseValue.Certification.Should().Be("PG-13"); }
/// <summary>Adds a <see cref="ITraktMovie" />, which will be added to the ratings post.</summary> /// <param name="movie">The Trakt movie, which will be added.</param> /// <param name="rating">A rating from 1 to 10 for the given movie.</param> /// <returns>The current <see cref="TraktSyncRatingsPostBuilder" /> instance.</returns> /// <exception cref="ArgumentNullException"> /// Thrown, if the given movie is null. /// Thrown, if the given movie ids are null. /// </exception> /// <exception cref="ArgumentException"> /// Thrown, if the given movie has no valid ids set. /// Thrown, if the given movie has an year set, which has more or less than four digits. /// </exception> /// <exception cref="ArgumentOutOfRangeException">Thrown, if the given rating is not between 1 and 10.</exception> public TraktSyncRatingsPostBuilder AddMovie(ITraktMovie movie, int rating) { ValidateMovie(movie); ValidateRating(rating); EnsureMoviesListExists(); return(AddMovieOrIgnore(movie, rating)); }
private ITraktSyncWatchlistPostMovie CreateSyncWatchlistPostMovie(ITraktMovie movie) { return(new TraktSyncWatchlistPostMovie { Ids = movie.Ids, Title = movie.Title, Year = movie.Year }); }
private ITraktUserHiddenItemsPostMovie CreateUserHiddenItemsPostMovie(ITraktMovie movie) { return(new TraktUserHiddenItemsPostMovie { Ids = movie.Ids, Title = movie.Title, Year = movie.Year }); }
public ITraktUserHiddenItemsPostBuilder WithMovie(ITraktMovie movie) { if (movie == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(movie)); } _movies.Add(movie); return(this); }
public ITraktSyncHistoryPostBuilder WithMovie(ITraktMovie movie) { if (movie == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(movie)); } _movies.Add(movie); return(this); }
private void ValidateMovie(ITraktMovie movie) { if (movie.Ids == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(movie.Ids)); } if (!movie.Ids.HasAnyId) { throw new ArgumentException("no movie ids set or valid", nameof(movie.Ids)); } }
private ITraktSyncHistoryPostMovie CreateSyncHistoryPostMovie(ITraktMovie movie, DateTime?watchedAt = null) { var syncHistoryPostMovie = new TraktSyncHistoryPostMovie { Ids = movie.Ids, Title = movie.Title, Year = movie.Year }; if (watchedAt.HasValue) { syncHistoryPostMovie.WatchedAt = watchedAt.Value.ToUniversalTime(); } return(syncHistoryPostMovie); }
public ITraktMovieScrobblePostResponse StopScrobbleMovie(ITraktMovie movie, float progress, string appVersion = null, DateTime?appBuildDate = null) { ITraktResponse <ITraktMovieScrobblePostResponse> response = new TraktResponse <ITraktMovieScrobblePostResponse>(); try { response = Task.Run(() => base.Scrobble.StopMovieAsync(movie, progress, appVersion, appBuildDate)).Result; } catch (AggregateException aggregateException) { UnwrapAggregateException(aggregateException); } return(response.Value); }
private void Validate(ITraktMovie movie) { if (movie == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(movie), "movie must not be null"); } if (movie.Ids == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(movie), "movie.Ids must not be null"); } if (!movie.Ids.HasAnyId) { throw new ArgumentException("movie.Ids have no valid id", nameof(movie)); } }
protected TraktSyncHistoryRemovePostBuilder AddMovieOrIgnore(ITraktMovie movie) { if (ContainsMovie(movie)) { return(this); } var historyMovie = new TraktSyncHistoryPostMovie { Ids = movie.Ids, Title = movie.Title, Year = movie.Year }; (_historyPost.Movies as List <ITraktSyncHistoryPostMovie>)?.Add(historyMovie); return(this); }
private void StartScrobble(SystemMessage message) { try { IPlayerSlotController psc = (IPlayerSlotController)message.MessageData[PlayerManagerMessaging.PLAYER_SLOT_CONTROLLER]; IPlayerContext pc = _mediaPortalServices.GetPlayerContext(psc); if (pc?.CurrentMediaItem == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(pc.CurrentMediaItem)); } IMediaPlaybackControl pmc = pc.CurrentPlayer as IMediaPlaybackControl; if (pmc == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(pmc)); } if (IsSeries(pc.CurrentMediaItem)) { HandleEpisodeScrobbleStart(pc, pmc); } else if (IsMovie(pc.CurrentMediaItem)) { HandleMovieScrobbleStart(pc, pmc); } } catch (ArgumentNullException ex) { _mediaPortalServices.GetLogger().Error("Trakt: exception occurred while starting scrobble: " + ex); } catch (Exception ex) { bool startNotificationsEnabled = _mediaPortalServices.GetTraktSettingsWatcher().TraktSettings.ShowScrobbleStartedNotifications; bool startNotificationsOnFailureEnabled = _mediaPortalServices.GetTraktSettingsWatcher().TraktSettings.ShowScrobbleStartedNotificationsOnFailure; if (startNotificationsEnabled || startNotificationsOnFailureEnabled) { ShowNotification(new TraktScrobbleStartedNotification(ex.Message, false, 0, "Unspecified"), TimeSpan.FromSeconds(5)); } _mediaPortalServices.GetLogger().Error("Trakt: exception occurred while starting scrobble: " + ex); _traktEpisode = null; _traktMovie = null; _duration = TimeSpan.Zero; } }
public async Task Test_TraktMoviesModule_GetMovie() { TraktClient client = TestUtility.GetMockClient(GET_MOVIE_URI, MOVIE_JSON); TraktResponse <ITraktMovie> response = await client.Movies.GetMovieAsync(MOVIE_ID); response.Should().NotBeNull(); response.IsSuccess.Should().BeTrue(); response.HasValue.Should().BeTrue(); response.Value.Should().NotBeNull(); ITraktMovie responseValue = response.Value; responseValue.Title.Should().Be("Star Wars: The Force Awakens"); responseValue.Year.Should().Be(2015); responseValue.Ids.Should().NotBeNull(); responseValue.Ids.Trakt.Should().Be(94024U); responseValue.Ids.Slug.Should().Be("star-wars-the-force-awakens-2015"); responseValue.Ids.Imdb.Should().Be("tt2488496"); responseValue.Ids.Tmdb.Should().Be(140607U); }
/// <summary>Adds a <see cref="ITraktMovie" />, which will be added to the watchlist post.</summary> /// <param name="movie">The Trakt movie, which will be added.</param> /// <returns>The current <see cref="TraktSyncWatchlistPostBuilder" /> instance.</returns> /// <exception cref="ArgumentNullException"> /// Thrown, if the given movie is null. /// Thrown, if the given movie ids are null. /// </exception> /// <exception cref="ArgumentException"> /// Thrown, if the given movie has no valid ids set. /// Thrown, if the given movie has an year set, which has more or less than four digits. /// </exception> public TraktSyncWatchlistPostBuilder AddMovie(ITraktMovie movie) { if (movie == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(movie)); } if (movie.Ids == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(movie.Ids)); } if (!movie.Ids.HasAnyId) { throw new ArgumentException("no movie ids set or valid", nameof(movie.Ids)); } if (movie.Year.HasValue && movie.Year.Value.ToString().Length != 4) { throw new ArgumentException("movie year not valid", nameof(movie.Year)); } EnsureMoviesListExists(); var existingMovie = _watchlistPost.Movies.FirstOrDefault(m => m.Ids == movie.Ids); if (existingMovie != null) { return(this); } (_watchlistPost.Movies as List <ITraktSyncWatchlistPostMovie>)?.Add( new TraktSyncWatchlistPostMovie { Ids = movie.Ids, Title = movie.Title, Year = movie.Year }); return(this); }
private ITraktSyncRatingsPostMovie CreateSyncRatingsPostMovie(ITraktMovie movie, int?rating = null, DateTime?ratedAt = null) { var syncRatingsPostMovie = new TraktSyncRatingsPostMovie { Ids = movie.Ids, Title = movie.Title, Year = movie.Year }; if (rating.HasValue) { syncRatingsPostMovie.Rating = rating.Value; } if (ratedAt.HasValue) { syncRatingsPostMovie.RatedAt = ratedAt.Value.ToUniversalTime(); } return(syncRatingsPostMovie); }
protected void ValidateMovie(ITraktMovie movie) { if (movie == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(movie)); } if (movie.Ids == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(movie.Ids)); } if (!movie.Ids.HasAnyId) { throw new ArgumentException("no movie ids set or valid", nameof(movie.Ids)); } if (movie.Year.HasValue && movie.Year.Value.ToString().Length != 4) { throw new ArgumentException("movie year not valid", nameof(movie.Year)); } }
private ITraktSyncCollectionPostMovie CreateSyncCollectionPostMovie(ITraktMovie movie, ITraktMetadata metadata = null, DateTime?collectedAt = null) { var syncCollectionPostMovie = new TraktSyncCollectionPostMovie { Ids = movie.Ids, Title = movie.Title, Year = movie.Year, MediaType = metadata?.MediaType, MediaResolution = metadata?.MediaResolution, Audio = metadata?.Audio, AudioChannels = metadata?.AudioChannels, ThreeDimensional = metadata?.ThreeDimensional, HDR = metadata?.HDR }; if (collectedAt.HasValue) { syncCollectionPostMovie.CollectedAt = collectedAt.Value.ToUniversalTime(); } return(syncCollectionPostMovie); }
public TraktUserHiddenItemsPostBuilder AddMovie(ITraktMovie movie) { ValidateMovie(movie); EnsureMoviesListExists(); var existingMovie = _hiddenItemsPost.Movies.FirstOrDefault(m => m.Ids == movie.Ids); if (existingMovie != null) { return(this); } (_hiddenItemsPost.Movies as List <TraktUserHiddenItemsPostMovie>)?.Add( new TraktUserHiddenItemsPostMovie { Title = movie.Title, Year = movie.Year, Ids = movie.Ids }); return(this); }
protected TraktSyncHistoryPostBuilder AddMovieOrIgnore(ITraktMovie movie, DateTime?watchedAt = null) { if (ContainsMovie(movie)) { return(this); } var historyMovie = new TraktSyncHistoryPostMovie { Ids = movie.Ids, Title = movie.Title, Year = movie.Year }; if (watchedAt.HasValue) { historyMovie.WatchedAt = watchedAt.Value.ToUniversalTime(); } (_historyPost.Movies as List <ITraktSyncHistoryPostMovie>)?.Add(historyMovie); return(this); }
public ITraktPostBuilderMovieAddedWatchedAt <ITraktSyncHistoryPostBuilder, ITraktSyncHistoryPost> AddWatchedMovie(ITraktMovie movie) { if (movie == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(movie)); } _watchedMovies.SetCurrentMovie(movie); return(_watchedMovies); }
private ITraktSyncRecommendationsPostMovie CreateSyncRecommendationsPostMovie(ITraktMovie movie, string notes = null) { var syncRecommendationsPostMovie = new TraktSyncRecommendationsPostMovie { Ids = movie.Ids, Title = movie.Title, Year = movie.Year }; if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(notes)) { syncRecommendationsPostMovie.Notes = notes; } return(syncRecommendationsPostMovie); }
/// <summary> /// Posts a comment for the given <see cref="ITraktMovie" />. /// <para>OAuth authorization required.</para> /// <para> /// See <a href="">"Trakt API Doc - Comments: Comments"</a> for more information. /// </para> /// </summary> /// <param name="movie">The <see cref="ITraktMovie" />, for which the comment should be posted.</param> /// <param name="comment">The comment's content for the given movie. Should be at least five words long.</param> /// <param name="containsSpoiler">Determines, if the <paramref name="comment" /> contains any spoilers.</param> /// <param name="sharing"><see cref="ITraktSharing" /> instance, containing sharing information for the comment.</param> /// <param name="cancellationToken"></param> /// <returns>An <see cref="ITraktCommentPostResponse" /> instance, containing the successfully posted comment's data.</returns> /// <exception cref="TraktException">Thrown, if the request fails.</exception> /// <exception cref="ArgumentException"> /// Thrown, if the given movie's title is null, empty or contains spaces. /// Thrown, if the given movie has no valid ids. See also <seealso cref="ITraktMovieIds" />. /// Thrown, if the given comment is null or empty. /// </exception> /// <exception cref="ArgumentNullException">Thrown, if the given movie is null or its ids are null.</exception> /// <exception cref="ArgumentOutOfRangeException"> /// Thrown, if the given movie's year is not valid. /// Thrown, if the given comment's word count is below five. /// </exception> public Task <TraktResponse <ITraktCommentPostResponse> > PostMovieCommentAsync(ITraktMovie movie, string comment, bool?containsSpoiler = null, ITraktSharing sharing = null, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default) { ValidateMovie(movie); ValidateComment(comment); var requestHandler = new RequestHandler(Client); return(requestHandler.ExecuteSingleItemRequestAsync(new CommentPostRequest <ITraktMovieCommentPost> { RequestBody = new TraktMovieCommentPost { Movie = new TraktMovie { Title = movie.Title, Year = movie.Year, Ids = movie.Ids }, Comment = comment, Spoiler = containsSpoiler, Sharing = sharing } }, cancellationToken)); }
public ITraktPostBuilderMovieAddedRating <ITraktSyncRatingsPostBuilder, ITraktSyncRatingsPost> AddRatedMovie(ITraktMovie movie) { if (movie == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(movie)); } _ratedMovies.SetCurrentMovie(movie); return(_ratedMovies); }